jcncvicvc · 5 years
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“  you know,  “  alecto began, any genuine interest she’d had in jenevieve’s plight fading fast. there seemed an obvious solution here, at least to alecto; she might not have cared if she herself were in the other girl’s shoes, but since it seemed jenevieve did care, there was no point in keeping her thoughts to herself.  “  if the classes are an important issue to you  …  complain. cry to dumbledore about your future being at stake and I’m sure that schedule will right itself posthaste.  “
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“do you really think that would work?” she said rasing a brow at the other. “i can barely complain to the teachers to get something switch for me without them talking down to me and explaining that my blood line means nothing. they think i’m doing it soley on that but really i just need the classes.”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
“You’re not into necrophilia?” she asked, with a laugh. “But I would love to make sure you get the full experience before you take your last breath” she added, with a light whisper in the girl’s ear. 
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“um no sorry. I like them breathing and consenting.” she joked. “hmm should i feel threatened, because i feel like you just said you’d kill me.”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
He perked up a bit at her mention of potions. “You want to be a Potions Master?” He nodded along a little, impressed. “That’s pretty cool. Never met anyone who wanted to do that.” Frank finally set his sheet down, allowing himself to tear his eyes away from it for once. He laughed a little at her comment, shrugging. “Most people don’t. But it’s important work. I want to be able to help, you know,” he said with a wave of his hand. Not that he wanted to get too deep into talk about their current climate, but he was certain she knew what he was getting at.
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“yeah i’m pretty good at making some potions and have made a couple of my own.” she said thinking of the posion she created that is untraceable in food or drinks. she made it as a back up plan if her father went to far against her mother’s wishes. “i can see it. you look like someone who could totally be a superhero.” 
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
“I have more to me than people might think. Maybe I’ll murder you… maybe i’ll pleasure you beyond your wildest dreams… maybe they will both happen in the same day” she said, playfully, but not really kidding. Bella added pressure as she slowly slid her leg along the other girl’s. 
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“hopefully not in that order then. i don’t see you as that kind of person and i wouldn’t be able to enjoy it.”she said jokingly enjoying the masage, but deep down knew that bella wouldn’t be oppose of killing her. 
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Carter frowned, thanking Merlin that his parents hadn’t foisted an arranged marriage on him. Yet. “But that’s all the more reason to chase romance now, if you don’t think you’ll get it later. Come on. Don’t you love the excitement of a first kiss, or haven’t you ever wanted to serenade someone in a room full of people?” He leaned forward, grinning. “That’s adrenaline.”
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“i didn’t know you were such a sap devereaux. but i don’t know.” jenevieve shrugged, the conversation went from light hearted to what seems to be a therapy session of her love life. “never really had that kind of adrenaline before so no cant’ say i do. but what about you? let me experience it through you, hmm.”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
“Well I think that’s just his personality,” Severus replied. If he was being honest, he probably would act the same way if he were a teacher. Most of the students at the school were complete assholes. “Maybe a mix of both. If you get sorted into Slytherin I think you automatically get labeled as mischievous and well it’s clear we aren’t the most liked of houses. We’ll be out of here soon enough though,” Severus replied, and he couldn’t wait for that day. “Anyways, maybe you could try to sneak into Slughorn’s classes. Wouldn’t be on your list of courses, but you could at least still learn from it.”
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“probably will. i mean as long as a score well on my newts it doesnt really matter what classes i take.” she said honestly. “but its just that i worked my butt off and i still don’t get rewarded, like why?”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Carter nodded in understanding. He had a few flings like that, too. Well, maybe more than a few. “Oh, of course not. Too much romance kills the relationship,” he teased. “I would never want flowers or kissing under the stars or dancing to music we only hear in our heads.” Romance was the fun part, the easy part. It was all the strings that came with it that got him tangled up. “What do you live for if not romance?”
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“romance is dead. I mean why should I want to get romantically involve with someone when my parents probably already have me arranged with someone else.” she said twirling the bottom part of her tie. the last question was something she wasn’t expecting, but it wasn’t as challenging as it could of been, “the adrenaline.”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
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ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 🌹.⋆☾࿐ ࿔*:・゚ ❛ —— not that i disagree with your sentiment on this lovely institution ❜ while jenevieve most definitely wasn’t talking to lucinda directly, it never stopped her from making her thoughts well known and her reply simply came out of her as if her mouth had its own will. which sometimes lucinda did ask herself if it wasn’t the case. for a second the talkalot pondered if she should keep answering but it most definitely was already too late to take back  ❛ —— but aren’t you on the seventh? just take the classes you want to. ❜ 
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she didn’t mean to snap at the girl, it just kinda happened. jenevieve’s built of irritation and the duh comment that she made, annoyed the girl. “you would think that, wouldn’t you? but no i picked out my schedule and was turned down” she sighed her statment came out harsh as if it was lucinda who rejected her classes.
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
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“ when isn’t slughorn furious? “  alecto asked, her voice dry as bone. in truth, she didn’t quite see the point in getting worked up about a schedule   —   n.e.w.t’s were well and good, but with one year left she found she cared little to rock the boat. she hadn’t looked at jenevieve when she posed her question, but she did then; blinked owlishly and allowed curiosity  ( with, perhaps, one drop of judgement )  to color her expression.  “ well. I’m afraid I’ve never seen any meaningful, strong emotion come from him, so forget I asked. “
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looking over her classmate, “eh maybe not angry just upset since i requested classes and they have not given them to me yet again.” she said thinking of how her sixth year and how she didn’t get one of the classes she was interested in.
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
“Yeah, I’m not gonna judge but I don’t want to be that guy either. Easy to look like a creep sneaking a girl out of your dorms this early.” He looked back towards her shoes, laughing softly as he shook his head. “The dorms. Haven’t managed to really rock a pair of heels yet.”
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“he is pretty used for it and it really has became a team effort with his friends.” she said remembering tha time his friends had to help her out during sixth yaer. raising an eyebrow at him, “is that a thing i don’t understand or do you want to try on my heels?”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Frank gave a little half shrug, glancing down at his own. “I wouldn’t say it’s trash, exactly, just…a lot.” He flattened out the paper, looking it over it once more (as if it were going to be any better this time around). “Preparing for life after school is a bit more stressful than I’d expected. What’s wrong with yours?” He asked curiously, trying to sneak a subtle glance over at hers.
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“better than mine then. i need potions and herebology for being a potion master. however i feel as though some teachers have favorites and they don’t want to be interested in such a job ” she huffed not hiding the jealous at all when she heard his class list. “wouldn’t take you as an auror type, either. why such a dangerous job?”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Carter hopped up onto the nearby window ledge. It was wide enough that he could pull one knee up and lean back comfortably. “See? No better way to celebrate the start of term.” He nodded to the spot next to him, motioning for Jenevieve to join him. Wandering the halls had started to feel kind of lonely boring, anyway. “Was it a one and done, or do you think you’ll be back?”
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nodding she leaned back into the shadows, “we both find each other going back.” she said, the fling itself had been going on for a good two years. she moved over to take a stop on the ledge, “nothing romantic of course. can’t have that.”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Frank gave a little half shrug, glancing down at his own. “I wouldn’t say it’s trash, exactly, just…a lot.” He flattened out the paper, looking it over it once more (as if it were going to be any better this time around). “Preparing for life after school is a bit more stressful than I’d expected. What’s wrong with yours?” He asked curiously, trying to sneak a subtle glance over at hers.
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“mine is too easy. i wanted a challenge and half of the classes are useless for what i have in mind for myself for the future.” she said. “ what do they have you taking,anything good?”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Carter wasn’t a blusher. He didn’t believe in shame, especially not over something harmless, something that had brought him fun. He laughed at Jenevieve’s words, shrugging as he came to a stop in front of her. So he had a reputation. What was so bad about that? “You know me so well,” he replied with a grin. “And what can I say? You gotta celebrate the first week of classes somehow.” He shot her a teasing look. “And how about you? Any good celebrating lately?”
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staring at the attractive male in front of her, she couldn’t help but laugh in agreement. “well i might of found myself in the ravenclaw’s dormitory a couple night ago.” jenevieve did not care if he knew. she heard about carter and accidenatlly seen it. thankfully growing up in france gave her a good defence when it comes to veelas. but the boy probably didn’t need to have some veela blood to do have the things he done.
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
So what if it was only the first week of classes? Maintaining habits required consistency, and Carter really didn’t want to break his streak of skipping. And who schedules double Transfiguration at 8 in the morning, anyway? They were practically begging him to skip. He slept in for awhile– lazy mornings after a long night were almost as good as sex– and then decided to wander the castle, re-familiarize himself after a summer away. The dimly lit corridors and wide courtyards had always felt cozier than the mansion he was supposed to call home. The corridors were quiet now, empty of students, and it felt like it was just him and the castle as he slowly strolled along, hands in his pockets. He didn’t usually like the quiet, but today he could almost see the appeal. Almost. Carter turned a corner and spotted a figure up ahead. He pulled a hand out of his pocket to wave, a beaming grin spreading across his face. “Don’t tell me you’re skipping, too?”
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still upset about her classes, jenevieve decided to do a silent protest and not go to her classes until she gets what she wants. some would say it was childish, but she believes that it her own kind of justice. the quietness of the hall was something she was starting to enjoy when she say the top of a familiar blonde.placing a grin on her face she moved from the shadows of where she was standing, “i like to call it protesting, but yeah.” she admitted. “what about you? are you actually skipping or did a redevous of the night before last until morning?”
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Bella took a few seconds before responding, “Okay two ways to fix it..,” she chuckled, “Say I’m right, or distract me physically….” she said, playfully as she pressed her lips against the girl’s neck. Once her back was more bare, she slowly slid her oiled hands along her skin. 
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jenevieve let out a small laugh, “you know for someone as cold as you, i never knew how easy you were to calm down.” she said letting a small sound of pleasure as the girl pressed her lips against her neck. she must admit that bellatrix was wonderful at giving a massage.
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jcncvicvc · 5 years
Frank’s time table was clutched in his hand, starting to crumble in his fist. His workload was already starting to worry him, so it was better not think about it. He’d cross that bridge when he needed to. It appeared, though, that he wasn’t the only one freaking out a bit. She was speaking French, that much was clear, but Frank didn’t know much beyond that. He glanced over, eyes probably a little wide. “I’m…I didn’t catch that, sorry,” he responded, apologetic. “Everything alright?”
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hearing the confusion off his tone, it was very common when she was talking to someone outside of her house. maybe it was just a slytherin thing. “my times table is trash.” she trailed off looking at his own. “and from those wrinkle marks on yours, i’m assuming yours isn’t any better.
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