intcashes · 3 years
Hi, still not back but uhhhhhh maybe I finally posted my Kanej fic for anyone interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35668972
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intcashes · 3 years
I’m not like back or anything but I just had to say that 1. I think I’ll be posting some Kanej fics on my archive cause I missed them and 2. I got my bf to read the gris.ha trilogy + s.oc + k.os and he decided to write a fic and the first thing he did was kill off one of the crows and i’m so proud <3
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intcashes · 3 years
stepping away from tumblr was a great idea, but ngl, i really miss being here...
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intcashes · 3 years
Ngl, I’m not feeling super confident about my writing to be here right now, I really want to be but eh
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intcashes · 3 years
I know I said I’d be around and then I vanished and I’m super sorry… things are just really rough here right now and it’s keeping me from writing. I’m trying to be around, I just don’t have the energy right now. I might throw myself back in or I might just keep my step away from tumblr… I’m sorry, I know I said I’d be here, which really sucks cause I do have muse and want to write Inej. I don’t know if/when I’ll be around more often, I try to kind of keep up with the dash.
But yeah, I’m sorry, hopefully things get better and I come back here.
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intcashes · 3 years
I know I said I’d be around and then I vanished and I’m super sorry... things are just really rough here right now and it’s keeping me from writing. I’m trying to be around, I just don’t have the energy right now. I might throw myself back in or I might just keep my step away from tumblr... I’m sorry, I know I said I’d be here, which really sucks cause I do have muse and want to write Inej. I don’t know if/when I’ll be around more often, I try to kind of keep up with the dash.
But yeah, I’m sorry, hopefully things get better and I come back here.
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intcashes · 3 years
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Who d'you think you’re kidding? He’s the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden, honey, we can see right through you Girl, you can’t conceal it We know how you’re feeling, who you’re thinking of         HERCULES (1997)
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intcashes · 3 years
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female awesome meme: [2/5] warrior characters ➝ Inej Ghafa
"Her silks were feathers, and she was free."
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intcashes · 3 years
@wildcr​ continued from here
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“ Not maybe, Nellie, this is obviously a trap. “ First off, they’d been separated from the others. That always seemed to spell disaster, or at the very least upcoming danger. Venturing forward into the dark without getting their bearings sounded like a bad idea all the way around. And yes, Irie could almost certainly keep Nellie safe, but it’d be nice if they didn’t go looking for more trouble... trouble which had seemingly found them already. “ If the clear way out is forward and we can’t go backward, is there a place we can make our own path? Do you have anything in there we can see by and look around before you do something rash and stupid? “
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intcashes · 3 years
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“and THAT is where our problems begin. it’s all very well reading the books, scouring through scrolls and lost documents, and I certainly have no issue with you studying them, but you rely them on. one day you will not have books - only yourself. you have to rely on yourself and your mind, not the words formed in the minds of others.” 
looking over his shoulder, harmon nods to a cup of tea on the desk across the room. “use your magic to bring the tea over here. do not spill a single drop.”
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“ They’re easier to rely on, “ Blythe answers quietly. She’s not bad at control, far from it, but there’s something about her unbridled magic that makes her nervous. It tests her limits and she cannot help but be worried about the pieces of her that she keeps locked away. There’s something dangerous about letting go and it scares her how badly she wants to. 
“ Alright. “ She does not close her eyes, but takes a deep breath and reaches out softly. Her magic cushions the cup, she’s only using a little after all, and she slowly brings it into a hover above the desk before carefully pulling it closer to her teacher. “ I’ve mastered this. The small tasks are easy. “
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intcashes · 3 years
20 QUESTIONS FOR MULTI-MUSE BLOGS!    send me a number and I’ll answer: 
which muse is the easiest to write? 
which muse is most likely to go to jail? 
which muse would be the best parent?
which muse is, physically, the strongest?
what would your muses be the deities of?
what are your favorite icons for each muse?  
which muse would you most like to meet irl?
which muse would try to befriend the others?
what song do you associate with each muse? 
which muse would be the MOM friend? DAD friend? 
which muses are cat people? which are dog people?
which muse would you want to have a sleepover with?
which two muses would get along the best if they met?
what sort of youtube channel would your muses have?
which muse would win in a fist fight against the others?
what is a plot you’ve been wanting to do for [muse name]? 
which muse would spend a night in a haunted place for $20?
which two muses would immediately fight each other if they met? 
which muse would you not let into your house, under any circumstance? 
which muse would investigate the scary noises?  which one would hide? 
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intcashes · 3 years
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you, inej. you.
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intcashes · 3 years
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Archetype Inspirations | Broken Angels
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intcashes · 3 years
@intcashes​   gets  a  one  line  starter  ━━━━━━━━  vortalis  &  talya .
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        “ 𝐈  𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄  𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃  to  let  you  go  and  I  cannot .  I  cannot  stop  thinking  of  you . I  cannot  stop  dreaming  about  you . ”
“ I could not bear to try letting you walk away, let alone do it myself. You are my every waking thought, my favorite dream. I know you’re unsure but I am not, Vor. I love you. “
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intcashes · 3 years
⚔ the princess bride sentence starters ⚔
“  you  mock  my  pain!  ”  “  life  is  pain.  ” “  he’s  only  mostly  dead.  ” “  i’m on  the  brute  squad.  ” “  you  are  the  brute  squad.  ” “  prepare  to  die.  ” “  we’ll  never  survive.  ” “  nonsense.  you’re  only  saying  that  because  no  one  ever  has.  ” “  who  are  you?  ” “  get  used  to  disappointment.  ” “  you  keep  using  that  word.  i  do  not  think  it  means  what  you  think  it  means.  ” “  i’ll  use  small  words  so  that  you’ll  be  sure  to  understand,  you  warthog  faced  buffoon.  ” “  that  may  be  the  first  time  in  my  life  a  man  dared  insult  me.  ” “  drop.  your.  sword.  ” “  shut  up!!  ”   “  you’ve  made  your  decision  then?  ” “  i  bet  my  life  on  it!  ” “  truly,  you  have  dizzying  intellect.  ” “  you’re  just  stalling  now.  ” “  you  guessed  wrong.  ” “  enough  of  that.  ”  “  surrender.  ” “  you  mean  you  wish  to  surrender  to  me?  very  well,  i  accept.  ” “  i  hate  waiting.  ” “  morons.  ” “  you  are  wonderful.  ” “  you  seem  a  decent  fellow,  i  hate  to  kill   you.  ” “  why  are  you  smiling?  ” “  because  i  know  something  you  don’t  know.  ” “  goodnight.  good  work.  i’ll  most  likely  kill  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  oh,  there’s  something  i  ought  to  tell  you.  ” “  think  it’ll  work?  ” “  it  would  take  miracle.  ” “  hear  this  now —  i  will  always  come  for  you.  ” “  this  is  true  love,  you  think  this  happens  every  day?  ” “  death  cannot  stop  true  love.  ” “  i  died  that  day.  ” “  we  may  as  well  die  here.  ” “  he’s  dead.  he  can’t  talk.  ”   “  as  you  wish.  ”   “  why  didn’t  you  wait  for  me?  ”   “  you  can  die  slowly,  cut  into  a  thousand  pieces.  ” “  you  killed  my  love.  ” “  it’s  possible. i  kill  a  lot  of  people.  ”   “  yes,  you’re  very  smart.  shut  up.  ”   “  you’ve  been  mostly-dead  all  day.  ”  “  inconceivable!!  ”  “  let  me  explain.  ”   “  your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ” “  what  hideous  sin  have  you  committed  lately?  ” “  will  you  ever  forgive  me?  ” “  there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours.  ”  
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intcashes · 3 years
A couple quick notes about my activity stuff on here:
I’ll be tagging all s&b spoilers as shadow and bone spoilers
I’m trying to do older drafts first, but I have so much shit that it’s anything old that I have inspiration for
some drafts might be deleted soon, let me know if there’s anything in particular you’re hoping I keep!
also, all Inej threads have priority because that’s what I have inspiration for lol
on that note, I’ll eventually type up her official show verse, but I do have one for her, it’s just not on her page yet
Finally, I am running entirely off a queue again and will not be fast + there will be hiatuses in the future as my life is crazy
But yes, it’s good to be back and I missed you all!
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intcashes · 3 years
@clevererthan liked for a starter
“ To impress Jesper? Bring him to a petting zoo, especially if they have goats. “ One of their first major ‘ heists, ‘ if it could even be called that, had involved a goat that Jesper had become particularly attached to. Though it’d been some time, her friend’s fondness for the animals hadn’t faded. “ I think there’s one an hour or so away. Why do you ask? “ Though, despite the question, Inej was almost certain she already knew the answer. Still, best to let her friend confirm it, especially if she was being recruited to help plan the apparent outing.
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