jaz-melin · 9 years
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Get to know me meme - [5/5] favorite female characters
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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red tongues and h a n d s
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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Erin Fetherston for Cosabella Bridal Collection S/S 2014
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jaz-melin · 9 years
Rebekah in 3x09 + thoughts/analyses
“Be honest. You want Klaus dead, don’t you?” 
This question seems to be planted for all those that still believe klayley hates each other and want each other dead (yes there are still people that think that watch aftershows with clueless delusional hosts that only ship canon ships or people that kiss each other)  Hayley couldn’t live with herself if she’d help kill Klaus .That’s out of the question. Like his siblings she’ll always see the good in him.She will indeed forever hate him for the time she lost with Hope but she’ll be forever grateful for all the times he saved her. The curse that she endured was a method of saving her with the pretext of torturing her just like when he daggered his siblings if they didn’t obey. Since she can’t be daggered he chosed the curse. I think she sees that theres no way Klaus would ever just let her die. And I think she’ll do the same. I don’t recall her ever saying she wants klaus dead. she wanted him to pay but unlike Klaus shes not one to throw words like “Kill her” which brings me to season 1x1 “Kill her” - 3x09 “Not her”. Actually now that I think about it he never meant it. If he wanted her dead he‘d do it himself he knew theres no way Elijah would do such a thing..it was all an act for Sophie to make her believe she doesn’t have power over him.  “ You mean that fake husband you’ve been parading around in front of Elijah? Do you know the agony it causes him? Perhaps you like it, knowing you still have the power to break his heart.”
Is it just this feeling of power that Hayley has over Elijah, that she loves? Does she love that she is loved or does she love him for who he is? 
“H :It kills me to hurt him. R: Well, it hasn’t yet, luv, but it might today.”
Rebekah is right here .if “it kills her “ to drag him along and hurt him why does she keep doing it saying things like : “Jack’s gone, and I don’t know if he’s coming back. I also really don’t want to talk about it “ “ Not that I can really blame him, considering I didn’t try to stop him, or run after him… “ “…Mainly because I figured that you would need me here.” -   giving him hope the second Jack leaves her ,it gives her excitemend seeing Elijah’s reactions. But Elijah being the noble stag that he is sends her back home doesn’t deepen the drama doesn’t take advantage of the opened door that Hayley leaves for him. So she can always come back and try to seduce some more. It’s fun, flirting is fun, having multiple men at your feet is fun. who can blame her? The only one that is not showing his feelings is Klaus and maybe if he would she’ll want him the most dropping the others , letting them free from this games she’s playing. She drives them nuts. going through sexy time Hayley, cold Hayley, angel puppy eyed Hayley, flirty Hayley. I feel like her true emotions only come out around Klaus  she just acts different. And it’s annoying for her that he doesn’t fall for her tactics (crying, puppy eyes, soft voice etc), just like she doesn’t obey him. (his tactics are pretty similar actually , that’s why self victimization doesn’t work on them. They are victims but they’re culprits also) 
 Is Davina right ? Is Klaus afraid of Hayley because she doesn’t fear him or is she afraid of her feelings for her that could change everything? why doesn’t she ever fear him?? fighting him in 3x02 showed him once again that she still doesn’t fear him. How many would do the same after being cursed by Klaus? They wouldn’t dare show their face to him again but she did. She fought him. Rebekah wouldn’t have fought him, remember how scared she was of him daggering her? And she’s immortal. But Hayley fought him because she knows he wouldn’t rip her heart. How does she know she has this power over him, it can’t be just because of Hope. “You said you will protect me, And I will” From the start she knew about him yet she never showed fear as if she always had a thing on him but she didn’t. He appreciated her courage, the nerve to stay in front of him as a werewolf and even talk back to him. She was never innocent nor fragile but she is precious / exquisite. I think Hayley believes Klaus doesn’t have feelings for her so she can’t manipulate him and Klaus is very good at hiding them. 
“You tore my brothers apart. If they turn on each other, as the prophecy suggests, it’s because of you!” 
-So Rebekah suggests that Hayley holds power over Klaus too. But why is she the reason? does it have anything to do with the darkness that Josephine predicted? how could she turn them against each other? only if they both confess their love for her. As we saw in tvd that worked out in the end. I don’t want recycled stories but I’m trying to understand what could divide them now that Klaus has agreed to share Hope with her. Klaus won’t punish her again he just won’t and she’d be stupid to try and defy him again. So what‘s the reason for her being the divider of the two brothers?
 “ Rebekah: Dear, sweet Cami. You’re so afraid that you’ll ruin her, you keep her behind glass like some breakable object. She’s not precious. Nik, every woman that you and Elijah bring into our lives turns to poison. She’ll grow toxic, too.” “she’s not precious”- Klaus is making her precious,her human fragility is making her precious.
“she’ll grow toxic” -Rebekah’s prediction. 
Vampire Cami is not precious she doesn’t need that much protection anymore therefore her value drops in Klaus’s eyes. He will forever blame himself for “ruining” her for letting his guard down for a second. But the truth is human Cami has accomplished her purpose ; Klaus saved a life that was insignificant for him in order to keep her happy. Klaus Mikaelson saved a human for another human . Just yesterday humans were nothing more than walking blood banks for him. With that said I think her purpose is finished. Sure he will seek revenge but he’ll never have precious fragile Cami back that he CARED for. I won’t say love because with all due respect he forgot about her the moment Aurora came back. Now, if you’re in love with someone you don’t just jump back to an ex. Aurora was a love that consumed him. But she’s not relevant/ compatible with the new Klaus. It like an old toy that you used to love but when you find it again you realise it wasn’t all that great to begin with, but feeding the though that you lost it makes it have meaning and false value. 
 I think this is the reason he waited /hesitated so much with Cami because she was always there so easy to take. it’s like he kept her like a prey/treat that you know you can enjoy later and the longer you wait the more you think you want it. Just like Hayley preserves her “complicated feelings” for Elijah in hope that they grow and one day they’ll be together again but she can clearly see that she can live without him and as soon as she’ll have Elijah back he too will lose his value. This is lust. The anticipation is greater than the consummation of love.
 Wasn’t Hayley for Elijah the same precious thing (he lost) that Cami is for Klaus? they grew apart once she became a hybrid, the whole aura that she had while being pregnant vanished. It took him time to learn to love and accept the new violent Hayley, and only when she was reunited with Hope he saw that mother figure, savior of the family, in her again. I think Elijah loves that the most in her. he too seeks innocence and fragility, ( Tatia transforming in Hayley running in that pure white dress) when he saw her in her wedding dress she was just that..this pure unobtainable being . Now we saw her in the red dress (red- blood) maybe symbolising her loosing that title forever. 
Now in Cami’s case the blood that turned her is the one of a pshyco (Aurora) so that must mean her personality might be changed forever.  Rebekah is right all the women in her brothers life turned toxic all of them lost their innocence (or maybe never had it to begin with) . If Klaus loves fragility so much than why was he the only one enjoying the new Hayley? Look at all the women in his life none of them was a saint, i don’t think he truly fully enjoys that I think he wans excitement as much as Hayley but they don’t admit it  
Neither Hayley or Klaus is IN LOVE with anyone right now. They try to figure it out saying words like “complicated, care for, what matter to you matters to me, I chose you” BUT no one ever said one believable “I LOVE YOU!”.or “I’m in love with you” either the actors didn’t sell it well enough for me or it was on purpose to show uncertainty. I want acting like in 3x02. I want to believe every word they say. If Klayley is not meant to be at least sell me the other ships but do it good, with passion, I want to see it in their eyes that they meant it not just say it. Then and only then I will cheer for another ship but so far I haven’t seen any chemistry besides klayley. Klaus grew and changed more by having Hope and Hayley in his life than he did by meeting Cami. The love scene at the end was akward , you could see Joseph for the first time being uncomfortable. I don’t care what happens offset between them I just want to see a love story that consumes Klaus for some time not just short flings like Genevive, Aurora,etc.  
A love that consumes is not something that you have in your pocket , it’s not easily obtained but when you find it it’s all that you need. That would be klayley but I’m a klayley shipper so it’s bias. I wanted to analyze other couples and everytime the end result brings me to : Klayley is perfect.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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“ I fight to protect the people that I love. “
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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the originals ||  1.02 // 3.09
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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jaz-melin · 9 years
Klayley isn’t real?
Hayley just basically admitted she will always love Klaus, unconditionally and forever.
But haters want to tell me Klayley isn’t real?
When one half of your otp insinuates that they will always love them even when they hate them, even after they’ve ripped their world apart, hurt them, kept them from their child for months, treated them like crap, tortured them, tried to kill them, has abused them, tried to kill their loves ones  and done literally every horrible thing a person can do to someone to wipe any feelings they could have, but despite all they’ve done STILL LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY 
then you may talk and if your otp isn’t Klebekah you sure as fuck have no right to talk.
 Klaus won’t even admit or say he cares about Hayley and Hayley is already admitting she will always love Klaus no matter what? 
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Hayley Marshall is too good for this world. Klaus doesn’t treat her like special pure snowflake like he treats his infatuations but its ok...
I wonder if Klaus will ever realize the one who loves him no matter what is standing right there. 
Hayley wants Klaus to be better man, not for her or anyone but himself so he can find peace and so their family can be happy and more importantly their daughter won’t grow up the way they did. 
But even in his darkness, she loves him,
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when he’s kind to her
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she loves him
Even when he hurts the people she cares for
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She loves him
 Even when he’s cruel and treats her like she’s nothing 
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she loves him
Even when he continues to push her away
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she loves him
Even when he hurts her
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she loves him
 When he’s sad she cheers him up 
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because she loves him
Even when he’s being annoying
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she loves him
Even when he’s a jerk to her
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she loves him
Even when they fight
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She loves him
Even when she hates him with every fiber of her being
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she loves him
Even when he ripped her world apart and took all she had
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she loved him 
And she always will.
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 Klaus has done damn near every horrible thing imaginable to Hayley and she loves him despite it all.
Hayley Marshall is too good for this world, I love her more than anything. A lot of people want to claim their fave see��s the good in Klaus, but that’s so annoying to me, because he intentionally and deliberately shows them his good side. Why wouldn’t they see it? 
For me, you can only really say you see the good in someone when you’ve seen them at their worst, when they’ve given you no reason to see good in them, yet you still see it, and you love them anyway.
Hayley for me is the only one who fits that. All last episode did for me was confirm even more that Hayley is THE ONE for Klaus.
A girl who see’s good in and loves even the darkest of men, when Klaus has given her no reason to love him, she loves him.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
Idk if you're accepting requests but I saw this one and thought it'd be perfect for a klayley werewolf! drabble: "I know you’re trying to be scary, but when I scratch your ears, your tail starts wagging and gosh you’re the cutest monster"
A/N: This was the best prompt ever, werewolf Klayley is such a weakness of mine ;D  7/25 drabbles
She’s been tracking his scent through the bayou for the past hour when she reaches a clearing where his trail ends. A branch breaks behind her and she jumps, only to find him leaning on a tree and staring at her. Klaus is half naked, he is only wearing sweatpants, the rest of his clothes folded on a fallen tree in the middle of the clearing. At least now she knew why the trail had stopped there. There is something completely wild at seeing Niklaus Mikaelson barefoot in the forest, something that reminds her of those months in the mountains, training Tyler into breaking the sire bond. Something that calls to her soul, she watches his lean body, at home in the woods and all she wants is to pounce and chase and play.
Klaus lets out a chuckle and when she sees his mouth turn from a frown into a smug smile she is reminded of why she is here and what she has to do.
“Do you like what you see, Little Wolf?” He raises himself to his full height and walks past her to the center of the clearing, his heady scent surrounds her for an instant before being replaced by the comforting smell of the bayou.
Read the rest on FFnet
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jaz-melin · 9 years
I personally don’t think Klaus and Hayley can be friends. That would require actually letting each other in on some level and if that happens they’re falling in love.
Hayley in 1x02: “I don’t get you two. You say you hate him, but you still love him.”
Hayley in 3x09: “Oh, I will, but even when you hate him…”
I may not romantically ship Klayley anymore but HOLY SHIT.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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You said you would protect me. And I will.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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You know, when I left last, I thought for sure you’d hate Klaus forever.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
Okay, kids. Time for me to see if you can substitute a muffin for Cami in last night’s episode without losing much of the story. It’s a little trickier this time, but I will do my best. 
-We find out that since Aurora stole the muffin the last time, Klaus has been wary and keeping the muffin with him while still giving it space because carbs.
-The muffin lounges in the background of family scenes, lending a homey ambiance to what’s going on with the Mikaelsons.
-Detective Kinney is super sad and needs a muffin. Klaus gives him a pep talk, but keeps looking over his shoulder at that muffin, just begging to be eaten. 
-After said speech, that muffin is REALLY ready to be eaten.
-Rebekah tells Klaus to stop running from carbs and looks at the muffin. It’s okay Klaus, it’s Christmas. One won’t hurt.
-Klaus tells the muffin that everything he’s done, he’s done for it. 
-Klaus takes a bite of the muffin. LOL seriously, he like lunged at it. 
-Klaus rolls around in bed with the muffin, thinking about buttering it. 
-Klaus goes to sleep. 
-Klaus wakes up to crumbs all over his fingers. SOMEONE HAS EATEN HIS MUFFIN AND HE SLEPT THROUGH IT.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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( insp. )
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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jaz-melin · 9 years
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I don’t normally share my manips on tumblr because I tend to make them for rping purposes, but I figured I’d make an exception and share an icon sized one. So, yeah, feel free to use. You don’t need to credit me, but also don’t take credit for it.
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jaz-melin · 9 years
to the person who slit cami’s throat
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