instagramviews-blog · 7 years
5 Must-Know Instagram Hacks That Can Make You An Instagram Influencer
From being a simple photo sharing app to growing into a visual platform for storytelling, Instagram has truly come a long way with regards to enticing people from all over the world to sign up. Thanks to its consistent arrival of new features, the mobile social channel has attracted over 500 million users – most of them participating in discussions and posting photos and videos (as of October 2017) on a regular basis.
Who wouldn’t want to promote his or her business and generate more leads on Instagram? Or who would say no to the opportunity of partnering with leading influencers to get the word out there about his/her product or service pretty fast? Or, who would want to miss the opportunity to become an influencer and guide like-minded people in the right direction?
Well, the truth is, Instagram isn’t just about engagement and fun, but it’s also about making more money by connecting with the right people. It’s home to some big brands like Red Bull, Virgin Airlines, Starbucks, Reebok, Coca Cola, and it’s also the most preferred marketing platform for thousands of small and medium businesses from around the world. A report confirms that 33% of Fortune 500 companies ran paid Instagram Ads in 2015, which seems to be 13% more than the previous year. That’s great news for Instagram!
But that also means tough competition for businesses. So, how would you outrank your competitors on Instagram? Well, the best thing you can do is craft visually enticing images and videos that provide value to your profile visitors. In other words, you need to take advantage of visual storytelling.
Let’s take a look at some powerful ways by which you can tap into the power of visual storytelling and make more noise on the platform.
1. Define Your Objectives
Just when you are signing up an Instagram account, ask yourself why your brand needs a presence on the platform. Once that is determined, come up with a set of objectives taking into account your marketing goals.
To go from zero to a few thousands on Instagram, make sure to remember these critical factors: (read more)
*  Create awareness about a particular problem and promote your product or service as offering the best solution to the problem
* Cross-promote your Instagram photos and videos on your Facebook and Twitter account as well
*Use Instagram analytics to measure your performance periodically
By getting your Instagram marketing campaign off the ground with clear-cut branding objectives in mind, you get to put yourself in a better position to be recognized by your target audience than not. Create powerful messages through your photos in such a way that they add value to your users and also help spread the word about your products and services pretty fast.
2. Curate Your Feed
Every image that you create forms an integral part of your gallery. When a user visits your profile, one of the first things that he or she will want to check out is your image gallery. Make sure you create photos with a consistent style, color, and background – this is essential for branding.
High quality photos are the other things that you need to focus more on. Take a look at Pelican products, for example. The brand uses high quality images to promote its products on social media. A lot of thought and work has been put into every single photo that has been shot. They are visually enticing to the eyes, so it’s no surprise that they are getting tons of views, likes, and shares.
In addition to looking good, the visuals also convey Pelican’s message to the audience more effectively. Take a look at their logo, which clearly grabs the attention of visitors. On the whole, the content and images promoted by Pelican look like they are tailor-made to their target audience which includes sports persons and outdoor enthusiasts.
When you know how to effectively combine high quality visual marketing with smart branding strategies, you put your brand in a better position to be recognized by potential customers. The Honest Company (http://gramilab.com/) is another great example of smart branding combined with visual storytelling.
3. Regram
Hiring a professional photographer can be an expensive affair. However, good photos can’t be neglected as well. So, you want to post great photos without hiring a freelance photographer. This is where Regram can help. It’s one of the best tools that allows brands and businesses to create user generated content for Instagram promotions. By reposting high-quality photos from influencers and other popular people, you make people understand that you have a good heart that appreciates great work and that you actually take your Instagram content very seriously. This is what builds trust and results in a growing community of followers on Instagram. But on the other hand, if you are looking for a quick fix to the lack of a massive following, it would be a smart choice to buy Instagram followers for your account.
Not just posts of industry leading influencers and celebrities, you can also repost photos of your followers on your timeline, and this will excite them to always come back and like your updates. As a matter of fact, there is proof that 85% of users find user-generated content from influencers to be more credible. As the promoter, you get to enjoy benefits like saving time and money as well. Can’t get better than this, eh?
4. Use Instagram marketing tools
There are tons of Instagram marketing and management tools that you can use to make your work a lot easier. From editing a photo to scheduling it for peak time posting and tracking users’ response to your posts, there are tools (free and paid) that you can use to automate your tasks.
If professional stock photos are what you are looking for, then check out Flashstock. If you need more, then explore iStock by Getty Images which comprises a massive collection of royalty-free sketches, photos, and videos that could be perfect for your brand promotion on Instagram and other social platforms.
5. Don’t Forget Hashtags
When it comes to attracting more users and giving them great experiences, Instagram thrives on visual content, great captions, and searchable hashtags besides many others. To improve your content reach on the social channel, it’s important that you choose the right hashtags for your posts. Look around the web, and pick a list of popular hashtags that are relevant to your product or service and also come up with your creative brand marketing hashtags to add a personal touch to your content so that they are easily recognizable for users.
Becoming an Instagram influencer takes more than just posting great content. You need to be a smart content marketer as well. Use the best tools and resources you have, and also connect with your friends, clients, business partners, and other influencers on Instagram to boost your chances of becoming an influencer ASAP!
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