iplaymatchmaker · 1 year
Sakyo x Izumi
Name: Ame no Monologue
Summary: After a heavy night of drinking, Sakyo makes a confession that leaves Izumi questioning her feelings and their relationship.
Warnings: Drinking I guess, this is mostly just fluff though.
Words: 4088
A/N: Let's pretend for a moment that I didn't dissapear off the face of the earth and appreciate that I finally sat down and wrote something.
Read on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43330416
“Ah, this is nice.” Izumi’s eyes were turned to the young autumn troupe members celebrating the success of their latest play, faces bright with the afterglow of a perfect closing night.
“Indeed” Sakyo allowed his gaze to linger on her, a grin spreading across her face as she shared in their joy. It had been quite the journey, but DEAD/UNDEAD was undoubtedly a rewarding experience for the troupe as well as the audience.
  Despite Sakyo’s skepticism about Azami joining the troupe, the boy proved himself truly passionate for the art of theatre, filling him with a sense of pride he probably had no right to be feeling.
“Here’s to many more successful productions!” Izumi turned back to Sakyo, glass raised high, threatening to spill wine all over the dorm’s balcony.
“I’ll drink to that.” Their glasses met, sealing their unspoken promises to continue working hard to make Mankai a success.
 After a few toasts were made with all the members, Izumi had suggested she and Sakyo step away for a glass of wine, as a moment away from the liveliness (chaos) transpiring inside. In spite of his best judgment, he couldn’t help but cherish the quite moments he got to spend with her, filling him with hope despite knowing his feelings were unrequited.
“Hey, Sakyo?” it was hard to remain composed when she looked at him with that smile of hers that he had long ago engraved in his memory. He took a long sip of his drink.
“I know you take your role as finance manager of the troupe seriously, but you should always remember that you’re part of this too. You helped make this play happen so, as your director, thanks for another amazing run!” The dignified thing to do in that moment would have been to smile and nod, but Sakyo’s throat went dry and the wine he had been drinking did backflips inside his throat.
“Sakyo! Are you okay?” Izumi’s hand shot up, throwing a few slaps to his back, trying to put the drink back on its course down his esophagus. The sudden contact seemed to have the opposite effect. As your director…
“I’m- It’s- fi-ine” he managed to say between coughs. Izumi didn’t seem convinced, insisting he drink some water.
“Be more careful! I’m going to need you if I’m to bring Mankai to new heights.” It was comments like this that made Sakyo’s heart skip a beat, making him momentarily forget that she could only ever be his director, or his coworker, depending on what role he was filling at any given moment. However, his logic would soon kick in to remind him to get his act together and stop acting like a teenager with a crush.
 He needed more wine.
“That’s - why it’s- imperative – to…” Before Sakyo could finish his admittedly broken sentence, his head fell on the table, a loud bang making everyone’s heads turn.
“Okay, I think it’s time for bed!” Izumi didn’t hesitate before pulling the drunken man up from his chair, trying her best to distribute his weight on her arms, practically carrying him towards his room.
“What’s up with him?” Banri was the first to notice Izumi passing by, her arms around his fellow troupe member.
“He had a little too much to drink.”  Omi, Taichi and Azami appeared from the stairwell, carrying more snacks.
“I thought he could handle his alcohol. Just how much did he drink?” Concern was written all over Omi’s face as he looked at Sakyo’s sorry state, head slumped and cheeks flushed.
“I’m not sure, I thought he would be fine but I guess even a yakuza has his limits.” She said, adjusting her grip on his shoulders.
“Should I take him to his room?” Omi offered, setting aside a plate of freshly cooked snacks.
“It’s okay, I got him. You guys enjoy your night, you deserve it after so many performances.” She was moving towards the stairs before anyone could protest.
“That stupid old man, getting drunk like that…” Azami’s words were mumbled as he looked at Sakyo with an exasperated expression.
 Izumi could still hear the liveliness of the party behind her as she led Sakyo downstairs, occasionally sneaking a look to his face. She realized then that she had never seen Sakyo more relaxed than now, half asleep in her arms. He had always kept her at arm’s length, as if he was afraid of getting too close.
 She pushed those thoughts away before the evolved into something she didn’t want to face and focused at the task at hand.
“What’s… happening?” His eyes seemed hazy when he looked at her, still heavy from the alcohol.
“You drank too much, that’s what happened. I thought you of all people would know your limits.” It was true that this was the last thing she had expected from him, although she wasn’t as upset as she sounded, mainly because she enjoyed seeing another side of the usually stern and professional yakuza.
“Izumi?” her words were clearly landing on deaf ears, his brain too fuzzy to process the situation.
“That’s right.” He shook his head as if he hadn’t heard her.
“Can’t be.. Izumi… never holds me… like this.” He sighed and his expression in that moment made Izumi see loneliness in his expression she hadn’t noticed before that night.
“Sometimes… I wish that she would.” Sakyo’s statement stopped her dead in her tracks, hitting like a bucket of cold water.
“S-Sakyo?” she tried to jolt him awake, make him explain why he would say this now, but he had fallen back in deep sleep and wasn’t budging.
 His words kept replaying in Izumi’s mind even after she had left him in his room and locked herself in hers, trying to make sense of her conflicting emotions.
 She wasn’t sure if the prospect of those being his honest feelings or a drunk mistake scared her more. She had wanted to avoid it, trying her best to equate her feelings towards him to those she held for all her troupe members, but it was evident that they went deeper than that. Despite this, she knew that a relationship between them could prove problematic for everyone else and she had always been against romance in the workplace. There were too many things at risk if something went wrong and she didn’t want to be the reason for tension among the autumn troupe members.
 One the other side, she was scared to think about Sakyo regretting his words in the morning and rejecting her. Of course, she would never admit her disappointment to him, but the thought of it hurt her more than she had thought possible for a relationship that hadn’t even blossomed yet. And never will.
 Izumi tried to prepare for the worst, not allowing her hopes to leave her disappointed.
 Sleep didn’t come easy that night.
“Was everything okay with Sakyo yesterday?” Omi asked as he and Izumi were preparing breakfast, before the members starting waking up. The mention of Sakyo’s name caught her off guard, almost making her drop the orange she had been carefully peeling.
“Of course! Why would anything be wrong?” She hated how defensive she sounded, causing Omi to appear more concerned than he had been previously.
“He just seemed pretty out of it. I wonder if he’ll wake up hangover…” He lowered his head, clearly wanting to question her outburst but having no desire to pry in classic Omi fashion.
“Speaking of, I bought some hangover pills earlier, can you make sure he takes them?” Izumi took the packet out of her pocket, offering it up to Omi, who didn’t seem convinced.
“Why don’t you give them to him yourself?” His tone was worried but he still took the pills off of her.
“Well, you know how I am, busy busy busy.” She tried to play it off with a smile but she had always been a ham actor and this was no exception.
“I don’t mean to pry, but are you sure nothing happened between the two of you?” Before Izumi was forced to come up with an excuse, the man himself walked into the room, looking slightly more pale than usual but much more put together than he had been the night before.
“Good morning.” His voice was still hoarse and it caused his words to play over in Izumi’s mind once again, triggering a flight response.
“I need to head out, I’ll see you later!” She pushed off her apron and rushed out of the room, not giving time to either men to question it.
“Is something wrong with Tachinaba?” Sakyo asked, looking at her disappearing down the corridor. Omi shrugged, gesturing to the hangover pills Izumi had left with him.
“I’m not sure… She told me to give these to you, make sure to take them.” Sakyo looked over the packet, his brain trying to piece together the events of last night but finding his memory failing him.
“I guess I pushed my limits too much… Did I do something last night?”  He had always prided himself in his ability to maintain control and had faith in his alcohol tolerance. He found it hard to believe both had failed him so much, but his fuzzy memories of the events left him questioning both of those things.
“As far as I know, you fell asleep and the director helped you back to your room. You seemed pretty out of it.” Sakyo’s eyes widened. Tachibana helped him to his room? Had he done something to upset her? Questions flooded his mind but he tried to keep them at bay, insuring himself that, no matter how much alcohol he had, he wouldn’t hurt her.
 This was also a notion he questioned in the following days.
“And that concludes today’s meeting. You’re dismissed.” The leaders said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, leaving Sakyo and Izumi alone for the first time in a few days.
“Since you’re here, we need to discuss Rurikawa’s request to increase the costume budget for winter’s next play. I don’t think-“ Izumi was standing up before he could finish his sentence.
“Sorry, I need to run, but I can take it up with Yuki personally.” And with that she was off, leaving him once again bewildered. During their time in Mankai they had developed a system that allowed them to work together to deal with any issues that came up. Their differences had always helped them come up with the best middle ground between practicality and creative freedom and that was something he appreciated from the beginning, but after autumn’s celebration she had been avoiding talking to him beyond the standard good morning.
 Sakyo tried to convince himself that it was simply a result of her packed schedule, but as the days went on it became evident that Izumi was purposely keeping a distance, which caused his nerves to worsen by the day. Just what had he done to cause such a rift?
“Sorry, I’m helping out at a friend’s troupe today, but you can discuss it with Tenma, he’ll know what to do.”
“Sorry, I need to get to the store before they close”
“I don’t think I can make it, I have some errands to run today.”
 This went on for a week before Sakyo’s patience reached its limit. The disconnect between them was evident and had begun to affect the preparations for winter’s next play, as well as their search for a new member.
 It was close to midnight when Sakyo encountered Izumi in the hall and decided to make a move.
“Tachibana! We need to talk.”
“Sorry, I’m-“ before she could run away from him again, he took her arm, pulling her towards him, pinning her to the wall in one swift motion. With his arms on either side of her head, he was effectively blocking her swift escape from the conversation. She was momentarily stunned, eyes staring at him in disbelief.
“S-Sakyo?” it was only then that we realized how close they were, making him pull back instinctively, his face growing flushed.
“I apologize for this. But we really need to talk.” She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, avoiding any eye contact.
“Did something happen?” It was rare to see Izumi, the same person who had eaten his ear off about shutting down a theatre troupe she wasn’t even a part of at the time, so shy in front of anyone, especially him. It was one of the things he loved about her.
“You’ve been avoiding me. I want to know why.” She didn’t seem surprised at his response, having expected that this conversation would need to happen one way or another.
“I’ve just been really busy and��” His glare must have stopped her from finishing whatever excuse she was going to throw in his face, leading to a deafening silence.
“Did I do something while intoxicated?” He was scared to hear the answer, the events of the last week having filled him with uncertainty about how much he could rely on his composure despite the effects of alcohol. His attraction to her could have led to him saying or doing something inappropriate, no matter how much he hated to think of that possibility.
“You mean you don’t remember what happened?” She asked, her shoulders dropping, releasing days worth of anxiety.
“That’s right, even though I’m ashamed to admit it…” His tone must have implied what he had been thinking prompting Izumi to shake her head.
“No, no, you didn’t do anything, you don’t need to worry! Even drunk you’re a gentleman and you were pretty much asleep when I took you to your room.” She was finally smiling again but he couldn’t help but think there was disappointment hidden behind it, hoping it was simply his paranoia talking.
“You don’t need to stress about it anymore. Um, you wanted to talk to me about finding a new member for the winter troupe?” On the outside it seemed that the issue was resolved, but the knot in Sakyo’s stomach was still there. Still, he ignored it, going back to work mode, hoping it would resolve itself soon.
 When Izumi tried to fall asleep that night she kept going back to the conversation she’d had with Sakyo. When she heard that he didn’t remember what he’d said she had been relieved that she wouldn’t have to face her own feelings, but she couldn’t help her disappointment, a part of her still hoping that that had been Sakyo’s truth.  No use dwelling on it now… It’s better this way.
 A few days later Sakyo’s and Izumi’s relationship had returned to normal, the pair working together in earnest to make up for a non-productive week.
  After the hiring –if you could call it that- of Guy, preparations for the Winter troupe’s play were underway, leaving Izumi busy with practice and Sakyo with distributing their funds.
 While Sakyo was happy that the issue had been resolved he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a piece missing in Izumi’s story.
  He was on his way to run some errands when the puzzle was completed in his mind by the last person he had expected to solve the mystery.
“Sakyo! “ Misumi appeared in front of Sakyo in an instant, almost like he had jumped from the first floor balcony (He probably had)
“Ikaruga? What do you want?” The younger man had a concerned expression on his face, a contrast to his usually aloof personality.
“It’s about the director.” He offered Sakyo one of the two onigiri he was holding but the older man refused, more concerned about what Misumi needed to tell him about Izumi that was so urgent. The boy took a bite of his snack before answering.
“Kazunari said I should tell you…” If Miyoshi is involved it can’t be anything good.
“Yes?” Sakyo felt himself getting impatient, prepared to give him and Miyoshi the scolding of their lives for worrying him over nothing.
“Remember when you drank too much and fell asleep? You looked a bit like this onigiri.” Sakyo nodded, fighting the urge to question how he resembled a triangle.
“You told the director that you wanted her to hold you more.” Sakyo was momentarily stunned, thinking that he must have misheard.
“Well, we weren’t sure if you were talking to her. It looked like you thought it was someone else.” As the realization that Misumi wasn’t joking hit him, his brain entered panic mode, connecting the dots between Izumi’s words and attitude for the days following the celebration. You don’t remember what happened?
 His expression must have turned murderous, because Ikaruga run away, finding shelter with Kazunari, who had been watching from afar.
“Don’t be like that, it wasn’t that big of an L. At least you didn’t have to get rejected!” One look from Sakyo and the two summer troupe members were retreating to the safety of the dorm, leaving him alone to process his thoughts.
 That was practically a confession, right? He had confessed to Izumi in the worst way possible. He had never wanted to confess in the first place, content to let his feelings live and die with him, having no desire to put her in an uncomfortable position and compromise their relationship and Mankai in the process. It had been this way since they met as children and he would have succeeded were it not for his nerves, leading to him drinking way beyond his limits. His self control often left him when it came to her, but he never thought it would be his undoing.
 Izumi had clearly decided to drop the topic when she discovered he didn’t remember what he’d said, putting the responsibility on Sakyo to decide whether or not the matter needed to be addressed. It should have been an easy decision. Izumi seemed to have forgiven him in the last few days and if he continued pretending he didn’t know it could stay that way.
 In spite of this, the idea of having to go on not knowing exactly how she felt, or even worse, her assuming he would say this to anyone while drunk filled him with dread, leading to a wave of anxiety as he considered his options.
 She had seemed relieved to know he had forgotten the event, but Sakyo still remembered seeing disappointment in her expression, quickly masked by a quick smile and wave of a hand. He tried to convince himself that it was wishful thinking, but hope once again found root in his heart as he thought about what this could potentially mean for them.
 He needed time to think.
 The rehearsals of winter’s new play had been keeping Izumi busy the past few days and despite Guy’s issues with self expression, there were no issues she thought herself incapable of solving. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, except one thing.
 Sakyo was avoiding her.
 It had only been a few days since they’d returned to their normal selves when one morning Izumi said her usual good mornings and he shut her off with a mumbled “I need to go to work.”
 She couldn’t think of anything that could have caused the shift, considering they’d been fine just the previous day. The issue became apparent when she tried to discuss the expected expenses for the costumes and set pieces, with him refusing to so much as look at her for more than a few seconds, let alone talk.
 Izumi couldn’t allow this to get in the way of their latest play and –though she tried to ignore this- it hurt her to see him unable to be in the same room as her. She needed to fix the problem at its root.
 She got her chance a few nights later, finally managing to corner Sakyo on his way to his room.
“Sakyo, we need to talk.” The man slowed down, but didn’t stop completing, likely hoping to seek refuge in his dorm.
 She wasn’t going to let that happen.
 Her hand wrapped around his before she could think too much about the consequences, pulling him towards her with as much force as she could master, which was not a lot, especially not for a yakuza like Sakyo. Still, it was enough to make him turn to face her for the first time in the past few days. He seemed stunned and his face was flushed, reminding her of that night.
“Stop running away from me.” She thought her was putting on her angry face but after a few seconds, Sakyo laughed, confusing her further.
“W-what are you laughing about?” It was rare to see Sakyo smile- let alone laugh and no matter how upset she was she couldn’t deny how good it looked on him.
“I’m sorry, this is just giving me déjà vu.” She was the reminded of the way Sakyo had cornered her a few days ago, almost exactly like this and couldn’t keep a laugh from escaping her.
 “We like to keep things complicated It seems.” Sakyo nodded, some of their past comfort with each other returning as the tension was somewhat relieved. Whatever it was, it wasn’t something they couldn’t fix.
“Sakyo, I told you the night of autumn’s closing night that I need you to achieve my goal of helping Mankai bloom into a successful troupe.” She paused, trying to calm her nerves.
“Whatever is going on with you, I’m sure I can find a way to fix it. I’m the director of a previously declining troupe, it’s what I do. So please, just talk to me.” Sakyo’s eyes widened, negating any thoughts he had of making excuses again. He took a few minutes to reflect before finally speaking up, seemingly resolved about something.
“I remember what happened that night… Well, I don’t remember but it was relayed to me.” It was the last thing she wanted to hear and it made her want to crawl into a hole and disappear into oblivion. She wanted to say something but the words wouldn’t come out and Sakyo must have taken that as her rejection.
“I apologize for making you uncomfortable. I hope this won’t impact our work relationship in the future, but if you want to keep your distance I -“ she couldn’t let him finish.
“Sakyo, wait.” She was still unsure, but she knew she would always regret missing her chance if she stayed silent.
“Were those your true feelings? Was what you said true?” She knew what the easier answer would be. They could go on acting like it had never happened and remain good friends. It would become a distant memory, surrounded by what ifs. Still, it wasn’t the answer she was hoping for.
“Yes.” When Izumi faced Sakyo’s violet eyes his conviction was clear. There was no hesitation, no ifs or buts. It was all Izumi needed to embrace her own feelings.
“I meant it when I said I need you, Sakyo, You’re important to me, more than you know. I admit I was shocked that night, which was why I tried to run away from confronting your words.” Izumi could see the resignation painted on Sakyo’s face, ready to accept her decision.
“But I was also happy.” He looked up at her, clearly surprised.
“I was scared that if I accepted this I would be risking the relationship we’ve established all this time, but looking at you now I don’t think I have anything to fear. I love you, Sakyo.” She was scared he would be taken aback by her confession, but she needed to make her feelings clear to him , needed him to see that this wasn’t settling or pity, but love. It had taken her time to accept it herself, but she didn’t want to ignore her heart any longer.
“Izumi.” He took a step towards her, hesitantly taking her face in his hands. Before she lost her nerve, she rose to her tippy-toes, pressing their lips together.
 She didn’t need sparks to fly to know that this felt right. Kissing him felt as natural as breathing and she wondered what she was so afraid of.
“I’ll try to make you happy, for as long as you’ll have me. I love you too, Izumi.” She buried her face in the crook of his shoulder, trying to hide her burning face. She could get used to this.
“Thank you.” Sakyo’s words were whispered as he looked at her face, so peaceful in her sleep.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
This is part of a trade with @kamesama !
The more of your info I read the more certain I got that his man is a close to perfect match for you, I hope I’m right! I tried to do something different from what I usually do for meet cute, so I hope it works.😅
I match you with
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One of the things Victor appreciates the most about you is your responsibility and ability to be assertive when it’s needed, both in the work environment and in your personal life. As an overall blunt person himself, your honesty is a breath of fresh air. The feeling is mutual of course, as his straight forward attitude makes him easy to trust.
For most of his life, Victor has been the one in control in all areas of his life. This creates the expectation that in a relationship he would be the leader, when in reality your dominant personality is what draws him to you in the first place. Though he doesn’t tell you often, he loves that he can rely on you, removing the pressure on him to constantly appear perfect.
The two of you create a perfect balance and bounce off of each other well since you don’t have to worry about him taking your, sometimes harsh, words to heart since he knows they come from a place of love and care.
Although you are both generally pretty serious, your relationship isn’t completely devoid of chaos. As a result of your mutual trust, even the stone-hearted Victor finds himself letting loose once in a while, often taking you of spontaneous road trips, without specific destinations in mind.
You are both generally quite busy with your individual lives, so a lot of the time you spend together is during the night, either working by each other or talking about your day. One of your favorite activities though is when he cooks for you. Victor loves sharing one of his favorite hobbies with you, seeing your face light up during a good meal after a long day and you thoroughly enjoy him taking care of you from time to time.
Prompt: Meet Cute
Your heart was threatening to burst through your chest as you ran to class, glancing at your watch every few seconds in a futile attempt to slow time down. Your vision was burry and you couldn’t stop yourself in time when you saw a tall man in your path.
“Excuse me!” He didn’t have time to react before you bumped into him, sending your bag flying through the air. You took a minute to catch your breath before looking up at the man in question.
“Didn’t you see me running toward you? It’s common curtsey to move out of the way of a woman in a rush!” you reached for your bag, quickly growing more and more irritated.
“It’s common curtsey to apologize when you bump into people.” Resisting the urge to punch him was hard, but you needed to get to class.
“Whatever.” You run off before the conversation could get more heated, anxiety overwhelming you as you fought to be there on time.
When you finally arrived with less than a minute to spare, you practically fell on your chair, letting out a of relief.
“Made it…” you were still panting when your professor walked into the room with a smile on his face.
“Good morning class. Today we will be doing something a bit different.” You reached for your notebook, not paying attention to the man walking past you towards the center of the room.
“Ah, I see you’re here Victor.”
“Of course. I said I would be.” When you finally looked up from your notes, your breath caught in your throat.
“Class, I would like to introduce you to Victor, CEO Of the Loveland Financial Group. He is here to take your questions on all things business today!” the students around cheered and whispered to themselves but you didn’t share their excitement as you looked at the man you had yelled at not minutes before. Crap.
You sank in your seat in an attempt to make yourself disappear when his dark eyes fell on you. You could almost feel him burning a hole through your forehead before turning his attention back to your professor.
The rest of the lesson passed by quickly as everyone flooded the man with questions, all of which he managed to answer without much thought. You supposed this is what experience looked like, but he didn’t look as old as he sounded.
Despite the tension between you, you didn’t want to pass by a chance to get tips from a professional and so you decided to take advantage of him while he was there.
He was surprised at your first question, but he gave you a complete answer anyway. If he was upset by what happened that morning, it didn’t show.
By the time the bell rung you had asked multiple questions and felt like you had learned a lot on the topic. The desire to apologize had arisen and so you found yourself making your way toward him before you could think twice about it.
“Emh, excuse me?” he had been packing his things before he turned to face you.
“Yes?” his presence was particularly intimidating, something you hadn’t noticed in your rush to get to class in time. You tried to sit up a little straighter, not wanting to let him get to you.
“I wanted to apologize for this morning. I shouldn’t’ have blamed you, it was me who bumped into you after all.” You were surprised when he half-smiled at your response.
“I’m pleased to see you aren’t completely devoid of manners.” You would have been offended by the remark, had it not been for you having insulted his manners a few hours ago.
“It’s common curtsey to admit when you’re wrong.” You assumed the conversation was over, when he spoke up again.
“You asked some interesting questions.” It was hard to know if he was trying to compliment so you just smiled.
“Thank you.” He turned back to his things, but there was still a burning question in your mind.
“How did you get here so fast? You came here on foot as well didn’t you?” you could swear you say him smirk at that, before returning to his cold demeanor. He pulled something from his pocket, a pair of car keys that looked like it belonged to a particularly expensive car.
“I didn’t. I was trying to take a call away from the noisy traffic.”
“I see.” He nodded before making his to the door.
“See you!’ you weren’t sure why you said it, but his answer wasn’t what you were expecting.
“Maybe.” There was a smile on his face as he walked out. Something told you that you would see more of each other in the future.
Prompt: Bonding
“We’re not making any progress.” You complained, pushing yourself away from the textbook in front of you.
“You can’t rush learning a foreign language. Beside, you’re picking this up better than most people. “ you knew he had a point, you weren’t going to learn Japanese in the span of a few days, but you couldn’t help but frown, unable to turn off the overly critical part of your brain.
When you had told Victor you were trying to learn the language he surprised you by suggesting he teach you himself. He was fluent and knew your process of learning things, but you had been skeptical at first, doubting his patience to watch you struggle through a mountain of textbooks. Despite your reservations, Victor ended up being a pretty good tutor, pushing you just enough not to overwhelm you without doubling the time you would need.
“I believe that’s enough for today.” You slumped back in your sit, eyelids heavy after hours of studying.
“Try not to fall asleep.” A pleasant smell coming from the kitchen grabbed your attention. You made your way to the kitchen of his apartment, surprised to find him over a boiling pot of… something.
“Smells great.” You wrapped your arms around him, looking over his shoulder.
“Beef and red wine? How very original.” You teased, reaching for a fork. He quickly took it from your hand, not looking away from his creation.
“It’s not done.” You couldn’t help lightly biting his shoulder.
“Patience.” He planted a kiss on your forehead in an attempt to appease you. You smiled, taking a seat on the counter as you watched him work, clapping when he finally announced he was done.
“Thank you for the food.” You ate in silence for a time, the faint sound of music in the background. You weren’t sure where it was coming from but you decided to simply appreciate it without asking many questions.
“Thanks, for tutoring me. It’s much easier to learn something from someone who knows my preferences.” He seemed taken aback from your comment for a moment, before quickly regaining his composure.
“Of course. It wouldn’t make sense for you to pay a tutor when your boyfriend is fluent in Japanese. “ You couldn’t help smiling at the mention of the word.
“Boyfriend. I really like the sound of that.” A smile begun forming on his lips. You had been dating for a long time now but you were still not used to hearing the words from him.
“So, how was work today?” you asked, realizing he hadn’t said much about it since he got home.
“I don’t want to bore you with work-related things.” You could tell something was on his mind and couldn’t help feeling curious.
“Hearing you talk couldn’t be boring. Besides, I’m your girlfriend, you can tell me about any problems you have. I might actually be able to help.” Victor pondered this for a moment before eventually giving in.
“Just some issues at work. A company backed out of a deal and no one thought o inform me until it was too late.” You could tell this had been weighing on his mind, so you decided some encouragement was in order.
“I’m sure you can talk them back into it if you reach out personally. If you can’t convince them with your arguments, you can definitely scare them into it.” You chuckled, moving to sit next to him.
“I mean, if you could convince me to try a veggie salad, you can talk anyone into anything.”
“If I remember correctly you said you would never eat it again after two bites.” A faint smile appeared at the corner of his lips.
“That’s beside the point, you convinced me to try it, that’s what matters.” You planted a quick kiss to his lips, sealing in your words.
“You got this.” He pulled you back to him, leaving you gasping for breath by the time you pulled away.
“Your food will get cold.” You took a moment to catch your breath before returning to your seat opposite him.
“Tease…” your turned your attention back to your plate, almost missing what he said next.
“Thanks.” It wasn’t any grand declaration but it filled you with pride anyway. You nodded, returning his smile in earnest.
“No problem.”
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
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happy anniversary, ikerev jp! ☆
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
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This is so good, my heart 🥺😭 I loved that 🥰. Thank you for this, i really needed some softness 💖 I got a lot to live up to huh
↳ trade with @iplaymatchmaker​ ( reminder that i am always open for match-up trades ).
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for you, dearie, i’ve concluded that a fitting match would be someone without a heavy presence — like nobunaga or kenshin. yet, even the softer characters were a tad… too soft — like mitsunari and ranmaru. someone on the in-between would be the best, so i thought and came to a decision… are you ready?
Keep reading
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
(2) my mbti is infp-t and the last time i did the pottermore test i got a ravenclaw, so there's that! oh and i'm also quite introverted so you won't find me in rowdy places like a party or concert. i don't do great with people who force me out of my comfort zone, people who aren't decisive and aren't the communicative type (i get anxious trying to guess what they mean and overthink). for the prompts i'd like bonding and fairytale au for cinderella! thank you so much! o(≧▽≦)o -juice
Hello, thanks again for requesting Juice! Once again, sorry for the delay. This is the ikerev part of your ask. I’m sorry in advance for the rushed ending of the second prompt, I didn’t want to take even longer writing an entire fic and thought this was a good place to leave it. I hope you like it!
I match you with
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When you first arrive in Cradle you are wary of the army officers, but the warm environment makes it easy to relax and be yourself. You quickly grow close with the Queen, Sirius. Your friendship begins when you catch him watering the flowers in the courtyard. You are surprised at first, considering your first impression of him, but that is quickly forgotten as he rambles to you about the importance of maintaining the garden, even with a war in the horizon.
Despite his busy schedule, the two of you spend a lot of time together, and it quickly becomes apparent that you are compatible. The black army headquarters has always been a lively place, curtsey of Fenrir and Seth, but Sirius is glad to have another cheerful voice around, especially when it’s paired with your friendly chatter.
While you dislike showcasing your worries and insecurities, Sirius is always quick to read you and tries his best to lift your spirits without pressuring you to talk when you’re not ready.
You spend a lot of time exploring each other’s interests, as he introduces you to the ways of Cradle and you teach about him about the Land Reason. At first he tries to blame this on simple curiosity, but the reality of it is, he enjoys listening to you talk about the things you’re passionate about, sometimes wishing he could make your eyes light up the same way they do when you discuss your favorite books, although he won’t tell you that.
You finally confess your feelings, moments before the full moon rises and the portal back to your world appears. Until that moment, when Sirius’ hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks, you thought he didn’t return your feelings. It wasn’t until then that he expressed to you how much he wanted you to stay. “I know it’s selfish, but I want you to stay by my side!” All the pieces fell into place as he wrapped his arms around you, your bodies so close you could feel his pounding heart, realizing he must’ve run to catch up with you. “I will.”
Prompt: Bonding
It was hard to contain your excitement as you walked the narrow streets of Cradle, your hand not leaving Sirius’ as you looked at the shop windows.
“Look at that dress!” You pulled him along, hearing him chuckle behind you, not daring to complain as you dragged him inside the store.
You had agreed on this shopping trip a few days ago, on one of the rare days Sirius was staying in your room instead of the opposite. Your attention had been solely focused on your book for about an hour when he spoke up.
“We should go out on Saturday.” While he was always thoughtful, he didn’t often suggest outings, considering his packed schedule.
“Aren’t you on patrol with Fenrir on Saturday?” you couldn’t deny your excitement at the prospect of spending time with Sirius, but you didn’t want to burden him,
“I have already spoken with him. With Amon gone, there isn’t too much work for us during patrol. He can handle it on his own. So what do you say?”
“Okay!” You nodded, pulling him closer as you set your book aside.
While you enjoyed your time trying new clothes and browsing the bookshelves around the shops, you couldn’t help but feel guilty that Sirius was spending his day off following you doing things you enjoyed, despite his reassuring words.
“Don’t worry about me, I can keep up.”
You decided to take a break at one of the nearby cafes for much needed rest. You tried your best to read him but you had difficulty guessing what he was thinking.
“So, are you having fun?” you were taken aback by his question, considering he was letting you take him around town to all the places you wanted to visit.
“Of course I am! The weather is wonderful today too.” You took a bite of your desert, hoping to successfully bury your worries where he couldn’t see them.
“I can tell when something is bothering you, you know.” It didn’t seem to fool him. You sighed before reaching out to cover his hand with yours.
“I just want you to enjoy today too. This is your day off, we should be doing something you enjoy.” He squeezed your hand, his smile not faltering.
“Seeing you having fun is more than enough joy for me.” You could tell there was something he wasn’t telling you but you decided to leave it alone, not wanting to ruin the day.
“Thanks Sirius.”
By the time you returned to headquarters the sun had set and both of you were exhausted. After a quick shower you found Sirius outside, carefully inspecting a batch of purple and white flowers in the garden.
“What’s that one?” You stand next to him, wrapping your overcoat tighter around yourself.
“Night Phlox. They’ve almost bloomed. They have a very strong but pleasant smell when you plant many of them near each other.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from the cold.
“What do they mean?”
“They can mean all sorts of things, but the most widely accepted meaning is partnership, harmony and unity. Pretty spot on for the black army, don’t you think?’ you smiled, enjoying listening to him talk about something with such care.
“Yeah.” The sound of the wind against the leaves was the only thing breaking the silence until you spoke up.
“Hey Sirius, why were you so intent on making today all about me?” there was no accusation in your voice, a simple question spoken under the night sky, a time where people can be honest, without hiding their troubles.
“We spend a lot of time at headquarters because of my job, doing things that I’m comfortable with. I just wanted to spend a day bonding over something you enjoy doing.” He tightened your arms around him, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
“You know I love spending time with you, no matter what we’re doing.”
“And I love seeing you happy.” Your eyes locked and an overwhelming feeling of joy spread through you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Prompt: Cinderella AU
It was becoming increasingly difficult to mask your disdain as ambitious men reached out every few minutes, attempting to make conversation. You could offer them more than a smile and a kind word, knowing that everyone there had an ulterior motive.
“An organized ball where the goal is to woo me isn’t exactly a romantic story now isn’t it?” you didn’t want to deny your father’s wishes, knowing there was pressure as he grew older for you to find a husband, but it was still hard to accept that you would never have the chance to live a fairytale-love story, like those you read about in books.
“What you need is a secure future. This is for your own good.”
You knew that if you were to achieve that goal, you would need to interact with the men at the ball, but the context of the celebration made hard to relax, let alone do so in a room full of people.
“Daughter, this is a ball. Should you not be dancing?” your father’s voice was full of concern, despite his previous incitement.
“Yes, I will do that, father.” Not wanting to upset him, you smiled before setting off towards the middle of the room as the band started playing a quick valse. You looked around for a partner when you felt strong arms around, pulling you along with the other dancers.
“I’m sorry if that was out of line, you looked a little lost.” When you looked up to see the face of your partner, your words died in your throat. He stood quite a bit taller than you and his eyes were a deep shade of purple, unlike anything you had seen before.
“U-um, yeah.” You tried not to forget the steps as the two of you moved along, not wanting to make a fool of yourself, tripping over your skirts.
“So, how come the princess herself finds a moment alone during a ball in her honor?” despite his teasing words, you could tell he felt out of place in the crowded room.
“I’m not sure I’d consider this an honor… “ concern imideately painted his features but you didn’t want to bother a guest with your own issue.
“So, where are you from? I don’t believe we have met before.” You run a mental list of acquaintances from the local noble houses but you didn’t remember seeing him before.
“I’m… “ his voice trailed off, leaving you with many burning questions.
“I’m Sirius, Sirius Oswald.” He smiled, the uncertainty from moments before replaced with a warm smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You smiled at him, deciding not to pressure him for answers he didn’t want to give.
“You never answered my question” he spun you as the music sped up, taking you by surprise.
“You didn’t answer mine either.” A playful smile played on your lips.
“I suppose I can’t deny that.” Through the bur around you, you could see that the rest of the couple had left the dance floor, placing the two of at the center of the attention.
“Everyone is looking at us.” A faint blush appeared on your cheeks a you danced together.
“They are looking at you.” He smiled at you, his grip on your waist tightening.
“Are you ready?”
“For what?”
Before you could question him further, you were in the air, your dress spinning around you. Time seemed to slow down, a feeling of freedom flowing through you. From your position you could see the faces of the party-goers but in that moment it didn’t matter. It was just you and him, a scene right out of a fairytale.
When he set you down, your cheeks were flushed, heart pounding in your chest. You barely registered the music slowly fading away as they switched to a softer sound.
“Thank you for the dance.” His hand left yours, while his warmth sill lingered.
“My lady.’ He bowed before turning to leave.
“Wait! Could I see you again?” you resisted the urge to grab his hand, not wanting to make a scene.
“I’m not sure that would be the best idea.” You tried to speak up but your voice was drowned out by the surrounding noise, so you could only watch as he moved further and further away, before eventually disappearing in the crowd, leaving you alone, with only a brief memory to look back to.
Rumors of the charming man who danced with the princess could be heard all around town during the next few days. You tried to keep your head low as you walked around the stalls, looks for the right shop.
When you opened the door, a bell sounded, announcing your arrival.
“Hello. How could I help you?” A tall man stood at the back of the room, watering a patch of white flowers. You looked around the room to ensure you were alone before removing your hood, still unsure of whether this was a good idea.
“P-princess.” He fell into a quick bow, not daring to look at you.
“Hello Mr. Oswald.” He hesitantly raised his head, looking over the cloak covering your dress.
“Just call me Sirius. How did you find me?” an awkward smile appeared on his lips.
“I told you I wanted to see you again. Plus, after you told me your name, it wasn't very hard to find you.” You stepped closer, looking at the assortment of flowers around you.
“So this is where you’re from.” You were only teasing, but he seemed to have misunderstood.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you. I wanted to keep up the illusion but the you came here and..” you were taken aback by his genuine apology.
“N-no, I’m not disappointed!.”
“You aren’t?” You nodded, trying to express your feelings as best you could.
“No, I’m not. Why would I be?’ he run a hand through his hair, messing it up more than before.
“I’m just a commoner. And you’re a princess. There is no reason for you to be interested…” you shook your head firmly.
“I didn’t want to meet you again because I thought you were a noble. I just... I want to feel what I felt when we danced together again.” You were expecting him to laugh at you, but he only looked back in awe.
“W-was that odd? I apologize, I just-“ he didn’t allow you to finish.
“No! It’d not off, I’m just… surprised. I don’t have much to offer to a princess.” he fidgeted with the hem of his apron, eyes glued to the ground.
“Could you perhaps offer me some of your time? I would like to get to know you better.” A smile slowly formed on his face.
“Alright then. Who am I to say no to the princess after all?”
“Thank you.” You smiled at each other, excited to see where this would lead you.
You spent a lot of time together after that, slowly getting to know more about each other. When you introduced him to your father, he was admittedly hesitant at the idea of you not marrying a noble, but when he saw how happy the two of you were together, he couldn’t deny you your wishes.
“You have my blessing. You better take care of my daughter young man.”
“Always, sir. I love your daughter more than anything.” He placed a kiss on you hand, a promise of greater things to come.
“And I you.” Happiness overflowed you as your lips met in a light kiss, sealing the truth of your words.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
Hi!! This is Juice~ thank you so much for the matchup, it was so adorable and my heart melted!!! It felt so serendipitous when you mentioned a clockwork heartbeat because it is still my favourite play even after all these years 💕💖 and I do love the prompt for Cinderella it was SO CUTEEEE!!! Anyway I just thought I'd pop in and say that I really loved it!
Thank you so much I'm really glad you liked it 🥺 ! To be honest I really needed to hear this right now, so thanks for taking the time to send feeback 🥰. I'm currently working on your ikerev match up so hopefully I'll finish that soon. (Again sorry for the long wait 😅)
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
hello and good day! i would like a matchup for a3! and ikerev, please! she/her pronouns. you can call me juice, though! hm i think a good description of me personality wise would be im usually cheerful, friendly, childish but i tend to hide a lot of my negative feelings and overthink quite a lot. towards others i'm always curious about the littlest details of someone's hobbies or interest and sometimes i talk more than i listen. love literature and things like fashion or games (1)
Hello, thanks for requesting juice! Sorry for the long wait but I hope you enjoy it! I was pretty excited to write a match up for a3! since it’s been living rent free in my head for the last few weeks. I got a little carried away with the last prompt cause it was so fun to write, but I hope you like it! Also, the ikerev one might take some time but I’ll try to not take too long. Have fun!
I match you with
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The two of you first meet after you watch one of their plays, “A Clockwork Heart.” When you realize that the lead and writer is a classmate of yours from college you can’t help but approach him a few days later to discuss the play further.
He seems self conscious at first but quickly opens up as the two of you discuss his script and before you know it one conversation has turned into an in-depth discussion over lunch.
After that first encounter, both of you start talking more often, quickly growing closer. Tsuzuru appreciates your cheerful attitude, making it easy for him to be comfortable around you.
Considering your love for literature, you often help him brainstorm for new ideas, always looking forward to seeing how he brings it to life on stage.
It is easy for you to fit in with the rest of the boys from Mankai, despite their constant prying on your relationship with Tsuzuru. After all the time the two of you spend together, it is no surprise when none of the boys (except Azami) bat an eyelash when you make it official, after a lot of back and forth between friendship and romance.
Prompt: Bonding
“The reason S was created in the first place was because Luke needed a companion. It’s tragic that he was the one who left him in the end.”
“Well, yes, but he also taught him to open up to people, insuring that he wouldn’t be alone when he was gone.”
You and Tsuzuru had been discussing the end of his latest play “A Clockwork Heart” for a while, arguing over whether or not the ending was tragic. When you approached him to offer your praise for his work earlier that day you hadn’t been expecting him to engage in your opinions on a play he wrote, but he was actually deeply invested in the conversation, despite the matter at hand being trivial to the actual substance of the story.
“He couldn’t have known though. He also put his own wishes aside to protect him. That alone makes the ending tragic.” You vividly remembered the tears you had shed when the show reached its climax, a result of both his script and his acting.
“It depends on your idea of what the ending was. S was a machine, so as long as Luke was alive they could meet again, when it was safe for the both of them. That makes the ending-“
Ring Ring
You almost chucked at the generic sound his phone made as it vibrated.
“Give me a sec.” he moved away from the bench before answering. It wasn’t long before he returned, a flush expression on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize I had kept you for so long. I actually need to get going.” He ran a hand through his hair, smiling shyly. It was only then that you noticed what time it was.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to bother you for that long!” Now you were both flushed, the realization dawning on you that you had spent two hours talking.
“I-it’s fine. Um, we can continue this tomorrow, if you’d like?” you were surprised he actually wanted to talk again, a smile spreading over your face.
“Definitely. “
“Okay. See you then!” he waved as he ran off while simultaneously trying to dial someone, resulting in him almost falling on his face. You looked forward to tomorrow.
After that first encounter, you continued to meet during lunch to talk about other works, quickly realizing you had a similar taste in books and movies. It was an easy transition, going from acquaintances to friends.
“How’s the summer troupe’s play coming along?” It was easy to tell that he had been losing sleep again from the – almost – comical black circle under his eyes, but you asked anyway, hoping that you could offer some help.
“I know what I want to write, the words are just refusing to form and settle themselves on the page.” The frustration was evident on his face as he tried to put the pieces flying around his head in order. You tried to think of a way to help him but you knew that he needed to figure this out on his own.
“Come on.” You forcefully pulled him out of his chair, carefully shutting his laptop.
“W-wait. Where are we going?” you pushed him along, despite his protesting.
“Trust me.” You flashed him your biggest smile before setting of, only mildly aware that your hand was still around his wrist.
“The movies?” he seemed confused over what your objective was but you were confident it would help him out of his slump.
“Yes. Come on, I’ll even get us popcorn!” you were beaming as you led him inside.
“What are we watching?” Tsuzuru, finally resigned to his fate, flipped through the leaflet, looking at the moves currently playing.
“Your choice, I’m fine with whatever.” You hurried to the bar to pick up snacks, leaving him at the ticket booth.
“Look at those effects.”
“The acting is top notch.”
Tsuzuru had been so immersed in the movie he seemed to have forgotten all about his tiredness. When you exited the theatre you could practically see the gears turning in his head.”
“It’s a very different take on pirates than the summer troupe’s play, but if I exaggerate the characters even more then there would be great opportunity for comedy.” You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you as you observed him, completely lost in his own mind.
“So I take it the creative juices are flowing again?” he looked back at you, as if seeing you clearly for the first time in days.
“Yes! Thank you!” He put his arms around you, too far lost in his excitement to feel any awkwardness.
“I-I have to go write! I’ll see you tomorrow.” He continued shouting thank you over his shoulder as he run off with newfound energy. You expected you wouldn’t see him the next day, considering he’d probably be passed out by then, but you smiled anyway.
“See you later!”
Prompt : Cinderella:
“So, you’re thinking of doing Cinderella for the next play?” You and Tsuzuru were hanging out in his room, taking full advantage of Masumi’s absence that weekend.
“Yeah… I’m not sure how to go about it though. Everyone in the Spring Troupe agreed that I should be lead this time around but I just don’t see myself in the shoes of a prince… Itaru would probably be a better fit for the role.” You couldn’t help throwing a pillow his way.
“Hey! What was that for?” You sat up a little straighter, tempted to glare at him until he picked up on your annoyance.
“I can definitely picture you in the role of the prince.” You cleared your throat before switching to your best narrator voice.
A long, long time ago there lived a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends when they were children. The boy would often sneak out to meet with her and they would play for hours. But their happiness would not last long.
You see, the girl grew up to be the maid of one of the less-fortunate royal families in the kingdom. She had been forced into that position by her father’s latest wedding. It would also turn out to be his last, for he died a few years later, leaving her in the care of a wicked stepmother.
One the other hand, the boy grew up to be the most charming prince in the land. The women fawned over him and he always had everything his heart could desire.”
“I’m literally none of those things.”
“Fine then.”
The prince was an idiot who didn’t know how to take care of himself and never asked for help. He constantly worried his friends over his health but they loved him anyway.
“That’s not any better…”
“Shh, let me continue the story.”
Their difference in class ripped the two friends apart, putting an end to their relationship. While they weren’t allowed to meet again, they promised to never forget about each other. To keep that promise, the made matching bracelets and agreed to never take them off until they could meet again.
“Friendship bracelets? Who does that?”
“They were kids! Would you have preferred rings?”
“Wouldn’t those basically be promise rings?”
“I’m coming up with this on the spot, give me a break!”
That bracelet was what gave the girl the strength to continue living, despite her struggles.
When news of a ball arrived at the estate, her step-sisters were quick to start preparations, eager to have a chance at the prince’s hand in marriage. The girl was simply happy at the prospect of seeing her friend again.
When her family found out she was planning to attend the ball, they locked her in the cellar, not willing to risk any competition. The girl wept and wept, until suddenly a kind seeming lady appeared in front of her.
“Isn’t this just the movie?”
“Give it a second!”
The lady promised she would help her get to the ball if that was what she wished. Despite her suspicions, the girl earnestly declared that all she wanted was to see her friend again. And so the kind woman flicked her wrist and the rags the girl had been wearing were replace by a rich ball gown, paired with a glass slippers. The girl thanked her again and again before heading off in search of her lost friend.
“She doesn’t warn her about the time limit?”
“There’s no curfew here, it’s a stupid conflict anyway.”
You couldn’t contain the excitement and adrenaline that flowed through you as you went up the steps of the grand palace. You hadn’t been here since you were a child, when the king’s father still allowed you to visit, and childhood memories flooded your mind. It was difficult to keep your nerves at a reasonable level as you approached the guards at the front gate. By the time you had arrived at the palace, most of the guests were already inside, so you were completely alone when you handed the invitation, hoping the witch had done her work well.
“Enjoy your evening.” They smiled before urging you to step inside. A sense of awe filled you as you walked through the somewhat familiar halls, remembering all the places you and Tsuzuru would hide from the servants, before his title meant anything to you.
You weren’t sure you remembered the way to the main hall, so you followed the noise, hoping you could make your way there.
When you finally stood outside what seemed to be the entrance, you took a few deep breaths before walking forward, determined to see your friend again. When you stepped though the door you quickly realized that the door wasn’t the room’s main entrance, but the top of the grand staircase. Dread filled you as everyone’s eyes fell on you. If it wasn’t for the railing you thought you have fainted right then and there. You breathed in, allowing you hand to wrap around the bracelet the two of you had made so long ago, letting the warm feelings it carried spread through you.
You bowed once before making your way down the stairs, hoping you wouldn’t trip on your dress and make a fool of yourself before the night even started.
The moment you were off the last step, your eyes fell on your step-mother, eyeing you with absolute envy and disgust. You hoped the mask would be enough to conceal your identity.
You walked around the room for a bit, keeping to the less populated areas, hoping to catch a glimpse of Tsuzuru, disappointed to find that he was nowhere to be found.
“Please let this not be for nothing…”
You were about to make your way to the balcony, but a swarm of guests was suddenly in your path, dancing to the waltz the band had just started playing. You frantically looked around, searching for a way out when two arms wrapped around you, pulling you along with the rest of the dancers.
“I guess you’re my partner?” the face of the man that stood before you made your jaw drop. You had thought of so many things to say, but now that Tsuzuru was standing before you, the words seemed to catch in your throat.
“So, uh, are you having fun?” he was as awkward as you remembered. Something about the familiarity filled you with a sense of calm. I found him.
“I am now.” It was hard to contain the smile quickly spreading around your face.
“Actually I was-“that was when it was time to switch partners. When you felt his hand slip from yours, panic flooded through you. No… I didn’t have the chance to tell him.
As he pulled his hand away, his fingers brushed the bracelet on your wrist, eyes widening as he was whisked away by another partygoer, realization evident in his features. You tried to get closer, but were quickly taken away by another guest. Your eyes landed on Tsuzuru a few times but the hall was too crowded. It was almost suffocating. You took the first chance to slip out on the balcony, eager to get away from the crowds.
You stood at the railing, letting the air cool down your heated face. He had seen you, but you weren’t sure he would care enough to search. Negative thoughts occupied your mind as you gazed at the land beyond. Maybe this was foolish… He probably barely remembers me… He’s a prince after all. He was more important matter to attend to than a peasant he used to spend his free time with. You felt tears gathering at the corners of your eyes, your own loneliness catching up with you.
“Please don’t cry!” You were shocked to find Tsuzuru standing a few feet away from you, his face flushed and his knees bent. He must’ve been running.
“You’re the girl from back then, aren’t you?” he glanced down at your wrist, pulling up his own sleeve to reveal a bracelet identical to yours.
“Y-you kept it.” Your voice cracked, barely audible in the midst of the ongoing celebrations.
“Of course I did! It meant a lot to me.” The words seemed to call to something inside you and so you let the tears fall.
“W-what did I do? Please don’t cry!” he took a step closer, still unsure of what boundaries existed between you.
“I-I can’t help it. I’m just so happy!” you wrapped your arms around him, not caring who saw you. All that mattered in that moment was that the two of you were reunited at last.
“I missed you.” You couldn’t see his face, but you could tell he was crying too, by the way his heart beat against your, the way his hands shook, still wrapped around you in a tight embrace. Year’s worth of loneliness and regret spilled out of the both of you in a single moment.
You stayed like that for quite some time, allowing the relief to wash over you. When you looked at each other again, you couldn’t help but laugh at your state. You knew the scene must look ridiculous to any outside spectators, but none of them mattered. It felt like you were alone in the world, no barriers between you. Your class didn’t matter. You were just a boy and a girl who had been reunited.
“ The king was skeptical at first, knowing a commoner queen wouldn’t create any new alliances, but he could see the love his son had for the girl. And so they married. It’s said that the pair practically run down the stairs of the palace after their wedding, eager to get to their honeymoon, their laughter echoing through the streets.”
“That’s an ending befitting a prince Muku reads about in manga… I still don’t see where I fit into this… ”
“Fine. As they descended the staircase, the prince fell on his ass, causing even more laughter from the girl. A moment she would never let him forget.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the earnest look on Tsuzuru’s face. He may be clumsy, but he has always been kind.
“It will need a lot modifications, especially considering the fact that none of us can exactly pull off female roles, but it could work.” At some point through the story Tsuzuru seemed to have pulled out a notebook, in which he was now scribbling away.
“Are you seriously taking notes?” he was still focused on the story, not letting the inspiration go to waste.
“Of course I am. You’re brilliant!” he pulled you in for a kiss, taking you completely by surprise.
“You’re the best.” He turned back to his note taking, leaving you with flushed cheeks and a bright smile.
“You too.”
And they lived happily ever after.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
If you ever see me reblog something that doesn't have anything to do with this blog (probably shadow and bone) no you didn't
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
May I request an IkeRev matchup? Likes: Watching and discussing film and television, cats, the beach, period romances, hockey. Dislikes: Most foods (i'm a picky eater), selfish people. Hobbies/Skills: I'm an actress and a pretty good one (if I say so myself), reading tarot, studying astrology, board games, crochet. Passions: Community activism and intersectional feminism. I'm an INTP Ravenclaw and my introversion makes me come off as cold until I open up to you, then I'm v funny and sarcastic!
A/N: Heyo, person behind the blog here, I just wanted to apologize for being so absent, and arguably very slow with asks (what’s new here), life is super busy and it has sort of killed my motivation to write. I’ll try to finish the next few faster, so bear with me.😅
I match you with
Thanks a bunch for your patience, sorry this is so late but I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for requesting🥰 ! This was honestly such a blast to write and helped relieve some stress, so thanks.❤
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Before the two of you grew closer, Ray was just the intimidating leader of the black army. It’s an understatement to say that you are surprised when you find him sandwiched between a chunk of the cats you frequently feed. You stay silent for a few minutes, endeared by the sight of the King of Spades playing with street cats.
When he notices you, his laid back smile is replaced by confusion. He doesn’t’ seem convinced when you tell him you were bringing food to the cats, but the bag you are carrying is enough evidence to support your claim.
Despite your rocky start, the two of you end up meeting on occasion at the same alley, either by coincidence or fate. Since you already learned his secret, the two of you often spend time together, usually at night when he’s off duty. It serves as a break from the routine, a space where you could forget about your problems outside of that moment.
The peace is disturbed when you are attacked by a group of bandits, looking for some easy cash. You had never had a similar incident happen before, but looking at the dimly lit alley around you, you realized standing alone wasn’t the best idea. You were planning your escape when Ray appeared out of seemingly nowhere, knocking down the two men in a swift movement. The event served as the catalyst for the shift in your relationship, moving towards something deeper than idle friendship.
Soon you start meeting outside of the confined space of the alley, on his days off, slowly getting to know each other on a more significant level.
The first time he sees you crocheting, waiting for him at the small café in Central Quarter, he is convinced you’re working magic. Despite your attempts to explain it to him, his hands seem to only be good for gripping the sword. Even so, he seems to grow a habit of watching you do it, claiming it’s relaxing when it’s you doing it.
 Prompt: Date
 Standing in the middle of an ongoing fight, you began questioning how it always ended up so messy with him.
You had been eating dinner at Black Army Headquarters, making idle conversation with Seth when the topic of Ray came up.
“How are things between you?” it shouldn’t have been a hard question. You both loved spending time together and you felt like you were growing more and more comfortable with each other. Still, something held you back from a quick reply.
“Oh no! What did that brute do?” a face of horror only Seth could master fell over his face.
“It’s nothing…” you were going to change the topic, but the man had never been on to leave a lady in distress without advice.
“When someone says it’s nothing, it’s usually something bad.”
“Is that so?” you smirked, hoping to lighten the mood but he didn’t seem ready to move on. You sighed, knowing full well how considerate everyone in the black army was. Perhaps it would be good to talk someone.
“It’s silly really. I just… I feel like I’ve been seeing him less and less. He’s always busy with one thing or the other these days. He’s been working his days off as well so…” your voice trailed off when you realized you had been rambling.
“I see, I see. Not to worry, big sister Seth is here to save the day. Leave it to me  <3. “  you weren’t sure what he was planning but you were glad to see him chipper again.
  It was shortly after waking up the next morning that you realized what he had been plotting.
Ray was hovering around the door when you got up, confusion written all over his face.
“Rethinking your will?” you wrapped your hands around him to peak at the letter he was holding.
“What?” his eyes were still drowsy after a long night or reading reports and you couldn’t help but tease him a little.
“What’s so interesting about a piece of paper? Don’t you have a stack of those fighting for your attention on your desk?” your tone was playful but you were still disappointed at your own words, knowing you wouldn’t see him again until dinner.
“Seems like those will have to wait.” He finally cracked a smile and turned to you, handing you the small piece of paper.
Dear Ray,
       This is a letter signed by all thirteen officers of the Black Army. With this letter, we order you to take a day off as compensation for working on your breaks. Consider this your punishment. We better not see you working, or we will be forced to double your punishment to two days off. Your duty today is to have fun and spend time with your girlfriend.
            -With Love,
The black army officers <3.
  You mentally slapped Seth in the face.
“I didn’t know this was what he had in mind.” You run a hand through your hair, still messy from sleeping in.
“Did he tell you about this?” you were expecting Ray to be upset at the turn of events, but he still wore his laid back smile, giving you hope that this could turn in your favor.
“It’s nothing. I just saw something in the stars.” You pecked his lips, arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer. The close contact made you realize how long it had been since you had been alone.
“I see. Well, considering they went through all the trouble of grounding me, we might as well make the most of it.” His arms tightened around you as he closed the distance between you. You started appreciating Seth’s gesture after all.
After a late breakfast you packed up, ready to spend his first break in a while on the beach. You couldn’t keep the smile from your face as you walked through the woods, a comfortable silence falling between the two of you.
Despite your bright mood, something in your mind was still worried that Ray’s smile was forced. You had seen how hard he had been working and it was hard to shake the feeling that a day off would only cause more stress. You ultimately decided to keep your worries to yourself, determined to make the day worth his while.
“I love the breeze.” Once the cold air hit your face you felt yourself relax, the sound of the waves hitting the shore playing like music in your ears.
“Come on!” you grabbed Ray’s arm, dragging him to the water, practically skipping over the golden sand.
“Don’t trip!” in the end, it was Ray who fell over, causing you to topple over laughing before helping him up, sand now covering his backside.
After setting up, you made yourself comfortable on one of the chairs, the warm sun of the afternoon pleasant on your skin.
“Care for a swimming contest? First to make it to the hill and back wins.” Ray’s offer came with a confident smile, peaking your competitive curiosity.
“And what do I get if I win?” you rose from your seat, challenging him with your eyes.
“How about one favor? Don’t worry, I’ll be kind.” you both smiled, sparks practically flying between you.
“How romantic.” You placed a light kiss on his lips, preparing for takeoff.
“You’re going down Blackwell.” And with that you were off, sprinting towards the water.
“Cheater.” You could hear Ray behind you, trying to catch up. You were both laughing now, wishing the moment could last forever.
You were panting by the time you got to shore. Despite your best efforts, Ray had arrived a solid minute before you. You could resist splashing him when you made it back.
“Those muscles shouldn’t be allowed in this competition.” You were pouting, but it didn’t matter to you much who won, as long as you could spend more days without worries.
“So you don’t like my build?” his pouting wasn’t very convincing but he had the spirit. You wrapped you arms around him, your faces inches apart.
“I never said that.” Before you could prove your point, you heard a scream coming from further down the shore.
“Help me!” Ray quickly entered solider mode, searching for the source of the screams.
“That woman!” you pointed to a woman visibly fighting to free herself from the grasp of three men. You stayed behind Ray as you approached the group.
“Leave her alone.” Ray’s voice was cold as ice, a complete contrast to his previous demeanor.
“And who are you?” one of the men spoke up, perhaps the leader of the group.
“The king of spades. I could probably take you all with ease, so you should probably let her go now.” The men laughed. Two of them came forward, the third keeping a firm grip on the woman.
“Let’s see what you’ve got, King.” His voice was dripping with irony. Ray cracked his knuckles once before making his first move. Showoff . The grins were quickly wiped from the men’s faces as the fell on the sand without much trouble. The third man tried to run but you were already behind him, a kick in his groin enough to loosen his grip, allowing the woman to slip away. She silently thanked you before taking off, wanting to get away from the fighting. You only then realized that you were now standing between Ray and the leader of the group, the other two men still groaning on the ground.  Standing in the middle of an ongoing fight, you began questioning how it always ended up so messy with him.
“Don’t worry, this’ll be over soon.” Ray flashed you a confident smile before launching himself at the lowlife. You pushed yourself out of the way, giving him some room to throw him on the ground, finally immobilizing him.
“See. My muscles are good for something after all.” He was smiling, but the fighting seemed to have taken a toll on him, considering he had been swimming right before this happened. A sudden feeling of guilt took over you.
After the men were carried off by the soldiers patrolling the area, you and Ray decided to rest a little before going home. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, still shaken by what had happened.
“Say it.”Ray finally broke the silence.
“You’re a good actress, but I know you well enough to know when something’s bothering you.” he turned to you, posture still relaxed despite the events of the day. You knew lying wouldn’t get through to him so you decided to be honest, considering keeping things was what got you in this situation to begin with.
“It was me who gave Seth the idea to give you a break. I just felt like I haven’t really seen you in a while…” Ray reached out, one hand wrapping around your shoulders.
“That was probably irresponsible. You have a duty after all.” You tried to smile, but you knew it was strained.
“I missed you.” His words were simple but they touched you all the same.
“Sure, I’ve been busy. I have a duty to protect these people.” You looked back at the sea, wondering when the two of you would be able to come again.
“But I also have a duty to you. I fancy myself to be a top tier boyfriend after all.” He cupped your face, looking straight into your eyes.
“Let’s do this more often.” You smiled, feeling like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
“All right. Next time, try not to get into fights. It’s not very top tier boyfriend of you.” He laughed, kissing you like you were the most important thing in his life.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
Hello! I'd like to request a matchup for IkeRev. I'm an ENTP 7w8, Ravenclaw (she/her). I don't have any too defined likes and dislikes, but generally speaking I value my privacy the most (a bit too much sometimes) and I can really get upset with people who don't respect it. My hobbies include...everything; linguistics, psychology, physics, video games, reading, programming, tinkering with stuff etc. I tend to be very teasing and flirty with other people, and I'm a really big fan of idle chatter.
A little A/N:  I am still working on my last few matchups so they will get done! Life just sort of killed me and then beat my dead body with a hammer for the last few weeks😅 . I will finsih them though! Sorry for the delay!
I match you with
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Thank you so much for requesting! I’m sorry for the (very) long wait! Also, since you didn’t specify which prompts you wanted I decided to experiment and write a sort of Princess-Advisor AU, since I wasn’t particularly inspired by the rest of the prompts for this. I might be putting this one on the prompt list👀 . I hope you enjoy this! (Also I really went ham with the prompt, but I hope you still like it!)
It’s no secret that Blanc is very flirtatious, but he is caught off guard when he finds you returning his advances, often getting the upper hand on him. Your teasing leaves him speechless and you find his reactions very amusing.
After you first meet he introduces you to Oliver’s work in an attempt to get closer to you. You end up spending a lot of time with Oliver in the workshop, Blanc usually watching as the two of you work, much to the other’s annoyance. Oliver can often be seen blushing at your back and forth, before eventually pushing both of you back to the living room.
While Blanc can’t interact with your work with Oliver, he can always offer you information on the history of both London and Cradle usually resulting in hour-long conversations on the particular period you’re covering.
While the two of talk daily, you both recognize the other’s need for privacy and it takes some time for you to really open up to each other.
  Prompt: Wild card!
The rain was coming down hard, the endless patter on your window not allowing you to sleep. You settled on using that as an excuse as you rose from bed and threw on your night robe, the news you had received earlier that evening repeating in your head.
“We have arranged for you to marry prince Charles. We believe this will secure your future.”
You pushed the words out, not prepared to confront the reality of what was to come.
You had taken a book with you, but you couldn’t wield yourself to focus as you lay on the windowsill of one of the many library windows, head resting on the glass as the rain fell. Your body shivered, but you refused to move, seeking for any distraction.
“It’s a little too late for a princess to be reading, isn’t it?” you didn’t have to look back to recognize the voice of your most trusted advisor.
“Blanc.” He squeezed in the seat next to you, sitting so close you could hear his breathing over the rain.
“Pride and Prejudice? Haven’t you already read it multiple times?” he gestured to the book in your hands, still lying on your lap, unopened.
“I was hoping that re-reading it would inspire me to be more open minded about…” you didn’t utter his name, too scared to make the engagement official.
He reached for your hand, like it was the most natural thing in the world. You didn’t dare say anything. What existed between you would have to end, but your feelings would stay. You hoped they would offer you some comfort when you wed a man who was next to stranger to you.
“The king told me about the engagement a few hours ago.” He didn’t need to say anything else. You both knew what you had to do.
“Let’s wait until tomorrow.” You pushed yourself closer to him, closing the distance between you. You lay your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you, his warmth shielding you from the wind peaking through the cracks of the glass.
“Tomorrow then.” You weren’t sure how much time had passed. Soon you drifted off, your lovers’ embrace setting your nerves at ease.
  When you woke up the next morning, you were in your own bed, alone. It was hard to ignore your disappointment as you got ready to face the day, thoughts of Blanc occupying your mind. You knew you had agreed to end it. You were promised to another man, yet it was hard to keep your word as you came face to face with reality.
“Prince Charles will arrive in a week’s time for the celebration of your engagement. I expect you to be on your best behavior.” You could only nod, not trusting yourself to speak.
“Honey, are you okay?” your mother’s voice was kinder, but she could offer you no comfort.
“Yes, mother.” You excused yourself before your parents could doubt your words, eager to get away.
You found yourself at the stables, preparing for a long ride.
When the strong wind hit your face, all thoughts of Charles disappeared, replaced by adrenaline. The further you got from the palace, the easier it became for you to breath. Despite the ache that started developing on your legs, you continued, putting as much distance between you and your new reality. As the sun set you considered turning back, not wanting to face your father’s anger when you returned, but as you slowed it became increasingly hard to turn back.
“Thinking of leaving us, princess?” you almost thought you had imagined it, but when you turned around, Blanc was standing a few feet away from you, his face laminated by the fading sun.
“Blanc? How did you know where I was?”
“I knew you had gone riding. It wasn’t hard to figure out where you went. I know you well, after all.” He dismounted his horse and offered you his hand, helping you off of your own mount.  You stayed silent for a while, watching the sun fade into the night.
“I can’t go through with this. I try to tell myself that I can do this, but every time I think about marrying him I feel like I’m drowning.” You couldn’t look him in the eye as you tried to make sense of your thoughts. You expected him to lecture you on responsibility, but instead his hand reached for your chin, tilting your head upwards so you were looking him in the eyes. The expression on his face made it impossible for you not to fall apart.
“Please don’t try to pretend you’re fine, not around me. No matter what happens, you can always trust me.” He gently wiped the tears steadily falling down your face, holding you close, your body laying limp on his as you cried.
 When you returned to the palace, the moon was high in the sky. You tried to sneak past the guards but it was impossible to get away from the ones stationed outside your door, ready to deliver you to your father, Blanc following behind you, a respectable distance apart. He was only a few feet away but in that moment it felt like miles.
“Completely irresponsible! Riding off on your own without an escort? Do you have any idea how much you worried us” you stood silently, hoping he dismissed you quickly. Your eyes were still burning and your body aced from the ride. Despite that, it was your heart that hurt the most.
“You are going to be a married woman soon! Do you think your future husband would approve of this?” you didn’t think you had the energy to argue with him, but those words seemed to awaken something within you.
“I don’t care what a stranger has to say about the way I choose to live my life!” he was momentarily stunned, before anger flashed across his features.
“That stranger is arriving in a few days and I expect you to forget all thoughts of your life when he does!”
“Sir..” Blanc stepped forward but your father immediately silenced him.
“Stay out of this, Lapin, this is between me and my daughter.” You almost wanted to laugh at his words.
“What father forces his daughter to marry a man she barely knows in the name of love?” your entire body was shaking but you held you ground, your mind too fuzzy to think about the consequences, only eager to vent out days worth of frustration.
“What did you say? You don’t speak to me like that!” the moment he took a step toward you, Blanc was in front of you, hands outstretched in a protective stance.
“I think that’s enough sir.” The older man’s face was boiling in anger. You weren’t quick enough to stop him from landing a punch on your lover.
“Blanc!” you pulled him away, trying to protect him from your father.
“Don’t try to act heroic, boy. Don’t think I don’t know about what exists between the two of you.” Fresh tears formed in your eyes.
“Then you know why I don’t want to get married! Father, please!” you tried to plead but your words couldn’t seem to get through to him.
“Charles can offer you stability, a good life. You would throw all that away for, what? The idea of love?” Blanc’s eyes had begun to bruise and you were scared of what the consequences for him would be if you continued to argue. You wanted to end the night there, but Blanc stepped forward despite your attempts to stop him.
“I understand your doubts sir, but I can asure you my love for your daughter is genuine. I may not have riches, but I can provide for her. I live for her and only her.” The two men’s eyes were locked and you could almost see sparks flying between them. A part of you was touched by Blanc’s confession, but another was scared for the both of you. The room was quiet for a while, no one daring to utter a word.
“Is this truly what you want?” his focus was on you now.
“Yes. I love him, more than anything.” you reached for Blanc’s hand, hoping to gain the confidence to look your father in the eye, to be honest with him about your feelings.
“All right then…” your eyes widened at his declaration.
“I will hold off the engagement for now. But remember that I am always watching you, Lapin. If you dare hurt my daughter, I won’t think twice before I punish you.” He walked away, not saying another word.  Your body fell limp, the adrenaline from moments before
disappearing, leaving you exhausted.  
“Are you okay?” you nodded, pulling him closer seeking his warmth.
“You are bold, going against my father like that.”
“What can I say? I’m a man willing to go far for the woman he loves.” A smile crept across your lips for the first time in days. You reached up, cupping his cheek, finally able to get a good look at his now bruised eye.
“Does it hurt?” you almost winced as you run your fingers over his skin.
“It’s not as bad as it looks. It was definitely worth getting your father’s approval, even if it’s only temporary.”  His placed his hand over yours, the gesture conveying all the things he could express with words.
“I love you.
“I love you too.” You pressed your lips to his and everything finally fell to place. You stayed in each other’s arms that night, both tired from the day’s events, but happier than you had been a few hours earlier.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
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The red army propaganda will never cease <3
ONLY 2 MORE TO GO SMKSSJKWMSJWM if these designs do well maybe ill make them charms after all :>
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
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"When the day comes that I devolve into the true monster I am... May i ask you to kill me?"
Heavy rain pounded on the window as Jean lay on the floor of his room, his body present but his mind far away. Images of the past replayed in his mind. Blood... So much blood... He pressed his hands to his ears, trying desperately to drown out the noise. Swords clashing, bodies landing limp on the dirt, crying, so much crying. He squeezed his eyes shut.
"Please... No more..."
"Jean, are you in here?" He could faintly hear someone knocking on his door.
"Jean?" He recognised the voice. It was the mademoiselle who had arrived at the mansion a few nights ago.
The voices stopped. The images faded, retreating back to the dark corners of his mind. He blinked, slowly coming back to himself. When he looked around his room, he realized the knocking had seized. He heard footsteps as she walked away, leaving him alone, his body too weak to move.
The rain pounded on, as a man who had hurt so much fought with the reality of the present. That chapter in his life had closed but the scars shone brighter than before, leaving him unable to move on, forever stuck in a never ending cycle of painful memories.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
Hi everyone. (Jan 6th)
I almost died Jan 5th in the wee hours of the morn. Humor aside, I'm sorry. My lungs stopped working entirely. Come to find out I was almost intubated from it all but I managed to wake up. Almost an hour afterwards. I can't take screenshots of MyChart as much as I really wish I could. I'll figure that out somehow. But my glucose spiked at 220, my WBC was fighting something so hard it was eating other shit in my blood. My charts were absolutely fucked. My chloride, potassium, lactates, and others were waaay over what they needed to be. Here's a photo of some of my treatments that I can provide.
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Yeah, you read it right. Fucking Narcan woke me up. Me, a person who only smokes weed for anxiety and to sleep, not often enough to even remotely warrant laced bs. And I share with two others in the house who are 100% fine. They found no toxicology evidence to back up an OD. No one fucking knows why I almost died but I did. No one knows what I could have ODed on. Or if I even did. But that's the black and white, I was half-dead and that shit got my lungs to work again. So I'm grateful.
I've been in a lot of pain at home since that. My neck, my chest, it sucks a lot. It was that bad, and I don't want to get into it here, but if people want to know, I'm open to telling them. You know the gist though.
I'm posting this because I know I'm going to have to take things light and easy. Work is going to be difficult for me and I may not be able to handle it well enough until I'm healed up, about 2 weeks or so. I'm asking for help for food, bills, etc. The roommates both got their collective 600's and they were put into rent, which is good. My 600 has not arrived and I'm currently 136 in the negative just trying to survive. I'm unsure if it will and if it does it will help immensely. But for now I really do need help just surviving with necessities.
Thank you all for reading if you have, I wish that I didn't have to do this again but something happened that was not right, and I really hope I can figure out what happened and keep my family here safe.
Look out for weird laced shit in even weirder shit, like I really have no damn idea what happened lol. But hey. I'm alive. That's something.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
I've been on Tumblr for years, but my husband knows my main account so I started this side account.
I've seen Tumblr move mountains for people so I'm hoping and praying that you guys can move mountains for me.
I'm 26 years old. I've been with my husband since I was 16 and he was 20. I know now that he was attracted to me because I was young and manipulatable but at the time I was so flattered that an older college guy wanted to be in a relationship with me.
Looking back there were a lot of red flags. He didn't like any of my friends and he told me who I could hang out with and when. He told me that my school work wasn't important because I was going to be a stay-at-home wife after high school while he went out and earned a living. As teenager living in a household that was unstable and on the brink of collapse, the idea of having a strong man take care of me was very appealing and so I overlooked the red flags.
He liked to get me drunk. He'd take me to his shitty apartment and he would load me up with Mike's Hard Lemonade and Smirnoff Ice and then we'd fool around. I had a lot of pregnancy scares from 16-17 because he didn't like to wear a condom and when I was drinking it was harder for me to insist. When I was 18, I got on the pill at least. He was always pushing my boundaries in the bedroom. I'd say no to something and he'd give me the silent treatment until I let him do it. Or he'd just do it even though I said I didn't want to.
He graduated college the year I graduated high school, and we moved in together. From the beginning, he was controlling, keeping tabs on me and watching the bank account like a hawk, but I chalked it up to needing to be frugal. We were really poor, but he promised to take care of me.
Eventually, though, I had to get a job to make ends meet. He didn't like that. The first time he hit me was when I told him I'd been interviewing for jobs. It wouldn't be the last.
God, just. Ten years I let him tell me I was helpless without him, I was weak, and stupid, and only he would ever love me. I let him hit me. I let him separate me from my friends and family. I let him kick my cat.
But I'm done. I'm going to get me and Midnight out of here.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
@nishtharya​ Thank you so much for requesting🥰🥰! I’m sorry for taking so long! I feel like I  have to also apologize after all that angst in the prompt. I didn’t really mean to make it this sad but I couldn’t help myself 😅, especially considering I have written a beauty and the beast au fic in the past that was also very angsty. All the feels came rushing back. I hope you still enjoy it!❤❤ 
I match you with:
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I had a few other guys in mind but I think Arthur would be the only one who could really give back so much while keeping things interesting.
The man has met women who graciously return his advances, but no one managed to play him like you. The look of surprise on his face when you beat him to his own games is extremely entertaining. It quickly becomes a competition of smoothness between the two of you.
After you grow more comfortable around him, both of you realize you have more in common than you think. Your conversations on the dinner table are quite the sight, since you both won’t stop talking until the subject has been completely drained.
When the two of you get into a relationship, it’s very hard for you to keep your hands off each other. He always finds himself reaching for you, whether that’s when he’s writing or when you’re out in town. Your presence around him becomes so natural he finds it hard to focus without you around for long stretches of time. He definitely tells you that a lot, especially when you’re apart for too long.
When he finds out you write and sing your own music he absolutely loves hearing your work. It provides a lot of inspiration for him and he feels very productive when listening to you, even if you’re simply talking. He often asks about your opinions on his latest Sherlock stories, especially after he reads some of your writing.
When you sleep together for the first time he notice how hard it was for you to fall asleep, so he takes it upon himself to help distract you. He’s found quite a few things that often work , although his favorite is definitely cuddling, and other things, but this a family friendly show.
 Prompt 5: Fairytale AU:
“Arthur, open the door!” no matter how many times you yelled and knocked on the door of the large mansion, no answer came.
“I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” You sat yourself on the steps, trying to appear calmer than you were. It was hard not to picture Arthur, alone and afraid, waiting for the inevitable.
“Where did we go wrong?” memories flashed through your mind as you traced your steps, trying to find any signs that this is where it would all lead.
  You had been with Arthur for years and had known him for even longer. You tried to deny it, pointing at your own tendency to over analyze, but his deteriorating health became more and more apparent by the day. He tried his best to brush it off, usually teasing you about how much you worried about him, until one day he collapsed and remained unconscious for the next two days. No doctor could explain the cause of this. He had been perfectly healthy. No problematic past, no underlying health problems. But now he was dying and there was nothing anyone could do.  
You looked back on happier days.  You vividly remembered all the nights the two of you had spent sitting next to each other, working on your stories, often turning to the other for inspiration or a simple word of encouragement when your insecurities got the better of you. He always had a way with words, a way to make you feel special.
The images provided some comfort and you slowly drifted off, still waiting for your love to open up to you, like he did before.
  When your eyes opened you were in a room you didn’t recognize. You were covered in a mountain of blankets and a hot piece of cloth lay on your forehead. When you sat up, you noticed Arthur, writing a few feet away.
“Arthur?” when he noticed you had woken up, he shot up, before tripping, landing back on the chair.
“Watch it.” You moved to get yourself out of bed but he stopped you, slowly lifting himself up, a pained expression on his face. Your heart ached for him as you watched him struggle trying to walk toward you. When he sat down next to you, some of the discomfort seemed to disappear. When he reached for your hand, a shiver run through you after the sudden contact with his ice cold skin.
“My love, you shouldn’t have come here. And you definitely shouldn’t have fallen asleep outside on the brick of winter.” You could see the concern painted on his face as he looked at you. The moment brought you back to the times before all this.
“At least I got you to open the door.” You smiled, sitting up to reach toward him. He pulled away before you could get too close.
“You should’ve left like I told you… There’s nothing for you here anymore.” You glanced at the rose, sitting on the small table by the windowsill. Very few petals were left.
“There’s you.” This time he didn’t move when you reached for him, cupping his cheek.
“I won’t be here much longer.” You didn’t want to think about what life would be like without him by your side.
“There has to be a way to stop it! We still have some time, maybe we can undo this!” he placed a kiss on your forehead, a kiss that felt too much like a goodbye kiss.
“It’s over, love. My time’s up. It’s time I join Rick again. I wonder if he’ll forgive me for not saving him.” You remembered Rick. He was a small boy, barely ten years old when his brother came to Arthur, asking him to treat Rick, who was suffering from a raging fever. He had been the first patient Arthur hadn’t managed to save, one of the many lives he still carried with him, the guilt eventually becoming too much.
“It wasn’t your fault. You can’t save everyone, you shouldn’t expect that of yourself.” you had worried about the weight being a doctor would put on him, but you had never expected it would be the thing that ended him.
“If I can’t save my patients… what kind of doctor am I?” no matter how hard you tried your words weren’t getting through to him and his time was running out.
“Love, please! Your guilt is what birthed this curse. It’s killing you! It’s in your hands to break it!” he had been cursed by his own mind for so long, growing weaker and weaker, until it manifested in the form of a rose, counting down his days. Tears slid rapidly down your eyes. He wiped them away, trying to take your pain along with them.
“I’ve always considered myself intuitive, but the mystery of my mind is one I’ll never be able to solve. But If I may, I want to ask a favor of you.”
“Anything.” You squeezed his hands, bringing him closer.
“It’s selfish of me. I’m the one who told you not to come here and yet here I am wishing you would stay by my side, until the end.” You nodded, tears blurring your eyes.
“I will, always.”
The next few hours felt like an eternity and like no time at all at the same time. There was so much you wanted to say but as you at next to him in front of the fire nothing came out. You could only watch as his life slowly faded away.
“Will you sing for me?” his eyes turned to you, a faint glint to them. You could tell he was struggling to focus, fighting to stay conscious, to spend his last moments with you.
Your voice filled the room, singing one of the songs you had written especially for him a few years ago. You tried to keep your voice steady, despite the situation.
As the minutes passed and the last petal begun to make its descend, his strength completely abandoned him.
“Ugh..”  he collapsed, falling limp on the floor.
“Arthur!” you run to his side, holding him in your arms trying to keep him from slipping away.
“Please, sing…” his words were barely more than a whisper, a sign of his end fast approaching. In spite of it all, he was smiling.
You tried your best to keep your voice from melting into weeping. You wanted to see him off the way he wanted to.
When the last petal touched the ground, he stilled. And so you allowed yourself to cry, unable to stop, to move away, to leave him.
Suddenly, a bright light surrounded you, lighting up the room, bringing warmth back to the empty space. When the light faded, Arthur’s eyes opened.
“Arthur!” you pulled him closer, so close, making sure you weren’t dreaming. He was alive, breathing and warm as ever.
“You’re alive! But how?” he laughed pulling you closer.
“Not happy to see me again?” it was such a relief to see him smiling again.
“Shut up.” You pressed you lips on his, feeling him next to you, just like before.
“I thought I was going to die. My life flashed before my eyes, but when I felt myself slip away, I heard your voice…” tears begun to form in your eyes again, the amount of information making it hard to focus.
“I… I followed your voice… I followed you and It felt like home.” Tears streamed down his face, his body still shaking from the adrenaline. “I guess I’m too much of a coward to die. Not even a self inflicted curse could keep me away from you.” You laughed, unable to contain your happiness. He followed suit, your happiness filling the once gloomy room, bringing you closer than ever before.
“It seems that I’m not going anywhere any time soon.
“You better not! I am still waiting to see the end of your latest story!”
“I would never leave my love hanging like that.” Everything in that moment felt right, preparing you for many more happy memories in your future, with him by your side.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
Hi there, me again, if I read the rules correctlyyou said we could do a separate ask for a separate game. If I read incorrectlyplease just ignore this, if not if my first ask wasn't to much I'd love to ask for an ikerev matchup as well! I'm bi, female (she/her) sagittarius sun, virgo rising, libra moon, ENFT. I'm 5'2, chubby/curvy w/ great boobs, I have longer  brunette hair w/ peekaboo highlights (they've been every color, but currently pink), brown eyes, glasses/contacts, 7 piercings & 26 tattoos. I'm very empathetic (sometimes to a fault) and have sever anxiety and depression. It takes me awhile to warm up around new people and be myself. I often feel intimidated in big social settings, such as parties, and often use alcohol for some liquid courage to help me let loose and be me in those situations. I've suffered some emotional and mental abuse at the hands of a step parent which has left me with some trauma and triggers; people raising their voice at me or making quick movements toward me or in my direction usually result in me crying and secluding myself for awhile. Oh and I have daddy issues, thanks absent father. That said I also don't do great with authority, I hate being told what to do, and I hate being told no. I can put up with a lot of shit, but eventually it usually becomes a 'straw that broke the camels back' situation and I fly off the handle and then break down. I am also extremely generous and do all I can to help my friends and family when they need it. I have some self confidence issues from weight gain, and I usually feel my best when I'm dolled up with my makeup on and hair done, usually with a dress and heels. I'm a Ravenclaw thats hates to read, but I love learning & know tons of trivia; like I know so many random facts about so many things from history, to movies, to graveyards, and much more. I often correct people on things, which some perceive as me belittling them, but its never my intention I'm just trying to share my knowledge and trying to help them. I am very creative I love crafting; resin art, macrame, cross stich, those are just some of my favorite things to do art wise, I also enjoy coloring books. I love to laugh and think I'm pretty funny, I usually have a dark sense of humor, if you don't like humor we won't vibe together, and if you can't make me laugh we will not be a good relationship match. I like to go to the bar and do karaoke, it's one thing I've learned I'mvery good at. It took me about 2 years, but I've since learned to be confident with my singing and now its one of my favorite things to do. I drink, obviously, gin and tonic is my favorite. I also smoke, I love my hookah, and I've had my medical card for about a year and it's done wonders for my insomnia and cramps. For about 2 years I've been getting severe cramps and stomach pains, and after 5 er trips in a month they didn't find anything, its still a mystery but at least the bud helps the pain. l'm very into the witchy aesthetic; my style is either very Stevie Nicks, pinup, or 2009 emo/scene depending on the day. I collect animal skulls and bone, taxidermy, crystals, and plants; I also practice the craft & love to make spell jars for people. I love tarot and really enjoy doing it. I live for Halloween & enjoy all things macabre! My favorite show is That 70's Show and if I could live in a replica of the Forman's house that would be my dream. I am also very sex positive and rather adventurous in bed. I'm a brat and a voyeur, I'll get down with just about anything. My love language is giving and receiving gifts. I put alot of thought into holidays like Christmas, I plan months in advance to make sure I get everyone the perfect gift; but I also will sometimes see something that just reminds me of someone and have to get it for them. That is all I can think of right now to add about myself. I'd love 4 and/or 10 for the prompt part. And again thank you for doing these, I'm such a ho for them, and again I'm sorry its long.
I match you with
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Thank you so much for requesting 🥰🥰! I’m sorry this took so long, but here it is! I hope you enjoy it ❤️! I Hope you don’t mind the sprinkle of angst in the second ask.😅
I was thinking Ray at first, but I ended up going with Mr smooth, since Ray is too predictable after Nap.
Edgar is known among the red army officers as the person who will make you feel safe, especially during your first encounters with them, before you find out they’re all dorks.  What he doesn’t expect is how at home he feels when the two of you are together. He never feels like he’s being judged when he’s around you and he lets himself go, despite the indoctrination by Claudius that he should always keep people at a distance to avoid being viewed as weak.
Not long after the two of you met, he decides to take you out along with Kyle for a drink, to help you get more accustomed to Cradle and its people. When you realize how much Kyle loves to drink, you follow suite, the two of you very quickly getting tipsy. Edgar laughs at the two of you for a bit, happy to see a new side of you as you allow yourself to grow more comfortable with them. Eventually he leads the two of you outside of the pub and arranges for a carriage to take you all back to headquarters, trying his hardest to tame the both of you.
He absolutely loves it when you sing to him, especially after a particularly hard day of work. He relaxes at the sound of your voice, often drifting off. It touches him more than he would like to admit when he finds you’re still there when he wakes up.
You are a light in his life and he wants to give back in kind, often dedicating his days off entirely to you. He loves giving you gifts, or surprising you with a romantic dinner to show his appreciation to you, for being there and understanding him.
While he doesn’t have the creativity to participate in most of your hobbies, he loves to watch you do it. The amount of passion you show for your art, the way your eyes light up when you’re working, is a picture perfect moment that he could look at for hours.
Prompt 4: Meet cute:
You couldn’t stop fidgeting as you stood outside the Red Army Headquarters, waiting for Kyle to fetch someone to help you. After you told him about burglars breaking into your house he insisted he get one of the officers to help you, despite you doubts. It was hard not to worry as you considered the prospect of having to turn to Jonah for help, knowing how hard he could be to communicate with, capable officer or not.  
When Kyle finally emerged, it wasn’t Jonah walking next to him, but a man you didn’t recognize.  
“Sorry for the wait. He’s not easy to find.” The man stood a few heads higher than you but his softer features and aura helped to make him quite welcoming. You begun to relax at his presence, wondering if he was as smooth as he seemed.
“Edgar Bright, at your service.” He offered you a gloved hand, a soft smile playing on his lips. His grip was soft but secure. He was smooth.
“Kyle filled me on the details but I’ll need a statement from you as well.” You tensed up, the idea of an interrogation being especially daunting considering you didn’t know much more than they did.
“No need to worry, it’s simply protocol. You can trust we will find whoever did this without any turbulence.” There was something very reassuring about him. Something that makes you think everything will be all right.
“Thank you.”
 The two of you left Kyle behind, retreating to Edar’s room to discuss the details of the investigation. After he poured two cups of tea he took the seat opposite you, as if the two of you were about to chat about the weather.
“Could you give me the details of what happened? It would be very helpful to hear it straight from the source.” You took a sip before starting with your statement, hoping to calm your nerves.
“I don’t know much more than you do. I was out for work most of the day and when I came back the place was a mess and many valuables were missing.” he seemed to have switched to work mode, completely focused on you.
“What time did you leave for work that day? And when did you return” he scribbled down on a piece of paper, his hand practically moving on its own.
“I left around 8 and came back around 6, I think.” When he put the pen down his attitude returned to relaxed gentleman status.
“I will start with asking the people who might have been present at the scene. I’ll get back to you once I’ve made some progress.” The conversation was over but you found it hard to leave. It didn’t feel right letting one man do the investigation on his own, despite it being his job. It was your house that had been rambled after all.
“I want to help as well. I know my way around the area, I can get in touch with some people.” His eyes widened, seemingly taken aback for the first time that day. He quickly composed himself, smiling again. You noticed something different about it now. Something in his expression told you he was more interested than before.
“I wouldn’t say no to a lady.” You smiled for the first time after the incident.
“Let’s get going then.”
 Prompt 10: Admission Of Feelings.
You continued working on the investigation for the next few weeks, the two of you growing closer by the day.
“There don’t seem to be any witnesses, but it’s unlikely no one was present. The break in happened in the middle of the day.” He rested his head on his chin, not touching the parfait sitting in front of him.
“Maybe they were there but didn’t notice anything. It’s not hard for a professional to pick a lock discreetly.” They two of you sat in silence for some time, both lost in your own theories of what happened that day.
He must have realized your worries, turning on his comfort face.
“We’ll find them. Don’t worry.” Usually you found his words comforting, but you couldn’t keep the frustration from your voice when you looked up at him.
“Realistically speaking, it’s probably not going to happen. They made a clean escape and left nothing behind. You don’t need to baby me, I can put two and two together.” Despite the harshness of your tone, you found him smiling, after the initial surprise wore off.
“You never cease to amaze me.” He opened his mouth to say something, but the words never left him, his eyes turning to the window. He was up and out of the café before you could ask what he had seen.
“What the-“when you looked in the direction of the culprit, you shot up, following after him.  
A man stood outside your door, seemingly fighting with the door. When he noticed the two of you approaching him, he dropped his bags, taking off before you could reach him.
“Stop!” Edgar run after him, his speed taking you by surprise, making it hard to catch up.
The man took a sudden turn, heading towards the narrow alleys of Central Quarter, giving you an important disadvantage in the chase.
Your legs ached and your heart was threatening to burst out of your chest. When you thought you couldn’t keep going, you rounded a corner to find Edgar, sitting on top of the man, pinning him in place. If he was tired from the chase, it didn’t show.
“I suppose I don’t need to ask if it was you who broke in a few weeks ago?” his gaze was cold and his grip was tight on the man’s shoulders.
“I- I just- I-it wasn’t me!” Edgar ignored him, turning towards you. Something flickered in his eyes, but loud footsteps coming your way didn’t let him act on whatever it was.
“The Jack? Sir, what happened? We heard the commotion and came to investigate.” A handful of Red Army soldiers stood in front of you, their eyes switching between Edgar and the man under him.  
“Take this man back to headquarters. I will interrogate him later.” Edgar pulled the man up, pinning his hands behind his back.
“Yes sir!” when the men led the thief away there was silence. Edgar’ kept his head low, not looking you in the eye as he tried to calm his breathing, the adrenaline of the chase slowly fading away. You knew you should be happy the man had been caught, but something was wrong in the atmosphere. You weren’t sure if you should speak up, or let him ride whatever it was out. He didn’t give you time to think on it, finally walking toward you. His hands were shaking when he reached out to touch your shoulders, a mixture of frustration and worry in his eyes.
“You…. Why…” you weren’t sure what to say, so you put your arms around him instead, hoping it would offer him some comfort. You stayed like that for some time, until his hands stopped shaking.
“I didn’t want you to see me like this.” His words were muffled by the fabric of your shirt. When he lifted his head again, something inside him seemed to snap.
“You shouldn’t have followed me. What if something happened? You could have gotten hurt.” He looked away, his eyes shut tight. You wondered what image was going through his head to cause him so much pain. You cupped his face, forcing him to face you.
“Edgar, look at me.” And he did. The sight of you seemed to calm him down.
“Nothing’s going to happen to me. I’m right here.” It took some time for the words to register, but when they did his face moved closer to you. You encouraged him, pulling him closer, your lips connected in a brief kiss. When he pulled away he took a step back, as if scared he had hurt you.
“I-I’m sorry.” You moved closer, smiling up at him.
“There’s nothing to apologize for. Except maybe pulling away.” You laughed. When he realized you might feel the same way he took your hands in his.
“You’re an amazing woman.” He paused to gather his breath before meeting your gaze again.
“If the thought wouldn’t be appalling, could I see more of you, outside of work?” you couldn’t keep the laughter inside.
“Appalling? Edgar, do you think I would kiss someone I find appalling?” you pulled him back in, hoping to get your point across.
“I’ll never get enough of this.” His smile was brighter than you’d ever seen it.
“I’ll hold you to that. Because we’re just getting started.” The moon was bright above you as you laughed, your happiness overflowing.
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iplaymatchmaker · 3 years
@crunchy-cloud​ thank you so much for requesting🥰! I’m sorry this took me so long, but I hope you like it! I once again got slightly carried away but that’s pretty much typical by now😂. I hope you enjoy this! ❤❤❤
Also a note for anyone reading this whose request I haven’t answered, sorry for the delay, I will definitely get to them!. It’s just been a rough few weeks. Thanks for your patience ❤❤
I match you with
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 I honestly struggled with this one, so I literally used process of elimination and ended up with a hit-man looking list until I came to the final showdown. Oliver Vs Sirius. It was a tough battle, but we have a winner and now I’m living for this choice! Also to be perfectly clear Oliver is in his adult form for both the prompts, just so there’s no confusion.
Much to no one’s surprise, you first meet through Blanc, who suggests you look to Oliver for a gadget you need. You have been looking for sound -absorbent ballet shoes, so you would be able to practice during the night. The two of you don’t talk much, the conversation being solely focused on your request. When he got back to you a few days later, you realize why Blanc had insisted you turn to his friend. His work is excellent and the styling of the shoes was a very nice touch. It surprises you how much detail he put into them. You can’t help but wonder how he had managed to make them.
You don’t see him again for some time after that first meeting. Not until Blanc comes to you with a request of his own. Oliver has been particularly busy the past few days and -despite his complaints- needs assistance.  You accept quickly, eager to see the boy work.
Despite the work pile slowly decreasing, Oliver doesn’t let you off work and you wouldn’t have it any other way. After the initial caution wore off, the two of you work very efficiently as a team. While he is not the talkative type, once he realizes you can hold your own when it comes to the more technical aspects of his work, he confines in you about his designs, curious about your input.  
Your relationship is very much about mutual learning, if not interrupted by your bickering, with each other or with Blanc. When the three of you meet up for lunch on less busy days, the pure chaos that unleashes with both you and Oliver on the table, joking around, is quite entertaining to someone who understands and appreciates your sense of humor. Thankfully Blanc is one of those people.
The first time you see Oliver in his adult form, you almost think you are dreaming. Oliver has never acted like a kid, so you knew better than to treat him like one, but you had never thought of him as an adult. Now seeing him towering above you, you can’t help but be shocked. He hadn’t exactly meant for it to happen, thinking it would have been too confusing, but seeing you treat him the same way made him feel happy about you finding out. This event ended up creating a new level of trust between the two of you.
After the two of you finally get together- after an endless amount of pinning-  you could be perfectly described as that couple no one messes with. While you, unlike Oliver, don’t insult your costumers if a person comes around who is acting unreasonable you are very quick to put them in their place. Height doesn’t matter when your presence as a pair is so strong. I’m also living that short girl life, so yay for validation.
Prompt 8 – Drunk
You hadn’t intended to drink that night. You, Oliver and Blanc had gone out drinking at the pub, ready to let off some steam after a tiring week of constant work. Blanc had insisted you let loose, so with that mindset you couldn’t turn down Dalim’s challenge, especially after he smugly declared he had it in the bag. The rules were simple: “Take a shot for ever question you don’t want to answer. First person to twenty shots loses.” And so the games began.
You weren’t surprised when his first set of questions was extremely personal. You followed a similar strategy, but he was too shameless to be bothered by much. After a good amount of questions had been asked, during which you had gotten considerably drunker, his questions shifted completely. Suddenly you were hit with questions about math problems, physics and the like, your brain too fuzzy to make sense out of them. The shot count hit twenty before you could get him to fifteen. By the end of it, your head was spinning. Despite your frustration, you didn’t particularly regret it. It was fun to hear all the weird storied the bartender had to share, as well as reminiscing about some of your own.
“I think that’s enough. I’ll be having a word with you another time.” Oliver glared at Dalim before helping you to your feet.
“We should be getting home.” You couldn’t stop laughing as Oliver led you outside, practically carrying you there.
“What’s so funny?” he sounded annoyed, but you knew him well enough to separate true frustration from faint annoyance. You pulled at his shirt, bringing lower so you could look him in the eye. You flashed him the best puppy eyes you could master, pleased to see him slowly give in.
“Come ooon, don’t be mad, you big oaf.”
“That won’t work on me.” You grinned, ruffling his hair, earning a groan from him.
“Liar.”  You continued to cling to him as you slowly made your way back home, the silence only interrupted by your random fits of laughter.
When Oliver opened the front door, he quickly placed you on the couch before stepping into the kitchen to make tea for the two of you. It was a struggle not to fall asleep, but the smell of the tea leaves brewing kept you awake long enough to enjoy the perfect after-hours beverage.
“Here, this should help with the headache.” Warmth spread through you as you drunk, happy to put something other than alcohol in your system. After a few sips you felt your brain slowly return to its correct position.
“Your tea is always the best.” You moved closer to him, placing your head on his chest.
“Unlike yours.” You jabbed at his side, despite your still unruly limbs.
“More comments like that and I’ll ask Blanc to cook your favorite, carrot cake.” His face twisted in disgust at the mention of the harmless dessert.
“Don’t even joke about that. Stupid carrot muncher…” you laughed, righting yourself so you were looking him in the eye.
“Hey, Oliver.” Your tone must have thrown him off because his attention was instantly on you again.
“Thanks.” You smiled before taking a last sip of your tea, laying your head on the couch, feeling your eyes get dreary.
“No need to thank me, dummy. Hey, don’t fall asleep here!” you didn’t pay him any mind as you drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
When you woke up the next morning, you were carefully tucked in Oliver’s bed, a glass of water and a sandwich sitting on the nightstand. You smiled and moved to get up, instantly regretting it as your head spun, making a mental note not to go up against Dalim again.
Prompt 10:  
Oliver had been cooped in the workshop for the past few days, rarely emerging for food and water. You had made several attempts to help him with whatever it was he was working on but he shrugged you off, leaving you with simple task like cleaning and bringing the occasional glass of water.
After a week passed and Oliver remained locked in his garage, you decided you had finally had enough. When the sun set you took a deep breath, preparing for ambush.
“Hey, Oliver, I need to talk to you.”  He didn’t budge, solely focused on what looked to be a mirror of sorts. It was time for more drastic measures. You took his hand, pulling him away from his work table.
“Wha-“  you sighed, stopping in your tracks without loosening your grip to his wrist.
“You’ve been in here for a week. You need to get outside. The place is mess.” You gestured to the abandoned tools scattered around the floor, trying to pull with towards the exit.
“I’m almost done with this, I just need to test it!” he resisted, pulling the two of you back to his new invention.
“What is it that has you so preoccupied?”  You turned to look back at the unassuming mirror, worried frogs would jump out of it. You certainly wouldn’t put it past him.
��It’s a special request from Ray. The need it for an investigation.” You hadn’t expected it to be a request by the Black Army, suddenly curious about its abilities.
“What does it do?”
“It’s supposed to compel you to tell the truth. They probably need it for an investigation. I’m still not sure if it works.”  Your eyes lit up at his words, your frustration forgotten at the prospect of such a tool.
“Well come on, let’s test it!” you couldn’t contain your excitement as he lifted the hand mirror, eyeing it carefully.
“How does it work?”
“You need to ask me a question and as long as I’m looking straight in the mirror, I will tell the truth. Come on, ask me something.” You pondered your options, wondering what would be a good first question.
“How do you feel about carrot cake?” it was a question you would surely be able to tell if he lied about.
“It’s disgusting, it should disappear into oblivion.” You almost laughed, quickly reminding yourself that you were supposed to be testing Oliver’s invention.
“It was a dumb question I could never lie about that abomination even if I wanted to.” The disgust was evident in his facial expression. A question circled back into your mind, plaguing you to ask. In the end you couldn’t help yourself.
“How do you feel about me?” you had only meant to tease him a bit – and maybe get some form of answer- but his expression was completely serious as he looked into the mirror, instantly replaced by horror as soon as the words left his mouth.
“I love you.” Your eyes widened ,your brain unable to comprehend what you just heard. When he looked down at your face, his face twisted in what seemed to be a mixture of fear and shock. He pulled his hand from yours and stormed out before you could stop him, standing alone in the middle of the now empty workshop.
You couldn’t sleep that night, Oliver’s words echoing through your mind. You weren’t sure what to feel. Judging by his reaction it must have been true. Oliver loved you.
It was hard to wrap your head around. You didn’t know if you were happy or devastated. You couldn’t handle this ruining your relationship. He was important to you, even if you weren’t sure if this was the type of love he felt for you.
When he didn’t come back the next day, you couldn’t sit around moping. You needed to find him and talk this through. You filled in Blanc on the situation -leaving out the exact details of what you had found out – before heading out.
By the time the sun set your feet ached after hours of fruitless searching. No one had seen him and you couldn’t think of any other place to look.
When you felt your hope fleeting, you saw him. There wasn’t any natural light left, the road only lit by a few road lamps, but you were certain you saw Oliver’s signature hat in the distance. Your feet bolted, leading you closer to the figure.
“Oliver!” he only moved faster, making catching up with him even harder.
“Oliver wait!” you put all our strength towards catching him, almost tacking him when you did.
“H-Hey, watch it!” he caught you before you could fall, holding you until you were confident you could stand on your own again. When you took a step back and got a closer look at him he wouldn’t look you in the eye.
“Oliver, look at me.” His face was turned away from you, half of it hidden in the darkness of the alleyway. Your hand moved to cup his cheek, turning his head so his eyes were looking into yours. You had prepared many different versions of the speech for the moment you saw him again, but your mind blanked. It was just you and him and that was all that mattered.
Your head moved on its own accord, inching closer to him. When your lips met his he didn’t pull away, didn’t move, too stunned to speak. When you moved away again something inside him seemed to snap. He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly, bringing his lips to your again. When the two of you were gasping for breath, he embraced you, like you could slip away any moment.
“I love you. I’m sorry it took that mirror for me to tell you.”
“I love you to, Oliver.”
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