Let me tell you how much easier it is to binge shows instead of taking turns with like. Everyone in my household on one computer.
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itsbeginningtostart · 20 days
I finally got the updated rules. I haven't looked through all of it and will do that after this post but at least it's shorter than the other one. It looks like in order to be closer and not have someone leave like last time there's gonna be more like holiday type of things and there was a calendar with a legend so like. This time I'm gonna read through everything so nothing comes up as a surprise.
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itsbeginningtostart · 22 days
I went out today lol. I barely go out on my days off. I can't just borrow the car whenever I want and there isn't much shit to do within walking distance, but even if it wasn't for long, I still had fun and feel refreshed.
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itsbeginningtostart · 27 days
I was gonna also mention that I did end up getting a laptop. It's a secondhand potato but I'm not a gamer so I can manage well with it. The host seems more paranoid about electronics now but I'm well behaved and I'm quiet with it and I haven't told any roommates about it bc I assumed there would be jealousy. When I'm at work, I just keep it in my suitcase I still have in my room and it's password protected. No issues at all with it so far! Streaming anime makes it heat up but I just try and elevate it.
Speaking of, I'm gonna binge anime because I'm sick lol. I wish I was off for a fun reason but I really feel sick as a fucking dog. I might join the roommates in the living room later because they are planning to get high and bought edibles a few days back (legal here lol). I think one of them even took the day off for it.
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itsbeginningtostart · 27 days
Hi it's been awhile happy 4/20!!
It's mostly been uneventful for me until it wasn't lol and crazy things happened. I no longer have a pile of chores to do, but our chore scheduling got changed around for a number of reasons. So people argue sometimes like. It's bound to happen sooner or later. But around the 11th or 12th a roommate had a huge fight with the host. Turns out she has been dating this girl three states away (or more I forgot??) and wanted to visit but the host got paranoid and transportation was brought up alongside the length of time she would be gone which was multiple weeks for vacation. She said the host was being unreasonable but she started saying shit about her girlfriend not liking the fact she was living in a place like this and that there's something suspicious about all this. And then the host got mad like. Yelling mad. Angrier than they had ever been. This was after work too so it was almost night. Anyway that roommate ended up packing up her shit and left.. she's never been back since. And I guess the host had a sort of breakdown because they thought we were all going to leave? But I need a roof over my head and so does everyone remaining.
After this they said they had to update rules and make changes but I still never got updated rules nor were they ever mention. The roommate who fucked off was in charge of the cleaning at the time, so not only are we down a person to handle chores but it was the person doing the chores. And this resulted in chores being divided up more evenly instead of cycling around with whoever's in charge of them handling most of the work.
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itsbeginningtostart · 2 months
So many things happened I don't know where to start. Firstly I've been extremely busy at work and have barely had any sleep because like. Roommates started making excuses for getting me to do everything. Literally even the host told me just how good I was at cleaning and I guess everyone just started leaving their fucking messes for me cool cool cool. And I was unaware that mid march is a special kind of celebration in the house. Which wasn't even mentioned in the rules despite the fact I read through them twice? But it's on a calendar I was never given, go figure. During it, one of my roommates woke me up with this clanging and I was pissed I was just so tired. It's like a large can on a string and they can clang it with whatever they want. From the 10th-16th, every night, every couple of hours. Cause they believe that being asleep too long during these days invites bad energy into your mind. By the third day I just accepted it and adapted. And then I had to make up for this the next week lol. Passing out as soon as I would get home from work.
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itsbeginningtostart · 2 months
Thinking about it is pissing me off even more. This isn't even the roommate that annoys me she's another one now. I've had positive interactions many times that almost drown this out but it's so annoying and petty.
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itsbeginningtostart · 2 months
A roommate got bitchy at me bc I've like. Spoken to the host several times. And why wouldn't I because I'm the newest here and I need to know what is happening? Anyway I told her this basically and asked why she doesn't just like. Talk to them on her own?? She then went on a rant about this imaginary ranking system I didn't see in the rules and it was never mentioned at all while I was here. That bc they are the host they are on the top step and she is is a few steps down so "talking up" is disrespectful. I later literally flipped through the booklet after this conversation and it was not there. Not even remotely.
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itsbeginningtostart · 2 months
Exhausted. I can't wait for tomorrow lmao
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itsbeginningtostart · 2 months
The host told me that there were few arguments, but I'm starting to think they just don't pick up on things. Like. They're kinda oblivious at times. A few roommates have been arguing, even to the degree that I think they tried to grip each other's hands during Whole dinner prayer pretty hard. Like visibly doing this. Yet they see no problem? I'm afraid to bring these problems up because I need a place to live but man sometimes the tension makes things stressful.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
9am timeslot let's go. :~) At the halfway dinner I proposed the idea of getting myself a mobile phone assuring them I would just pay more because I'm one of the top earners here. The host shot it down immediately. Apparently the rule specifically stated that mobile phones were just not allowed in general which is??? Like it's 2024? Anyway, 5G or whatever. I skimmed the rule the first time because there are 17 pages stapled together, front and back except for the last one. But they brought me aside later to tell me that if I make it to one month here, I can buy myself a laptop if I want. So I'm gonna do that lol.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
The fact that it took them the week I was here to schedule me in for the computer and yet the scheduling isn't kept so strictly. We can use it in 30 minute shifts and while I heard about a 2 hour rule many people break it. I think we're allowed to just go over if whoever is next isn't using it??? But it might go to the next person. I thought the time was gonna be divided so we get to use it at the same time each day based on all of our schedules but nobody has ever used it at the same time as before? Help.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
Actually on that subject I'm so grateful that the computer is kept in one room. A massive waste of a room since we aren't allowed to use it as a bedroom but at least there is privacy.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
I showed up at work but they told me the schedule changed? Fuck me I guess.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
Roommate 3 is in the bathroom so I'm just jumping back into say. Things kinda are a nuisance without a mobile lol. If I can sneak one into this place maybe?? I'll try?? Otherwise it's 8 people to this computer and I have been noticing how grimy it gets.
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itsbeginningtostart · 3 months
Hey! So, I have some news. Some of it's gonna be disappointing to hear.
And no, It's nothing about deleting this blog, I'm keeping it! But.
I started this blog as a joke during a terrible time of my life with intentions of never breaking character. I was a big fan of a Komaeda blog and thought that I would be able to join them haha.. but that was in 2021 and I continued for a few years. Anyway, I have decided to transform this blog because I have had a lot of life changes since and I feel like it's time to put the joke away.
This is now going to be a personal blog. I can't agree with what the site has been doing as of late. I'm active elsewhere but because I didn't know anyone personally here, I won't give my offsite accounts. My time online is limited now anyway, so it makes the most sense to me.
So yes, I'm still in the DR fandom. I had one hospitalization back in early 2023 and things got really uncertain for so long, but now I have a place to live that's not like. My parent's house lol which feels way overdue at this age (24). My current living situation is taking time getting used to but it's only been a week. I was tossing ideas up there, to like.. I guess put out some DR theories I have been cooking up, but I may just make another side blog for that eventually.
So it's good to get to know you without the whole Komaeda thing I find embarrassing now. I will keep my old posts up just for a laugh because I know I had dedicated followers who weren't bots.
Anyway! I wish the best of luck to all of you. Truly and deeply.
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itsbeginningtostart · 5 months
Blessed luck! Everything is as it should be. My place in the universe has been bookmarked, and as such, my tasks are once again open for completion. Phew!
That won't always be the case.
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