ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
i’m gonna sleep cos you live in my daydreams
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
Hello, guys. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but in my beloved, you’d think civilised, beautiful country, located in central Europe, Poland, the basic human rights are about to be taken away from women. Why is that? The Polish government, inspired mainly by the Catholic Church (that has definitely too much power in Poland), has created an anti-abortion project. For now, abortion in Poland is legal in case of rape or if the mother’s/child’s life is in danger. If the anti-abortion project comes through (which is very likely) the situation of Polish women will change dramatically:
- aborting a pregnancy that has started because of rape will no longer be legal (3 months to 5 years of prison for the mother and the doctor),
- aborting a pregnancy that endangers the mother’s life will no longer be legal (3 months to 5 years of prison for the mother and the doctor),
- aborting a pregnancy in case of a fatal disease of the fetus will no longer be legal (3 months to 5 years of prison for the mother and the doctor),
- the project says that whoever puts the woman in a situation of a probable miscarriage could be charged of 3 years in prison, which in practice means that some of the medical exams (like the prental exam which helps to indicate if the fetus is healthy) could not be available because of the doctors being afraid of going to prison,
- it all also means that men could get easily away with rape, since the women would be afraid of going to the police in case they got pregnant and didn’t want to get birth to the rapist’s child (which they will now be forced to do),
- also, on the side of this project, the Catholic Church wants to make in vitro even less available for families struggling to have children, since apparently “it’s basically just killing unconcieved babies” (?? fuck logic),
- what’s more, they’ve recently withdrawn chemical contraception for women from the pharmacies (things like spermicidal gels, liquids, creams, vaginal suppositories) cause they’re apparently “dangerous for women’s health”, so now the only contraception available without a prescription are condoms,
- don’t even get me started with the level of sexual education in Poland which is basically non-existent. Recently, just this week, a 12 year old girl gave birth to a child. A fucking 12-yr old. She had sex (they said it was consensual, but who fucking even believes this shit) with a 29 year old man. The doctors said she didn’t even know what was going on during the labour, she of course had to have C-section because her body was obviously not ready to have a baby at such young age. There are so many cases like this.
- all of this is supposed to “help” with the demographic decline and to “encourage” people to have more kids. Let me tell you something - if anything this encourges me to is to not have babies  a t    a l l.
Let me also show you some of the social media responses of “pro-life” activists and give you a glimpse of what kind of shit Polish women have to deal with:
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“If the pregnancy started because of rape, the only victim is the child that can lose its life.”
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“If abortion is such a dramatic decision to make, it’ll be better to not let women make it. To ban abortion.”
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“Womanhood is all about being in service of life. Women/female MPs who are against life, contradict their own womanhood.”
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“All of these women screaming that “their belly, their choice” [should know] that the life in their bellies belongs only to the child. Selfish women, assassins like during Holocaust. You just lend your body to give new life. You should be happy you were not killed. There should be no abortion.”
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“Abortion is barbaric (…) and it will be remembered as equally bad as genocide and gas chambers.”
I found these in 5 minutes. Women are treated with no respect, they’re believed to be stupid and as not able to make their own choice about their own body. Men leading our country (most of them are very religious) want to decide about what we should do with our bodies. Please, help us. Spread the word. We are trying to fight this, but we’re in the minority… The world needs to know!!
Guys, if you wanna help, there’s a petition to sign!!
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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Child of the Moon
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
my Lying Ass: no that wasnt about you
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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From Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini (1981)
 An illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world. The second chapter is devoted to the fauna of this world.
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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494K notes · View notes
ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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990 notes · View notes
ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
The sadness isn’t going away. It’s constantly there even when i’m laughing.
And it scares me (via life-sucks-until-death)
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ittmeghaltamuveszet · 8 years
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