jenanunnari · 8 years
Remember that you, too, are remarkable.
Bob Fecho
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jenanunnari · 8 years
Everything that is truly great must include an element of laughter.
M. Bakhtin
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jenanunnari · 8 years
But things changed for me the day when, during a classroom discussion, one of my kids bluntly told me I “couldn’t understand because I was a white lady.” I had to agree with him. I sat there and tried to speak openly about how I could never fully understand and went home and cried, because my children knew about white privilege before I did. The closest I could ever come was empathy.
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jenanunnari · 8 years
I want my classroom to be a place...where we are a part of something greater than ourselves as individuals.
Sarah Skinner
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jenanunnari · 8 years
I hope, above all, they knew I cared for them and that was why I did these things.
Dawan Coombs
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jenanunnari · 8 years
Dear Young Teacher Down the Hall, I saw you as you rushed passed me in the lunch room. Urgent. In a hurry to catch a bite before the final bell would ring calling all the students back inside. I no…
Good read. I needed this after this week.
Don’t forget, we do this because we care. I feel like I need that reminder sometimes. Not because I stopped caring, but because I get so caught up in all the worry and stress and panic that it makes me lose focus on it in ways I don’t want it to.
But to be honest, I don’t remember half the lessons I’ve planned and ran this  past fall, yet I will never forget one of my students thanking me after class one day for staying after school and helping them with an essay that got them into college.
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jenanunnari · 8 years
I opened my life to my students - sharing books and poems I loved, my own writing, my interests outside of school.
Kristi Amatucci
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jenanunnari · 8 years
My students taught me to be honest - as they would say - 'keep it real.'
Soria Colomer
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jenanunnari · 8 years
what if we had an alternate ending? who would we be if we still talked? where would we be now if we hadn’t gone down in flames?
j.e.b. ((wonders during english class.))
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jenanunnari · 8 years
I always try to create an atmosphere of critical curiosity and striving for something more, something closer to the always approximate,indefinable truth.
Ian Altman
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