itchytoesear · 4 years
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itchytoesear · 4 years
the multiverse theory, according to richie tozier
I read about something called the multiverse theory the other day—you’ll like this. we are not the only universe out there. every decision we make, down to the most microscopic choices, spins off into a different universe from this one. some of them are only slightly different: maybe the gravestone leans a little to the left instead of to the right. maybe I did dye my hair blonde in high school. maybe you take pills of a different color, wear a different shirt when we first meet.
some are very different. maybe in another universe I keep you. maybe in another universe I stay with you. maybe—
hear me out, okay?
the multiverse theory means there are infinite versions of us out there. means there is an infinite amount of mes—yeah, yeah, I know, but it’s a multiverse, it can contain an infinity of me just as well as it can contain an infinity of you. anyway: there’s an infinite number of me, and all of them are in love with you. or maybe most of them. at least fifty percent.
think of it like this:
there are worlds out there where we never meet, and are all the poorer for it. there are worlds out there where we have loved each other all our lives. there are worlds where we die together at thirteen facing a monster we were never supposed to know about, where the monster dies and we live the rest of our long lives happily. there are worlds where there is no monster. there are worlds where we’re pirates, or aliens, or even wizards. there are worlds where I’m braver, where you’re happier, where I pull you into my car and we drive away from the town that tried to grind us into the ground, pick a destination and never come back. there are worlds where we forget everything else but not each other. there are worlds where we forget each other but meet again, and fall back into love as if we never left.
there are worlds where we get our happy endings. there are worlds where I save you. there are worlds where we do everything right, and it’s enough, and we win, happy endings all around. I like to think the happy endings outweigh the sad ones. I like to think there are more worlds out there where I wake up next to you in the morning, where your mug sits next to mine on the counter, where you kiss me and we are so in love we make our friends throw up from how sappy we are, than there are worlds where we don’t.
statistically speaking, there have to be worlds where we lose. the happy worlds outweigh the sad worlds but that doesn’t mean there aren’t sad worlds. it just means—
it just means that maybe the happy endings outnumber the sad ones. where I’m sitting alone by myself in my apartment, and you’re not here, and you never will be. I like to think that at the same time I’m sitting by myself, there’s a world where we’re together, and you’re celebrating your forty-first birthday. there is a world where we’re happy, and alive, and together. I believe that.
this just isn’t one of them.
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itchytoesear · 4 years
bill and richie absolutely would’ve gotten away with smoking weed for the first time in richie’s backyard if they hadn’t started doing the “don’t be suspicious” bit from parks and rec on the way inside 
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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Oh, shit…
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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eddie + covering his face when scared
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itchytoesear · 4 years
my irls (and me) as It characters
p.s. i’m only using my friends nicknames
ben-gluteous maximus
patrick-rye bread
if you can guess where i put myself?
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itchytoesear · 4 years
those early hours after a sleepover when you wake up before your best friend does
(head over heels - tears for fears)
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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I continue to only exclusively draw dumb shit
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itchytoesear · 4 years
1. Stan
2. Eddie
3. Richie
4. i have been putting off watching 2 cuz i don’t want to lose my babies
5. Eddie and Richie
6. either streddie or bill+mike
IT Fandom Answer the Following
Who is your favorite character?
What character do you most relate to?
What character deserved better?
Chapter One or Two?
Do you share a fear with any character?
Favourite ship?
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itchytoesear · 4 years
i hate when i go up north and go to restaurants and the waiter comes to take my order and im like “do yall have sweet tea??” and theyre like “no sweetheart but we have unsweetened iced tea and we can give you some sugar packets!!!” llike no you fucking yankee because now the tea is already cold so the sugar wont dissolve in it and itll all just sink the bottom and be nasty learn basic fucking solubility this is 9th grade chemistry thats why sweet tea exists in the first place you fucking heat the tea up to make it and then while its still hot you add the sugar and then you chill it and its sweet fucking tea i bet you pronounce pecan like peecan too you four seasons-having piece of shit
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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losers + baby’s names
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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some summers by thesehands
Sometimes, Eddie caught Richie staring. More often than not, he would make a face or stick out his tongue, and Richie would return it, exaggerated and playful. But other times, Eddie stared back. Richie could feel a blush rising in his face as Eddie held his gaze, level and calm, not curious or judgmental, simply looking. When that happened, Richie would always be the one to look away. He’d quickly turn to another one of their friends and crack a joke, which would make everyone groan or laugh or tell him to shut up, and it would take his mind off Eddie and the way his face got pink when he was outside for too long. or: five summers that richie and eddie spend together.
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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the Losers go to the mall and take the family photos they deserve!!!! they are all thriving!!! 
i’m not totally happy with the final but I worked too hard and too long on it not to post alskdfjj. (here’s the ref i used lmaoo)
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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itchytoesear · 4 years
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it chapter two (2019) + reductress headlines (1/?)
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