itshannahgrey · 7 years
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itshannahgrey · 7 years
(I live for cold showersno traffic lights, and barely any light at all)
(cold showers never felt this good. mangoes for breakfast. a sky full of stars.)
(i turn down the windows in the car and bask in the sun and all its glory)
I live for motorbike rides around the neighbourhood, where I can feel the wind caressing my face and brushing through my hair. 
I live for early mornings and early nights - sunrise at 6am and sunset at 5pm, to be precise.
I live for morning coffee under our ‘kubo’ at home, with sounds only coming from the stirring of my teaspoon and the occasional bird-chirping. 
I live to see the vast skies and the panoramic view of the mountains, and finally not seeing a single skyscraper in sight.
I live for the stars in the night sky that i finally got to see - I don’t remember the last time i saw a sky full of stars.
I live for slow sunsets; sunsets so slow that I could catch the sky changing from paddlepop hues of pink and yellow, to a burning blood orange. 
I live to see mountains gradually meet the clouds as I watch from a distance - passing through each other as if saying, “it was nice to meet you, but I have to go”.
I live to see endless rows of corn and rice fields with picturesque mountains for a background. My grandmother once told me briefly about how she used to be a farmer in that same town. 
I live for spontaneous empanada hits, where I finally get to have my deep fried fix. Nothing beats Ilocos empanada - and drizzling it in vinegar and all that goodness. 
I live for mornings at the market with my mom and grandmother. Seeing the locals go about their day, hustling to bring home the bacon. 
I live for fresh corn in a cob smothered in butter and salt.
I live for night drives, venturing through pitch-black neighborhoods with nothing but the car's headlights.
(I live for night drives, where the neighbourhood would be pitch black and the only light that was on was from the car’s headlights. There’s something about seeing a single light leading you on the road to seemingly nowhere.)
I live for road trips where my cousins and we would sit at the back of the pickup, and go from...  i lived for P35 bowls of miki noodles at Barcelona. I could go for seconds if I was hungry.  I lived for the nights where all our relatives would gather at our home for dinner. It was a feast each time, with good food and better company. 
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