I am really sorry for my lack of activity. I just feel kind of burned out and not really interested in any of my threads right now. However, I am still available on skype and also willing to plot- maybe something can coax my muse out. I reeally hope. 
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pro tipp: follow mxraak
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pro tipp: follow mxraak
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did anyone actually already write a fanfiction about Miraak’s life as in before he lost his own little rebellion and if no, would actually someone care to read such a thing?
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How foolish to call a dragon kind! Despite this somber thought, Michael's face lit up with a shining smile. Dragons only had one desire: power. Wait for the mighty to fall and lurk in the dark until they themselves could rise- this was something true for both Odahviing and Michael who ever since saw himself as one of the dovah. “Be, for a dragon wastes no words on the unworthy,” he said softly, a certain pride in his voice. Whether Odahviing spoke true or merely followed his master's wish to please the Thalmor at any occasion- it did not matter to him. Not really. “Shall we go?”, the young emperor asked and offfered her his arm to hook in. “The wedding will be wonderful,” he already started, gesturing with his free hand as the crowd parted for the imperial couple. “Kings and Queens, Councillors and the highest of the high will all come to witness- and nothing on Nirn shall spoil that most joyful day.” The day the Empire and the Dominion would be bound by marriage. Sooner or later, they would start trusting him- and then he would show no mercy on them. All plans were made and now to be set in motion. Until that day, he would smile and play pretend like he used to when he and Janys were children. “I will accompany you on your travel to the Imperial City- we will take the ship to Anvil, then in small procession along the Gold Road, passing to Skingrad, which is the town where I was born, just by the way, and finally to the Imperial City.”
Naniriel had only managed to make small subtle glances at the emperor as he dismounted his dragon, and so her heart raced wildly when she realized he had walked to her. When the young emperor’s fonger raised her chin, and she finally saw him - really saw him, the man who would be her husband, despite all her education on sophisticated behavior and modestly, her face lit up in the most awed smile. He was beautiful, in a way she had never seen a man be. Mer, possibly could have… And she was happy that her small stature finally came to some use, it would have been utterly embarrassing had she been taller than her fiancé, the emperor, for Auri-El’s sake! She had heard that some men were sensitive about their wives being taller than them.
She listened to him speak, starry-eyed. She was entranced by the dreamy perfection of her life for that sweet moment.
“Yes, your higness”, she whispered shyly. In her mind she gave a silent prayer of gratitude to the gods, for choosing her to be not only the Empress of Cyrodiil, but the wife of this divinely beautiful man. She had no qualms about the fact he wasn’t a mer, anymore. None whatsoever. The jealous could mock her all they wanted. She was going to be his. And she was going to be the empress.
She felt she might swoon when she heard the dragon speak. It was the first time, obviously - and then the emperor translated it, she blushed heavily, and bowed modestly, shaking all over.
“He is so kind, your majesty, as are you. I am more honored than words can ever express.”
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Send me a misconception you think people have about my character and I'll explain if it's true or not
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"Dark Cravings"
Dragged into a room, pinned against the wall, kissed along the neckstatus: accepting [link]
He was breathless in no good way. An iron grip around his upper arm as he passed one of the rooms in the Viscount’s Keep, such a looming place with the wonderfully familiar architecture of the imperium. In one second, he’d been mentally preparing for the negotiations he would be listening to, in the next he found himself pinned against the wall in one of the many smaller storage rooms. Hands strong and steely that held his wrists, a hot mouth against his neck. Michael could feel his heart thud against his ribcage in frantic panic. Everything went too quick for him to recognize who it was- and so he was unthinking, reacting out of mere reflex. With the power of a steely will, he blasted the attacker away through his mental powers and his hand flared up in a cold blue, the magic lights revealing the perpetrator in harsh illumination. “Viscount!”, the young mage gasped. Was this how the Southerners treated their... guests? Of course, Michael had heard that the viscount was not known to be a friend of mages- and yet he had been sure that the archon’s decree would be enough to put him into the same immunity as the businessman he was accompanying. “What in the Maker’s name...” His wrists hurt and he felt nauseous. Sometimes you cannot blast them away. Sometimes all you can do is endure. 
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  I am tired of this Golden Cage that is my home            I must go my own way with my own rules   and find my own honour so I can see who I am                                                    Independent Tevinter Rogue OC                                                    highly adaptive roleplayer                              
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Send "Dark Cravings" For My Muse's reaction to Your's Dragging them into a Dark Room, pining them against a wall, and kissing them along their Neck..
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*curls up in a ball of sad*
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Ask me about my OCs ► Character Flaws!
Toss some numbers in my inbox and the character I should answer them for.
1. What is one thing others might find intolerable about them? 2. Do they have any annoying quirks? If so, what are they? 3. Name one or more of their bad habits. 4. Any addictions? (Food, sex, drugs/alcohol, shopping, power/control, etc.) 5. What is one thing they do that can negatively affect their relationship with friends? 6. Their romantic relationships? 7. What is the biggest mistake they’ve ever made? 8. What mistake(s) do they continue to make/have not learned from? 9. Name some of their major physical shortcomings. 10. Some of their emotional shortcomings? 11. What are their intellectual shortcomings? 12. At least one thing that they tend to overreact to. 13. In what ways might they be overly negative and/or pessimistic? 14. Is there anything they are too optimistic about? 15. How might they be ignorant or prejudiced? 16. Do they have any behaviors and/or beliefs that cannot be adequately justified? 17. When would they be too judgmental of someone or something? 18. Are they ever a pushover about something? If so, how? 19. Is there anything they refuse to budge on? What are they stubborn about? 20. What is a self-inflicted misery of theirs? (i.e. something they perpetuate themselves)
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The veil ripped, the floor shook, his low roar echoed in that room and brilliant amber eyes on the face of a dark shrouded figure. It is tall, looming over threateningly, and the darkness in its form blanched. Black turned to rich purple turned to fake flesh and blood and scales. "A fool calls in hopes of subordination. Mortals have dared over and over again to beckon when all they bring is their own despair."
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This was a darkness greater than  any he'd known. Like the child trembling in front of the monsters it suspected under its bed, his knees shook. Have no fear, and yet he was afraid and stared wordlessly at the looming blackness, this wretched abyss that could show man the deepest darkness of his own vile soul, for who if not a vile and truly wicked being would tear the fade and let demons spill out for his own needs? And yet Michael just raised his chin in a stupid, childish pride as the demon started to take carnar shape. “I do not bring despair, demon, you will find here none.” If there was any despair in his heart, little Michael most certainly was the last one to be aware of his own desperate needs, longings, dreams and hopes he called silly, childish, stupid and generally unwelcome. Here he stood, his heart thudding against his ribcage, breathless, anxious whether this trap would succeed. A demon books wrote about, maker of kings and their traitors, a being of the fade that shaped history as its vile mind pleased. “I wish for nothing but the world. All I want is everything.” One demons subodrdination? He wanted them all on their knees in front of him, wanted endless worshipping, thousands of heads bowed to his own greatness. “I want greatness and power, demon, and I would not ask it of anyone lesser – if you have any of the splendour the books attribute to you, that is.”
Black Heart
There is no greater glory than power without reins, power without morals to stand in the way. Desire echoed in the hearts of men like no other sin. It conquered, it destroyed, it created monsters of men who used to be good. Isiliden has watched, pulled and pushed the tides of Thedas as he pleased, nurtured the fires inside and stomped it out when he grew bored. Petty demons knelt before him and still mortals had the foolish expectations of good tidings when his name landed on paper. There was a reason why summoning the likes of him was ill-advised. There was no binding that would work on Isiliden, no trap he could not evade, no crevice obscure enough to hide in. His rage or his guile was common the moment the offering of blood tugged at him from any time. As a demon he is obligated to come when someone called, but not obligated to obey them or even give them the time of day. The last time someone brought him here, it was a group— a cult who revered him as a sort of God. He had laughed in their face and purged their life without a moment to spare.
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                                i      would         DESTROY         h  e  a  v  e  n                                 and          go              through      H   E   L   L  a                                 t h o u s a n d t i m e s o v e r                                 if — A N Y O N E — ever took you from M E
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Plotting call ?
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about the blogger
bold what’s true about you
I am under 18. I am a cuddler. I am a morning person.  I am an only child. I am currently in my pajamas. I am currently pregnant. I am left handed. l am right handed. I am ambidextrous. I am a little shy around the opposite sex. I bite my nails. I can be paranoid at times. I enjoy folk music. I enjoy smoothies. I enjoy talking on the phone. I have a car. I have/had a hard time paying attention at school. I have a hidden talent.  I have a pet. I have a tendency to fall for the “wrong” guy/girl.  I have all my grandparents. I have been to another country. I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor. I have or had broken a bone. I have bathed someone. I have changed a diaper. I have changed a lot over the past year. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have had major/minor surgery. I have killed another person. I have had my hair cut within the last week. I have mood swings.  I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. I have rejected someone before. I like the taste of blood. I like Michael Jackson. I love sleeping. I love to shop. I own 100 CDs or more. I own and use a library card. I read books for pleasure in my spare time.  I sleep a lot during the day. I watch soap operas on a regular basis. I work at a job that I enjoy. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free. I am wearing socks. I am tired. I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt. I consume at least one alcoholic drink every month.
I have/had:
Finished college.  Smoked cigarettes. Ridden every ride at an amusement park. Collected something really stupid. Gone to a concert. Helped someone. Spun turn tables. Watched four movies in one night. Been broken up with. Taken a college level course. Been in a car accident. Been in a tornado. Been in a hurricane. Been in a cyclone. Watched someone die. Been to a funeral. Cut myself. Ran a marathon. Your parents got divorced. Cried yourself to sleep. Spent over $200 in one day.  Cheated on someone. Been cheated on. Written a 10 page letter. Had a best friend. Lost someone you loved. Skipped school. Gotten in trouble for something you didn’t do. Stolen books from the library. Been in a mental hospital. Watched the “Harry Potter” movies. Fired a gun. Been in a school play. Been fired from a job. Taken a lie detector test. Swam with dolphins.  Attempted suicide. Written poetry. Read more than 20 books a year. Gone to Europe.   Loved someone you shouldn’t have. Used a coloring book over age 12. Had surgery. Had stitches. Taken a taxi. Had more than 5 online conversations going at once. Had a hamster. Gotten straight A’s.  Been handcuffed. 
My hair is naturally the color:
Light brown Medium brown Dark brown Blond Black Dirty blonde Strawberry blond Multicolored Red
My eyes are:
Brown Dark Brown Blue Green Hazel Light brown Grey
People sometimes label me as:
Slut. Boyish. Colorful. Ugly. Nerd.
Some of my fears are:
Spiders/other insects. Slimy things. Dying/Afterlife. Doctor/dentist appointments.  Hospitals. Needles.  Disease.  Being alone in the dark. Heights/Falling. Small spaces. Oceans/large bodies of water. Large animals. Small animals. Open spaces. Lightning/Fire. Tornadoes. Clustered holes.   Bodily fluids. Corpses. Thunder/loud noises.
I have:
A friend with benefits. A laptop in my room. A television in my room. Good grades. My own car.  Parents who are still married. A dog. A cat. A game console.
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replace one word in your url with the word "nipple"
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