jasonosims34 · 3 years
Important Things to Consider When Choosing Your Bug-out Backpack
If you buy a bug-out bag for the first time, you could be wondering about the things you should consider during the selection process. A bug-out backpack should be practical and should have compartments to hold all your necessary items. In addition, it should be easy to carry around.
You can check multiple backpack reviews on our website Ready and Armed. Here are things to consider during the backpack selection process.
Go For High Quality
Although high-quality backpacks are pricey, they are durable enough to hold the items you would need during your trip. A higher-quality backpack is definitely worth the investment.
You might be carrying the bag in rough conditions, whether in an outdoor environment or urban environment. A high-quality bag can take some abuse and should be water-resistant.
You can search for a high-quality bag from trusted online vendors, but you can get a quality bag from the local stores. It is better to look at and handle the bag at the store to ensure it is of the desired quality.
The Bag Must Be a 2-Strap Backpack
Sling bags might not carry the expected weight during an emergency, and it is wise to choose a pack with two straps. The straps should be thick to ensure that they do not break under stress.
The straps should not be cheaply made, and you should opt for the military-grade as they are made for harsher conditions. The straps determine whether the bag would serve its purpose or not.
Get a bag with a Hip Belt
A hip belt supports the weight distribution making it easy to carry the bag around. The belt distributes the bag’s weight from the shoulders to the hip.
Transferring this weight makes the legs feel more robust, thus increasing stability during a hike. You can get a backpack with a removable belt for situations when the bag is light and does not require weight distribution.
Budget Concerns
A functional bag can be expensive but is worth the investment, and it is better to pay more for a high-quality bag than to opt for a cheaply made bag. However, if your budget is limited, you can stick with your budget; if you have enough money, you can opt for a new bag.
However, if your budget is restricted, you should not opt for a low-quality bag as you can buy a lightly used, high-quality pack rather than a new cheaper bag. You can find gently-used bags in the thrift shops near you. Thrift shops have military-grade bags at half the price of the new ones, and they serve the same purpose as new bags.
Choose a Bag with a Volume in the 45-55L Range
You should consider the size of the bug-out bag, as it needs to be large enough to carry everything. However, it shouldn’t be too big as a more oversized bag might end up having more equipment than you can carry.
The bug-out bags can either be large, medium, or small. Assuming it is your first bug-out bag, you should choose the medium-size pack of about 45-55L.
A bag that weighs less than 40 liters would be too small for your items, while one which weighs more than 60 liters would be too large. A large bag might be challenging to carry on your back and is impractical since you can’t guarantee that you would have access to a vehicle and gasoline during a bug-out event.
Be Sure It Fits Properly
The bug-out bag should fit adequately; a bag that does not fit well might be difficult to carry around. A smaller size bag might not fit you well, leading to discomfort, while a larger one could be difficult to carry on your back.
The bug-out bag should have compartments that carry all the items you would need during an emergency. Bag compartments allow you to organize all things quickly and in a streamlined way.
The bag should have both large and small compartments for managing both the large and small items. Ensure all the compartments are closable with zippers, straps, or Velcro as it ensures moisture and dirt do not penetrate from one compartment into another.
Choose a Tactical Bag with a Sturdy Frame
Tactical bags are practical as they are sturdy and can carry heavy loads, and you should choose one with a strong frame. The bug-out bag should weigh about 15% of your body weight which means men can carry a backpack weighing 30-40 pounds comfortably while women can carry about 25-35 pounds.
A frameless bag might not distribute the weight evenly, which means you could have more weight on one side, hurting your back and posture. Moreover, the frame makes it possible to organize items in the bag seamlessly. Finally, a frame will make your bag more durable.
Choose Front-Load Bags or Hybrids Rather Than Top-Load Bags
The front loader bags have a clamshell-style opening like a suitcase, making it easy to pack your belongings. The level of accessibility makes them suitable for moving every item around during an emergency. The bag allows for ergonomic packing, which ensures fair distribution of the bag’s weight.
The top-load bags do not offer easy access to the items in the bag. If you need something, you might have to remove most of the items to find a specific one.
Choose the Colors Which Best Match Your Personality and Purpose
Bug-out bags come in different colors, and you can choose the colors that match your personality. Most people would go with neutral colors such as green, grey, camo, or black, but you could choose to have a little fun with color choices.
Unless you wish to make sure you can move about on foot with as little notice as possible, you should not shy away from bright colors such as red, yellow, lime, and pink. Let your bag bring out your personality and bring color to your life.
The style and size of the bug-out bag you choose will determine the number of items you can carry and the comfort of the pack. Therefore, it would be best to select a sturdy bag with a frame that ensures fair distribution of the bag’s weight, leading to maintaining a proper posture. In addition, the bag should have suitable compartments to store your personal belongings effectively.
from https://readyandarmed.net/important-things-to-consider-when-choosing-your-bug-out-backpack/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/important-things-to-consider-when-choosing-your-bug-out-backpack
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
How and Why You Should Test Your Bug-out Kit
A bug-out kit is an essential part of emergency preparedness, and it can be heartbreaking to know it is not functional when you are already bugging out. Therefore, you should learn how to test your bug-out kit before heading out for your travels.
You might not immediately master how to use the bug-out bag in an emergency, but you can handle it effectively with practice. Here is how and why you should test your kit ahead of time. Also, you will love to follow our blog Ready & Armed if you are interested in firearms and survival tips.
How to Test Your Bug-out Kit
You can never be sure the bug-out kit will work properly during an emergency, but you must be prepared for an emergency that may never happen. So, how should you test your kit?
First, you could sleep outside in your backyard. Although you might not have an emergency in your backyard, testing your kit in this manner will make it easier to use in the event of an emergency. You should test all the elements in the kit to know which tasks are easy to accomplish with your equipment and which are more difficult.
Sleeping out in your yard might be difficult, but it allows you to understand how it would feel to sleep out during a bug-out event. You would know how to use the resources which you are accustomed to already.
If you have never gone camping before, you can try car-camping in a state park near your home, as they have shower facilities and electric hookups. Camping will help you figure out the amount of food and water you would need and just how long it would last in an emergency.
You will notice the bug-out items you need most and how to utilize them in case of an emergency situation. You might not master how to use these kits right away, but you should remember that practice makes perfect.
You should read the instructions on using the different equipment and ask for support from the manufacturer when you don’t know how to use something correctly. You could also ask for advice from online emergency preparedness bloggers.
Why You Should Test Your Bug-out Kit
When you test your kit, you would know if you have too much, too little, or just the right amount of stuff in it. It is easy to over-pack the bag with unnecessary items which are not helpful during an emergency. This will help you adjust your pack to contain fewer items that might not be practical during an emergency as they might not do the work you intend to do.
If you practice an emergency scenario in a state park near you, you would know if you can get by with what you have, what you need to add to the emergency pack, and what you should remove from the bag. Additionally, you would know how everything works before the emergency when you test the kit in a pretend emergency.
Moreover, you can find an expert in emergency management who can guide you on using every item in the bag. Firefighters are the best in this situation, and you can also find freelance trainers who can teach you on using each item.
Not all items in the emergency bag would work well in an emergency, and you are likely to find some which can break under pressure. When you test these kits, you know items that can disappoint during an emergency and replace them with sturdier items that can withstand the pressure.
You don’t need to have things that fail during an emergency, as they can put your life at risk. Even if some items do not break, they might fail to work correctly, and you can sort out the things which do not work correctly from your kit. Additionally, you find out what works well during an emergency and have them in the emergency kit.
It would be best not to change the wrong things when tweaking your equipment, as it can lead to a disaster. If you replace the items that work well with faulty ones, you might predispose yourself to a disaster. Once you sort the things that work well and those which are faulty, you can customize items to work for your specific needs.
You can learn valuable lessons such as packing food; ready-to-eat food is a survivor in an emergency. For example, you can preheat the instant coffee and cocoa and place them in a sealed vacuum flask ahead of time to reduce the food that needs heating during your trip.
Additionally, you could use a rock as a hammer, therefore, saving you some space in your bug-out bag. However, you should use a smooth stone that does not harm the aluminum tent pegs suitable for desert soils.
When in remote locations, your phone might be a poor clock as it runs out of battery quickly; testing the emergency bug-out bag would be a reminder to bring a wristwatch. The watch does not drain the battery quickly, it would be effective in a remote location, and you could use it to know the time every day. Moreover, a compass might be necessary as it points the direction when you are in remote locations.
You are least likely to get lost when you have both a watch and a compass. Some watch companies make watches with a built-in digital compass, and you should go for these watches.
If it is your first time erecting a camp tent, you will realize it takes some time. When testing the bug-out bag, you should set aside time to learn how to set up a tent effectively. You should add an hour to pitch the tent, and you should ensure you put your tent on an elevated flat surface that is not prone to flash floods. Tent-pitching skills need practice, and you might not master them with the first attempt.
If you have never gone camping by yourself, you might be a little worried about using the bug-out kit. If you don’t know how to use the equipment, you should learn how to test each item by yourself.
For example, you can go car-camping in the state park near you and imagine an emergency scenario where you have to use the kit. Practicing with the emergency kit makes it easy to identify faulty items from those that work well and customize the equipment to meet your needs in a real emergency.
from https://readyandarmed.net/how-and-why-you-should-test-your-bug-out-kit/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/how-and-why-you-should-test-your-bug-out-kit
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Fire Starting Survival Basics: Using Your Compass
Fire has been one of the most valuable assets to humans for thousands of years. Unfortunately, some people believe that there will come a time when modern electronic devices that we enjoy, such as smartphones and laptops, will be destroyed by electromagnetic radiation. Only those with crucial survival skills such as starting a fire will survive and even thrive if that happens.
There are many ways to start a fire. They include using a lighter, friction, creating parts, among many others. One of the most effective yet overlooked ways of starting a fire is using a compass. Learning this technique can help you survive in a pandemic or if you are stuck somewhere in the middle of the forest or desert.
So can you start a fire with a compass, and if yes, how do you do about it? This article will tell you everything you need to know about starting a fire with a compass. If you love to get more survival tips then make sure to follow Ready & Armed. Now without further ado, let’s get started.
Can You Start a Fire with a Compass?
YES, you can start a fire with a compass. All you need to do is make sure that the compass you are carrying has a magnifying glass.
Many survival experts recommend keeping a magnifying glass in your survival kit as well as a compass. However, it’s much better to buy a compass with a built-in magnifying glass.
Below is a simple step-by-step process on how to start a fire with a compass and magnifying less.
Materials required:
White paper
Magnifying glass
Writing instrument to mark your focal point, if necessary
Step-by-Step Process
Step 1: Select the Right Time of the Day When There is Sufficient Sunlight
When it comes to lighting a fire with a compass, sufficient sunlight is essential. Even a slight cloud or overcast could make a massive difference in determining how long it will take to start a fire.
Therefore, you need to ensure that there is enough sunlight. Choose a location that is away from trees or any other object that could obstruct the penetration of sun rays.
Step 2: Make Sure you Have a Powerful Magnifying Glass
Apart from ensuring there is sufficient sunlight, another essential thing is to ensure that you have a powerful magnifying lens. Canterbury recommends that your magnifying glass is at least 5x.
A general rule of thumb is that the larger the magnifying glass, the easier it will light the fire. Hold the magnifying lens between your white paper and the sun. As soon as the magnifying glass is under the sun, start focusing on the white paper.
One important thing to remember before you head out is to apply some sunscreen because you may find yourself staying out in the sun for a while. Sunscreen will help to protect your skin against damaging UV rays.
Step 3: Focus the Beam of Light
In order to light a fire using a compass, you need to focus the beam of light and make it as tight as possible. This requires patience, especially if your magnifying glass is not that powerful. When focusing on the magnifying glass, keep your hands steady.
You need to focus on the light and hold your hand in a single spot for at least 20 seconds. If the beam wavers, you are going to struggle to create ignition.
Patience is vital during this stage. You will not achieve ignition if you focus on multiple points. So, choose a spot and stick to it by keeping your hands steady to concentrate as much sunlight as possible onto the white paper to create ignition. If you are not good at holding your hands steady, draw a dot on the white paper and concentrate on that particular point.
Step 4: Wait for Ignition
If you keep your hand steady on one point, then it won’t take long before you spot fire. People who use a powerful 5x magnifying glass can usually create ignition in less than a minute.
Necessary things required to create fire using a compass:
A sufficiently powerful magnifying glass (at least 5x)
A bright sunny day
Steady hands, as you need to focus the beam on one spot
Pros of Using Compass Method to Set Fire
It is environmentally friendly.
It creates fire quickly (usually in less than one minute).
It’s easy and simple.
Cons of the Process
You can only create a fire if there is sufficient sunlight. This means you cannot create fire at night.
You have to keep your hand steady, which is difficult for some people.
How Long does it Take to Start a Fire with a Compass?
It depends on many factors, including the power of your magnifying lens, weather conditions, and how steady your hand is when focusing the beam at a particular point.
For instance, it will take you a shorter time to start a fire using a larger and more powerful magnifying glass. However, it takes about a minute to start a fire with a compass and magnifying glass on average.
How does Starting a Fire Using a Compass Works?
The science involved in starting a fire using a compass is straightforward. When a magnifying glass is placed on direct sunlight, it focuses the beam of light, thus creating heat, which results in fire. In simple words, the magnifying glass help to convert light energy into heat energy, thus creating fire.
What Type of Magnifying Glass is Used to Create Fire?
The type of magnifying glass used to create fire using the compass method is the convex lens. This magnifying glass is used because of its incredible ability to focus heat rays at one single point. The concentrated energy at one point creates heat that starts the fire.
If you have been wondering whether it is possible to start a fire with a compass, then today, you have the answer. YES, it is possible to start a fire with a compass .all you need is a magnifying glass that is at least 5x, a bright sunny day, and white paper. If you have the materials mentioned above, follow the simple process given above to create fire.
from https://readyandarmed.net/fire-starting-survival-basics-using-your-compass/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/fire-starting-survival-basics-using-your-compass
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
A Step-by-Step Guide to Making and Storing Char Cloth for Tinder
Char cloth is a product that is used to start a fire without the need to have matches or a lighter. Therefore, knowing how to make char cloth is a handy skill, especially if you don’t have standard equipment used in making fire, such as a lighter or a box of matches.
One of the biggest challenges people have when using primitive methods to make fire, such as lenses or frictions, is finding a tinder that will catch fire quickly. As a result, creating fire using primitive methods is difficult and time-consuming. The last thing you want is to have a tinder that does not catch fire quickly. Good tinder should catch fire with a single spark. The only way to create a tinder that catches fire quickly is by making and storing char cloth properly.
So, do you want to make char cloth for kindling, but you don’t know where to start? If yes, then you are in the right place. Below is a step-by-step guide to making and storing char cloth for tinder. Also, make sure to follow Ready & Armed to stay updated with more topics like this one.
Materials needed: 
• Sealable tin can • 100% cotton material • Nail or any other puncturing tool • Scissors
Step by Step Process
Step 1: Look for an Empty Metal Tin
The first thing to do is finding an empty tin that is made of metal. The size of the container should depend on the amount of char cloth you intend to make.
For instance, if you plan to make a large amount of char cloth, you should use a large container like oatmeal or paint tin. Ensure that the tin that you choose is made of 100% metal. Not even a single part should be made of rubber or plastic. Additionally, the metal container should also have a sealable lid.
Step 2: Make a Hole in the Tin
This process is not complicated. All you need to us is use a nail and a hammer or a very sharp knife to make a hole in the tin. The hole should be large enough to stick the tip on the pen.
However, the hole should not be too large because it may allow air into the tin and set the cloth on fire, thus burning it to ashes instead of making char cloth. Therefore, the primary role of the hole is to vent smoke.
Step 3: Find an Old Clean Fabric Made of Cotton
Find a fabric that is old but clean and made of 100% cotton. This could be a cotton T-shirt or old denim jeans made of 100% cotton. Please do not use a cloth that is made of or contains synthetic material.
A white cotton cloth is the best option since you can quickly tell whether it is charred. Additionally, you will also not worry about dye compromising the quality of your char cloth.
Step 4: Cut the Fabric into Small Pieces
Once you have found a suitable old, clean cloth made of 100% cotton, the next process is cutting it into smaller pieces. Remember that the fabric will shrink during the process of charring. So, don’t make it very small. Make it at least two inches to allow you to remain with a sizable piece of char cloth.
The small pieces that you cut don’t need to be even or of the same size. So, don’t put too much focus on ensuring that you cut the cloth to even or equal measures.
The size of the fabric should be small enough to fit into the lid lying flat. Please do not roll the material because it will not char evenly. Small pieces of cloth usually burn faster than larger pieces. So bear this in mind while citing the fabric.
Step 5: Put the Cut Fabric into the Container
Once you are done cutting the fabric into small pieces, insert them into the metal container. You can fill the container or leave a small space. Please ensure that all material lies flat in the container.
Also, don’t over-pack them because you will have a hard time getting them out. Some pieces of cloth may also not char well if they are overcrowded on the metal tin. Once you are done dropping the pieces of material into the container, seal the container with the lid.
Step 6: Start the Fire
Place the container on a stove and let it burn for between 15-30 minutes. However, the process could take longer, depending on your heat source and the size of the container. The charring process will remove all ashes and gas, leaving behind a char cloth that mainly comprises carbon that is ready to light.
Keep the container upright; the hole venting smoke should remain facing upward. Smoke and fire leaving the hole is a good sign that the cloth is charring. Don’t remove the container from the heat until the smoke stops venting.
Step 7: Remove it from Fire and Let it Cool
Once the smoke has stopped venting, then it means that the charring process is complete. It’s time to move on to the next step. Remove the metal container from the fire and give it time to cool down before opening the lid. While the cover is cooling, place a small nail on top of the hole to prevent oxygen from entering the cooling can.
Remember that the newly made char cloth is super-hot and can easily ignite if too much oxygen is allowed to enter the lid. To prevent this, it is recommended that you close or cover the punched hole.
Step 8: Inspect the Char Cloth Before Storing
Once the container has cooled down, remove the char cloth and inspect them to see if the charring process is complete. For example, if the char cloth is entirely black like charcoal, then it means that the charring process is complete. On the other hand, if you spot some areas with the original color, then the charring process has not been completed.
It would be best to place the container back on your heat source in such a scenario and let it heat until the charring process is complete. Once you are satisfied with your new char cloth, store them in a waterproof bag that is rigid to avoid crushing.
from https://readyandarmed.net/guide-to-making-and-storing-char-cloth-for-tinder/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/a-step-by-step-guide-to-making-and-storing-char-cloth-for-tinder
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Using Corn-based Snacks as an Emergency Fire Starter
Fire is one of the most important things that humans need to survive. It provides a source of warmth, lighting, helps in food preparation, and protects against predators at night. You can also use fire to create tools for emergency purposes that can occur at any time.
For instance, your vehicle can break down in the middle of nowhere, or an earthquake may destroy your home. In such cases, one crucial thing that you will need to survive is the ability to start a fire.
There are many techniques used to light a fire during an emergency. One of the most reliable and efficient techniques of starting a fire is using corn-based snacks as an emergency fire starter. This technique is widely used because it is super easy and reliable.
This article will give you step-by-step tips on starting a fire using corn-based snacks such as Doritos, Cheetos, and Fritos as emergency fire starters. Also, make sure to follow Ready and Armed for more fire starting tips.
Can Corn-based Snacks Really be Used to Start a Fire During Emergencies?
Corn-based snacks can be used to start a fire during an emergency because they are highly flammable. These types of snacks contain oil that makes them burn easily, even when they are wet. Therefore, when faced with an emergency and you need to start a fire, you can use your favorite corn-based snack such as Fritos, Cheetos, and Doritos to start a fire.
Another reason why these types of snacks are highly recommended for starting a fire during an emergency is that they burn slowly, making them ideal for lighting purposes. You only need to light one, and others will eventually catch fire.
How to Start a Fire Using Doritos
Doritos is made from corn, and it is high in vegetable oil. This snack is not only delicious, but it can save you during an emergency. For instance, when stuck in the middle of nowhere and you need to start a fire, and you don’t have those familiar fire starters, Doritos can come in handy.
They are high in fat, which means high fuel value. The good thing about Doritos is that they don’t burn as quickly as something such as your old newspaper. Instead, they burn slowly and steadily and make excellent kindling. They can work as candles during an emergency.
Step by step process to start a fire with Doritos
Materials needed:
Heatproof container or some sand or dirt
Lighter or matchstick
Step 1:
Put some Doritos in a heatproof container. If you don’t have one, then you can put them in dirt or sand.
Step 2:
Pick one piece of the snack, light it with a match or lighter, and then place it on the heat-proof container like a ramekin dish. You can also use other techniques to light up the snack, such as the compass method. The oil in the snack will make them burn slowly and eventually spread to others pieces. One individual chip can light for up to one minute. So, if you have a packet full of Doritos, it can provide a reliable source for starting a fire.
How to Start a Fire Using Cheetos and Fritos
Like Doritos, Cheetos are made from corn and vegetable oil. This snack was invented in 1948 and is currently one of the most popular snacks in the United States. Fritos are also made by deep-frying extruded whole cornmeal.
If you find yourself stuck while hiking, picnicking, or camping, chances are that you may have Cheetos or Fritos in your bag. Besides being tasty, you can also use these two snacks to start a fire in an emergency situation. The high-fat content in them enables them to catch fire easily and burn smoothly and efficiently.
Cheetos and Fritos are made from corn which contains a lot of energy from carbohydrates, which you can quickly turn into fuel. Additionally, these corn chips have been deep-fried in oil, meaning they are completely saturated with fuel.
On top of that, Cheetos and Fritos also have a generous dusting of fatty powders outside, which enables them to burn steadily for a long time. Another significant factor that makes Cheetos and Fritos ideal for starting a fire and kindling is their salt content. This helps to protect them from moisture and keeps them dry.
Step by Step Process to Start a Fire with Cheetos and Fritos
The process of starting a fire with either Cheetos and Fritos is similar to Doritos.
The materials needed include:
Cheetos or Fritos
Heatproof container or some sand or dirt
Lighter or matchstick
Step 1:
Put some Cheetos or Fritos on a heat-proof container. You can also put them in dirt or sand if you don’t have a heatproof container.
Step 2:
Pick one piece of Fritos or Cheetos and light it with a matchstick or lighter, then place it on the heat-proof container. If you don’t have a lighter or any matches, you can also use other techniques to light up the snack, such as using a compass and a magnifying glass.
The oil in the snack will burn slowly and eventually spread to other pieces, meaning that you only need to light a single piece to start with and not a handful of them. As with Doritos, one chip can burn for up to one minute. So, if you have a packet full of Cheetos of Fritos, then you can have a reliable source of fire during an emergency.
When going for a picnic, camping, hiking, or boating, you might want to carry snacks like Cheetos, Doritos, or Fritos. A couple of packets of these certainly won’t add much weight to your backpack or bag, and they could come in very handy. In addition to being a tasty treat, these snacks are high in carbohydrates and can provide you with much-needed energy.
The snacks can also save you during an emergency by helping you start a fire quickly. The high-fat content in the snack makes them burn quickly, even if you find yourself outside in wet conditions. In addition, the carbohydrate in them allows them to burn for a long time steadily.
from https://readyandarmed.net/using-corn-based-snacks-as-an-emergency-fire-starter/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/using-corn-based-snacks-as-an-emergency-fire-starter
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Survival Myth Busted Drinking Your Own Urine
Generally, normal urine constitutes approximately ninety-five percent water and five percent waste products, including ammonia, urea, creatinine, pigmented blood products, and inorganic products. There is a belief that drinking urine comes with benefits, though these have not yet been scientifically proven.
Therefore, this article talks more about how the assumptions of consuming your urine in a survival situation can be essential, the potential health risks it might cause, and how one can purify urine using reverse osmosis or distillation. Let’s have a look at each of them independently. You will love to follow Ready and Armed if you are interested in more topics like this one.
The Belief that Drinking Your Urine Would be Beneficial in a Survival Situation
The belief that drinking urine is associated with some benefits dates back to the early nineties where it was believed that urine could whiten teeth and cleanse mouths. Similarly, others also thought that urine was a perfect medicine for various conditions.
However, recent health advocates have claimed that some of the benefits associated with drinking urine include improving eyesight, supporting thyroid health, healing wounds in the mouth, boosting the immune system, and replacing lost nutrients.
Additionally, others also use urine as an emergency source of water. For instance, one might end up drinking their urine when they do not have access to any other water source after a natural disaster or a shipwreck.
Other components found in your urine, like small quantities of vitamins, hormones, and antibodies, also play a vital role in improving your health. Urine is also believed to be a potent diuretic that can make your body release more water and salt.
Although some people typically use diuretics to lower blood pressure, it is believed the safer way to do so is by consuming urine. However, it is important to note that no research has proven drinking urine can improve your health and lower blood pressure.
Some of the Potential Health Risks of Drinking Urine
Even though there are some associated benefits of drinking your urine, it can also cause some harm to your body, especially if you are healthy and lack any underlying condition. However, people at a higher risk of being affected by the contaminants found in urine are people with chronic diseases and children.
Consuming urine can present some serious health risks. We have listed those risks below:
Typically, urine is not sterile or pure because as it leaves the kidneys, it usually passes through the urethra and goes into contact with your skin as it leaves the body. Similarly, your urine also contains bacteria, irrespective of if you are healthy or not.
That is why drinking urine might expose you to various diseases. Despite urine containing antibodies, it also has bacteria present, including antibiotic-resistant strains-pseudomonas, staphylococcus, salmonella, E. coli, and shigella.
While bacteria might not cause an infection to all people who consume urine, it can certainly increase the risk of diseases. Those with weak immune systems are especially at risk.
Urine is a diuretic that increases your risk of dehydration when consumed because the salts in it reduce the amount of usable water in your body. Even though some people consume urine because they have nothing else left to drink, there is no evidence to suggest that one would survive when doing so since dehydration could still get the best of them. For this reason, most experts do not recommend drinking your urine, even if there is no clean water, because of the waste and salts excreted in the urine.
Electrolyte imbalances
Drinking urine causes some electrolyte imbalances because it contains other electrolytes and salts. Typically, if one is dehydrated and consumes large amounts of urine, they have dangerous electrolyte imbalances.
Other risks
Other risks associated with drinking urine include:
Exposure to dangerous chemicals, for example, traces of medications
Burning of wounds in the throat or mouth
Delayed medical treatment, especially when one believes that urine can treat that particular ailment.
How to Purify Urine Through Reverse Osmosis or Distillation
Most people think that filtering urine will leave them with just water because urine contains both water and waste products. However, it is not true because urine is made up of dissolved ions, salts, and molecules of urea that can pass through the filter. Similarly, other forms like chemical or UV light treatment only kill microbes but do not eliminate the molecular-sized substances found in urine.
Therefore, the only way to safely drink your urine in a survival situation when there is no other water source is by removing the dissolved contaminants or lowering their concentration. Unfortunately, you can only do so using two ways, which are reverse osmosis and distillation.
In reverse osmosis, high pressure is used to force water through a thin membrane that only allows water molecules and not even salt to penetrate. Distillation typically involves evaporating your urine to let out water molecules and allow them to cool and condense in a different drinking vessel.
Even though these two methods usually enable you to isolate drinkable water, it is also tough to isolate every trace of the contaminant’s smell and taste. In addition, the water obtained after the two processes might not benefit your body because essential nutrients like calcium and phosphorus are not present.
In summary, it is essential to note that drinking urine does not help improve your health or lower blood pressure but might even worsen your health. Therefore, if you are seeking some natural remedies on the matter, you are encouraged to consult a healthcare professional who is knowledgeable on the subject.
Similarly, when your access to water is scarce, it is essential to seek a healthier source like clean rainwater, water in food, condensation, or fruits and vegetables. It is not recommended to consume your urine because it has several unwanted effects, including dehydration, which can worsen and intensify any underlying condition, and other unwanted effects, including the increase of skin infections and electrolyte imbalances.
Since there are no proven benefits of consuming urine, it is vital to consider the possible benefits and side effects of this practice before putting your health at risk.
from https://readyandarmed.net/survival-myth-busted-drinking-your-own-urine/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/survival-myth-busted-drinking-your-own-urine
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Survival Prepping: 4 Things That Often Get Overlooked
Survival prepping requires meticulous planning, sacrifices, and flexibility. For the best wilderness experience, you should have the right knowledge, equipment, and attitude before your first or subsequent experience. When visiting the wild, you may need sharper survival skills, heavy gear, and months of preparation. Unfortunately, you can overlook the need for a survival library, official documents, emergency funds, and getting out of debt.
Essential Factors that a Prepper May Overlook
You may overlook essential things like the need to:
Get Out of Debt
Consider your expenses to determine points that need adjustment. Then, group your expenses into secondary expenses, essential expenses, and debt expenses. A full classification of your expenses gives a clear insight into various sectors improving your risk of sinking deeper into debt.
You should also draft a budget and keep track of your spending. Through a comprehensive budget, you can reduce unnecessary expenses that may be digging holes into your pockets. Adopt budget-friendly practices like buying in bulk, taking advantage of discounts and coupons, and buying reusable and repairable products.
After reducing expenses and adjusting your budget, you should list all debts to determine the best repayment formula. If you have multiple debts, the list offers more information about specific ones calling for immediate intervention.
You may choose to use the snowball method or the avalanche method to roll out debt within a stipulated time. Outline financial sources that will fund your repayment. Clearing debts requires dedication and determination. Through the snowball method, you can pay off one debt to empower you to get the funds required to pay the next.
You may also benefit from putting in extra working hours or reducing expenses to ensure that you can meet financial obligations with ease. Living within your means is crucial to avoid sliding back into unnecessary debt.
You can avoid impulse buying, fast fashion, addictive consumerism behavior, and credit purchases, for starters. For outdoor enthusiasts, you should make regular savings to acquire the required equipment or hire products that may be too expensive for your budget.
Set up an Emergency Fund
Given that nobody knows what the future holds, you should maintain an emergency fund to see you through the dark days that come without warning. An emergency fund can cover food expenses, transport expenses, medical emergencies, and other setbacks in the wilderness.
Maintaining an emergency account can be overwhelming for beginners. For security purposes, you can stash the emergency fund in a cash box, linked savings for overdraft protection, or other easily accessible points.
It is best that you grow the emergency fund as much as possible to ensure that you can handle most situations coming your way. You should adjust spending to allocate an amount for savings, emergency funds, and investments.
One can start growing the emergency fund at any point in time using cash collected from various avenues. For hobbies and leisure activities that involve firearms and wilderness survival, you should set aside an emergency fund different from that protecting your family from hardships.
For the best experience, set aside funds specifically for wilderness survival. Plan for all expenses to avoid surprises and stock essentials needed for an exceptional experience. You can carry enough cash to help you take care of emerging challenges on your trip.
Gather Important Documents
Each prepper should have essential documents at hand and be fully prepared to last as long as possible. The documents that you need include insurance paperwork, license, IDs, vehicle registration, immunization records, paperwork for your firearms. You will also need a safe casing to protect the documents from fire, water, and malice.
Carrying the original copies of your documents is riskier as you may lose them if not careful. If you have a car, be sure to have a safe hiding spot for the documents while keeping the most essential ready for production on short notice. Also, laminate the documents to avoid the effects of harsh climatic conditions and the rule of wear and tear.
To travel with essential documents in digital format, you can get the waterproof corsair flash survivor to benefit from its strong CNC-milled, anodized aircraft-grade aluminum or LaCie Rugged USB-C offering 2TB space. For hard copies, use a 3-Ring binder with zipper or weatherproof zipper file bags. Your choice may depend on the specific location and file size.
Create Survival Library
Before venturing into the wilderness, you should collect as much information as possible to aid in your preparation. You can collect data from visual media, print media, and personal recollections. Start with content specific to your destination and expectations before moving on to explore the foreign territory.
You should read and master various books beforehand to avoid reading the entire book at the last minute. While going through the different books, you can make relevant notes to prepare for situations that threaten your holistic well-being. To avoid boredom and for reference, carry one or two of your favorite pieces.
Your survival library should include books like:
Building Underground Bunker: Tips and Hacks for Beginners: (Survival Gear, Survival Shelter) by Michael Fair
How to Stay Alive in The Woods: By Bradford Angier
Emergency Food Storage & Survival Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Your Family Safe in a Crisis by Peggy Layton
Primitive Technology: By John Plant and The Primitive Technology YouTube Channel
Prepper’s Long-Term Survival Guide: Food, Shelter, Security, Off-the-Grid Power and More Life-Saving Strategies for Self-Sufficient Living by Jim Cobb
Prepper’s Survival Pantry by Evelyn Scott
Survival Cooking: Easy Proven Methods +15 Tasty Recipes to Cook Using Your Emergency Supplies by Michael Austin
Survival Medicine: Learn How to Heal Yourself at Home Or In The Wilderness + Herbal Antibiotics Guide by Amanda Brice and Adam Bell
Extreme Wilderness Survival by Craig Caudill
The Prepper’s Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource by Daisy Luther
As you prepare to have a good time with your recently acquired firearms in the wild, you should consider factors that could limit your wilderness survival. If you get out of debt, set up an emergency fund, gather necessary documents, and create a survival library, you are sure to enjoy the best time of your life in the wilderness.
from https://readyandarmed.net/survival-prepping-4-things-that-often-get-overlooked/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/survival-prepping-4-things-that-often-get-overlooked
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
To Reload Or Not To Reload
Anyone interested in shooting firearms has undoubtedly explored the prospect of reloading their own ammunition. There are numerous reasons as to why people contemplate reloading their own ammunition, including, but not limited to, increased self-sufficiency, financial savings, and merely just loving the practice.
If you are reading this, it is likely you are contemplating reloading your own ammo but are not sure if you should. At the absolute least, you are interested in the topic and would like to discover more about the advantages and disadvantages of reloading your own ammunition. This post will go through the many benefits and drawbacks of ammo reloading and when and where it makes the most sense.
Is It Necessary to Reload Your Own Ammunition?
First and foremost, is reloading your ammunition required if you own a gun? The straightforward answer is no-it does not. Reloading ammo is, at best, a pastime. It is not required, but it may save you money in the long term if you are a frequent shooter and participate in shooting competitions often.
What are the Most Important Factors to Consider When Reloading Ammo?
The primary factors to take into account when reloading ammunitions include the following:
Savings on expenses
The cost of reloading supplies and equipment
Understanding how to reload
The amount of time required to reload
The caliber of ammo you wish to reload
Finally, if you would like to know if reloading your ammo is economically feasible for you, calculate the value of reloading ammo versus the expense of purchasing new ammunition. Powder, primers, brass, and bullet casings all contribute to the cost of reloading ammunition.
What are the Primary Costs of Reloading Ammo?
Many people desire to learn how to reload their own ammunition as they feel it will be less expensive than purchasing it. However, this is only marginally relevant since expenses fluctuate depending on a variety of circumstances. For instance, the cost varies according to the caliber and how much you intend to reload.
You will have to deal with a high up-front cost while reloading ammunition, and it will only be lucrative for you in the long term if you truly devote yourself to it. Otherwise, reloading ammunition will be purely recreational.
The following are the primary costs of reloading ammo that you will encounter upfront:
$300 for a complete reloading kit
$500 to $1,000 for a reloading press
$35 for x100 primers
$100 for 1000 bullets
$30 to $50 for Brass Casings
$25 for Powder
Benefits of Reloading Your Own Ammo
You Save Money (Over Long Run)
If you shoot frequently, you should consider making your ammo. You will want a reloading press, powder, and other supplies for this. Yes, they will cost you around $1500 initially, but you will profit in the long term. Additionally, if you use old cases, you will be able to save money. You can save $600-900 each year by reloading your own ammunition.
You may Personalize Your Rounds
You can be inventive with your rounds while using a reloading press. There are few restrictions to what you can achieve. However, there are numerous methods to add your mark in every round. The majority of mid and long-competitive range rifle enthusiasts load their own ammo. They change the way their guns work by themselves.
Numerous shot loaders are not on the market. For instance, 5.56 bullets with 80 grain and wildcat cartridges are not available. You may improve the suppressed fire, for example.
You could Still Develop Bullets that are No Longer Available on the Market
There are many collectors around nowadays, and if you are one of them, you will enjoy this. Reloading presses could load bullets, which are no longer available or are difficult to find on the market. You do not have to go out of your way to find a unique bullet or caliber, as you can build them inside your own home.
You can Regain Control of Your Firearm
If you wish to gain a charge of your weapon and ammunition, this is the ideal way to accomplish so. It is how they will achieve higher constancy and peak function.
Drawbacks of Reloading Your Own Ammo
Reloading ammo provides a lot of benefits, but it also has a lot of drawbacks.
It is Not for the Casual Shooter
Reloading ammo is not for you if you are not a frequent shooter. This is because the initial investment is more than a thousand dollars, which is a lot of money to spend on something you will only use occasionally. It is recommended that you first decide if you are going to create a lot of bullets. If you aim to create ammunition in mass, you should invest in a reloading press and additional accessories such as a powder measure, die sets, and shell holder.
You Must be Patient and Committed
If you are easily irritated, this is not a good option for you. Reloading takes a lot of time and focus. It takes time to learn how to do it and then time to perform it. Every casing does have its primer, and you must be familiar with using the reloading press. As a result, it will take some time for you to become a specialist in it.
Inherently Risky
Numerous things could go wrong when creating your ammo. So, unless you are an expert and understand what you are doing, it is advised that you avoid it.
It Necessitates the Use of a Separate Room
It would help if you had an area, which is solely dedicated to the usage of the press. This is because the press itself is not small, in addition to you being relaxed in your workstation. Furthermore, it should be spacious. And because some items can be hazardous, they must be kept in a separate location.
Reloading ammo is a complicated operation. Therefore, you will need the right tools and exercise extreme caution before proceeding. It would help if you amassed all of the fundamental knowledge of current tools and equipment. A lack of education is harmful. So, brush up on your information and have fun! Making something from scratch makes the work more enjoyable.
from https://readyandarmed.net/to-reload-or-not-to-reload/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/to-reload-or-not-to-reload
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
8 Important Survival Skills Kids Need to Know
 Because children are continuously learning, they are naturally inquisitive. Curiosity, whether huge or small, could sometimes lead to catastrophe. Adults understand how to deal with risky situations, they make laws to prevent accidents but what about children?
It is tempting to think of survival skills as something only adults should have, but children should be prepared as well. Parents and grandparents could instill these eight essential survival skills in their children and grandchildren to provide them with an edge if they ever find themselves in an unforeseen, dangerous scenario.
Building Shelter
Educate your children on the value of preserving body heat for survivability. Whenever they are stranded outdoors, most people take far too long to contemplate finding shelter for the night. As a result, when darkness falls, they are exhausted, hungry, and cold; thus, they lack the energy required to construct a shelter.
Based on the weather, constructing a bed out of a dense covering of leaves may be sufficient to shield your body from making direct touch with the ground. Nonetheless, if it is chilly or raining, something much more substantial is required. Demonstrate how to get periodic refuge in caves or hollowed trees, as well as how to build modest buildings out of leaves, tree branches, and tarps. Your children will appreciate being taught these skills.
Finding Water
Typically, a person can go three weeks with no food but only several days without water. Thus, it is critical to teach your children how to collect and filter water in a survival emergency. Teach them how water flows downhill whenever you trek or tour the outdoors with them and point them to places with pools or streams of water. Look for animal footprints, which head to water as well.
Starting a Fire
Mastering how to build a fire might be critical to survival in the outdoors for three reasons. A fire provides means to boil water and prepare food, offers warmth, helps keep wild animals at bay, as well as aids paramedics in locating your whereabouts.
Train your children to make a fire in a nice area away from the wind, and then how to collect fuel (little chunks of wood), tinder (pine straw and dry leaves), and wood, which will blaze all night. Clarify that logs the size of their lower arm, dead and dry (but not rotting), can effectively fuel a fire. Show how to stack one end of the log on top of the other to allow air to circulate through the pile and assist in kindling the fire.
Foraging for Food
Kids that are stressed out will become hungry fast. Therefore, teaching your kid how to hunt for food is critical. Most plants are dangerous or unappealing, so it is best to start with the fundamentals given in a good foraging guide. Select one with clear photographs and details of food plants and any poisonous species that might seem like edible plants. Elderberries, for instance, are pleasant and beneficial to health, but they might be mistaken for pokeberries and water hemlock. Knowing which plants are safe to eat is crucial for wilderness survival.
Using a Compass
Your children are living in a world where Google Maps and GPS are commonplace. These and similar technologies are resurrecting long-forgotten arts such as map and compass reading. If your kid becomes lost in a mountain or the forest, these ‘old school’ abilities may be necessary for survival.
Besides giving your kids compasses, please encourage them to be aware of the terrain as they wander about outside. Recommend that they notice the vegetation, the angle of the sun, geography, landmarks, star patterns at night, winds, and weather variations. It also allows them to keep track of the time it takes to move from one point to another.
Show them how to keep on a straight path by positioning two trees or other markers ahead of them as they travel. If you start seeing the two trees individually, come to a halt and adjust your location with them. Perform this practice after reaching the second tree by matching up two additional landmarks right in front of you. You can also check your direction by looking back at the two preceding points.
Learning how to defend oneself against a physical threat could give you confidence in difficult situations. As a result, self-defense training is an important part of survival training for children. This training could take many different forms, including firearms and other weaponry training, martial arts teaching, and wild animal knowledge and strategies.
First Aid
Evidently, first aid is a big subject. It is never too soon to teach your children how to cleanse and patch an injury or create a small splint. Making first aid kits with your kids could be a fun family hobby. Essential items to incorporate are cotton balls, cotton swabs, alcohol pads, hand sanitizer, scissors, gauze, safety pins, bandages, rubber gloves, and other tiny personal things. As an alternative, you can also buy the first aid kit.
Situational Awareness
Situational awareness is one of the most difficult concepts to explain and vital to master to survive an outdoor disaster. It is also an important skill to learn in daily life. You can assist your kids in building an intuition or a mentality, which will allow them to remain calm and rational in a crisis. Share with them how fear could lead to poor judgments, whereas being composed could assist them to get saved.
Outdoor family adventures can be a pleasant method to evaluate their consciousness regarding their surroundings and their abilities. You could even play out some frightening scenarios. For instance, if they are lost and overhear feral creatures roaring nearby, inform them that they would equip themselves with weaponry as a large stick ignited with fire. If darkness is approaching, urge them to focus on building or finding a shelter. Explain when remaining put is the best option for survival and when moving to a safer area is preferable.
Wilderness survival entails developing a sense of comfort and trust in nature, as well as knowing to trust one’s abilities. Your kids are just as brave and smart as the kids of previous generations who learned and exercised these survival skills. Those children simply picked up the abilities as part of their daily lives. Once you teach a survival mindset for your kid- one that proclaims, ‘I can manage this,’ they will discover that they, too, are incredibly self-sufficient.
from https://readyandarmed.net/8-important-survival-skills-kids-need-to-know/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/8-important-survival-skills-kids-need-to-know
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
How to Improve Your Situational Awareness
According to research, your brain takes about 13 milliseconds to process an event. This means that you have less than 2 seconds to make the right call and avoid a potentially deadly incident. While owning a firearm can increase your chances of surviving a dangerous event, you first must be aware of the danger before you can react appropriately. This requires what the military calls situational awareness.
Situational awareness is crucial to wilderness survival and the safety of you and your loved ones. If you cannot gauge the severity of a situation fast enough, you cannot protect anyone. This article delves into the topic of situational awareness as it relates to the use of firearms.
What Is Situational Awareness?
The military coined the term ‘situation awareness’ to describe a person’s ability to perceive environmental events and elements, comprehend them, and project their future status. This skill is crucial to your safety because it gives you an edge over the bad guys; the element of surprise. Defending yourself begins way before you touch your weapon; it starts with you identifying threats early.
For example, if the person sitting next to you on a bus is reaching for a knife, it is probably too late to react if you are just noticing them. But if you caught their weird behavior and prepared yourself, you might yet have a fighting chance. The last scenario is an example of situational awareness.
Levels of Awareness
Situational awareness, by definition, requires that you be constantly aware of what is happening around you. This state of alertness is called ‘condition yellow’ and is one of four levels of awareness. To help you better understand this concept, here are the four conditions levels of alertness:
Condition White: Refers to when you are unaware of what is happening around you. If a dangerous situation arises, you are more likely to get harmed while at this level of awareness.
Condition Orange: Refers to when you discover a potential threat and watch to see if it further develops. Here, you are more alert than condition white, but you are not tense.
Condition Yellow: This refers to when you are fully aware of all the events around you and are constantly searching for potential threats. This is the ideal level of alertness for situational awareness.
Condition Red: Refers to when you are aware of a possible threat and are ready with your firearm to react.
Improving Your Situational Awareness
Find a Vantage Point
Whenever you enter any environment (restaurant, theater, public bus, etc.), you should position yourself where you can easily view most or all the entry and exit points. This position will give you access to everything that happens around you, allowing you to make an easy and quick escape if you see a threat materializing.
For example, if you go to a restaurant, a seat in one corner that places your back to the exit and eyes facing the entry is a great vantage point. You see everyone in the room, including those coming in, and you can quickly get to the door. It is not always possible to choose where you will sit or stand, especially in crowded restaurants where you must be seated. Nonetheless, you can still scope out the position that gives you the broadest view of the room.
Situational awareness cannot be learned overnight. You will need to practice your observational skills constantly until you develop a new way of seeing your environment.
Generally, the goal is to achieve such a high level of awareness that red signs jump out at you with little effort on your part. You want to be able to see warning signs without consciously thinking about them. You can achieve this level of awareness by frequently observing people, establishing baselines, and generating possible anomalies whenever you enter a new environment.
Understand Your Surroundings
To effectively improve your situational awareness, you will need to be very observant of your environment. You cannot predict the future, but a detailed assessment of the people, elements, and events around you will give you hints when something life-threatening is about to happen.
Note: How alert you are to your surroundings will depend on where you are. For example, if you are in a city, you will likely need to be more alert than in a rural environment.
Increase Your Memorization Skills
Memorization skills are fundamental to situational awareness. If you memorize the layout of a room (people, doors, furniture, fire escapes), you will notice even the slightest of changes.
For example, you will see a locked door that was not locked when you come in or a bulge under a coat that was not there 30 seconds ago. Such minute changes might not mean anything to the average eye, but they can mean the difference between life and death. To improve your memorization skills, practice with a deck of cards or play a memory game.
Listen to Your Gut Instinct
Your brain is wired to protect you from dangerous situations and will constantly alert you of any changes in your environment through your senses. This means you can identify a threat through senses like smell, taste, hearing, and touch if you pay attention. Remember, when push comes to shove, you must trust your instincts regardless of how farfetched an idea seems.
Don’t Get Too Comfortable
Criminals will usually attack people who are either distracted, unfocused, or uncomfortable. For example, if three people are walking through a park, the one whose nose is buried in their phone is more likely to be attacked than the one walking with purpose. As such, you should always keep your head up, paying attention to your environment, and always look confident. Be alert; do not relax and blend into the environment but do not strain so much that you get tired.
Situational awareness is a life-saving skill that everyone who owns firearms should possess. However, if you are just finding out about it now, it is vital that you know it is not something you can learn overnight. You will require a considerable amount of practice and consistency if you are to become constantly aware of your environment. The key is to start today and keep going. In time, you will be able to spot things other people do not see and, by extension, sniff out trouble from a mile away.
from https://readyandarmed.net/how-to-improve-your-situational-awareness/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/how-to-improve-your-situational-awareness
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Understanding Rifling and Barrel Twist
If you are new to shooting and hanging around experienced shooters, you have probably heard them talking about barrel rifling and barrel twist rate. If that is the case, then you may be wondering what these two terms mean and why they would be significant in shooting. In this article, we will discuss barrel rifling and barrel twist rates in detail to help you understand what they are and why they are important.
What is Barrel Rifling?
Barrel rifling is a system of spiral grooves in the surface of the bore of a gun that causes a projectile when fired to rotate about its long axis. Most handgun barrels have spiraling grooves pressed or cut into the bore. The ridges of metal between the grooves are known as lands. Together, lands and grooves form what is known as rifling.
When you take a shot using a handgun, the rifling in the barrel will put a spin on the bullet. The spin helps to keep the bullet point first in flight, thus increasing distance and shot accuracy. Shotguns are typically designed for shooting moving targets in the air. A barrel rifling helps to improve accuracy and range, thus increasing your chance of hitting your target precisely.
What is a Barrel Twist Rate?
Barrel twist rate refers to the rate of spin inside your gun barrel. For example, a barrel twist rate of 1:8 in AR- 15 rifles means that the rifle will spin the bullet once after every 8 inches of rifling. If the rifle fails to spin the bullet at that rate, then the bullet will not travel with good stability, meaning that it may not hit the target accurately. So, just like barrel rifling, an inadequate barrel twist rate could affect the stability of your rifle when you take a shot.
If you are a fan of American football, then it may be quite easy for you to understand what barrel twist rate means. When a player throws the ball with a good spiral motion, the throw will be more accurate compared to if the ball is tossed without a proper spiraling motion. In other words, the spiral motion results in a more stable and accurate pass.
An ordinary pass (without spiraling motion) will not be accurate because the ball will flutter the air constantly and change direction due to increased air resistance resulting in an inconsistent pass. A ball thrown without a proper spin could end up in the wrong hands, which could work in favor of the opposing team. That is why most teams look for quarterbacks with great spiral skills to throw the ball further and with better stability and accuracy.
The same concept is also applied in a bullet. A good spiral motion on the bullet allows it to travel further and more accurately, which is crucial, especially when shooting for a long range. Barrel twist rate provides much need stability to the bullet, thus ensuring that you hit your target accurately.
How does it Work?
Most modern handguns and rifles are equipped with spiraling grooves inside the barrels, known as rifling. The main job of the rifling is to spin the bullet as it travels the length of the barrel and continues even when the bullet leaves the gun to the target. Generally, the tighter the spiral pattern, the faster and more stable the bullet will spin in the air, resulting in more accurate shots.
The barrel twist is usually expressed in a ratio, and it indicates how many inches of the barrel it takes for the projectile to complete a full motion. For instance, a 1:6 twist rate means that the rifling makes a full rotation over six inches barrel length.
Why Twist Rate is Important
Most people do not place much importance on their rifles twist rate. Knowing your rifle’s twist rate is crucial and could help you make the right decision that could increase your shooting accuracy. For instance, knowing your rifle’s twist rate could help you know the type of bullet that will deliver accurate shots.
For example, if your rifle does not have a tight twist rate, then it will not be wise to use longer bullets that require a tight twist rate to get sufficient flight stability. When shooting a rifle that requires longer and heavier bullets, it is necessary that the rifle barrel has a faster twist rate. Twist rate is crucial because it affects both the range and accuracy of your shots. Therefore, it is always important to know the twist rate of the rifle before you make a purchase.
Does bullet weight affect barrel twist?
Most people think bullet weight impacts barrel twist. However, that is not the case. It is essential to understand that bullet weight does not in any way affect barrel twist rate. What affects your barrel twist is the bullet length.
Most people usually think that a bullet’s weight affects the barrel’s twist rate because a longer bullet is usually heavier than a shorter bullet. A longer bullet usually affects barrel twists because it requires a faster rifling twist to properly stabilize the bullet once it leaves the rifle.
Does twist rate affect pressure?
YES, twist rate affects pressure. With all other factors remaining constant, any time your rifle’s twist rate is increased, pressure will increase.
Does twist rate affect velocity?
Yes, twist rate affects velocity, but the difference is not that huge. Barrels with faster twist rates usually have more drag and friction, which in turn slows down the bullet.
Barrel rifling and barrels twist rate are very crucial components that should not be overlooked, especially when buying a rifle. These components will affect both the range and accuracy of your shots. Understanding the twist rate of your rifle can help you make an informed decision that will help to improve your shooting performance. For instance, knowing your rifle’s barrel rifling and barrel twist rate will help you know the right bullet size to use to get the best performance both in terms of accuracy and range.
from https://readyandarmed.net/understanding-rifling-and-barrel-twist/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/understanding-rifling-and-barrel-twist
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
What Is Eye Dominance and How Do You Determine Yours?
Just as most people have a dominant hand, they also have a dominant eye. This is the eye that sends more accurate signals to your brain, allowing you to locate an object accurately. In most cases, people never realize that one of their eyes is dominant unless it becomes a problem. However, determining your dominant eye is crucial to your shooting accuracy if you love and own firearms. This article reviews the meaning and importance of eye dominance and tells you why you should care.
What is a Dominant Eye?
A dominant eye is the one your brain gives more preference to because it sends more accurate information to your brain’s visual center about an object’s location. There are three main types of eye dominance:
Motor dominance – This is when one eye is preferred since it is less likely to lose fixation when closer to the convergence point.
Sighting dominance – This is when one eye is preferred for focusing on a target.
Sensory dominance – This is when one eye is preferred due to its strong visual ability.
For most people, having a dominant eye is a normal visual condition because both eyes maintain almost equal visual acuity, although one eye is preferred over the other.
Dominant Eye in Shooting
Eye dominance is an important consideration for shooters since it determines the accuracy of your shots. If your dominant eye is not on the same side as your dominant hand – a condition called cross dominance – you may have difficulty hitting targets.
For example, if you are a left-handed (i.e., left-shouldered) shooter but your right eye is the dominant one, you may find yourself shooting in front of a left-to-right moving target and behind a right-to-left moving target. Understanding your eye dominance can, therefore, help improve your shooting accuracy. This will, in turn, improve your chances of wilderness survival.
Importance of Eye Dominance
You may be wondering why eye dominance is so important in shooting and we have the answer. Because your dominant eye is the one that sends the most accurate information to your brain, it is usually the one you must place over the bore of your firearm when aiming. This alignment will ensure you see the target as it is and that your brain is not misinterpreting the information. Conversely, the opposite alignment (non-dominant eye over the bore) will likely end in a miss.
Determining Your Dominant Eye
It should now be clear to you how vital your dominant eye is when it comes to shooting on target. But how exactly do you determine eye dominance? The following two simple tests should help you:
Method 1
Step 1: Make a small triangle window of about 2 to 3 inches across between your thumbs and fingers with your palms facing out. Hold your arms straight in front of you.
Step 2: Through the window in your hands, focus on a specific spot a short distance away from you. Keep both of your eyes open.
Step 3: As you maintain eye contact with the spot through your window, slowly bring your hands closer to your face.
Step 4: Once your hands are nearer to your face, you should take note of the eye you brought your hands towards. Your brain will naturally guide your hands to your dominant eye.
Note: Carefully follow the steps described in this method to avoid blocking the target with your hands and bringing your hand towards your non-dominant eye.
Method 2
Step 1: With both of your palms facing out, make a small triangle window (about 2-3 inches across) between your thumbs and forefingers as you hold your arms straight in front of you.
Step 2: Through the window in your hands, focus on a spot a short distance away from you, like a light switch or doorknob. Keep both of your eyes open.
Step 3: Close your right eye. If your target moves out of view, your left eye is dominant. If it stays in focus, your right eye is dominant.
Cross Dominance
Cross dominance refers to when the dominant hand and eye are on opposite sides of the body. This can become an issue when working with firearms because it means you can either spot the target accurately or shoot with your dominant hand, not both. However, there is some good news if you find yourself having cross dominance. With the proper adjustments in shooting techniques, a cross-dominant shooter can learn to shoot more accurately.
Dealing with Cross Dominance
There are some effective methods of dealing with your cross dominance shooting problem, but the approach you choose will depend on the type of firearm you are using.
1. Long Guns
When shooting shotguns or rifles, there is not much you can do about changing your dominant eye. You must choose between using your dominant eye or your dominant hand. Your options are:
Use Your Dominant Hand: If you stick with your dominant hand, you will need to obstruct the vision of your dominant eye by placing a small piece of tape over the lens on that side of your safety glasses. This will signal your brain to rely on your non-dominant eye for vision.
Use Your Dominant Eye: With this approach, you must shoulder your firearm on the same side as your dominant eye and use your non-dominant hand to take the shot.
2. Handgun
Cross dominance is much easier to deal with when using a handgun because you are not limited to using one hand. You can decide to:
Move Your Head: Start with the handgun in your dominant hand and in a shooting position. Then, shift your head, so your dominant eye aligns with the gun.
Move Your Hand: Start with the handgun in your dominant hand and in a shooting position. With your head still, move your hand, so it travels to your dominant eye across your midline.
Tip: There is no single correct answer to dealing with cross dominance. However, with adequate time and effort in training, you will eventually find a method that works best for you.
Using firearms requires an extremely high level of accuracy, especially when your shooting skills are crucial to wilderness survival. Determining your eye dominance will help you avoid mistakes such as missing a target due to inaccurate visual signals sent to your brain. However, the buck does not stop with finding out which of your eyes is dominant. If you are cross dominant, you must practice your technique until your target accuracy is spot on.
from https://readyandarmed.net/what-is-eye-dominance-and-how-do-you-determine-yours/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/what-is-eye-dominance-and-how-do-you-determine-yours
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Protecting Your Electronics With a Homemade Faraday Cage
Before explaining how to make a homemade faraday cage, we first need to define an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and what it can do to your electronics and devices. Also known as transient electromagnetic disturbance, an electromagnetic pulse is a short burst of electromagnetic energy that is capable of short-circuiting a wide range of electronic equipment such as computers, radio, television, satellite, microwave, civilian traffic lights, and radar receivers.
The energy created by EMP can temporarily or permanently damage your valuable electronic equipment by generating high current surges and high voltage. Sometimes your electronic devices can literally blow apart if an EMP generates enormous energy. If you want to keep your electronics safe for a long time the way you keep your firearms safe, it’s important to store them properly.
Step-by-step procedure to make a faraday cage to protect your electronics
If you are concerned about EMP damaging your valuable electronic components, then you must be wondering what to do to protect them. The best way to protect your electronics from EMP is by creating a faraday cage.
Named after an individual known as Michael Faraday, the faraday cage is the device used to protect electronic equipment from electromagnetic radiation damage. It creates a shielding effect that protects your valuable electronic items from damaging electromagnetic radiation.
A faraday cage comprises of
A conductive layer that reflects incoming energy
A conductor that absorbs incoming energy
A cage that creates an opposing field to counter the incoming radiation
Most people usually think that creating a faraday cage is complicated and can only be done by experts. However, that is not true, and you don’t need to hire an expert to build a faraday cage for you. Anybody can make a simple but effective faraday cage at home to protect their electronic devices against electromagnetic pulse damage. This article will give you an easy-to-follow step-by-step process on how to create a faraday cage at home to protect your valuables.
The materials that are needed:
Galvanized steel trashcan and lid
Moving blanket or cardboard and bubble wrap
Conductive gaskets
Step 1: Place a blanket or cardboard/bubble wrap inside the trashcan
The first process of creating a faraday cage placing a blanket or cardboard/ bubble wrap inside a trash can. Look for a conductive trash can made of stainless steel with a tight closing lid. The trash can will act as the first defense against electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, you need to ensure that it is made of quality material like stainless steel to protect your electronics against electromagnetic radiation by reflecting incoming radiation.
Once you have selected the right trashcan line, place a blanket or cardboard inside of the container. This will provide an additional layer of insulation. You can also add further layers of foil to boost the effectiveness of your faraday cage. The more layers your faraday cage has, the more protection the cage will offer against electromagnetic radiation.
Step 2: Affix conductive gasket to the inside of the lid where it meets the top of the can
Once you have placed a blanket or cardboard inside the trash can, the following process is to place a conductive gasket inside of the lid where it meets the top of the can. This process is crucial because it makes your trash can foolproof, meaning that damaging electromagnetic radiation will not find its way inside the container.
A conductive gasket is a mechanical seal that fills the space between the two mating surfaces. The conductive gasket will serve two purposes. They include: preventing leakage into the container when it is closed and reflect incoming fields. Make sure you attach the conductive gasket properly to make the trash can foolproof.
Step 3: Place cellphone inside the can and close it
Once you have sealed all loopholes, the following process is placing your cellphone or any other device inside the trash can and close it. The best practice is to cover each device individually in its own individual faraday cage.
For instance, you can use a simple aluminum foil or buy a faraday bag then place your items inside the bag. Once the cellphones and other electronic devices are inside the trash can, attach it with a bolt or adhesive to make the cage sturdy and foolproof.
Step 4: Test the faraday cage by calling the cellphone
Once you have sealed the faraday cage, test if it works by calling the cellphone placed inside. If the signal is blocked, then your faraday cage works. That’s it. Building a faraday cage is as simple as that.
Can a faraday cage have holes?
Most people are under the impression that a faraday cage needs to be sealed completely. Yes, it is okay to close it entirely, but it is okay for it to have small holes as long as the holes are small compared to the wavelength.
For instance, a 1GHz wave has a wavelength of 0.3 meters in free space. This means that as long as your faraday cage has smaller holes than that dimension, you should not worry because it will not let in much radiation that could damage your stored electronics.
Must a faraday cage be grounded?
This question has varied answers. Some people believe that a faraday cage should be grounded, while others think it is not a necessity. However, many experts agree that grounding a faraday cage is not a must because it has little effect on field levels.
The only thing that grounding could help is protecting the faraday cage from becoming charged or and reradiating. The bottom line is that a faraday cage that is not grounded is as effective as one that is grounded when it comes to protecting the contents inside against harmful electromagnetic fields.
A faraday cage is a simple yet essential device that can help to protect your electronic devices against electromagnetic radiation. You don’t have to call an expert to build a faraday cage for you. Instead, you can make one at home by following the simple steps given above. All materials needed to build a faraday cage are things you should find available in your home, and those that you don’t already have can easily be purchased at your local hardware or electronics shop.
from https://readyandarmed.net/protecting-your-electronics-with-a-homemade-faraday-cage/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/protecting-your-electronics-with-a-homemade-faraday-cage
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
What is Competition Shooting and How Can I Get Started?
Have you been seeing incredible videos, blogs, and pictures about competition shooting online, and naturally want to be part of the sport? Good for you! This sport will enable you to enjoy using your favorite firearms and improve your survival skills too. Always make sure to purchase electronic shooting ear protection earmuffs before participating in any shooting sports.
Most people who practice this sport say that it’s challenging, rewarding, and addictive, so you shouldn’t be shocked if you get any of these experiences. Besides, you could opt to branch off to other categories or disciplines of shooting sports. While this is a great adventure, it’s essential to know the basic things about the sport before you start. This piece will offer the fundamentals, so keep reading to ensure you don’t make mistakes on your new journey.
What’s Competition Shooting?
This sport involves activities like precision shooting and evaluates proficiency, speed, and accuracy in this discipline. You are allowed to use most kinds of portable firearms for this sport, like rifles, handguns, shotguns, and so on.
Don’t assume that this is just a local sport as it’s practised in the Olympics and by other international sporting organizations as well. Winners have to show their precision, accuracy, and efficiency in the sport using a professionally made scope for competition shooting.
Note that the various categories of competition shooting are characterized by the targets, type of firearm, and degree of athleticism in a limited time. Also, you may choose to compete as an individual or a team.
How Do I Get Started?
Starting a sporting activity like competition shooting for the first time can be intimidating, mainly if it involves a timer and firearms. But with good training and practice, you can improve your skills within a short time and start competing. So, rather than saying, “I am not good enough for this shot,” or “I wish I could shoot like this,” you should start your training right away and start practicing.
One option you can consider is to start spending your free time at the range with other gun nuts. As you watch them blast holes on the targets, you will be motivated to join them. Some will be happy to share quick tips to get you started and even mentor you.
Besides, no one will care how poorly you shoot as they are busy practicing or talking. Just make sure you enjoy your time and stay safe, and before you know it, you will have improved your shooting skills. Remember, everyone in the range started somewhere, so there is always room for new enthusiasts.
If you want to be trained professionally, then you can choose to join a gun club in your area. These clubs offer competition shooting classes for beginners and will help you learn before you start practicing. Then, you can join the competitions the clubs organize and soon you’ll be winning.
How Do I Sign Up?
Once you gain some shooting skills and confidence, you’ll be excited to participate in some competitions. After all, most ranges have a calendar that showcases all the events they are hosting so you feel inclined to participate. 
However, you cannot just pack up your gear and show up for the event unless you are sure they allow walk-in signups. In most cases, you have to register online for the competition to participate in the club matches. You will be asked to provide some personal information, name your division as well as your class.
This information is mandatory, so you’ll have to make an educated guess if you aren’t sure about something. Or, you can reach out to the directors of the match in advance, and they’ll guide you accordingly. On the big day, you need to get to the venue early to have adequate time to prepare. Check-in with the match director and then join the safety brief.
The director will share the rules for each discipline and name the designated area where participants should handle their firearms. If you go outside the designated area, you could be disqualified from the match as you are risking the safety of other participants. So, listen to the match directors and you won’t face problems during a match.
Also, calm your nerves and ignore the timer because the objective of the first match is to gain experience, have fun, and stay safe. Don’t forget to stay in control of the firearm and step up the pace when you feel comfortable. You will realize it’s fun to test your skills and work towards self-improvement.
What Are The Common Categories of Competition Shooting?
Knowing the different kinds of competition shooting will assist you in choosing the best division before you start practicing for the sport. Some primary categories include:
 1. Shotgun Shooting Events
Currently, there are three categories for shotgun shooting events, which entail shooting clay targets. However, the throwing technique varies, making the shooting events different. The categories are:
Trapshooting: The clay targets are thrown in the same direction the shooter faces, although the trajectory will vary to give the shooter a challenging set of targets. Shooters have to make decisions instantaneously when selecting multiple targets.
Skeet shooting: The targets are fired from two opposite directions, making it easy for the shooter to showcase their shooting skills.
Sporting clays: This category entails shooting clay targets pitched from different speeds, heights, and angles. The targets are usually moved fast to stimulate the shooter to shoot as fast as he/she can. It also simulates hunting birds in the wild, as the clay birds are shot randomly into the air.
2. Pistol and Rifle Shooting Events
IDPA Shooting: The  International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) governs this unique sport which focuses on self-defence shooting situations. Through this, shooters are equipped to deal with real-life situations for defence purposes. 
Bullseye shooting: This event involves using both pistols and rifles. Pistol shooters have to shoot from a long distance that’s often 50 yards or more, and the firing contest may be done rapidly or slowly. Level difficulty is increased via a timer or asking the participants to use a single hand instead of both hands.
3. Rifle-Focused Shooting Events
Benchrest shooting: As its name suggests, the rifle is placed on a front and rear rest on a table. Participants aim at paper targets. The rifles are customized to offer a stable shot regardless of the weather conditions.
As you can see, shooting events vary widely and can be hosted in a world competition event like the Olympics or the gun club. So, keep practicing, and over time, you will perfect your skills and get to participate in any event you choose.
from https://readyandarmed.net/what-is-competition-shooting-and-how-can-i-get-started/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/what-is-competition-shooting-and-how-can-i-get-started
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
The Importance of Storing Your Guns Properly
How you store your gun will determine how long it will serve you and the quality of performance it will deliver. Gun is a huge investment and thus needs proper storage. Additionally, owning a gun is a huge responsibility, and if it is not stored properly, it can cause a lot of harm.
Therefore, proper gun storage is a part of being a responsible gun owner. A majority of gun owners use Large Quick Access Biometric Rifle Safe to store their guns. Whether you are a military service member, a law enforcement officer, or a civilian, knowing how to store your gun is especially important. In this article, we will discuss the importance of storing your firearms properly.
It Helps to Improve Your Gun’s Safety
Many people purchase a gun for self-defence purposes. However, if you do not keep your gun in a safe place, then it can pose a huge safety risk to you and your family members. Studies show that more than half of gun owners in the United States store at least one gun unsafely, thus posing a huge safety risk to their families.
If you do not keep your gun safe, then anybody, including kids, can access the gun and injure themselves or other people around. The best way to prevent this is by keeping your gun in a safe place. Store your weapon in a place where unauthorized persons cannot access it.
It Prevents Your Weapons from Being Stolen
Apart from keeping your gun safe, proper storage also helps prevent your gun from being stolen and used elsewhere to commit a crime. A report by Gifford Law center showed that gun theft in the United States is on a steady rise.
The report revealed that over 380,000 guns are stolen each year, and the sad news is that most stolen guns usually end up in the hands of criminals who use them to commit crimes. Proper gun storage can help you avoid your gun being stolen and used to commit a crime.
Law Requires Gun Owners to Store Them Properly
Many states require gun owners to store their guns properly away from children and other family members. Currently, over 11 states have laws regarding the proper storage of guns. For instance, Massachusetts requires all gun holders to store their weapons safely using a lock. Failure to do so could result in being charged and fined. In some cases, your gun license may be revoked. So make sure you understand gun storage laws in your state and comply with them to avoid getting in trouble.
Proper Storage Helps to Keep the Gun in Perfect Condition
If you own a gun, then you know that they are not cheap. The prices of guns have been rising steadily over the years. Many people who want to own a gun are usually forced to save for months.
The last thing you want after working so hard to own a gun is for it to get damaged after a few months of use. Properly storing your gun will keep it in good condition, meaning it will serve you for many years to come. The overall cost of maintenance will significantly reduce if you store your gun in a safe place.
It Keeps Your Guns Well Organized
Another benefit of properly keeping your gun is that it keeps it well organized and easy to retrieve. This is important, especially for people who own multiples guns. When you store your gun in a well-organized place, you can quickly access it when the need arises. For instance, if thieves attack your home, you can easily get your gun quickly and ambush them.
Tips on How to Store Your Gun Safely in a Gun Safe:
Remove Moisture from the Safe
Moisture in your gun safe can cause serious damage that cannot be repaired. Exposing your valuable gun to moisture can lead to rust, with could cause some parts to stick together and the gun to potentially misfire. A high level of humidity can also cause your gun to be covered or surrounded by molds. To prevent all this, you need to remove moisture from the safe using a dehumidifier. This will prevent rust and mold from forming, thus keeping your gun in good condition.
Clean and Oil Your Gun
Another crucial thing to do before storing your gun in a safe is to clean it thoroughly to remove any buildup to residues before storing it. As they say, a clean gun is a safe gun. Multiple shots will result in the buildup of powder residues, grime, and gasses in its action and on the barrel. If these residues are left to stay, they will affect both the performance and durability of your gun in the long run.
So, before storing your firearm in the safe, ensure that you clean it thoroughly to remove anything that could affect its performance and durability. Cleaning your gun is not good enough. Once you are done cleaning the gun, go a step further and lubricate it using appropriate gun oil.
Oiling your gun will help to reduce friction between various mechanical parts of the weapon for enhanced durability and performance. Always clean and lubricate your gun before storing it in the safe.
Inspect Your Gun Regularly Every Time You Recharge the Dehumidifier
Every time your recharge the dehumidifier in the safe, it is advised you inspect the condition of your gun to see if it is in perfect condition. Just because the safe is free from moisture does not mean that your gun is 100% safe.
There are many other things, such as high temperatures, that may damage your gun in the safe. Therefore, every time you recharge the dehumidifier, inspect your gun to see if it is still in good shape or not. If it’s not in good condition, find out the cause and fix the problem immediately.
If you own a gun or planning to purchase one soon, you need to ensure it is stored properly. This way, you will protect your gun from being stolen and enhance your safety and that of your loved ones. How you store your gun in the safe also matters a lot. Therefore, we recommend that you follow the tips given above when storing your gun in the safe to keep it in good condition.
from https://readyandarmed.net/the-importance-of-storing-your-guns-properly/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/the-importance-of-storing-your-guns-properly
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
5 Reasons for Inaccuracy with Your Handgun
Perhaps the biggest challenge that most handgun owners face when taking a shot is inaccuracy. Sometimes it is very frustrating not to take a perfect shot, especially when stakes are high, like when hunting. You can use ProCase Noise Reduction Earmuffs to avoid getting distracted in those times.
However, if you are always off target when taking a shot, then the problem could be you or your handgun could be having a few issues that need to be fixed. In this article, we will discuss five main reasons for inaccuracy with your handgun and how to fix them.
Gripping It Wrong
One of the top reasons you are not hitting the target is a lack of proper grip. Research shows that at least 60% of shooters do not grip their guns correctly. That is why most of them usually fail to get a perfect shot. Any pro shooter will tell you that the secret to getting a perfect shot is gripping the handgun correctly. A proper grip will help reduce recoil, thus increase your chance of hitting your target with the first attempt.
Hold your handgun with your main hand. Place your main hand as high as possible on the grip to help prevent the gun from tipping in your hand during recoil. When holding the handgun, it should be placed in a position where if you draw a line from the muzzle via the gun, then back to your hand, it should be in a straight line. This will help spread the recoil into your arms as opposed to your wrist and hand. As a result, you will have more stability, which will, in turn, improve accuracy.
Two common mistakes that people make while firing include tea cupping and funky thumb. So, what do these two terms mean? Tea cupping is when you put the other hand under the handle and gripping the end of the magazine. This strategy may help to keep the handgun steady but will not reduce recoil. The best way to reduce recoil is by using two hands.
On the other hand, the funky thumb is when you use your weak thumb to cross around the backside of your powerful hand. This is dangerous and may harm your thumb.
Remember that how you hold your gun will determine everything else that will follow. If you get a solid grip, you will be able to manage recoil more efficiently, meaning your shot groups will be tighter, and you will be able to fire your follow-ups faster and more accurately.
The main reason why most shooters struggle with grip is because of a lack of proper arm exercise. Therefore, you should start exercising your hands and practice often to overcome this problem.
Another thing that could be hindering you from making the perfect shot is because you are over-gunned. Most novice shooters usually think that having a bigger caliber handgun will increase their chance of hitting the target perfectly. However, that is not true. In fact, having a bigger caliber handgun will only make things worse if you do not know how to handle it.
A bigger caliber handgun requires more strength, and if you lack it, then your shots will always be off-target. Instead, get a caliber handgun that can accurately and confidently shoot. It is better to take a perfect shot with a smaller caliber gun than to miss your targets with a more powerful handgun.
So do not let anybody fool you that a bigger caliber handgun will help improve your shooting accuracy. In fact, it may make things worse. Instead, focus on getting the caliber that you can easily handle.
Improper Sight Alignment
Improper sight alignment is also a common factor that usually prevents shooters from taking an accurate shot. In most cases, shooters usually have a problem acquiring a proper sight picture before pulling the trigger. Some shooters also do not understand what a proper sight picture looks like.
To avoid this, you always need to ensure that you have front sight focus before taking a shot. This means that your vision should be focused on the front sight of your handgun as opposed to the rear sight and the target.
Once you are focused on the rear sight, the next step is aligning the front, rear, and target by centring the front sight in the rear sight’s notch. Make sure that the tops of the sights are on the same level. Please do not place the front post too high in the rear notch because it could make you shot over the top of the target.
Not in Good Shape
It is exceedingly difficult to take an accurate shot if you are not in good shape. Our arms are not designed to hold things while stretched for long periods of time. The muscles that your body uses while shooting are not strong because they are only utilized for a short time. Therefore, when you use your handgun for a long period, your hand may start shaking, thus making it difficult to hit your target.
The solution to this problem is performing more exercises, particularly to muscles involved in shooting, such as the shoulder muscles, wrist, and lunges. The more you exercise these crucial muscles, the more stable and accurate your shots will get.
This is perhaps the biggest problem that hinders most shooters from taking an accurate shot. When you place your finger on the trigger, your instinct will tell you to pull the trigger immediately because you want the recoil to happen on your terms.
Making the handgun recoil predicate and controllable may seem like a good thing. However, when you anticipate recoil, you may push your arms against the recoil, causing the muzzle to dip down. This may cause the shot to miss the target.
The best solution to this problem is performing dry fire practice where you squeeze the trigger without live ammunition. This will help you focus on minimizing the movement of the gun while taking a shot as opposed to putting a lot of focus on recoil. Practice repeatedly until when you can get rid of all movements.
Taking an accurate shot is a huge challenge even for pro shooters. However, the points listed above are the top reasons for shooting inaccuracy, and if you correct them, then your shooting accuracy will improve significantly.
from https://readyandarmed.net/5-reasons-for-inaccuracy-with-your-handgun/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/5-reasons-for-inaccuracy-with-your-handgun
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jasonosims34 · 3 years
Should You Dry Fire Practice?
One of the most critical aspects of self-defence and wilderness survival is confidence in your ability to defend yourself. If you do not think you can make a shot, you will waver and second-guess yourself, making yourself a more vulnerable target. Fortunately, you can fix this situation by perfecting your firearm skills through practice. We often recommend newbies to use Earplugs by American Pro Sports during their practice sessions.
As with anything you do, mastering how to use firearms requires that you put in a lot of time and practice. But if you have bought ammunition recently, you know that this can be an expensive venture. This is where dry fire practice comes in. Dry firing allows you to practice all your gun skills – shooting and otherwise – without using ammunition. Read on to find out if it is ideal for you.
What Is Dry Fire?
Dry fire refers to the act of simulating firing a firearm without using ammunition. Generally, you do everything you usually do when making a shot and pull the trigger, but in this case, nothing happens because your gun is not loaded. This can sound like wasted time, but it is a very efficient way to practice your skills and accuracy without breaking the bank.
Most gun instructors will recommend dry fire to new shooters to help them learn gun manipulation basics and weapon safety. That said, this practice is not limited to newbies, and even veterans can do it because it requires no equipment (except your gun) and can even be done at home.
Why Dry Fire?
Dry fire is an excellent way to build a foundation for your basic gun skills while practicing other techniques and working up to advanced manipulation. Through this practice, you can perfect your trigger control stance, sight alignment, and grip, which will, in turn, boost your muscle memory. Even better, you can do it repeatedly until you get it right because you are not using ammunition.
Dry Fire Safety
From the definition, a dry fire should be a very safe activity, as it does not involve ammunition. However, any interaction with firearms has the potential to turn dangerous, which is why you should never throw caution to the wind.
Keep the following in mind during your dry fire practice:
Find a place with no distractions for your dry fire practice. If you have devices in the room, remove or silence them, so they do not jolt you. You should also inform the people who live with you that you are practicing and not to disturb you.
Always hold your weapon away from animals, people, or property.
Always unload your firearm before practice and perform three tactile and visual checks to ensure it is unloaded before you start.
As an extra precaution, unload your gun in a separate room from the one you will practice in and leave all your ammunition there, locked and safely tucked away.
If you must put your gun down to take a break, answer a phone call, or leave the room, always recheck it when you come back into the room. Make sure it is unloaded before you resume practice.
Choose a backstop that is not in front of anywhere people would walk. If an accidental discharge happens, you do not want the bullet to penetrate the wall and hit someone.
Benefits of Dry Firing
Research says that you must repeat something 10,000 times to commit it to muscle memory. This fact rings true for shooters, but such levels of practice can also mean a lot of ammunition used. Considering the high cost of ammo, one of the apparent benefits of dry firing is cost-effectiveness. Other benefits of this practice include:
Confidence Boost
When you practice at a range or with ammunition, the bullet holes will tell you exactly how you are firing. While this is often a good thing, it can also be very discouraging to someone who feels they are doing everything right, yet none of their bullets are on target.
This discouragement, plus the ammunition and cost of range time, can easily dishearten a beginner from going on. As mentioned at the beginning of this article, confidence is as crucial to good performance in sports as it is in the shooting. The more you feel like a failure, the more likely you are to quit.
Dry firing helps put you in the right mindset to keep on practicing your skills because there are no bullet holes. When you dry fire, you will likely remember what you did right and do it again rather than focus on what you did wrong.
Reduced Flinching
Your brain is wired to avoid situations it considered potentially dangerous. Because firing a gun is not a natural process, your body will often respond by turning your head, closing your eyes, or looking away, otherwise called flinching. Flinching can affect your aim and firing accuracy. Fortunately, dry firing eliminates the loud noise and jolt involved in firing a loaded gun, allowing you to shoot without moving.
Reduced Trigger Jerking
Trigger jerking refers to when you pull the trigger so that it disrupts your firearm’s aiming point. A shooter will usually jerk the trigger because they are focused on aiming the gun more than they are about maintaining the sight picture. Alternatively, trigger jerking can be caused by a shooter trying to fire their gun as fast as possible when they find the perfect sight picture.
Regardless of the cause, trigger jerking will severely harm your aiming skills and firing accuracy. Dry firing fixes this problem by allowing you to shoot without moving the gun since there is no rush to fire a bullet into a perfect sight picture anyway.
Improved Non-Shooting Skills
Besides helping you perfect your shooting skills, dry fire practice can sharpen your other non-shooting techniques. For example, you can practice your stance, loading, reloading, drawing, one-handed aiming, and moving while aiming as many times as you want.
If you own firearms, dry fire practice is an excellent way to hone your skills at no cost and from the comfort of your home. The comfortable environment allows you to concentrate on every aspect of your weapon manipulation tactics and practice over and over until you master all your moves.
That said, you must keep the safety measures discussed here – and all the others you know – in mind during this exercise. The most important gun safety rule is to treat every firearm as if it is loaded, even if you know that it is not. This is crucial, even if you are only practicing dry firing.
from https://readyandarmed.net/should-you-dry-fire-practice/
from Ready & Armed - Blog https://readyandarmed.weebly.com/blog/should-you-dry-fire-practice
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