jakeysfallingsky · 10 months
Hello, I just wanted to pop in to apologize for ghosting you all. I promise that Wildflowers Jake will return to you soon. There’s been a series of unfortunate things that have happened that have prevented me from having the time to write but I promise that I’ll have another chapter out within the next two weeks, hopefully sooner. I appreciate all of your love with my little sweet Jake story.
Xo, E 🌸
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 7 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Happy Sunday! Here is Chapter 7 :) this one is a little bit shorter but I promise the next chapter will be a doozy!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 4500+
Warnings: 18+ content - angst, fluff, unprotected sex, light amount of choking but just for a minute
Both you and Jake had fallen asleep until the early afternoon, Jake being the first one to wake up. You were snuggled into his side as usual, he was wrapped completely around you. It made him happy knowing that your unconscious state sought him out and curled up into him, as if he was protecting you. I’ll keep you safe for the rest of my life baby, if you let me.
He started kissing your hair and forehead in an attempt to wake you up. You gently stirred, lifting your head slightly and opening one eye to see your boyfriend grinning at you. You opened your other eye and blinked a few times, a sleepy smile on your face. 
“Missed those eyes. How was your nap?” Jake said softly as he ran his fingers through your hair, knowing you were still waking up. 
“Mmm, I love naps.” You mumble, before tucking yourself back into his warm and soft chest. His arms tighten around you as you feel a chuckle rumble through his chest. And I love you. 
“Yeah, me too.” Jake says, shaking the thought about you out of his head before attempting to peel your limbs off of him. You groan, not wanting to leave his comforting embrace. 
He finally gets you on your back, no longer curled against his side, and starts kissing your lips before moving down to your neck. 
“Do you…know… how much… I missed you… all of you…” Jake said lowly, pausing his words to leave kisses past your collarbones and chest, before bringing one hand up to tangle in your hair while the other lightly dipped below the band of your sweatpants, starting to tug them away from where they were resting on your hips.
“I missed you so much baby, so so much.” You whisper, already trembling under the touch of his soft lips and calloused fingers, your body crying out for him. He could feel you already coming undone with just a few sweet touches, and he started to become hard because of the way your body was responding to him.
Jake kissed up your neck before landing at your lips, his light brown eyes turning dark as they stared into yours. “Do you know what you do to me? I was fucking aching every night that I was away, wishing I could bury myself in your pretty little pussy.” He paused to kiss you deeply before pulling away to bite on your earlobe. “Are you going to let me play with you, baby?” He nearly growled into your ear, wetness already pooling between your legs.
You nodded, already at a loss for words, when Jake wrapped his hand around your throat. “You know I need words, baby.”  He loosened his grip slightly so you could get the words out.
“Please, please, I want you to play with me.” You manage to get out with a strangled breath, Jake’s grin growing along with his already impossibly hard cock. He let go of your throat and then eased your pants and underwear all the way off before sticking two fingers inside of you, bringing his lips back up to your ear. He had to bite back a moan as he felt how wet you were. 
“God baby, is all of this for me? You dirty, dirty girl.” He started pumping his fingers in and out, swirling them every so often and flicking them with precision, causing a series of moans and whines to leave your mouth. 
“You are so fucking gorgeous when you sing for me,” Jake spoke into your ear in a deep rasp, “the prettiest fucking noises I’ve ever heard.”
He started kissing you passionately while his fingers were still working inside of you and you moaned into his mouth, the vibrations hitting the back of his throat, causing his cock to strain further in his pants.
“Jake…baby…I’m gonna c-“
“No,” Jake growled, “no you aren’t. Not until I say you can.” He abruptly pulled his fingers out of you, licking them clean, before yanking your shirt off and his clothes at lightning speed.
He climbed back on top of you, kissing you deeply and teasing you with the head of his dick right at your entrance.
“Please Jake, I need you,” you begged, “please baby.” 
He loved hearing you beg and his eyes rolled back into his head hearing you whine for him, knowing that you were craving him but he was craving you even harder. 
He finally pushed himself into you, all the way, stretching you out completely. Jake moaned before whispering into your ear, starting to pump quickly, “Only you make me feel like this, no one else, FUCK baby, you feel so fucking good.” He nipped at your neck before continuing. “I was fucking made for you, you know that?” 
You nodded, panting heavily, feeling him push in and out of you at a pace that was almost punishing, but in the best way. Jake abruptly paused his movements to pull your legs around his waist, before resuming his pounding. He loved hitting it so deep inside of you, he needed it. 
Sweat was dripping down Jake’s forehead and you ran your fingers through his sweaty curls, wanting to keep the drips out of his eyes. 
“You are so fucking good to me,” Jake panted, “so fucking good baby.” He continued his relentless pace, as if slowing down meant he had to stop completely. 
“Jake,” you whined, “I’m gonna-“
He interrupted you, knowing he was close to his finish as well. “Let go sweetheart, let go for me.” You came instantly, your walls clenching around his cock causing him to throw his head back as he finished inside you, slowing his movements until he came to a complete stop, resting his head on your chest as you felt him softening inside of you.
You both were breathing heavy when he picked his head up to look at you, a lopsided smile on his sweaty face. “I missed that.” He said sweetly, and you laughed before agreeing. He cleaned himself up and then you, before climbing back into bed, both of you still naked. 
The afternoon sun was coming in through the window, and Jake quietly admired the soft rise and fall of your chest as you breathed deeply laying on his chest, the planes of your nose and how your cupid’s bow was so pronounced, the dusting of freckles across your cheeks and forehead, the way you were starting to get wrinkles around your eyes and lips from the way you expressed your joy, and he knew it was the time. 
“Baby?” He asked you, and you looked up at him with a soft smile. “Hi, Jake.” You said sweetly and he gave you a soft smile in return. His heart was pounding and the butterflies in his stomach were swarming. He grabbed one of your hands and linked your fingers together, resting your joined hands on his chest, comforting his own nerves and satiating his desire to feel you intimately in this moment. 
“I love you,” he said quietly but confidently, his eyes twinkling, he was beyond sure of it, “I’m so in love with you.” He finished, his voice even stronger. 
Now you knew what that look was, the one he had been giving you for weeks. 
You squeezed his hand and gave him the biggest smile, kissing his lips before looking into his beautiful eyes. 
“I love you too, Jake.” You said, your free hand caressing his jaw. “I really love you.” You giggled, knowing it was the absolute truth. You truly did, there was no way that you couldn’t be in love with Jake Kiszka. 
He was beaming in the most radiant way before fully pulling you on top of him and squeezing you to his chest. “Oh thank god,” he breathed, “I’ve been wanting to tell you for awhile.” He said shyly and you looked down at his blushing cheeks and gave him another sweet kiss. “I figured.” You chuckled before he playfully rolled his eyes and kissed you deeply, pulling away to settle you into his chest, whispering into your hair about how much he loved you. 
After laying in bed until the last possible moment, you both knew you had to get up and get ready to meet up with the rest of the boys for dinner. Thankfully, they had picked a more casual spot, so you threw on a simple outfit of jeans and a crop top and quickly got ready. 
Jake whistled as he walked into the bathroom, watching you put the finishing touches on your makeup. “Damn baby, you always look so good.” He walked over to you and placed a hand on your hip before kissing your hair. “Gonna be hard to keep my hands to myself at dinner, love.” He spoke lowly into your ear.
You blushed before shooting him a playful glare. “You have a hard time keeping your hands to yourself whether we are at dinner with your family or not.” Jake just giggled in response before squeezing your hip gently and walking out of the bathroom.
It was a short drive to the diner and the five of you crammed into a booth, nearly salivating at the thought of chicken tenders and fries and milkshakes. It didn’t take long for each of you to decide what fried food sounded best, and Jake excused himself to go to the restroom as soon as you all had placed your orders. Josh leaned in the second that Jake’s back was to you, clearly bursting at the seams to speak. 
“He really missed you, ya know. I haven’t seen him so into someone, I think, ever.” He whispered, a blush creeping across your cheeks. You looked down at the table before looking up at Josh’s sweet, knowing smile.
“I missed him so much too, more than I thought I would.” You admitted. “He…he told me he loved me today.” You couldn’t help the shy grin pulling at your lips as you confided in Josh.
Josh beamed at you. “He’s loved you for a long time, sugar.”
You nodded, your blush deepening, knowing he was telling the truth. Jake slid back into the booth, placing his arm around your shoulders. “You better not have said something to make my girl blush like that, Joshua.” He said in his deep rasp with a fake glare.
Both you and Josh just laugh, looking at each other, before you turn back to Jake and place a kiss on his cheek. He looked down at you, giving you a soft smile, before pulling you a little bit closer and whispering into your hair quietly so only you could hear.
“I love you.”
It was two weeks after the boys had returned home from tour, and they were going to be shooting a music video in a park about a half hour out of Nashville. When the band’s management team reached out weeks ago to ask if you were available to do their hair, you had immediately said yes, always loving the opportunity to work with them. But now, there was a pit in your stomach that you couldn’t ignore. Your relationship with Jake wasn’t exactly public knowledge to anyone other than Josh, Sam, and Danny (and Jake’s parents, he couldn’t help but tell them that he finally got together with you). There was half of your brain that was telling you it wouldn’t be a big deal if your relationship was public, and the other half of your brain was begging you to continue to keep your relationship quiet, that you would be viewed as unprofessional or trying to take advantage of Jake if their team and management found out you were together. Jake was patient and respected your wishes to keep things a little quiet for now, but it was killing him. He loved you, and despite his careful and reserved nature, he would scream about you from the mountaintops if he could.
The night before the shoot, you were over at Jake’s, per usual. He made dinner for you, and after you helped him clean everything up, the two of you sat cuddled up together on the loveseat on his back porch, watching the sunset with drinks in hand. You both had been quiet for a couple minutes, enjoying the peaceful sounds and watching the colors in the sky change as the sun fell. Jake set his drink down and turned his face towards yours. 
“I was thinking, for tomorrow, maybe we should head out around 9:30? I know they told us they want us there by 10:30 but I figured we could stop for coffee and I know you always like to show up early to get set up and stuff.” Jake said, a tiny smile on his face.
A slight pang echoed in your chest. He was so sweet. You knew it would look suspicious if the two of you - just the two of you - showed up together. You chose your next words carefully, trying to avoid offending him. “Jake, you don’t need to be there early. I’ll probably head out around then, but you should just come closer to the start time.” You said gently, hoping he would agree. You should have known better.
Jake furrowed his eyebrows and rested his head on his hand as gears turned in his brain. “You don’t want to show up with me. That’s what you really mean.” He said in a monotone voice. He was annoyed, not necessarily at you, but at the situation. He knew it would probably be fine if word got out to the GVF team that the two of you were together, that nobody would care, but Jake also knew that this was one of your anxiety’s pressure points.
You sighed. “I don’t want this to be a big deal, or for us to argue, but I’m-” you take a deep breath before continuing, “this is my livelihood, my career, Jake. I don’t want to risk future opportunities or be labeled negatively in the industry. These circles run smaller than we all realize. I don’t think I’m ready for everyone on your team to know, yet.” You finished in a small voice, feeling about six inches tall. Guilt wracked through you, knowing that you were upsetting Jake when all he wanted was to love you without any barriers.
Jake watched you carefully as you spoke. “Okay sweetheart, but we can’t live in secrecy forever. We’ve been official for over a month now, we’ve been together for more than two.” He wrapped his arms around you, trying to shake off the hurt that he was feeling. His stomach sank, knowing that you should be looking forward to all the fun that would be had tomorrow, instead of feeling worried about it. 
“I know,” you said quietly as he held you, “I just - tomorrow isn’t the day.” 
Jake nodded and kissed the side of your head. “Okay. Wait - am I going to have to pretend that I am not madly in love with you all fucking day tomorrow?” His tone felt a little playful, but under the surface, you could tell that he was upset. His lips were downturned into a frown that certainly wasn’t an act.
“We probably should talk about the shoot.” You sighed, not wanting to make this worse, but knowing that if you didn’t discuss it, he would likely be all over you tomorrow. “We just need to not be touchy, or talk to each other more than we normally would, or sit together on breaks. Like… we just need to act like we aren’t together.” 
Jake sighed deeply, the hurt he was feeling continued to grow inside of him. “Baby, I will do this tomorrow for you, but it has to be the one and only time. I promise you, I would never put you in a situation where your job is in jeopardy. It’s going to be okay when they find out. More than okay, actually, everyone on the team loves you and that’s why you’ve been working on our shoots for years.” He rubbed your arm soothingly. “It’s going to nearly kill me, but I promise that I won’t do or say anything that would make it obvious that I’m completely head over heels in love with you. I might flirt with you a little bit though, I don’t have that much self control.” He finished with a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes. It wasn’t a Jake smile.
You tried to give him a small smile back, knowing that it probably looked more like a grimace. “I will allow a small amount of flirting. No nicknames or ‘baby’ or ‘sweetheart’ though.” He leaned his head down, satisfied enough with your reply, and gave you a small kiss before picking up his glass and finishing the rest of his drink in one swallow. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I need my beauty rest before being on camera tomorrow.” He patted his cheeks teasingly and puckered his lips slightly and you chuckled before finishing your drink and heading back inside, more than ready to call it a night.
Your alarm came far sooner than you were ready for, and you groaned as you pried yourself out of Jake’s death grip to shut it off. Jake’s breathing didn’t even falter as he stayed sound asleep. A smile stretched its way across your lips as you watched him for a moment, taking in his sleeping figure. He truly was so beautiful.
Quickly showering and getting ready, you glanced at the time on your phone to see you were right on schedule. Jake had to be up and out the door in the next 45 minutes, so you went back into his bedroom to wake him up.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you started rubbing his shoulder and whispering his name, to no avail. Unbeknownst to you, Jake was actually awake and was pretending to stay asleep, wanting to mess with you a little bit.
“Jake…Jake…baby, you need to wake up.” You whispered, moving from rubbing his shoulder to gently running your hand up and down his back. He still wasn’t moving. 
A small smile crept across his face, it was a good thing that his back was facing you. “Maybe a kiss would wake him up.” Jake said softly, trying to hold back a giggle. You rolled your eyes, immediately catching on to his game. Grabbing his shoulder, you rolled him onto his back. His eyes were closed, but you could tell he was stifling both laughter and a smile. You grinned before leaning down and pressing your lips to his. His eyes remained closed after you pulled away.
“Hmm… that didn’t seem to do the trick. Maybe a blowjob?” He said with his eyes still closed, giggles fully threatening to break through the surface now. You quickly grabbed a pillow off the bed and smacked him repeatedly with it, your laughter filling the room.
He put his arms up in defense against your pillow attack and opened one eye. “Okay, okay, he’s awake now.” Jake said cheekily and you rolled your eyes at him. “Come on rockstar, you’ve got to be on the road soon.” You tried pulling his arm so he would sit up, which he did reluctantly. 
“All I need to do is put pants on and brush my teeth, I’ll be fine.” He replied with a yawn. You kissed his forehead and his lips before turning to leave. “Do me a favor and brush your hair too, the bedhead is crazy today.” You said, leaving with a wink.
Jake grinned and flopped back onto his pillows after he heard the front door shut. I’m so fucking in love with her.
You pulled up to the shoot and started unloading your supplies into the trailer after saying your hellos to the crew. Shortly after you were unpacked and nearly set up, there was a knock on the door. You swung the door open to reveal Danny, grinning widely.
“Hey stranger, I figured you’d be the first one here.” You smile, gesturing to the chair. “Ready to get pretty?” 
Danny scoffed. “I’m always pretty, come on.” You laughed and started working on his curls, getting him ready for the shoot. One by one, the rest of the boys trickled in, your boyfriend being the last to arrive. Members of the crew and management team had been fluttering in and out of the trailer all morning, each of them excited and buzzing about the day’s activities.
Josh and Sam were just as easy as Danny as far as their hairstyles for the day. Jake was the last to plop down in front of you, bringing his sunglasses down just far enough to shoot you a quick wink before pushing them back up on his face. You gave him a smile before gently taking them off completely and grabbing a comb.
“I see you didn’t take my advice about brushing your hair before leaving.” You say lowly, so only he can hear. He chuckles and looks at you in the mirror. “I didn’t have time.” He replies with a cheeky grin on his face. You rolled your eyes playfully and detangled his wavy hair.
“What are you thinking for today? Your natural waves, straight, curly, something else?” You ask, looking at him in the mirror. He bites his lip, albeit a little shyly, before speaking. “I…I um liked it when you curled my hair a couple weeks ago.” He says softly, almost a little unsure of trying a style that no one has ever seen on him. “Do you think that’s good for today?”
You smile gently and grab your curling iron, plugging it in. “I think you’ll look great, especially with the white suit.” You pointed to his clothes hanging up behind the chair. He gave you a small smile back as you put a cape around his shoulders.
It didn’t take long to curl his short hair, and you broke up the curls with your fingers before giving him one last round of hairspray. “What do you think, Jake?” You ask, tousling his hair a little bit and scratching his scalp just ever so slightly, knowing he loves the sensation.
Jake’s shy smile from earlier turned into a full, confident grin. “I love it. Thank you sweetheart.” He said with his voice full of adoration. Your eyes widened at the pet name that he let slip.
“Sweetheart?!” One of the crew members in the trailer giggled. “Oooh, Jake’s flirty today.”
Both yours and Jake’s faces were bright red. You stayed silent, waiting for Jake to speak. He just nervously chuckled. “Aren’t I always a little flirty?” He said unconvincingly. The person who spoke up didn’t even hear him, they had already walked away, laughing to themselves.
You turned to Jake. “Nice one.” You said, half joking and half annoyed that he let that slip. “I’m sorry, I call you that all the time without a second thought, it totally just came out.” He said in a hushed voice, rubbing the back of his neck. You just patted his shoulder, not wanting to dampen the mood. “Come on rockstar, you need to get dressed.” 
A few minutes later, you stepped outside and met the rest of the boys and crew and watched as they worked their magic on the set. Everyone looked fantastic, and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of Jake in particular in his cropped white suit. It was hard to keep yourself from salivating at how good he looked, your mind sometimes wandering to thinking about what you wanted to do to him later. You touched up the boys’ hair here and there throughout the day, but for the most part, you spent the afternoon watching the band in awe of their creative vision and watching everything come to life.
After several hours of filming various shots, it was time to pack up and head out. Jake had shot you a glance before starting to walk with purpose in your direction, but you had promptly turned around and started walking fast in the opposite direction, towards the trailer. You couldn’t risk him putting his foot in his mouth again, in front of everyone working. You turned around so quickly, you didn’t catch the way that Jake’s face crumbled when he realized you weren’t going to speak to him and were clearly avoiding him. 
You were in the trailer, finishing getting your things together, when Josh and their manager poked their heads in. “Hey, great job today,” their manager started, “some of us are going to grab a bite to eat on the way out of town. Want to join?” 
You politely smiled. “Thank you for everything today, including the invitation, but I should really head home.” Josh looked at you with a confused look on his face. “I appreciate you thinking of me though, I’ll catch you guys next time.” You waved goodbye and watched as the two men left the trailer, Josh shooting you another questioning look as he left.
You sighed and started loading things into your car, knowing that you made the right choice, and also knowing that Jake wouldn’t be thrilled you clearly had avoided him and you were skipping out on a team dinner. It was just too hard to be around him and pretend you weren’t with him.
Most cars had already left by the time that you were ready to go, and it looked like the four boys themselves had headed out. You started your journey home, overall pleased with how the day went, knowing you did a good job on set.
Your phone started buzzing every few minutes as soon as you started your 30 minute drive home.
Jake: You didn’t let me say goodbye :( but I saved you a seat next to me, I know you were cleaning up. Jake: Will you be here soon? Jake: Josh just told me you aren’t coming… baby :( why? Jake: Please don’t tell me it’s because I have to keep you a secret.  Jake: I need to see you tonight. Can I come over later? Please?
You pulled into your driveway to see all of the texts, feeling bad about avoiding him and skipping dinner. You shot Jake a quick message back, telling him to come over anytime, before hopping in the shower and making yourself a quick meal, trying to ignore the guilt and anxiety settling in your stomach.
It was a couple hours later when Jake let himself in. You were on the couch, wrapped up in your blankets, watching a movie with a cup of tea in your hand. You looked up at him and smiled, and he shot you a sad little smile back. Your heart nearly split in two, seeing the expression on his face. The crack only widened as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Baby…I think we should talk.”
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakesbarbarian @gvfpal @alyson814 @starcatcherjosh
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Chapter 7 of Among the Wildflowers will be in your hands by Sunday night ❤️. Working hard on it this weekend for you all!
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 6 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Here is Chapter 6! Thank you for your patience :) I hope you're loving this story with sweet Jake as much as I'm enjoying writing it!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 8k+
Warnings: 18+ content - angst, anxiety, oral sex (f. receiving)
After waiting until Jake and the rest of the band were completely out of sight, you went back into Jake’s house, watering his plants and tidying up before heading back to your own house to do your own weekend chores. A slight pang echoed through your chest as you were folding your laundry and saw one of Jake’s button-down shirts in the pile of clean clothes. It was his soft maroon one, the shirt he wore on your first date. You folded it and sighed before unfolding it and putting it on over your tank top. It was oversized and cozy and warm, and while it was nothing like Jake holding you in his arms, it brought a small smile to your face. 
Meanwhile, on the bus, Jake and his brothers had started to unpack and get settled while en route to their first city. Jake had set his bedding up and pulled out the picture of his family he always kept taped to the side of his tiny space while on tour. He put a fresh piece of tape on the back of the photograph and gently pressed it into place on the wall near his pillow. Jake had a new photo for his bunk this time around as well. He carefully slid the picture of you and him that he printed out a couple days prior from his backpack and smiled softly as he looked down at the photograph. 
It was a selfie he took of the two of you the previous weekend, you had taken a walk to the park near his house together and sat on a bench to enjoy the warm sunshine. You had your lips pressed to Jake’s cheek and your arms wrapped around his shoulders with your eyes closed, and he had his free hand wrapped around one of your wrists with a happy grin as he looked into the phone camera, a rare occasion where all of his teeth were showing when posing. It was a true Jake smile, not one where he was trying to hold anything back or uphold his mysterious rockstar persona. Jake knew that you helped bring out the best, most authentic version of himself and he smiled down at the picture as he was lost deep in thought, a twinge of regret tugging at his heartstrings as he remembered that he left without telling you that he loved you. 
It wasn’t the right time. She would understand. She always understands. 
Josh approached Jake, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jake jumped a little, being pulled out of his thoughts and returning to reality quickly. 
Josh leaned over to see what Jake was holding. “New bunk decoration? Must be serious.” Josh said, half-teasing. He knew Jake had been more than serious about you since before you even went on your first date. 
Jake smiled softly, still looking at the picture in his hands. “Yeah. We made it official last night.” He said quietly, finally turning to look his twin in the eye. 
Josh whooped loudly and pulled Jake in for a hug. “Good work, Jacob. I’m thrilled for you both. Now tell me, how did it happen?”
Jake immediately flushed a deep red, remembering the circumstances in which he asked, or desperately demanded so he didn’t fall apart and break down into a million tiny pieces on his couch, rather. “Um-um, well she came over last night and, um, we were talking and then we, uh- we were not really talking but-” Jake stammers as he scratches his head awkwardly and Josh throws his head back, laughing heartily. “Say no more, I think I put the pieces together. When is it okay to start calling her my sister-in-law?” Josh asked in a teasing tone. 
Jake shoved his brother’s shoulder with an embarrassed grin, not saying a word. Josh chuckled to himself as he walked away towards the front of the bus. Jake carefully taped the photograph of you both next to the one of his family and closed his bunk curtain, satisfied that he was all set up. He followed in Josh’s direction, figuring that he should probably share the good news with the rest of the people on the bus before Josh did it for him. 
I hope Josh can call her that one day. I really hope so. 
You finished your weekend chores and meal prep and had finally flopped on your couch when you checked your phone for the first time since the early afternoon. You giggled, seeing congratulatory texts from Josh, Sam, and Danny about you and Jake finally cementing your relationship status. The most recent text you received was from Jake, and it put a smile on your face. 
Jake: Missing you already, my sweet girl. Started missing you as soon as I had to walk away. I know you’re worrying about me like I’m worrying about you, but it’s all good over here. We’re already having some fun. Would be more fun with you squeezed in my tiny bunk with me, but 21 days will go by fast. Hope you’ve had a good day baby.  Me: I miss you already too. You would be proud, I had to meal prep for the week on my own. You’ve been spoiling me so much that I’ve almost forgotten how to use my oven (not that I’m complaining) :)  Me: I’m going to hug you so fucking hard in 21 days.  Jake: I’m so proud of you.  Jake: I’m going to squeeze the shit out of you. Plan on taking your clothes off promptly after as well.  Me: You’re so charming. Goodnight and sweet dreams, baby. Jake: Goodnight sweetheart. Missing you sleeping with me already. Sweet dreams. 
You read his last message and sighed, missing him in your bed as well. Turning the lights off after setting your phone aside, you slowly drift off into a dreamless sleep. 
A couple days had passed since Jake left, and you were in the groove of your workweek. It was the day of their first show, and you knew Jake was very excited but a little anxious as well. He was in a different time zone, with you now being two hours ahead.
On your drive home, the screen in your car lit up with an incoming call from Jake. “Hi Jake!” You said enthusiastically, happy to be on the phone with him. “Hey baby,” Jake said, with a lot less enthusiasm, “do you have a minute?”
“Of course I do, what’s wrong?” You ask, immediately worried for him. It’s the day of the first show of this short tour, you were hoping he would be excited. Jake takes a deep breath and you can hear him shuffling around, presumably in his bunk.
“We just finished soundcheck and everything was fucked up. We all sounded like shit because nothing was working. Couldn’t hear Sammy at all, Danny’s kit was way too loud, Josh’s microphones were going in and out and we tried a few, and I was going in and out too. We can’t put on a show like this, not when we are opening for fucking Metallica.” Jake rushed through his words, a clear sign that he was stressed. 
“Take a deep breath for me Jake, it’s going to be okay. That’s why you guys do a soundcheck, to work out all of the issues. Your crew is great. They’ll take care of you guys. It’s going to be okay.” You spoke slowly and sweetly, hoping your words were helping. It was hard not being able to see him and read his body language. Jake didn’t respond with words at first, he took a few deep breaths and tried to steady his wavering voice and breathing.
“I just…I just really wish you were here with me right now.” Jake said in a small voice, sounding completely defeated.
“Oh baby, I wish I was there with you too. So badly. But you’re going to put on a great show like you always do, I am so sure of it.” Your heart ached for your sweet boyfriend, knowing how physical touch soothed him. It was hard hearing him so anxious and dejected on the phone and only being able to offer your words.
Voices started popping up in the background and you could hear them calling for Jake. “I think I have to go sweetheart, I think we will get off stage around 11:00 your time, is that too late to call?” He sounded so sad as he spoke, and your heart continued to rip into pieces. 
It absolutely was too late for you when you had to work the next day, but you didn’t care. “Not for you, please call me when you can. I’ll be asleep but will keep my phone volume turned up. I can’t wait to hear all about how great your set went.” You assured him, and even though you couldn’t see it, a small smile graced his lips. He fully knew it was going to be past your bedtime as well and despite it being a small gesture, it made butterflies fill his stomach, knowing how much you cared for him and what you were willing to do to show him that.
“Are you… are you going to watch us at all? On a livestream or something?” Jake asked quietly. You could hear the small sliver of hope in his voice. He didn’t want to say it, but Jake was hoping you would be watching somehow, knowing that it would comfort him a little bit. His music and you are his two loves, and he desperately wanted you to be a part of every piece of himself.
A small smile crossed your face. “Yeah Jake, I’ll try to watch for a little bit before going to bed.”
Jake’s small smile matched yours, many hundreds of miles apart. “That makes me happy. Thank you baby, I’ll call you in a few hours,” Jake said softly, “have a good night.”
“Bye Jake, break a leg.” You told him sweetly and he chuckled before ending the call.
You ate dinner, showered, and climbed into bed, leaving your phone volume turned all the way up, knowing that it would wake you up when Jake called. Feeling absolutely drained and exhausted, you started scrolling on different social medias, trying to figure out where you could find a livestream from a fan. You saw a couple accounts to bookmark, and groaned as you checked the time. Still over an hour left before the boys would hit the stage. Sitting up, you drank some ice water and pinched your cheeks, trying to perk up a little bit. It was no use, and sleep quickly overcame you, a good amount of time before the set started.
It was well after midnight when your phone started ringing, and you rolled over with a groan before flipping on the light near your bed and answering Jake’s FaceTime call. His grinning face immediately lit up your screen, his cheeks flushed a rosy pink from alcohol.
“Hi baby, it’s not too late is it?” Jake asked with a slight giggle. He was clearly quite intoxicated and was sitting on the green room couch, people drinking and wandering in the background. 
You smile softly, still hazy from sleep. “No, it’s okay Jake, how was it tonight?”
His grin somehow stretched even wider. “We had so much fun baby, it ended up being soooo good.” He paused to take a sip of his beer. “The crowd was good, I think we played good, I know I definitely looked good,” he giggled, “it was a perfect first show. Did you like my suit?”
“Oh, I’m so glad to hear Jake, I can’t wait to go find pictures and videos of your set tomorrow.” You replied, missing his question at the end and in your foggy sleepy state, forgetting your earlier promise to stay up to watch him and his brothers.
Jake’s face fell a little bit. “You-you didn’t watch us at all? You didn’t see me play?” He asks, clearly upset.
“Well, Jake, I tried but I accidentally fell asleep, I was so tired-” You started and he interrupted you before you could finish your thought. “It was the first one and I really wish you were here with me watching on the side but I thought you said you would watch on your phone.” He mumbled while rubbing his face, sadness seeping into his tone.
You sighed, knowing it was all of the emotions from the day and the alcohol talking, but still feeling guilt creep its way into your chest. You truly did feel bad that you fell asleep, missing it all. “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. I really wanted to see you, I tried. I’m just so exhausted.” 
Jake fidgeted with his necklace anxiously as you spoke. “Will you watch the next one? For me?” His brown eyes were full of worry. He needed to know that you were out there watching him somehow, needing to feel your presence in some way during this time of physical distance.
You smiled sadly before speaking quietly. “Yeah Jake, I’ll watch you.” 
He gave you a small smile in return that didn’t reach his eyes. “I miss you. A lot.” He whispered, afraid that if he spoke any louder, you’d hear his voice shaking.
“Oh baby, I miss you too. Only two and a half weeks left to go. I took a couple days off of work too, so we can have more than just the weekend together when you’re back.” You tell him, pleased to see his tipsy smile grow into something genuine. 
“Good, because I’m not letting go of you for dayssss.” He giggled, drawing out the last word dramatically. You yawned loudly after chuckling with him. “Go to bed baby, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Jake said, remembering in his inebriated state that you had work to worry about.
“Goodnight rockstar, sweet dreams.” You said sleepily, eyes beginning to droop as you gave Jake a lazy smile.
He wanted nothing more than to hold you in his arms as you drifted off to sleep, kissing your forehead and whispering sweet words into your hair. But he was on a sticky couch several drinks deep on the other side of the country, wishing so badly that his love, his inspiration, was with him.
“Goodnight sweetheart, I-I.. hope you dream of me tonight.” He said, almost letting those three words slip. 
You didn’t even notice, nearly asleep as you blew Jake a kiss and promptly ended the call.
Jake dropped his phone to the couch, running a hand over his face. He was relieved he didn’t tell you that he loved you for the first time over the phone when you were half-awake and he was half-drunk, but he was aching to be in your presence again. 
He wanted to be home, with you.
Another several days passed and the next couple shows went off without a hitch. In fact, they were fantastic. You were able to catch the first song or two of each set, unable to keep the grin off of your face or the feelings of pride and joy at bay, seeing Jake in his element. You missed him and wanted to be with him, but knew it just wasn’t feasible this time around. The reality was, it probably wouldn’t ever be feasible for you to join him on any tour at any point, considering your job was commission-based. You tried to keep the feelings stored in the back of your brain, but you felt a sinking sense of dread every time you remembered that this was going to be the shortest tour he would go on for awhile, and he was going to be away from home for many months mere weeks after returning from the Metallica tour. 
Despite making Jake promise to keep open lines of communication with you about his emotions and state of mind while he was away, you couldn’t find it in yourself to talk to him about your anxiety. He could tell something was off when he talked with you on the phone or on FaceTime, and it was worrying him. You always answered his texts and calls, but it was almost like you were off on another planet when talking to him.
It was a week before he was going to return home when Jake couldn’t take it anymore. 
Jake: Can we FaceTime?
A heavy sigh left your lips, seeing his text come through. You missed him like crazy, to the point where you felt physical pain in your chest, but talking to him was bringing you equal amounts of relief and stress. Your fingers hovered over your phone before typing back.
Me: Is later okay? I’m in the middle of something. Jake: Please baby. Just for a couple minutes. Jake: I miss you.
You couldn’t deny him. Tapping the FaceTime button, you took a deep breath as your phone rang.
Jake was laying on his stomach in his bunk, his face immediately lighting up once he saw you. “Hi beautiful, I’m sorry to bother you. I just… I just really miss you and wanted to talk for a minute.” He finished shyly.
He was so sweet and you missed him so terribly and it was so hard when he wasn’t here. You didn’t mean for it to happen, but your eyes filled with tears upon seeing him but knowing he was so far away. “Baby, I-I miss you too. A lot. I’m having a hard time.”
Jake’s face immediately fell, seeing the first tears slide down your face. It caused him physical pain to see you upset when he couldn’t be there to comfort you. Deep down, he felt guilty, knowing that him being away was the source of your pain as well. “Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay. Just one more week. One more week baby.” He tried to reassure you.
You nodded and wiped your eyes. “I know. I’m sorry.” You told him, not able to look at your phone. Jake rubbed his hand over his mouth, watching you and silently cursing his inability to wrap you in his arms and hold you tightly. “Don’t say sorry, you have nothing to apologize for. This isn’t easy and it’s our first time.” He replies, willing himself to stay strong while he’s on the call with you, despite the emotions quickly rising in his throat.
“But I do need to apologize, I haven’t been telling you about how I’ve been feeling,” you mumble, frustrated with yourself, “I…I’m really having a hard time. I know I’ve been distant over the last week or so. It feels silly, we haven’t been together long and this wasn’t even a long stretch of time to be apart but… I just wish you were here so badly so we could sit on the couch and go for walks and spend time with each other. I just miss you, Jake, so much.”
“I know sweetheart, you might not have said it out loud but I’ve felt it. It’s okay. We’re just trying to figure everything out, and we’re doing it together, remember? I miss you, I miss you so much baby that it’s hard for me to sleep at night, but we’re back together so soon. It’s just around the corner, I promise.” Jake’s voice was starting to crack, his desperation and longing peeking through. 
You took a shaky breath. “I know, but part of what’s making this so hard is… is knowing you’re going to be gone again soon. For a much longer time. I can’t think about it without crying.” You finished with a dry, humorless chuckle. 
Jake could feel his heart splitting in two and his anxiety rising, hearing your words. He could see some of his worst fears coming true, and it terrified him. “But it’s going to be okay, we are going to be okay. I promise baby, you can come visit me for a few days or I can come home when we have a couple days off, we will still talk all the time, we are going to figure this out when I’m home, I don’t want you to worry right now. Please baby, trust me when I tell you it’s all going to be okay.” Jake pleaded, becoming more and more desperate. She needs to know I love her.
Another shaky breath escaped your lips as you tried to calm yourself down. “I know. Everything’s okay. We’re okay. I just need you here, Jake.” You said softly, trying to keep your anxiety at bay. You didn’t want to upset him and you could tell he was getting worked up. It was an endless cycle of anxiety and sadness and guilt being passed between the both of you.
“I need you too baby, I need you more than you know. We’re almost there, and then I’m going to be so stuck on you once I’m home, you have no idea.” Jake said softly, trying to muster up a small smile and managing for his lips to curl up a tiny bit. “Just please keep talking to me, okay?”
You sniffled, the tears finally stopping. “I don’t want to make you feel bad if I feel like this-”
“No,” Jake said firmly, “I don’t want you to keep this to yourself because you’re worried about me. We’re in this together, I can’t help you if you don’t let me know what’s going on, baby.” Jake paused, taking a moment to look at you before continuing. “I need you to understand that the way I feel about you is like nothing else I’ve ever experienced before. It’s not something that is going to fade away. In fact, with each passing day, the… the way I feel about you grows stronger. I’m going to care for you and take care of you in every way, if you let me, sweetheart. You aren’t ever alone with me.”
Your eyes glossed over, knowing that he was speaking the truth. “Thank you Jake. I want to do all those things for you too.” You sniffled again. “It’s all okay. We’re okay.” You mumbled.
Jake nodded. “So soon. So soon, baby.” He whispered. You managed to let the tiniest of smiles grace your lips. “This week needs to fly by.” You said quietly. “It will.” Jake said, just as quietly in return. “Are you okay?”
You nodded. “I promise. I do need to head out though. Bye baby, talk to you soon.”
Jake gave you a wistful smile. “Talk to you soon.” 
Jake rolled onto his side after the call ended, sighing as he looked at the picture of the two of you taped on the wall. His eyes became glassy as his feelings of guilt and worry started to become overwhelming. He curled up further into his blanket and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears threatening to spill over his eyelids.
If this wasn’t my life and my job, I would be home with her right now. If my life was normal, she wouldn’t have to feel like this. She didn’t want to be in a relationship like this and I knew that and I kept pursuing her anyways. 
Jake brushed the hair that fell into his eyes out of his face and anxiously fumbled with his pockets, pulling his wallet out. He carefully took the note that you had left for him on the nightstand weeks ago out and held it gently in his fingers. His eyes raked over your handwriting and the tiny heart you drew for him, desperately chasing the feeling of being closer to you. After a few minutes, he folded the note back up, and a waft of your perfume hit him as he did so. The tears that he had worked so hard to keep at bay finally spilled over and with shaky hands and blurry vision, Jake tucked the note back into his wallet for safekeeping. His eyes fell upon the photo of you two again, and he brushed his fingers softly over your face, hoping that you could feel his loving touch from hundreds of miles away.
It’s going to be okay. It has to be.
The next couple days were better, mainly because you were willing yourself to ignore the ugly anxiety monster constantly lurking in the deep depths of your brain. You perked up a little bit, and Jake was incredibly relieved. He just wanted you to be okay. The final shows were just as exhilarating as the ones prior, and you loved tuning in for a couple songs each night, seeing Jake live out his dream in real time.
After a few more days at work, what you were waiting for was finally here. It was Saturday, the boys were en route back to Nashville, and Jake would be home in the afternoon. You barely slept the night before, too excited to be reunited with him.
Jake had been texting you updates incessantly all day just to be funny, but also because he was bursting at the seams with excitement to be reunited with you.
Jake: 4 hours. Jake: 3.75 hours. Jake: Wait no, 4 hours again. We needed to stop for snacks. Jake: 3.75 hours.  Me: Drive faster. Jake: If only I could make it happen, baby. Counting down the minutes. 
You were watching Jake’s location as it got closer and closer, and drove over to his house about a half hour before he was going to get home. Pizza was on the counter, his favorite IPA’s were in the fridge, and you had made from-scratch brownies to satisfy his sweet tooth.
You were nearly shaking with anticipation as you saw that they were around the corner. Dressed in Jake’s maroon button-down shirt, you stood on his porch with the biggest smile on your face as you saw the bus come around the corner. They parked on the side of the street and the door opened, you flew down Jake’s driveway and right into his arms.
Jake held you to him in the tightest embrace he possibly could, with one hand tangled in your hair and the other arm wrapped around your back. You squeezed him back, hardly believing that he was here, in your arms.
“Hi baby, oh I missed you so, so much.” Jake whispered into your ear. His voice was like velvet, sending shivers down your spine. You missed him so much too.
Unwilling to pull back from your embrace, you tilted your head to kiss his neck. “I missed you more, my rockstar.” You grinned as you felt him take a deep breath to steady himself. You finally both pulled back, only for Jake to grab your face with both of his hands and kiss you deeply. Your lips immediately molded together, like puzzle pieces being put into place. It was if you had never been apart.
You hadn’t even noticed the other boys grabbing Jake’s stuff and carrying it to the porch. They stood behind you, grinning. “Do we get hugs too, or just your boyfriend?” Sammy asked as he tugged you away from Jake and swept you into his arms. You laughed, hugging Josh and Danny as well. “I missed you guys too, but not as much as this one.” You turned back to Jake, tugging on his arm and wrapping an arm of your own around his waist. He placed his arm around your shoulders and smiled wide as he kissed the side of your head.
“We will catch up soon, maybe get a drink or dinner together tomorrow or something. We know Jake’s been dying to see you, so we will get out of your hair.” Josh smirked and you blushed, saying your goodbyes to Jake’s brothers.
Once they were back on the bus and pulling away, Jake laced your fingers together and nearly dragged you towards his house. He quickly shoved his belongings just inside the door and tugged on your arm, pulling you into his chest and smoothly slamming the front door shut. His lips were immediately on yours, your fingers tangled in his hair, and his hands started caressing your ass without a second thought.
“Oh my god, you have no idea how badly I missed you,” Jake nearly growled in between kisses. You giggled and he loved the feeling of your smile against his lips, wishing he could replay this moment over and over. 
“You must be hungry, there’s pizza in the kitchen.” You spoke into Jake’s lips, seeing as he was unwilling to stop kissing you for even a second.
“Mmm, I’m hungry, I don’t think for pizza though.” Jake finally pulled back and winked at you. Playfully rolling your eyes, you laced your fingers with his and pulled him into the kitchen. 
Caught up in the moment, it was only then that Jake noticed you were wearing his shirt. You frequently wore his shirts to bed, but this was different. He came up behind you as you were grabbing plates and gently placed his hands on your hips, kissing your hair and keeping his lips close.
“You’re wearing my shirt?” He asked softly, butterflies threatening to burst out of his chest. You turned around in his arms and smiled sweetly, bringing one hand to gently brush your fingers along his jawline.
“I wore this all the time while you were gone. I liked having a piece of you with me.” You replied just as softly. His soft brown eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled his big, toothy Jake smile. Oh, I’m so in love with you.
“I think you should keep it. Looks better on you, beautiful.” He planted his lips on yours before pulling away and reaching around you to grab the plates.
The two of you ate dinner on the couch, because sitting at his kitchen table meant that you couldn’t be nearly sitting in his lap. Once your stomachs were full of carbs and beer, you looked over at Jake and noticed he was fighting to stay awake.
“You must be so exhausted, honey.” You murmured, running your fingers through his hair. He nodded and gave you a small smile. “I’m sorry baby, I want to stay up and spend more time with you, but I’m running on fumes.” He admitted, feeling bad about not being able to express his love for you in the physical way that both of your bodies were crying out desperately for.
You kissed his forehead and held him close. “Don’t apologize, I am just so happy that you’re home. Let’s get ready for bed and just cuddle.” Jake smiled at you in appreciation for your understanding, and he allowed you to lead him upstairs into the bathroom.
Jake nudged your shoulder as you got ready for bed together. “I missed our nighttime routine.” He grinned as he stood next to you at the sink, holding his toothbrush out for you to squeeze toothpaste on it. You obliged and you both started brushing your teeth together. “I missed it too.” You managed to get out with a mouthful of toothpaste and spit and Jake laughed. You ran your thumb along the corner of his lips, catching the last bit of toothpaste he missed.
Jake stopped what he was doing and watched as you changed into another one of his shirts and a cute pair of black lace panties for bed. You grabbed your brush and started working it through your long curls, scrunching your nose up at all of the tangles. You finally notice Jake’s eyes on you, and he’s looking at you in that one particular way that makes you feel fuzzy and your stomach flutters. “What?” You ask him and he just smiles. “Nothing.” He answers fondly, the smile not leaving his face. You walked over to him and started to run your brush through his hair too, knowing that he surely wouldn’t be brushing it before bed on his own accord. 
“I’m so glad you’re home, Jake.” You say quietly as you finish brushing his hair. His arms wrap around you and he holds you close to him, his face buried in your neck. “You have no idea how happy I am to be home with you.” He mumbles into your neck. It wouldn’t be home without you here.
He lets go of you, gently takes the brush out of your hand and sets it on the bathroom counter, and with a playful glint in his eye and smirk on his lips, he quickly places an arm along the back of your knees and scoops you up, walking towards his bedroom. Your loud giggles intertwine together and don’t stop as he carries you and plops you on his bed, immediately pressing kisses all over your face and hair.
You playfully shove Jake off of you and he rolls onto his side, facing you with that damn look in his eyes again. You lean over to press a kiss to his lips and run your fingers through his hair. “Come here.” You whisper and Jake quickly snuggles up to you. “I had to do this with Danny for three weeks. Just wasn’t the same.” Jake sleepily jokes as he gets cozy and you chuckle. “Goodnight sweetheart.” Jake whispers and you wish him goodnight in return.
You held Jake in your arms as he quickly fell asleep. His head was on your chest with one of his legs thrown over your waist, his arm wrapped snugly around you. Softly kissing his forehead, you wished him sweet dreams, knowing that yours surely would be now that he was home with you. The anxiety of him leaving again for a longer stretch of time was looming over you, but for now, you just wanted to be in the moment and soak up all of the time you could with him at home.
In a rare turn of events, Jake woke up before you did. You were cuddled into his chest with your lips slightly parted, and Jake could feel the little puffs of your breath hitting his exposed skin. The sunlight was starting to come through the windows and it illuminated your face in a breathtaking way. Jake thought you had never looked more beautiful than this moment, peacefully asleep in his arms.
He kissed your hair and slowly rolled you off of him so he could get out of bed. He came back from the bathroom to see you stirring and looking at him with a sleepy smile. 
“Good morning honey,” he says as he slips back in next to you. You pull him into your chest and he gets cozy like he did the night before. “Hi Jake,” you say and you start to run your fingers through his hair, “how’d you sleep?”
“Like a baby, thank God I’m home with you.” He replies into your chest.
You chuckle. “Yeah, I think I sleep better with you too.” Jake nuzzles further into you and a contented sigh leaves his lips as his fingers trace over your soft skin. 
You slowly wake up and get ready for the day, and the large number of sweet touches and kisses shared didn’t help your speed. Jake moves just as slow as you and you both trudge downstairs to remember that there’s no breakfast food, or any food really, in his house.
“I’ll drive us to my place, I’ll make something,” you yawn. Jake agrees and you’re standing in your kitchen within minutes, putting breakfast together. Before long, the two of you are munching on cinnamon sugar toast and fruit, per the request of Jake’s sweet tooth.
After eating and cleaning up, you put your feet in Jake’s lap on the couch. “What’s on our agenda for today, rockstar?” You ask with a yawn, somehow already tired again.
He shrugs. “I honestly just want to do nothing and lay around with you, if that’s okay. I’m still feeling exhausted.” 
You nod, knowing that he hasn’t had a moment to himself or space to breathe in several weeks. “That sounds perfect. Let me go grab some pillows from my bed.”
You pass your bathroom on the way to grab pillows and notice you left your shears on the counter when you trimmed your layers the day before. It reminded you that Jake was due for a trim, it had been two months since you chopped his hair short. It was growing out nicely, but you wanted to keep giving him regular trims so it didn’t become damaged and dry like before.
You grabbed your clips, comb, spray bottle, and the cape from your closet and put everything on your vanity. 
“Jake, come up here!” You yelled and you heard him stir with a groan and come up the stairs. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom with an eyebrow raised and you pointed to the vanity stool.
“You need a haircut, I can trim it up for you real quick before we get comfy.”
Jake stared at you. “You just cut all of my hair off.”
You smiled. “I cut your hair two months ago, we have to keep trimming it or you’ll have split ends and damage again. You’ll be more comfy here than at the salon anyway, I know it’s not your favorite place to go.” 
Jake pondered that for a second and realized you were right on all fronts. He sat down in defeat and huffed dramatically as you threw the cape around his neck. You combed his shoulder length waves out, his hair no longer hovering at his shoulders but over a good inch longer. 
Spraying his hair so it was wet, you posed a question to him. “Do you want me to just take off the very ends, or cut it like we did before?”
Jake looked at himself in the mirror. He really did like his short hair and didn’t feel particularly attached to the idea of growing it long again anytime soon. “What would you do?” He asks, glancing up at you. His answer showed how much he trusted you, considering how much he hated cutting his hair. 
You hummed, needing to visualize it. You expected him to tell you to just dust the ends. You pushed his hair to be in front of his shoulders and gripped some hair in between your index and middle fingers on both hands. You slid down to where you’d like to cut his hair, about an inch and a half from the ends. Definitely a touch shorter than before, you thought that having his hair barely clear his shoulders completely instead of just brushing them would be cute, but still well below his chin. Not too drastic, but a small change. 
“Maybe like this, just a little bit shorter than before, and refresh all of your layers and face frame too? What do you think?” 
He nods slowly with a timid smile. “You’re the expert.” 
“You sure baby?” You ask, always wanting his permission.
He nods, more confident now. “I’m sure. I like my short hair. Never thought I’d say that.” He chuckles.
“I love short hair on you, I think it suits you so well.” You tell him as you comb his hair again and secure the sides up on top of his head. You leave a small section down in the back and pin the rest, then tilt his head down. 
Jake feels scissors slide across the bottom of his neck for the first time in his life and he shivers as you make the first snips. A small pile forms on the ground as you comb and cut the back of his hair. You both are quiet as you work, the room filling with the soft sounds of your scissors closing around his tresses. 
“Your hair is so gorgeous, Jake.” You murmur as you perfect the back. He smiles as he watches you cut his hair in the mirror.
“Only because you make it look good,” he cheekily replies.
You smile as you unclip the sides. His hair is being cut just a little too short for you to comb it to the back to cut, so you come to his left side and begin cutting his hair to match the back. Pieces of Jake’s hair rain down into his lap and he picks one up and pinches it between his fingers. 
“Two actual haircuts in two months, what’s my prize for being so brave?” He asks teasingly. 
You snort, continuing to comb and snip his hair. “Your prize is looking cute.”
He laughs. “I like you a lot.” I love you, actually. 
“I like you a lot too, Jacob.” You finish the left and right sides and trim all of his short layers and comb out his face frame. You snip the front pieces of his hair, smiling as you see the finished product. 
He’s left with a shaggy bob just barely above his shoulders with lots of layers again. “Straight or wavy?” You ask him.
He furrows his eyebrows, seriously weighing his options. He turns to you and tugs on a piece of your hair gently, your curls from the day before hanging on by a thread. “Can you do it like yours?” He asked shyly. Your heart leapt at his question. He was too precious. 
“You want me to curl it for you, baby?” You ask him with a smile. He nods shyly and gives you a tiny smile back. 
“Of course I can, I’ll blow dry it first though.” Carefully taking the cape off of him so as not to get his hair everywhere, you walked to your trash and emptied it. His hair was everywhere on the ground too, so you swept it up as well. You grabbed your hairdryer and heat protectant spray and quickly dried his damp hair. “Be right back,” you told him with a kiss on the cheek as you went to hunt for your smallest curling iron. 
You brought it back with you and plugged it in. While it was heating up, you sectioned his hair. Curl after curl was wound through the hot tool, and you were loving how it was turning out.
“This is looking so good, Jake,” you say as you focus in on one of his curls. He smiles at you in the mirror, watching you work. “I thought it would be fun to match you.” He says cutely.
You love him. You love him and you know it. You want to say those three words so badly to him, but don’t. It doesn’t feel like the right moment to you, even though you know Jake wouldn’t care.
“Yeah, matching is fun.” You say instead, a twinge of regret pushing its way into your stomach, but Jake’s still smiling at you with pure adoration in his eyes.
You finish curling his hair and rake your fingers through his curls to loosen them. He looks so beautiful and delicate with his hair framing his face softly. 
“What do you think?” You ask him and he runs his fingers through his trimmed hair and grins, looking up at you. “I love it, thank you baby.”
Coming around to his front, you straddle his lap and put your arms around his neck, his hair tickling you. His hands fly to your hips, keeping you in place close to him. His fingertips dance under the hem of your shirt and start to make soft circles on your skin. 
You lean in close to his neck and start to plant soft kisses, working up to the spot you know he loves, just under his ear. Jake fights it, but his lips part involuntarily and a small whine comes from the back of his throat at the feeling. 
“You’re so pretty, Jake.” you whisper in between kisses. “So pretty.” You finish with a small bite to his collarbone and you feel him growing underneath you. He feels downright delicious, and you can’t help but roll your hips slowly and he moans. 
“Jesus baby, not in your bathroom.” Jake mumbles desperately. He puts his hands on the back of your upper thighs and stands up, carrying you to your bedroom. He lays you back on the bed and starts attacking you with his lips while taking your pants and underwear off, going lower and lower until he’s kissing and licking and biting your thighs. He takes a brief pause to rip his shirt off and haphazardly tosses it to the side of your room. 
You’re out of breath with anticipation for what’s about to happen but can’t help your bratty streak from making an appearance. “I just fucking did your hair and you’re going to mess it up.” You say in a strangled tone as he resumes kissing close to your center.
Jake’s tongue circles your clit in response and you arch your back and moan. “Fix it later.” He says lowly, lips brushing your center, before fully diving in. His tongue is expertly working along your folds and clit and just like how he does everything in his life with unbridled passion and intention, he’s eating you out as if his life depended on it. 
You can’t help your soft whines and heavy breathing and you grip his hair with both of your hands. He pauses for a brief moment and looks up at you with a mischievous smile. “Don’t mess up my hair.” He teases in a deadpan tone. You would absolutely give him some snark back had he not immediately resumed his ruthless licking and sucking in between your legs. You respond with an involuntary moan instead and it takes everything that Jake has to keep his composure and not giggle while he’s working you quickly to an earth-shattering orgasm. 
Jake is absolutely ruthless and showing you no mercy with his lips and tongue, very clearly trying to make up for lost time when he was on the road. Sweat is starting to bead on his forehead from all of the effort he’s exerting, and his chest is heaving as breathing becomes more and more difficult.
“Come on baby, you’re doing so good for me,” he breathes into you, squeezing his arms as they’re wrapped around your thighs, “perfect angel, need you to cum for me, please baby.” Jake’s voice was teetering on a whine, desperate for you to find your release at the work of his tongue.
A final stroke of his tongue sends you into space and your eyes roll back into your head as you finish and ride out the seemingly endless waves of pleasure. Jake happily accepts what you have to give with his tongue and he gently kisses the insides of both of your thighs before placing a kiss to your stomach. As much as he would love to keep going, his energy levels are still depleted and he can feel that you’re tired, too.
He leaves the room to quickly brush his teeth and get washcloths to clean you up. Jake laughs, seeing his reflection in the mirror. His hair that you had so carefully curled is wild and messy, forming a halo around his head. Jake does his best to tame his curls, but quickly realizes it’s a lost battle. He walks back to your bedroom with the two washcloths he grabbed. He gently wipes the sweat off of your forehead and then his before taking the second one to clean you up. He tosses them into your laundry basket and rifles through your dresser until he finds your favorite sweatpants and an old t-shirt of his that is now yours. He turns and sees that you’re laying down still with a sleepy, worn out smile. 
“Can you sit up for me, sweetheart?” Jake asks as he carefully guides you up so he can slide his shirt onto you. He helps you slide the sweats on as well.
Jake joins you in bed and pulls you into his bare chest, knowing a late-morning nap is now imminent. Your hand that was resting on his hip is now in his grasp, and he softly intertwines your fingers and puts your joined hands on his chest. Your breathing quickly evens out and Jake smiles, knowing there is no place he would rather be than here with you. He plants three soft kisses on your forehead, nose, and lips wordlessly, hoping that somehow, the silent message that he desperately wants to say out loud but can’t muster up the courage for is delivered to you while you’re asleep.
I. Love. You.
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @jakesbarbarian
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Hi my friends, I am so sorry to be behind but chapter six is coming tonight! Our sweet Jake is headed your way soon! ❤️
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Hi there! Chapter 6 coming Thursday at the latest :) will try to have it out before then!
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 5 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Happy Wednesday!! Here is Chapter 5, earlier than I thought I could finish it. :) Thank for for all of the love with this story. I hope you enjoy this one!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 5300+
Warnings: 18+ content - unprotected sex, fingering, slapping, etc.
The next couple weeks flew by. You and Jake were both so busy, but managed to make time for each other here and there during the week and all day long on the weekends. Your time together was filled with Jake’s cooking, going for walks, watching movies, and plenty of sex. You and Jake couldn’t get enough of each other, and there was more than one occasion where the thought of sneaking into the bar bathroom when his brothers weren’t looking or ducking behind a bush in the park seemed enticing because waiting to get home was proving to be exceptionally difficult. True to his words from the farmer’s market parking lot, Jake loved being close to you and touching you in some way at all times. It could be holding hands, an arm around your shoulder, a hand placed gently on your lower back - he needed to be physically connected to you constantly. 
It was the night before the boys were set to leave for three weeks and Jake asked you to come over and spend the night - not that you would ever dream of going home and sleeping alone in your own bed. 
You came over as soon as you could after work and brought pizza for dinner. Neither of you wanted to cook or go out. Letting yourself in with the key that Jake gave you the day after you gave him one, you announced your presence. “Jaaaaaaaake! I’m here!” You yelled. 
He was in the kitchen making both of you a drink and greeted you with a small smile and kiss. “Hi baby.” He said softly. Dressed in his favorite comfy black joggers and well-loved t-shirt with the top half of his hair messily pulled back and short wavy pieces framing his face and ears, he looked so cozy and gentle. 
You can tell he’s a little wound up from the excitement and nerves about leaving for more shows, and you assume a little anxious about leaving you for a few weeks.
Your assumption is correct.
“How was your day?” You ask him as you turn to grab plates and napkins for the pizza.
“Alright.” He says, not offering anything else. It’s unlike him to not have much to say to you. Your stomach sinks, knowing that he is not himself tonight.
“Just alright? Did you do anything fun, or get any sunshine outside?”
Jake shook his head. “Not really, just some last minute packing and stuff.” He mumbles. He hands you the drink he made. It has bourbon and cherries and other ingredients you can’t name, but it’s delicious.
You take a sip. “Oh Jake, this one’s good. In another life, you’re a fancy chef and bartender I think.” 
He smiled with closed lips slightly at your compliment but his eyes stayed glued to the counter. “Let’s eat on the couch,” he tells you, “I just want to lay down with you.”
“Are you feeling okay? You don’t have a headache or anything, do you?” You place the back of your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking about tomorrow.” He turns to grab his plate and waits for you to grab yours. Always the gentleman, he allows you to walk first. 
You both sit on the couch and set your plates down and you grab his hands before he can get settled. “You’re going to have so much fun and bring so much happiness to a lot of people. And we are going to talk or text everyday and even though I’ll miss you like crazy, these three weeks will fly by. I promise.” 
Jake’s eyes met yours. “I’ll miss you more. Yeah, it’ll be fun, I just,” he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “I get really nervous about tour even though everything always turns out fine and it’s great but I’m just more anxious this time around because I’m leaving you at home, too.”
Both of you picked up your plates and started eating. “We used to go months without seeing each other Jake, it’ll be a bummer being apart for a few weeks but we will be okay.” You remind him. 
“It’s different now,” he says in an annoyed tone laced with a little bit of hurt that he’s never used with you, “it’s different and you know that.”
You know his emotions are tense and you don’t want to say anything to make it worse. “I’m sorry.” You sighed, thinking that was the best thing to say and go back to eating your pizza. 
Jake takes another bite but he isn’t hungry anymore. He watches you finish your slice and he silently takes your plate and his to the kitchen. You watch him carefully.
Jake comes back and lays down on the couch with his head in your lap. You take his hair tie out, loosen the tangles, and run your fingers through his hair, knowing how little touches soothe him. It’s a wordless way of telling him things are going to be okay. 
“Want to watch a movie?” You ask. “Yeah.” He says quietly and you can see the gears turning in his brain, he’s thinking about something and trying to put words together in his head before speaking out loud. He was someone that put thought and consideration into the words he spoke. That was one of the many things that you liked about Jake. He was incredibly intentional in all that he did.
You reached over to grab a warm blanket off the back of the couch and laid it over Jake. Grabbing the remote, you start scrolling on Netflix.
“Thank you.” Jake mumbles as he gets cozy under the blanket, head still in your lap. 
“For what?” You ask, fingers lightly playing with his hair again, eyes on the TV. 
“You don’t need to thank me, Jake.”
He hums. “No, I do. I’m just so thankful you want to know me and care for me. I feel like you know me and you see me beyond Jake the guitar player. I know I can be moody and emotional but you see me for me and you like me. At least, I think you do.” He pauses to giggle a little bit and you do too. “You’re so beautiful inside and out and I don’t know how I got so lucky to know you, but I care so deeply for you and thank whatever higher powers placed you in my life a few years ago every single day.” He finishes and presses a kiss to your thigh where his head is resting. He had been turned away from you, facing the TV the entire time he spoke out of shyness. Despite feeling comfortable and safe with you, there’s still a piece of him that is so shy with a dash of insecurity about sharing how deeply he feels for you. 
“Jake,” you say, as emotions are rising in your throat, “you’re going to make me cry. Come here, baby.” You try to flip him to at least lay on his back. “Let me see your pretty face.”
He slowly turns over, cheeks pink as he peers up at you. You reach down to plant a sweet kiss on his lips. You try to pull back but Jake slips his arms around your neck, gently holding you in place. “Don’t stop kissing me, please.” He breathes desperately with your lips touching. He was trying to commit the feeling of your lips on his to memory, (as if he could ever forget what it felt like to kiss you and touch you) knowing that would be all he has for a few weeks. 
It’s an odd position that you’re sitting in but you oblige, eventually shifting Jake from under you so you can lay on top of him. He’s urgently kissing you, his hands holding your face while your forearms are on the couch keeping you up, around his head. You pull back to take a break, both of you breathing heavily and staring at each other. 
Jake tugs you back down to his lips before his hands start roaming, squeezing your ass and thighs. His breathing is erratic, but yours is too as your lips meet his and your hands explore up and down his warm body. His tongue is entangled with yours and you can feel the desperation and longing on his lips and you wonder if he can feel the same on yours. Jake breaks the kiss and you place your forehead on his, your chest heaving. His sweet eyes are dripping with lust and adoration, the two emotions swirling together in his honey irises. “Need to make you mine,” he says lowly and a little out of breath, “say you’re mine, baby.” 
Not giving you a chance to even process what he said, let alone respond with words, he flips you without warning so he’s on top and fully in control. He smirks at the surprised squeak you let out. Your arms fly around his neck and pull him back down to your lips. No words are exchanged, and you keep hungrily kissing him as if your breathing would stop if your lips detached from his. 
Jake takes your bottom lip between his teeth and pulls. “Say it.” He says forcefully, with an air of authority mixed with desperation, his need for you to verbalize your commitment to him becoming stronger and stronger with each passing second. “Say you’re mine. Say we’re together.”
“I’m yours, Jake. All yours, just yours.” You breathe onto his lips without any hesitation and kiss him urgently and he breaks from your lips to start leaving kisses and small bites along the side of your neck, dipping down into your chest. His heart is beating so fast, but relief washes over him at your words. His kisses and bites and movements don’t stop being desperate, though. He’s soaking up every inch of your breathtaking body, never wanting to take a moment with you for granted. 
“So gorgeous… I’m yours, sweetheart… all yours.” he whispers as he bites into your soft skin and sucks, finally running his tongue over the places where his teeth have been. 
Your hands find the bottom of his shirt and quickly work it off his body, your fingers dancing around the soft expanse of his chest and stomach before coming up to sweetly cup his face and guide him back to your own. You don’t move to kiss him, you just look at him for a moment, taking him in. Lust is seeping out of every single one of his pores and he knows he’s only going to get worse after you say whatever is about to come out of your mouth. He stares at your lips with hooded eyes in anticipation, breathing heavy. 
“Jacob Kiszka, I need you to fuck me so incredibly hard right this very fucking minute.” You say with your death grip on his face. 
He huffs an out-of-breath laugh, adrenaline coursing through his veins after the emotional rollercoaster of the last ten minutes. “You want to have some fun baby?” Jake coos, his voice dripping with want, and he takes one finger and slowly trails it down your jaw. You nod and he smiles adoringly at you before his warm eyes turn dark. “You need me to fuck you right now?” He asks in a deep voice, his eyes boring into yours with a piercing stare.
You bite your lip with a smile and nod and Jake instantly has his hands under your shirt, lifting and nearly ripping it off your head, and without missing a beat, your bra follows your shirt. His lips instantly move to your chest, sucking your nipples and leaving small bites while his hands grip your hips tightly. You try to hold back a whine but a small whimper manages to escape your throat.
Jake doesn’t look up from his position in between your tits but he mutters “I want to hear you baby, all of you. Let me hear that pretty voice sing for me.” 
He turns his attention back to your nipples and your hips thrust upward involuntarily and a loud whine makes its way out of you. Jake looks at you from his position on your chest and grins. “That’s more like it, baby. I know my girl likes to make pretty noises for me.” Without warning, Jake plunges two fingers inside of you and you throw your head back with a moan and he chuckles.
He starts pumping his fingers relentlessly while kissing his way back up your neck, finally meeting your lips. You kiss him hungrily, your hand traveling to his pants while his fingers continue their dance inside of you and around your clit.
“Why are you still wearing your clothes?” You pant, fully out of breath and Jake huffs a laugh. “Take my fucking pants off then, I’m not stopping you.” He manages to get out, equally as out of breath as you are as you start to palm his throbbing cock over his pants.
You start to pull down his joggers and boxers the best that you can while his fingers show no signs of stopping, but you have trouble pulling them down his fantastic, show-stopping ass from this angle. Sitting up a little bit, you gain some leverage and are able to slip them down to his ankles while Jake is nearly crouched on top of you.
“God, if only your ass wasn’t so nice, that wouldn’t have been so hard.” You mumble as you grasp him in your hand and begin to work him up and down. Jake swallows hard as your movements start. “I know you are not complaining about my ass right now.” He growls and flicks his middle finger in a particularly diabolical way inside of you, nailing a sensitive spot perfectly and you moan his name in response. It’s the most beautiful sound Jake’s ever heard and he’s craving more of it.
You continue to pump up and down his shaft and his fingers twitch inside of you. Feeling a surge of boldness, you take advantage of his vulnerable state and quickly flip your positions, you now being on top.
A shit-eating grin spreads across your face as Jake looks up at you in disbelief. “I think I changed my mind, I’m going to fuck you instead.” You say against Jake’s lips, giving him a final kiss before removing your hand from his cock and positioning yourself over him, fully sinking all the way down. Jake moans deeply with his hands on your hips, feeling how tight you are. You start grinding into him, moving up and down, riding him at a slow pace to start. He flexes his hips up into you just a little bit, perfectly hitting all of the spots inside of you calling out for him.
“You feel so good inside me, baby,” you whisper praise into his neck, “you were made for me.” Jake responds with a whimper, feeling you squeeze around him as you bounce up and down slowly. You pick up your pace a little bit, and Jake’s hands slap your ass and grip onto it tightly. You yelp, feeling the sting of his hands, but it just spurs you on. “Does my filthy girl like it when I slap her?” Jake pants, your faster pace making it difficult to get words out. You answer with a hungry kiss to his lips, taking his bottom lip in your teeth and slowly pulling it down, not sacrificing your relentless up-and-down rhythm on his cock. 
Jake, while he certainly enjoys the view of your tits bouncing up and down while you ride him into the sunset, can only take a lack of control during sex for so long. He grips your hips and carefully flips you again, resuming your original position. You bend one leg at the knee and he guides it over his shoulder, quickly sliding back into you at an angle that is so pleasurable and filthy at the same time. 
Jake picks up where your unforgiving quick pace left off, pumping inside of you deeply and quickly. His pants are mixed with moans and the noises he’s making are so incredibly sexy. You throw your head back at the sensation of his cock pounding into you. “Jake, baby, you’re hitting it so good, please don’t stop.” You whine. Jake can feel himself nearing an orgasm, but wants you to cum first. Always the gentleman. 
“Can you cum for me sweetheart?” Jake asks, and his voice is so sweet despite the roughness of him continuing to slam into you over and over. “Let go baby, go ahead and let go for me.” Your head tilts back on its own accord and you moan Jake’s name one last time as your orgasm hits you impossibly hard. Jake helps you ride out the final bits of ecstasy before he reaches his climax as well, his movements slowing as he kisses down your chest as he completely finishes inside you. You’re brought back down to earth and your eyes open to Jake looking at you with a tired, fucked-out smile.
“That was so good baby, God. You did so good, so, so perfect for me, angel.” Jake praises you as he kisses your cheek and carefully slides out of you, making sure that you’re good before getting off of the couch. He gives you one quick kiss and then runs to his bathroom and returns with a washcloth and gently cleans you up and hands you his shirt to put on. 
“So are you my boyfriend now or something?” You ask cheekily and Jake grins, jumping on the couch and tackling you, both of you erupting in sweet giggles. You’re on your back, looking up at Jake as he leans overtop of you, and he gives you possibly the biggest and most beautiful smile you’ve seen on him yet. “Yeah, I think I am.” He says, his voice full of adoration, and he leans down to press a loving kiss to your lips. 
You both take one last shower together. Jake holds you close around your waist under the warm water as you wash his hair. His calloused hands are gentle as they wash his sweet smelling soap all over you. Jake runs his hands softly over every inch of your body, especially over the finger-shaped bruises forming on your ass. He’s already missing every beautiful piece of you. 
Jake hands you a towel once you’re done and you start getting ready for bed together. Still unable to locate his rumored hairdryer, you force him to sit on the side of his tub, just like he did weeks ago, as you comb his wavy hair. “You can’t go to bed with wet hair,” you grumble, “it’ll be crazy in the morning.” 
He chuckles. “Whatever you say, you know best.” He says sweetly while he’s watching you work on his hair. Your eyes are completely focused on the task at hand, and your tongue is just barely poking out of your plump lips. He thinks it’s charming and cute and it takes Jake an incredible amount of restraint to not yank you into his lap for another round. 
You know he not so secretly likes it when you play with his hair, so you grab some of the soft wave gel you told him to start using but he usually forgets about, and start raking your fingers through his shoulder length hair. Jake’s eyes shut, but not before he moves his hands to gently hold you at your hips, rubbing slow and small circles under his shirt that you’re wearing. Once the product is evenly distributed, you start scrunching his hair for him, smiling as you see his waves form. You lean down to hold his face with one hand and give him a tiny kiss on the nose. Jake’s eyes flutter open and he smiles at you.
You stroke the tiny hairs growing on his upper lip. He hasn’t shaved in a few days. “You know, you haven’t grown out your mustache in months. I always liked it.” You said fondly. 
Jake hummed. “Yeah, I liked it too, I don’t know how it would look with my hair being so short though.” 
“Well I, for one, think it would be really hot.” You tell him as you pull him up and lead him towards his bed. 
“Oh really?” He asks as you both settle in under the covers. He pulls you to him and nuzzles his face into the top of your head. 
“Mhmm,” you hum as you settle into his warm embrace. “I’ll have to keep that in mind.” Jake says and kisses your hair. You both lay in each others arms, unmoving. 
Jake sighs after a few moments of silence. “I’m really going to miss you.” He says, a sprinkle of sadness and longing in his words. 
“I’ll miss you more, boyfriend.” You sleepily mumble in response and Jake’s stomach fills with butterflies at his new title. He squeezes you tighter, sensing that you’re about to fall into a deep sleep.
“Goodnight baby, sweet dreams.” He whispers and kisses your hair. You’re already asleep. 
Jake lays there, overwhelmed with relief and happiness. He could leave for tour knowing it was finally official between you two, even though it really didn’t need to be said out loud. Truthfully, you both had been committed from the start.
You both were falling in love, hard. 
Jake’s alarm went off far too early for both of your likings. He groaned, reaching blindly behind him for his phone, not wanting to separate himself from you. Your legs and arms were tangled up in his, per usual, but letting go of your warm embrace was the last thing he wanted to do on this final morning with you. 
You stayed snuggled up into his chest. Jake leaned his head down to kiss your hair. His fingers started lightly tracing across your shoulders and up and down your back as he whispered your name. Normally, he was more than content to just lay with you while both of you woke up slowly, but he wanted to take advantage of every moment with you this morning to the fullest extent. 
“Hey sweetheart, I’m sorry, but I need you to wake up, please.” Jake said softly into your ear. You groaned and snuggled into him deeper, not wanting to leave the warm nest of blankets or comfort of Jake’s chest. 
“Just because you’re my boyfriend now doesn’t mean that you can be mean to me.” You sleepily pouted into Jake’s chest, still not making any effort to move. 
A deep chuckle leaves Jake’s chest as he squeezes you closer to him. “You’re so dramatic.” He says lovingly before rolling you off of him and yanking the covers back. You gasp at the loss of contact and cold air hitting you. 
“Jacob Thomas!” You yell but you’re instantly smothered by Jake climbing on top of you, peppering tiny kisses all over your face while he holds you down. The laughter leaving your lips is the sweetest music he’s ever heard, a song that he wishes would never end. His heart aches for you as your laughter dies down and he stares adoringly into your eyes.
“You’ll have to forgive me for wanting to spend some time with my girlfriend this morning.” He says, finishing with a kiss to your forehead before taking your hands and helping you out of bed. It’s the first time he’s ever gotten to use that word for you, and he can’t help the wide grin that takes over his face at the realization. 
You playfully slap his ass as you both head to the bathroom to get ready for the day and he scoffs before yanking you into his arms, your back pressed to his chest, as he walks the two of you together down the hall. 
You’re so thankful he’s in a silly and happy mood this morning. You weren’t sure how today would go, but are so glad to see that Jake is going to be just fine. 
Well, you may have spoken too soon. You both get ready and you notice that Jake quiets down a little as he gets dressed and puts a few final items into his backpack. Pulling the sheets and comforter up, you make his bed while he sighs and zips up his backpack. 
“No sadness yet,” you tell him as you pull him into you for a hug, “we aren’t saying goodbye for awhile.” 
Jake nods into your shoulder and squeezes you tighter for a moment before pulling back. You grab his hand and lace your fingers together and walk down the stairs.
You’re busying yourself with making coffee and Jake quietly slips out of the kitchen to find his favorite round sunglasses. He returns as you’re pouring two mugs, one with no creamer for yourself and one that’s just shy of 25% french vanilla creamer for your boyfriend who doesn’t actually love coffee. 
“Jake, why are you wearing sunglasses inside? You aren’t leaving for a bit.” You ask. He shrugs and grabs the mug filled with light brown coffee and takes a sip. 
“I get that you sometimes want to be a cool mysterious rockstar when you’re out and about, but I want to see your pretty eyes.” You say quietly as you reach over to remove his sunglasses. He tries to stop you but he’s still holding his mug so you’re faster. 
You gently push his sunglasses up to rest on the top of his head and his red-rimmed eyes meet yours. All of a sudden, you understand why he was wearing his sunglasses in the house and your heart breaks for the sweet boy in front of you. 
“Oh baby,” you start, moving to hold him around his waist, “it’s going to be okay. I promise.” You hug him tightly and his arms find their way around you. 
“I know,” he says in a small voice, “I know everything’s going to be okay but I’m going to miss you.” He finishes with a sniffle.
“I’ll miss you tons too.” You say before pulling back to look him in the eyes.
“I don’t want you to hide your emotions from me, I want you to feel safe feeling whatever it is you’re feeling with me. Talk to me. Especially while we’re apart, okay?” You say sweetly and Jake nods. “If you’re having a good day, or a bad day, or an okay day, I want to know it all.”
Jake runs a hand through his hair and nods again. “Thank you sweetheart, I know you’re there for me. I am just really in my feelings this morning. I never have really been… with anyone when I leave for tour and I think I’m just having a little bit of a hard time.” He finishes with a dry chuckle and you go on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek and rub his back. 
“We’ll get through this and figure it all out together Jake, it’s going to be okay. Think of how sweet our time together will be when you get home.” You reassure him as you hold him close. He kisses your hair as a silent thank you. He appreciates your loving words more than you realize, and he can feel his anxiety starting to lessen. You have a way of bringing him back down to earth like no one else can. 
You let go of him so you both can drink your coffee. “Hungry?” You ask him and he shakes his head. “Good, because you have no food. I checked.” You giggle and he cracks a smile. 
“Can we sit outside together?” He asks and you nod. He laces a pinky finger with yours and leads you outside to the comfy chair on his back deck. 
He sits down first and you sit in his lap with one arm around his neck. No words are needed, you both are enjoying the closeness and the warm morning sun while you sip your coffees. These are some of his last peaceful and quiet moments for the next several weeks, and you want him to savor them. 
Jake speaks first as he watches squirrels chase each other in the grass. “I should have meal prepped for you. You’re going to starve these next few weeks.” He says fondly.
You tilt your head back and laugh. “It’s your dry sense of humor that I’ll miss most, Jacob.” 
He laughs with you. “Not my cooking? How are you going to survive?”
You pinch his cheek and he swats your hand away playfully. “Believe it or not, while I certainly will miss your excellent kitchen skills, it’s not what I’ll miss most.” You tell him.
His warm eyes are filled with an emotion you can’t quite name, but something about the way he’s looking at you is making you feel fuzzy. 
“What will you miss the most about me?” He asks softly. 
You hum and trace along his jaw lightly with your fingers. “I think it’s just your presence and everything about you. Your energy brings so much happiness and peace everywhere you go. You see me and understand me in a way that no one ever has before. Being around you feels like home.” 
Jake’s heart swells as he listens to you speak. All he’s ever wanted is to love and be loved in return, and he feels himself nearly there with you. He squeezes you tightly and nuzzles his face into your neck. He presses a kiss into your soft skin and looks up at you with a sweet smile. 
“You make me feel the same way. Not to copy your answer.” You both chuckle. “There’s so much I could say about the way that you make me feel supported and cared for. You feel like my home, too.” He admits quietly. And I think I love you. 
“We’re just a couple of softies, aren’t we?” You grin at him and Jake chuckles. “We sure are, baby.” 
There’s a knock at the door and you reluctantly climb off of Jake, knowing your time has come to a close. He grabs your hand and you both walk to the front door and open it to see Sam, Josh, and Danny grinning. 
“Hey guys, just give us a quick minute.” Jake says as he hands his backpack to Josh. “I’ll be right out.” 
You step past Jake and give each of the three boys a quick hug. “Have so much fun, I can’t wait to hear about it all.” You grin and they all smile and say goodbye to you before turning back and walking down the driveway, giving you and Jake some privacy.
He tugs on your arm and leads you away from the door, out of sight from the others. He squeezes you impossibly tight. “This is it sweetheart,” he says quietly, one hand gripping the back of your head with his other on your upper back, “I’ll see you soon.”
“I’ll see you soon, baby. Have the best time.” You pull back from the hug and Jake’s looking at you with all of the adoration in the world. You can tell there’s something else he wants to say, but doesn’t. You don’t press him. It’s not the time.
He presses his lips to yours in a kiss that you both wish would never end. There’s so much that is said between the two of you wordlessly as your lips move together. You pull back just to lean in again to give him one more, unable to tear yourself away from him. 
“Bye Jake.” You whisper. “Bye sweetheart.” he whispers back just as softly. He gives you one more hug, rocking you back and forth, before reluctantly letting go. Jake’s eyes are a little red and he has a bittersweet smile on his face. You can feel that your eyes and smile are matching. You stand in the doorway as he walks out, and you wave as they drive away, feeling your heart heading down the road with him. 
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Jake Kiszka:
Among the Wildflowers (WIP): Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch 7.
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 4 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Hiiiiiii, sorry this is a day behind! I've been crazy busy. Short little angsty chapter for y'all. Chapter 5 coming towards the end of next week! Let me know what you think :)
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 4000
Warnings: Angst, mentions of alcohol.
It was a few weeks after Jake first asked you on a date and you continued to get to know him better in this new and intimate way, spending time with him when you could and texting him every day. Nothing was official, and there had not yet been a discussion about exclusively dating each other, but both of you were falling harder every day. While exclusivity hadn’t been discussed, you had deleted your dating apps shortly after your first date with Jake, and he only has had eyes for you for a long, long time. 
There was a small bit of doubt that you’d commit to something serious that sometimes lingered in the back of Jake’s head, your words from your first date about not dating someone like him causing his anxiety to swirl. He didn’t have anything to worry about, but he didn’t know that for sure.
Jake and the rest of the band were called for a last-minute meeting at their office on a Wednesday. It was evening when they arrived, and their manager and a couple label representatives were there to chat with them.
Once everyone was settled in, the news was shared - Metallica was doing a short three week tour run, and their original opener pulled out last minute for health issues. Since the boys had previously opened for them on multiple occasions, Metallica specifically wanted Greta Van Fleet to take the opening spot, and tour would start in two weeks. It was a great opportunity for the brothers, especially with new music and a headlining tour of their own on the horizon.
Everyone quickly agreed to the terms and started signing the contracts, except for Jake. He stared at the packet in front of him. 
Josh nudged his twin. “What’s your deal?” He whispered quietly.
Jake sighed. “It’s nothing.” He started to sign each line, his anxiety growing with each signature he left on the papers.
Everyone talked logistics and schedule for a while, and finally, the group was released for the night. The boys walked outside and Jake ran a hand through his hair, clearly distressed. 
“Let’s go celebrate with a drink?” Sammy asked and the other two nodded in agreement.
“I’m not feeling so good, you guys go ahead without me. I think I’m going to head home.” Jake muttered, not meeting any of their eyes. 
Josh eyed his twin, knowing something was up. “You sure, Jake?” 
Jake nodded, already turning towards his Jeep. “I’ll see you guys later. Have fun tonight.”
The other three got in their cars and got ready to head towards a bar. Josh watched as Jake drove out of the parking lot, turning in the opposite direction of his house. 
It was around 9pm, your sweet spot for getting into bed, and you heard a knock at your door. You weren’t expecting anyone, so you continued changing into your sleep shorts and tank top and threw your hair in a ponytail. 
Knocks sounded throughout your house again, this time more urgently. You sigh, realizing whoever is at the door probably isn’t going to go away. You tiptoe over to the front door and look through the peephole to see Jake, looking upset.
“Hi Jake,” you say as you swing the door open, “this is a surprise.”
Jake gives you a small tight smile in acknowledgement, his entire body is tensed. “Can-can we talk for a minute?”
“Yeah, come on in. What’s wrong-“ you backed up to let him in and he immediately attached himself to you, burying his face in your neck, cutting you off. His arms were circled around your waist with a death grip.
“Hey, what’s going on, Jake?” You ask as you try to shut the door while he’s still holding you tightly. He doesn’t answer but you feel him take a deep breath. You wait for a moment, but he doesn’t say anything. You just hold him.  
You want to give him time to speak on his own accord, but the circumstances of this unexpected visit are leaving you concerned. “You’re kind of freaking me out. I need you to use your words, Jake,” you say softly. 
He pulls back slightly and you can see how anxious he is. Teeth biting his lower lip, hands a little shaky around your waist, and his eyes are full of fear. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly and he means it. The last thing he wants to do is scare you. “It’s okay, let’s sit down baby.” You tell him softly. 
You take his hand in yours and pull him to your couch. Sitting in the corner with your legs crossed, you’re facing him as he sits. He wordlessly tries to uncross your legs and you understand what he’s trying to do. You straighten your legs and bend them at the knee over his so you’re sitting close together. 
He starts anxiously rubbing circles by your knees and you take his hands in yours and gently rub your thumbs over the back of his hands. You look at him and try to meet his eyes, but he’s looking down at your joined hands. 
“Talk to me, Jake. What’s going on?” 
He takes a deep, shaky breath. “We’re going on a last minute tour as openers for Metallica for three weeks. We leave in two weeks. Rehearsals start tomorrow.”
You gasp out of excitement. “That’s great news, Jake! Oh, I’m happy for you guys.”
He swallows and nods once. He lets go of your hands to run both of his through his hair, unable to stop his nervous habit. Finally, his eyes meet yours. He looks scared.
“What are we?” He asks you in the tiniest voice possible.
“What?” You ask him immediately with wide eyes, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. 
He looks down and runs a hand over his mouth and chin and takes another breath. “I know this is so new but I just need you to know that I really care about you and I’m not saying we need to label anything tonight but for the sake of my brain I just need to know where we stand and I’m not talking to anyone else right now, frankly I haven’t been able to look at anyone else in months and months, and the thought of me leaving soon and you maybe finding someone else when I’m not around feels too real and I’m scared-”
You grab his shoulders and interrupt his anxious rambling. “Jake, honey, take a deep breath. I care about you so much too. I promise you there is no one else in the picture for me right now. You’re right, this is new, and we’re still getting to know each other in a different way, but I promise you that I’ll be waiting for you when you get back.” You start to rub his shoulders in an attempt to soothe him, but his hands find your waist and he pulls you into his lap, your knees straddling him.
Jake holds you close and buries his face in your neck. “I’m sorry.” He says in a small voice, his emotions starting to become overwhelming. He’s anxious, he’s embarrassed, he’s scared, and he’s already mourning the time that he’ll be apart from you, knowing that he’s going to miss you deeply. But out of all of the big emotions that he’s feeling, the strongest one is his affection for you. He needs you in a way that he’s never needed anyone else before.
 “Don’t say sorry, we’re just trying to figure this out and we will, together.” You reassure him as your fingers trace lightly up and down his back. Your touch and gentle words start to bring a sense of peace to Jake. You always knew just what to say and do. He could feel his breathing start to regulate. 
You feel him nod and he pulls his head back. You gently tuck some of his hair behind his ears and plant a soft kiss on his forehead. You loop your arms around his neck while he continues to hold your waist. Pressing your forehead to his, you look him in the eyes and his beautiful brown orbs are peering back at you.
“I’ll miss you and our sleepovers where I get to wake up next to you and your incredible cooking. But three weeks isn’t forever or even long. I promise you, I’ll be sitting on your front porch like a weirdo waiting for the bus to drop you off back home so I don’t miss a precious minute with you.” You tell him and a small smile spreads across his face. Jake presses a small kiss to your lips before pulling his head back, still holding you close to him.
“I’ll miss you more,” he says, “and I’m giving you a key anyways. So you can wait from inside the house and not look like a weirdo.” 
You giggle and stay rooted in his lap. “There’s my Jake. Are you feeling better?”
His heart leaps when you call him yours, even if you said it casually. But he nods and sighs, feeling drawn to open up to you a little more. He knows he is safe with you. He takes a deep breath and moves his hands from around you to playing with your fingers, not able to look you in the eyes.
“Yeah, it’s just really hard sometimes. Things happened for my brothers and I so quickly. It felt like one day, we were just catapulted into popularity and this life that we knew nothing about. I woke up in my shared bedroom with Josh and Sammy one day and all of a sudden, we were touring constantly and recording all the time and then we moved out here to be closer to everything for the label and it all happened before I could process it. And things just continue to snowball and move faster. I’ve lost a lot of people, important people that I care about, in my life because of my job and it’s ruined or strained a lot of my relationships with friends and family and I can’t lose you. Not when we just finally got here. You’re so incredibly special and I don’t know why you want to be around me, but I’m so glad you do. It’s just… you just said that one day on our first date that you didn’t want to get involved with someone that has a job like me and I’m scared. I can’t lose you, baby.” He finishes with a sad mumble.
You take his face in your hands so he looks at you, and you see that his eyes have become glassy with unshed tears. The pain he is feeling hurts you, too. You can feel your heart breaking for Jake. He is the sweetest soul you’ve ever known and you would do anything in your power to make sure he always feels loved and taken care of. 
“Oh Jake, I am so sorry if my words scared you. I would never want to hurt you or make you anxious or unsure of how I feel about you. I can’t imagine what it’s been like to have your career take off so suddenly and so fast, but I promise that I’m all in for you. I want to be with you, only you. And I want to spend time with you and get to know you better because you are an incredible person Jacob, don’t sell yourself short. I think the absolute world of you.”
He bites his lip as you speak and a tear falls down his face. You catch it with your thumb and tenderly kiss the spot on his cheek where it fell. 
“Thank you.” He whispers and you hug him tight. Jake feels relieved getting that off of his chest and he can feel his heart starting to be put back together after your sweet, reassuring words.
“Can you stay here tonight with me? I don’t want you to be alone,” you tell him truthfully and he nods. You’d have him with you every night if you could, anyways.
You climb off his lap and take his hands to pull him off the couch. “Let me take care of you, let’s take a shower and go to bed.” He silently nods in agreement and follows you to the bathroom. 
Both of you take your clothes off and you start the water, knowing he likes it to run pretty hot. You let him in first and you follow, putting your hair in a bun so it doesn’t get wet. Jake stands under the water with his eyes shut, wetting his hair, and then opens one to pump shampoo into his hand. You playfully swat his hand away. “I’m taking care of you, remember? It’s my turn to do this.” He giggles quietly and his cheeks darken, but he doesn’t say a word.
You gently push him into the corner of your shower where a built in seat is, and wash his hair. You stand in between his legs and give him a scalp massage and his tension melts away. His hands find your waist, as chastely as they can being that you’re both naked in the shower. Jake gently rubs his thumbs in circles on your waist and he leans forward to press a kiss to your stomach before standing to rinse his hair. You wash his body and condition his hair for him as well, trying to show how much you care for him through your intentional touches.
Once the water is off, you grab a fluffy towel for him and instruct him to sit at your vanity. You brush his hair and run some product through it, before blow drying it straight. You knew he’d wake up with crazy bedhead if you left his hair wavy and damp before going to sleep. 
His hair falls to his shoulders and is soft and silky once dry. You kiss the top of his head and find his shirt and sweatpants left behind from the previous weekend that you had washed and he changes into comfy clothes. He brushes his teeth next to you and you finish first. “This is awfully domestic,” you say as you hand him your moisturizer to borrow and he chuckles. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” He says as he looks down and smiles. This is how every night should be. 
You both collapse into bed and you set an alarm for early in the morning. “I’m sorry to have to get up early for work, but you should sleep in. I’ll leave the spare key for you.” 
He pulls you into him so you can cuddle and you settle into his chest and throw a leg over his waist. His hand softly rests on the back of your thigh in a protective hold, keeping you as close to him as possible. 
“Don’t say sorry, I’m just really thankful for you and for how you took care of me tonight,” he tells you shyly, “you’re too sweet to me, baby.”
“Anything for you, my rockstar.” You reply and he smiles before kissing you deeply. You break the kiss and settle back into his chest. 
Jake is worn out from all of the emotions of the day and falls asleep within minutes. You hear your phone buzz next to you and you carefully remove Jake’s hand from your thigh and roll over and check the notification.
Josh: I assume Jake went to see you tonight. How is he doing?
You: He’s okay, we talked for awhile and I told him to stay. I thought it might be best that he’s with someone tonight. He’s good now, actually just fell asleep.
Josh: Thank you for taking care of him. He’s had a rough go with things and I haven’t seen him so happy in a long time. I’m really glad he has you. 
Josh: Is it official yet or is he too scared to ask? 
You snort before texting back.
You: I really care for him. And we’re definitely exclusive but nothing officially labeled. I’m sure we are heading there soon. I’m not worried about it :) 
Josh: He’s so stupid sometimes. 
You giggle before putting your phone on your nightstand and snuggling back into Jake’s arms. He involuntarily pulls you closer to him in his sleep and you drift off quickly in his embrace. 
Your alarm comes far too soon, and you groan as you untangle yourself from Jake to turn it off. He doesn’t even flinch in his sleep, his soft snores continuing. Having him in your bed, waking up in his arms - it all just feels so right. 
You speed through your morning routine and leave Jake a note with your spare key on the nightstand next to him.
Knowing his tendencies, you figure he would be a little upset if you didn’t wake him up to say goodbye. A goodbye kiss would be nice, anyway. You sit on the side of the bed next to him and gently move his hair off his face and tuck what you can behind his ears. Gently rubbing your hand up and down his back, you whisper his name and he sleepily whines before opening one eye to look at you. He’s too cute in the morning and you wish that you could just crawl back into bed with him and hold him close.
“Good morning sleepy, I’m going to work but wanted to say goodbye. Stay here as long as you want.” You say as you continue rubbing his back. A lazy smile stretches across his face. “Hi sweetheart, have a good day at work.” His sweet, raspy, sleepy voice gives you the biggest butterflies and you lean down to give him a kiss.
“One more?” He asks. There’s no way you could deny him. You press your lips to his sweetly and then kiss his forehead. 
“Bye Jake, I’ll see you later.”
He hums and nods with his eyes already closed and you know he will be back asleep the second you turn around. 
You head to work and Jake sleeps in, his phone alarm going off in the late morning. He rolls over to see you’ve left him a note and key by his phone and wallet.
Good morning Jake,
Sorry I couldn’t sleep in with you, but I hope today is a better day. I’m so glad I woke up next to you this morning. You’re the best space heater. Feel free to help yourself to anything. I’ll see you soon!
P.S. Keep the key, I don’t want it back.
The letter was signed with a heart and Jake couldn’t help but smile. He folded your note up and tucked it into his wallet for safekeeping. Grabbing his phone, he rolled back over onto his side to check his notifications. He noticed that your pillows and blankets smell like you, and he cuddled up into the blankets further as he scrolled.
Eventually, Jake got out of bed and got ready for the day, needing to borrow your skincare items again. Your bottle of perfume sat next to the face wash he used and after thinking for a moment, he retrieved his wallet and took your note back out. He carefully spritzed the blank bottom of the paper that didn’t have any writing on it and folded it back up once it was dry. He grabbed the spare key that was now his house key and grinned to himself as he slid it on his key ring, next to the one for his own house. Maybe one day, we’ll only need keys for one house instead of two.
Jake locked the front door as he left and made a pit stop at your favorite coffee place close to your work. He grabbed an iced lavender latte, knowing it was your favorite, and walked over to your salon. He knew you were busy and probably couldn’t say hi, but he wanted to surprise you and leave a little something.
Jake walked into the salon and Ashley, who was cleaning around the front desk, immediately recognized him. “Hi Jake! Oh, is that for Y/N? Let me see if she’s around!”
Jake thanked her as she ran to the back. You were in the middle of doing a tricky color application on someone’s hair and your gloved hands were covered in dye when your coworker came back. 
“Your boyfriend is here! He has something for you!” Ashley says excitedly. 
“Oh, um, he’s not my boyfriend, but you can tell him it’s fine to pop back here.” You tell her pleasantly.
Unbeknownst to you, Jake had wandered closer to the stations, looking at some of the art on the wall. His stomach turned a little as he overheard your words. Yeah, I’m not her boyfriend. But I really wish I was.
Jake was waved over and he greeted you with a small smile. “Hey,” he said shyly, “I know you’re busy but I just wanted to drop this off for you.”
“Aw, thank you Jake, what a special treat! That’s my favorite drink from that place. Can you set it on the counter for me?” 
He nodded and set the drink down for you before placing a hand gently on your hip and kissing your cheek. “I’ll text you later.”
You meet his eyes and he’s looking at you sweetly. “Have fun at rehearsal, thank you again for the surprise and tell everyone I say hi!” 
He nodded and waved before walking out. As soon as he left, your client spoke up. “He might not be your boyfriend, but I think he’s dying to be. I saw the way he looked at you! That man is in love.”
You blushed and giggled. “He certainly is the sweetest.”
“And hot.” Your client chimed in.
“Yes,” you chuckled, “that too.”
Jake was the last to arrive at the office and quietly slipped in the door. Josh was writing in a notebook on the couch and Danny and Sam were out of sight, likely getting set up in the practice area.
Josh looked up from his spot on the couch. “Hey Jake, come on over here.” He patted the spot next to him.
Jake took a seat next to his twin and Josh eyed him carefully. “You good?” Josh asked. “You seemed pretty out of it last night.”
Jake looked down and nodded. “Yeah I just… I just needed a minute I think.”
Josh sighed. “You really like her, don’t you?” Jake met his eyes and nodded. “Are you falling in love with her?”
Jake rubbed his hand over his chin and nodded again. “I think I am,” he said softly. I think I already have.
Josh smiled. “You’ll be okay then. You two will figure it all out.”
Jake’s smile mirrored his twin’s. “Yeah, we will.”
Josh then smacked Jake on the side of the head, the tender moment between them clearly over. “When are you going to make it official?” 
Jake sighed. “I don’t want to scare her off. I just feel so strongly for her. I would have asked her during our first date if that wasn’t insane behavior. We’ve known her for quite awhile and I’ve cared for her for so long and I know she cares for me too but I get in my own head about things. You know how I am.”
Josh patted his twin on his shoulder. “Don’t be afraid of scaring her away, just talk to her. There’s no way she would say anything other than yes. I promise you, Jake.”
Sam and Danny then entered the room. “We’re all set up. Let’s go!” Sam yelled. 
The twins stood and Josh pulled Jake into a hug. “It’s all going to be just fine,” Josh whispered in his ear and Jake nodded, knowing that his brother was right.
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature @katelynn-gvf @ohgodthefeeling-gvf
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Hi friends! It’s been a crazy week and I’m nearly done with chapter 4 of Among the Wildflowers but want to add a bit more and make sure it’s perfect before posting. It’ll be out tomorrow or Saturday at the latest <3
This has been my first time on tumblr (not my first gvf community hehe) and I really appreciate all of your kind words and messages! Thank you for giving me such a warm welcome here :)
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 3 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Hi hi! Back again with another chapter. This one is a fun one. Most of Chapter 4 is already written, hoping to be back Thursday with another update :) let me know what you think!
18+ Content - Minors, do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 6900+
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, unprotected sex, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, choking, etc. Mentions of alcohol.
After leaving Jake’s house on Sunday, you went home and got ready for the week - laundry, grocery shopping, and cleaning, the whole nine yards. Exhausted after the weekend’s excitement and all of your chores, you ran yourself a bath and paired a glass of wine to go with the book you were reading.
Just as you sank down into the hot bubbles with the wine and book nearby, your phone buzzed. You glanced at your phone to see it was a text from Jake. Opening your messages, you see it was actually a selfie. He had attempted to put his hair half up like you had for him the night before, but his efforts certainly didn’t have the same effect. You smile at how cute he is.
Jake: Trying my best. What do you think?
You: A for effort. You coming for my job or something, Kiszka?
Jake: Obviously.
Jake: Just kidding. I’m cooking and needed it out of the way. What are you up to tonight? 
You smirk as an idea pops into your head, thinking that Jake might be really interested in what you’re currently doing.
Pushing the bubbles around yourself, you bend one leg so it’s slightly out of the water. You angle your phone camera so the whole bathtub is captured with the entirety of your bare thigh exposed, nearly up to your hip. You send the playful photo to Jake, figuring he wouldn’t mind.
You: I’m in here, wishing I had some company right now 
Jake: You’re actually going to be the death of me
Jake: And I’m supposed to keep my hands off of you until Friday? God
You giggle at his reply. 
You: Patience, baby
Jake: Yeah, no
You: :) 
You chuckle and set your phone down, picking up the wine and your book and diving in. The bubbles are long gone and the water is lukewarm at best when you finally decide to get out of the tub and get ready for bed. You run through your evening routine and settle into your comfy bed when you check your phone again to see another message from Jake.
Jake: Jokes aside, you’re probably heading off to bed soon and I wanted to wish you goodnight and sweet dreams. This weekend was one of the best I’ve had in a long while, thanks to you. I’m really looking forward to spending time with you next weekend, sweetheart. 
Jake: P.S. you’re a really good kisser. I hope we can fit making out once or twice into our packed agenda of eating dinner on the couch and watching movies.
You snort before replying to him. 
You: Thank you for everything this weekend. I had the best time. And I think we can squeeze that and maybe a few other things into the Friday itinerary. Goodnight Jake, sweet dreams.
Tossing your phone to the side once the message is sent, you quickly drift off to sleep.
Jake opens the last message from you and chuckles. He locks his phone and rolls onto his side to get comfortable. He notices the pillow you slept on still faintly smells of you, and he smiles to himself as he takes it into his arms to cuddle it. He falls asleep just as quickly as you do. 
The week flies by, you were incredibly busy at work, and before you know it, it’s Thursday evening. You and Jake had been texting all week long, and you couldn’t wait to see him so soon.
Jake was nervously pacing in his living room, Josh watching him from the couch while he tried to watch a movie.
“Can you sit down? Jesus Christ. You picked this and you aren’t even watching.” Josh grumbled.
Jake sighed. “I don’t know what to make for dinner tomorrow.”
Josh eyed his twin. “That’s what has you worked up right now? Your menu? Make homemade pizzas and get the wine you know she likes and call it good.”
Jake nods and continues pacing, deep in thought. “See, I already thought of that. But I’m really good at cooking and could do something way more impressive. But I don’t really know what she likes. And what if I mess it up or she doesn’t like-“
Josh stood and yanked Jake to the couch. “Breathe. You’re overthinking this. Make the damn pizza.”
Jake glares at Josh and he continues. “It’s not about the food, you could honestly probably feed her takeout from McDonald’s and she would still be just as happy. It’s about spending time with you.”
“Okay. You have a point. I just want things to be perfect because she’s so perfect and so far out of my league.” Jake finishes with a sigh and rubs his chin. 
Josh’s eyes don’t move from the TV screen as he replies. “I think you should stop worrying. I know it’s hard. But she really likes you. Just let things happen.”
Jake glanced at his brother and huffed before pulling out his phone to make his grocery list for the next day.
Meanwhile, you were at home packing your bag for tomorrow. Eyeing your lingerie sets, you run your fingers over the different pieces of lace. You threw both a white and a black set in your bag, unable to choose. 
You flop onto your bed with a sigh once your bag is fully packed and you’re ready for your last day of work. You send Jake a quick text, since you both had been wishing each other good morning and good night all week.
You: I’m off to bed early, sweet dreams baby. I can’t wait for tomorrow :)
Jake glanced down at his phone in his hand and smiled. Josh smiled as well, watching his brother and figuring that he was talking to you. 
Jake: I’ve been waiting for Friday all week. Make sure you’re well rested for our movie marathon tomorrow :) goodnight and sweet dreams. 
It’s a beautiful and sunny Friday, and you finish work a little ahead of schedule, so you freshen up your hair and makeup at your work area.
“Hot date tonight?” Your coworker, Ashley, asked from behind you. 
You smirked a little as you curled another section of hair. “Something like that.”
“With who? Where are they from? Tinder, Hinge, Bumble-”
You cut her off with a sly smile. “A client.”
Ashley gasped. “You didn’t. No way. You of all people? Okay, okay. Let me guess who it is.” She closed her eyes and tapped her temples. Her eyes shot open as she mentally flipped through your potential suitors and she remembered one in particular. “Please, please tell me it’s a date with a very hot and very talented guitarist named Jake.”
You fluffed your hair, finishing up. “Yeah, he really is hot, isn’t he?”
Ashley squealed. “Oh, this is too good. I want to know everything on Monday.” She grins at you in the mirror. 
You turn around, starting to walk away, itching to get out of there. The more time you spend at work, the less time you have with Jake.  “Of course. Have a good weekend, Ashley!”
She waves and you zip over to your car and let Jake know you’re on your way. He doesn’t see your message because he’s busy putting the finishing touches on dinner and setting up his living room with candles and his favorite blankets. 
You park in his driveway and make your way to the door, ringing the doorbell. Jake all but sprints to the door and swings it open with a huge grin on his face. He’s wearing a classic Jake outfit - cropped and barely buttoned navy button-down shirt with his favorite pair of well-loved light wash jeans cuffed at the ankles, with his silver atocha coin pendant resting on his tanned chest. 
“Hey, you!” He says happily with a big grin as he tugs you over the threshold and into a tight hug. “Hi Jacob.” You say into his almost-bare chest, the back of your head being held by his hand. 
Jake loosens his grip on you and you pull back, but stay in his arms. “How was work?” He asks as he tucks a piece of hair behind your ear. 
You shrug. “Work was fine, nothing too exciting. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough, I have some really important plans tonight.”
Jake smiles down at you as he reaches behind to shut the door, his eyes not leaving yours. “Oh yeah? Like what?” 
You loop your fingers into his belt loops and pull him forward, your lips meeting his. Without any hesitation, he’s kissing you back fiercely, moving his hands around your neck while you slide one hand just under the hem of his shirt that lands at his hips, and your other hand begins running up and down his warm chest. 
When you both can’t take it anymore, you pull back slightly. Jake’s chest is heaving up and down while he catches his breath and he looks at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Mmm, yeah that was really important.” Jake says in his deep rasp. You pat his chest with a smirk and he grabs your hand, kissing the back of it before leading you to his kitchen. 
“Jake, it smells amazing in here.” You say as you both stand in the kitchen. Jake smiles and looks down at the bottle of wine he’s grabbed, pouring both of you a glass. His cheeks warm at your praise. 
“Thank you, I’m really glad I get to cook for you tonight.” He hands you the glass of wine and you thank him with a kiss on the cheek. 
You sit on a stool in his kitchen after offering to help, which he immediately shot down. “You know, I remember there was one time you made chocolate chip cookies and brought them to the office on a day I was working there with you guys, and I’m pretty sure they were the best cookies I’ve ever had in my entire life. It had to have been two years ago but I still remember them.” You tell him and he smiles fondly at the memory.
It wasn’t often that he would bring homemade treats to the office, but he remembered from one of his appointments that you loved sweets, especially cookies. He purposely woke up early that day to make cookies to bring for everyone, but mainly you. The way your eyes lit up when he nervously approached you with the container and the big smile you gave him after declaring they were utterly delicious sent him to heaven and back. 
Jake smiles at you. “I have cookie dough chilling in the fridge, I remembered you really liked those. I’ll put them in the oven after dinner so we can have them for our movies.”
You rest your head on your hand on the counter and sigh happily up at Jake. “I don’t think you could get any sweeter, Jacob.” 
Jake’s cheeks darken into the nearly perpetual blush he has when he’s around you and he walks by you to grab the pizzas he made out of the oven. “Only for you.” He says with his back to you as he opens the oven, too shy to say that while making eye contact. You grin at the man standing before you, your heart overflowing. The feelings you had for Jake were unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. He was kind, thoughtful, hilarious, talented, intelligent - truly one in a million.
He sets the pizzas on the counter and they look amazing. “Okay chef, tell me what we have here.” You stand up and move to be next to him, lightly bumping his elbow and he chuckles.
“Um, well, this one on the left is a rosemary bacon goat cheese, it’s my favorite to make, and I didn’t know if that would sound good to you so I also made a cheese one.” Jake rubs the back of his neck nervously and peers down at you. 
“No, these both look amazing, thank you so much for making dinner.” You tell him as you wrap one arm around his waist and squeeze gently.
He wraps his arm around you as well and leans his head on yours. “You’re welcome, I’m just glad we can spend some time together this weekend.” He says quietly. He unwinds his arm and starts cutting the pizzas while you put the fruit and salads he had already prepped on the table.
You both grab some slices of pizza and sit at his kitchen table. It’s truly the best pizza you’ve ever had, far surpassing anything you’ve ever made before.
“Oh my god Jake, this is so good!” You say. He finishes his bite, holding back a smile. “I’ve been told before that if something happens and music doesn’t work out, I should pursue a culinary career.” He laughs.
You both finish eating dinner and Jake puts the cookies in the oven. Eyeing the bottle of wine on the counter, you refill both of your glasses and move to his living room, where he has cozy pillows, blankets, and candles set up. 
“Hey Jake, I’m going to change into comfier clothes.” You yell while walking upstairs with your bag. You walk into his room and grab your crewneck and leggings out of your bag and start to change. Jake had wandered upstairs and figured you were changing in his bathroom and strolled into his bedroom without a second thought, also planning on changing.
Your back was to his door and you were in your underwear, pulling your shirt off when you hear him behind you. “Oh my god! Sorry, sorry-” he says as he nearly trips over himself, stumbling out of his room hastily to give you privacy. Little did Jake know, you truly didn’t mind.
A giggle escapes your mouth as you turn around. “Jake, come back here!” You yell to him, still in your bra and underwear set.
He slowly walks back into his room, cheeks on fire and heart beating out of his chest, and is staring with wide eyes. Jake is seemingly frozen, taking all of you in. “I’m sorr-”
“Shh,” you whisper, approaching him and placing a finger on his lips, “it’s okay.” 
Jake swallows harshly and looks at you and timidly places his hands on either side of your waist, holding you close. His heart is pounding, but so is yours. “You are so beautiful.” He whispers as his sweet honey eyes meet yours. You smile and tuck some hair behind his ear before looping your arms around his neck. His lips are on yours instantly and all of a sudden, he’s pushed you against his bedroom wall. His hands begin to wander and so do yours, all without breaking the feverish kisses. He’s squeezing your ass and you have one hand up his shirt and one hand moving to his zipper when the oven goes off and a series of beeps chirp loudly from downstairs.
Jake pulls back with a loud groan. “God fucking dammit.” He mutters and you giggle. You back up off the wall and he heaves a heavy sigh before running downstairs to grab the cookies. 
You turn back to your bag, the moment ruined, but decide to put on your white lacy lingerie set under your comfy clothes. Jake hears you come downstairs and rubs the back of his neck when you come into the kitchen.
“Well, at least we have cookies.” He says while shooting you a nervous glance, making sure that you were fine after what just happened in his room. The tension between you two is thick. 
You laugh. “Can we get cozy on the couch? I really want to cuddle up with you.” You tell him and he gives you a small smile and a nod and puts a plate on the counter. “Throw some cookies on this plate and I’ll be right back.”
Jake runs upstairs to change and sighs as he looks at the situation in his pants. There’s no way you both were going to make it through a movie, much less an entire marathon, without things escalating. 
He came back down to find you cozied up under his blanket with the plate of cookies nearby. He grins at your cuteness and slides under the blanket with you. He tugs you into his side while grabbing the remote and starts scrolling through Netflix.
“What are you in the mood for, sweetheart?” He asks and you hum. “I know you love Pirates of the Caribbean, just throw on one of those?”
“God, you’re incredible.” He mutters under his breath and you snicker in response. He finds the first Pirates movie and hits play. You cozy up further into his side and he grabs a warm cookie off the plate and rips off a piece.
“You want some, baby?” He says quietly and you nod, fully expecting him to hand you the piece. Instead, he brings it to your mouth and watches your lips close around the small bite. His fingers brush your lips and his eyes turn dark. You throw your head back against his shoulder. “Oh my god, just as good as I remember.”
He laughs and feeds you another piece before taking a bite of his own. “Yeah, these are pretty good, in my humble opinion.”
The cookie is gone and you eye the plate on the side table on the other side of Jake. Feeling devious, you sit up a little and slide yourself across Jake’s lap, facing him. His mouth opens slightly out of surprise and you lean over to ghost his lips while blindly grabbing a cookie off the plate. “I wanted another one.” You whisper onto his lips and just before he can close the slight distance between your face and his, you slide back into your original spot with your cookie in hand.
“That was so mean.” Jake pouts and you laugh. You break off a piece of the cookie and hold it up to his lips as a consolation prize. He rolls his eyes at you but accepts the bite.
You both sit quietly for a few minutes, snuggled up together, before Jake gets antsy. His arm is wrapped around you and he starts making circles into your skin with his hand. His other hand is tapping his thigh, his eyes are on the TV screen. You can tell he’s not watching at all and his mind is elsewhere.
“You good, baby?” You ask him. He nods.
“Just fine.” He mumbles. 
You take your hand that’s resting on his chest and start slowly moving it down to his thigh. You start rubbing gentle circles up near where his thigh and hip meet and Jake shakily inhales before muttering “fuck it” and yanking you onto his lap. You’re straddling him, kissing him furiously while his hands pick up right where they left off in his bedroom.
Jake’s tongue dances at the entrance of your mouth and you eagerly let him in. Your hands travel down to the crotch of his pants and in that moment, you thank a higher power for Jake changing into sweatpants as you start to tug his pants down. “This okay?” You ask him, out of breath.
“Yes, oh my god yes.” He manages to get out and he lifts himself up a little so you can slide his pants off. You start attacking his neck with small kisses and move lower to his collarbone so you can leave marks. Your teeth sink gently into his skin and a whine escapes Jake’s throat and he moves his hands to the hem of your crewneck, hastily trying to lift it over your head.
He’s pantsless and you’re shirtless and Jake slows his movements for a moment, gawking at you in your lingerie. He has never seen someone so angelic in his life, and he swears that he will never commit another sin again if it means he can have you half naked in his lap every day for the rest of eternity.
“Holy shit,” he breathes, “you are so fucking beautiful, baby.” You grin at him while ripping your own leggings off and start kissing him again, this time rolling your hips a little and his cock is begging to be set free as it moves against your soaked core. Jake moans as you roll your hips and nibble on his ear at the same time and it’s the hottest sound you’ve ever heard.
“Let me hear you Jake.” You whisper into his ear before tugging on it with his teeth and he moves his hands from squeezing your ass to gripping the underside of your thighs, and he stands, shakily carrying you out of his living room. You don’t make it up the stairs, instead, he carries you to the wall and shoves you against it, still holding you up. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, your hands tugging his hair, and his tongue finds its way into your mouth again. 
You unwrap your legs and slide off of him, but Jake keeps you pressed against the wall. “Don’t fucking move.” He says in a deep voice. It’s now his turn to leave marks of his own on you, your body a blank canvas for the art he’s about to leave on your chest and stomach. His lips glide down the center of your chest as he skillfully unhooks your lingerie and tosses it to the side. “Angel, you’re an angel, so perfect.” He whispers as he starts to wrap his lips around your breast and you hiss out of pleasure when he bites down just above your nipple. He soothes the bite with his tongue before moving to your other side and continuing to kiss, suck, bite, and lip all the way down to below your belly button. He’s firmly holding you in place with his hands, his mouth doing all of the heavy lifting.
“Can I take these off, baby?” He asks with his fingers hooked in the elastic band and you all but rip the last remaining bit of lace off your body on your own.
“Someone’s eager.” Jake chuckles darkly. He starts leaving kisses and nibbles on the insides of your thighs while still holding you against the wall firmly at your hips and you're shaky and quickly losing the ability to stand while Jake continues to paint a canvas across your body.
“Jake,” you whine in a high pitch, “take me upstairs, please baby.” 
He moves his hands from your hips to under your ass and he lifts you with ease again. You start kissing his neck as he carefully navigates up the stairs and he throws you onto your back on his bed. Jake’s immediately on top of you and your hands travel to his boxers, tugging them down. His lips don’t falter against yours as he tosses the last bit of his own clothing to the side.
“Jake, baby, please, I need you.” You beg into his lips as your hands travel down to his cock and you start showing him some attention. Jake moans in response as he feels your hand wrapped around him and your free hand travels to his hair, yanking his face to yours.
“I. Fucking. Need. You.” You groan with gritted teeth and Jake’s chest is pounding as you push him off of you and force him onto his back. You’re in control now, and it’s not something Jake’s used to in bed.
“Jesus sweetheart.” He pants, chest starting to gleam with sweat. You start to kiss and lick down his tanned body, small breaths and whines leaving the back of his throat, until your lips meet the base of his cock. He’s big and beautifully pink, a delicious bead of precum waiting for you at the tip.
“Is this okay baby?” You ask and Jake can hardly get words out. “Please.” He whines and you immediately sink your lips around him, taking him in fully until he’s brushing the back of your throat. “So good for me baby, so good.” He moans and you take his balls in your hand, gently massaging them, as you start to move your lips up and down his shaft, swirling your tongue around the tip. Another whine escapes Jake’s throat involuntarily, he can’t help it, not when he’s been dreaming of a moment like this for three years.
You continue working up and down his cock, sweat pooling on Jake’s forehead and his hands gripping your hair, when his edge is quickly approaching.
“Baby you need to- I’m going to- if you keep.” He shakily gets out, no coherent thought able to make it from his brain to his lips as you suck him off to oblivion and back. You continue your movements until Jake moans your name and you feel him painting the back of your throat with his release. You swallow and slowly let him out of your mouth before kissing your way back up to his lips.
He eagerly greets you with his tongue yet again, small whines coming from both of you as he sits up and you sit in his lap, lips hungrily moving together.
Jake takes two of his fingers and drags them through your dripping core. “Is this all for me baby? What’s got you so worked up?” He’s looking at you with a shit-eating grin before he takes those same fingers and wraps his lips around them, eyes rolling back into his head. It’s incredibly filthy and incredibly sexy and-
“If I don’t have you inside of me in the next five minutes, I’m going to fucking die.” You huff and Jake’s eyes open and he takes his fingers out of his mouth, only to wrap his hand around your neck lightly.
“Patience, baby.” He growls lowly. “I’ve been waiting for this for three fucking years and we are going to take our time. Do you understand me?” 
You gulp, this Jake being worlds apart from the whiny man you were sucking off minutes prior. His hand is still lightly wrapped around your neck as you nod. 
“I need you to use your words, sugar.” Jake says, eyes dripping with lust for you. “I understand.” You whisper and Jake leans forward, not moving his hand.
“Do you know what the color system is?” He whispers into your ear and you nod. “Green, keep going, yellow, slow down, and red is a hard stop. What’s your color, sweetheart?”
“Green, fucking green.” You get out shakily, loving the feeling of his large calloused hand clamped around your neck and Jake smiles darkly. “My pretty little baby, our fun isn’t over yet.” He says and he finally removes his hand from your throat only to take fingers from that hand and tease you by swirling around your clit before sliding inside of you. You arch your back and moan loudly and Jake’s loving it. 
“Come on baby, let me hear you. Let me hear that pretty voice sing for me.” He says in a deep voice as his fingers start to work expertly inside of you. Jake’s enjoying this just as much as you are, and his cock is starting to grow hard again at the sounds of your moans and whines and feeling of his fingers pumping inside and around you. His fingers are curling and swirling in ways that feel incredibly sinful and his lips are kissing and biting your stomach and it must be what heaven feels like. 
“I need you to cum for me pretty, can you do that? Filthy girl, I know you want to.” He says with ragged breaths as he works you to your orgasm. You let go and Jake lets out a pleased hum, helping you ride out your pleasure. 
Jake slides up to your lips and tucks hair behind your ear. “Condom, baby?” You shake your head, struggling to find words. “I’m on the pill. Clean. I’m good.” 
Jake grins. “Me too. Are you ready to keep having fun, sugar?” You nod and Jake wraps his hand around your throat again, knowing that you like that.
“Words.” He gets through his gritted teeth.
“Yes baby, please, please I need you, need you inside of me.” You beg and Jake grins before kissing you and dragging your bottom lip down with his teeth.
He lines himself up and pushes himself into you, and you stand corrected. This is what heaven must be like. 
“So fucking tight,” Jake moans, “fuck.” He starts pumping in and out of you, finding a relentless rhythm and you wrap your legs around his torso and start biting on his collarbone and wrapping your hands in his hair. “My pretty little baby, taking my cock so well, I knew you would.” He praises you and you thank him with a kiss to his sweaty bare chest as he continues pounding into you. You know that you’re going to wake up with all sorts of aches after tonight, but it is so worth it.
You whine into Jake’s ear. “Jake, Jakey, I’m close.” 
“Do not cum,” he growls, not sacrificing his pace, “not until I say you can.”
“Please, please, baby,” you whine louder, “Jake, please let me cum. Let me cum all over your cock, baby please.”
Your begging and whining just propels Jake closer and closer to his own orgasm. You wrap your legs around him tighter and yank his hair just a little harder and he manages to get out, “Come on baby, cum for me.” 
You moan and finish with him inside of you and he’s right there with you. The feeling of him finishing, his release filling you up, and then him pulling out slowly is one that you hope you’ll get to experience again and again.
Jake collapses next to you and rolls onto his side, planting a small kiss on your lips. You lay together for a moment, completely still except for your chests moving up and down, trying to breathe normally again. Jake finds his footing and gets up, returning moments later with a warm washcloth. He carefully cleans you up and then himself and tosses the washcloth into his hamper. 
He walks back over to you and smiles. “Come on baby, let’s take a shower.” Jake says softly as he looks down at you in your completely fucked-out state.
You allow him to gently pull you off of his bed and he carries you to his bathroom, carefully setting you on the counter while he grabs towels and starts the water. 
Jake allows you to get in the shower first and the two of you stand under the water together, facing each other. You tilt your head up for a kiss and Jake presses his lips to yours and pulls back slightly. 
“Can I wash your hair for you, sweetheart?” He asks and you smile at him, never having been with someone that took care of you like this before. 
“Yes please.” You say in a small voice and Jake smiles as he grabs shampoo and puts some in his hair and yours. His fingers are like magic as they work the shampoo into your scalp, and your eyes fall shut. Jake giggles. “Don’t fall asleep on me yet.” He teases and you open one eye to playfully glare at him. 
Jake helps rinse the shampoo out of your hair and puts conditioner in it next. While that sits on both of your heads, he lathers up some soap and starts gently running his hands all over your body, leaving soft kisses in the places that water rinses you off. His touch is so gentle and caring. 
Once you both are all set, he dries you off, pressing more little kisses to your shoulders, chest, and hips, and then hands you a tshirt of his. You smile fondly at the worn cotton and pull it over your head before brushing your hair and getting ready for bed. 
Both of you collapse onto Jake’s bed, and he pulls you into him immediately. “Come here sweetheart, let’s get cozy.” He mumbles. Sleep is quickly coming for both you and him. Settling into his warm chest, you look up at him to see he’s already looking at you with a tired smile on his face. 
“Goodnight Jake.” You whisper and he gives you one last kiss before wishing you sweet dreams. 
The morning sun is peeking in through the windows and Jake wakes up before you do. He looks down at your sleeping figure curled up into him. Seeing you peacefully sleeping against him while wearing his shirt is something he wishes he could start every day with. He brushes hair out of your face and starts running his fingers lightly down your back. 
“Good morning sweetheart.” He says when your eyes start to open. “How did you sleep?”
You groan and stretch and curl up deeper into Jake’s side. He smiles at how cute you are when you’re sleepy. “So good,” you mumble, “you make a good pillow.” He smiles adoringly at you. 
You stay snuggled up to Jake for a few minutes and then lean up to give him a kiss once fully awake. “What are you up to today?” You ask him.
He shrugs. “Nothing really.”
You nod. “Same here.” You aren’t ready to leave Jake yet, and you have a suspicion that he feels the same. 
Jake looks over at you. “Stay with me. Please. I’ll make us breakfast and we can go to the farmer’s market. I don’t want you to leave yet.”
“I don’t want to leave either.” You say softly and the corners of his lips turn up. 
“Okay, I’ll get a head start on breakfast while you get ready.” Before you can offer to help, he places a quick kiss on your forehead and darts out of his room. 
You take a few minutes to put yourself together, and by the time you head downstairs, Jake’s almost done making pancakes and bacon. The sight of him standing in his kitchen, only in his boxers, is nearly enough to make you start drooling. 
“Hey, can you grab syrup and chocolate chips from the pantry?” He asks when he hears you walk in and you rifle through the items in the pantry until you find both. 
“Do you put both syrup and chocolate chips on your pancakes, Jake?” You ask, setting both on the counter. 
He breaks his concentration from the pancakes and turns around with a tiny grin. “I’ve told you before, I have a sweet tooth.”
You smile and grab plates and silverware and Jake puts food on both plates. You sit at his kitchen table together, eating breakfast and watching squirrels and birds in his backyard. It’s all so comfortable and natural, and you feel so at home with him. 
Jake quickly gets ready and you wash the breakfast dishes while you wait. He slips downstairs and a pair of hands find their way around your waist. “Ready to head out?” He asks lowly in your ear. 
You spin around and nod. He plants a single kiss on your lips before you both head out and get in his Jeep.
Jake plugs his phone in and puts his Spotify on shuffle. It’s a quick drive to the farmer’s market and the two of you sing along goofily to the songs playing. 
“I know we’re not really trying right now, but you do have a beautiful voice, Jake,” you tell him and his eyebrows raise and cheeks flush, “you should sing more.”
He clears his throat, clearly shy. “Um, maybe.” He nervously chuckles. It tugs at your heartstrings, knowing that he’s so musically gifted in so many ways, but he’s not as confident when it comes to singing. 
You reach over to grab his hand and he laces his fingers with yours for the rest of the drive. 
The farmer’s market is busy, and you get out of the car and the smell of flowers from a nearby stand instantly hits you and you close your eyes and smile. Jake matches your smile as he watches you open your eyes and turn to him. “Ready?” He asks and you nod, heading towards the crowd of people.
Jake insists that you stop first at the flowers, and he grabs a pretty bunch of wildflowers. You object, but he insists on getting them for you. “Thank you Jake,” you say as you hold them close to your face, “these are so gorgeous.”
He moves his sunglasses up and his eyes are glowing as he looks down at you. “You remind me of wildflowers, you know. They’re vibrant and full of personality. And beautiful.”
Your cheeks darken and you and look up at him. “You’re making me blush, Jacob.”
He chuckles and the corners of his eyes wrinkle as he smiles. “Good, you make me blush all the fucking time.”  You giggle and start walking, flowers in hand. Jake puts his sunglasses back on and walks next to you. 
The two of you slowly walk through the aisles of stands. It’s crowded, people nearly bumping into each other constantly, and Jake brushes his hand against yours. You think it might have been an accident due to the close proximity you’re forced into, but it happens again and he tries to catch your pinky finger. You pull your hand away. 
“Jake, we can’t, what if someone recognizes you?” You whisper quietly and his heart sinks a little. All he wants is to be yours, in public and in private, he doesn’t care what people think or may see. 
“I don’t care.” He whispers back, trying to catch your eyes, but you are looking ahead and keeping your hand away from his, holding the flowers in front of you with both hands. 
You aren’t even together, hell it’s only been a week and a half since you cut his hair and he invited you to hang out, but there’s a piece of him that’s hurt that you aren’t holding his hand in public when you are kissing and touching each other constantly when no one else is around. 
Neither of you say a word as you traipse through the rest of the market and make your way back to his Jeep. You silently get in and stare straight ahead, hands folded in your lap. Jake looks at you and sighs quietly, taking his sunglasses off.
“I meant it. I don’t care if someone sees me holding your hand.” He says, his tone laced with a little bit of hurt.
You turn to look at him. “I care, Jake. I don’t want to cause issues for you.” 
He shakes his head. “It’s really okay, I promise. I’m not really stopped in public that often anyways.” He hesitantly moves to grab one of your hands and you let him. He kisses the back of your hand and looks at you. “I like touching you.” He says plainly and you have to stifle a giggle at his forwardness.
“I know, you’re the touchiest person I’ve ever met in my entire life.” You pull your hand back and give him a smirk. “I don’t mind it though.” 
He grins at you and leans forward while tapping his lips, silently asking for a kiss and proving your point. You lean forward too and press a sweet kiss to his lips. 
Jake doesn’t say anything about how he wishes he could be touching you constantly, how he daydreams about what life could look like with you, how he wishes he was fucking you in the backseat of his Jeep right now, how he desperately wants to call you his and his only. He doesn’t want to scare you with his intensity, but little does he know that you’re starting to feel the same way about him. 
“All good? Ready to head out?” He asks instead of revealing any of his thoughts to you and you nod. 
After a few minutes of driving with music quietly playing, Jake pulls back into his driveway and turns to look at you. “I’m guessing you’re going to head home?” He asks. You can tell he wants you to stay, but you have your weekend errands to run, and you also want some down time to yourself before launching into yet another week at work.
You nod in response to his question and grab one of his hands in both of yours. “Thank you again for yesterday Jake, it’s been fun hanging out with you. And thank you again for the flowers.” 
He gives you a small smile and leans forward to press a kiss to your forehead. “Let’s do something this week or next weekend too, yeah?”
You tuck a piece of hair behind his ear. “I’d like that.” You say softly. You lean forward to kiss him. “Text me.” You say as you get out of his Jeep and he grins. “Bye sweetheart, see you soon.” He says and you wave as you get into your car and pull out of his driveway.
Jake watches you drive away and he leans back in his seat, making no effort to go inside his house. Despite the tiny bit of awkwardness earlier, he smiles as he reflects on the last 18 hours spent with you. He hasn’t felt this happy and his heart hasn’t been so full in a long, long time. 
Good things are happening. I just need to be patient. 
TAGLIST: @reesetrippingthelight @spark-my-nature
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
amongthewildflowers!jake might actually die (or cum in his pants) if he hears her whimper or smth next chapter
i don't think you're wrong
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
love the series, also our usernames are similar! can’t wait to read chapter 3.
ahhh thank you! :) can't wait for you all to read it so soon!!
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
can you add me to the taglist for among the wildflowers💗💗
of course :) next chapter coming tonight or tomorrow at the latest! <3
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 2 - Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Thank you kindly for all of the feedback on the first chapter! I will try to update again on Monday, I have a busy weekend coming up. BUT, good news, the next chapter gets spicy.
Minors, please do not interact.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 5800+
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol.
You couldn’t keep the grin off of your face after Jake and Josh left. Seeing the happiness in Jake’s eyes when you agreed to hang out with him tugged at your heartstrings. You would do anything to see that pure, unadulterated joy on his face again. Despite your feelings towards Jake and your excitement about seeing him over the weekend, you wait until the next morning, to text him.
You: Still good for tomorrow morning, rockstar?
Jake is still in bed but hears his phone buzz and his heart leaps. He had been waiting all afternoon and night for you to text him and was trying to not be disappointed that he hadn’t heard from you. He wants to play it cool but can’t help himself and texts you back almost immediately.
Jake: Of course, can’t wait to see you
He takes a deep breath and types out another text, asking you the question that he was too nervous to ask in person yesterday.
Jake: Would you want to go get a coffee with me when we are done? There’s a good place next to our office.
He sits and stares at the message for a few moments and shakily presses send. His heart is racing as he sets his phone down and gets out of bed to get ready for the day. You make him so incredibly nervous, like no one ever has before. 
Your phone goes off and then again a few minutes later and you check to see that it’s two messages from Jake. You open his texts and your heart leaps. He’s definitely asking you on a date in his own, nervous Jake way. You notice the time that lapsed between his two messages and realize he was probably overthinking the second text. Already picking up on the ways he needed to be cared for, you figure he could use a little reassurance from you. 
You: Like a date? 
You: I’d love to, by the way :) especially if it’s a date. 
Jake gets out of the shower and sees that you replied a couple minutes ago. He grins as he reads what you sent and a little bit of relief washes over him. 
Jake: Yeah, like a date :) 
Jake: Hope you have a good day at work. See you tomorrow! 
Jake sends a quick message to the band group chat letting them know that not only are the two of you hanging out tomorrow, but it’s definitely a date. Everyone responds back excited for the two of you, knowing how much Jake has wished for this over the last three years. 
You more or less float to work, thinking about your favorite client and what tomorrow has in store for you. Jake is in a similar state, unable to wipe the smile off of his face for most of the day. 
Later that night, as you’re getting ready for bed, you get a message from an unknown number, quickly realizing it was from Josh.
Unknown: I forced Jacob to share your number, it’s only fair after being friends for years. But I just wanted to reach out and thank you for saying yes to spending some time with Jake. It’s probably no surprise to you that he’s been wishing for a chance ever since we all met, because he is really not subtle regarding his feelings for you at all, and I know you probably have “professional boundaries” or whatever but… thank you. I love you both and really think you would be good for each other. I’m so glad you’re giving him a chance.
Unknown: I want to hear everything about this date afterwards, by the way. 
You: Hi Josh :) I care about you all so much. Professional boundaries be damned, it’s been a pleasure getting to know you all over the last few years and I’m really excited to see Jake tomorrow. And hopefully be spending some time with you all too at some point soon! I think I probably owe you a few drinks. I truly think that you guys are special enough for me to break my rule about being friends with clients outside of work. 
Josh: Excellent idea. Bar tomorrow night. Love it. We will distract Jacob so you can fill me in on all the details in person. 
You chuckle and put your phone away, quickly dozing off into a deep slumber.
Jake on the other hand, was standing in front of his closet, trying to pick out an outfit for your date. “Why is this hard,” he grumbled to himself, “I wear like four shirts.”
He finally settles on his oversized maroon button down and black corduroy pants, paired with his trusty white Vans slip ons. He lays his clothes out, sets his alarm, and falls asleep soon after. 
The sound of your alarm chirping wakes you from your deep slumber, and you turn it off and smile seeing Jake texted you a few minutes prior.
Jake:  Good morning :)  I wasn’t sure if you remembered our office address, here it is. See you soon
You clicked the pin he sent and saved the address - it certainly had been awhile, well over a year, since you’d been there at that particular location to style the boys for a photoshoot. 
You: Thank you, I’ll see you there at 10, rockstar!
Jumping in the shower, you use your favorite scrub and soap, having a feeling that Jake will like the sweet earthy scents that you use. Drying and then curling your hair into loose beach waves, you pin a couple pieces back and then do your makeup and get dressed. You smile, realizing Jake’s only ever seen you wear black for work, but you love experimenting with color and different fabrics in your everyday style. You go with sage green pants cuffed at the ankle, a white fitted tank top that’s a little cropped, and your white Vans high tops. 
It’s shortly before 10 once you hop in the car and make the short drive to the boys’ office space. Pulling in, you see Jake in his Jeep out front and you park next to him. He looks up excitedly and gets out of his car.
He’s wearing the outfit he laid out last night with his soft wavy hair down and you don’t think he could possibly be any cuter. Opening his arms for a hug, he walks over to you as you step out of your car. You picked up long ago that one of his love languages is touch and aren’t surprised that his natural way of greeting or saying goodbye is with a tight squeeze. 
“Hi.” You say as he smothers you into his chest. “Hi.” he replies and you can hear the smile in his voice.
Grabbing his forearms as you pull away from the hug, you smile up at Jake. “I’m so excited for you to show me what you’ve worked on.” 
“I’m a little nervous to show you, honestly.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously as you both turn to walk inside the office.
“Why are you nervous?” You ask as you watch him unlock the door. Jake holds it open for you and you step inside.
“Because… I want you to really love it and it’s just a little scary putting something you’ve worked on out into the world. And you’re the only person besides family that I’ve shown anything to.” He says shyly. 
“Oh, Jake, you all are so talented. I have no doubt what you’ve created is amazing,” you reassure him and point to a frame on the wall, “after all, you’re quite literally the guitar player of the year.”
He chuckles, walking you over to a comfy couch and grabbing a laptop from a nearby table. Jake sits down and leaves a respectable amount of distance between you, but you realize you can’t see the screen with him being a couple feet away. You move down so you’re next to him, less than an inch of space separating you and him. 
“Is this okay?” You ask him and he nods. “Sorry, I just want to see.”
“Don’t apologize,” he says softly as he looks into your eyes, “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable.”
“You’re incredibly sweet, Jacob.” You tell him and a small blush covers his cheeks as he looks down and continues clicking on the laptop.
“Okay, I have three favorites that I want to show you, is that okay? Or is that too many? I don’t want to bore you or-”
“Jake,” you start and grab one of his hands in both of yours, “I want you to show me everything, if that’s okay. I want to listen to the entire album the way you all intended it to be listened to.”
A grin breaks out across his face as he takes your words in and realizes how much you genuinely care for and appreciate his art. Jake’s chest swells with emotion. “Okay,” he whispers, “let’s listen to the whole thing, start to finish.”
He clicks play and the first track starts playing. Within seconds, your jaw drops and you look at him. He’s playing with his fingers and his eyes are darting around, clearly nervous for your reaction. 
“This is beautiful.” You breathe and he sighs in relief at your approval. At the close of the song, you lean over and click to pause the album. “Jake, I’m-I’m speechless. You guys are insane.” You tell him genuinely and he chuckles shyly and looks down. 
“Thank you. That wasn’t even one of my favorites,” he says, his sweet brown eyes finally meeting your own.
“Holy shit, well then let’s keep listening.”
Each song is beautiful and intricate in different ways. You can hear the passion poured out from each member of the band into each track. Jake watches you take in each song and his confidence grows as he realizes you’re loving everything that’s played. 
The last song finishes and you turn to Jake with your jaw dropped. “I cannot believe you guys, this is such beautiful work. I can’t even think of any words to properly describe how incredible that was. I’m going to be first in line to buy it in July.” 
Jake laughs as he closes the laptop and sets it on the table before turning back to you. “Thank you, it’s been a long time coming, and we’re really proud of it.”
You grab his hand again and squeeze it. “I’m proud of you, Jake. Thank you so much for showing me. This is so incredibly meaningful, that you trust me to share your creation with me.” 
“Anything for you, sweetheart.” He says, feeling bold and trying out the pet name. You immediately blush and look down with a smile before meeting his eyes again. Jake’s thrilled you evidently like being called that. 
He stands and holds his hands out for you to take. “Ready for coffee?” 
You nod and take his hands and he pulls you up, keeping one hand in his grasp as he leads you out of the office. Butterflies fill his stomach as you intertwine your fingers with his after he locks the door. You shoot him a sweet smile and a little squeeze when he looks down at your joined hands.
The door to the coffee shop jingles as you walk through and an older woman with kind eyes and a messy apron greets you both. 
“Hi Jake! Good to see you. Your hair is different! I like it. The usual? And who are you, beautiful?” 
Jake laughs. “Hey, good morning Margie. I’ll take my usual, thank you, and this is Y/N.”
You wave with your free hand and Margie smiles. “What’ll you be having this morning?” 
“I’ll take whatever his usual is, thank you Margie.” You say with a soft smile. You really weren’t picky when it comes to coffee. You turn to grab your wallet when you realize one of your hands was still linked with Jake’s.
“I got these, don’t worry,” Jake tells you. You thank him and Jake steps up to pay as your drinks are set on the counter. Margie shoos his hand away.
“No no, this one’s on me.” She turns to you with a twinkle in her eye. “You’ve got an awfully sweet boy here, he has a heart of gold.” 
“He really does, doesn’t he?” You say quietly as you peer up at Jake with a smile.
He blushes. “You two are embarrassing me, stop it.” He teases. 
“Well, I won’t bother you kids. Have a good rest of your day. And I hope to see you back here soon, Y/N.”
“I’m sure I’ll be back. Thank you Margie.” You tell her as Jake grabs both coffees and he yells a goodbye as he opens the door with his hip and you sit down on one of the outdoor loveseats together. 
Jake hands you your drink and you notice your legs are touching. He gingerly puts an arm around your shoulders, a little unsure of touching you still, and you lean your head on his shoulder as a way to tell him that he’s just fine. Jake sighs and leans his head back. “What a perfect day,” he murmurs and you hum in agreement as you take the first sip of your drink. 
“You’re full of surprises, Jacob. I wouldn’t have pegged you as a mocha fan.” 
“I have a giant sweet tooth,” he admits, “and I don’t think I really like coffee but I need the caffeine and the chocolate helps.”
You laugh at his admission. “Why did you want to get coffee with me if you’re not a big fan?” 
“Because I know you drink it all the time.” He says shyly. 
“You really are just a big sweetheart.” You say fondly as you lean your head on his shoulder again. 
The two of you talk and talk, enjoying the time together even once the drinks are long gone. You’ve gotten more comfortable as well, turning towards Jake and bending your legs at the knee over his. His arm is still around you, keeping you close. You’re playing with the fingers on his free hand.
“Can I tell you a secret?” He asks you when your conversation has quieted down. You look up at him and nod.
Jake takes a deep breath. “I’ve wanted to take you on a date for a long time. Like an embarrassingly long time. Since the first day we met. And I’m so glad you gave me a chance today. Hopefully you’re having as much of a good time as I am because I’d… really like to spend more time with you.” 
You squeeze his hand. “I think I’ve been into you since the moment we locked eyes three years ago. I just-I always have had my own rule about being friends or anything more with my clients and I obviously love you guys but I just always declined everyone’s invitations because of that rule I made up for myself. Being in Nashville for so long, I’m a little wary of getting close to people that tour for their jobs. It’s my way of protecting my heart. It’s just hard, ya know? Plus, I knew if I spent any time with you at all, even with the rest of the group, I’d… fall for you harder.” You finish softly. 
Jake’s eyes meet yours. “You’ve fallen for me?” He asks timidly. You smile and nod. He smiles as well and hugs you a little tighter with his arm that’s around your shoulders. “I know we have plans to go out with the group tonight, but I’m really hoping we can spend some more time together, just you and I, soon.” He tells you softly. His stomach had dropped when you mentioned how careful you are about opening up to people with jobs like him that take him away from home a lot, but he tries not to dwell on it in his mind. 
You nod. “I’d really like that.”
Soon after, you decide to part ways for the afternoon to get ready for the evening. Jake laces his fingers with yours as you walk back over to your cars at the office. 
“Come by my place first so we can walk together?” He asks. “Perfect,” you grin, “I figured you’d probably want to pregame.” 
He laughs and tugs on your arm, pulling you into his. “I’ll see you later. Don’t miss me too much.” 
You roll your eyes fondly and lean up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Bye, Jake!” You say and turn to get into your car.
He’s left stunned with his cheeks tinged pink, but he manages to give you a little wave as you pull out. 
I’m in so fucking deep.
Jake sent you his address later that afternoon. You were getting ready for the night and eyed your small duffle bag in the closet. Not wanting to be too forward but also realizing that you’d probably be in no shape to drive home, you throw some comfy clothes and skincare items in it. But honestly, spending the night with Jake did not sound like a bad idea at all. The bag was thrown in your backseat, just in case. 
He didn’t live far from you, just a couple minutes away by car. For a rockstar that probably had a lot of money, his house was normal and just like every other house on the street. It comforted you to know that he lived simply and not lavishly like you may expect of a successful musician.
You parked in his driveway like he told you to and walked to his door. Before you could ring the doorbell, the door was swung open by none other than Josh.
“I may have been waiting for you in the window,” he says loudly, “not to be weird.”
“You’re always a little weird, Josh.” you tease him as you take your shoes off. 
“Jake’s finishing getting ready upstairs, he’s trying to do his hair I think.” Josh says as he leads you into the kitchen. “He’s been cleaning all afternoon and lost track of time.”
You did notice that his house was spotless. And cozy. You could see his living room had a couple big comfy couches and blankets folded over the sides. 
A buzz went off in your pocket and you see it’s a text from Jake.
Jake: Was that you that just came in? Can you come up here and help me with my hair please?
“Duty calls” You say to Josh. “Is his bathroom just upstairs? He asked for my help.” 
Josh snickered. “Yeah, up the stairs to the right.”
Walking up the stairs, you hear Jake moving around his bathroom.
“Hi rockstar,” you say as you stand in the doorway with your arms crossed over your chest, “what do you have going on here?”
He turns toward you with a sheepish look on his face. “My hair dried weird after I showered and now this top part is really curly but the bottom isn’t and even when I brush it, it looks funny.” He whined. 
You chuckle as you approach him. “Do you have a hairdryer or flat iron?” 
Jake scratched his head. “Um, probably somewhere from forever ago. I don’t do anything with my hair normally.” 
“Here, just sit on the side of the bathtub so I can reach your head and I’ll fix it for you.” You steer him gently towards the tub and he sits down with you standing in between his legs, looking up at you with a softness in his eyes. He desperately wants to touch you, hold you in his hands at your hips, but he restrains himself and keeps his hands on his thighs.
You run your fingers through his short waves to loosen any tangles and take the small hair tie off your wrist. Sectioning the top part of his hair into a little bun, you secure it at the back of his head and tug on his short face framing pieces and loosen the top part of the bun so it looks messy and tousled.
“Cute!” You exclaim and his cheeks are tinted pink as he stands and looks in the mirror. He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist and plants a sweet kiss on your cheek. 
“Thank you,” he says, “you’ll have to teach me how to do that.”
You turn around in his arms and put your hands on his chest. “I will later, we have drinks waiting for us downstairs.”
Jake grins. “I’m glad you and I have the same priorities here.”
Both of you head downstairs to see Josh has an array of choices set out. 
“What are you thinking?” Jake asks you.
“Hmm… maybe a seltzer for now.” You reply as you grab the can nearest you. Jake grabs one too and you clink cans together. Josh has a beer in one hand and a shot glass in the other. “You guys are lame,” he says, “but Sammy and Daniel will keep up with me.”
After a few at Jake’s, the three of you walk to a nearby bar where Sam and Danny greet you all. You and Jake are a little tipsy and Josh is well on his way to being drunk.
All of you slide into a round corner booth with drinks and Josh’s arm falls around your shoulders in a friendly way. “I’m so glad you’re finally hanging out with us.” He says loudly in your ear. “This is a long time coming.” 
You laugh and nod in agreement, sipping on your drink. Josh doesn’t move his arm and turns to start talking to Sam, and Jake is visibly annoyed. 
“What’s wrong, Jake?” You ask and he points his chin in Josh’s direction with his brows furrowed. “He’s being touchy.” He grumbles. You roll your eyes and move Josh’s arm and he doesn’t even notice. It’s immediately replaced by Jake’s arm and his face relaxes as he shoots you a tiny smile. “This is better.” He says in a satisfied tone and you smirk as you settle against Jake’s warm body, the alcohol making you feel fuzzy and Jake’s possessiveness making you feel a little dizzy, in a good way.
Your group drinks plenty and there’s many laughs and yells shared. Eventually, Jake is pulled away by Sam and Danny for a round of pool and you’re left alone with Josh, much to Jake’s dismay.
Josh drunkenly grabs your hands in his. “How was your date with Jake?” He asks excitedly.
“Good. He’s so good. Jake is so nice.” You giggle in response. Josh giggles with you and you lean in.
“Josh, I have a secret, but you can’t tell anyone.” 
He leans in close too. “I promise.”
You drunkenly whisper-yell, “I really like Jake.”
Josh throws his head back and laughs. “I know, I know, that’s not really a secret. But I’m glad.”
Jake stands at the opposite end of the bar, watching the entire interaction. He can’t hear what you’re saying, but you and Josh seem to be very touchy and having a good time. He pouts and Sam whacks his hip with a pool stick.
“They’re drunk. You’re drunk. Stop being pissy and ask her to dance or take her home or something.” Sam says.
Jake sighs. “She makes me nervous.” He mumbles. “Yeah, because you like her. She likes you. Don’t be an idiot.” Sam retorts as he sinks a ball into the pocket.
Danny was arguably the most sober and put his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “Go ask her if she wants to head out and let her crash in your bed and you take the couch. She’s pretty drunk, Jake.”
Jake nods and approaches you and Josh.
“Jakey! Hi!” You yell and Jake smiles. “Let’s get out of here, sweetheart, I’m pretty tired.”
Josh shoves you out of the booth. “Don’t have too much fun.” Josh says with a smirk and you giggle while Jake rolls his eyes fondly. 
Jake grabs your hand and you wave goodbye to the group. He’s drunk but is able to lead you outside and towards his house.
“I was thinking, I can’t drive and you can’t drive and I don’t want you to take a Uber this late, do you want to stay with me tonight?” Jake asks nervously. 
You swing your joined hands back and forth. “Only if you promise we can snuggle.”
Jake drops your hand and throws his arm around your shoulders as you stumble along. “Of course we can snuggle,” he says with a drunk giggle. You wrap your arm around his waist and squeeze in response.
You stumble back to his house and he fumbles with his keys and eventually unlocks the door. You grab your keys from the hook next to his door and get your bag out of your car while he watches you from the doorway. 
“Hey,” Jake points a finger at you playfully, “you knew this would happen!”
You laugh at him. “No, I just wanted to be prepared.” Following Jake into the kitchen, you set your bag down and he gets both of you some water. 
“Do you want a liquid IV packet, baby?” He asks as he’s facing his cupboard, looking for the box. 
“Baby?” You question him and he whips around, red-faced and embarrassed that he let that slip.
“I’m-I’m sorry, kind of slipped out-“ he stammers and you interrupt him. “It’s okay Jake, you can call me that.” You reassure him with a grin. 
He smiles at you and hands you one of the packets of powder and whispers, “okay.”
You both drink a full glass and he fills both of them again. Jake scratches the back of his neck. “Do you want to take my bed and I’ll sleep down here?”
“We can share, Jake, I don’t mind.” You walk around the counter and wrap your arms around his waist. “How can we snuggle if we aren’t in the same bed?”
He looks down at you sweetly. “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable and okay with me.”
“I’m more than okay with you baby. Let’s get ready for bed.” You turn and grab his fingers and pull him alongside you once you grab your bag. A smile is creeping across his face at your use of the pet name for him.
He lets you use his bathroom to change and get ready for bed. He gets ready downstairs in his other bathroom and then comes back up to his room, waiting for you. He spent the whole afternoon cleaning just in case this ended up happening, and he’s so glad you’re staying with him. Jake’s hoping this is the first of many nights that you spend together.
Pulling his clothes off, he puts on a pair of soft black joggers and a long sleeve t-shirt. He lights some incense and lays back on his pillows.
You walk into his room and he looks up and grins at you. You’re in a big pair of sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, face scrubbed clean and hair left loose. 
“You’re so beautiful.” Jake tells you, and he means it. You’re stunning to him in every way. You blush and join him on his cozy bed. 
He had left his hair up in the tiny bun and you gently tug on the hair tie and his waves fall around his face. You run your fingers through his hair to loosen the tangles and his eyes flutter shut at the feeling. Satisfied after his hair is soft and free of knots, you pull your hands back and his eyes open.
“Want to get under the blankets?” He asks you and you nod. He pulls the fluffy blankets and sheets back and you both climb in and face each other on your sides.
“I’m really glad you’re here tonight.” He whispers softly, as if you would break if he spoke any louder.
“Me too. I had a great day with you, Jake.” You whisper back just as quietly. 
He finds your forearm under the blankets and tugs you gently, pulling you into his arms. He rolls onto his back and brings you with him, tucking you in between his shoulder and arm. Lazily, you wrap an arm around his soft waist and sigh as you nuzzle into him.
“I never thought I’d get to do this with you,” Jake mumbles sleepily, “I’m so happy right now.”
You smile at his drunk admission. “Me too, Jake. Goodnight.”
He kisses your forehead and you both drift off to sleep, cuddled up together in his warm bed. 
Naturally an early riser, you wake up before Jake does. You’ve snuggled even closer somehow in your sleep, legs tangled together and arms wrapped around each other. Your face is smushed into his chest and the soft sounds of his heartbeat are almost enough to pull you back into sleep, but not quite.
You gently attempt to untangle yourself from Jake so you can brush your teeth and freshen up before getting back into bed with him. Jake lets out a small whine in his sleep as you pull away from him, but he never wakes. Once you’re fully separated, you stay still for a moment and watch to make sure he’s still asleep.
He looks like a sweet angel with his lips slightly parted, hair messy and all over his face, and pillow now grasped tightly in between his arms in your absence. You take a moment to admire the way the morning sun is illuminating his soft tan skin, and then tiptoe to his bathroom. 
Jake stirs while you’re brushing your teeth and he’s saddened to find that you’re missing. He peeks over the side of the bed to see your bag is gone too and he immediately fears the worst - that you were having second thoughts about everything yesterday and you weren’t interested in anything more with him.
Oh my god, I fucked this up somehow. I just know it. Fuck. 
Jake sits back against his pillows and heaves a heavy sigh as he runs a hand over his face in defeat, his stomach turning at the thought of ruining his chance with you.
You walk back into his room to see him looking upset and rubbing his face. “Good morning sleeping beauty, everything okay?” You ask cheerfully.
His head snaps up to look at you and his lips part slightly as he thinks of what to say, still waking up a little bit.
“Oh shit, I-I thought you left.” He says with sadness still underlying in his tone.
You set your bag down and crawl back into bed, pulling him into you this time. “I just went to brush my teeth and wash my face, I promise I would never leave without saying goodbye to you.” You tell him as you run a hand up and down his back while you hold him close to your chest. His arm circles your waist and he presses his face into your chest.
“Okay,” he says quietly into your shirt, “did you have a good time with me yesterday?”
You can feel the insecurity coming off of him in waves and you move your fingers from his back to running through his hair. 
“Such a good time, Jake. It’s a secret, but I kind of have a huge thing for you.” He can hear the smile in your voice as you reassure him and the uneasiness in his stomach is replaced with butterflies. 
“Me too,” he smiles into your shirt, “we should do it again sometime.”
You laugh and move him off of you and brush the hair out of his eyes. He kisses your cheek as he gets out of bed to brush his teeth and grab water and you really wish it was on your lips instead.
Jake comes back and the two of you stay wrapped up in each other’s arms for awhile. Jake offers to make you breakfast and you politely decline, knowing you need to head out and get your day started. He tries to hide the disappointment on his face, but you can see it in his eyes. He doesn’t want you to leave, he doesn’t want the blissful bubble of the last 24 hours to pop.
He grabs your bag for you as you make your way downstairs.
“When can I see you again?” He asks as he watches you put your shoes on.
“Next weekend?”
I don’t want to wait that long. “Sure, I’ll be around.” Jake tells you. 
“Perfect, I’ll be good for anything as soon as I leave work Friday. It’s just really hard to plan things during the week because I work so much.” You explain. 
“What if you come over Friday night, I’ll make us dinner and we can watch movies and just hang out? I don’t want to plan anything crazy to make you more tired after a long workweek.” Jake asks you.
Your heart jumps at his sweet gesture. “That sounds perfect, can I spend the night too?”
He grins and nods enthusiastically. “Of course, I want you to.”
“Oh, I’m excited,” you say as you reach for him, “gives me something to look forward to all week.”
Jake squeezes his arms around you and looks down at your eyes. “Me too.” He says softly and you notice his eyes fall to your lips.
You lean forward, hoping he will take the hint. He brings a hand up to delicately cup your face and sweetly presses his full, pink lips to yours in a kiss that’s about three years overdue. The kiss is sweet and your lips move together in a dance that’s lighting a fire in you. Moving your arms to circle around his neck, he moves his as well to your waist and holds you closer, never breaking the kiss, until finally, you both need to breathe.
Both of you pull apart, breathless. “Wow,” Jake breathes with his eyes still closed, and you think he didn’t mean for that to be said out loud. In your head, you’ve already decided that you simply won’t be kissing anyone ever again, not after Jake.
“Bye Jake, I’ll see you soon.” You tell him and his eyes shoot open. He looks at you with a twinkle in his eye and sweet smile on his face. “Bye sweetheart, see you Friday.”
You turn and leave, getting in your car to head out. He’s standing in the doorway and waves as you pull out of his driveway. Jake watches until your car is out of sight and then shuts his door with a happy sigh, already missing your touch and your lips and thinking about what’s to come on Friday.
TAGLIST: @spark-my-nature
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jakeysfallingsky · 1 year
Among the Wildflowers - Chapter 1 - Jake Kiszka X Reader
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Hi there, this was sitting in my phone notes for weeks and I finally turned it into a living document and realized it was 30k+ words in total - so please enjoy the first chapter of this story that was inspired by Jake's (not so new, now) haircut! There is much more to come for this story and much left to be written, but would love any feedback :)
Minors, please do not interact - 18+ content in upcoming chapters.
Summary: You're a hairstylist in Nashville, and the boys in Greta Van Fleet become your clients when they relocate to the city. They quickly all take a liking to you, one sweet guitarist especially. Jake is patient in his pursuit of you, but will your self-created set of rules hold you back from ever being anything more with him?
Word Count: 5600+
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol.
January 2020
It was a sunny winter day in Nashville, the cooler temperatures causing you to shiver as you walked from your car to the door of the salon you worked at. You had lived in Nashville since you were a teenager, relocating to the city with your family from the Midwest. Quickly falling in love with the vibrancy of the city, you knew this would continue to be your home for years to come.
You worked at a trendy salon, a lot of your coworkers also being younger. Most of your clientele were people around your age, and you enjoyed getting to know your diverse client base. Many artists of different varieties, people who worked for all of the surrounding record labels and studios, and of course - plenty of musicians.
Despite this, you tried to keep your personal life and work life separate. You didn’t accept the many invitations you received to come to art shows, local concerts, and simple hangouts. As much as you loved your loyal clients, you also wanted to remain a tried and true professional while you continued to establish your brand in the hair and styling industry. More than a few of your friends had their hearts broken by Nashville folks in the music or touring industries as well, and you had sworn off of dating anyone with a career that would take them away from the city frequently.
Sighing as you checked your schedule for the day, you saw that you had four new clients all back to back. You loved meeting new people and considered yourself a social butterfly, but you always tried to schedule a little extra time for first time appointments as you got to know your new client and their goals for their hair. Upon further inspection, you saw that three of the four individuals had the same last name and realized they had to be related.
“Hmm, some sort of family outing maybe.” You mumble to yourself as you get your area set up for the day. The first few appointments fly by quickly, and before you know it, there are four young men waiting at the front of the salon.
“Hi there!” You say cheerfully as you approach them. You introduce yourself and they go around and share each of their names as well. Sammy, Danny, Josh, and…Jake.
Jake is full on staring at you as you and his brothers speak. He’s left speechless as he takes you in - white Vans high tops, ripped black jeans cuffed at the ankles, black tank top that’s cropped just enough to show a sliver of your stomach and reveal your curves, and an oversized corduroy black button up over the tank. Your golden skin is accentuated by a dusting of freckles and your cheeks are tinted pink with a rosy hue. Your hair is gorgeous, long loose waves flowing down your back with curtain bangs swept along the sides of your striking eyes. There are words coming out of your full lips, but Jake isn’t listening. He’s realizing that you’re the most beautiful girl he has ever laid eyes on, and his nerves start to run wild.
“Jake…Jacob! You there?” Josh asks with a pointed elbow to Jake’s side.
“Oh-oh god, sorry, what was the question?” Jake stammers, cheeks turning red with embarrassment as he comes back down to earth.
You giggle at Jake, knowing that he was checking you out and thinking he is just too cute. “I asked if you are triplets. I get that Danny is a chosen brother, but the three of you just look so similar.”
“Josh and I are identical twins, Samuel is three years younger.” Jake explains and Josh immediately follows with “But I’m the oldest! By 5 minutes!”
“Okay, if you’re the oldest, then you can go first. Let’s go, boys.” You tell them and they follow behind you. 
Josh plops in your chair first, and after you discuss his trim and wash his hair, you start cutting and ask the group more questions to get to know them better. You learn that they’ve all just moved here from Michigan and they’re in a band together. Each of them is incredibly friendly, and you tell them about yourself as they share stories of their own. They almost feel like old friends, despite you just meeting them. They’re all quite chatty, except for Jake, who sits quietly and watches you interact with your brothers, chiming in with a brief answer to a question every now and then. Once Josh is all set, you trim Sam and Danny’s hair too, and then Jake is finally up.
“Your turn!” You say in an upbeat tone and Jake quietly takes a seat in your chair. His chestnut-colored waves flow past his shoulders down his back. “What are you thinking of doing with your hair today, Jake?” You ask as you start to inspect his hair, running your fingers through the ends.
“I uh, I don’t really like getting my hair cut,” he mumbles, “can you just take off the ends and even it out, please?”
“Yeah of course I can, I promise I don’t bite by the way.” You say cheekily and a small smile crosses his face and you take that as a win. He seems shy, but you can’t tell if that’s because he’s nervous about getting a haircut or he’s normally like this around new people. Jake’s uncharacteristic timidness is not lost on his brothers, who all picked up on that Jake is definitely nervous not only because he’s getting his hair trimmed, but because he thinks you are cute as well.
You push all of Jake’s long hair to the front of his shoulders and place a finger against where you think you should cut, about a quarter of an inch from the ends. “How does this sound?” You ask him.
“Sounds good.” He answers quietly and you nod and put a cape on him. The goosebumps rising on his neck where your fingers barely brush him is not lost on you, and you smirk to yourself as you take him over to wash his hair. His eyes flutter shut as you begin to work shampoo through his hair, and you look down at his beautiful features. He has a kind face with a strong jaw and cheekbones and full pink lips, with long lashes hiding the honey-brown eyes that you were careful to not get lost in earlier. He’s utterly stunning.
You finish washing his hair then take him back to your chair. You try to get him to chat a little bit more as you trim his hair, and you learn that he’s been playing the guitar nearly since he could walk, he loves to travel and cook, and he’s secretly a big fan of Imagine Dragons. The other three boys share a few looks, seeing the two of you really hit it off once Jake opens up a bit.
You finish his hair and ask him what he thinks. “Looks great!” He says with the corners of his lips curling up, and he means it. 
You turn to the group and sigh. “Well boys, it was a pleasure spending some time with you today. I do hope you’ll come back to see me next time.”
Josh immediately spoke up. “Oh yeah, we all look great. You’re our person for sure. Don’t worry, you won’t be getting rid of us anytime soon.”
You laugh. “Good! I had fun meeting you all today.”
Sammy then piped in. “Do you want to go get a drink with us later? We don’t have a lot of friends here yet since we just moved a few weeks ago. And you’re really cool.” Jake’s heart started beating faster at the thought of spending more time with you. 
You blush at Sammy’s  invitation and compliment. “Oh, thank you so much for the invite. I already have plans though. I can recommend some good spots for you to check out.”
Jake’s heart sank a little, but he wasn’t ready to say goodbye to you yet. “Yeah, can you give us a few spots?” He asked. You quickly wrote down a few of your favorite go-to spots and even your drinks of choice at each establishment and handed the paper to Jake. 
“You guys have fun, and keep in touch!” You waved goodbye and each boy waved back, Jake shooting you a shy grin as he turned to leave.
You walked back to your chair and flopped into it, trying to slow the quick beat of your heart. Jake was certainly going to be trouble for you, if you weren’t careful. 
The boys ended up going to one of the places you had recommended, and everyone got a beer, except for Jake. He ordered the drink you had written on the little piece of paper and smiled when he saw the bartender reach for bourbon. A girl after my own heart, he thinks to himself.
“Jake, my brother,” Sam starts once they’re at a table, “you fucked up by not getting her number.”
Josh and Danny nodded in agreement. “You were looking like a lovestruck fool back there, but so was she.” Josh said.
Jake shook his head. “Don’t say shit like that to me guys. She was so beautiful but way out of my league.” He took the first sip of his drink - your drink - and noted that it was delicious, because of course it was.
“Come on man, we wouldn’t lie to you. But, there’s always next time.” Danny said.
There were a lot of next times, as fate would have it. Each boy routinely came in alone, or together, to see you. They quickly became your favorite clients. You really hit it off with each of them in a friendly way, and it pained you a little to turn down their frequent invitations to get a drink, dinner, come to a BBQ, go to a show, or even just hangout. But, the Kiszka’s and Danny were relentless, partly because each boy thought you were just the coolest and so fun, and partly because each of them wanted to set you up with Jake desperately.
The boy was down bad for you. The confident and collected rockstar found himself a nervous mess every time he saw you. He couldn’t help but feel disappointed every time you rejected his or his brother’s invitations to do something together. Jake could feel that there was chemistry between you two, but something was holding you back.
Eventually, because the boys were big fans of yours, you were hired by Greta Van Fleet’s team to style the boys for photoshoots and promo that they needed to shoot, so you ended up seeing them more frequently than every couple months. There were even a few select occasions where you were flown out to their sets across the country, when they were shooting something on tour away from home. Your feelings for Jake and platonic, friendly love for the rest of the boys grew and grew, and your resolve to continue your professional-only relationship with them was wearing thin after several years of them being only your clients.
Present Day, 2023
It was a sunny spring evening and the band came over to Jake’s to hang out. After a bit of practicing and playing some video games, everyone was hanging out on his back porch.
“What are you guys up to for the rest of the week?” Danny asked.
“Jacob and I are getting our hair cut tomorrow, I forced him to make an appointment with me,” Josh replied as he grabbed another drink, “he needs one.”
“I do not.” Jake grumbled from his seat.
Sam looked closely at his brother’s hair. “You definitely do, probably a few inches, Jake,” Sam started, “you have split ends out the wazoo. Go for below the collarbone or something.” 
Josh hummed in agreement. “See! Told you. That would look good.” Jake just shook his head in response.
Danny chimed in as well. “Don’t be nervous Jake, aren’t you excited to see your favorite girl tomorrow?”
Jake sighed and nodded with a wistful smile. The rest of the boys of course knew how Jake felt about you, but no one knew just how deep Jake’s feelings and adoration ran for you. 
“Yeah, it’ll be nice to see her.” Jake said as he stared into his drink. 
“You should see if she wants to hang out with us Jake, it’s been awhile since anyone has tried to invite her somewhere.” Sam added. 
Jake nervously chuckled and the conversation shifted. Eventually, everyone headed out for the night and Josh clapped his twin on the shoulder. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I’ll pick you up.” Jake muttered a quiet thanks and said goodnight to his brother. He trudged upstairs to start getting ready for bed.
Jake sighed as he looked in the bathroom mirror. His brothers were right, he really did need a good amount of hair cut off. The thought of that scared him, but he knew if he asked you for something different with his hair, you’d make it look good no matter what. 
He brushed through his long tangles and took a frizzy lock of hair in his hand. He folded it back at different lengths to see how it looked in the mirror. It was then that he decided for sure that he would ask you for something shorter. His stomach filled with nerves at the thought of how much of his long hair would be chopped tomorrow, but he knew he needed it with how damaged and dry his hair was.
Jake crawled into bed and pulled up your Instagram to see if you had done anything fun lately to try to calm his nerves about what he was going to ask you to do to his hair. 
He remembers the day you followed him back, over a year ago, he felt like he had won the lottery. Every now and then, you two would DM back and forth, sending each other silly or interesting posts. Jake didn’t post often, but his stomach always filled with butterflies when he would see you like his posts or leave a comment.
He saw your recent post from a couple days prior that he had missed and smiled as he scrolled through your photo dump. He loved your bright smile and rosy cheeks that shone in each photo of you with your friends and family. Once he swiped to the last photo, his heart dropped. It was you and a man he didn’t recognize from your other posts, wrapped up in each other's arms at the top of a hike somewhere. Jake frantically tapped the tagged username, scrolling through the profile that unbeknownst to him, was for your high school best friend who had moved out west and was in a committed relationship with his partner. Once Jake saw the series of recent photos of your friend with his partner, relief washed over him. 
He sighed as he flopped back onto his bed, realizing that he was in way too deep for someone that won’t even hang out with him in a group setting. Jake decided that he would invite you to do something, one last time tomorrow, and if you declined his invitation, he would try to move on, even though the thought of that broke his heart. 
The next day was sunny and warm, putting a smile on your face as you walked to work in the morning. The weather was great, you were in one of your favorite comfy work outfits, and you knew you’d get to see a couple of your favorite clients today. 
The morning went by quickly and before you knew it, the twins arrived and were up front. 
“Hey guys!” You greeted them cheerfully. Josh popped out of his seat and smothered you in a big hug. “My sweet girl! How are you?”
You giggled and let go of Josh, missing the frustrated look on Jake’s face behind you.
Did he seriously just call her that?
“I’m great! It’s so good to see you both. How are you guys doing?” You spun towards Jake and he gave you a nervous smile. You didn’t initiate a hug and his smile fell a little. 
“I’m good, except for the fact that my brother got a hug and I didn’t.” God, that made me sound so pathetic.
You rolled your eyes playfully as you tugged Jake’s arm into you and lightly wrapped your arms around his waist as his came around your upper back. “Let it be known that the first hug was forced upon me but this one I’m choosing to partake in.” You teased, looking up at Jake, and his cheeks turn pink as Josh scoffs. You let go of Jake and wave both boys back to your area. It’s a quiet afternoon, so your chair and the one next to you are both open.
It’s no surprise to you when Josh flops into your chair, signaling that he’ll go first. Despite being completely head over heels for you, Jake still hates getting his hair cut and always lets his brothers go first if they’re there with him. Jake slides into the other chair and turns to face you and Josh.
You run your fingers through Josh’s curls. “I kind of like how loose your curls are,” you say, “I don’t really want to perm it today.”
Josh nodded. “If you could just clean up the sides and trim the rest, I think I’ll be good.”
You know Josh well enough to know exactly what he wants and you hum in agreement as you throw the cape around him. “We’ll be right back, Jake.” You say as Josh gets up. Jake silently nods and goes back to twiddling his fingers in the chair. 
You wash Josh’s hair and give him a scalp massage and he sighs. “I swear your fingers are magic.” He says loud enough for his brother to hear, trying to get a rise out of him. Jake rubs his face out of annoyance, but your response quells his anxiety.
“Stop being weird.” You snort as you turn the water off and wring his hair out. You take Josh back to your chair and comb his curls and pin them up. You grab your clippers and run them up the sides of his head, then trim up the rest of his longer hair as you two chat, Jake staying quiet next to you both. Running curl product through it, you diffuse his curls and he’s done within a matter of minutes. 
“What do you think?” You ask him. “Perfect, as always. You’re the best.” He responds and your cheeks darken at his compliment. 
Josh gets out of the chair and smacks his twin on the side of his head. “Your turn!” He says loudly.
Jake stands and sits in your chair without a word. You begin to run your fingers through the ends of his long unkempt waves. “You’re being awfully quiet today.” You tell him and he shrugs nervously. “Mind if we take these off?” You point to his sunglasses and before Jake has the chance to open his mouth, you’ve come around to his front and gently grasp both sides of his sunglasses and slide them off of his face. You turn to put his glasses on the counter and miss the way Jake’s lips part slightly out of shock and the deep blush that runs across his cheeks. Josh silently snickers, watching his brother. 
You come back around to be behind Jake and grab your brush, knowing your fingers will not be successful in detangling his hair. His hair is the longest it’s ever been and flows down his back and chest, but it’s unfortunately riddled with split ends and damage. He only lets you trim the very ends off every time he comes in because he hates getting his hair cut that badly. 
You brush his frizzy waves out and look at him in the mirror. “Just the usual? Quarter inch off your ends?” 
Jake clears his throat, his nerves rising. “Actually um, I wanted to try something different today.” He says quietly. 
It’s your turn to be shocked now. “No way! Like what?” 
“Well, we’re doing this whole ‘back to our roots’ thing, and that’s kind of what Josh did with his hair when he changed it all those months ago, and my hair used to be a lot shorter, like before I knew you, so um, maybe like that?” Jake stammers.
You don’t want to allude to how excited you are to actually give him a real haircut that he desperately needs, so you calmly ask him if he has any photos while you run your fingers through his hair.
Jake is distracted by the feeling of your fingers running through his waves. He fumbles, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and his hands are shaking a little from nerves as he pulls up his Instagram. Your heart aches for him as you notice how nervous he is. “See this from like 6 or 7 years ago? Maybe like that?” He says as he holds his phone up.
You peer at his screen to see his hair hitting a little below his shoulders in a poofy one length style. It was very cute on him for sure, but with your skill, you knew you could give him a style that would be more interesting and fit his personality well. 
“Hmm,” you hum as you run your fingers through his hair again, noticing that it seemed to soothe Jake a little, “that would definitely be good for the health of your hair, you’ve got a lot of damage going on. But maybe we could take this idea and give you the grown up rockstar version with some layers? Maybe take it shorter than these photos but still around your shoulders? That would be super fun. Does that sound okay to you?” 
He gives you a soft smile despite his nerves. He’s unsure what’s making him more nervous right now, the idea of cutting his hair short or being around you. “Whatever you think would look best.” He softly tells you. 
You can tell he’s a little unsure of such a big change. You wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind the chair and look at him in the mirror. He’s blushing again as you make eye contact. “This is going to be so cute on you, Jake! I’m so excited.” You say with a big smile and he gives you another small one in return as he nods. 
You stand up straight and push his long hair to one side as you grab the cape and fasten it around his neck. You notice goosebumps rising where your fingers brush his skin and you smirk a little. “Let’s get you washed up,” you tell him as you turn to walk over to the shampoo bowls. He stands up and Josh gives him an encouraging pat on the back as he walks by.
Jake sits down and is rigid as a board. You place your fingers on his shoulders and try to get him to lean back. “Relax Jake, this is going to turn out so good.” You tell him. He sighs as he tries to settle in. “I know, I trust you, I just hate getting my haircut and this is a pretty big change.” 
You start to wash his hair and notice his eyes close as you work your fingers into his scalp. “I’m proud of you, though. It can be scary changing something about yourself. You’re being brave.” You encourage him and he smiles with his eyes closed. “Thank you.” He says softly and you look down at him fondly as you finish washing his hair. 
Walking back over to your station, he sits down gingerly as if the chair is going to swallow him up and eat him whole.
You grab his shoulders carefully and lean him back so he’s sitting against the back of the chair. “I promise I’ll take good care of you.” You tell him quietly, so only he can hear, and he runs a hand over his face. “I know, you’re the only one I’d ever trust to do something like this for me.” He admits shyly.
It’s your turn to blush and you break eye contact as you focus on detangling his wet hair. Jake notices the color flushing your cheeks and he smiles. 
Josh is observing both of you silently and sends his brother a text when you walk to the back to grab different products for Jake’s hair.
Josh: Are you seeing the way she’s looking at you? And talking to you? And touching you? If you don’t ask her out today, you’re an idiot.
Jake: Really? Are you sure?
Josh: YES. This is painful. Make a move once we are ready to leave. 
You come back and Jake hastily closes his messages as you continue combing his hair. You section the sides out and pin them up and section and pin up most of the back of his hair, too. A small section is left hanging down his back. 
Jake is beginning to squirm as you get closer and closer to starting his haircut. “Are you ready?” You ask him, seeing his nervous movements in the chair. You want to make sure he really wants this as it’s such a big change, especially for him. “We can do something less drastic, or just a little trim if you want.” 
“No, I’m ready, I’m good.” He tells you. 
You nod and tilt his head down a little. Your comb is brought to where his neck and shoulders meet and you bring the scissors up. You glance down and see a good 6-7 inches of hair about to be cut off. “Okay,” you say, “I’m going to get started.” Jake doesn’t dare move his head, but moves his hand out from under the cape to give you a thumbs up silently. It’s such a Jake gesture that you almost laugh a little.
You close the scissors around his hair and watch the long locks fall to the ground. You continue snipping the rest of the section short, more and more of Jake’s hair falling.
You let down the next section and comb it out. “It’s looking good so far, Jake.” You say and Josh agrees. Jake gives you a nervous, close-lipped smile in the mirror that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“So, what can you tell me about the new album?” You ask Jake, trying to get him to talk about something that you know he’s excited about. You continue combing and snipping and the gentle tugs and sounds of your shears cutting what feels like most of his hair off is distracting to Jake.
“Well, um, we finished it a few weeks ago.” He starts. You give an interested hum and he continues. “It’s, it’s interesting really because we recorded the entire album live together instead of each of us recording parts separately like a lot of musicians do.”
You stop cutting and look at him. “That’s so cool!” You say genuinely and he blushes again and rubs his chin. “Yeah, we are a live band at our core for sure so it made sense.” He mumbles.
“Well, I can’t wait to hear it.” You say as you finish cutting the back to just barely hit his shoulders and unclip the sides. His long hair tumbles down his chest for the last time. You pull the last of his long hair to the back and begin to cut it to just skim his shoulders as well. His hair is now definitely a few inches shorter than the photos he showed you, but you had a vision for how you wanted his hair to turn out and you knew he would love it when it was all done. 
You finish cutting and ask him if he wants to see what’s been done so far. “Still needs layers, but it’s looking so great Jake, I think you’re really going to like it.” You tell him and Josh stands up to see how Jake’s hair ended up behind his shoulders.
“Looking good, brother.” He says encouragingly.
“Yeah, go ahead and show me the damage.” Jake chuckles nervously.
You grip the ends of his hair and with little effort, push it in front of his shoulders. He gasps as he sees how short his hair is. “Oh wow, this is different,” he says as he takes in the change in his appearance, “it looks a lot healthier.” You rub his shoulder reassuringly and notice the blunt ends of his hair tickling the back of your hand.
“It was pretty damaged Jake, but this is already looking amazing on you.” You tell him truthfully and he nods. He runs his hands through his hair and smiles as he feels how soft and healthy the ends feel. “I like this a lot,” he muses, “feels a lot like ‘me.’”
“I’m glad you think so, I agree.” you say as you begin combing his hair out again. You begin cutting a face frame and lots of layers, trimming more and more of his hair. After several more minutes of cutting and hair filling up Jake’s lap, you’re satisfied with his shaggy bob. You run wave product through his hair with your fingers and his eyes flutter shut involuntarily. 
“This takes two seconds to put in your hair, but it will help your waves pop and not be frizzy.” You tell him and his eyes open and he nods. You diffuse his hair and mess it up a little with your fingers once it’s dry. You’re in love with how his hair turned out, seeing how it accentuates his gorgeous face.
“What do you think?” You ask and he grins as you take the cape off and he messes with his hair himself. He pushes his wavy hair behind his ears and the face framing pieces fall forward and your heart does a flip, seeing how cute he looks. “I love it,” he tells you with a big smile on his face, “I never would have asked for this myself but you did amazing, as always.” 
“Aww, thanks Jakey.” You tease as he stands up and turns to his brother. “What do you think, Josh?”
“I think you may surpass me as the most handsome member of the band, maybe.” Josh answers with a toothy grin. “Looks great.”
Jake grabs his sunglasses and puts them on his shirt as you walk them to the front and they pay.
“Great seeing you both, as always. Don’t be strangers!” You say as you go to hug them both goodbye. Jake hangs on for a second longer than he should for a friendly hug and he clears his throat as he realizes this and steps back. Jake and Josh make eye contact and Josh swiftly says his goodbyes and steps out with the excuse that he has to make a phone call. 
Jake turns to you, his nerves seemingly returning as he looks into your eyes and runs a hand through his hair, noticing there’s a lot less for his fingers to pull through. 
“So, I was thinking, um, I know we’ve invited you out before to hang out and stuff and you’ve always said no but, I-I was wondering if maybe you’d want to come by our office and I could show you some of our new music?” He asks timidly and you feel butterflies erupt in your chest. 
“You want to show me your new music?!” You ask him, shocked.
He nods and smiles. “I would love to. You’ve always been one of our biggest supporters since we moved out here.”
You take a deep breath, knowing you’re about to break your own rules, but something in the back of your brain is telling you that it’ll be so worth it for the sweet man standing before you. “That’s so cool of you to offer Jake, I would love to.”
The biggest smile breaks out across his face, his dimple popping and everything. He can’t believe you’ve agreed to spend some time with him, especially alone. “Are you free Saturday? Or Sunday? Or any day really, I could make anything work. Even today, later, anything-.”
You chuckle as you cut off his rambling. “I don’t work on the weekends, is Saturday okay?” 
He nods enthusiastically and you hand him your phone with the contacts page pulled up. “Give me your number and I’ll text you.” You say with a soft smile and he looks at you sweetly as he takes your phone.
“Wow, I finally get your number after over three years? I don’t have to DM you on Instagram to talk anymore?” He says with a joking tone and you giggle. He hands you your phone back and you slide it into your pocket without looking.
“Let’s plan on Saturday morning, 10:00?” He asks. There’s something behind his eyes that looks like he wants to say something else, but he doesn’t. 
“Perfect,” you say, “I can’t wait.”
“Me too.” he grins. “Thanks again for making me look good today.”
Feeling brave, you reach up to ruffle his hair and tuck some behind his ear before pulling him into another hug. He’s so flustered by that and it takes him a second before he wraps his arms around you. 
“No problem, rockstar.” You say as you unwrap your arms from around him. His cheeks are bright red as you pull back. 
“S-see you Saturday,” he manages to get out and you wave as he turns to leave. 
Once he’s gone, you pull your phone out and see he added an emoji next to his name in your contacts. You smile, seeing he picked the red guitar emoji to follow his name.
Maybe, some rules are meant to be broken.
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