iustine · 1 month
Haha, it looks adorable 🥰
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Honestly I'm surprised how much it fits 😂 I will not be able to function if I don't create a solution for every problem (in existence or not) 😂
And while I'm not a genius, I will take the awkward one and emotionally clueless 😂
I also really feel called out by the "too many hobbies and too many thoughts" 🥺 My mind cannot sit still for a second 😂
Thank you for tagging me dear 🫂❤️ It was very fun @tpcignits ❤️
Truthfully I don't know who to tag, so if anyone sees this and feels interested I really recommend it ❤️
I got called out by a fucking space personality test 😭
Thanks for the tag @judithmactir
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No pressure Tagging @honeybreadbee @deedeemactir @mxanigel and @daisymeade
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iustine · 9 months
I want to see Aziraphale do the apology dance in S3.
But not in modern day. I want to see him do the apology dance in a flashback, mostly because I literally just want to see Aziraphale doing the apology dance. (He'd be so friggin cute!!!!)
He shouldn't do the apology dance in modern day because that implies he was entirely wrong and Crowley was entirely right. He's not. They are both right and wrong at the same time. That's it that's the post.
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iustine · 11 months
Unlimited Commissions OPEN
Hello everyone!
My PC is really quite old and there's a few parts that need to be changed for it to not choke up every 30mins ;-; Issue is computer parts are rather expensive and I'm currently unable to work so I decided to open commissions.
With that being said there is an unlimited amount of spots for an unspecified amount of time. A little vague but there's a specific amount of money I'm hoping to raise.
If you'd like to place an order you don't need to have a tumblr account. You can go ahead and just fill this form to pass me your order details. You can leave me your discord or just email to contact you back.
Payment only via PayPal, in 50/50 format. You can find all the details in the commission form above.
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Thank you so much for taking interest!
Signal boosts greatly appreciated! 💗
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iustine · 11 months
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When your alpha tries to flirt with you in front of the pack. I missed them 😌
Blood Moon IF and its characters belong to @barbwritesstuff
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iustine · 11 months
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iustine · 1 year
Continue✨ Keep going✨
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iustine · 1 year
one thing about orpheus and eurydice is you guys are all like “i’m different i wouldnt turn to look at her” because you are all familiar with the story of orpheus and eurydice. but orpheus wasnt familiar with the story because he was in it lol.
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iustine · 2 years
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“There you are! Ta da!” Inspired by Asher’s Pillow Fort audio which is so freaking sweet it should be illegal 😔💗
Solo versions below the cut
Keep reading
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iustine · 3 years
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TES Summer Fest — Day 1: Belief | Dragons  @tes-summer-fest
wanted to draw this lovely bean for the first day 💕 one day i will figure out how to draw him
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iustine · 3 years
moodboard for when your beloved mutual says something nice to you
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iustine · 3 years
Meanwhile, in Switzerland.
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iustine · 3 years
100+ followers Giveaway!
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First of all I wanted to thank everyone following my blog, liking my posts and sharing them with others 💘 Just a year ago I was in shock when anyone else than my best friend wanted to look at my art. Now there’s over a 100 of you and I really wanted to show my gratitude!
Entries close on Tuesday 20th of July 23:59 GMT+2.
Rules and how to join: - You must be following my blog (new followers are welcome). - Reblog this post to enter, likes do not count. - Only one entry per person. Feel free to reblog the post multiple times but keep in mind that it will count as a single entry. - Make sure to have your DMs open for me to contact you.
Prizes: 3 people will win a chibi icon/emote with a character of their choosing (be it an OC or canon characters).
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Best of luck and thank you so much! 💗
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iustine · 3 years
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Fancy wife 💖
The Wayhaven Chronicles and it’s characters belong to @seraphinitegames
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iustine · 3 years
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“He looks at you, and there is something in that look you don’t think you’ve ever seen on Ed’s face before. Something tentative, hopeful, and unsure all at once.“
We need more appreciation for Ed so I made a tall queen for our short king 👑💖
Blood Moon IF and it’s characters belong to @barbwritesstuff
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iustine · 3 years
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POV your fantastic wereboyfriend comes to cheer you up on a bad day 💗
Blood Moon IF and it’s characters belong to @barbwritesstuff 
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iustine · 3 years
Unpopular opinion but Goldanna doesn't deserve as much hate as she gets.
As far as she's aware, her mother was raped by King Maric and then died in childbirth. And before she even gets to really process her grief, she's sent away with a single sovereign in hand and nothing else. She tries to come back to the castle when her money's run out and she needs work, and they chase her off because they can't have her spreading rumours about Maric's bastard. Especially not when they really do have Maric's bastard in the castle, and they've been telling him that his mother was a maid. (Seriously what are the odds that Eamon took advantage of that one maid that everyone knew had been pregnant and died, and figured that she would be a good cover story for Alistair?)
Anyways Goldanna gets to Denerim and sets up a life for herself. She spends her days washing linens and rearing her children, working hard to keep them fed, when who walks in the door? A bunch of strangers, one of whom claims to be her brother. The brother that (as far as she knows) robbed her of her mother.
Goldanna is a character wrapped up in bitterness and unresolved trauma for Good Reason. Does Alistair deserve her taking it out on him? Of course not. He'd just wanted to connect with whatever family he could find and be a part of that family, but Goldanna suffered greatly as a result of what happened to her mother and the consequences that her death had for her. It screams of being an old wound that never really healed, and she's bitter for how she was treated in the wake of it. Alistair was unfortunate in that he was the most tangible target that Goldanna's had for her frustrations since leaving Redcliffe, especially since we've since learned that he was never Goldanna's brother to begin with. But he doesn't know that, and neither does Goldanna.
So no, he didn't deserve to be spoken to that way, but what bothers me is that where that quest ends and we're left only with the take away that everyone out for themselves and that Goldanna was the only one in the wrong when the reality is that the fault lies with the person responsible for their situation: Arl Eamon.
In fact, Alistair's personal quest would have been a brilliant opportunity for him to reflect upon and challenge his views of Eamon as this faultless, honourable man who always goes the right thing, when just hearing anything about how Eamon 'raised' Alistair made it pretty clear that he was a terrible guardian.
Alistair always views the way he was treated as 'understandable' because he's Maric's bastard, Isolde was insecure over the rumours, Eamon was doing what was best for Alistair and Ferelden and blah blah blah. All excuses, and Alistair accepted all of them. But finding out that Eamon had a grieving young girl thrown out onto the streets right after losing her mother, it would make sense for him to pause and think 'why would the arl ever do that? He looked after me, why not look after my sister too?' and then actually challenge his belief that Eamon is unassailably good and honourable. Maybe the Warden could even encourage him to confront Eamon about what happened to Goldanna or leave it be, which results in Hardened Alistair vs Unhardened Alistair, and a confrontation could result in Eamon agreeing to send reparations to Goldanna (if only to placate Alistair), as opposed to forcing Alistair to give her money or nothing at all. Actually making the person who should have been held accountable for Goldanna's situation... well, accountable.
Tldr; Alistair's personal quest could have had him challenging his belief that Arl Eamon is a good, honourable man without faults and learning to stand up to him, rather than painting a poor, working class woman as a horrible monster because she's bitter and mean about *checks notes* the rape and death of her mother.
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iustine · 3 years
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