Simplify payment collections with WooCommerce payment gateway by Swipez
WooCommerce sellers can now offer their customers an easy payment gateway by Swipez. Collect payments via UPI, eWallets, Credit/Debit cards, Netbanking, or Cash on Delivery. Manage and monitor payments with real-time reports on a single dashboard!
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GST filing & reconciliation made easy
Gather invoices from various sources and file your GST in minutes every month! Automate your GST reconciliations make sure you are getting GST input credit you deserve!
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Payouts made easy
Simplify payouts from your company account for partner payouts, salary, vendor payouts, refunds and more. Disburse payments from your account instantly to any bank account or UPI ID
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Inventory management made easy
Free inventory management software designed to help your business effortlessly manage inventory across all your products. Stay on top your product stock keeping at all times!
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Free payment gateway
Integrate one or many payment gateways for local and international payments without writing any code!
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Collect it - Billing and online payment collection app
A simple and easy to use billing app. Send bills to your contacts in your phone book and start collecting payments online or offline. Collecting payments from your customers was never this easy!
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Information might be the highest currency one can have. But, when it comes to sharing information, and technology, however, the biggest obstacle is money.
The most significant barrier to launching an ISP in India is the significant amount of upfront capital necessary for licensing, equipment, and infrastructure. Bandwidth on the Internet, equipment cooling, and power sources are all resources that must be appropriately planned for and implemented to ensure that it is sustainable in the long run.
Starting an Internet Service Provider (ISP) business, though not an easy task, isn’t impossible if well-planned and with the necessary resources. And, the biggest resource at your disposal are the friendships and working relationships you have established over the years. This is as true for someone with a background in telecommunications as it is for someone who is a novice in the industry.
Here’s everything you need to know.
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Until a few years ago, setting up a payment solution was a time-consuming process, involving necessary but tedious documentation, verification, huge setup fees, technical infrastructure, and extensive know-how to implement. However, in more recent years, with India moving rapidly and evolving into a digital economy implementing a payment tool has become simpler. And, a major necessity to ease both billing and payment collections.
Modern payment tools are increasingly replacing traditional payment methods, thanks to increased mobile internet access, a push for cashless payment systems, and an enhanced consumer experience. Customers can pay for services/products easily and business managers can organize and track all of their collection data with an easy to use payment solution.
Effective payment tools are the need of the hour for any type of business as they carry a host of benefits along with them like:
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A robust GST billing software includes all of the capabilities you'll need to manage GST compliance services including invoice generation and return submission. With the introduction of the GST laws by the Indian government on July 1, 2017, all businesses are now subject to GST regulations. So, the conventional method of manually calculating expenses and creating invoices that are not only prone to errors but also time-consuming has seen a massive overhaul in recent years. GST billing software can not only reduce errors, improve efficiency, it can also help you file your GST returns for error-free Input Tax Credit (ITC) claims.
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Swipez is the worlds easiest inventory management software.  Its the perfect inventory solution for growing businesses looking to track and manage their inventory, products, clients and other assets all in one place.
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