Hello. Okay so I wanna get a couple of new tattoos. I recently got my first tattoo and lets just say that I am addicted now. The first one that I wanna get is a little heart right below my pinky on the palm of my hand. I wanna get that because I no longer live at home and a little town in Wisconsin is where I grew up and still where my family lives. When the hand is held up towards a person it creates the outline of the shape of Wisconsin to them. Therefore the heart would be right where my home town is, signifying that home is where the heart is. The other tattoo that I would like to get would be a North Star on my wrist as a tribute to my grandparents. The star first came to my mind when the one year anniversary of my grandpa's passing happened about a month ago, I was at a Thomas Rhett concert when it hit me. I was about to go live on Facebook to share the concert with my friends when I saw that my mom had gotten a vase of flowers at work, me being me I had to find out why. Looking at the comments people were commenting praying for you, my heart is heavy for you on this day, and things like I love you and you are in my thoughts. That's when it hit me what day it was. I looked up and Thomas Rhett was playing the song star of the show. That's when it hit me that I was meant to hear that song when I remembered as a way to tell me that everything is okay and that grandpa is up in heaven with the Lord and that he is the star of the show up there and that he is always looking down on me and my family. The other part of the north star comes into play with my Nana and Bumpa. They have been the biggest role models in my life for my faith and church life. They have been a big reason way I believe what I believe and why I live out the faith in my life and for that I am forever grateful and feel as though I should tribute to them in my life. I will also like to get the first letter of their first name on the cross part of the star along with their dates. As of right now only my grandpa has passed a way and so I would only get his dates and add to them as I know the rest of the dates.
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First things first, this is all new to me and I hope that this will help inspire you just as much as I want it to inspire me. Blogging is something that I have always wanted to do and I'm hoping that it will live up to my expectations. Let the adventure begin.
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