jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
amazing moments in iw that no one has mentioned enough
- okoye judging bruce banner when he face-planted on the battlefield like an absolute idiot
- rocket NEVER ONCE complaining about thor calling him “rabbit”
- “wong, you are invited to my wedding”
- teenage groot TAKING INTIATIVE and building the handle for thor’s new axe
- the magnificent peter dinklage, a dwarf, playing the role of king eitri, A GIANT DWARF
- tony stark calling ebony maw ‘squidward’
- “titan-killing long term booty-call”
- “you’re embarassing me in front of the wizards”
- gamora telling peter quill than she loves him more than anything else
- rhodey accepting a court marshall like a motherfucking o.g. bc he respected how steve rogers roasted secretary ross
- m’baku + t’challa leading those BEAUTIFUL wakandan war chants
- the look of profound respect natasha gave wanda when she appeared on the battlefield
- dr strange asking “who’s your master?” and starlord replying with “my master? what am i supposed to say? jesus????”
- gamora quietly but passionately mouthing the lyrics to ‘the rubberband man’ by the spinners
- “ S P A C E “ as a location heading
- vision: “you could never hurt me.”
- rocket believing that “being the captain” is having an unfiltered, heart-to-heart therapy session
- little cupcake bruce and his constant state of confusion: “there’s an ant-man and a spider-man???”
- bucky and his heart-eye-emoji-expression at the brilliance of wakandan defense technology
- nick fury’s “motherfu-“
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Jasnah kholin - “Uncle, that seems a tall order, even if one of us is, apparently, the storming Assassin in white”
Stormlight archive where everything’s the same except there are no Szeth POV chapters. The events in them still happened, we just don’t get to see them. So rather than being an actual character, to the audience the assassin in white is just this vague intimidating villain with no personality who acts evil, tries to kill everyone multiple times, has an on-screen death, and then isn’t heard from again until the end of Oathbringer when he shows up out of nowhere saying Dalinar’s his boss.
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
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A theme consistent with Jim Butcher’s novels. Numbing oneself from emotion does not lead to joy or sorrow. It leads to estrangement from oneself. It leads to apathy and indifference. 
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple “Thank You” will suffice. None of this “How did you get in my house” business. So rude
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
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>ides of march 44 bce >be julius caesar >be going to the senate >remember some homeless soothsayer guy told me not to >eh.fresco >show up at the senate >this asshole cimber tries to get my attention >wont shut up about recalling his dumb brother from exile >tell him to fuck off for now >cimber grabs my toga and pulls me down >tell him what the fuck, this is violence >this other asshole casca stabs me >jupiter fuck that hurts >now everyone starts stabbing me >why >see my buddy brutus in the crowd and try to call out to him >he comes over and stabs me too >betrayal.fresco >ask him what the fuck >he says “i’m sorry caesar. it’s not that i loved you less, but that i loved updog more” >wat >ask him “brutus, what is updog?” >all of the assassins burst into laughter >just got murdered by my best friend and also fell for his terrible joke >should’ve listened to that soothsayer >mfw
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Kaladin: Did you see my latest mapping of Voidbringer activity?
Dalinar: Yes, I looked it over. Nice work, son.
Kaladin: Good. Thanks, Dad.
Everyone: *staring*
Kaladin: Why is everyone staring at me?
Drehy: You just called Dalinar “Dad.” You said, “Thanks, Dad.”
Kaladin: No, I did not! I said, "Thanks, sir.”
Dalinar: Do you see me as a father figure, Kaladin?
Kaladin: No! If anything I see you as a “bother” figure because you are always bothering me!
The Lopen: Hey, show your father some respect.
Kaladin: I didn’t call him Dad!
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Shallan: Urithuru is really muggy this morning.
Adolin: If I go outside and all the halls are full of mugs, I’m leaving you.
Shallan: *sips tea from a bowl*
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Kaladin: Did you see my latest mapping of Voidbringer activity?
Dalinar: Yes, I looked it over. Nice work, son.
Kaladin: Good. Thanks, Dad.
Everyone: *staring*
Kaladin: Why is everyone staring at me?
Drehy: You just called Dalinar “Dad.” You said, “Thanks, Dad.”
Kaladin: No, I did not! I said, "Thanks, sir.”
Dalinar: Do you see me as a father figure, Kaladin?
Kaladin: No! If anything I see you as a “bother” figure because you are always bothering me!
The Lopen: Hey, show your father some respect.
Kaladin: I didn’t call him Dad!
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
The ides of March is coming up what’s everyone getting me?
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Kelsier: There's three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way, and the Kelsier way.
Marsh: Isn't that just the wrong way?
Kelsier: Yes, but faster.
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
911 hey i hate to be “that guy” but i glued myself to the ceiling again
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
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shoutout to my classmate for having the most Mistborn-y bag ever xD
(dont worry, pics taken with her permission)
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
tell me everything is going to be ok, bot
Every thing is going to be gay
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
What do you call Shallan when she uses lightweaving to get rid of her embarrassment?
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jamanddoughnut-blog · 6 years
Marriage can wait, education cannot.
Khaled Hosseini (via quotemadness)
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