jckoftrades · 2 years
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    Final Update !!
Hey all!
After my many months of inactivity and life experiences, I’ve decided to bow out for good. I loved interacting with all of you and recapturing my love of tumblr rp if only for a brief while, but it’s time I let go and move forward. I’m not going to wax poetic with every saccharine sentiment in my arsenal- but I deeply appreciate every interaction I’ve had and I wish you all the best in your endeavors.
I’ll be leaving the blog up for the sake of memory, but deleting the profiles for my muses.
So from the bottom of my heart...
Mille tendresse,
-  Delphi 
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jckoftrades · 3 years
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It’s been a while since I’ve been active, I know. I’ve had massive rp burnout like I can’t explain. First things first: I hope you all have been doing well and I’ve missed talking to all of you! 
Second: I’ve had a lot going on in my life recently that’s leading to some big changes; some good and some less than good (lol?). I’m taking another few weeks of detox to get my ducks in a row, then ideally, I would like to be back in the saddle. But until then I’m going to be inactive just about everywhere (tumblr, discord, etc.) as to avoid distraction.
Until next time!
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- Delphi
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jckoftrades · 3 years
Do you think it'd be possible for me to grind up one of your sparkles and snort it? Would I become as beautiful as you?
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  "Hum... well, I don't condone the use of recreational drugs. Really all you need to do is drink water and be unbothered by the opinions of those around you. Oh, and having access to the best brands in the skincare industry helps, too. Just drink water and be unbothered, really!"
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jckoftrades · 3 years
So, Gian, how did you meet your lovely lady friends Rosetta and Bianca?
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  "The same way I met Olivier! Well... I accidentally mistook Oli for a cute girl the day we met and he thought it was hilarious. I mistook Bianca for someone's mom and she got real mad thinkin' I was callin' her old. Rosetta got offended with her... erm... as she always does."
Giancarlo stopped to scratch the bridge of his nose and hum in thought.
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  "A cousin of mine had a confirmation party, so that's where I met 'em! Rosetta has a family that's just about as old as mine, but Bianca doesn't like talking about hers. Dunno why! Both girls have been attached at my hips ever since, so I'm not complainin', hehe!"
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jckoftrades · 3 years
I know your weakness, Gian: girls! I’ll destroy the entire female population!
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  "Maybe you should seek therapy, anonimo? But seriously, don't take the girls away from me. Whaddya tryin’ to do, make me suffer a fate worse than death?"
  He had to whisper the last part, because maybe he took the empty threat to heart... just a little.
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jckoftrades · 3 years
To Gian: your stupid church sucks! I was told there were some hot nuns but it’s just a group of old women who get heat rash!! >=U
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  "You're welcome to die upon my sword, anonimo."
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jckoftrades · 3 years
( le chat errant )
“Before you two go,” Cass calls out from the sink, taking her time lathering her hands in soap making sure to wash up to her wrists and in between fingers. “We should ask everyone what kind of crepes they want, we might need more fruit!”
“Oh! Fresh mint to garnish would be lovely!” Says a fellow club member, and her smile widens when Cass agrees with her. Why wouldn’t she? Mint offers that spruce of color! 
After drying her hands, Cass pulls out her pink little sakura-shaped sticky note pad, scribbling down a list with her pen that’s just as pink, on top of it is a glittery fluffy bouncy ball that sways as she writes. 
Rei doesn’t appreciate Olivier approaching her once again, and looks at him with little amusement when he speaks to her. Then her view is thankfully blocked by a blonde braid. Now is her chance to escape; the pair deserve one another, she thinks.
Off Rei goes to provide her list of ingredients to Cass: strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and fudge sauce. It’s too sweet for her liking, but it’s what her grandmother loves and has told her about many times of her youth as a Neo Domino girl enjoying life. 
‘How could I have a flat belly when these things are around!?’ Grandmother would say, and the blue tattoo makes her grin look wider than normal. 
“Hihi you two! Aya, what crepes will you be making?” Cass walks up to Oli and Aya, oblivious to what is happening. “And Oli, we should make extra batter to make snack crepes. Have you ever had one? It’s basically a crepe in the shape of a cone that we sell as street food.” 
Rei has gone to find the crepe spreaders which were hidden in the back drawers. She pulls out the pair and washes them. Even though she doesn’t plan on eating, crepes filled with dust doesn’t sound appetizing. 
“We should also divide up into teams: one to make the crepes and other teams to prepare dressing like the chantilly cream and fudge, and another to cut the fruits.” Cass spoke to and looks at everyone, willing to listen and compromise if a member has suggestions. “Keep in mind everyone, we have ice cream and brownies in the freezer that we can use to!” 
The Baking Club freezer has containers filled with goods that they can take out to de-frost and eat. One of their recent tests is a batch of ruby chocolate brownies. Delicious pink chocolate with the taste of berries, and a tart aftertaste. It thrilled the club members that the chocolate was not only delicious but matches most of the décor as well.  
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 “Oh, yes, yes! I almost forgot to ask for mint as well,” Olivier cried over Aya’s inane prattle. “Aha, I think we shall have the Gardening Club picked over by the time we are done today.”
 Not as though it mattered. Duel Academy, as Olivier knew, seemed to have an endless budget to splurge on the extracurricular activities of its students. Of course, such a budget probably came from the generous donations of past alumni and celebrity duelists from across the globe. His father was most assured contributing to the school’s abundance since Olivier began his attendance.
 There was an odd smell as he prepared; having crossed the room again with a few long strides to collect a bottle of red food coloring. It was a stinging sensation that prickled the inside of his nose and prodded his throat, almost causing him to gag loud enough to disrupt the club.
 Cheap perfume? A knockoff scent Olivier had known plenty of times whenever his presence was obligatory during a business meeting. The kind plastered faces wore with their gaudy jewels and pounds of makeup with their pathetic words in attempt to placate his father.
 Of course, he didn’t realize the horrid scent belonged to Aya before Cass approached them with her inquiry. Olivier turned a little and sucked in a quick breath, flinching and placing a hand at his chest- startled at the blonde girl’s appearance.
 “Ah, Madam President,” Olivier said with a gasp, still trying to catch his breath. “I suppose Mademoiselle Aya and I will be making raspberry crepes. Since she is new, I shall volunteer in assisting her for today. Next time you will help yourself, yes?” He turned to Aya who nodded enthusiastically, twisting her braid and blushing brighter than the food coloring in Olivier’s hand.
 “I have indeed seen your snack crepes before.” Regaining his composure, he placed the bottle in Aya’s hand and motioned for her to return to their working station. “Unfortunately I never had the pleasure of enjoying one myself. As for teaming up, I shall go wherever you place me and wherever I am needed.”
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jckoftrades · 3 years
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Olivier || Oliver Boulanger || Beyblade 
after few years from G-rev xD
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jckoftrades · 3 years
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jckoftrades · 3 years
  Olivier took quick notice of Rei’s hand lingering near the blade. She was much like a cat left to the wilds; eyes flickering and hair bristling as though she were prepared to pounce. And he had given her teeth- the dagger now close by her side glinted in what little light filtered through the forest canopy.
  “Ah,” Olivier breathed and turned back to his bannerman. “Sakamoto. You were right.”
  Tullis grunted and pushed his weight against a broken tree trunk in the meager effort to relieve pressure from his injured foot.
  Turning back to face the noblewoman, Olivier sighed and brushed away a few strands of hair that had plastered to his forehead. The fleeting moment that he took to regain his breath still he used to examine Rei a bit more. More bile formed in his throat, and he resisted the urge to spit or do something more to offend.
  “It would be ignoble of us to leave you here. Your house is sworn to Aymard, yet his men had the intent to take your dignity and probably finish the work with you dead in the mud. We are no such savages.”
  Tullis snorted and spat, a great globule of blood and spit dashing across the dirt. “We’re diplomats,” he groaned.
  Olivier straightened and sheathed his sword. “I pray you will come with us. I have given you that dagger as... insurance. If Tullis or I do anything untoward, you may use that to cut off the parts of us that offended.” He offered Rei a smile; lips cracked and bound to turn purple from bruising.
  “Seven Hells, Oli,” Tullis said through a laugh. “Everything is about bein’ noble like the songs with you. We can’t stand ‘round here and be poetic while there’s a battle to win. Boulanger men are expectin’ us- you, specifically.”
  With his piece said, Tullis pushed himself away from the tree and began lumbering towards the horses, leaving Olivier and Rei together in the clearing.
  “If you do not wish to come, I will leave you. But from here to Heaven’s Well... it will be an arduous walk.”
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jckoftrades · 3 years
( cass )
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“Tag team Riding Duel League?”
Cass’ eyes widened in surprise, quickly replaced with excitement. Everybody at the Duel Academia is so hardworking! It shouldn’t surprise her that even members of the staff have large ambitions like this. 
“That’s amazing, Minamoto-san! Ohh!” Cass gushes. She presses her hands together as if she’s already sending a prayer to God. “I can’t believe I know someone before they become famous! I will pray that the two of you find success!” 
Her smile widens even more at Yuji’s optimism: it saddened her for a while that she could not see the stars properly, but his opinion helps lighten her heart. Her disappointment cannot make the stars clearer, but a change of mindset make the stars feel closer. 
“Camping? Like wait in the morning hours before opening time?” Cass says, not liking the idea. “That doesn’t sound safe, Minamoto-san. And besides, how can someone wait so long? There are no bathrooms nearby.” 
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  Yuji chuckled and rubbed the tip of his nose. “Well... I wasn’t exactly being serious about the camping out thing. I mean, there are people who will camp out in front of stores to be the first to get the newest phone model or game system. Not so sure if there are food enthusiasts who would do the same.”
  Neither Yuji nor Saiga had the money to afford such an experience, but it was another thing to see residents of Neo Domino queued up in front of a store in the dead of night- freezing cold or pelting rain, just to acquire the newest shiny thing.
  “We’ve been working on our D-Wheel bit by bit with the money we’re making, and we have to keep up with the ever changing meta game, so that means finding the right cards, too. You should come and watch us duel sometime! We might look rough around the edges, but Saiga and I together are a force to be reckoned with!”
  Yuji clutched a fist and thumped his chest with all of the confidence he could muster. He had to. If Yuji didn’t have something to cling to with every fiber of his being, then he would spiral from being overwhelmed. Being away from his grandfather and uncle, the creature comforts of Satellite and the simple routine of life.
  He stopped mid step and cocked his head, a finger uncurling from the fist and jabbing forward. “Is that your flower shop over there?”
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jckoftrades · 3 years
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jckoftrades · 3 years
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jckoftrades · 3 years
( cass )
“Saiga? Is that your co-worker?” She asks. Cass remembers seeing a dark-haired person work close-by. Like Yuji, he’s another new face at the academy. While Cass didn’t go out of her way to remember the staff in particular, she does try to be mindful of the people who help the student body. 
“Papa shouldn’t mind, you’re a friend!” Cass says cheerfully, having never brought a male friend over to their store or house. 
Cass stands, albeit slower, smoothing out the wrinkles from her dress with the palms of her hands.  She continues to smile at him, oblivious to the boy’s inner turmoil, and interprets Yuji’s sudden action as eagerness to see the beautiful blooms. 
“This way, please!” Cass places a hand on his arm to gently lead him as they walk. 
“Isn’t Neo Domino beautiful at this time of year, Minamoto-san?” Cass gestures with her free hand to the sight of clean streets decorated lightly with fallen leaves, and the blooming flowers in pots. Along the streets one can see into the windows of stores for new arrivals, or one can smell the contents and be lured by the temptations of nearby food shops. 
“Have you ever eaten buns from the Tanaka Nikuman Shop?” Cass stops to point at the shop ahead of them. Its lights are dimmed and there are no signs of activity inside. The store has closed for the day.  “They’re so busy every time. They sell out their buns too quickly!” 
She cannot help but pout remembering the times she and her friends would wait in line only to be told that there were no more buns for sale. Ah, the disappointment! How she longs to one day sink her teeth into the soft dough!
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  Yuji inhaled slowly; a breath to cleanse his troubled heart and ease any tension that had built up in his mind. For once he allowed himself to look around at the beauty surrounding him instead of training his eyes forward like Saiga did. Saiga never looked behind him or stopped to watch flowers sway in the wind like he and Cass did.
  Did the weeds that sprouted greyish-green with crooked stems and spiked leaves from cracks in the pavement stop to envy the well-tended blooms? It seemed their only goal was to survive just the same, even though their presence was ‘unsightly’ to the one who tended the garden.
  I only want to feel the sun, too.
  It was a silent lament, the last one Yuji allowed himself to think before walking alongside the bright girl.
  “Saiga has been my best friend since we were kids. We’ve done a lot together, and once we finish everything at Duel Academy, we’re going to join the tag team Riding Duel league. That’s our dream, anyway!” Yuji stuck his chest out and laced his fingers behind his neck, summoning all of the confidence a young man could.
  “Oh! Yeah, I think it’s especially pretty at night. I like going to the top floor of our apartment building and watching the city lights. I mean... you can’t see the stars in the sky, but in Neo Domino it’s like the stars are just within your grasp! It makes me feel like anything is possible.”
  From every corner and alley, Yuji inhaled deeply the myriad of smells that emanated from nearby shops and stalls. Though the cake had filled his stomach significantly, he still felt pangs of hunger brought on by the scents.
  “Hm? Aw, I don’t think I have been there yet. I wonder what kind of special ingredients they put in the buns to keep them so popular! You’ll have to camp outside of the shop next time if you want some. All the best things come to those who wait... or something like that!”
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jckoftrades · 3 years
Y'know what, fuck this bullshit. I need to know y'all are actually against it.
Reblog this if you will NOT use or support Post+.
I hope to make @staff see how that is total bullshit. Tumblr will die without writers/creators.
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jckoftrades · 3 years
( mademoiselle rima )
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She can’t look up, and at first she could only hear the sound of her heart beating heavy, every beat sinking lower in her chest. Rejection was something she was use to. But Olivier had been so friendly, she let it build up her hope that things would be different.
When she hears him inhale her body stiffens waiting for it. Until she felt someone reach out to her shaking fingers. Ocean blue eyes flicking over to her hand, and following the arm connected to the hand. Which then led her gaze to Olivier’s face.
Confusion rests in her eyes, but before she could answer the hand let go and moved to snatch up her belongings. The elite blader moving quick to take care of the conversation for her. It was appreciated. When he started to guide her away she didn’t try to fight it, happy to follow him to get out of the shop. “N… No… I think I have what I need.” The faster they can get out of the public eye the better.
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 “Mademoiselle Rima,” Olivier started, his voice still soft. “You are simply a mystery. Though it is against my inquisitive nature, you do not have to speak if it will upset you. I like to tease and sometimes I do get carried away, but I do not want to make others cry or go into distress.”
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  With a smile, he handed Rima her receipt and card, taking up her hand and placing them gently in her palm. 
  It was the pursuits of peace, love and beauty that guided Olivier in life. Though he sometimes took spiteful pleasure in seeing those who had offended him suffer (a terrible vice that even he hated to admit), Rima had done nothing to offend. An innocent through and through.
  “If I happen to pry for answers, I give you full permission to tell me to ‘shut it’, okay? Don’t worry, Johnny McGregor does it all the time. I mean... it doesn’t really work when he tells me to shut up, but for you, I shall make an exception.”
  It was an attempt to inject humor in an otherwise tender situation. And though Olivier maintained his smile, he found his gaze downcast and pensive as they continued their slow walk, close to the walls and shops where little traffic would bother them.
  “I am not familiar with people like you who have anxieties. My whole life I have been around socialites, and I am somewhat the same.”
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jckoftrades · 3 years
If someone doesn’t show interest in you, don’t attempt to gain their interest by making them feel bad/guilting them into some sort of a reaction
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