interesnie · 4 years
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interesnie · 4 years
They say that Russians in any country in the world can be recognized by a worried expression on their faces. And I think there is some truth to this. We do not know how to live here and now - we are always thoughts in the future and dramatically relive every moment of it.
The concern of tomorrow is inherited by us from past generations. Psychologists have even come up with a name for this phenomenon - "transgenerational transmission." In times of war, repression, devaluation and putsch, it was vital to think a few steps ahead. And in order to have the strength to cope with the hardships of everyday life, it was required to remain healthy and young. To be old was to become weak, poor and perish.
The fact that people younger than 40 years of age testifies to the fact that the horror of the approaching age is precisely inherited from parental generations. That is, a person does not have his own experience of experiencing old age, he is liquid in the labor market, runs in the mornings and regularly has sex, but every time he looks at the elderly, he twitches inwardly! Because the "tribal memory" of advanced years in ailments and want is archived in our unconscious. To be old is scary.
Sociologists do not indulge the topic of fears with attention. The last study, when the Russians were asked the question “What are you most afraid of?” Was conducted by Fears of the Levada Center in October 2017. So, two years ago, the fear of old age in the survey results was in fifth place, after the fear of impoverishment and loss of working capacity - which, in essence, are synonymous with old age.
Fear of old age is like a multi-layer cake. This is not only about facial wrinkles and high blood pressure. First of all, this is a story about the loss of beauty, health, working ability, friends and relatives, life itself, in the end. About accepting oneself as different, in something imperfect. And of course, about the feelings that accompany change: loneliness, helplessness, fatigue, envy, resentment, anger and indignation - everyone will find something to add to this list.
A good diagnostic sign is that we are still dealing with fear, not anxiety. Anxiety is a vague state from which the soul is lousy. It seems like a bad feeling. Fear is a fear of something specific. It’s quite an identified enemy, which you can fight with if you wish.
The fight against the fear of old age often begins with the fact that at least a person can control: with sports, injections of Botox and other "mesotherapy". When you have cubes on the press and a smooth forehead, convince yourself that you are still “Wow! Young! Alive, smoking room! ”, Much easier.
When fear grows into a phobia Everyone has a secret box with fears. Looking into it, we experience a fleeting feeling of sadness, slight sadness or excitement. Mentally healthy people do not constantly think about their fears.
If fear completely seizes consciousness, it takes the form of a phobia. Passion for the rejuvenation process becomes manic: diets, grueling workouts in the gym, plastic surgery.
It happens and vice versa. The young man argues: “I am already 30, I am old, why should I strive for something?” And refuses new projects, acquaintances, ceases to take care of herself. The fear of aging is so great that a person tries to lose the inevitable scenario as soon as possible.
In especially neglected cases, the obsessive fear of aging is manifested by panic attacks, anxiety disorder, depression, and tantrums. But these diseases can be cured with the help of psychotherapy.
How to stop being afraid of old age Old age is the logical and inevitable end of our lives. You yourself can choose whether it will be lonely and gloomy or active and joyful. As in the case of pension savings, a lot depends on how you manage your life resources now. And if we cannot turn back the clock, then we can take care of preserving and increasing the most important assets so that when we turn 60, we have something to do.
In connection with the onset of old age, a variety of negative feelings and thoughts can visit us. But they can be transformed into a force that will help maintain activity and good mood, despite the years.
Let's disassemble and neutralize the main fears that cause us to think about old age.
1. Loss of beauty “Wrinkles and sagging skin do not stain anyone. I hate myself like that. ”
Destructive feelings: despair, chagrin, annoyance, contempt, resentment, envy. We transform into constructive feelings: self-worth, respect, acceptance, gratitude, self-love, tenderness. Self-love is an internal state. You can look at yourself in the mirror and have fun, or you can, even with elastic skin and a poured body, be unhappy.
Usually women are worried about their appearance. It is believed that "men, like good wine, only get better with age."
This, of course, is far from the case. In the modern world, it is difficult to define beauty: standards are rapidly changing. But individuality does not depend on time and age.
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