itameow Ā· 8 years
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Fluffy Drabbles || @mindwalkerninja || not accepting
ā™” My muse finding your muse wearing their clothes
Itachi awakened to find himself alone that morning. However, it was no cause for alarm. Instead of worrying, he simply tiredly reached for the other side of the bed, searching, almost as though he hoped to find his significant other hidden somewhere among the cooled sheets.
Alas, that was not the case.
But he did hear the sound of the clinking of plates coming from the kitchen, followed by the welcoming waft of breakfast.
By the time he roused himself enough to fully enough his eyes, his then missing object of affections traipsed into the room, looking evidently pleased with herself.
He frowned, squinting at her.
ā€œAre those mine?ā€
ā€œMaybe,ā€ she answered in a singsong voice, grinning. Oh, she was definitely in a good mood today. A slim leg moved across his torso and she straddled him, just as she had done the night before. The robe she was wearing splayed out across the bed, whilst the shirt she wore only just barely covered her. ā€œBut if you want them, youā€™re going to have to take them off me first.ā€
Itachiā€™s lips quirked up in a rare smirk. Rather than answering her immediately, he chose to caress the side of her face, fingers entangling in fair hair briefly.
ā€œI donā€™t knowā€¦ I think Iā€™d rather have you for company.ā€
Which was all it took for her cheeks to turn pink, the Yamanaka soon burying her face in the crook of his neckā€“ ā€œDummy.ā€
Mornings that started with Ino in his arms were always one of his favourites.
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itameow Ā· 8 years
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Fluffy Drabbles || @mindwalkerninja || not accepting
ā™– My muse having their hair washed by your muse
Between solving cases, keeping an eye on and teaching the genie about every single imaginable aspect there was about human life, Uchiha Itachi was wearing thin around the edges.
Which was why he was thankful to finally be granted some peace of mind when he stepped into the shower. No flying cats, no pastries hurtling around the house at break neck speed, no towers suddenly materialising.
A heavy breath of relief.
ā€“Alas, the moment of tranquillity was not meant to last.
For before he was able to run shampoo through his hair, the formula disappeared from his palm- and his dampened strands smelled suspiciously of green tea.
Following that, the voice of the last person he wished to hear from cut through the air.
ā€œGood evening!ā€ she had the cheek to greet, grinning, blonde hair and all. Ino was floating by the bathroom counter, completely unabashed by her intrusion. The genie seemed quite pleased with herself. ā€œDonā€™t worry about washing your hair! I took care of that for you!ā€
How helpful.
ā€œGet out.ā€
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itameow Ā· 8 years
itsuehime submitted:
ā™ (namely, his necklace)
Fluffy Drabbles || @itsuehime || not accepting
ā™  Your muse adjusting my muses jewelry/neck tie/etc
It was not often that his beloved little brother invited his friends home, but whenever he did, it would always be the same two children; his classmates from school, Haruno Sakura and Uzumaki Naruto.
Perhaps ā€œinvitedā€ was too kind a word. ā€œHadā€ to was more like it.
Now, despite having no qualms about conversing with either child, Itachi found that unlike Naruto, Sakura was unable to prattle on about her day, or even about herself, for that matter. She was a quiet little thing, who stumbled over her words every now and then, blushing furiously under that large red bow of hers. Even more so when she was in the presence of his beloved little brother.
Occasionally, Itachi would assist her, no matter how subtly. It was always a wonder how much a few kind words could do to boost oneā€™s confidence.
Today, the boys were yet again arguing over their latest assignment- when did they not?- and young Sakura had taken to exploring the house instead.
It was the creaking of floorboards that alerted Itachi to her presenceā€“ followed by the worrying clatter of an object from the table she had accidentally bumped into. ā€œOops!ā€ ā€“Luckily, she managed to save this and quickly replace it on the wooden surface, visibly relieved.
Itachi waited a moment, before finally addressing her.
He had a box set before him. A gift from his parents, one that had perhaps been selected by Sasuke, for his latest achievement.
It was a necklace. Carefully adorned with three ringlets, his parents had said that each one was meant to represent the three of them. His father, his mother, and last but not least, his beloved little brother. His family.
ā€œSakura-chan, do you mind helping me with this?ā€ he asked. ā€œI canā€™t seem to work with the clasp.ā€
Startled and cheeks reddening, she shyly approached. ā€œH-hai.ā€
Itachi was patient whilst she worked. Her small hands fumbling with the clasp, and when she had to fasten it around his neck too.
Yet not once did he say a thing. Even waited still while she adjusted it to what length she thought was best.
When she finally finished, Itachi turned to her and smiled.
ā€œIt looks good. Thank you, Sakura-chan.ā€
A gentle ruffle on her hair.
The quiet beam he received from her lasted for the rest of the day.
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itameow Ā· 8 years
*icon* our muses accidently falling asleep together
Fluffy Drabbles || @izu-uchiha || not accepting
ā™” Our muses accidentally falling asleep together
There was much to be said about this ā€œfriendshipā€ of theirs. Even if they had never again discussed what rested beneath the surface of their interactions, not since that day that lone confession had breached the air between them, years ago, Itachi was aware it existed.
Or rather, he was beginning to.
Quietly, he ran his fingers across the side of her hand, pensive. By this time, the onset of autumn was truly here, with evidences of spring slowly relinquishing its hold on them. A shame, but there was a tranquil appeal that came with its predecessor. It was a chillier charm, one that would with time, turn the leaves surrounding them into varying shades of orange and gold. Captivating, there was no other word to describe it.
Yet it was not this gradual transition that Itachi paid attention to.
As the evening aged, the pair of them had taken to a tree at the edge of the forest, where at the time its thick canopy of leaves afforded them shade from the reddening sun.
They had relaxed, they had admired the view before them. Tales too had been exchanged, most of which had been relayed by Izumi. Enthusiasm had filled her eyes and flowed through her energetic hand gestures, her smile, her laughter too. It was funny, but at one point Itachi had realised, with a pause, that perhaps he had fallen. -Fallen in what?- All he knew that naught had existed but her, the both of them, during that moment of cheer.
He ceased tracing her hand, knowing that the peaceful breathing playing against the side of his neck meant that she was still fast asleep. A blanket was draped over her frame; she always shivered so whenever it was a touch too cold, and Itachi had remembered this when he procured the rolled up blanket for her.
He really should wake herā€¦
Alas, exhaustion finally caught up to him and try as he might, he eventually gave in to the embrace of sleep. It was comfortable hereā€¦ What was the harm?
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itameow Ā· 8 years
ā™£ wiping away tears
send one for a kind gesture;
ā™£ wiping away tears
His niece was still a little one, with large, large eyes, fair skin and hair as dark as ebony. The resemblance she bore to her father was a striking one, but there were traces of her mother too, in her features. They softened the harder edge of Sasukeā€™s, granting her a sweeter, more innocent disposition.
And it was this very child whose eyes were slowly filling with tears, her small heart aching for her parents.
ā€œAa, donā€™t cry,ā€ Itachi murmured, as he lifted Sarada to his lap. There was little doubt in his mind that she missed them the moment they had to leave on that urgent summons. ā€œYour Ojisan is here.ā€
He gently brushed away the lone tear that curved down her rounded cheek.
ā€œWhy donā€™t we watch something you like, hm? I can fix you your favourite meal too.ā€
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itameow Ā· 8 years
itaino: halcyon
Series: Naruto Pairing: Uchiha Itachi/Yamanaka Ino Rating: T Summary: "This is a call from Tokyo Bar. I'd just like to inform you that yourā€¦ girlfriend, is a bit drunk at the moment. Could you please pick her up?" In other words, pick her up before she embarrasses herself. ItaIno. Modern AU.
Late afternoon. The light of the dying sun shone upon a high-climbing, white-painted building of modern design where our story would soon begin. To set the mood, a myriad of colours bled from the sun, seeping into the sky and decorating it with varying tones of red, orange, yellow and purple. It gave a rustic effect; a contrast to the fast-paced life that came as an expected package deal with the city.
Students ranging from eighteen to thirty years of age milled about campus grounds, their high energy lowering to match that of the leaving afternoon. Their uproarious laughter had softened to mere harmless chatter and giggles, apparently pleased that their brutal onslaught of classes had met its end for the day. For a great many of them, a large bulk of their assignments had been handed in- now all that was to complete were the last few tasks that they had to do and they would be able to enjoy their upcoming break fully.
Not all students of this university were as carefree, however.
A number of them had chosen to stay behind. No matter that the sun was making its descent into the horizon, or that the car park was steadily emptying. There was work to be done, and it simply would not do to meander. The majority of those who had made the decision to remain on campus had opted to make use of the library.
Tip tap tip tap tip tap.
Minutes, then hours trickled past, and as the nightly star-speckled, ink black canvas slowly filled the previously orange-red sky, the number of students within the library building dwindled. At this point, only the more hard-working, determined ones had not left.
It was near midnight now. A scant few remained.
Uchiha Itachi was one of these individuals. Seated by himself, dressed meticulously in a grey, long-sleeved shirt and black trousers, coupled with the usual air of dignity that he so often carried with him, he was the very picture of a model student.
But even someone as hard-working as he was had a line where he ought to stop- and that line was nearing, courtesy of tiredness. He furrowed his eyebrows, tell-tale signs of fatigue beginning to tug at his very person, his eyelids especially.
A pile of books sat by his side, and by the other, a particularly thick volume pertaining to the same subject laid open. Psychology. Hard at work on completing his latest assignment, his laptop was placed directly in front of him, a rather lengthy word document displayed on its current window. He was almost finished now. Just a few more paragraphs, and that ought to do the trick.
The paper itself wasn't due for another two months, but he had never been one to procrastinate.
Even Shisui, a commendable student himself, had long retired for the night.
It was only the flashing from his cell phone screen that finally managed to wrench his attention from his work.
An unknown number.
He frowned. How odd.
Who could possibly be calling him at this hour?
After briefly checking his surroundings, he answered. Best not to attract the librarian's attention.
"Hello," came a man's voice. There was a cacophony of background noise on the other end, the sounds consisting of slurred speech, out of pitch singing, clearly drunken yelling, and pop music. A terrible combination, needless to say. Was that Gwen Stefani? "May I speak to Sex- Itachi-san?"
"ā€¦ Speaking."
"This is Satake Koba from Tokyo Bar. I'd just like to inform you that yourā€¦ girlfriend, is a bit drunk at the moment." A bit? "The rest of her companions are too."
Oh dear.
Itachi twirled his pen briefly, not liking this piece of news one bit. It was rare for Ino to drink herself into a state of inebriation, but whenever it happened, it was never a pleasing experience for him.
So much that the last incident burned starkly in his mind. He had barely managed to attempt to calm her when she had already drawn a crowd around them. It had taken weeks for the chatter and whispers about it to die down.
To his credit, however, he maintained a professional tone with Satake.
"I see. Is this the same Tokyo Bar on Saikyo Street?"
"Yes, yes," Satake said hastily. He sounded distracted.
As though to confirm this conjecture, a distinctively female voice chose that very moment to cut above the mayhem and holler, "HAAAVE YOOOU CAAALLED SEXY-SAAAN YET? I MISS HIM AND HIS CUTE LITTLE-"
There she was, right on time. The loudest of them all too.
Itachi sighed, delicately pinching the bridge of his nose as he did so. This was going to be a very long night indeed. He had been fooling himself to think he'd be able to retire peacefully to his apartment.
"Please keep an eye on her, Satake-san. I'll be on my way to pick her up shortly."
After thanking the bartender for his trouble, Itachi ended the call.
Life was never peaceful whenever a certain Yamanaka Ino was involved.
Ino, Inoā€¦ Honestly, that girl.
This was the line of thought that Itachi could not help but find himself thinking as he walked down the flight of stairs, strides swift and full of purpose.
Leave her alone for a few days, and trust this to happen.
He knew, he knewā€¦ Oh, yes, he knew. While Ino was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, she also possessed a good dose of impulsiveness that could only bring her trouble if planted in the right situation. Or in this case, the wrong one.
Then there was also her temperā€¦
He strode out of the library, the automatic glass doors closing behind him.
Itachi had gone through enough arguments with the woman to verify just this. But that was a story for another day.
The drive to Saikyo Street was not a very long one. Just several minutes into the journey, and he was already a quarter of the way there.
Which meant he was just about fifteen, twenty minutes away from being greeted by an overly enthusiastic, severely drunk Yamanaka Ino. He rested the side of his head against his knuckles, exhaling deeply. The traffic light had just turned red.
Still, even if there was a sense of foreboding, there was also worry.
Past midnight.
The bar was just as he had imagined it. Loud, messy and crowded, with the bar name above the double doors in neon lights. Itachi peered at it from the outside, his hands carefully tucked in the confines of his trouser pockets. He frowned. A couple, in the throes of laughter, had just stumbled out of it clumsily. The stench of alcohol was near tangible.
Still, there was no time to waste. Once he was certain that this was the right place, Itachi pushed one of the glass-panelled doors leading into it an inch wider, onyx eyes examining the establishment tentatively. While the customers themselves were hardly a sight for sore eyes, the bar itself was tasteful. Rich, dark wood was used for the counter, tables and chairs; there several vases of lilies for decorative purposes; and warm, orange lights had been set in for illumination, dimmed so as not to overwhelm.
Precisely the sort of place Ino wouldn't mind visiting for a drink. Goodness knew she wouldn't want to be caught dead at a seedy bar.
Returning to what he'd thought during the drive here, he was right.
For almost as soon as he stepped into the bar did he hear a cheer from an all too familiar voice. In her delight, Ino had almost toppled off her seat to greet the love of her life.
"Wait up!"
Glass of liquor abandoned, she pushed through the crowd, eager to see him. Her cheeks were pink, her eyes were bright, her hair was in a bit of mess and she was clearly intoxicated, but at the very least, she was safe. Even Itachi allowed himself to feel relieved when he saw that. That silly, silly girl.
"Inoā€¦" His arms wound themselves around her figure as soon as she reached him. The metallic scent of alcohol stung; he could smell it on her hair and her skin. Nonetheless, he breathed in and out, and rested his hand atop flaxen tresses, keeping her close. He had not seen her for several nights now. "What were you doing?"
Give it time, and the sting of vodka was surely going to linger on his clothes.
-But of course, true to form, Ino could not behave herself for too long.
"Itachiii," she giggled playfully as she sidled up closer to him, their bodies positively pressing against one another now. In her murderously high heels, he could feel her breasts on his chest. "Aiiish, I missed you so much! You look so good!"
Apparently finding something that delighted her, her eyes brightened.
"Are you wearing the cologne I gave you?"
Without warning, she leaned in.
"Ah, yes, yes," he said distractedly, managing to move away from her lips when she tried to lick his neck. Goodness.
"Aww, come on! You're no fun!"
"I know, I knowā€¦ But, Sweetheart, we're in public. We really should be getting you home, don't you think? I'm sure your father must be worried sickā€¦"
"Well, yeah, butā€¦" And no sooner than a moment had passed them by did her hands begin to stray. They slid themselves down his back, crossing the folds of his shirt and once they passed the hem, came to rest on his rear end. Completely unabashed, she grabbed two handfuls and gave him a generous squeeze, and giggled.
"Ohhh, you feel just as amazing as before!" she murmured seductively, giving him yet another appreciative pinch, never mind the fact that they were in public. Gods, she just loved his butt. "God, you have such a perfect butt. I just want to hold you down and make love to you."
He groaned.
This was precisely why he hated it whenever she got drunk.
He had to snatch her hand when she started trying to dig into his trousers.
Getting her out of the bar was hellish itself.
Her inhibitions greatly lowered, Ino did not care that there were people around them, or that she was making such a spectacle of herself. All she particularly cared about was reaching for every part of him she could get. Her hands would wander, she would grope, she'd try to kiss- short of knocking her out, there was very little Itachi could do except to avoid her reach. He had lost count of the number of times she had tried slipping her hand past his belt.
That was all well and good in the privacy of their own room, but not here.
Even some of the young couples looked away from them embarrassedly.
Finally, Itachi cracked and bought her a pair of handcuffs from a nearby adult toy shop. Do not judgeā€”it was just a good way to keep her under control. He would most certainly find it difficult to drive if she suddenly decided to seat herself on his lap.
"Itachi-saaan," she whined, as she tugged at her hands. He had cuffed her wrists securely behind her back. "What was that fooor? Now I can't touch youuu."
"Ah, so you finally remember my name, do you?" Itachi calmly started the engine, all the while ignoring the slightly agitated girl on the passenger seat. There were smudges of lipstick on his neck and collar.
Ino grinned.
"You know thaaat's a compliment, don't youuu?"
"Mhmm." Itachi backed the car out of the parking space, taking care to make sure there weren't any cars coming their way. There weren't. "Ino, what were you thinking?"
"That. Drinking." Now out of the space, they were well on their way to the route leading to Ino's apartment. "You know you shouldn't be doing that when there isn't a designated driver with you. You're lucky I was nearby."
"Desiiignated?" A flutter of confusion flickered through her eyes, even as she stared hungrily at him.
"ā€¦ Never mind."
It was like conversing with a parrot.
He sighed yet again, recalling the conversation he had with Satake before leaving the bar. From what he had gathered, the girls had gotten themselves into some sort of drinking competition, and Ino being Ino, couldn't turn down a challenge. Especially not after she had been goaded into it. The girl was a bit too competitive at times.
Itachi glanced at Ino, gaze following the line of her body. Her clothes clung to her sensuously, revealing just enough to be alluring.
He tore his stare away, cheeks warming.
Now was not the time for any of that.
"Itachi-san, are we there yet?"
"Not yet, dear," he said as he drove into traffic.
Ino's apartment.
Now here was his second task.
Itachi took in the crisp night air, the chill that accompanied it bringing a subtle tingle to his cheeks. This was wonderful. Itachi had always liked the tranquillity that came with the cloak of night- as he did the picturesque peace that came with the morning sun. It offered him a soothing balm when all else failed. He glanced back at his car, where Ino laid asleep with her head against the car window. She looked almost serene from here.
As time passed them by, Ino had eventually quieted down in the car, her high level of energy soon being replaced by the drowsiness intoxication so often gave her. It wasā€¦ a relief, needless to say.
Itachi did not need the added stress of her distracting him from his driving.
The catch of her car seat buckle was released with an audible click, as were her handcuffs. He curled an arm beneath her headā€”careful now, so as not to awaken her, and did the same with beneath her knees. It was a bit of a task- but with the assistance of the security guard, who kindly helped him close and lock his car, it was accomplished.
Arms laden with an unconscious blonde florist, Itachi returned his attention to the apartment building.
This was going to take a while.
The apartment building was a large one. Solidly built with a combination of brick, stone, metal and cement, the structure stood a good twenty floors off the ground. On the inside, it was modest but still welcoming. Clean and simple, it mostly had potted plants to serve as decoration.
While Itachi knew Konoha Heights well enough, courtesy of Ino, he still had not spent a good amount of time in it. Save for the occasional brief visit into her apartment, it was mostly a venue for him to pick her up for their dates. He had only started seeing her for several monthsā€¦ He wouldn't dream of spending more time than was necessary in a young woman's abode. It simply was notā€¦ proper.
The janitor did not even raise an eyebrow when he walked past.
The man had witnessed more than enough of Ino's bizarre behaviour to really bat an eyelash at this one.
"Good luck with that."
"Aa, thank you."
Somehow, that managed to bring the slightest tinge of amusement to Itachi's otherwise exasperated mood.
Fondness too, he noted as he held the woman ever closer, her fair hair tickling his jaw just a touch.
Despite her eccentricities, he really did love her. More than he was willing to admit.
Shuttering his eyelids, he pressed his cheek against the top of her head, savouring the moment. While she was still asleep. One never knew what she could possibly get up to once she was awake.
The light of the elevator button blinked, indicating that they have arrived at their intended floor.
Itachi stepped out and onto the eleventh floor, where multiple doors leading to different living quarters lined the walls. Ino's wasā€¦ He glanced at the sleek wooden doors, mind recalling the information required for this one. The overhanging fluorescent lights shone brightly, illuminating the cream-painted, carpeted hallway. He tilted his head. It was the fifth from the end.
With a full woman in his arms, there was naturally some difficulty in gaining access to her apartment- but he managed- and neatly clicked the door shut with his shoe too.
Here they wereā€¦
Ino's "home"; a quaint apartment she had rented for herself, as the building was located close to her college.
There was a sense that he had crossed a boundary that felt a bit too close, too personal by being here- but there was no helping it. Her father lived in another prefecture, her college mates were the ones who had gotten drunk, and her friends Shikamaru and Chouji studied elsewhere. Not to mention the fact that it was way past reasonable calling hours.
Shaking his head, but otherwise feeling soothed when she curled up closer to him, Itachi gently lowered her to her bed, taking care to set her head against the pillows.
Her voice came out as a murmur. Whining.
In turn, Itachi lovingly brushed her hair away from her forehead, listening.
"Yes, dear?"
She turned to look up at him better, her blue, blue eyes focused on her boyfriend.
"Stay with me?"
There wasn't any question about it. With those mere three words, what doubt he had about his presence in her apartment dissipated. He smiled, his fingers trailing down the side of her face, taking quiet appreciation in the serenity of the moment. Rare as they were whenever liquor was involved.
How many times had he given in to her wishes, for the sole reason of making her smile?
"Of course."
-Obviously, he was going to give her a bit of a lecture in the morning, but that could wait. For now, she needed to get some rest.
And someone to keep an eye on her while she was in such a vulnerable state.
Without saying a word, Itachi promptly tugged the comforter over her slim form, making sure to keep her covered up till her chest. She snuggled right under it, apparently content with the answer he had given her.
"Goodnight, Sweetheart."
The words needn't be said; what he felt for her was easily evidenced by the warmth and gentility he had extended to her today- and more so by the relief in his heart at seeing her safe and sound. That was all he really wanted.
He loved her.
A/N: Sort of a failed attempt at writing a tranquil introspective love piece. This has been sitting in my drafts forever, so I figured why not? Maybe someone would like it. Thank you very much for reading!
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itameow Ā· 9 years
āžŸ āž” āž„ āž§ āžØ āžš āž™ āž› āžœ āž ;)
Send a symbol to have your Muse touch my Muse in a certain way and see how they react!
āž Feel mineā€™s heartbeat
Comfortable, Itachi only shifted ever so slightly in his position on the bed, the call of sleep lulling him into slumber.
With her head settled on his chest, he pulled the blonde closer.
He welcomed the proximity.
Keep reading
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ā€œYou donā€™t have to tell me what happenedā€¦Iā€™m just glad youā€™re back.ā€ (any age)
ā€˜Been a whileā€™ sentence starters
No matter how difficult or taxing missions were, Itachi had always been capable of completing them flawlessly. With his level of expertise, such were rarely matters that proved to be a challenge to him; there was a reason why many so often dubbed him with the title ā€œprodigyā€.
This time, howeverā€¦
Itachi sighed, glancing at his wrist, palm facing upwards. All too clearly he recalled the paralysis that had seized him.
If he hadnā€™t been taken to the hospitalā€¦
He cleared his throat. With no wish to cause her further alarm, Itachi turned to face the Hyuuga- a small, gentle smile drawing itself along the line of his lips. The girl, now a young woman, had been in his family for so long that he made no hesitation in approaching her.
He drew her into a soft embrace, with just a single hand between her shoulder blades.
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ā€œSo am I,ā€ he said sincerely as he withdrew. ā€œLetā€™sā€¦ have dinner, ah? Iā€™ve not had anything to eat since morning.ā€
The matter of his newly discovered illness was a tale for another day.
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ItaIno: A lazy afternoon
An afternoon that consisted of nothing more than peace and quiet.
How rare that was.
Sighing, Itachi allowed his eyelids to flutter, eventually falling shut as he gave in to exhaustion. He supposed that there was no harm in resting for awhile...
But no sooner than when heā€™d drifted off to sleep did he feel a weight rest upon him, locks of flaxen hair entering the edge of his vision.
Yamanaka Ino...
She too had decided to join him, the woman stretched out on top of him like a large, lazy feline.
ā€œMn... Iā€™m tired... Let me sleep with you...ā€
The most minute of nods was his answer, the elder Uchiha unconsciously draping an arm around her waist as he returned to slumber.
They did not awaken until the day had fallen deep into the evening.
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ItaIno: Stray
ā€œItachiii!! Ughh...ā€
Ino could only smack herself on the forehead when she saw just what it was that her boyfriend had brought back home, groaning aloud. Why oh why wasnā€™t she surprised?
Of course, his answer to her was naturally an apologetic smile, the little feline he had found cradled carefully in the crook of his arm.Ā 
Itachi had never really been one who could ignore a starving animal.
Nonetheless, Ino relented, sighing and shaking her head as she did so. Her boyfriend, really...
At this rate, they were going to end up running a zoo.
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ItaIno: Future Husband
Written for a 100 Themes Challenge
It was just like any other day at their relatively peaceful neighbourhood; the sun hung against a backdrop of cloud-dotted blue sky, the flowers grown by the residents of Konoha Lane had awakened to full bloom in greeting of the day, and the morning rush to get to work and school now over the sounds that generally surrounded the area had fallen to a murmur with the laughter of children breaking the peace every now and then. A typical scene for this particular area, though not so typical for at least one of its residents, a young girl who was none other than Ino Yamanaka.
At the age of just four years old, the young Yamanaka already had a long list of ambitions, of things to achieve in her life.
She wanted to become a florist, she already knew so much about them and her life was positively filled with flowers what with her father running a flower shop.
She wanted to become a botanist, knowing just the beauty and symbols of flowers was not enough. She wanted to learn about the properties and uses of plants as well.
She wanted to become a singer, a model, an actress! She was already so cute and talented, so why not? All of these were perfect for her.
She wanted to become a doctor, a nurse. She had always liked helping others, and there would be no better feeling than the swell of happiness from seeing a patient walk out the doors healthy.
With the number of things on her list, it was a good thing that she was an excellent multi-tasker- or so she thought.
And of course, the last thing but by no means least on her list, was that she wanted to get married. She had it all worked out. Her husband-to-be would be gorgeous, a super talented dark-haired beauty with a high-ranking job, and he would be head-over-heels in love with her. It would be love at first sight. And their children? Their children were going to be just as beautiful and wonderful as their parents. There was no doubt about it.
Yes, Yamanaka Ino had it all planned out, and she was going to have it all. With her brains, skills and looks, how can she not?
There was just one thing.
It was just that, the one that she had picked out to be her husband-to-be (without him knowing, of course, but what Ino said goes so he had no say whatsoever on the matter if she wanted to go through with it) ā€¦
Well, her best friend had a crush on him too.
Or perhaps it was not so strange, seeing that this had to do with her beloved friend Sakura.
And she just couldn't keep going for him when she knew all of this.
So imagine Ino's relief when she caught sight of her father's car driving up to the kindergarten that she attended. Finally. Now she wouldn't have to pretend not to hear all the giggles and chatter of excited conversation that were coming from the girls who were still watching Sasuke trounce Naruto in yet another arm-wrestling match. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, Ino quickly plastered a smile on her face as she hurried over to meet her father, the sound of her footsteps muffled by the patches of grass beneath her sneakered feet. Even if she didn't really feel like smiling, she could only mope about this thing for so long, right? After all, what was important was that Sakura was happy, and besides, there were far more boys ā€“Ā Oh, that one is pretty cute. Who is that?Ā - around thatā€”
She had just walked right into a tree.
Well, that was embarrassing.
Pain drummed in her temple, and where she had hit herself when she had accidentally walked into it surely must have left a glaring red mark. Ow, ow, owā€¦ She winced as she raised herself from the ground a bit, hoping there weren't any scratches at the very least. ā€“But, she supposed that the sight that greeted her when she opened her eyes made up for things somewhat, for the one who was standing over her with a look of utmost worry on his face was the very boy that she had spied on earlier, the same one that had caused her to walk into said tree. Said stupid, stupid,Ā stupidĀ tree.
Though right now, it was a good tree.
"Are you alright?"
She blinked, bringing her vision into focus. At first, she had thought that it was Sasuke ā€“ they really looked quite similar, though this boy had a milder note to his expression and mannerismā€”from what she had managed to see of it so far, anyway. Save for the fact that this boy was taller and had a fringe, the physical differences between the two were more subtle, but still there. His skin was fair, though not as, and his dark hair was a shade lighter than Sasuke's inky black. And his eyes, those wide innocent eyes were framed by long eyelashes that would be the envy of just about any girl. Ino blinked once more, feeling her skin prickle slightly with heat.
He was cute.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Ino managed to grin after he helped her up.
He only smiled kindly at her before handing over one of the books that had fallen from her bag.
The quiet type, huh?
"That's good," he said politely.
Not that Ino particularly minded.
"Take care of yourself, alright? You might actually hurt yourself next time."
Kind, polite, caring, good-lookingā€¦ A dreamy sigh. Though Ino had tried to get more information out of him about himself, he only gave her short, simple answers, ones that made the girl want to pout. He didn't even tell her his name! How stingy! Did sheĀ lookĀ like a stranger that was trying to tempt him away with candy? She was just a little girl with excellent taste in clothes, thank you very much, there was no need to be so secretive around her. Just what was his problem?
Needless to say, this behaviour only served to pique young Ino's interest even further.
It took Ino quite a while to tear her gaze away from her new find, even when she was being driven off home in her father's car. It was only when the mysterious new boy was truly out of sight that she reluctantly pulled herself from the car window and finally settled down in her seat.
The silence in the car was promptly broken by Ino's chatter about her new "friend".
It looked like Yamanaka Ino may have just found herself a new future husband.
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ItaIno: Love
It was past midnight by now and though the dark blanket of night had long spread across the entirety of the area, Uchiha Itachi had yet to fall asleep, his mind riddled with thoughts during the tranquility offered at this time.
Without saying a word, Itachi gently traced the side of his slumbering companion's face, her skin soft and smooth to the touch.
Flaxen hair was drawn away from her features, coming to rest behind her ears, leaving her expression open to interpretation. Instead of the cheery smile that she normally wore on her rosebud lips, the smile that so easily lit up her bright blue eyes - though one should bear in mind that this joyful countenance could just as easily shift to an angered one ā€“ a look of peace was laid carefully across her features. A sense of serenity emanated from her sleeping figure, a concept one would have found amusing if they knew this ball of energy personally. And how could they not?
It was different, a state only seen when she was in the relaxing embrace of slumber, but it was not exactly an unwelcome change.
Fingers slid to the side of her neck, his touch a caress.
For he loved her for who she was, flaws and all.
He knew that if she was awake, just about everyone was susceptible to her shifts in behaviour - and they were not subtle shifts either. A social butterfly, she was never really one to keep to herself; she can normally be found flitting from one person to another, be it to say "Hi", to indulge in some chatter, or to catch up on gossip. But just like she was expressive in her cheeriness, she was expressive in her anger as well. Never shy when it came to her emotions ā€“ save for sadness, which she normally canvassed with anger ā€“ and opinions, she was certainly a colourful individual. She was not one to stay down for long, always easily able to pick herself up and find her feet.
Such a steep contrast to himself.
And yet-
His hand slid down further, only stopping at her hip. A tug, and she was pulled closer, her chest meeting his own. As sleep finally sank into him, he nudged his nose against the crook of her neck, reveling in that familiar scent, eyelids fluttering shut. The long-haired Uchiha was comfortable, heart content, even if this was a scene that had been played out nearly every day for the past five years of his relationship with Yamanaka Ino.
-They fit.
And he would not change a single thing about her.
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itameow Ā· 9 years
Ino: Happy Father's Day.
Itachi: But I'm not a father.
Ino: :)
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itameow Ā· 9 years
ItaIno: Exploration
Pairing: Itachi/Ino
Genre: Romance/General
Rating: M
Summary:Ā Uchiha Itachi isn't always uptight and conservative. Sometimes he can be a bloody tease. Short, written for a 100 themes challenge.
For today, the tables had turnedā€”at long last.
Hands closed over exposed hips, it wasn't long before the sheer blouse she wore was soon discarded to the floor, thereby baring more skin to the long-haired Uchiha, who was currently making work with the line of her neck. Knees sinking into the bed sheet, creases, crevasses and rivulets coursed along the soft material as Itachi continued with his exploration of her body, his usual gentility interwoven into his very gestures, loving. A hint of hesitation, and an almost experimental quality accompanied this, all of which only heightened as the intimacy of the situation deepened; a result of the newness of this particular experience.
Hardly surprising, considering how long it had taken the pair of them to reach this point. With Itachi being the reserved man that he was, he had always preferred taking a much slower, relaxed route when it came to relationships.
A stark contrast to that of Yamanaka Ino, and this certainly showed at the beginning of their acquaintanceship, where she would be the one who would initiate interactions more often than he did.
Yet it had all worked out all the same; both Itachi and Ino managing to find a pace that they could delegate themselves to.
With her arms locked around his neck, her breath hitched when warm lips left feather-light touches along her cleavage- the last one lingering teasingly mere millimetres away from the laced edge of her brassiere before he then withdrew to direct his attention elsewhere.
An action that did not fail to make the blonde pout. Even during such a time, he still found a way to tease her now, didn't he?
"Itachi-san!" she whined. Quite the emphasis was placed on the honorific, the florist choosing to draw it for a second or two longer. Of course, it only caused the lightest shade of amusement to tint dark eyes- honestly, if that man wasn't so adorable, Ino would have long thrown a multitude of fits at him. More than she already did. "Stop being so stingy!"
"Stingy?" he repeated, in that frustrating fashion of his.
Fingers now resting on the center-front of her brassiere, Itachi noted that the metal of the clasp was cool against his skin. There was a pause at first- then, a soft click, and the material was unclasped. This too joined her floral-patterned blouse on the floor. If Ino hadn't been aware of just how intimate the direction they were heading is, then she certainly knew of it now, her impatience quelled for the moment by a sudden wave of shyness. Something that was most unusual for the normally forward female; and it was a sight that was mostly reserved for Itachi, who had a way of easily eliciting such a reaction from her. It was only a matter of time before the rest of fabric that obscured her body from the hips down would then be removed from sight.
-And almost as though he had heard this line of thought, his hand slipped downward, thumb slipping under the band of her final piece of lingerie, perhaps to hint as to what would soon occur should they continue, before he then tugged her forward, their hips meeting. Needless to say, it was an action that effectively heated the air between them by several notches.
"That is quite the exaggeration, don't you think?"
It was nice to note that in spite of how calm he appeared, with his dark hair framing his face and strands of it falling across equally dark eyes, that mild playful note that had inflected his tone, as well as his even breathing, his cheeks did warm some. The shade that was a result of said warmth was difficult to miss, the colour endearing. Almost instinctively, she slid her hand onto his chest, just over his heart, the shirt he wore only slightly unbuttoned.
It seemed that Yamanaka Ino was not the only one who was affected by it all.
"I want your shirt off," she finally commented bluntly, picking at the article of clothing.
A statement that caused Itachi to blink, before he then succumbed to a string of gentle, near inaudible laughter. Dipping his head low, he nuzzled the crook of her neck, nose nudging against bared skin, and it was only by chance that Ino managed to catch the soft utter of "Be my guest"- words that were promptly followed by her hips being tugged closer still to his own, the heat building. Instantaneously, the colour on her cheeks deepened. Trust her annoying boyfriend to blow that sudden surge of boldness away in a single effective move.
Indeed, Uchiha Itachi certainly took enjoyment in teasing her.
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itameow Ā· 10 years
Don't chase the rabbit!
Send me ā€œDonā€™t chase the rabbitā€ and your muse will be shown a random memory from my museā€™s past.
"Okaasan, why did you name me Itachi?"
It had never been a concept that bothered the boy, not even after he had learned what his namesake symbolized.
All it had done was pique his curiosity, and to an extent, confuse him. He knew his mother loved him, there was no need to question this. What he wanted to know was why. For someone as loving as his mother, it was a bit unusual.
Unfortunately, the majority of their familyā€™s acquaintances did not quite share the calm approach Itachi did. They normally expressed shock, horror, and at times, sympathy, whenever his name was introduced.
Uchiha Mikoto paused stroking the boyā€™s hair then, quiet.
Her smile softened, and so did her kind eyes.
Sensing that perhaps he had crossed a line, Itachi hesitated. He was about to open his mouth and tell her that she neednā€™t answer, when-
"ā€¦ Itā€™s because I love you," she finally said.
Itachi grasped the edge of his blanket a little tighter, curiosity reflected in wide eyes as he listened to her.
She seemed to be choosing her words very carefully.
"You were born during aā€¦ difficult time." Ever affectionate, she resumed stroking his hair. What she had said was true. So much that at the time, many saw that it was a hindrance for a kunoichi to bear a child. It meant less power in the military forces. "I wanted to show that despite it all, I would always love you no matter what happens- and that I would never think about you in that way. Not now, not ever, not in the least."
Hand coming to fondly rest against the side of his face, Mikoto leaned in and kissed him on the forehead.
"You are my pride and joy, Itachi. Now, get some rest, sweetheart. Sleep well."
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itameow Ā· 10 years
Don't chase the rabbit.
Send me ā€œDonā€™t chase the rabbitā€ and your muse will be shown a random memory from my museā€™s past.
Otousan had always been rather distant. This was nothing new to the young Uchiha Itachi, large eyes wide as he contemplated on what to give to his father.Ā 
Uchiha Fugaku was not unkind, the boy knew this. ā€¦ Well, yes, his father was strict, intimidating, quick to anger, and at times, dismissive even, but he loved his family dearly. Hisā€¦ affection was different from Okaasanā€™s warmth.
All the same, as Mikoto held and kissed the little boy, evidently moved by the gift of flowers he had presented to her, Itachiā€™s attention could not help but be momentarily steered towards the middle-aged man who sat in the corner of the room.
Fugakuā€™s gaze had risen from printed text to witness the sceneā€” and upon meeting his sonā€™s stare, lowered his eyes to the document yet again.
Later that day, when he knew his father was fast asleep in his study, Itachi crept in as quietly as he could, and left a few fresh flowers in the vase on the desk. They were the same types Itachi had given to his mother too.
All the while, Fugaku continued to rest, exhausted from the numerous nights of endless work.Ā 
Smiling, Itachi kissed his father on the cheek, lightly now, before disappearing from the room.
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For the boy loved his father dearly too. He wouldnā€™t have any other for the world.
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itameow Ā· 10 years
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The celebration of oneā€™s date of birthā€¦ It was not an occasion that Uchiha Itachi held highly for himself - it was merely another day for him - but that did not mean it ought to be the same for everyone else.
More so for someone so young, innocent still to many aspects of the world.
Which was why, when the child shyly approached him with a single, simple request, Itachi did not deny her.
ā€¦ That being said, obtaining his agreement did take a moment or two. He was not accustomed to doing so for anyone but his beloved little brother.
But sing, he did.
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And he did so with a gentle hand set atop her head at the very end. Hopefully, it was to her liking.
May she enjoy prosperity and many years to come.
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