jeng323 · 2 years
I saw you reblogged my post so I thought I'd reply to you here! Robert Beltran was the nicest man. I knew he was a joking guy, so I told him he could hit on me as much as he wanted. He let me snuggle in close for the pic, then teasingly told me I could come to LA anytime! Oh man, I meant to tease him back but I was so flustered and blushing like crazy. My guy friend was with me, and Robert was like, "Steven here seems like a nice guy." (To be continued - sending you one more ask!)
Very awesome. Thank you for sharing! I had the pleasure of meeting him in August at STLV. It was one of the coolest experiences ever. He was really taken with me! And I couldn’t help but be bashful-after all I had a MAJOR crush on him when I was in High School!😂
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jeng323 · 2 years
I feel the need to comment on this. Beltran was tired of fans walking all over him for his beliefs and he let them have it. I don’t blame him for being angry at all, nor do I blame him for letting the trolls have it. After all, he did say to me that he loves eating the trolls for breakfast. 😂 Anyway, if you don’t like his attitude there’s the 🚪. Don’t let it hit you on the ass on the way out either. He just had it that day…you guys are just seeing it from ONE WAY. You aren’t getting the WHOLE PICTURE. The fans had been attacking him ALL DAY that day and he had about enough of them saying the shit they said to him. Everyone has a right to their own opinions on THEIR PLATFORMS on Twitter. And the stuff that the fans said to HIM were mean, hateful, and frankly just downright fucking disrespectful. I was very glad he let those bozos have it. They practically deserved it for the way they treated him that day. But I guess I’m in the minority of all of you folks because I don’t see him as being an ass at all. He’s VERY NICE in real life!!! And yes I got the chance to meet him in August and CAN VOUCH for that! All I’m saying is that the trolls need to sit down somewhere and shut the hell up. You don’t disrespect the Commander or he will get the Captain to put your ass in the BRIG!
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Anyone have any idea what’s going on with Beltran? Cause... he’s doing a lot of damage to himself with his tweets the past few days. 👀
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jeng323 · 3 years
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This was from Saturday when I was able to chat with the Captain for about 2 minutes. We talked about BBQ and gallstones-Oh my!😀 It was an unbelievable experience.
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jeng323 · 4 years
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Now I’m not the one to brag, but in this case, what the hell! When your favorite actor from Star Trek Voyager responds to one of your tweet about one of his movies. TOTALLY UNEXPECTED, first of all, and holy schnikies secondly!😱😱 Just want to thank the man personally as I’m a huge fan of his and did not expect this response from him. 😱Thank you for responding to one of my tweets, Commander!👍🏻
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jeng323 · 4 years
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This cat. I don’t know why she decides to lay on me like this but she does. Some folks have pandemic and quarantine problems: I have lazy cat bunching and won’t move problems!🙄
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jeng323 · 4 years
Yeah waiting for four months was pure torture for this particular episode. At least it was to me. 😁
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Oh, Captain, NO!
I’m really glad I don’t have to wait over four months for the next episode like original viewers had to do.
I mean, I know everything will be okay. But. How? (and I was saying all along, it was a stupid fucking plan. It’s not just her! Tuvok and Torres have also been borgified)
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jeng323 · 4 years
Wow. Her hair is about as long as mine is at the moment! 😁
Harold Clurman from his book The Fervent Years: “The strength I drew from this period of apparently aimless ambling through the dark of depressed areas in place and spirit was crystallised for me one day when I was struck by a miracle of conversion with the feeling that no matter how better things became for me personally, professionally, economically I would never allow myself to be destroyed from within; it would never get me down; I would sustain all kinds of disappointment and distress without ceasing to believe, to hope, to love. I would never yield to the temptation of pessimism, to the ease of despair or withdrawal. It was as if I took an inner vow never to allow, gradually the traffic to smother with noise and fog the flowing of the spirit. I believed, as some ancient had said: “It is not within thy power to finish the task, nor is it thy liberty to abandon it.” From this inexorable maxim I drew an abiding joy. In this sense I swore fealty to myself. Thus that historically cruel winter of 1932-33, which chilled so many of us like a world’s end, became for me a time of renewed faith, because I seemed to be withstanding a sort of test.
Words of Hope and Resiliency from The Stella Adler Studio of Acting (x)
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jeng323 · 4 years
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How to find a catfish on social media? Simple: Reel them in...call them out on their shit, and instant BLOCK before they can ever bite back at ya with insults. Works every time!
I’m feeling pretty good right now. Just called out a damn catfish on social media. Once I did the other got very hostile with me and basically said to: go get a real job. I told him off and said in no uncertain terms: hey! I’ll get my job back after the pandemic is over with you fucking asshole!!! 🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
I wanted to say more but didn’t: Kiss my sexy, fine ass! And go put your limp weeny in a damn toaster oven then think about what you’ve done to others you loser! And you say I need to go get a real job?! Really?? Well you makeup your jobs! What does that make you!! No less than me that’s for sure douchebag! And you can keep your dirty filthy mouth to yourself. I wouldn’t want you to massage my back with oil even if you were the last damn man on this planet! I’d rather have knots! If this is how you pick up women you are in the wrong profession sir. I think you need a nap. Or better yet: self love! His ego was big but his weeny was limp as hell. No offense.😂😂
Anyway...hope this is entertaining to you guys. I’ve been my own private investigator during this pandemic and I’ve noticed some of the patterns that some folks use like extravagant lifestyles for one thing. And some saying they are widowed and work overseas-big 🚩!! This particular one said he was in construction but then said an actor. When I questioned him he got bamboozled. That’s when I went aha!! A clue Sherlock! 😁
On a side note: yes I’m careful but since this pandemic I’ve decided to try to do some of my own digging when it comes to DMs on social media with guys asking for a relationship. Sometimes they blow up in my face. Other times like this one I get the last word and it feels GOOOD! 😁👍🏻☺️
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jeng323 · 4 years
You are correct. 😁
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jeng323 · 4 years
Thank you for this bottom post. We are all in this together and will pull through!
Real tired of people assuming that nobody in the US is talking about anything.  But like…. right now the news is a steady stream of updates about what you can and can’t do.  The lame updates that state that testing is out there, despite nobody but rich people being able to get them.  And a lot of tweets and stories about employers who are leaving their employees out to dry.
Americans have a lot of really really weird stuff to handle - not including the fact that our president is now referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” and insisting that isn’t racist, that he continues to lie about progress, or do anything to help hospitals get more ventilators.
Some of us are adapting to working from home, some of us have always worked from home but now have entire teams of people who have never done this before.  Some of us are trying to work while taking care of kids who still have classwork to do.  Some of us are trying desperately to keep our parents from going out.  And most of us are facing the reality that we might not have enough money to get through this.
It’s…. a lot.
So don’t assume that because you aren’t seeing a ton of posts get shared about a specific COVID-19 related story, that it doesn’t mean we haven’t seen it or that we don’t care.  There’s just SO MUCH.
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jeng323 · 4 years
She still has that look about her. But she has hardened a bit since Voyager. 😁 Bet this show is good. I haven’t seen it and might need to look into seeing it.
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jeng323 · 4 years
I know some folks are tired of hearing the news and all but I’d like to give my .2 on the whole Coronavirus thing that has spread.
I honestly feel very gutted that they basically cancelled Spring Training for baseball as well as basketball games and NFL. As of late I’ve been enjoying watching the Kansas City Royals play on TV. And now this news breaks and I’m quite disappointed, not to mention a tad bit bitter. I mean I understand taking the necessary precautions and all but geesh! They basically have to cancel EVERY SINGLE FUN EVENT that fans love going to. Pretty sad if you ask me.
And has anyone seen the grocery stores lately?! I went to my local Kroger last night to store up for the apocalypse and the toilet paper shelves are empty. Wow. Folks are really buying products that they don’t normally buy! It’s like when we are gonna get a blizzard and folks buy milk and bread, only it’s a crap load of TP! Honestly it’s quite nuts. And some cities have declared a State of Emergency. I’m unsure if my state has issued such a thing but if it does oh lord!
Anyway just thought I’d say some things about this. Hopefully by another month or two things will mellow out a little bit and we will have more answers and promising news. But at this time I am very unsure. I had the privilege of getting to know some of the baseball players in Minor Leagues and so I’d like to say to them to stay safe and healthy-not only for yourself or for your teams but also for your families and loved ones. I’m curious what this will mean for the players in general: will they go home to their families for a bit of R&R or will they stay at camp and exercise staying together in the process? I know a lot of the baseball peeps we know are very upset about this. I am also. But at the same time I do understand. However I can’t help but notice that the grocery stores, especially in larger cities, look like a scene from a horror film.
So...everyone who is affected by this: please stay as safe and as healthy as possible. I’m gonna make sure that I stay healthy myself bu continuing to workout everyday and drinking plenty of fluids and eating clean. Plus keeping my hands clean too.
In the meantime I may play catch up on my favorite shows that I’ve missed and neglected!Stay safe you guys. 😁
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jeng323 · 4 years
Now that’s more like it!
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Pssst, if anyone hasnt seen this scene, its the best 😂
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jeng323 · 4 years
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Always 💗
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jeng323 · 4 years
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But when I wake up, I see You with me
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jeng323 · 4 years
Wow. Mark Harmon looks NOTHING like himself here! 😱 Goes to show how long i haven’t been watching NCIS as of late.
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Emily Wickersham (IG): The Family Fortune
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jeng323 · 4 years
Just remember though, Discovery is before Janeway even existed. She could have some ancestors though lurking.
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[Tilley, from discovery, looks like she could be janeway’s daughter.]
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