intimateconfessions · 3 years
I feel as though I've fallen in love with my coworker but I'm scared to say anything to him about it die to this irritating little fact that I'm in a relationship. A bad one. I want to get out of it, especially now, but I have nothing and no one to go to for help. And now I'm being kept away from work and people at work are saying he loved me all along but that they're telling him to lose those feelings. I don't want him too! I want him to love me but I can't say anything without risking hurting him. I'm so tired I don't know how much more I can take.
Any advice highly welcomed I'm so sorry
i’m sorry this seems like a really tough situation :( what’s stopping you from leaving the relationship> is it dangerous? i dont know much about what to do here, especially if you don’t have a support system, but maybe there’s something you can look into? as for if to tell him or not, i don’t know :( thats not something i can decide- my personal view on this stuff is usually like “if you tell them and it goes badly, they should still be your friend anyway and if theyre not then they werent worth it” but i know this is harder said than done 
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
i never think of you during the day but when it comes to night you’re all i think about. does that mean im lonely or do i really want you?
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
fuck i tried so hard not to be clingy that you think i don't care. im not even clingy! you did this to me! because i thought you didn't care and i tried to blow you off but you keep coming back. what are you trying to tell me?
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
yall ever *watch* someone die? weird day...
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
hey! i don’t know if you remember me, but i used to confess here a lot several years back. my emoji signature was 🌹.
anyways, i just wanted to give you a few updates on how i’m doing! i used to confess here about one person a lot and my friendship with her kinda fell apart last year. she and i have worked on rebuilding it though, and now we aren’t nearly as close, but we still love each other. we don’t talk every day any more, but when we do talk it feels good. thinking of her still makes me kinda sad, but it’s good sad. i know we were supposed to grow in different directions. it’s enough for us to still care about each other even if we’ll never be attached at the hip again.
i’m a guy now! i realized i was a trans dude and i’m happier than ever. i have an amazing boyfriend who is so loving and supportive as well as an awesome qpp who i adore. i’m in college and while life sure as hell isnt perfect, i’m doing a lot better. i’m a lot happier now. a lot more content, and ready to take on whatever the world gives me.
anyways, i wanted to thank you. this blog meant so much to me when i was struggling really hard with everything in my life and trying desperately to cling to the one close friendship i had. i always appreciated your love and understanding and i always will. i hope you’re doing well. you deserve it.
i absolutely remember you!!! hello again!! :) i’m SO happy to hear about how you’re doing, and so happy to see you’ve discovered and understand more of your identity now! i hope life only continues to go up for you :) 
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
i hope the regular anons i used to have are doing well in love <3
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
hey i’m sorry guys! tumblr has been doing that thing again where it refuses to tell me i’ve been sent asks because this is a sideblog >:( 
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
I just want to nap with my ex... be held one last time by them even tho im in a diff relationship.
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
I love my boyfriend more then words could ever explain but I feel like he is deeply sad. His ex was abusive and mean for a long time and I know he loves me now and is healing but I can’t help but wonder if he will see that I’m not good for him after he is done. I miss him already man.
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
They are your ex sure but they were still your first love. I see how you look at them and can’t help but wonder if you secretly miss those days
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
i knew the friendship was too easy 👌
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
ahh i hate how easily i cry :(
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
i still feel giddy when i see your name 🥰
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
i know its been like 10 minutes but someone else said something ive always wanted to hear and now im good ❤
am i a bad friend?
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
am i a bad friend?
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intimateconfessions · 4 years
hey... okay this might be kind of weird. i found your blog a couple hours ago. i just read through the whole thing now. like uh, i legit read through to the entire beginning and end of this blog. i have a sister-disorder to yours, my hyper empathy kicked in while reading.. i just wanted you to know that some random person across the world is hoping you're okay, yeah? i might be some random fox, but i care. i know this blog last updated a month ago, but yeah. i'm sending some sweetness your way..
wait this is like the nicest message ever thank you :(( this means a lot to me <3 
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