its-shakiyla · 8 years
Social Media in Times of Tragedy
December 1, 2016
Social media is a powerful tool to the world. With social media being an outlet for many people it can have a positive and negative outlook on current or past situations that occurred in the world. Below I will be providing some examples of positive and negative responses from social media tragedies and some do’s and don’ts.
Do’s and Don’ts:
Do: It’s hard to tell someone what to do or say on social media because they have the right to express the way they feel. But there are some precautions they can take to help others. For one they can consider other people’s feelings of who they might hurt in the process of there social media post. Always try to keep the statement as positive as you can. Make sure to get the full story before reporting on the wrong subject. Also helping out with any tragedy is a good look on any organization.
DON’T: Don’t be insensitive people have feelings! Please don’t try to promote your brand with something negative that is taking place your business might suffer. Most importantly don’t report something you know absolutely about it causes too much confusion.
The event that I will be giving my positive and negative brand response examples from is from Hurricane Sandy that took place on October 24, 2012.
Bad Examples...
1. To this day people are not sure if it was a mistake or not but Kmart wasn’t so smart when they posted a response on Twitter to the news. The tweet stated “Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims of this terrible tragedy. #Prayfornewtown #CTShooting #Fab15toys”. That last hashtag made everyone upset they were trying to promote something from their brand.
2. The clothing line GAP definitely didn’t make it any better. They posted a tweet saying “All impacted by #Sandy, stay safe! We’ll be doing lots of Gap.com shopping today. How about you?”. All wrong in a situation like this no one finds this to be funny or the time or place to be talking about shopping just insensitive.
Good Examples...
1. Most people are familiar with the credit card company American Express. Well if not a lot more people were because of their good deed. American Express basically took their response to Twitter and gave a helping hand to those in need after Hurricane Sandy. Many people were pleased.
2. Another credit card company Citi expressed their sympathy towards the victims of Hurricane Sandy. They donated 1 million dollars to the relief and recovery of the victims. What a positive look on that brand!
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its-shakiyla · 8 years
This is my first time hearing of Klout. I know that it has something to do with social media interaction. I do have some social media outlets but I’m not really active on them they’re just there lol. So with that being said my score was very low because I don’t interact with post or people on there as much. I have them to just to keep an eye on things going on in the social world and the country itself. I think something I can do to help boost my score is to actually post things and ineract with people I follow.
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its-shakiyla · 8 years
Facebook Brand Survey
The brand that I have choose to analyze for this Facebook brand survey is an unique fashion line called The Golden Rose by Paige Jordan.
What techniques are being used by the brand to engage with consumers?
Paige Jordan strives on trying her best to reach her customers. The techniques that are being used towards her brand engaging her customers is having her customers participate in her mailing list and upcoming events and fashion shows that she’s a part of. Her style of clothes have her customers step outside their comfort zone or try something new so that draws in new customers also. The Golden Rose gives their customers a wonderful vision of her products and details. Paige is in charge of everything built from ground zero to what it represents now. Many people applaud a young woman who is her own boss and doing what she is passionate about.
Do the brand fans seem passionate and engaged? Why or why not?
The Golden Rose fans I feel like they are passionate about her brand. The reason being is because not only do they love buying her custom made pieces they give feedback on items or things that can be improved or things that are perfect. I feel like for people to take out time to do that then they are passionate about where their money goes and they care about the products.
How could the brand improve its profile?
I do feel like the brand itself should engage with its customers a little more like having surveys, raffles, or something to have its customers wanting to wait for what’s next. The brand should have teasers to what’s next to come so the anticipation for the customers is overbearing and exciting to them to get what’s coming next. I think the profile is a little boring. There’s no color only a header pic and pics and videos throughout the page.  
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its-shakiyla · 8 years
Unwired Day
For this project I had to go without basically the use of technology. So that means no screens (TV), iPad, laptop, game systems, and cell phones. I didn’t think going without those things would be so hard. Well I usually go a few days without most of the things I named EXCEPT my PHONE! That was so hard! Not watching TV wasn’t so hard for me but I never realized how much I rely on my phone. I’m literally addicted to my phone. I think I noticed me not having my phone hit me when I became extremely bored and when I’m bored I get on my phone. Not being able to do that for an entire 24 hours was hard. To keep my mind off of the boredom I annoyed my roommate. I think this exercise is something a lot more people if not everyone needs to do sometime. One reason being is that some people like myself might not realize they have a problem without it. Another reason is it’s actually a good stress relief. When I didn’t have my phone I felt more at peace and calm for some reason and actually learned somethings. Having a break from technology is always a good thing to practice and definitely instill in my kids as they grow older. I feel like it allows you to actually see the world or things they way they are or in a different view without the help of technology. So in my opinion I would recommend more people to try this!
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its-shakiyla · 8 years
September 20, 2016
These are my 3 goals for my Social Media Marketing course. 
1. To fully understand what social media marketing is.
2. To be able to take what I’ve learned about social media marketing and apply it to my career in the way I need to.
3. Passing this class with an A.
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