ismellbitches · 6 hours
Reblog if your ask box is always open for chatter.
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ismellbitches · 20 hours
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Ulysses dies at dawn,,, At least, that’s the word on the street from those what saw what went down at Calypso’s,,
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ismellbitches · 20 hours
jrwp dono drawing
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used pinterest ref Like trust i still go here
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ismellbitches · 1 day
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ismellbitches · 4 days
Do you think William ever played night in the woods?
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yea, i think he would :)
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ismellbitches · 4 days
hi guys can you tell im incredibly normal about this show
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art block was starting to hit like a truck so i finished an old doodle sheet i started. only a months difference but it’s cool to see how my style/coloring has changed even since then ^__^ bottom left is ‘old’ while the rest of the sheet is new
closeups below cut
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edit: forgor marks fucking lizard scales in this last doodle. ignore that ^__^
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ismellbitches · 4 days
whos up for a ROUND 2 for the Riptide Minibang!! the hiatus got extended and it was just enough time to go for a round 2 for whoever might have missed out on the first one!
The sign up forms for round 2 of the Riptide mini-bang are now OPEN! Cant wait to see what everyone comes up with!!!!
Beta Readers:
Pinch Hitters:
ALSO! Heres the updated website with the new schedule!!
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ismellbitches · 5 days
GAH. this is all canon, trust me im Riptide.
I think one of the most important aspects of Chip’s character is how he handles the loss of those he loves. I find it really interesting that you bring up the Feywild arc, because when Gillion goes missing, Goobleck shows up. But he’s not fawning over him, trying to replace what he had lost with Gillion. He had just kept telling himself Gillion was okay, because it’s a pattern for Chip to lose the people he loves and just not let go until he’s found closure. I wonder if he ever did that for Reuben. After burning down Skullslice, he’d secretly imagine him digging himself out of the rubble, ready to find Chip and apologise. Maybe Chip would linger on islands in the southern sea a little longer than usual, just to see if Reuben had caught up to him, but then leaving just as quickly because he doesn’t want to think about what will happen if he does. Maybe he dreams about those nights when it was just them against the world, and Reuben promises everything he wants to hear. Promises to be a better brother. To love him even if he couldn’t kill again. Promises for all the pain, fighting and abuse to stop. I wonder how many nights he sat alone on the Big Chipper, drifting again, unattached, unloved and alone, just pretending the Black Rose and Reuben were with him.
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So normal about chip and Reuben rn… so… so normal. So normal about how Chip’s relationship with Reuben was shaped by his time on the Black Rose. Because, beforehand chip was an orphaned child who had never experienced familial bonds before. Then, for a beautiful moment, everything was perfect; he had a family and a crew and a place to belong in a world that had never had room for him. Then, the hole in the sea happened, leaving him alone and yearning again on skullslice. Enter Reuben, all sharp angles and hard edges from a life of just getting by. But, he said he loved him. He said he’d loved him and Chip had only ever been loved once before, so surely it was worth it? For so long Chip chased what he had on the black rose, begging for that scrap of fleeting belonging back. And he tried so hard to find that in Reuben. Because surely being knocked down was okay, as long as the one person left that still loved him stayed.
Sorry this is really incoherent. It’s like 12am where I am BUT GRAHFVRBREH. I miss the rat bastards soooo much.
👋👋 :DDD
HELLOOOOOOOO dude you are so right. I’m in the middle of a history final right now but all that’s on my mind is chip and price.
I think this outlines just like. A lot of what Chip’s motivations are as a character, yk? He spends the entire story chasing after the only people who ever loved him in the midst of loss and horrible conditions, and being so fragile around the idea of losing even more people (SEE: Gillion Feywild arc) and then clinging onto the people he has not lost (SEE: Drey in ep 52/53) to the point of diminishing his value as a captain because he wants things to be simple again (SEE: his constant saying of “let’s just find Arlin and he can be the captain, not me.”) He wants to be a kid, wants to be just a boy on a pirate ship with no responsibility on his shoulders.
Chip, fresh from the violent loss of the only people who ever loved him and gave him a chance to be more than a malnourished orphan, would have absolutely clung onto the first person who offered him the time of day.
At first, I dont think Reuben would have really taken care of Chip in the way he needs — how could he? He was also just an orphan, more preoccupied with feeding himself — but slowly they begin to rely on eachother. They share food, body heat in the winter, secrets, dirt on the other influential people in the city, and even play pretend about being brothers to make themselves feel better. Feel like they still have someone, something real.
It was happy at first, surely. They lived, they loved, they struggled — and then Reuben gets worse. He gets in some bad shit, starts to be eaten up by the need for power, the terrible, all-consuming terror that Chip will leave him the way everyone else (C. Rose) has. He clings on tighter, he retaliates every action of Chip’s that threatens their stability — gives even the tiniest hint he would leave — with fear, shouting, meltdowns; violence. Violence to a certain point that Chip no longer knows what to do with it, doesn’t recognize the boy that lies under his brother’s skin anymore.
Who’s behind the handle of that smoking gun, bullet buried in a local? Who made those fist-indents in the wall? Who cried and begged until Chip devolved too, promising not to leave again? Who gave him that black eye?
Not Reuben. Not his brother.
It’s that reason I think Chip stays for so long, clutching onto the memories of what they used to have, hoping desperately that if he just tries hard enough, he can get Reuben to be okay again.
Too attached and needy for the love that pours into his hands after another violent fight. Chip employs his promise not to leave, his tried, true method of laying down belly-up just to make it a little more bearable. Taking out his anger on other street-kids and getting into fights Chip knows damn well he will fucking lose, punching walls that will hurt his hands because it’s better than fighting back against his brother. His poor, paranoid, violent, used-to-be-happy brother.
Chip is not strong enough to forsake the love he needs and tear away. Reuben needs him, doesn’t he? He’ll never get better if Chip can’t man up, can’t stay and help.
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ismellbitches · 6 days
I love the wizard lizard, he works at Ikea
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ismellbitches · 6 days
prophecy class cancelled due to foreseen circumstances
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ismellbitches · 7 days
“It’s okay to not be okay”
Unless it impacts your work performance…
Or your grades
Or how you act
Or if it causes you to say no
Or if you’re harder to be around
Or if you need time alone
Or if you talk about it
Or show symptoms
“It’s okay to not be okay”
Unless you have trauma
Unless you have one of those “scary” mental illnesses
Unless it inconveniences me
Unless you’re undiagnosed
Unless you cry or scream or make a scene
Unless you don’t keep that shit to yourself
Unless you make me uncomfortable
Unless I can’t infantilize or fetishize you
Unless you have hallucinations
Unless you have psychosis
Unless you get angry
Unless I think you’re cringe
Unless you can’t preform hygiene tasks
Unless you’re disabled, or trans, or gay, or not white, or fat, or AFAB, or intersex, or a man… so I guess anyone
“It’s okay to not be okay”
As long as nobody ever finds out.
Our society has a severe issue with performative activism, and mental health is a huge example of this. Every time someone considers reaching out, they run through this list mentally. This is why true activists and resources need to be loudly supportive of all the things on this list. Take the subtext out of your support.
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ismellbitches · 7 days
you wouldnt last an hour in the asylum where they raised me
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ismellbitches · 7 days
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this guy thought about dakota cole for too long point and laugh
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ismellbitches · 7 days
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it came to my realization that 99% of my fandom related headaches would be cured if everyone understood this
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ismellbitches · 8 days
Listen to The Magnus Protocol, we have:
Samama Khalid, not yet killed by his curiousity because he is the main character
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Alice Dyer, who is okay, trust her
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Celia Ripley, a single mother with no secrets whatsoever
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Colin Becher
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Gwendolyn Bouchard, expertly handling her new externals liaison duties
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And Lena Kelley, who has to somehow manage this shitshow
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ismellbitches · 9 days
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This is Taim and Tia, two young children living in Gaza with their sibling, mother, aunts, and grandparents (both of whom need medical attention).
A relative of theirs, Ramadan, is based in Belgium and is desperately raising funds for them so they and their family can survive and evacuate. They really need funds- even a donation as small as 5 euros helps!
Please donate if you can and share to help this family! This fundraiser is from @/el-shab-hussein's list of vetted fundraisers.
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ismellbitches · 9 days
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Happy pride to them specifically
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