iz-ur-boi-calcifer · 3 years
Hello i have a few things to ask why do you have a weird pfp ((i ain't judging just asking)) uhh hmm how would you suggest making drawings and whats your favorite fnf mod
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1st, You got a problem on how I look?! (Is this better?!) 2nd... Take classes nd watch YT vids...or somethin.. Try Ur Best!! 3rd! ..... Its either FNS, SEOS, or VS Tord...
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iz-ur-boi-calcifer · 3 years
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Postin up a Ask me blog- Start askin me stuff! I don’t mind.. I’ll answer in any way i can
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iz-ur-boi-calcifer · 3 years
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Just drew Tabi on a whiteboard- 
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iz-ur-boi-calcifer · 3 years
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Drew this for a friend since they asked for a Neo Pico wallpaper!
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