ivyxmantled · 2 years
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“Have you come to gloat? To mock?” (from gorr)
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She had never thought she would see him again. She had awoken from eternity, had seen her father lying in front of her the same way that she had lied down before him and passed in the storm of the sand. AND he had been sickly and angry and not like her father.  But, from what she had heard from Thor, the person who had cared for and raised her when she had rewoken with all these new powers and with new abilites and NEW DUTIES? Once she had died, her father had never truly recovered from it. “None of those...” Love spoke nervously. Yes, she knew she had more powers to win any fight. But she did not know the version of the man she was talking to, and she was only strong when she had Stormbreaker with her. Love on her own? She had never earned how to be that yet. “Do you... Do you recognize who I am?” She asked.
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
❝ is this a time for me to listen or fix it? ❞ @ivyxmantled​
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“There’s nothing to fix.” Josie muttered with a shake of her head. “When we first lost dad… Things weren’t right but we somehow managed to keep together as best we could. This time? I feel like I’ve lost Jamie. I feel like I’ve lost myself. I feel….” She knew she could be honest and open with her mother. “I feel empty, mom. I feel lost.”
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“I know. But, it doesn’t mean that I can’t help.” Kara insisted sadly. She had wanted to make her daughter feel better. She knew it was something that was probably never going to happen, but she could try her damndest because her children meant the world to her. They always would. “Sweetheart, you know Jamie still cares about you. You two are twins, you just have very different ways of going about your grief.” She explained. “I’m going to be here, for whatever you need.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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Max nodded slowly while trying not to disturb Chrissy’s work. “I see. Well, at least soon you will be able to know. How… How are you feeling about being a mother?” She questioned softly. She knew if it were happening to her? She’d be completely freaking out. “They do look fun! There’s all sorts of ideas out there too, maybe we can work it out? I mean… I would love to be a part of your and the baby’s lives, Chrissy. I like having you around.” She admitted. Max shrugged a little. “Thankfully nobody right now.”
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“I’m...” Chrissy sighed, her hand falling down to her bump. She wasn’t sure how she was feeling, the mood changed daily. It pretty much changed based on JASONS mood. “Sometimes I’m ready, and I’m excited and I can’t wait to see the person this little human becomes, and to be their mom. Sometimes... I just wish I was still the me I was beforeI got pregnant.” She insisted. She proceeded though to offer Max a smile. “I wish Jason was on board, because I’ve seen just all these basketball ones.” She continued. “But, he’s adament the baby is Eddies.” She continued. “I like having you around Max too. You’re wonderful, truthfully.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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“EXCUSE ME?” and if she had seen weird things in the past, this had to take the cake for all of them, because.. no, angie didn’t know what the fucking hell was going on in here. something about the other seemed familiar and there was something in her expression that she would have recognized from a million miles away and yet, she could very well say that she didn’t know this girl. oh, not at all. “woah, woah, kid - i don’t even know who you are. and rest assured that i’m no one’s hero. not anymore.” maybe she had been, once upon a time but then again, not anymore. not in the slightest and not at all. who was she now? a coward, who ran as fast as she could. “is that.. supposed to mean anythig to me? who’s zeke?” the name meant something to her but then again, she couldn’t even remember what. not at all and in the slightest.
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“I...” Angelina narrowed her eyes at the women in front of her. This had to have been Angie Garza. She had seen pictures, she had seen news articles, she had carried a picture of her in her locket since she had been 5 years old. Her mother and father had talked about her as if she had hung the moon. And, yet, standing here? It didn’t seem like ANGIE even knew who she was. “I know you don’t know who I am. I was born about a year after you died.” She insisted, with a nod. “But.. you are a hero. That Spiral killer? He took you from your family, but he was wrong. You weren’t evil, you weren’t a bad cop.” She continued before her eyes widened. “You? You don’t remember who my dad is? He... He cared about you?”
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“ don’t touch me i’m a real live wire. ” @ivyxmantled​
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“Maybe that’s exactly what I need in my life right now.” Josie had stayed cooped up in her room or watched by someone to protect her for so long. she felt as though she were trapped. “I know I need to stay safe from the people who hurt my dad but I’m seriously going crazy.” Josie admitted with a shake of her head. 
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Clem liked the Boswick twins. Sure, Jamie was a bit of a dickhead. But, she liked Josie a lot and she liked having more connections to the life her father had before her and before he had died. “The farm right?” Clem asked, raising an eyebrow at the blonde. “I don’t trust that farm in the slightest, and I’m really sorry about what happened to your dad.” She insisted. “If you need anything, you and I can stick together.”  
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“THEN DON’T. WHO THE FUCKING HELL CARES?” and as of now, vance could not say that he did, because.. then again, she wasn’t someone that he wanted to be with. in fact, he didn’t want to be with much of anyone, because people sucked and no, he didn’t want to waste any kind of time with them. they had never chosen to waste any kind of time with him either - no, he had been just a problematic kid while he had been alive and yes, he was willing to bet that absolutely NO ONE had given a damn when he had disappeared. had they? right now, he was tempted to say that they had not, that was for sure. and yet, when he heard her words? vance let out a grunt, because.. yes, he felt the same way. not that he had ever been willing to say that much out loud, because.. no, he was not, that was for sure. no fucking chance in hell. “now, you’re talking, little miss spitfire.” and yes, for some reason, he found himself kissing her back, especially when she deepened the kiss. and with that, his arms wrapped around her waist, as he pulled her closer to him. oh, yes. “although, that’s not just exactly what i want you to do. less talking, more kissing.” he winked at her.
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“Not me.” Issy instantly said shaking her head. No, she didn’t care IN THE SLIGHTEST. Maybe, if she kept telling herself that then she would finally believe it because truth be told? He drove her absolutely insane. He was an asshole, he was frustrating, he thought he was hot shit... But... Issy shook her head. She couldn’t seem to stay away from him. “Suppose that’s better than any other nickname you could ever call me.” Isabel insisted, tighting her hands in his hair giving in to the truth things that had been occuring between them. TENSION, SEXUAL FUCKING TENSION. And she only knew one way to get out all of the sexua tension. Pure fucking. “Just kissing?” She taunted, hovering her lips above his, her lips tingling. “Cause, I could think of something better between you, me and whatever surface you want me on in this apartment.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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RHAENYRA WAS THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE. and yes, that was something that wasn’t ever going to change, because.. yes, it said a lot that he had done what he had. once upon a time, he had been selfish. once upon a time, he had been called the rogue prince by everyone and at the end of the day, that was because he had never put anyone before himself. until her, of course. for her, there had been nothing that he had not been willing to do and yes, even dying had been in the cards. when he saw her scars, though? he was overwhelmed by an anger that he couldn’t shake away and wouldn’t be able to anytime soon, because.. no, it was not fair. how was it that they got to do what they had? rhaenyra was their rightful queen and yes, they should have died for even thinking of raising a hand against her. “my love, i have.. i have a few of my own,” he opened up his shirt slightly, so he could see the one that ran right over his heart. yes, he had been able to kill aemond, but.. not without great personal cost, that was for sure. “and you shouldn’t be worried. you are and always have been the most beautiful woman in the whole wide world. THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, AS WELL.”
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She would spite the people who had hurt her. She would spite the entire Hightower bloodline for beating her down to some sort of numb shel of herself the second that she was forced to face her failure. Whenever she had been stripped down, staring at the scars and burns and pain that she was forced to live with each and everyday. As if that single day did not hesitate to haunt her every single moment of her existence in this world. Rhaenyra reached out a shaky hand to trace the scar over his heart. “Maybe, I should have given up the fight.” She choked out. “Maybe, I shouldh ave accepted I wasn’t meant to be queen as my father insisted.” She wouldn’t have lost her husband, her sons, her dragons... but curse the fact that SHE HAD DESERVED IT. She deserved to be queen, it was her destiny. Rhaenyra moved so she was stradling his hips instantly pressing their lips together. “And you are the love of my life, I want to show how much I love you, and how amazing you make me feel.” Even if she didn’t always feel amazing on the outside... Daemon had a way of turning it around. 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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Max shook her head with a small smile. “Not at all. If anything? I’m glad I get to be the first person to experience it with you. I’m a huge lover of things like that, honestly.” Not that she had been to all that many but still. Max liked most things adventurous after all. “They really are a lot of fun! C’mon, let’s go!” She grinned as she held an arm out for Evelyn. “I hope you’re okay with heights and things moving fast?”
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Evelyn smiled widely, hopping back and fourth between her two feet. She had never thought that she would be so happy. She knew that she had never expected to get a happy ending after what she had done to the Bakers. After what she had done to Mia and Ethan. “I’ve seen them on the TV in shows, but never in real life.” But her whole life had always been on that boat. Evelyn reached out to take Max’s arm humming softly in content. “Um... I don’t really know?” She started. “I pretty much lived in a bubble.”
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“ i’m tense and nervous and i can’t relax. ” @ivyxmantled​
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Robin shrugged a little. “Guess that makes two of us.” His head had been all over the place since arriving here but… Now he remembered everything. Every single thing. He remembered the horrific death he had suffered at the hands of the Grabber. So he was more than confused by the fact he was alive. “I’m sure that things will calm down a little, right? They have to.”
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“Glad to know we’re on the same wave length.” Amy said nervously, rubbing the back of her neck rather nervously. Amy had always been nervous, after what happened with Bruce she had become very sheltered, and scared to even leave her home in fear, even after they had said the grabber was GONE, thanks to Finney. “I don’t know if they will. The Grabbers brother is here.” She insisted. “I just hope HE is not here.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“I’m always picking up after those boys.” @ivyxmantled​
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Josie playfully turned her nose up. “That’s cause most of them live like animals. They really enjoy playing up to those stereotypes, huh?” She chuckled as she shook her head. “At least you have Gracie and I at least who look after themselves in that case.” She teased. Jeannie was family, much like many other people who had been close with her dad. 
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“Never thought that I would be RELIEVED to have girls instead of boys.” Yes, she knew girls came with their own sort of challenges, but at the very least they were hopefully going to be more CLEAN than these boys were. And really, she thought she would be used to Jamie and Brian by now but it seemed to be proving very much NOT. “And I appreciate you two with all my heart.” Jeannie insisted with a laugh. “Maybe, we’ll get your brother to clean his room yet.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
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Max shook her head as she looked at her best friend. “No! I have already lost Billy to that place. I know that Eddie died in there too. I still don’t fully understand what happened to me. But I’m not letting you go in there by yourself, just like you didn’t let me go it alone. You helped me. That’s what friends do and I’m your friend. I know I don’t have badass powers like you but I can help. Like I did with the other’s.” Max wouldn’t take no for an answer. There was no way she was letting this happen. “It’s not happening, El. Not alone.”
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“YOU...” Eleven paused, shaking her head as tears continued to well into her eyes. She hated this, she hated this with every single fiber of her being. She wasn’t a smart kid in general but she knew that she couldn’t beat Vecna alone, but she would be damned if she let her friends and the people she loved into some slaughter house. And she knew that was what 001 would do to them. “And he has placed a target on your back. If I want to win, I can’t have any distractions. It needs to be me vs him. I can’t be worrying about you or Mike or Will or ANYONE.”
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“i will be fine, i promise,”
“KID, ARE YOU SURE?” and as of now, hop couldn’t help it but to frown, because.. not, it wasn’t as if he didn’t believe that she couldn’t defend herself, but.. at the end of the day, she was his daughter and therefore, it was pretty much his job to be worried about her. it was pretty much his job to be concerned and to look out for her and to make sure she didn’t get hurt, which was.. well, which was exactly what he had always tried to do, that was for sure. it really, really was and no, he was never going to forget that. not in the slightest. “i’m worried about you. don’t want you getting yourself in trouble after everything, you know? we have no idea if.. if he’s still out there. one. henry.” and yes, that worried him. that worried him a lot.
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Truth be told, Eleven wasn’t sure of much. She really, truly wasn’t sure of anything. She didn’t know if everything was going to be okay. She didn’t know if 001 was still alive, she didn’t know if it was only a matter of time until 001 showed his face or his powers in this world. And she wasn’t sure if her powers were strong enough to beat him, or if something was going to happen to the people she cared about. Including her father. She shrugged. “I don’t know if I’m sure of anything anymore.” Down to believing people DIED, like the man in front of her. Not that she was going to complain about that. “I’m probably going to get into trouble.” Eleven said with a small chuckle. “Or I might die.” She hums. “Especially if he is here.”
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“I am not getting stabbed in the name of science!” (from jane)
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“I... I’m not stabbing anyone?” Love questioned, hell she didn’t even have Stormbreaker with her. And besides, Thor always told her she had to make sure that the person she was hurting deserved it. And... well, she was certain that Thor would kill her if she had stabbed the women that he had loved and missed since LOVE AND THOR had come together. “I mean, some crazy aliens maybe, but not midgardians. Thor likes you people, for some reason.” She insisted before she sighed, realizing who she was fully talking to. “You’re Jane, aren’t you?” Love had never gotten to meet her, she had been too busy with her father to see who she had been until she had spoke. “I know you probably don’t remember me. But, I’m Love... Gorr’s daughter.” Even if she would rather NOT confirm that was who she was.
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
“YOU SHOULD. EVERYTHING ABOUT THE FARM IS DANGEROUS.” and that was exactly why angie had gotten the fuck out of there and hadn’t even looked back and right now, she knew that she would have done it a thousand times again. no one should be there - especially now that matt was more than different and that he was not the man that she knew. now that he was someone different? well, she believed everyone should get out, before they got hurt. “john kramer? yeah, i know all about what your aunt and him are doing. she should be careful, though. it doesn’t look like he wants to jump into a relationship after being dumped by his wife.” and yes, even more now? she could understand. even more now? she could probably understand better than anyone, for sure. “oh, this is.. this is a friend’s place,” because she didn’t exactly want to refer to enzo as her boyfriend, because it was dangerous for the people that knew. “he’s letting me stay here for a little bit, while we figure things out. AND THANK YOU. you wanna take a seat, while i go and find us something to drink?”
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“I know, I just... I’m worried leaving Chad there. And he’s not strong enough to leave the farm yet.” She wasn’t sure if that was what Edgar had been planning on doing, and that he was manipulating Chad’s health to keep them all close. But, she couldn’t et it happen. If anything, she was keeping an eye on him herself hoping they could plan their own escape. Faye simply shrugged. “Aunt Aubrey doesn’t seem like the type to really care about relationships...” Faye explained. There had been a point in Faye’s life where she would have thought the same thing. But, her aunt seemed to be okay with what she was doing at this point. “A friend?” Faye questioned looking around nervously. “Is he... safe?” She asked nervously, before she settled down onto the steps of the porch. “As long as it’s not moonshine, I think I’m still recovering from that night.” 
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ivyxmantled · 2 years
❝ Thanks for your help by the way. ❞ @ivyxmantled​
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Olive nodded, offering a polite smile to the other woman. She was still adjusting to her life here; still trying to find a place where she felt she fit. “You’re more than welcome. I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to bump into you. My head is just… All over the place at the minute.” She admitted before letting out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I’m sure you don’t need to listen to me rambling on.”
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Brynn felt strange being here. This was a world where she had never grown used to depsite never getting used to life in Hawkins either. She had been up and down so many times and the only place she had felt at home was when she had been hanging out with Billy. “It’s okay, my head isn’t in it either.” Brynn insisted, looking down at the books that she had grabbed up. It felt silly, like any of the answers to her changing body would be in these books. “No, truthfully, it’s okay. It’s been a while since I had someone to talk to.”  
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