Important Information Concerning the Police Challenge Coin
To understand the importance of the police challenge coin, a person has to take a ride back in history and understand the origin of this coin. The challenge coin took root way back during the First World War. As we are all aware, military involvement is a calling and purely a sacrifice. Many soldiers are on the frontline during times of war. It is believed that these coins were first used in the Roman military to reward their soldiers for commendable service. The armies of many other countries got wind of this tradition and thought it was a good practice to adopt in their units. One of these armies was the United States of America - USA army. Fast forward to today, the tradition was later adopted by all law enforcement agencies as we will discover herein.
 The challenge coin at CustomChallengeCoins.net became popular among the soldiers as it was used to motivate each individual squad. Each unit was allowed to design their own motto and logo on the coin. The coin was used to show solidarity and the pursuit towards a common goal and enemy. During the war one soldier was captured by the enemy camp and imprisoned. In a bid to prevent the soldier from escaping he was stripped of his garments and all his identification documents were confiscated. This did not dampen the spirit of this soldier and he eventually escaped in civilian clothes. When he got to the French army they were ready to execute him unless he produced identification documents. He showed them his challenge coin and explained he didn’t have his documents. The French soldiers recognized the coin and spared his life.
 When his unit got to learn of his survival and brush with death, it became a rule to have ones coin on them at all times. To inculcate this habit, the soldiers would throw challenges at each other to produce the coin failure to which the soldier in question buys his comrades a drink. The coin thus had many roles during the tough war times. It was a symbol of pride, a symbol of belonging, and a reminder of the task ahead. The coin was held in high esteem and was used to reward soldiers for any other out of the ordinary service they provided.  Check this company to know more!
  After the war, many veteran soldiers preferred to join law enforcement agencies such as the police force. It is then that the veterans passed on the coin tradition which they had practiced earlier. Police officers are now very proud of any police challenge coins bequeath to them. Like in the past some of the coins are currently used to reward police bravery and exemplary service. It is also used as a symbol in different units. For further details regarding challenge coin, go to https://www.encyclopedia.com/sports-and-everyday-life/fashion-and-clothing/clothing-jewelry-and-personal-adornment/medal. 
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Best Challenge Coins
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  The challenge coins are those used to reward accomplishments in an organization. Getting the best challenge coins has never been an easy thing. This is because of the different designs of these products. There are many critical checks that one needs to make to choose the best challenge coins. Some of the factors to consider when picking the challenge coins may include.
 First, it is essential to examine the general design of these products. Getting the challenge coins with an impressive appearance is crucial. This can be achieved by checking the creative designs and artwork of the coins. It is also crucial to check the value of the challenge coins. Best challenge coins carry a high value. This makes it necessary because the recipients feel valued and adored by the organization.
 Custom Challenge Coins at CustomChallengeCoins.net is a company that has majored in production and selling of these products. It is advisable for a beginner to contact them for the best products. One needs to check the material used in making the challenge coins. This is crucial in getting those made from strong materials like the metal. These materials do not crack or get damaged easily and thus are durable.
 One ought to consider the ease of customizing the challenge coins. This is crucial to add unique features such as the name of the organization and the recipient. Another thing to have in mind when selecting the challenge coins is the authorization to use them. Different coins are designed to be used by different departments and organizations. The military forces, for instance, have special coins designed for them and can only be awarded to military personnel's. Be sure to learn here!
 It is important to check other features of the challenge coin such as the color. Best coins are made with quality features to prevent fading and to suffer other issues like rust. It is essential to match the rank of the recipient with the value of the challenge coin. This is to ensure that they are awarded fairly by the various positions or levels in the organization. To get some facts about challenge coin, go to https://www.britannica.com/topic/coin.
 Another idea to assist one get the right challenge coins is the ease of renewing them. Some of these coins can be awarded to different people after holding them for a particular time. While this happens, it becomes necessary to pick the coins are easy to redesign and renew to suit a given recipient. It is also crucial to examine the delivery services of the coins offered by the manufacturer to make it simple to acquire them.
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Important Facts about the Challenge Coin Design
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  Challenge coins have a rich history dating back as far as the First World War. They became very important when an escaping American soldier used his military unit coin to identify himself and prove to the French army that he was an ally. This saved his life and introduced the tradition of carry the challenge coin wherever a soldier goes. Fast forward in the American society today it continues to be a tradition of the army as well as ordinary citizen. It is used to mark a significant achievement in an individual’s life, in an institution and in the corporate business world. A good example of an institutional coin is a graduation coin given to every grandaunt of a particular year. This article will examine some important facts pertaining to the challenge coin design.
 There is a lot of aspects that is put into the challenge coins design and manufacture of a challenge coin that makes it even more unique. They are of different shapes, face value design, color and sizes. First and foremost the coins are primarily produced using two different raw materials. That is brass and zinc aloe. Brass is a heavier metal and is what is used to produce military coins. The zinc aloe is used to produce individual, institution and corporate coins. In the medieval days however, soldiers would be rewarded with a gold coin as a token of appreciation for their exemplary service. This coin could actually serve as a pension fund for them.
 These coins come in every imaginable shape. Some come in the simple circular shape while other are designed in the most intricate manner. There are coins that are shaped in a spinner shape that could otherwise be described as the diagonal shape. There are others are in a cut out shape. The cut out shape can be shape into any shape such as the shape of a stunning key or an animal such as the jaguar. Still there are coins which are designed to spin in a circular enclosure. Know more about Challenge Coin Design here!  
 The actual design of the front and back face of a challenge coin depends on who is ordering it and what design is suitable for them. For military coins, the shape may depend on the motor or symbol of a specific squad. It may also depend on ranks or a specific event. The design of the coin is produced in two dimension or three dimension finishes, with the later being a better quality. The electro plated finishes are in done in antique gold, silver or bronze, black nickel and shiny silver to mention a few. For more facts and information about challenge coin, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coin_collecting.
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