isabeldumas · 4 years
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isabeldumas · 4 years
They called her naive for believing in the good in people. But she was just a loving soul, who thought that even monsters needed someone, who truly believed, they were angels once and they can be it again. And yes, maybe that was naive, but this world needed people like her.
Veronika Jensen  (via siikens)
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isabeldumas · 4 years
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isabeldumas · 4 years
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isabeldumas · 4 years
“These are all so gorgeous,” Isabel said slightly gawking at the display of jewelry on the table. It was an exchange event in hopes to raise some money for community members who were stuck in Underland. It was a tea event as well and with a plus one available to use, Isabel thought it’d be nice to invite Ella. The two hadn’t seen each other in a bit with their work schedules, so she thought it’d be a fun time to bond with one another. “Oh, I want them all! Maybe I should just call up Casper so he can send us money to splurge,” she joked. Isabel was never one to ask her boyfriend for money, no matter how much he would happily give to her at her own disposal.   @meliorist​
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isabeldumas · 4 years
“Mari! Hi babe,” she smiled embracing the woman. “You look so good. I love this dress on you.” Isabel had found Marigold to be a breath of fresh air. She was just such a beautiful and pure soul to be around and the Dumas was just grateful to have befriended her. “How are you? How’s Hazel doing?” It had been sometime with life getting in the way and what seemed like the constant havoc that was wrecking the town. Isabel was just glad they finally had time to get together over a meal. “Catch me up on everything!”  @marigoldilocks
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isabeldumas · 4 years
“Hey! Thanks for stopping by,” Isabel beamed as she looked up from the counter after the bell chirped, alerting the staff someone had entered the boutique. They were functioning at 75% their norm thanks to the mist, but Isabel was always thinking about the next few quarters than they currently were in. With a desire to revamp things a bit and upgrade their websites, she had reached out to Ari’s cousin hearing that the woman was a photographer. Not that their iPhones were sufficient at taking photos and uploading them to their social sites, if the brand was going to reach more people and evolve, they had to change up their strategy. “Why don’t you have a look around and tell me what you think? Can I grab you something to drink in the meanwhile?” @alanalopez
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isabeldumas · 4 years
“Well look who decided to drop in. How are you stranger?” she smirked as she was placing new jewelry on the stand of the boutique when Poppy rolled in. Isabel seen the woman around time and had always found the woman quite interesting. It seemed like she functioned on a different wavelength than most individuals in the city. She’d seen her back in the beginning of the year in the boutique and hadn’t seen Poppy around since then. “Been MIA huh?” @ofpixicdust​
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// JOHNNY ​:
Johnny had never been the type to look a gift horse in the mouth and he knew that the hospital did its best to keep up with the café there in-house. They tried to make sure that pastries were stocked and there was coffee available for visitors and staff alike. He just…wasn’t fond of it. Sure, it did the job when necessary and there was nowhere else to go, but if he had a break longer than ten minutes, he was going to run away. That’s just how it was. Today was really no different as he had snuck away to a coffee shop down the street. It wasn’t exactly the tops either, but at least it was better than what the hospital café served and he had been good. He deserved the treat.
So, after purchasing his hazelnut latte and a scone – because he deserved a treat – Johnny was feeling quite happy with himself, somewhat lost in his own little world until he saw a familiar face. It wasn’t that uncommon, not when you worked at a hospital and saw all sorts of people day in and day out, but he always acted as if it were some level of amazement when he ran into someone around Grimmbrook. Outside of his hospital staff buddies, his own siblings, and the childhood bonds from his youth, Johnny couldn’t say that he knew too many people well enough to consider them friends. Yet, still, whenever he ran into a familiar face, he did his best to put on his brightest smile.
“Hey! Stopping to get your caffeine fix too? You should grab a scone too, they smell great!”
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“Johnny, hi,” she smiled as she saw the ER nurse. They had grown up together in the same graduating class and whatnot. She’d always been cordial with everyone to the best of her abilities, but the two of them weren’t ever truly close friends. However, he had always been a kind, reliable, and nice guy and those traits only seemed to heightened as they entered adulthood. Last she saw of him was in the emergency room about a week before the mist hit, when her father collapsed at home out of exhaustion. She had ran into the ER frantic, to be met by the Miu who was overseeing her father in one of the pods. Johnny had been of great comfort, more than he probably realized. Especially being that no one she was close to really knew what was happening when it came to this sector of her life. “Actually tea,” she chuckled. She had ran out of the ones she liked that she brought over from her apartment while staying at Casper’s and he did not have anything worth drinking. So on her walk over, she pre-ordered her drink for pick up and happily helped herself to grabbing her drink. “Shoot, what flavor did you get? Oh, and how are you doing?” 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// ARIELA ​:
Ariela shook her head, laughing again. It was a funny thought; Noah Cameron reduced to having to use a ruler to measure himself when no one was looking- an ego that fragile. It was almost fitting. Only someone that desperate would harm and belittle his own step-daughter. She’d have to commit the joke to memory to tell Ella later. She might get a good laugh out of it too, if nothing else. “Tell you what. I’ll hire you on as my own personal men repellent. That way only the confident guys get in and you can tell the peacocks to beat it. Best of both worlds.”  
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She guessed the girl was better at spotting them than she was. Except perhaps for the one Isabel was dating herself. But Ariela wasn’t about to bring that up.
“Hey, I mean I’m just saying I wouldn’t be quite receptive to their tactics, doesn’t mean you aren’t,” she shrugged. Isabel felt like she had quite a different type then Ariela. So much so that never in a million years did she think she’d end up with the likes of Casper Du Pont. Yet, she was happily content in their relationship and wouldn’t have it any other way. The bartender was so much more a free spirit than Isabel could ever be. It was admirable, being able to move around in such a constant state. Sometimes, she wished it were just that simple and she had the luxury to maneuver in life like her friend. Nonetheless, her friend deserved to find someone who brought joy to her life just as much as she did to everyone else’s. “What’s your type anyways? Who should remain on the radar to detect whether they have the go-ahead or not.” 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// JOSEPH ​:
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He nodded his head in agreement. He could be crafty when he wanted to be. He hid his affair. He hid the illegal work he did on the side. Outwitting people had become second nature. 
Joseph took a seat in his desk chair but spun so that he was facing her. He touched his elbows to his knees and leaned his head his palms as he listened to what Isabel had to say. Though as she started talking, he sat back in his chair, surprise etched all over his features. “What?” There were so many parts to process. He mentally broke it down bit by bit. First, her dad was sick. He knew people weren’t invincible, but he’d known the man as long as he’d been in this town. “How long have you known? I’m sorry to hear that.” He knew those words wouldn’t make it any better, but he was unsure of what else he could say. His mind shifted to think about the money that would amount to. If this were a cartoon, he would have dollar signs in his eyes. Money was the thing that motivated him in life, and while he was sorry to hear about Mr. Dumas, the thought of those earnings made him feel better. “That’s so generous of him. Like I could invest it in here?” He pointed to the building surrounding them. He wondered why he chose him, but he wasn’t going to question it out loud. 
“Umm...a few months now,” she said wiping the tears she hadn’t realized were cascading down her face. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to dump all of this on you Joe.” Isabel had been holding it in for so long as she waited for Mauricio to process his illness and make a proper decision for himself. He’d come to it this past week and now it was time for her to come to terms with it. Her father wanted to be left alone and didn’t care to be a lab rat for nobody. He wanted his humanity to remain intact and didn’t feel like being deteriorated by some medication that may or may not save his life. Taking a deep breath she nodded at his question. “Yup. You have $25,000 coming your way in the future. He loved your grandfather so much and sees you like a son. So he wants you and the business to be okay.” Her father often joked if they weren’t so close to the Maddox family that he would have placed a bid to have his Isabel be married off to Joseph, knowing full well that he was a man of integrity and a hard worker. That much Isabel could agree with undoubtedly. “I mean if you want to blow it all away in Vegas that’s always an option,” she joked trying to lighten the situation a bit. 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// IDA ​:
Ida exhaled slowly, looking down to the ground as she crossed her arms; while her mother had, essentially, given up living in the wake of Kate’s death, she couldn’t imagine her actually leaving, disappearing forever, as odd as it sounded. She didn’t know what advice to offer Isabel when it seemed as though her father had already decided, had chosen to give up. “Have you explained to him how you’re feeling about this? How his leaving might affect you?” Ida didn’t want to tell Isabel to plainly guilt her father, but he did, to some degree, have an obligation to his daughter, at least in Ida’s opinion and when she was taking such dutiful care of him. Idly, Ida wondered did maybe that’s why he was so keen to just abandon hope–his love and concern for Isabel overshadowing his own health and well-being. At the mention of Casper, Ida couldn’t help but bristle slightly–while she knew Isabel cared for him, the nature of the origin of their relationship made her uncomfortable, to say the least. “How has Casper been handling it? Your father, I mean.” Considering their skirmish, she couldn’t imagine he had much empathy.
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“Yeah...we had a long conversation about it with a family friend mediating,” she chuckled running her hand through her hair just thinking about the absurdity of it all. Her dad was at peace with the situation and all Mauricio wanted was his daughter to respect that and move on with her life. She couldn’t help but wonder if this decision was out of spite towards her for fraternizing with the enemy as he would like to say. Isabel knew her father had given her the world and the last thing she wanted to do was spend these moments with him bickering and not just enjoying the blessings of still having him around. 
“It’s complicated,” she sighed. When her father found out she was dating Casper, to say he was irate was an understatement. For so long he had seen the Du Ponts as the enemy, and reasonably so. However, Isabel didn’t share the same perspective which made him more angry than anything. Mauricio thought his daughter was simply being taking advantage of by Casper in retaliation for her father swinging at him. Isabel didn’t believe it to be true. Not now at least. “They don’t mention the other when I’m around. I just hate being in the middle and just wish they could at least be cordial with one another you know?” The last thing she wanted was to put the two of them into the room and having to pick a side. So for the last few months she never brought up the others name when in the presence of her boyfriend or her father. “I’m so royally fucked.”
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isabeldumas · 4 years
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“Thank you,” she gave Isabel a small but appreciative smile as she led the other woman out of the kitchens and to her office. Winifred lived a life of before and afters. Before her father died and after. Before her life changed and after. Before when she was Grimmbrook’s darling, a princess sitting on a throne, giving to those in need, taking care of her community. After when she was maintained the image knowing her throne had been stolen, knowing what she gave to those in need, what she did for the community would be for nothing if Carrie had anything to say about it. 
Isabel fell into the before of her life, when she had friends, however casual, and people she saw daily, in social circles and through work. People who she could laugh with, get drinks with, be somewhat herself with. Those people were few and far between now because, for the most part, Winifred couldn’t afford the distractions that friendships brought. “I didn’t even think of that. Hmm,” she glanced briefly at some of the paintings lining the hallway to the office and pushed open the door to let Isabel in. 
“Do you think you could do some sort of benefit? Something for those in Underland affected by all this? Kind of a two-for-one, help the boutique and help others?” However far removed she was from truly feeling connected to the charities she’d helped established, Winifred still had a keen eye for events. “I’m alright – things haven’t been too busy but enough that not having the employees her live in Underland able to come in has put everyone into a bit of overtime. Myself included,” she hazarded a laugh, tossing the dish towel she’d used to dry her hands on her desk. “Are you alright?” Winnie asked, sharp eyes taking in Isabel with a raised brow,  “You don’t usually stop by.” Not that she minded, but it wasn’t typical. 
“You’re welcome.” To say the woman didn’t become more stoic after her father’s death was an understatement. It was as if she was a shell of her former self, now plastered by their work and nothing more. Not that Winifred had never been reserved growing up, now it was like you had to walk on your tip toes around her. It was sad and Isabel hoped her demeanor and heart wouldn’t change in such a manner when the time finally comes for her father. 
At the mention of the boutique helping out, she didn’t know what more she could give. “What did you have in mind?” Sure they were doing fine, but they  were a small business still reeling from the affects of the earthquake. Of course Isabel would help out her community in a heartbeat if she could, but she also had to keep the boutique afloat as well as pay her employees despite the decreased flow and purchases. “Yeah I know how that feels,” she nodded in complete understanding. Even though she wanted to scream and freak out, that was only saved behind closed doors in the recess of her bathroom. She couldn’t break a sweat in front of her employees, for she was their fearless leader. “Oh, well I was just picking up an order for my dad. But I did want to ask, do you know anything or could connect me with someone for investing in new property around here?” If her dad was leaving $50,000 of his wealth to her, she wanted to put it to good use. 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// SOPHIA ​:
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“Oh, that’s okay. Truth is it’s probably better for my bank account that you didn’t.” Sophia didn’t hide the fact she wasn’t exactly rolling in money. She worked hard for her paycheck and it was well budgeted afterward; she only had a little for luxuries and even that would get less as she paid for the gas hungry car she’d bought recently. “But you’re always welcome to join me at the farmers market.” A lot of Sophia’s apartment was filled with items she’d bought at it, but she also regularly bought fresh fruit and vegetables there for lower rates than at the grocery store.  
“I’m doing my masters in history. Honestly? I’d love to work in a museum, to even run one one day. But even something like historical archiving sounds right up my ally.” She stopped to sip her drink, almost having forgotten it as they talked. The other seemed more interested in the conversation than she expected; they came from different walks of life, Sophia had judged her too quickly as to thinking Isabel only interacted with people from hers.
“Have you lived anywhere else? Did you always want to have your own store here?” She asked, wanting to know more about the women in front of her than their few quick interactions as housekeeper and guest. It wasn’t every day she was invited to have drinks with a pretty girl; at least not beyond her usual friend circle. “Got to keep the patriarchy going somehow” she joked, though where was the lie?
“Well I am definitely agreeable to the farmer’s market always!” Isabel had loved going to the market every Saturday with her mom growing up. Not just to buy items, but it was just great socializing with their community members and playing around with the other kids. It’s something she tried to go to at least once a month, now that her schedule was busy with running a boutique as well as balancing her other obligations. “Have you gone to Cecelia’s stand? She make the best homemade fruit jellies, marmalades, and spreads in the world. I am convinced,” she laughed. Isabel tried to poach her apricot peach flavor recipe from the woman, but they wouldn’t cave. 
“Wow, that’s amazing Sophia!” It was great to always learn about people’s passions and loves for life, especially when it was quite different from her own. Isabel didn’t mind history classes growing up, but she held a lot of respect for people who were able to process all that information and knowledge. There was so much to know and she felt like many of them took it for granted. “Any specific museum? Or any opportunity would be a dream?” Having gone to New York for college, Isabel soaked up all the chances to visit the museums and revisit them at least once a year while she was attending to her studies. It was marvelous and so incredibly eye opening. 
“Well, I’m technically adopted. So I’ve been all over the country, but not really getting a chance to see much, you know?” It wasn’t until she was eight that she was adopted by Mauricio and Ester Dumas here in Grimmbrook. “But I grew up in Underland since I was eight. Went to New York for school, so I guess that’s the only other place I’ve lived temporarily.” Isabel initially had wanted to go out to the West Coast after graduation, but knowing her father hadn’t been the same since her mother passed, she returned home for him. However, she moved into Neverland, although visiting her childhood stomping grounds on the regular thanks to her dad. Underland would always be home no matter what. “Um, I wouldn’t say I wanted a store here to be exact. I thought I was gonna go to Seattle, but plans changed and so opening up shop here is what happened, you know?” 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// LILY :
“No more than usual.” Lily shook her head, looking out the passenger window. She stiffened, clenching her teeth when the engine started. “I mean, I got one, but it’s more like ID anyway. For the bars, you know. It’s fine, though, no reason to worry about insurance, gas, and I’m saving the planet…”
It wasn’t the truth, but they were all technically true. Lily trailed off, glancing anxiously into the all the mirrors and trying not to show for it.
“You’re an angel - you know that?” Lily dug around her bag and maintained eye contact with Isabel’s reflection. “A little. Why don’t you pick the place and I’ll worry about paying? Since you’re going through the trouble and all. I’m not picky. So yeah, I’ve been staying at Cor’s - Cordelia’s - lately, ‘cause of the growing fog, you know the deal or, really, whoever’s couch is available to crash on. Like I said, not picky.” The topic had been on her for so long, her cheeks flushed red. “How are you doing these days?”
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“Yeah I guess I never thought of it that way. Good list of pros of not having a vehicle.” She personally liked having the luxury of a car. Especially before things went south around town. Isabel frequently went out of town with one of her employees to scout and curate items from neighboring towns for the boutique. Plus, it gave them more of an assortment of food options which was a bonus. “Oh stop,” she chuckled dismissing Lily’s comment with a hand. It was nothing that she wouldn’t do for any of her other friends. “Sure, the diner’s not too far from here.” At the mention of Cordelia, she couldn’t help but smile. That woman was honestly a godsend and it humored her how she was siblings with Casper sometimes. “Isn’t Tyler Decker staying there too? How’s he as a roommate?” Tyler was certainly a character and she could only imagine him freaking out from the two of them going into the Underland, per her request, to scout things out. “I’m doing okay I guess. As good as I can be considering everything, you know?”
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isabeldumas · 4 years
Somehow there had been someone willingly to give her a hand when she was down and out, ignoring everything that had happened in the past few years and gave her the job that she currently had which might not have been the best in town but it was better than some of her more troubling thoughts. “It’s not easy, not at first, that’s for sure. I think it took me a few months before I wasn’t sore after every show, but only because I had some of the other girls help me at the time,” she admitted, ones like Esme that continued to help her even today with private workouts and classes back at her studio. “Alternatives that aren’t as glamorous.” Danielle shrugged, the emptiness in her tone was as far as she was going to touch on the subject when things weren’t as dire as they had been despite the growing concern with the mist moving across town. “That’s… I don’t know what to say, that’s incredibly kind considering that you don’t ― know me.” If she did, then maybe the other wouldn’t be so open and kind enough to offer her a job at her store, not after one class together. “You don’t have to do that though. I’ve got enough with the club, as long as the mist doesn’t move any more into town than it already has.”
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“Well no matter what people say, it’s an impressive feat and you may just have to be my new workout partner so I can build a stronger core,” she chuckled as the entered the establishment. Moving to a vacant table, she put her things to the side before quickly introducing Danielle to the rest of the group from the class. After everyone exchange their hellos, she sat down next to Danielle. “Hmm, well if it’s not favorable, then I’d agree in staying clear of any of those options.” Isabel couldn’t even begin to think what those options could be, but the woman seemed way to kind and level-headed to involve herself with such thing. However, people tended to lose their sense of judgment when things were tight and they got desperate. “I feel like I’m good at making good judgments of people and you seem pretty okay in my eyes.” Isabel honestly didn’t think she could get anyone worst than Luke. Not that he didn’t do a decent job, but the fact that he stole from her left her a bit sour. However, she still felt like her judgment was intact and that he always meant well. “Yeah, that’s crazy. Sorry, I never asked, how long have you been in Grimmbrook?” There were a handful of people who stayed and many who came and went. The woman did look familiar, but Isabel wasn’t quite sure. 
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isabeldumas · 4 years
// DANIEL ​:
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“Sounds like a plan.” He didn’t doubt that they would see each other again. It was rather hard to avoid people in Grimmbrook much to his dismay. “Powdered sugar, Oreo crumbs, and icing?” He repeated. “That’s about the craziest thing I’ve ever heard.” He was teasing because that did sound delicious. Now, Daniel was craving a donut or even an Oreo. He certainly had a sweet tooth. It felt nice to get to indulge every once in a while. It wasn’t a healthy habit but it was a good way to treat himself after a long day. “Thanks again.” His hand drifted to his pocket where his wallet was resting. Usually, as he waited for his drink, he tossed it from hand to hand. It was strange not to have it out. He looked out at the people sitting around. Some were working while others were chatting with their friends. For a moment, he imagined if he wasn’t a police officer and was working some kind of desk job. It was nice to imagine, but it could never be anything more than a fantasy. “I’m doing the best that I can given the circumstances.” He wasn’t great, but he wasn’t sick for them mist. “I’ve been lucky which is a lot more than other people can say.” 
“Well that just means once the borders open up again I’ll have to drive to the next town over and bring you a whole box of said specialty doughnuts.” It was a place her parents discovered upon returning back to Grimmbrook from a family vacation about twenty years ago. It was some of the best doughnuts she’s ever had. Her attempts to recreate it did not come in comparison at all. “Yeah of course,” she said offering a small smile as they continued waiting. Daniel was nothing but a kind man and she genuinely wanted nothing but the best for him. Despite her father being the reason they met, she was thankful that he remained cordial and didn’t hold the situation over her head. “Yeah, definitely. It’s all about perspective right?” With that their orders were called out. Isabel moved over to fetch both of theirs, handing Daniel his while she grabbed onto hers and moved onto the condiments station. “Well, it was nice to see you. I’m sure I’ll see you around and if I do, I am holding you to that drink, yeah?”
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