Travel Plans
So currently, my husband and I are planning on traveling to all 50 states. ♥ Like can you say goals. We’ve given ourselves 15 years to complete this goal. Even though I think it will take closer to 20 :). Over time I will be sharing with everyone my guided plan on how to travel to all 50 states in just 15 years. 
Our First step, is to make our plans on where we want to go. Start researching the best places to visit, and when we should go. We both have good time paid vacation, so traveling is not going to be an issue until we start reproducing children. 
My first tip here is to find your knack. Most of my ideas are better when I write them down, then type them into a document. Which is what I have done so far for my first step in making plans on where to go. (This will also help us to budget money for each trip). Once you have your knack you can do your research. 
Happy Hunting :) 
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Day One, A life in the Making
I have just spent the better part of 3 hours trying to make a freaking blog. The only thing is, I couldn’t personalize any of them. All of them you had to follow a certain criteria. I couldn’t have a Health and Lifestyle Blog, where I talk about what I have found effective when working out and my life’s passion of traveling. It was one or the other. And where the heck is the fun in that. A blog is to be about life, and all parts of it. And that is what I am dedicating this page to. Myself, and my ability to put all of my life’s passion and work in one spot and not spread throughout 500 google.docs. 
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