isaacvulture · 8 hours
Have you ever realized that you clicked on a scam link a while ago, e.g. in a mail?
Yes, and it was bad
Yes, but so far no visible change (🤞)
It's... not impossible but now I'm unsure
I'm 100% sure I never clicked on a link that was a bad link
Mandatory other/ see results button
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isaacvulture · 8 hours
Do you wash your hand soap?
Yes, liquid/foam soap in a disposable dispenser, wash dispenser
Yes, liquid/foam soap in a non-disposable dispenser, wash dispenser
Yes, bar soap, I wash the soap
Yes, bar soap, I wash the holder
Yes, bar soap, I wash both
Yes, different kind of soap?
No, different kind of soap?
I don't have any hand soap
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isaacvulture · 8 hours
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isaacvulture · 9 hours
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isaacvulture · 10 hours
after gathering results and getting the top four from my first poll, i present the final poll to get our two winners...
i'll return in another week to present our two winners! reblog to get more samples and to allow more people to take part!
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isaacvulture · 2 days
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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isaacvulture · 2 days
✨ Please reblog the polls to make them reach out to as many people as possible, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people listen to the music with an open mind 💖 Artists and titles will be revealed after the poll's conclusion, check the original post for an update! ✨
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isaacvulture · 3 days
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Inspired by.
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isaacvulture · 5 days
**this does not include high school plays, unless your high school let anyone from the community audition and join the cast.
*1 mile or 2 km (i know that's not the conversion rate, but i figured it would be simpler than 1.60934 km, or even 1.5 km).
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isaacvulture · 6 days
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It's time to admit I do find Dr. poison plant attractive. Sorry, it's that voice man, I can't help it. I wish he had more screentime and/or a backstory.
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isaacvulture · 6 days
Americans be like: My grandpa 😠😠😠 served in the Korean War 😠😠😠 and killed 9 people 😠😠😠 to fund his college degree in clownery 😠😠😠 Respect him or leave the country 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬
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isaacvulture · 6 days
I’m trying to gauge whether what I consider a normal length hospital stay is, well, normal
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isaacvulture · 6 days
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isaacvulture · 6 days
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isaacvulture · 7 days
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isaacvulture · 7 days
so if they ever do one….
ill make another poll with this poll’s top four (+suggested characters if there is a lot) a week later to get our two most wanted! reblog for more samples!
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isaacvulture · 7 days
Cw for killing animals, pregnancy(?)
AITA for drowning my cats four kittens?
This sounds bad at first I know. My cat is usually not an outdoor cat but ran away in February and came back pregnant. I was looking for people to adopt the kittens since I found out she’s pregnant (which was too late for her to get spayed or aborting)(she now is getting spayed soon). The kitten were born in April and no one was found even over a week later so my dad drowned them in a rain barrel in the garden.
A friend of mine with cats who I asked several times if she wanted a kitten asked yesterday (so sadly two weeks too late) if we still had the kittens and I told her about it. She like flipped out and said it’s inhumane and horrible to drown kittens and I should have kept them (I don’t have time or space for that!) have them to someone else (nobody wanted them!) or at least should have taken them to a shelter (I called both shelters around here and they’re full).
For context we had outdoor cats when I was younger and my dad and grandparents did too and it happened often that not yet spayed cats came home pregnant or even more commonly that some random cat just had babies in the garden, and when the kittens were still small and no one was found to care for them then it was just normal to kill them. So I don’t really see the problem because i didn’t want four new cats, that friend and many other people and the shelter declined, so really what else was I supposed to do with them?
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