jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Chunky Avocado Salsa
Chunky Avocado Salsa Recipe - Cookie and Kate
Source: https://cookieandkate.com/2018/chunky-avocado-salsa-recipe/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Photo Essay: Meals on Wheels Star Chefs and Vintners Gala 2018 (part 1)
The first of two photo essays for the San Francisco Meals on Wheels Star Chefs and Vintners Gala fundraiser of 2018.
I am always in awe of the annual San Francisco Meals on Wheels Star Chefs and Vintners’ Gala event. With over 200 volunteers for the event, this year’s gala raised 3.3 million dollars! That’s enough to feed 660,000 homebound seniors. As always, AJ and I were lucky to attend the event, take photos, meet the chefs, watch them prepare the food, and, of course, eat and drink until we couldn’t eat and drink any more. Here’s a sample of the food that we ate during the beginning of the event, during the appetizer section of the evening before we sat down for our meal. Check out my second photo essay to see images of the four-course meal, including the plated dessert, along with behind-the-scenes images of the chefs prepping the food!
Special thanks to Meals on Wheels San Francisco for providing tickets to the Star Chefs and Vintners’ Gala. I was not monetarily compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.
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Source: https://www.eatthelove.com/meals-on-wheels-gala-2018-pt1/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Spring Picnic Bread
Picnic season is finally upon us and we have been kicking it off with two new favorite things. The first one is a bike and the other is a bread.
We have been dreaming of a Danish cargo bike for years and years, and last month we finally splurged on this one. It’s the perfect vehicle for us because we can fit all three kids in it with seatbelts and all. It’s ideal to bring home heavy grocery bags with. And it’s environmentally friendly. All practicalities aside, it is also so much fun to ride around with and we are roaming from playground to picnic spots without a hitch. Just packing a few blankets, a big smoothie, a rhubarb compote and this beauty of a bread.
We created this recipe for all type of picnic situations. We wanted something spring-y and savory that tasted awesome and could manage a bumpy bike ride. It’s basically like a savory muffin that we bake in a sheet pan. It serves many, is easy to make, super moist and flavorful and you can make lots of variations on it (although I love the look of thinly shaved asparagus on top).
Needless to say, this is also ideal for a brunch or or other weekend gatherings.
Just like a foccacia, the bread acts as a base and you can play around with all kind of toppings. Here are a few variations: • Swap some of the potatoes in the bread with grated carrots, parsnip or swede. • A teaspoon of mustard in the batter adds some complexity to the flavor. • Any fresh herbs can be mixed into the batter. • Olives or capers could be good on top. Spinach could also be used instead of asparagus. • You can use a dairy free yogurt instead of buttermilk and leave out the feta cheese if you prefer it dairy free. • We haven’t tried a vegan version but replacing the eggs with chia eggs (1 egg = 1 tablespoons chia seed + 3 tablespoons water) has worked for us on similar recipes.
Asparagus & Potato Picnic Bread Serves 12
Dry Ingredients 100 g / 1 cup oat flour (or the same amount rolled oats, blitzed into flour in a food processor) 100 g / 3/4 cup rice flour (or buckwheat flour or spelt flour) 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp sea salt flakes
Wet Ingredients 3 free-range eggs 125 ml / 1/2 cup olive oil or coconut oil, at room temperature 125 ml / 1/2 cup cultured buttermilk (or yogurt or plant-based yogurt) 1-2 spring onions 3-4 potatoes (2 cups / 250 g grated) 1 handful fresh parsley, finely chopped 100 g feta cheese
Topping 3 raw asparagus 1/3 cup pumpkin seeds 2 tsp quality olive oil 2 tsp honey a handful chive
Preheat the oven to 180°C / 350°F bake mode and grease a 30 x 22 cm / 12 x 9 inch tray or line it with parchment paper.
Add all the dry ingredients to a large mixing bowl and stir until combined. Make a well in the centre and set aside while preparing the wet ingredients.
Whisk eggs in a separate bowl, then add oil and buttermilk. Finely chop the onion. Peel the potatoes, grate them coarsely and add them to the wet mixture along with the onion and parsley. Crumble in half of the feta cheese. Give it a good stir and then pour the wet mixture into the bowl with the flours. Use a wooden spoon or spatula to combine the batter and then pour it onto the tray.
Use a peeler to shave the asparagus into thin ribbons and spread them out over the batter. Crumble the remaining feta cheese on top. Combine pumpkin seeds, oil and honey and sprinkle them on top as well, along with the chive.
Bake for approximately 40 minutes or until golden and a skewer inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool slightly in the tin before transferring to a wire wrack to cool completely. Store the cake at room temperature in an airtight container and it will keep for a few days.
Great to bring on a picnic and serve with a tangy rhubarb compote or chutney.
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Source: http://www.greenkitchenstories.com/spring-picnic-bread/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
13 Little Ways To Have A Cleaner Home In Just One Minute
If you sat down and listed out everything in your house that needed to be cleaned, tidied, or organized, you would probably end up with a pretty long list! And reading over that list would feel discouraging to say the least, because it would seem like there’s simply not enough time in the day to complete all the tasks on that list!
But that list would also be somewhat misleading, because it wouldn’t reflect how much time each task would take you to do. And in reality, there are many, many cleaning tasks that don’t take much time at all, and at least a handful of those quick tasks only take about one minute to do! And to help prove my point, I’ll be sharing 13 of those one-minute cleaning tasks with you in today’s blog post!
This is not an exhaustive list of fast cleaning tasks by any means, but my hope is that it gets you thinking about how you use that spare minute or two you find throughout the day. Because devoting even one minute to cleaning something up not only makes a real difference, but it will also save you time and effort down the road! :-)
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1. Your Phone
With as frequently as you check your phone and set it down on different surfaces, it’s subjected to a LOT of germs and bacteria. (A distressingly large amount of bacteria, in fact.) So the next time you have a minute to spare, it’s a good idea to give your phone a good cleaning!
Start by turning off your phone, then remove it from its case (if you use one). Clean the sides and back of your phone with clean cloth and a bit of rubbing alcohol, and wipe down your phone case inside and out. Finally, polish your phone’s screen with a dry microfiber cloth. (If your screen needs a more thorough cleaning, learn how to make your own screen cleaning spray at the link below!)
Related: Make Your Own Screen Cleaner Spray For Pennies!
2. Make Your Bed
Smoothing out your sheets and blankets only takes a few seconds, but it makes such a huge difference! The simple act of making your bed can make the whole room look cleaner and tidier. Plus, I think it makes a big difference when you’re getting into bed too. (A bed with smooth sheets and blankets just looks so enticing, doesn’t it?
3. Your Fridge
Cleaning out your entire fridge will definitely take longer than one minute, but even a one-minute cleaning effort can help! If you have a minute to spare, take a look at the contents of your fridge and toss out anything old or expired. If something has spilled or splattered, dampen a paper towel with warm water and wipe it up. Even those two steps will make your fridge look much cleaner!
4. Makeup Brushes
Cleaning your makeup brushes is one of those tasks that seems like it’s going to take longer than it actually does. But even if you only have one minute to spare, you have plenty of time to clean one makeup brush! (Then the next time you have a spare minute, clean a different brush! You’ll work through your whole collection in no time.)
For details about the best way to wash your makeup brushes, check out the instructions that I provided in the blog post below.
Related: How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes (And How Often You Should Do It)
5. TV Remote
The next time you’re catching up on your favorite shows, take a minute to clean your TV remote! Add equal parts water and rubbing alcohol to a small dish, then dampen a soft cloth with the diluted alcohol mixture. Use the damp cloth to wipe down your remote (but be careful not to get it too wet.) If there’s gunk and grime between the buttons of you remote, use a cotton swab to clean it out.
6. Coffee Table
If your coffee table is anything like mine, then it is mainly a gathering place for empty cups, junk mail, and dust. But it only takes a minute to get it cleaned up! Clear away any dishes, toss out any trash, and wipe off any dust and grime. Much better!
7. Kitchen Sink Drain
No matter how clean the rest of your sink is, your sink’s drain is often a different story! It can get really gross after a while, and even start to smell. But you can clean it up in under a minute! Use an old toothbrush (or a small scrub brush) along with a few drops of dish soap, and give the rubber drain guard a good scrub inside and out.
And while you’re at it, you can clean up your garbage disposal by tossing in a few lemon and vinegar ice cubes! Learn all about how to make them and how they can keep your disposal clean at the link below.
Related: How To Naturally Clean And Sanitize Your Garbage Disposal
8. Light Switches
If you have a minute to spare, grab a disinfecting cleaning wipe (or spray a cloth with an all-purpose cleaner) and clean the nearest light switch. Take a quick lap around the house and hit all the other light switches along the way too.
9. Doorknobs
Another quick whole-home cleaning task you can in one minute is wiping down all your doorknobs! Doorknobs are notorious for harboring germs, so taking a minute to wipe them clean can go a long way toward keeping you and your family healthy (especially during cold and flu season!)
10. Entryway
Take a minute to tidy up your entryway. Hang up coats, hats, and bags, put discarded shoes where they belong, and sweep up any stray dirt or debris that has gotten tracked inside.
11. Laundry Baskets
I don’t know if this bothers anyone else, but I hate seeing the dust, hair, and other debris that tends to collect at the bottom of an empty laundry basket. But cleaning that debris out makes a great one-minute cleaning project! :-) Just dampen a cleaning rag and make your way around the house, wiping out the bottom of each basket.
12. Unload The Dishes
The worst part about seeing a sink full of dirty dishes is realizing that the dishwasher is still full of clean dishes. So if you have a minute to spare, go ahead and unload those clean dishes! It doesn’t take nearly as long as loading the dishwasher, and you’ll be thanking yourself later on when it’s time to load it up again!
13. Your Purse
If you have time for a one-minute cleaning project, why not clear some of the clutter out of your purse? Toss out any trash and anything you don’t need, and put things back in an organized manner. (And if you need some help keeping your purse organized, check out the great purse organizers listed at the link below!)
Related: This One Simple Thing Makes Switching Purses Fast And Easy
What would you clean or tidy up if you only had one minute to do it?
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Source: https://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/13-things-you-can-clean-in-one-minute/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup
posted by Kalyn Denny on March 4, 2019
Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup is served with low-carb tortilla strips made in the air-fryer (or the oven), but skip the tortillas completely if you prefer. Use Soup Recipes to see more low-carb soups.
Click here to PIN Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup!
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I’ve always been a fan of Chicken Tortilla Soup, so recently I decided to try making a Low-Carb Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup that would would still have a good flavor and texture without using high-carb ingredients like beans, corn, or rice that are often found in this type of soup. And when we were testing, we came up with the idea to use my favorite low-carb tortillas to make the tortilla strips part of this much-beloved soup. And this soup was a winner!
Of course, you can find variations of Chicken Tortilla Soup all over the web. But the favorite ingredients I use to add flavor to the soup are what I think makes my version of Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup especially good. I started by adding chopped Poblano Chile Peppers that get cooked with the onions to build flavor. (Your grocery store may call them Pasilla Chile Peppers if you’re in the U.S.; this is a relatively mild chile pepper with good flavor.) Of course I added seasonings like garlic and ground cumin to the soup, but I also included my favorite Green Tabasco Sauce and a good handful of chopped cilantro added before the soup cooks under pressure. And when the soup was done we stirred in a generous amount of fresh-squeezed lime juice, more Green Tabasco sauce, and more chopped cilantro for a final punch of flavor.
While the soup cooked in the Instant Pot we cut Whole Wheat Fajita size Mission Carb Balance Tortillas into short strips, misted them with olive oil, and seasoned with a little salt, and cooked them in the Air Fryer until they were golden brown. (They don’t take long, watch them carefully!) You can cook the tortilla strips in the oven too if you don’t have an air fryer.
And if you’re like me you’ll definitely want to eat your soup with some grated Mexican Blend Cheese, a dollop of sour cream, and a squeeze of lime juice to add at the table. Enjoy!
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Chop up a medium onion and a large Poblano (Pasilla) Chile Pepper. Heat olive oil in the Instant Pot on SAUTE, MEDIUM HEAT, and cook until the chopped onion and chiles are starting to get soft and barely getting some color. Then add the minced garlic, ground cumin, salt, and half of the chopped cilantro and cook that for a couple of minutes. (Oops, didn’t take a photo of that.) While those ingredients are cooking, trim the chicken breasts if needed and cut each one into 3 or 4 thin strips. Drain tomatoes into a colander placed in the sink. When veggies and seasonings are done, add chicken breasts, chicken stock, drained petite dice tomatoes, and some Green Tabasco Sauce to the Instant Pot.
Lock the lid and set the Instant Pot to MANUAL, HIGH PRESSURE, 10 MINUTES. When the time is up, allow the pressure to release naturally. When it is released, use a slotted spoon to scoop out the chicken strips and shred chicken into chunks with a fork. Add chicken back to the Instant Pot. Taste to see if you want to add a little more salt and more Green Tabasco Sauce. Add the fresh-squeezed lime juice and the rest of the chopped cilantro to the pot.
While the soup cooks, cut Whole Wheat Fajita size Mission Carb Balance Tortillas (or low-carb tortillas of your choice) into short strips. Set Air Fryer to 350F. (My Cuisinart Convection Air Fryer Toaster Oven doesn’t have to be pre-heated, but preheat if your Air Fryer needs it.) Arrange the tortilla strips in a single layer in the Air Fryer basket, mist with olive oil, and season with a little salt. Cook tortilla strips 2 minutes, then shake the basket and cook a bit longer until they’re nicely browned. We cooked ours a total of four minutes, but I’d start to watch them after about 3 minutes. Here is How to Make Baked Tortilla Chips if you don’t have an Air Fryer.
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More Mexican Recipes in the Instant Pot:
The BEST Instant Pot Mexican Food Recipes ~ Slow Cooker or Pressure Cooker Instant Pot Chicken Fajitas ~ Crunchy Creamy Sweet Instant Pot Low-Carb Southwestern Pot Roast ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Instant Pot Steak Fajitas ~ A Mind “Full” Mom Instant Pot Salsa Chicken with Lime and Melted Mozzarella ~ Kalyn’s Kitchen Pressure Cooker Cafe Rio Sweet Pork Tostadas ~ Pressure Cooking Today 20 Amazing Recipes for Slow Cooker or Instant Pot Mexican Shredded Beef, Chicken, or Pork ~ Slow Cooker or Pressure Cooker
Love Your Instant Pot?
I use a 6 Quart Instant Pot for all my Instant Pot Recipes. Check out my growing collection of Pressure Cooker or Instant Pot Recipes! You can find more Pressure Cooker/Slow Cooker Recipes on my other site!
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Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup
Yield: 6 servings
Total Time: 25 minutes, plus additional time to come to pressure and release pressure
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes, plus additional time to come to pressure and release pressure
This Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup is garnished with low-carb tortilla strips made in the Air Fryer, but skip the tortillas if you prefer!
Soup Ingredients:
1 medium onion, chopped small
1 large Poblano Chile Pepper, chopped small (Sometimes these are called Pasilla Chile Peppers in the U.S.)
1 T olive oil
2 tsp. minced garlic (garlic from a jar is fine for this)
1 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 cup + 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro (or more if you’re a cilantro fan like I am!)
4 – 5 cups chicken stock or canned chicken broth (Use the larger amount if you prefer a more brothy soup.)
3 large or 4 small boneless, skinless chicken breasts
2 tsp. Green Tabasco sauce, plus more to add when you taste the soup if desired
1 can (14.5 oz) petite dice tomatoes, drained in a colander in the sink
2 T lime juice, or more (see note)
Tortilla Strips:
4 low-carb tortillas of your choice
olive oil for misting or brushing on tortillas
salt to taste
Other Optional Condiments For Serving:
grated Mexican blend cheese
sour cream
lime wedges to squeeze into the soup
more Green Tabasco Sauce to add at the table
Chop the onion and Poblano (Pasilla) Chile Pepper into small pieces.
Heat olive oil in the Instant Pot on SAUTE, MEDIUM HEAT, and cook until the onion and chile are starting to get soft and barely getting some color, about 4-5 minutes.
While those ingredients cook, prepare minced garlic (or measure minced garlic from a jar) and chop the cilantro. Trim the chicken breasts to remove any unwanted parts and cut each one into 3 or 4 strips. Drain tomatoes into a colander placed in the sink.
When the onions and peppers are done add the minced garlic, ground cumin, salt, and half of the chopped cilantro and cook that for a couple of minutes.
When veggies and seasonings are done, add chicken breasts, chicken stock, drained petite dice tomatoes, and 2 tsp. Green Tabasco Sauce to the Instant Pot.
Lock the lid and set the Instant Pot to MANUAL, HIGH PRESSURE, 10 MINUTES. When the time is up, allow the pressure to release naturally.
When pressure has released, use a slotted spoon to scoop out the chicken strips and pull chicken apart into chunks with a fork. Add chicken back to the Instant Pot.
Taste the soup to see if you want to add a little more salt and/or more Green Tabasco Sauce. Add the fresh-squeezed lime juice and the rest of the chopped cilantro to the soup and let it keep warm in the Instant Pot.
While the soup cooks, cut Whole Wheat Fajita size Mission Carb Balance Tortillas (or low-carb tortillas of your choice) into short strips. Set Air Fryer to 350F. (My Cuisinart Convection Air Fryer Toaster Oven doesn’t have to be pre-heated, but preheat if your Air Fryer does.)
Arrange the tortilla strips in a single layer in the Air Fryer basket, mist with olive oil, and season with a little salt. Cook tortilla strips 2 minutes, then shake the basket and cook a bit longer until they’re nicely browned. We cooked ours a total of four minutes, but I’d start to watch them after about 3 minutes. Here is How to Make Baked Tortilla Chips if you don’t have an Air Fryer.
Serve soup hot with tortilla strips, grated Mexican Blend Cheese, sour cream, lime wedges, and more Green Tabasco Sauce to add at the table as desired.
I used my fresh-frozen lime juice for this soup, but I wouldn’t use bottled lime juice.
I tested this recipe with help from Jake and Kara and our experiments were inspired by tortilla soup recipes we spotted around the web as well as the Chicken Tortilla Soup in The Keto Instant Pot Cookbook.
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Low-Carb Diet / Low-Glycemic Diet / South Beach Diet Suggestions: Instant Pot Low-Carb Chicken Tortilla Soup is a good side dish for any low-glycemic diet or most low-carb diets, including phase two or three of the South Beach Diet. It’s lower in carbs if you skip the tortilla strips of course, but they don’t add many carbs and give a nice added texture to the soup.
Find More Recipes Like This One: Use the Diet Type Index to find recipes suitable for a specific eating plan. You can also Follow Kalyn’s Kitchen on Pinterest to see all the good recipes I’m sharing there.
Nutritional Information? If you want nutritional information for a recipe, you can sign up for a free membership with Yummly and use the Yum button on my site to save the recipe and see the nutritional information. (New recipes won’t show up in Yummly right away and information there is not always 100% accurate.) Another option is entering the recipe into this Recipe Nutrition Analyzer, which will calculate it for you.
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Categories: Air Fryer, Easy to Cook, Favorites, Kid Friendly, Pressure Cooker, Quick, Recipes, Soups Ingredients: Chicken, Fresh Herbs, Peppers, Tomatoes, Tortillas
posted by Kalyn Denny on March 4, 2019
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Source: https://kalynskitchen.com/instant-pot-low-carb-chicken-tortilla-soup/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Vegan Des Moines: Options in Iowa’s capital
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Vegan Des Moines round-up including Brightside Kitchen, Zombie Burger, Ice Cream El Michoacano, Open Sesame, and vegan donuts at Whole Foods.
In recent years Des Moines has really stepped up its game where vegans are concerned!
It used to be that when I was visiting my hometown, it was a strain finding exciting vegan-friendly options. But nowadays, the choices are plentiful and growing.
Today I’m highlighting some of the vegan Des Moines options at restaurants, food trucks, and grocery stores.
Brightside Kitchen
Brightside Kitchen is a vegan establishment owned by Deanne & Steve Bryce. It’s tucked away inside of Mercy’s Health & Fitness Center in Clive, Iowa.
They serve plant-based fare for breakfasts & lunches throughout the week. You can check them out Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 am and 2 pm. They also serve brunch on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm.
The eatery focuses on whole foods, plant-based cuisine. Order at the counter and then you can eat it at one of the handful of tables or take it to go.
They offer smoothies, soup, salads, wraps, sandwiches, and a bowl of the day that changes throughout the week.
On one visit, I ordered the special – a Mexican-inspired bowl. It was made with seasoned lentils, roasted vegetables, and a fresh green salad.
It was popping with flavor and incredibly fresh. There was enough left over for lunch the next day.
(I enjoyed it so much, I made my own vegan burrito bowl inspired by it when I got home!)
I also had one of their signature BBQ sporc sandwiches at an Iowa Farm Sanctuary event. It’s pictured at the top of this post.
In addition to making some delicious lunches & brunches, Brightside Kitchen offers vegan cooking classes & catering.
Zombie Burger
Zombie Burger is a Des Moines favorite amongst vegans & non-vegans alike.
They have locations in the East Village of downtown Des Moines, as well as locations in Jordan Creek, and the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville.
(You can read about the Coralville location in my vegan Iowa City post.)
One note about the East Village location – it does get busy. So if you’re going during a popular mealtime, prepare for a wait.
My favorite thing to order is the Undead Glenn, which is the Beyond Burger topped with shredded lettuce, pickles, and vegan zombie sauce. (My husband orders this one with a double patty, like a vegan Big Mac.)
The zombie sauce is similar to a spicy Thousand Island dressing with sriracha instead of ketchup.
I’ve also heard high marks for the Lucile, which is the Beyond Burger topped with caramelized onions, lettuce, tomatoes, red onion, guacamole, and vegan chipotle mayo.
Zombie Burger really gets the Beyond Burger preparation right – crispy around the edges and meaty on the inside. Plus, the bun is nice and fresh. The downtown location also offers vegan cheese for an extra charge.
Order the burgers with a side of regular or sweet potato fries. Just make sure to get them without any non-vegan dressing.
Ice Cream El Michoacano
Ice Cream El Michoacano is a casual, order-at-the-counter restaurant on Merle Hay Road. There are tables for dining in at the restaurant. Or food can be made to go.
It’s a non-vegan restaurant. However, everything at Ice Cream El Michoacano can be made vegan. That includes flautas, sopes, empanadas, burritos, tacos, and velvety refried beans.
They have soy-based vegan meat, as well as vegan cheese that I’ve heard is Follow Your Heart.
You can ask at the counter for a vegan menu, or look on their website. 
Vegan sopes are made with a layer of masa dough that’s been fried into a cup. It’s crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. They are topped with a soy-based meat, beans, lettuce, and vegan cheese.
A super delicious & decadent option!
Vegan flautas are filled with mild potatoes. The fried tortillas are topped with non-dairy cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and avocado. They are served with a fried jalapeño on the side. 
Vegan refried beans are topped with non-dairy cheese and guacamole.
They said that typically they serve a thin avocado sauce as their guacamole. But if you want a chunky guacamole, just ask for the thick style.
The guacamole has lots of bright lime flavors and tastes very fresh. The refried beans are beautifully smooth.
Of course, you can also get tacos. They offer a variety of sauces & styles. My husband is especially a fan of their pineapple salsa. 
Since “ice cream” is in the name, you may be wondering if they have vegan ice cream as well. It’s my understanding that they offer mango chile & lime non-dairy flavors. Although, I haven’t spent a lot of time exploring the ice cream case.
Vegan donuts at West Des Moines Whole Foods
Vegan donuts are a unicorn in Iowa – nearly impossible to come by. While other nearby states like Nebraska, Illinois, and Minnesota have vegan donuts fairly readily available, Iowa isn’t so lucky.
(Although, there is a donut shop in Cedar Falls & Waterloo that has rotating vegan options. I haven’t made it there yet to try them!)
But before you get in the car and start driving for hours to cure your donut cravings, visit Whole Foods in West Des Moines instead.
They are now selling vegan donuts in their bakery. You can buy them individually. Or they sell them in packages of six for $10.99.
FYI: These are not yeast-raised donuts. You won’t find a puffy glazed donut or cream filled vegan long john here. They are cake donuts. I’m typically not a cake donut fan. But for cake donuts, these are quite good & very fresh.
While you are at Whole Foods, pick up desserts from Chicago Diner in their bakery case, Beyond Meat sausages, and Miyoko’s cheese.
Open Sesame
Open Sesame Lebanese café is a located in the Des Moines East Village. It’s a small space, but decorated in such a way that feels like a special, hidden gem.
The vegan options are not marked on the menu. However, when we were there, the staff had no problem pointing us to vegan dishes and/or telling us how to modify non-vegan offerings.
I had the vegetarian sampler plate with hummus, baba ganoush, falafel, tabouli, and dolmas. It is vegan by default.
Everything was excellent, even the tabouli, which I don’t typically like. (I’m not a big parsley fan.) However, the tabouli had a perfect hit of lemon to balance the bitterness of the parsley.
They’re open for lunch Tuesday through Saturday from 11-2, and for dinner from 5:30-9. They are closed Sunday & Monday.
Gusto Pizza Company
Gusto Pizza Company is a non-vegan pizza shop with lots of vegan topping options.
They have four locations – one on Ingersoll Avenue, two in West Des Moines, and one in Johnston. But I’ve only personally visited the Ingersoll location.
Gusto is a great place to go with a group, because there are plenty of long tables. And the menu is huge – meaning everyone can get exactly what they want.
Gusto uses Daiya cutting board shreds for their vegan pizzas. Regular Daiya isn’t my favorite. So I was really impressed by the big improvement of the mozzarella cutting board shreds on their dairy-free pies.
Their vegan topping options include: roma tomatoes, cremini mushrooms, kalamata olives, a variety of peppers, onions (red, green & yellow), Giardiniera relish, green olive relish, diced apples, capers, pineapple, black bean corn salsa, butternut squash, and artichokes.
5 Borough Bagels
One of my favorite low cost things to do whenever I’m visiting New York City is to walk into almost any random bagel shop and get a vegan bagel.
In places like Iowa, vegan bagel toppings are usually limited to peanut butter or hummus. But in New York City, non-dairy bagel spreads abound with fillings like olives and mixed vegetables in their vegan cream cheese.
When I’m in the city, I’ll pick up a toasted bagel, filled to the max, and walk to Central Park to sit on a rock and tuck into breakfast.
Now that experience can be repeated at 5 Borough Bagels in Clive. (Sorry. Central Park not included.)
When owners, Sarah & Toney Chem, moved to Iowa from NYC, they decided to take a doughy piece of the Big Apple with them.
They have two vegan filling offerings – spinach artichoke and cinnamon walnut. Both fillings are tofu-based and taste homemade.
The spinach artichoke spread reminds me of Kristy’s tofu chèvre with a definite taste of tofu and highlights of spinach and artichoke. The cinnamon walnut has big chunks of walnuts and some sweetness to make it more of a dessert-style filling.
They don’t skimp on the spread, which I appreciate. It pushes the bagel into meal category. They can be topped with additional vegetable slices as well.
Toney suggested adding cucumber, tomato, and spinach to my spinach & artichoke spread on an everything bagel. You know how I love a good bagel sandwich. This was perfection.
David opted for the cinnamon walnut spread on a sesame seed bagel, which he also enjoyed. The bagels were fresh and chewy, just like you want.
With the exception of the chocolate chip bagels and cheese bagels, the rest of the bagel options are vegan.
Toney checked with their bagel baker, and she confirmed that the seeded bagels do not include an egg wash. The seeds are applied right after the bagels are boiled.
They also have three types of non-dairy milk available for coffee drinks. Soy, almond, and coconut milk are on the menu. My husband ordered a black coffee, and I went with a soy latte. Both were full-bodied and delicious.
Des Moines Farmers Market
The downtown farmers market runs from the first Saturday in May through the last Saturday in October.
It has a festive, fair-like atmosphere with food vendors, locally grown produce, live music, arts and crafts. It’s a great place to meet up with friends and enjoy the summer vibes.
Grab a smoothie, juice, or raw tacos at the Fresh Café & Market tent at the corner of 3rd & Court Avenue.
Malo is a Latin restaurant in downtown Des Moines with a nice outdoor patio and a few menu items that are vegan upon request – including a portobello taco & crispy onion and avocado taco. 
The onion & avocado taco is vegan by default. It comes with fresh avocado, chipotle crema made with cashews, pico de gallo, and crispy onions like you might find on green beans at Thanksgiving.
The Portobello taco is vegan by request. (Just ask them to leave off the queso fresco.) It’s topped with guacamole and salsa roja. The Portobello mushrooms are marinated in a spicy chili sauce.
All of the tacos can be served on corn or flour tortillas.
I was prepared to have the avocado tacos be my far and away favorite, but the Portobello mushroom tacos came in for a surprising win. They had a good spicy kick to them and a well-rounded flavor.
Cool Basil
For more of a sit-down restaurant vibe, Cool Basil in Clive is a great option.
While this Thai restaurant isn’t entirely vegan, they’re happy to prepare dishes without fish sauce, oyster sauce, and eggs when possible. You just have to ask.
Plus, when you get your receipt at the end of the meal, the words “no fish sauce, no oyster sauce” are printed right on it.  That gives some assurance that the message got through to the back of the house.
They don’t offer seitan.  However, tofu is available or they can replace meat with extra vegetables.
I like to get something different every time I go, as there are plenty of vegan-izable options to go around to vary your order.
Fong’s Pizza
Fong’s Pizza has a few locations – downtown Des Moines, Drake area, Ankeny, and Cedar Rapids. It is a quirky, divey restaurant, specializing in unusual pizzas.
They have one listed vegan pizza on the menu, or you have the option of building your own.  The white crust is vegan, but the whole wheat isn’t since it contains honey.
They offer Daiya for vegan cheese. Or you can go cheeseless, as is my preference. For the base, you can go with marinara or olive oil.
When we were there, we ordered one half and half pizza. Mushrooms, tomatoes, bell pepper, and onions on one side. On the other, sauerkraut and potatoes.
The potatoes taste like they are simply blanched and sliced, as opposed to being browned on the stove or seasoned in any way. The pizza was pretty bland.
But if you happen to be in Des Moines, the atmosphere is fun. And they have late hours, which is nice.
Another pizza option in downtown Des Moines is Blaze Pizza. They also have vegan cheese on the menu, and they cook them in a brick oven. Although it is a fast food-style pizza experience, I actually prefer the flavor of Blaze Pizza over Fong’s. Read all about Blaze Pizza in this post on vegan fast food.
For a sit-down option, Centro in downtown Des Moines has some vegan options.
Tofu gnocchi is on both the dinner and weekend brunch menus. The dish includes lots of vegetables in a coating of garlicky olive oil.
When I had this dish, I found it to be inoffensive but dull. It reminded me of something you might get a hotel restaurant, where they’re feeding a lot of guests from around the globe and don’t want to be too daring with flavor.
Although I almost never use one in a restaurant, I was glad there was a salt shaker on the table to add something. I’ve heard that asking for marinara sauce instead makes for a more tempting dish.
Centro has pizzas on offer, which can be ordered without cheese. David went that route and ordered a tomato, basil, and mushroom pizza. He also got a small salad on the side.
He liked the wood-fired flavor of the crust, but didn’t think it would be a pizza he’d go out of his way to get again.
Centro offers brunch on the weekend. And it’s one of the few places in town that has a tofu scramble. It’s served with potatoes & fruit.
Des Fresh Foods
Des Fresh Foods is a vegan food truck in Des Moines.
The menu & location changes, of course, but has included things like a chick sandwich, mac and cheese bites, summer squash tacos, street corn, and lotus cookie.
I recommend going early, as when I went it was near the end of the night. And they were running out of food.
Check out their Instagram or Facebook page to see where they are and what’s on offer.
Other vegan Des Moines resources & news:
Veg Life Des Moines
VegLife Des Moines is an awesome non-profit that hosts vegan meet-ups & potlucks, restaurant tours, and a yearly Vegan Fest.
Connect with them on their website or Facebook page to keep up with the events they are organizing throughout the year.
Dirt Burger
A new vegetarian restaurant, Dirt Burger, is slated to open on June 14, 2019 in the East Village. I’ll add details once I’ve had a chance to visit!
Originally posted June 2014. Content updated June 2019.
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/vegan-des-moines-iowa/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Western Baked Omelet
Simple Western Baked Omelet - Foodie with Family↑ Copyright 2008-2018 Rebecca Lindamood. Foodie with Family is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.
Source: https://www.foodiewithfamily.com/western-baked-omelet/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Barbecue side dishes + Herbivorous Butcher grill pack
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Today’s post covers everything you need for a successful grilling season. Just add charcoal! With the Herbivorous Butcher summer grill pack + recipes for barbecue side dishes, cookout season is off to an enticing start.
Thank you to Herbivorous Butcher for sponsoring today’s post! The contents, photos, and opinions expressed are fully my own.
We are sliding into the season of potlucks, picnics, and cookouts. It’s time to make sure everything is working on that barbecue grill, so that nothing stands in the way of three-day weekends with vegan ribs, seitan steaks, and brats…
And of course, some barbecue side dishes to round out the meal.
Remember those sad, gray days when the vegan grill option was a Portobello mushroom cap? Can we all have a moment of silence for that please? Because now, there’s just no reason for an “after-thought” option like that.
Just in time for warm weather barbecues, I partnered up again with the Herbivorous Butcher. Herbivorous Butcher is based out of Minneapolis. They make a wide array of 100% vegan meats & cheeses.
You may remember that back in the early winter, I shared their Valentine’s Day pack, as well as a recipe for vegan risotto. (The risotto can also be repurposed into vegan arancini!)
Now I’m excited to share their grill pack, as well as offer up a list of vegan cookout side dishes to serve alongside them. (Get all of the ordering details at the bottom of this post!)
Whet your appetite with this Herbivorous Butcher grill pack video:
In the video:
Smoked mango & habanero ribs with potato salad & collard greens
Ribeye steak with baked potato & red wine mushrooms
Jalapeño cheddar brats with coleslaw
Beer brats with sauerkraut & easy spinach salad
Mango & habanero ribs
Nothing says summer grilling season like sticky sweet ribs! These mango and habanero ribs have a balance of sweetness & spice. They get a wonderful crust on the outside, delicious to crack through on the way to the dense interior.
Save the fork for your side dishes, and grab on with both hands.
Serve the mango & habanero ribs with any of these summer side dishes:
Ribeye steak
Take your cookout to the next level with ribeye steak.
What I love about Herbivorous Butcher vegan meats in general but especially their steak, is that you don’t have to worry about overcooking. The steak is thickly cut, which means you can put it on a super hot grill and get some char on the outside without worrying the inside will get too dry.
The grill pack comes with one steak, but you can definitely cut it down to feed a group. We get four meals out of one steak.
Serve the ribeye steak with any of these barbecue side dishes:
Beer brats
If you love the hoppy flavor of a cold brew, you are going to adore these beer brats. The boozy flavor can totally stand up to a slathering of stoneground mustard and generous helping of sauerkraut.
Serve the beer brats with any of these veggie side dishes:
Jalapeño cheddar brats
The jalapeño cheddar brats have the flavor of jalapeño, but without being overly spicy hot. What really stands out is that buttery cheddar flavor. It gets a bit of creamy gooey-ness around the edges.
Serve the jalapeño cheddar brats with these cookout side dishes:
What’s included in the grill pack & how to order
The grill pack includes:
Beer Brats (13 ounces/4 links)
Jalapeño Cheddar Brats (13 ounces/4 links)
Ribeye Steak (14 ounces)
Smoked Mango & Habanero Ribs (12 ounces)
The Herbivorous Butcher grill pack is $85, and that includes shipping. Herbivorous Butcher ships to all 50 states and Puerto Rico.
The grill pack goes on sale May 6th. At that time, you can place your order at theherbivorousbutcher.com. The first shipping date is May 20th (for orders that are placed between May 6 to 12).
The grill pack will be on sale through the fall!
This is a sponsored post with a brand that I use in my own home. Posts like these help me keep fresh recipes coming your way!
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/barbecue-side-dishes/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
WEEKLY MENU PLAN (#200) – A delicious collection of dinner, side dish and dessert recipes to help you plan your weekly menu and make life easier for you!
In these menu plans, we will be sharing some of our favorite recipe ideas for you to use as you are planning out your meals for the week. Just click any of the recipe titles or pictures to get the recipe.
A little about how we plan our week and our menu plan:
Mondays are soup and salad. Tuesdays we are bringing you delicious Mexican cuisine. Wednesdays are a taste of Italy. Thursdays are designed around yummy sandwiches, burgers, and wraps. Fridays are a no cook day around here. Going out with friends and loved ones is something that we think is important. It’s your night off from cooking- enjoy! Saturdays are an exotic food night, it’s a great night to try something new, from cooking with seafood, to trying Indian or Thai dishes. Sundays are a traditional old fashioned all American family dinner- think meat and potatoes. 🙂
There will also always be a couple of delectable desserts to use any day you wish. A new weekly menu plan will be posted every SUNDAY morning so be sure to check back each week!
WEEK #200
Source: https://diethood.com/weekly-menu-plan-200/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Roasted feta and quinoa bowls
I adore feta cheese – it’s salty, it’s tangy, and it adds a creamy freshness to anything you crumble it over. But that’s where my relationship with feta usually ends – crumbling. I rarely use it in any other way. But not today! This time I thought I’d try something a bit different, and I made roasted feta! I served it over these simple but tasty quinoa bowls, with roasted veggies and an easy pesto dressing. A beautiful, healthy Mediterranean-inspired dinner.
Healthy dinner bowls
A so-called ‘dinner bowl’ is one of my favourite ways to make a healthy dinner. Here’s my general formula:
– start with some kind of carby base – quinoa, rice, couscous, that kind of thing. Sometimes I’ll use roast potatoes, or even mash, if I want a particularly comfort-foody dinner bowl.
– then think about your protein – it can be anything you like. Mix it right through – beans or lentils, tofu, edamame, a meat substitute, nuts, grated cheese – or top your bowls with a ‘feature’ like a fried egg, or this roasted feta.
– next, the all important veggies! I usually just use whatever needs using up in the fridge – or, you can think along a specific theme (Mediterranean veg, that kind of thing).
– and finally, some kind of sauce or dressing. This time I used an easy homemade pesto to stick with the Mediterranean theme, but just choose whatever you think will go best with your ingredients. An Asian-style soy dressing, spicy hot sauce, even a drizzle of vegetarian gravy!
This formula never fails to make a balanced dinner with plenty of yummy bits – just serve it all in a bowl, and dig in.
Make life easy!
I am lazy. Boiling rice, roasting veg, frying tofu… that’s too much prep for me (and too much washing up!). So I always try to make my dinner bowls as straightforward as I can by using the same cooking method for each ingredient.
So if I’m frying my veg in a pan, I’ll throw in some tofu to cook in the same pan. If I’m boiling some broccoli or rice, I’ll also add some edamame to cook right there with it.
And since I was roasting the veggies for these quinoa bowls, it made sense to make roasted feta too!
Roasted feta cheese
To make this roasted feta, all you need to do is cut the cheese into slabs and pop it right on top of your part-roasted veggies, then return it to the oven for another 20 minutes or so.
Roasted cheese might sound a little unusual, but let me tell you – roasted feta is amazing! It keeps its shape when it cooks, but becomes somehow a little softer and a little firmer at the same time (?! I can’t decide. Just make it). The edges crisp up beautifully, and the tangy flavour mellows a little, making a really nice feature for these quinoa bowls.
Pop it on top of the roasted vegetable quinoa, with plenty of the fresh homemade pesto, and dinner is served! Roasted feta and quinoa bowls – ready!
Roasted feta and quinoa bowls
An easy, healthy vegetarian dinner bowl - roasted vegetable quinoa with a fresh homemade pesto, and roasted feta cheese! Crispy around the edges, soft and salty in the middle. Just beautiful.
Recipe Type: Main meals
Cuisine: Italian, Mediterranean
Keyword: dinner bowl, healthy dinner bowl, quinoa bowl, roasted feta, vegetarian dinner bowl
Servings: 2 bowls
Calories: 560 kcal
Author: Becca @ Amuse Your Bouche
1 bell pepper, diced (I used yellow)
1 red onion, sliced or diced
~ 6 medium mushrooms, diced
1 tbsp oil
~ 6 cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters
100 g (~ 3 1/2 oz) feta cheese, cut into two slabs
125 g (~ 1/2 cup) quinoa
1 small clove garlic, peeled
1 tbsp pine nuts
Small handful fresh basil
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Black pepper
Toss the pepper, onion and mushrooms in a dash of oil, and lay in a single layer on a baking tray. Roast at 190°C (Gas Mark 5 / 375°F) for around 15 minutes, until slightly softened. Stir the vegetables, then add the cherry tomatoes. Top with the slabs of feta cheese, and return to the oven for a further 20 minutes or so. The feta should be slightly browned around the edges.
While the vegetables are roasting, boil the quinoa in plenty of water until it is soft and the spiral-shaped germ has detached - around 15-20 minutes. Drain, and set aside.
To make the homemade pesto dressing, add the garlic, pine nuts, basil and extra virgin olive oil to a mini food processor, and blitz thoroughly. Season generously with salt and pepper.
Remove the roasted feta from on top of the veggies, and add the roasted veg to the cooked quinoa, along with the pesto. Mix thoroughly. Serve topped with the roasted feta.
Nutrition Facts
Roasted feta and quinoa bowls
Amount Per Serving (1 bowl)
Calories 560 Calories from Fat 337
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 37.4g 58%
Saturated Fat 10.9g 55%
Cholesterol 45mg 15%
Sodium 649mg 27%
Potassium 678mg 19%
Total Carbohydrates 43.4g 14%
Dietary Fiber 6.1g 24%
Sugars 9.4g
Protein 17.2g 34%
Calcium 23%
Iron 27%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
Note: Nutritional information is approximate, and will depend on exactly what ingredients you choose. Information above is for 1/2 of the recipe (one bowlful).
Here’s another healthy vegetarian dinner bowl – my vegan burrito bowls, with quinoa and roasted chickpeas:
Source: https://www.amuse-your-bouche.com/roasted-feta-quinoa-bowls/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Easy Baked Salsa Chicken
Perfectly tender and juicy Salsa Chicken baked on a bed of fresh tomato salsa and topped with melted cheese. A low carb, Keto-friendly, scrumptious, and cheesy chicken dinner LOADED with flavor. 
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts stay juicy baked in this beautiful Homemade Restaurant Style Salsa, getting all the flavors from tomatoes, onions, jalapenos, and garlic.
Incredibly simple and SO easy to make, this Baked Salsa Chicken is always the perfect recipe for when you’re short on time, but still want a delicious, homemade dinner. 
This easy recipe needs just a few ingredients and it’s a snap to prepare.
If time allows, start with making your own Salsa. BUT, if you want to use store-bought, that’s cool, too. Just choose your favorite chunky salsa. 
Preheat oven to 375˚F.
Warm some olive oil in a skillet.
Season chicken breasts with a mixture of seasonings, herbs, salt, and pepper; transfer chicken to skillet and cook for 2 minutes per side, or until just browned. For the seasonings; you can also use store-bought taco seasoning mix. 
Cover the bottom of a baking dish with salsa. Arrange chicken on top and add more salsa over each chicken breast.
Bake for 30 minutes, or until chicken is done.
Add shredded cheese on top and bake for 4 more minutes, or until cheese is melted.
Let stand 5 minutes, then serve.
I like to serve it with just a big leafy green salad for when we’re counting carbs, but if not, Fiesta Rice is the way to go. It’s SO GOOD! Just as well, I can’t forget this Coconut Lime Cauliflower Rice – it always hits the spot. 
Also, you can shred the cooked chicken breasts, mix everything together, and store in the fridge for up to 4 days. Shredded chicken is great for using in tacos, burritos, and on top of salads.
Baked Salsa Chicken
Perfectly tender and juicy Salsa Chicken baked on a bed of fresh tomato salsa and topped with melted cheese.
Course: Dinner
Cuisine: American, American/Southwest, Mexican
Keyword: baked chicken, baked chicken breasts, chicken breast dinner, healthy chicken, keto chicken recipes, keto dinner idea, low carb recipe, mexican food, salsa chicken
Servings: 4 serves
Calories: 308 kcal
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, pounded to an even thickness
1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 tablespoon chili powder, or to taste
1/2 teaspoon paprika, or to taste
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
1-1/2 cups Chunky Salsa <-- click for Homemade Salsa Recipe (you can also use store-bought Chunky Salsa)
1 cups shredded cheddar cheese, (I use a mix of white and yellow cheddar)
Preheat oven to 375˚F.
Heat olive oil in a large skillet.
Pound chicken breasts to an even thickness and season with cumin, chili powder, paprika, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.
Transfer to skillet and cook for 2 minutes per side, or until just browned.
Spread about 1/2 cup salsa on the bottom of a baking dish.
Arrange browned chicken breasts on top of salsa and add the remaining salsa over the chicken breasts.
Bake uncovered for 30 minutes, or until chicken is done. Use a thermometer to check for doneness - chicken is done when internal temperature reaches 165˚F.
Remove from oven and sprinkle with cheese.
Bake for 3 to 4 more minutes, or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
Remove from oven and let stand 5 minutes before serving.
Recipe Notes
NET CARBS: 5 grams
Store leftover chicken in an airtight container and keep in the fridge for up to 4 days.
Nutrition Facts
Baked Salsa Chicken
Amount Per Serving (6 oz)
Calories 308 Calories from Fat 144
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 16g 25%
Saturated Fat 7g 35%
Cholesterol 102mg 34%
Sodium 1011mg 42%
Potassium 744mg 21%
Total Carbohydrates 7g 2%
Dietary Fiber 2g 8%
Sugars 4g
Protein 32g 64%
Vitamin A 24.1%
Vitamin C 3.9%
Calcium 24.2%
Iron 7.7%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
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Source: https://diethood.com/easy-baked-salsa-chicken/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Chilaquiles (Breakfast Nachos)
Traditional chilaquiles feature fried tortillas in a spicy ranchero sauce. We like ours extra crunchy and topped with scrambled eggs, two kinds of cheese, sour cream, fresh radish and cilantro.
Most often thought of as a breakfast dish, we like to think chilaquiles can be served any time of day and customized with whatever toppings your tastebuds like best. You can use jarred enchilada sauce if you like, but our homemade version is easy and flavor-packed.
But are they chilaquiles, or are they nachos?
Traditional chilaquiles are a Mexican breakfast dish born out of necessity: to use up leftover tortillas from the night before. Normally the tortillas are fried until crisp and then cooked in a spicy sauce until no longer crisp. I personally dislike soggy tortilla chips, which is why our version has noticeably less sauce than most so the chips retain their crunch.
If you’re a stickler for tradition and refuse to call these true chilaquiles, then breakfast nachos it is! Noted and acknowledged; but whatever you call them, they’re delicious any time of day.
We topped our breakfast nachos with scrambled egg (which seemed easier to eat than fried, but you could use either) as well as sour cream, cilantro, and, our secret flavor weapon: pickled jalapeños. I could put these things on just about anything and it’d improve the overall flavor.
For more meaty flavor you could even add something like ground chorizo or shredded smoked chicken, or refried black beans for a vegetarian protein addition.
So I fully admit the radishes are there for appearances only.
In Taylor’s words… radishes aren’t worth the dirt they grow in.
Taste-wise, maybe, although they do add a nice sharp contrast to the rich cheese, egg and sour cream.
But they’re more for looks than anything (and you have to admit, this recipe wouldn’t be half as pretty without them.) These watermelon radishes in particular, which are basically the reverse of the typical radishes you’re used to: plain and white on the outside, with a stunning fuchsia starburst on the inside. Talk about gorgeous.
We baked and served ours in a cast iron skillet, but you could also easily use a rimmed baking sheet as well (a thinner layer of chips means a more even distribution of toppings).
We’re now one step closer to being able to enjoy nachos any time of day. Just need to tackle the quandary that is dessert nachos. Hmm…
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For Sauce:
1 small onion, quartered
3 hatch or anaheim peppers, halved and seeds removed
3 large garlic cloves, smashed
1 (14 ounce) can fire-roasted diced tomatoes
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
salt and black pepper, to taste
For Chilaquiles:
1/2 bag tortilla chips
1/2 cup shredded Mexican blend cheese
2 tablespoons crumbled cotija or queso fresco cheese
4 large eggs
1 tablespoon butter
12-16 pickled jalapeño slices
1 watermelon radish, thinly sliced
fresh cilantro leaves, for garnish
sour cream
Preheat broiler. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly brush with oil or spray with cooking spray. Arrange onion, peppers, and garlic in a single layer, and broil for 5 to 10 minutes or until peppers and onions are softened and starting to blister (if the peppers are cooking quicker than the onions, you may want to remove them from the baking sheet and cook the onions a little bit longer).
Transfer onions, peppers and garlic to a blender along with canned tomatoes. If you prefer a chunkier sauce, only add half the tomatoes, reserving the rest to add back after blending. Purée until smooth. Pour into a saucepan and set over medium heat. Bring to a simmer and let bubble, stirring regularly to avoid splattering, for 10 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lightly oil a cast-iron skillet or other oven-safe pan. Arrange a layer of tortilla chips in pan. Drizzle with about 1/4 cup of sauce sauce, then sprinkle with half of shredded cheese and half of cotija cheese. Top with another layer of tortilla chips, and repeat.
Bake for 5 to 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
Meanwhile, preheat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Whisk eggs until uniform in color. Add butter to hot skillet until melted and sizzling, then add eggs. Let cook for 30 seconds, then start scraping the bottom of the pan with a spatula, flipping the cooked pieces of egg so the uncooked parts come in contact with the pan. Continue scraping and flipping for another 1-2 minutes, breaking up any large pieces of egg, until just cooked through.
Remove skillet from oven and spoon scrambled eggs over top. Scatter jalapeño and radish slices over top, sprinkle with cilantro, and finish with a generous dollop of sour cream in the middle. Serve immediately.
Did you make this recipe?
Let us know what you think! Leave a Comment or share a photo on Instagram with the hashtag #loveandoliveoil.
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Source: https://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2018/09/chilaquiles-breakfast-nachos.html
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Easy, Healthy Maple Granola Recipe
Home › Recipes › Easy, Healthy Maple Granola Recipe
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This homemade healthy maple granola recipe is a great alternative to store bought granola. Easy to make and it keeps for several weeks, meaning that you have a healthy breakfast ready to go on those busy mornings!
I love the idea of granola.
Sweet, crispy oats paired with nuts, seeds, and fruit – it feels like a treat for breakfast every day.
My only issue with granola is that it always ends up being super high in sugar and calories, because most store bought granolas are made with way too much sugar, unhealthy fats, and dried fruit that also has added sugar to it!
Luckily, it is super easy and quick to make your own granola at home, and it actually tastes even better than the store-bought variety. It also stores really well — you can keep it in an airtight container for up to two weeks.
How to make Healthy Maple Granola – Step by Step
It’s so quick and easy to make this homemade breakfast!
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spread oats and quinoa on a parchment lined baking sheet, toast in the oven for 10 minutes, stirring once.
Remove oats/quinoa from the oven, pour into a bowl and add all of the remaining ingredients.
Spread back onto a baking sheet, and bake at 300 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden.
What is in healthy maple granola?
This particular granola has all of the fixings of the traditional variety: toasted rolled oats, almonds, pecans, pistachios, and a small amount of dried fruit of your choice (to limit the amount of added sugar!). But there are some fun, new add-ins too: toasted quinoa, ground flaxseed, pumpkin seeds, and coconut oil for some healthy fats! 
How to serve maple granola
The way I like to eat granola for breakfast is: I start with a bowl full of low-glycemic fruit (about 1-1.5 cups of chopped apples, pears, and berries). Then I top the bowl with about 1/4 cup of granola, and then 6-8oz of low fat plain Greek Yogurt. It’s super filling, and only about 300 calories total for breakfast. It’s also a great healthy snack straight out of the box!
A Vegan Granola Recipe with one simple swap
Because this granola is made with maple syrup instead of honey it is vegan friendly. To keep it 100% plant based, you can serve it with an unsweetened non-dairy milk, such as coconut or almond, or your favorite unsweetened vegan yogurt.
How to make kid-friendly granola
Here are my favorite tips for making granola kid friendly: 
Let your kids pick out their own toppings
Get them involved in the granola making process! Little hands are great for stirring up the granola, spreading it on the baking sheet, etc.
Let them divide up the granola into individual portions (I like using these cute little containers) for them to grab on their own in the morning. 
I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we do, and it becomes a staple at your breakfast table!
Top tips for making Healthy Maple Granola
Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.
Use your favorite dried fruits in this recipe.
To save time, get a bag of mixed nuts and chop them up (that way you don’t have to add each type of nut individually!)
Serve with unsweetened Greek yogurt for more of a protein hit!
Be sure to check out these other healthy breakfast recipes!
If you have tried this healthy maple granola recipe, or any other recipe on my blog, then please rate it and let me know how it turned out in the comments below! You can also FOLLOW ME on FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM and PINTEREST to see more delicious, healthy, family friendly food!
Storebought granola often comes with far too much sugar and feels very heavy. Make your own skinny granola at home to control the ingredients.
Prep Time10 mins
Cook Time20 mins
Total Time30 mins
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Servings: 16 servings
Calories: 127kcal
1/4 cup uncooked quinoa
1 1/2 cups Rolled Oats
2 Tbsp ground flax seed
1/4 cup Pumpkin Seeds
8 Tbsp Sliced Almonds/Cashews/Pistachios
1/4 cup Chopped Pecans
1/4 Cup Maple Syrup
2 tbsp Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Dried Fruit Raisins, Cherries, Cranberries - just make sure there is no sugar added
Pinch of Salt
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
Pinch ground nutmeg
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spread oats and quinoa on a parchment lined baking sheet, toast in the oven for 10 minutes, stirring once.
Remove oats/quinoa from the oven, pour into a bowl and add all of the remaining ingredients.
Spread back onto a baking sheet, and bake at 300 degrees for 20 minutes or until golden.
Top tips for making Healthy Maple Granola
Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.
Use your favorite dried fruits in this recipe.
To save time, get a bag of mixed nuts and chop them up (that way you don't have to add each type of nut individually!)
Serve with unsweetened Greek yogurt for more of a protein hit!
Inspired by ForagedLove
Serving: 0.25cup | Calories: 127kcal | Carbohydrates: 15.8g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 6.5g | Saturated Fat: 1.8g | Sodium: 17mg | Fiber: 2.4g | Sugar: 6g
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Source: https://pickyeaterblog.com/skinny-maple-granola/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Dessert Repertoire: Essential Recipes
A few weeks ago we had over dear friends and their son for dinner. For dessert, I threw a few dark chocolate bars* on the table and let the adults help themselves. For the children, I baked off chocolate chip cookie dough balls I had portioned earlier and stashed in the fridge.
But when the children finished their cookies and ran off to play, leaving a few unclaimed cookies on the sheet, all four sets of adult eyeballs zeroed in. We shared the remaining few, and then I immediately baked off half a dozen more (and later, half a dozen more).
My point is not that, when entertaining, there should always be dessert on the table; my point is that dessert can be simple. No one would have been disappointed with the chocolate alone. But who can pass up a warm chocolate chip cookie? Sometimes I wonder why I bake anything else.
Confession: I love baking but I bake less often these days. As life gets busier and busier, sweet endeavors are the first slashed from my never-ending must-try list. With less time to experiment, I find myself turning to my reliable favorites. I’ve included them below.
Friends, what are the essential recipes in YOUR dessert repertoire? I’d love to make something new for Valentine’s Day. Tell me your dessert staples in the comments.
*Dark chocolate bars: I have two favorites: this one and this one. 
PS: Do you love to bake?
Dessert Repertoire: 16 Essential Recipes
1. Foolproof Pie Dough: There is nothing tricky about making pie dough. This one is made in the food processor and relies on a cool trick to prevent over processing. This is the only pie/tart/pastry dough I make anymore.
2. A good brownie: My Favorite: Fine Cooking’s Rich, Fudgy Brownies
3. A good blondie: Brown Butter Blondies with Sea Salt
4. A good chocolate chip cookie: My Favorite: Soft and Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
5. Something fruity and summery, like this blueberry Cobbler from Cook’s Illustrated
6. Buttermilk Panna Cotta
7. A Good Chocolate Cake
8. A Good Flourless Chocolate Cake
9. A very good almond torte: Chez Panisse Almond Torte
10. A good olive oil cake, such as this Orange and Olive Oil Cake + many other cakes made with oil: The Case for Baking with Olive Oil (as Opposed to Butter)
11. A good apple cake: This is my favorite: Teddie’s Apple Cake
12. A Fruit Galette: Foolproof Pastry Dough + Frangipane + Fruit (all made entirely in the food processor). I’ve made countless variations of this theme from apple to rhubarb to peach to pluot.
13. Pots de Crème Two Ways: Chocolate (stovetop method) and Vanilla Bean (water bath method)
14. A good chocolate buttercream.
15. One-Bowl Buttermilk Birthday Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting.
16. Vegan Chocolate Mousse — astonishingly light and satisfying, this one is made with whipped aquafaba (chickpea cooking liquid) and almond milk. In addition to being vegan, this one is dairy-free, too.
Posted By: alexandra · In: Baking, Brownies & Bars, Cakes, Chocolate, chocolate, Cookies, Desserts, pie, Pies & Tarts & Cobblers
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Source: https://alexandracooks.com/2019/02/06/dessert-repertoire-essential-recipes/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
One-Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage (with NEW VIDEO)
One Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage features a spectacular salsa inspired sauce; that is cooked right into the spaghetti in this amazing dish, ready in 20 Minutes! Your favorite salsa ingredients come together to with pasta and sausage to create a knock-your-socks-off meal. Toss it all in a pot and let it go. It's so easy, that it just about cooks itself. Now that's my kind of meal!
Ever since I made this One Pot Cheesy Pasta and Sausage, I have had a million other ideas in my head for easy one pot meals.
As you well know, I live in Arizona and even though I am Italian I have more of a taste for Mexican and Southwest flavors most days. Must be the desert heat getting to me.  LOL
I have been over the gamut of variations and different ways I could make the ultimate Mexican pasta dish. So last week while I was enjoying some homemade salsa it occurred to me.
If I combine my favorite salsa flavors and this pasta dish, we will have ourselves a dynamite dinner, and I was soooo right!
I started with cherry tomatoes, white onions, garlic, jalapenos, and cilantro. Truly my favorite salsa flavors.
It all comes together with hot sausage and spaghetti to create a one pot meal that is ready in just 20 minutes.
A side salad really makes this dinner complete. Grab a couple of STAR Vinaigrette Single Serving packs that are perfect for any salad!
This dish is truly spectacular!  You literally toss it in a pot, cook it.  Toss a few more things in and serve.
Oh, my heavens.  It is the perfect meal!!! Tomatoes, onions, garlic, jalapenos and hot sausage come together to create the perfect sauce for the pasta.
Try some of the suggested substitutions to create a fun spin on this recipe.
One pot, 20 minutes, one fabulous dinner! I ate two bowls before I could pry myself away from the pot.
Speaking of simple recipes, of course our new cookbook The Simple Kitchen - available to order nowis packed with delicious, easy recipes.
The Simple Kitchen is loaded with more than 75 BRAND NEW recipes and a hand full of family favorites too.
8 chapters with a total of 82 quick and easy recipes that are bursting with flavor!!!
Every recipe has a photo that will make your mouth water. It has slow cooker meals, one-pot recipes, quick dinners, simple appetizers, desserts and more!!!
And we have included kitchen tips to make dinnertime less stressful.
We are so excited to share our recipes with you!!! So, don't wait. Go and grab yours today!  The Simple Kitchen <-- click here to order. 
🔥 Amazon   🔥 Barnes & Noble   🔥 Books-a-Million  🔥 IndieBound
Helpful Tips to make One-Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage:
Choose your favorite sausage. I prefer hot Italian sausage, but chorizo would be good too. You can substitute 1 pound any dry pasta for the spaghetti, just cook until al dente.
You can substitute green chiles for the jalapenos or leave out the jalapenos completely.
You can finish the sauce with 4 ounces of cream cheese stirred into the pasta. It will help cool down the spiciness and also add a nice creaminess to the pasta.
What you will need to make One-Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage:
Dutch oven- I love this set and use it all the time. It is perfect for roasts and I especially love it for my one-pot meals.
With love from our simple kitchen to yours. 
Do you  ❤ love ❤ TSRI?  Don't miss another recipe.  Click here to Subscribe to The Slow Roasted Italian by Email and receive new recipes in your inbox every day!
Don't miss a thing! Follow us on Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram ❤ ❤ ❤  
Check out more of our favorite one-pot recipes: 
One-Pot  Cheesy Italian Pasta and Chicken  30- Minute Chicken and Dumplings One-Pot Cheesy Pasta and Sausage Bacon  Beer Cheese Soup with Chicken One-Skillet Chicken Pot Pie   Bacon Double Cheeseburger Beer Cheese Soup  
See how easy this One-Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage  is to make. Watch the video!!!
Yield: 6-8Author: Donna ElickPrint Recipe
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One Pot Mexican Pasta and Sausage
A spectacular salsa inspired sauce is cooked right into the linguine pasta in this amazing One Pot Pasta recipe, ready in 20 Minutes! Your favorite salsa ingredients come together to with pasta and sausage to create a knock your socks of meal. Toss it all in a pot and let it go. It's so easy it just about cooks itself. Now that's my kind of meal.
3 cups halved grape tomatoes, divided
1 large onion, sliced
1 pound smoked hot sausage links, precooked (sliced into coins)
1-2 jalapenos, sliced (to taste)
4 garlic cloves, sliced
1 pound dry spaghetti
2 tablespoons chopped cilantro, divided
1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
5 cups water
Reserve (set aside) 1 cup halved tomatoes and 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro.
Combine remaining ingredients in a large (12") braising pan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat.  Cover and bring to a boil.  Once water is boiling, remove the lid and cook 7-9 minutes until pasta is al dente (with a bite to it).  Toss pasta with tongs occasionally to keep the pasta from sticking.  The liquid will be mostly absorbed when the pasta is finished cooking.
Add remaining tomatoes and cilantro and toss to combine.
Serve and enjoy!
Choose your favorite sausage. I prefer hot Italian sausage, but chorizo would be good too. You can substitute 1 pound any dry pasta for the spaghetti, just cook until al dente.
You can substitute green chiles for the jalapenos or leave out the jalapenos completely.
You can finish the sauce with 4 ounces of cream cheese stirred into the pasta. It will help cool down the spiciness and also add a nice creaminess to the pasta.
Recipe developed by Donna Elick The Slow Roasted Italian Copyright ©2015 The Slow Roasted Italian – All rights reserved.
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Disclosure: Posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link your price will remain the same and The Slow Roasted Italian will automatically receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting us, it helps us keep creating new recipes.
Source: https://www.theslowroasteditalian.com/2015/08/one-pot-mexican-pasta-sausage-recipe.html
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Rhubarb Crumble Sheet Cake + Swedish Fika Contest
How have we been blogging for almost ten years and I still haven't told you about one of our most Swedish traditions. Fika is an important part of our culture. It's a cherished break to chat with friends, family or colleagues over coffee or tea and a home baked sweet treat. It reflects the Swedish ideal of slowing down to appreciate life’s small joys and is also a good demonstration of the Swedish shyness. You see, we Swedes are not as social or outgoing as Americans or Southern Europeans, so most social gatherings start with a fika as an unofficial way to get to know each other. 
Rhubarb Cake We have a super exciting competition lined up today but before we get into that, let us tell you about the perfect cake for your next fika break. This Rhubarb Crumble Sheet Cake is made for sharing and it is a combination of two good things – a cake and a crumble. It has a soft and spongy gluten free almond base, a layer of delicious and tangy rhubarb and is topped with a crunchy and sweet sunflower crumble. We are sharing both a more traditional version of this cake and a hippie vegan version with dates instead of coconut sugar and aqua fava instead of eggs. So head into the kitchen and bake this and then bring it to your colleagues for a Swedish fika.
Win a trip to Stockholm and a fika together with us! In proud collaboration with Visit Sweden, we are giving away a trip for two to Stockholm to have a Fika with us! Take a photo of a Swedish fika moment of your own (it doesn't have to be this recipe, just any coffee break moment) and share it on instagram using the hashtag #visitswedenfood and a mention of Swedish fika in the caption. First prize is a trip to Stockholm, Sweden, for two including a night in a hotel and a fika with me and Luise and a signed book of choice. Yay! We will also pick three extra winners that will receive the book Fika by Johanna Kindvall.
The competition ends on 30 May. Together with a jury from Visit Sweden, we will choose our favorite contribution and announce the winner on 6 June 2019. The competition is open worldwide.
Prize info: The prize includes a trip to Stockholm, Sweden, for two + a night in a hotel + a Fika with us! The prize includes travel to Stockholm for two people (flight or train depending on where you live), return Arlanda Express ticket for two, one night for two people in a double room in a Stockholm hotel in or near the city centre. Transport to and from your home to the airport / train station is not included. Nor is any personal costs during your stay in Sweden.
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Source: https://greenkitchenstories.com/rhubarb-crumble-sheet-cake-swedish-fika-contest/
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jasonwhorl73-blog · 5 years
Meal Plan Monday #128
Meal Plan Monday #128 has new recipes that are sure to make everyone around your family table smile!
Our featured recipes this week are like a trip around the world! We’ve got a crock pot chicken dish with a Mexican flare, garlicky ranch pretzels, perfect for an after school snack, a Chinese dish that’s easy to make and homemade bread that’s soft and buttery. Thank you to our blogging friends who shared their recipes!
I am so tickled this week to be a part of Meal Plan Monday team and love sharing this link-up with you. We’d love for you to share one of your recipe creations with us and we only have one thing to ask, if you’d like to be considered as one of our weekly features, just link back to us…that’s it! We just know y’all are going to find a ton of deliciousness this week, so just keep on scrolling. We’re so happy to have you back with us!
The recipe with the most clicks last week ~
Honey Buttermilk Bread from Restless Chiplote
Crock Pot Fiesta Lime Chicken from Recipes That Crock
Garlic Ranch Pretzels from My Fearless Kitchen
Easy Chinese Chicken from Chattavore
and our host feature ~
Roasted Corn Chowder from A Southern Soul
Other recipes I featured in my recipe email: Slow Cooker Chicken and Gravy and Ranch Spinach Dip
An InLinkz Link-up
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Source: https://www.southernplate.com/meal-plan-monday-128/
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