jbusa-blog2 · 4 years
So, Trump Conceded. Good.
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Listen Folks, It was already clear that Joe Biden won the election. He wasn’t my favorite, but hey, it happens.As for Kamala, I personally do not like her policies. But that doesn't mean that these people aren’t good people. They absolutely are. I just disagree with their policies. My personal choice was Jo Jorgensen but it was clear she wasn’t going anywhere In her campaign, unfortunately. Her Lassie-Faire capitalist policy plans excited me to no end. But, alas, the two-party system got in the way. Trump last night approved the GSA transition protocols to Joe Biden’s team, after throwing a legal temper tantrum while people died of COVID-19. It was totally immature, even when the Department of Homeland Security literally busted its ass to make these elections the most secure they have ever been. Yet Republicans keep screaming voter fraud. Its like an immature soccer kid kicking and screaming in the back seat of the car about how he lost. I wish this wasn’t true, But the GOP I loved doesn’t exist anymore. So personally, this blog will help me air out my political, center-right opinions.
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