late night texts (bokuaka)
Bokuto wasn’t expecting a message from Akaashi at two in the morning that read “may I please com over?” The moment he read that, he knew something wasn’t right. Akaashi never texted him past midnight because he wanted Bokuto to get some sleep. Bokuto guessed it wasn’t always like that.
He’d been waiting for Akaashi in the living room, careful not to make any noise and wake up his roommate. (Sawamura Daichi slept like the dead, but one could never be careful enough.)
A soft knock on the door and Bokuto was nearly sprinting to the door. He opened quietly and ushered Akaashi inside from the cold. It was mid January after all.
“‘Kaashi? What’s going on?” Bokuto seemed a little more worried than normal.
Akaashi let out a huff as he took off his scarf, Bokuto unzipping the coat. “They’ve been having sex all night long and haven’t let me sleep.”
Bokuto scrunched his nose in disgust. Akaashi had a rather sexually active roommate.
“Why are you up, Bokuto-san?”
Bokuto gestured to the textbook and papers on the kotatsu. “Test is in a few days.” He scratched the back of his and scrunched his face as he scratched off dried gel.
“Did you shower last night?” Akaashi was frowning, nose red from the cold.
Bokuto thought he looked ethereal. “Well, no. I got kind of distracted studying.”
Akaashi sighed, disapproval evident. “Go shower. No arguments.” He added after Bokuto opened his mouth to speak. “Now.”
Bokuto frowned but shuffled to the bathroom quietly. Showers worked miracles, that much was evident. Bokuto felt warm as he walked out of the bathroom, dressed in his comfiest pj’s and warm fuzzy socks. He was scrubbing his hair dry when the smell of tea his his nose. Akaashi was curled on the couch, blanket thrown over him and mug in hand.
“There’s more in the kitchen.”
Bokuto grinned, planting a kiss on top of Akaashi’s head and he passed by. He got himself a mug of tea and joined Akaashi on the couch. They sat in silence, drinking from their respective mugs. When they were finished, Bokuto took their mugs to the sink, leaving them there to be washed tomorrow. Bokuto offered his hand to Akaashi, and when the youngest took it, Bokuto guided him to his room. He shut the door behind them and watched as Akaashi went straight for the bottom drawer of Bokuto’s dresser. His drawer.
After changing, they curled up in bed, Bokuto on Akaashi’s chest, Akaashi’s hand in his hair.
“Hey, Akaashi?” Bokuto murmured, already half asleep. Akaashi hummed in response, Bokuto sighing at the feeling. “I love you.”
“I love you, too. Now, sleep. You have a long day of studying ahead tomorrow.”
Bokuto whined, locking one of Akaashi’s legs around his own. “Can we sleep in? Just a little.”
Akaashi faux thought about it. He knew after almost pulling an all nighter, that Bokuto would not wake up before nine in the morning. “I’ll think about it.”
Bokuto whined again, but pressed a kiss to Akaashi’s shirt clad chest before drifting off to sleep.
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“and the corners of his lips threatened to rise and ruin his cool demeanear”
“i could see a smile form ever so slightly”
sound familiar? like you’ve read it in a bokuaka fic? that’s because BOKUAKA ARE FUCKING CANON
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The place is called Eastern Star Jewelers, a store where anyone, human or witch, can purchase charmed (or cursed) jewelry. When two demons from Hinokoku take control of the store posing as businessmen, the charms begin to go awry, harming those that wear them.
Kuroo Tetsurou doesn’t want to risk putting Kenma in contact with Hinokoku demons, but Kenma is tired of hiding. He wants to confront them and force them to leave the world he now calls home. But Akaashi Keiji and Konoha Akinori are powerful demons from his past, and they’re not about to let anyone, traitor or hunter, deter them from their mission.
Enter Bokuto Koutarou.
((Direct sequel to Being Human: Origins))
RATING: M | PAIRINGS: BokuAka, KuroKen ALTERNATE UNIVERSE: Urban Fantasy, Magic, Demons, Demon Hunters, Witches
Cover Art by @ichigomaniac Commissioned Piece. Do Not Repost or Reprint.
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Both Persons A and B, about each other, at That Point of the Fanfic™:
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⇝ haikyuu matching icons
⇝ like/reblog if you save
⇝ @/bakunoswke on twitter
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Did someone order a tall glass of haikyuu shitposting? No? You’re getting it anyways biTC H
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drawing bokuaka instead of studying for my math test wby
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Shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
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and where are you going?
(click for better quality!)
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Pairing: Logince
Summary: Logan likes to flirt, and Roman likes to remind him whose he is. Dom! Roman, Sub! Logan. Possessive sex, public sex, degradation.
WC: 1,080
A/N: honestly,, glad to finally get another smut fic written. even if I was not expecting it, haha. @smuttysanderssidestwopointoh​ thanks for making my original idea like, 100x better.
They’ve been at it for hours.
Logan is flushed red, his eyes glazed and he’s biting at his bottom lip, stifling the noises that are threatening to slip out. You can barely tell from where he’s sitting behind the table in the dim light of the club, but one of his hands had drifted down to his slacks, palming at his cock. He just couldn’t help himself—the pulsing from the vibe inside him keeping him just on the edge of release.
The man sitting across from him is cute enough—dark hair, bright eyes, possibly a hint of makeup—but he isn’t Roman. No one else is. Regardless, Logan laughed and he joked because this was their game, and it was one he was oh so happy to play.
Keep reading
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Here's a VERY late Birthday fanart for Thomas!
Sorry guys I didn't have had much time to draw before sorryyyyyy Π~Π
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Prepare for trouble and make it double triple
Here's some fluffy anxceitmus, 'cause there was anxceit so why not add Remus.
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@bubble-beetle Here are the the Sanders sides with super crown in my style!
[Here's the original post]
Hope you like my version!
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So yeah....
That's probably why they haven't showed up.
Lmao :V
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Sanders Sides - Reverse AU
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Role: Self-Preservation/Validity
-Age of Existence: 27
-Eye color: Golden
-Personality: Kind, Altruistic, Stubborn
-Benefits: Calm and Intellectual
-Flaws: Fragile, (When forced) overly emotional, Insider
-Animal Counterpart (Overwhelm Form): Burmese Python
-Powers: Can silence people, can detect bigger, more visible lies and insecurities (in general), brightens up other's emotions.
-Flower: Sunflower 🌻
"Thomas' Shephard Boy"
[Other Information]
-"The mom"
-Leader of the Light Sides.
-Best friends with Virgil and Remus.
-Has a pretty big crush on Pride! Roman, but won't admit it do to the other side's behavior.
-Thomas' mostly used side along with the other two light sides (Virgil and Remus)
-Adored by Thomas
-Cares for Thomas the most out of everyone else in the mindscape (even Virgil)
-One of the oldest sides
-Loves flowers, mostly sunflowers
-Seems naive at first but is actually very cautious. (Not as much as Virgil though)
-He's rarely angry, but when he actually is, he's very emotional and impulsive which can lead to him turning into a giant Burmese Python
(Like Patton turned into a giant frog in the original)
-Spoils his kid, Virgil (but with cuddles and affection cause self-care) Remus too but as a friend way more. (Still doesn't change the fact that Janus' the mom friend)
-Is referred to as "Shepherd Boy", because he is the guidance of Thomas' well-being.
-His relationship with the two other Dark Sides is complicated for now.
| Remus&Roman ______ |
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Reverse AU
Remus & Roman
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-Role: Creativity (Also Intrusive Thoughts but much less at this point)
-Eye Color: Green (Can change itself to red or mix with red If the relationship with his brother is stable)
-Age of Existance (As Remus) 23
-Age of Existence as The King before the split: 12
-Age of Existance as The King now: 28
Personality: Determined, Brave, Energetic
Benefits: Imaginative, Funny, Spontaneous
Flaws: Impulsive, Disturbing, Compromisive
-Animal Counterpart (Overwhelm Form): Kraken
-Power: Can muffle other people's voices, can create anything, can help others be more creative/imaginative + can outscream everyone but he rarely does that.
-Flower: Peony/Leaves
-"The Duke"
[Other Information]
-A Light Side
-Best friends with Virgil and Janus
-Twin Brother and other half of Roman
-His relationship with his twin brother is very complicated
-Tried to get along with the dark sides but almost died (accidentally)
-This boy has a morningstar!
-Has a tiny crush on Virgil but would rather die than admit so. (The other way around is different though)
-Thinks that the Dark Sides should be viewed better than they actually are despite their personalities.
-Really tried to get along with his brother but the other would either criticize him or laugh at his silver streak (which is a touchy subject for another time though...)
So now he pretends he dislikes him.
-Janus is still "The mom friend" to him.
-When angry burns his energy smashing random created things, unlike Janus who gets overly emotional or Virgil who basically plots to destroy the anger source or listen to music in silence to calm himself down.
-Thomas finds him and his humor funny and interesting.
-Is on very good terms with his host.
-Is described as "The Duke" since he's just a half of the King.
-Gets very melancholic and nostalgic thinking about the times when he and his brother were on good terms or when they were The King.
-Really Depressed and Insecure af.
Role: Creativity/Pride
Eye color: Red (Can change itself to green or mix with green If the relationship with his brother is stable)
-Age of Existance (As Roman) 23
-Age of Existence as The King before the split: 12
-Age of Existance as The King now: 28
Personality: Flirty, Determined, Brave
Benefits: Imaginative, Nimble, Loyal
Flaws: Egoistic, Sly, Impulsive.
-Animal Counterpart: Hooded Pitohui (Deadly Poisonous Bird)
-Power: Can make people "fall in love" with him (It's basically a hypnotic spell to give in to his orders as he showers the victim with compliments) [Mostly does that to Janus but he actually means it], can create anything, can ^control people, can steal someone's ego (He does that by kissing the victim on the lips [Roman you dramatic bitch] not only does he drain the victim, there is a high chance that the victim may die do to his lips themselves being as poisonous as the rest of his body. The ego is collected in forms of crystal balls, the more bigger the ego is, the bigger the crystal ball)
-Flower: Rose
-"The Prince"
[Other Information]
-A Dark Side.
-On very bad terms with Logan.
-On neutral terms with Patton.
-Twin Brother and other half of Remus
-Hates his brother, mostly because he doesn't understand that the other still loves him.
-Is jealous of his brother being in the spot light (since he's the ego)
-He doesn't yet realize that his doings are wrong.
-Despised much by Virgil.
-His mask is supposed to represent his Hooded Pitohui's black beak
-This one has a samurai sword
-He usually means better than he does but it never works out the soft way unfortunetly.
-Way over hills for Janus. Will do anything for the Light Side and will also do anything to get him to fall in love with him.
-Regrets his actions and doings but thinks there's no backing out or fixing stuff anyway, since its already too late.
-Makes fun of his brother on purpose (although he does regret the things he says)
-Doesn't know why his brother has the silver streak in his hair.
-Doesn't actually want to kill Janus by poisoning, but he really wants to kiss him though and its frustrating, sometimes he can lose himself by just looking at him and doesn't realize if what he does is right or wrong.
-He claims he doesn't care about anyone except himself and Janus now, but those are actually lies.
-Raised as a dark side and doesn't understand the sense of the morals of the light sides.
-Really wishes he could go back in time and handle things better that he actually did.
-Sometimes gets very melancholic and nostalgic thinking about his past as The King or while still being with his brother.
-Is described as "The Prince" since he's only half of "The King"
| Janus , Virgil , Logan _____ |
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Reverse AU
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-Role: Caution (Anxiety too but much less)
-Eye Color: Heterochromic [Purple&Deep Jungle Green]
-Age of Existence: 16 (The youngest side)
-Personality: Charismatic, Confident, Careful
-Benefits: Obliging, Loyal, Friendly
-Flaws: Aggressive, Childish, Overprotective
-Animal Counterpart (Overwhelm Form): Purple Pinktoe Tarantula
-Power: Control people's anxiousness level, can double his voice, can change room-lighting, can detect evil people, can detect danger ahead.
-Flower: Crocus
-"Thomas' Little Knight"
[Other Information]
-Best friends with Remus and Janus
-Janus' 'son'
-Loves wearing badges, pins and hair-clips
-Loves his 'mom' very much
-People treat him like a child, hates it with passion (although he likes cuddles)
-Once when angry, flirted with Remus when the other made a joke about him being a kid
(Remus got very flustered and embarassed, so he continues to do so.)
-Doesn't hide having a crush on Remus, although the other claims, that Virgil is too young (even if they are sides, not humans and age doesn't really matter to them)
But that doesn't stop him from trying though.
-Can throw stuff at people, when angry
(NEVER throws anything at Janus. Sometimes throws stuff at Remus, but he apologizes and feels bad afterwards.)
Always throws stuff at Roman, when he's around.
-Despises Roman very much for flirting with his mom.
-Tried to murder Roman multiple times, although Remus and Janus wouldn't let him
-Doesn't know much about the other Dark Sides.
-Thomas calls him "baby-boy" from when he learned that the other is only 16 years in Sides, he's the only one, that Virgil doesn't get angry at when calling him this way.
-Since he's the smallest everyone likes to pat him on the head, it pisses him off sometimes, but he usually doesn't mind (Unless Roman does it, then he chases the other down with his pocket blades)
-Thomas ADORES him.
-Is called "Thomas' Little Knight" for him being his caution and carefullness sense with the fact, that he's the youngest.
| Remus&Roman , Janus , Logan _______ |
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