jack-axis · 2 years
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jack-axis · 2 years
The sweetest creatures always get abused the most.
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jack-axis · 2 years
It's ok to have doubts or fears, just don't feed into them; for they will grow and you will destroy yourself piece by piece.
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jack-axis · 2 years
Ok, so am I the only person that watched Suicide Squad & thought that it was one of the, or even THE, most romantic movie(s) they'd ever seen?
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jack-axis · 2 years
Does it bother anyone else that in ASL this is X
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And this is R
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Which means subsequently we have all been cheated of the opportunity to go
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& I feel like whoever designated the letters had to switch these two bc someone just couldn't help themselves.
...like me, I would be that person.
So out of the two types of people, be the pirate type and join me mateys & we can do great things!
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jack-axis · 8 years
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“I feel like young girls are told they have to be a princess, and be delicate and fragile, and that’s bullshit. I identify much more with the idea of being a warrior, being a fighter. If I was going to be a princess, I’d be a warrior princess, definitely. I think women are scared of feeling powerful and strong and brave sometimes. I think you’ve got to embrace it.” — Emma Watson
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jack-axis · 8 years
When you’re criticised for being short, they’re really just saying the worst thing about you is that there isn’t more of you.
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jack-axis · 8 years
The world is hurt
I’m going to try something novel today. I am going to admit that I have no answers, so I shall stop pointing fingers at misguided people. I’m going to accept that rage is preferable to pain, so I shall stop judging angry people. I am going to recognize that my need to DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW is my fight or flight reaction to fear, so I shall stop being inflamed by those rushing to action.
Instead I shall sit with my discomfort. In doing so, I choose to honor every father who failed to save his child and every mother who saw her baby leave this world. I shall honor every son who won’t learn to be a man from his dad and every daughter who will never hear her mother come home again. I will accept the hurt, which is really what alllllll of the screaming is trying to prevent. Because I am human, and it hurts to see other humans hurt.
Then I shall act accordingly. I shall do what is put in front of me to the best of my ability and be unashamed to find joy again. Because joy is just as contagious as fear.
I’ll let you know how it goes.
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jack-axis · 8 years
Overhearing the argument "let a man do that, it takes someone with real balls to handle this" just makes me want to kick them in the crotch - promptly look into his eyes and say "hmm, looks more like a weakness to me" and walk away with a smile on my face
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jack-axis · 8 years
For anyone having trouble getting your parents to let you sign up for GISHWHES, I have the solution! It’s Guaranteed* 100% effective! Just fill in the blanks on the letter below, forge my signature in blue pen (it looks like this): 
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 and give it to your parents! They will definitely think it came from me*** and will have to let you participate! 
(When you’re done, do me a favor and post a photo to social media of your parents reading the finished letter with the hashtag #MyParentsAreSuckers & #GISHWHES.)
Dear Parent(s) of _______________,
I’m writing this letter because ___________ recently told me how much they would love to join my scavenger hunt, GISHWHES, this summer. Now, I know what you’re thinking: What is this “GISHWHES” thing, anyway? (Kids these days find all kinds of questionable stuff on the Interwebs, after all.)
As a parent and a licensed*** parenting coach, I’m here to tell you all about GISHWHES and exactly why letting your progeny**** join GISHWHES is the best parenting decision you’ve made since you decided to potty train them (good call, by the way).
GISHWHES is “The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen.” It’s a week-long  global scavenger hunt that encourages participants from all over the world to engage in acts of art, creativity, silliness, and kindness in their homes and communities.  But GISHWHES is so much more than a mere “scavenger hunt." 
GISHWHES is a chance to step outside your comfort zone, redefining your perception of what’s possible and learning that you’re capable of more than you’ve ever imagined. It’s an event even NASA couldn’t resist being a part of.****** 
As an excellent parent, I know you want your child**** to flourish. You want them to discover that they are extraordinary and capable of making a difference in the world.  You don’t want them to go passively through life— you want them to actively engage with the world and be excited about making their mark, like that time that you let them ________________________________ with no training wheels and they _____________________________________ all over the pet shop!
With GISHWHES, your child**** will never forget the thrill of _______________________________ at the _________________________ while dressed as a _______________________ or the way they were able to _______________________ with only cotton candy, a harmonica, and dental floss.
Think of GISHWHES like a sending them to the world’s best summer camp— but without the hassle of having to pack! They can participate in GISHWHES from anywhere— even from the comfort of the basement where you’re keeping them locked up this summer (another good call).
Best of all (and don’t tell them I told you this), but you can use GISHWHES as a sneaky way to reconnect with your child.**** Anyone over 14 is welcome to join the Hunt— and that includes you. Countless families have told us that creating a GISHWHES team help them share amazing memories that they’ll cherish forever. You can participate as much or as little as you like, so it won’t interfere with other obligations  and you don’t have to worry about expenses. Imagine the joy of watching them suffer through a whole week of family bonding with you!
Oh, and did I mention that the winning team gets to go on an all-expenses-paid adventure with me to Iceland? So, the two of you may win an extraordinary adventure with me. We’ll be going dog sledding on a glacier, partying in a volcano, and hanging out in hot springs. Seriously. It’s going to be awesome.
Finally, many of the items on the list will encourage your child* to contribute to their community through acts of kindness and charitable endeavors.  A portion of GISHWHES proceeds help support charity, too, so you can feel great knowing that you’re giving your kid* something awesome that they want, reinforcing some great values, and making the world a better place- all at the same time. Talk about efficient!
And because they want it so badly, you can probably negotiate a few extra chores in exchange for letting them join. For instance, they’d totally be willing to take _____________________ out on _______________________ and ____________________ your car with _____________________.  It just doesn’t get any better than this. So be a sneaky, clever parent and let them think you’re the coolest parent on the planet**** by letting  ________________ join GISHWHES (and join with them)! You’ll never regret this incredibly sound decision. "Letting them” join GISHWHES is like tricking them into eating their vegetables by hiding them in their peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches. You’re giving them something awesome, which they don’t have to know that you know it’s good for them, too. It’ll be our little secret.
If you have any questions, please check out our website at www.gishwhes.com. I hope to hang out with you in Iceland soon!
Your friend and parenting coach,
*By “guaranteed effective,” i mean, “may possibly work.”
** Based on empirical evidence and clinical tests in which I forged my own name and showed it to my mom. She totally believed it was from me.
***Not actually licensed
****Who is over 14 years of age.
*****In some major metropolitan areas.
******No, really. We got a mountain on Mars named after GISHWHES in 2014!
*******aside from me, obviously.
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jack-axis · 8 years
Gishwhes Telethon
The first annual (if we feel like it) Gishwhes Telethon is about to begin!
Beginning at 9 AM PT (ish), we’ll be broadcasting live from our newly remodeled call center where we’ll be answering your burning questions about life, the universe and Gishwhes… or just about Gishwhes. 
We’ll have amazing talent, including some of your favorite musicians and network television stars answering the phones, performing and causing shenanigans! You could talk to some of your favorite stars!
Don’t miss the Live Gishwhes Telethon broadcast starting at 9 AM PT (ish)!
Want to be called? Register for Gishwhes right now! 
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jack-axis · 8 years
I've been feeling stressed and down recently because of getting ready for college etc etc. Do you have any pics or any advice to lift my spirit up ?
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Here’s a photo of me on college graduation day. See how happy i am? (I guess by “happy” i mean “surly.”) Have fun in college. Study what you love. Don’t worry about what’s going to make you the most money. Just do what’s going to make you the most happy and the money will work itself out.
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