jeanboehm · 3 years
Two pairs of SUPER comfy work pants, and 8 ways to style them!
Hellooo and happy Thursday! (It is Thursday right?)  Putting the finishing touches on this post from the coffee shop! Had another LONG night with June last night 😬 so I am in need of all the caffeine. She has learned how to roll over onto her tummy and prefers to sleep that way, but then... Two pairs of SUPER comfy work pants, and 8 ways to style them! published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Sick of Piling Up Dishes? Try this!
Is there anyone who LOVES doing dishes? If you don't, you are going to LOVE this trick.  Sick of Piling Up Dishes? Try this! published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
How To Host A Sophisticated Halloween Party
Halloween is just around the corner and if you’re planning on hosting a party, you’re going to want to take notes today! And if you weren’t on planning to host friends over for a spooky evening, today’s post might just change your mind. I know it swayed me from not liking Halloween to contemplating a full on party in the coming weeks! As in, I may have tentatively invited my neighbors over for a party. This set up is THAT good and easy!
How To Host A Sophisticated Halloween Party
Halloween can go one or two ways I feel like. Bright orange and cheap, or simple, black and modern. Super kitschy holiday decor really drives me bonkers. So I wanted to create an elevated Halloween spread that felt modern and effortless. With the majority of the decor being black and white and a few touches of texture and greenery, it felt modern and sophisticated. This was also really simple to pull together!
Decor Ideas For A Sophisticated Halloween Party
I sprayed these with black spray paint to add a live element to the spread but still sticking to black! It may be my favorite thing from the entire look. It was also a really affordable way to add greenery without breaking the bank. $3.99 bunches at Trader Joe’s and this only required about 5 or 6 bunches. 1 can of spray paint is all you need to spray them all.
3D Bats
I discovered these from my friend over at Nicole Hoover. It was exactly what I was looking for. By placing them neatly together in a pattern going up the wall it felt modern and cool without being messy. I purchased two sets of 28 bats from Amazon to create this look. I’d say I used about 75% of them. One set wouldn’t have been enough. They also come with extra stickers so you can reuse them again. Shop the bats here →
Skulls & Skeletons
Sure these are kitschy but since they went with the colors and made things feel a tad spooky, they were a bit necessary. I secretly love the Frenchie skeleton and regret not snapping a pic of Pork next to it. Target & Michaels had great options for these.
Poison Bottles
To add height to the buffet, we added in these mercury glass poison bottles.
I picked up a few simple candlesticks from Target and added in some dark burgundy almost black candlesticks. There’s something very eery about candles and they simply are a must! And I recommend going to Goodwill to get the candles, they cost me less than $1 each.
Porcelain Pumpkins
I threw in a handful of black porcelain pumpkins from the $1 section at Target. They made it feel like Halloween but not orange and bright. Perfection!
get the look
A Sophisticated Halloween Party Menu
The menu is just as important as the decor! Depending on your party you may be offering more food, less drinks, more drinks, less food. You know what I mean. For this event I’m keeping things simple and offering 2-3 appetizers and a main cocktail.
The Cocktail
I’m a firm believer in having a main cocktail to offer when guests walk in. It makes hosting much easier and less stressful. Plus, you aren’t stocking your bar with a million things. I’ll always have wine in the fridge if they like, and oftentimes people bring things they like anyway. For today’s menu, I made an activated charcoal lemonade refresher. Just a bit of dry ice adds a fog effect that’s so fun! Recipe available here!
The Bites
A variety of easy to grab bites is great for a cocktail party. I did a few easy to bake up appetizers from Harry & David. Plus, a great charcuterie board is a go-to. Buffalo chicken dip is another favorite to make that’s always a crowd-pleaser. And for something sweet, I did my espresso bean brownies (coming to the blog soon!). But really it’s just box mix with chopped up chocolate-covered espresso beans. It’s the easiest trick to spruce up a box mix.
Photos by Hannah Lozano
Styling by Jaime Roberts Designs
How To Host A Sophisticated Halloween Party published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Why I Think Solo Travel Can Be Overrated
You’ve heard everyone say it. Shit, I’ve even said it. Everyone should experience traveling alone. Go on a solo trip. Find happiness in being alone. Just go for it, have an eat pray love moment. While I believe in all of this, there’s also a part of me that also says, solo travel can be overrated. And you should definitely be doing BOTH.
Here’s why…
Is Solo Travel Worth It?
While traveling solo can be great for learning to be happy and content in your own skin, your own space. And I think learning that being alone is not being lonely is an insanely important lesson to understand. There’s also something that solo travel does not offer.
It can keep you from trying new things.
When you travel solo, while you may be getting outside your comfort zone in terms of sitting at a restaurant alone or just being by yourself. How do you really get outside your comfort zone if you’re just doing all the things YOU like? Never push your boundaries to try an activity outside your comfort zone. Or trying a dish on the menu that doesn’t sound like something you’d usually prefer? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve traveled with friends and did activities I never would’ve dreamed of. When you travel with other people you usually (hopefully) are trying an activity that wasn’t your idea, or ordering a dish at a restaurant that you wouldn’t have tried. Maybe you explore a different part of a town that you never heard of because someone told your friend to check it out. While it sucks to stray from your own itinerary that you may have had in mind, it does push you to try new things and experiences. Create new memories you were not planning to create.
I had this a-ha moment when I went on a trip to Sedona with some friends. It was my first time traveling with them and while I’m often the one who plans the bulk of a trip, these gals were in charge. And I sat back and let them do it. When we arrived, we did hikes and trails I never imagined I would do. If I had done that trip solo I would’ve 100% taken the easy way out and just done a leisure hike or two and called it a day. As a matter of fact, I almost bailed on a hike just to be lazy because we already had a really long day. And I’m so glad I didn’t. Because that hike up Cathedral Rock was the most epic thing we did. We had a blast doing it. Made memories for life.
I never would’ve had that experience if I traveled solo.
Don’t get me wrong. If I went to Sedona solo I would’ve had a fabulous time. I would’ve had the most incredible “me” trip of relaxing, strolling around town, good food and early to bed. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Which is why you should do BOTH. But I’m so glad I went with other people so that I can get outside my comfort zone and try activities I never would’ve sought out on my own.
Other Benefits Of Not Traveling Solo
There are also a few other reasons why traveling solo is SO overrated. For one, it’s insanely expensive. Splitting a hotel bill is my most favorite part about traveling with friends. It makes it so much more affordable. Along with splitting taxis and Ubers. It makes a huge difference in the total cost of a trip.
It’s also nice to have someone to eat with so you can try many things on a menu. My favorite part about traveling if you ask me is the food anyway. While dining out you can try many dishes or drinks and not just order one thing. This is my DREAM kind of meal!
And lastly, it’s just nice to have people to experience things with and make those memories. It bonds you. It’s those memorable shared experiences that bond friendships forever. We’ll always laugh about how we slid down Cathedral Rock and almost died that day! Or how we took the wrong turn on a trail that made us laugh at how dumb we were for not seeing the BIG trail sign right in front of our parked car. Those things are more memorable and more enjoyable when you have people to share them with.
But this is still your reminder to travel solo. Because there are incredible benefits of visiting somewhere new (or old) by yourself. This is just your reminder to switch it up. And also make sure you’re exploring new places with new and old friends, too.
PS my tips for traveling with friends so you don’t cause drama!
Why I Think Solo Travel Can Be Overrated published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
My Favorite Loungewear Round-Up
When it comes to what I lounge around the house in, I’m super duper particular.
The very last thing I want at the very end of my day is to feel uncomfortable. I will sacrifice style over comfort any time, but luckily this round-up not only includes some of my all time favorites to wear at home, but they just so happen to be stylish too!
Here is a tried, tested and true round-up of my all time favorite loungewear pieces to wear at home.
Sloppy Joe UK
If you follow me on Instagram, chances are you’ve spotted me wearing a Sloppy Joe more than once. I own 3, no 4, maybe even 5 of their Collar 02 and the Classic Square Sweatshirts. This iconic and timeless UK brand is most known for Princess Diana being spotted wearing their sweatshirts. You can read the full story here.  Their pieces tend to sell out super quickly so be sure to keep your eye out and/or get on their newsletter for new releases: SloppyJoeUK.
Tory Sport
I know we all have and love our Tory Sport pieces but I apparently have been living under a rock and didn’t discover her Heavyweight Sweatpants until recently. Even Grant says I look great in this super, duper comfortable sweats. I know own 3 pair in white and I am ridiculously obsessed. You can see me wearing them in the below photo with a Lake Pajamas long sleeve on top.
Lake Pajamas
It took me a minute to warm up to the colorful (or at least more colors than I used to wearing) Lake Pajamas sets. I originally purchased them for June. She’s a huge fan of their shorts sets and so I thought I’d give the brand a try. To my pleasant surprise, I’ve become the biggest fan! I have a ton of their matching sets and they’re incredibly soft!
Long Cardigan
If there’s one thing I absolutely must be wearing at all times when I’m home, it’s this long cozy cardigan. It just feels like the perfect extra cozy layer and I feel weird without it. This one I scored off of Amazon is absolute perfection. The price tag doesn’t make me too nervous about the inevitability of ice cream and red wine being spilled on it.
  My Favorite Loungewear Round-Up published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
What I Look For In A Sweater Dress
It’s been the age-old struggle of my closet. If you were to open up my teeny tiny closet and browse through my clothes, you’d see ZERO sweater dresses. ZERO. Where as I’m sure many women love a sweater dress, I for the life of me, can not find any that I love. I’m not sure if it’s that I have broad shoulders and a bigger chest, or just don’t like the look period. But I struggle. And also so desperately want to have them because they look so cozy. I have sweater dress fomo to be honest. They’re such a good alternative for jeans in the winter too. Nothing is more miserable than eating a big dinner in high rise jeans, right?
Every year I go on a fall and winter dress hunt. Which I’ve talked about before. A lot. Because it truly happens each and every fall. I go on a shopping spree of dresses. And usually find nothing. Zero. Between the matronly long sleeve dresses for fall in dark prints, to the oversized unflattering sweater dresses, it’s always a fail.
Until I found this dress from Abercrombie.
Photos by Hannah Lozano
What I Look For In A Sweater Dress
I noticed three significant things about this dress that I think has totally shifted how I shop for sweater dresses. When I got this dress in and put it on it was like a lightbulb moment. I had been trying for so long to wear what everyone else was wearing. The big oversized sweater dresses. And you know what, I hate them on me. I love them on you, hate them on me. I needed something else and I’m so glad I now have a direction to go in when I shop. Having a checklist in mind when shopping for your closet helps you to buy things you’ll love and wear. And to me, and my tiny closet, that’s super important.
Open Neckline
For one, an open neck. I’m rarely one who finds a turtleneck of any kind flattering on my body. It’s rare to see me in one. I think between my 32DD chest, broad shoulders and short neck (that’s a thing right?), I just think it overwhelms my body. I don’t feel my best in them. This sweater dress is a wrap style so it has a v-neck which is just universally flattering on everyone. They help to elongate your body and draw the eye up to your face. Great for people with broader shoulders and short necks.
The second thing is the wrap style itself. A cinched waist. Creating shape. I talk about this ALL THE TIME that creating shape and cinching your waist is key. Whether you do it with a belt, or a nice shaped jacket or blazer, creating a waist is always something I try to do with my outfits to make me feel good. And a wrap dress does that instantly. Sure there are other ways to do this, but I think I’m now kind of obsessed with wrap style sweater dresses. There aren’t many out there though. I know this because I instantly did a search the second I fell in love with this dress to buy them ALL up and there were sadly only about two out there.
Fabric Weight And Knit
The last thing I now look for in a sweater dress is one that is not super thick or a crazy big knit. A giant heavy cable knit sweater dress is not going to work for me. This Abercrombie & Fitch wrap sweater dress is a nice thin and compact knit material. It’s also insanely soft. But I noticed that a more body hugging knit was a better look for me.
Two Ways To Style A Wrap Sweater Dress
Once I got this dress I knew I wanted to style it two ways. The first, a casual and edgy look with a denim jacket and Dr Martens. Perfect for those warmer fall days. And second, a suede moto with leopard booties. For winter, I’d wear this with my favorite fleece lined tights and boots. So many ways to style it!
Shop Look One
Shop Look Two
What I Look For In A Sweater Dress published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Reese Witherspoon's Denim Jacket and Pink Pencil Skirt Look for Less
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Reese Witherspoon gives us the perfect fall fashion inspiration with this on-set look, styled here in a pretty pink midi pencil skirt, floral button-up shirt, and a must-have denim jacket. This blog uses affiliate links. When you shop through our links, we may earn a small commission, at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
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Continue reading "Reese Witherspoon's Denim Jacket and Pink Pencil Skirt Look for Less" Reese Witherspoon's Denim Jacket and Pink Pencil Skirt Look for Less published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Everyday Go To
I haven’t been in the mood to get dressed lately for some reason.
Even with the changing to a new chilly season, I’ve just felt a little stunted and all I want to do is be a lounge lizard at home. The most I’ll get dressed in is a super relaxed pair of my favorite jeans that feel super comfy and right now my favorites are “The Scout” by Joe’s Jeans. Maybe it’s because I know I have a big work trip to New York next week so I’m saving up reserves. Maybe it’s because our house felt a little sick this past week and my resources are drained. Whatever the reason, I’m not mad about it.
Side note: I’ve been lusting over this mini Goyard bag for months and finally pulled the trigger on what is quickly turning out to be one of my favorite new investments. Also, you’ve probably noticed that I can’t stop wearing these New Balance sneakers. They are hands down my current favorites. They go with everything!
Joe’s Jeans “The Scout” // Cropped Chunky Sweater by Na-Kd // “The Ritz” Baseball Cap // New Balance Sneakers // Goyard Mini Tote Bag
Everyday Go To published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
10 Random Things
...a brain dump of the first 10 random things that come to mind!  10 Random Things published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Mango Sizing Review + My New Mango Coat
An online store I definitely don’t shop at enough, but always seem to find great things, is Mango. I was so surprised how many of you don’t shop here! I feel like a few years ago I had a really good order from them and ever since, I’ve been hooked. And when I shared my most recent haul on my IG Stories a few weeks ago, I was super surprised how many readers said they’ve never shopped there! So this is your reminder to start checking Mango for new closet favorites.
Mango Sizing Review
I’d compare Mango’s sizing to Abercrombie. I tend to fall usually in a medium, but depending on the fit and style, I may do a small. I find that jackets and coats I’m always a small. But for things like skirts and dresses and sometimes blouses, a medium is just a bit more comfortable. When it comes to sizing for me, my chest and rib cage is usually where I need to size up. So keeping that in mind, I find that anything that’s super fitted around the chest needs a medium. Or a button up. But if it’s a flowy dress or something, a small can usually do the trick.
Denim and shoes are something I have not yet tried so can’t speak to that. I’m going to hopefully try some in my next order and see how it goes and report back!
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Why I Love Shopping At Mango
There are two major reasons why I love shopping at Mango. The first is that it’s somewhat trendy pieces but they’re not over the top. It doesn’t feel insane, but they’re just trendy enough that they feel fresh and new. But they also have tons of great basics as well. You can shop for your special occasions, lounge and even 9-5 looks. And the other reason why I love shopping here is that they offer free shipping on orders over $50 and free returns on all orders. Since there are no stores nearby (I really think I’ve only seen a Mango in New York and in Europe) free returns are key. This also means I tend to just always buy two sizes to find my perfect fit and not have to deal with exchanges and waiting.
And the third great reason is the price. It’s really a good deal and not insanely overpriced. Sure coats are pricier, but that’s expected. But overall, many pieces are at or under $100 which is a good price point for me personally. I also find that they do some really good sales. Often you’ll see a good 30% off sale every so often. And things go fast, so this is when I recommend signing up for emails and buying multiple sizes if you’re unsure.
Mango also offers clothing for men, teen and kids. You can shop for the entire family!
My Fall Picks From Mango
Tips To Shopping At Mango
When things are good at Mango, they tend to sell out fast. So this is another reason why I always just buy two sizes on anything I’m not sure about. It helps to ensure I get the pieces I want.
There’s also a Mango OUTLET! I didn’t know about this until recently and it’s pretty damn good. The prices are so so good.
Shop Today’s Look
A Few Favorite Looks Featuring Mango
Clearly I have a thing for Mango dresses. What I find fascinating about the below is how old all of these pieces are besides the dark floral dress with Dr Martens, is that they’re MANY years old. The orange maxi, a personal go-to anytime I need to feel pretty and put together in the spring or summer. It’s my favorite dress to pack for warm weather vacations. And this white midi dress was a random buy that I wasn’t sure about until it arrived. I don’t wear it often enough and this is my reminder to pull it out again asap. I’ve worn it in the summer, but also here for a late fall trip to Charleston. Paired it with booties and a utility jacket. And again with sneakers. It’s really so versatile. Sadly these are all super old. But just have to show how Mango is truly a brand that lasts in my closet for years.
This striped button front dress I think is what got me obsessed with button front dresses. It’s another favorite for spring and summer and pairs perfectly with heels or sandals. You can tell how old it is, look how long my hair was in this post! And this fun leopard orange shirt dress was another weird purchase but turns out to be a favorite. I style it two ways in this post.
For basics, I have a handful of cotton tanks from their basics collection and they’re great. Held up well and are pieces I grab often. This pretty floral mini dress is also one I recently picked up and is great to style for fall and into winter.
Mango Sizing Review + My New Mango Coat published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Your Fall Guide to Coats Under $200
Nobody move: We are getting some really nice fall weather in Los Angeles.
Now picture me, frantically scouring the internet for every new hot jacket and coat on the market. It’s hilarious because we very rarely get low temps in LA and even when we do it’s only in the mornings and evenings. Rarely mid-day. So I tend to get overly excited and overly order things I probably don’t need. So, I really try my best to not spend an arm and a leg on a piece of clothing I’m not going to get too much wear out of. With that said, I’m traveling to New York the first week of November so I’m all sorts of fired up about getting my fall wardrobe ready.
I’m obsessed with this new trench I scored from Amazon {wearing a size XS}. The material feels very high-end and luxe. I really wasn’t expect such great quality on a coat that’s under $100. It also comes in black!
Below you will find my round-up of favorites I’ve found under $200.
Panorama Long Jacket
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Short Puffer Jacket
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Polly Oversized Quilted Shirt Jacket
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Belt Jacket
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Allegra K
Shawl Collar Belted Coat
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Plaid Coat
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Faux Fur Hooded Parka Jacket
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Treasure & Bond
Houndstooth Quilted Long Coat
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Belt Quilted Coat
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Ultralight Button Down Jacket
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Lauren Ralph Lauren
Snap Front Quilted Jacket
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Satin Quilted Jacket
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Combination Long Plaid Overshirt
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and other stories
Faux Shearling Coat
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Banana Republic
Cropped Safari Jacket
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J. Crew
Italian Wool Blazer Jacket
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& Other Stories
Padded Trench Coat
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French Connection
Teddy Faux Shearling Coat
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Amazon Essentials
Oversized Plush Button-Front Coat
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Vero Moda
Fortune Lippa Shirt Jacket
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      Your Fall Guide to Coats Under $200 published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Lazy Fall Essentials
I recently saw a meme of Adam Sandler that made me giggle. The accuracy. You can see it here. Aren’t we’re all a little guilty of getting super excited for fall fashion, and then just putting on our fall loungewear instead of summer? I know I am. But this look is seriously the lazy fall essentials that can make you feel put together, while still staying super comfortable. So much so you may think you are in fact still wearing your pajamas.
Lazy Fall Outfit Essentials
When I think of my lazy fall outfit essentials, this entire look comes to mind. Each piece is comfortable and when styled with one another, feels put-together. This look is perfect for just a day of running erands, grabbing dinner or even traveling in. It’s comfortable, and stylish. But not fussy, which is key!
Photos by Hannah Lozano
The perfect tee. I love it so much I just got it in white too. It’s not sheer at all either in white. This Mae drapey tee has the perfect u-scoop neck and has the best fabric. So comfortable, not super fitting, but flattering all at the same time. I do a small. You can also get 20% off at ABLE with my code INDIGODAY20.
Denim Shacket
This Abercrombie & Fitch shacket became a go-to layer for me in my closet. It’s perfect for throwing over leggings and a tee, or even dresses if you want. I’ve also styled it here with my go-to lounge set from Lou & Grey. Any denim jacket will do for a good lazy fall essential, but I love the updated look of a shirt jacket instead of a cropped denim one. And if you’re not into a denim one, there are so many options from flannel, to something more heavy for cooler weather too.
Comfy Leggings
I love a good pair of faux leather leggings. And while my SPANX ones have been my go-to for years. These LOFT ones are giving them a run for their money. I like that they’re a big thicker and have a true leather look to them and not speckled leather like the SPANX do. If you want to try the SPANX ones or Commando (another really popular style) you can check out my review of them here.
Easy Flat
I’m almost always a sneakers kind of gal and would normally style this with my Madewell Trainers or platform Converse. But these leopard Biridies mules are a great swap that feel much more elevated. I’ll be honest, they’re a tad difficult to walk in. I think I’m just mule challenged when it comes to wearing them as a flat. But nonetheless, they’re adorable and comfortable.
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Lazy Fall Essentials published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
What I wore in Paris: Outfit Recap!
Today I'm recapping everything I wore on our Atlas Adventures Paris trip! You can see everything I packed in this post (which should help provide some more guidance on the things you'll want to bring with you!) However, this post will show you what I actually WORE from that list. 😂 (Hint: I overpacked.)  What I wore in Paris: Outfit Recap! published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Family Matching Outfits at Walmart
This post is sponsored by Walmart.
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Today I've put together the ultimate guide to family matching outfits with Walmart! Whether you're getting ready to take family photos, or celebrating the holidays together, I've got you covered with coordinated and matching items that are fun, festive, and affordable. This blog uses affiliate links. When you shop through our links, we may earn a small commission, at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
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Continue reading "Family Matching Outfits at Walmart" Family Matching Outfits at Walmart published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
How To Cure Dry Skin
The heat has been blasting non stop for weeks now and there seems to be no end in sight. For most people, this means dry, cracked skin anywhere from your face, lips hands to feet.  Between the dry weather and the never ending pumping of heat everywhere we go, our skin is literally being sucked dry of its moisture.
How To Cure Dry Skin
Hydrated skin is happy skin. It keeps you looking young and it just feels better. Creating winter skincare habits are essential to keeping dry cracked skin at bay. It all starts with your morning shower in my opinion and continues through to your bedtime routine. Dry skin seems to be plaguing everyone this time of year and today I’m sharing the best products to cure dry skin. These are the essential skincare products and habits I swear by that helps truly cure your skincare winter blues.
The Best Skincare Products To Cure Dry Skin
In The Shower
I like to shave my legs with baby oil and for good reason. It’s instantly hydrating, makes for a better closer shave and acts as a moisturizer. I never, I mean NEVER, use a moisturizer on my legs if I shave that morning with baby oil. No matter how dry or how much heat is pumping through my house. But the one thing to really try to avoid in the winter time (which I know is SO hard) is to avoid super hot showers. Hot water dries out the skin in a shower making you have to work even harder to hydrate your skin. Try to not take insanely hot showers to help keep dry skin away.
Baby Oil
Fact, you’ll get a better shave and longer lasting hydration if you swap out your shaving cream for this baby aisle staple.  I swear by this stuff and it’s my saving grace especially most in the winter time.
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Post Shower Routine
A post shower routine is essential to maintaining hydrated skin throughout the day. It’s ideal to put moisturizer on your body when it’s still a little damp. Your skin will absorb it better making for longer-lasting hydration. Always remember to use SPF even during the winter months. Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you can’t get a sunburn. In fact, I had my WORST sunburn of my entire life while snowboarding Mt. Hood. The sun reflects off the white snow and amplifies it resulting in harmful rays damaging your skin. And don’t forget about the rest of your body! Hydrate your skin all over with a body serum and moisturizer. Below are some of my favorites.
Necessaire Body Serum
I love the Necessaire products and this body serum is an essential step in a body skincare routine. Especially in the winter. Packed with hyaluronic acid which helps to retain more moisture, this will help keep your skin hydrated all day. It also has niacinamide which helps with your skincare barrier allowing it to also retain moisture better.
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Necessaire Body Lotion
After using the serum, I then use the body lotion. I have a few that I like, but this one has been a favorite. I also really like the Beautycounter body lotion in citrus mimosa which you can shop here.
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Cosmedix Humidify
My daily routine won’t ever not consist of Cosmedix. I’ve been a die-hard fan for many years and you’ve heard me rave about it here and here. I recently tried the product, Humidify. Intense hydration that not only helps to hydrate, but also helps to boost the integrity of the skin to fight against dehydrating. I like that their products are proactive like this. And fun fact, I actually have been using this on my cracked heels and it’s made a HUGE difference.
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Hydrating Serum
The best way to really infuse hydration into your skin and make the biggest difference is to change out your serum. Opt for one that’s super hydrating with hyaluronic acid. I love the Surge serum from Cosmedix. Pricy, but lasts a long time and is potent. You can browse more serums in this post. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin and niacinamide.
Night Cream
To really work on your skins hydration issue, applying a moisture rich night cream can work wonders. Make sure to cleanse your skin and exfoliate and remove any dead skin cells before applying a night cream so that you can really penetrate the skin. I really like this Cosmedix cream for night time.
A great drugstore buy that does what it needs to. Hydrates and doesn’t have any strong perfumes in it. This is a great daily moisturizer for all over your body. This product does not contain sunscreen, so if you plan on exposing those limbs to the winter sun, add a little SPF.
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For Your Hands & Feet
My hands and feet always seem to suffer the most during the winter months. Between my constant handwashing and the climate, they’re usually the worst off. I like to use a few products that I keep handy for great hydration. I also end up having a bottle of hand moisturizer at every sink in my house. Right after I wash my hands, I apply moisturizer to help replenish my skin. It’s a winter habit I can’t recommend enough.
Remedy+ 911 Ointment
For severely cracked or dry skin this is the best cure. Skinfix is a fantastic brand for combating skin issues from acne to breakouts and even dry cracked irritated skin. Their a clean brand as well which is a plus, This Remedy+ 911 Ointment is great for cracked heels, dry sandpaper like hands and more.
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If you suffer from dry cracked feet try slathering your feet up with Aquaphor and putting on socks right before bed. You’ll wake up to softer skin for sure. This product is also fragrance-free if you’re sensitive to that. Works great on chapped lips or if you’ve been blowing your nose with a cold (like I was the first week of 2018) this helps to heal up that raw skin. I would say this is the drugstore cheaper version of the Skinfix Remedy+ 911 Ointment. But I think the Skinfix one works much faster.
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Combat Dry Cracked Lips
Did you know that your lips don’t have any sebaceous glands (along with the palm of your hands, feet and under-eye) making this skin the hardest to keep hydrated. These glands help to produce oil where hair follicles are to keep things well, hydrated. Maintaining a good lip care regimen is crucial during cold months. I like to use Vaseline at night and always keep lip balm in my purse, car, desk drawer, you name it.
I use this on my lips daily. Every night before I head to bed I put a nice layer on my lips. This is also a great cure for a raw nose from blowing your nose day in and day out when you have a cold. You can also swap out Aquaphor for Vaseline for similar results for soft feet! I like the little tins that I keep in my desk. But also have the mini vaseline containers around my house too. They’re adorable.
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SuperGoop! Fusion Lip Balm
If there’s not a Chapstick, or Vaseline within arm’s reach, this is another favorite always at my fingertips. I have one of these at my desk, in my purse, you name it! SuperGoop! is a favorite brand and they always make great products that are also clean.
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For more skincare favorites, check out this ultimate skincare list!
Photo by Hannah Lozano
How To Cure Dry Skin published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
Look for Less: Pottery Barn Cane Media Console
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Am I seeing double? This is what I wondered while browsing for cane media consoles and came across this beauty at both Pottery Barn and Urban Outfitters. This blog uses affiliate links. When you shop through our links, we may earn a small commission, at no cost to you. Thank you for your support!
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Continue reading "Look for Less: Pottery Barn Cane Media Console" Look for Less: Pottery Barn Cane Media Console published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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jeanboehm · 3 years
The Hideaway Is Available for Rent
I’m beyond excited to open the doors to The Hideaway!
The lake house that we invested in and co-designed is now available to rent! We’ve been holding on to releasing it because there are still a few loose ends to tend to but we figured a lot of you would be excited to catch a slice of fall heaven. I’m beyond excited to open our doors to you all on this first rental property of {hopefully} many more to come!
Stay tuned for the official tour and release of more photos and before/after.
Click here to view availability. 
  The Hideaway Is Available for Rent published first on https://lenacharms.weebly.com/
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