inquisitor-isis · 1 day
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Look, at least he tried
I feel like this would've happened if the situation was just a little bit less urgent lol
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inquisitor-isis · 3 days
another history making marvel post I never see anyone talk about is “so is nobody helping blade kill all those vampires”
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inquisitor-isis · 3 days
Jason knows Bruce loved him that's why he's so pissed that Jokers still alive, he wants Bruce to PROVE that he still loves Jason by letting him kill his murderer, by choosing him.
The point of Red Hood is doing what Batman can't and nothing Bruce or Dick can say would change that Joker is still alive and there's another Robin who's going to suffer.
"Jason come home we still love you despite the murders 🥺" Okay then prove it, watch me put a bullet through the head of the man who murdered me and then let me come home. No? You can't? Well then I guess I was right the entire time and you're all useless and will never love me as I am. I'm going to non-fatally but very painfully hurt you now btw.
^ how it would actually go if Dick or Bruce or whoever found out his identity early
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inquisitor-isis · 6 days
I'm not fucking joking when I tell you I saw this panel and literally started sobbing and crying over seeing my babygirl buying chocolate with just fucking quarters. This is the people's jason todd for real, thank you Juni Ba
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inquisitor-isis · 6 days
When I was a kid, I thought those pillars went down to the sea floor.
In reality, they usually go down to some large submerged floats.
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inquisitor-isis · 7 days
[Nightwing and Robin Jason showing up to a GCPD crime scene]
Robin: Okay, everybody stand back. The professionals are here
Nightwing: Robin, be nice. They're just doing their job
Robin: If they're doing their job, then why are we here?
Nightwing: ...
GCPD: ...
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inquisitor-isis · 7 days
I need a redraw of Pietá [Michaelangelo], with Durge holding dead Gortash after taking over the brain, and saying “in YOUR name” instead of Bhaal’s. Please and thank you🧎🏼‍♀️
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inquisitor-isis · 7 days
Truth, justice, freedom, reasonably priced love, and a hardboiled egg. Did Ankh-Morpork get those things, in the end?
They got truth, there was a whole book about it. Vimes didn't want it when he got it, or at least he didn't want the political cartoon section of the newspaper, but Ankh-Morpork got the free press whether anyone liked it or not.
They got justice, thanks first to Carrot and then to Vimes, forcing the City Watch to reform into an organization that helped the citizenry and would arrest the patrician or a whole invading army if it had to. Vimes had to wage a constant war with himself not to turn into just another gang leader, but he waged it.
They did not get freedom. Pratchett was very clear on that. Things got comparatively better, and immigrants flocked to the city despite it being a hellhole, because the dictator didn't care about persecuting any minority groups or whether or not people made fun of him, but it was still a dictatorship. When Pratchett was alive, fans speculated that he was subtly training Moist von Lipwig to become the new government leader- the Lipwig books always had an emphasis on Vetinari getting older- and Lipwig would have had nothing to fear from an election by popular vote, but that's all fanwank and speculation.
They got reasonably priced love right away. That may have even been one of Vetinari's first acts as patrician, since Mrs. Palm is leader of the Seamstress's Guild at least as far back as the early Watch books.
John Keel's grave got a hardboiled egg every year.
Four out of five ain't bad.
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inquisitor-isis · 7 days
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jaybin gets robin braces + older brother adding salt in the wound + mouth cuts
i have baby jay brainworms PLEASE send your own my way i need to draw all of them
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inquisitor-isis · 9 days
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baldur’s gate 3 text posts
previous parts [1][2]
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inquisitor-isis · 9 days
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Bg3 as unhinged posts 21/?
Part 20
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
im laughing so hard because no matter what song you listen to 
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spiderman dances to the beat
no matter what song ive been testing it and lauing my ass off for an hour
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
okay FINE I’ll write a post about the emperor, if tumblr’s going to give me thirst posts either way I might as well. huge endgame spoilers for bg3
the emperor is a goddamn masterpiece of game design, because he’s YOUR powerful, abusive manipulator. Wyll has Mizora, Shadowheart has Shar, Lae’zel has Vlaakith, etc— and Tav has the emperor.
They position him as your guardian. They let you design him a face so he’s trustworthy to you. MOST of his advice is… technically true. You CAN get power from the tadpoles, the githyanki ARE dangerous, you CAN beat the elder brain without Orpheus.
But it’s all a misdirect. He doesn’t care about you. If you do his “romance” scene, he’s pulling a nastier version of Astarion’s “I slept with you so you’d protect me” stunt. He needs you to obey him, to trust him, to see him as an equal.
You learn the fates of his last two “equal partners”— Ansur, whose death the emperor tries to keep you from discovering by claiming he never existed at all, and Stelmane, who the emperor claims was his friend and business partner right up until you mouth off too much, when he admits she was his thrall, and you aren’t because you’re more useful with your wits about you.
Can you really trust his “ethical” brain harvesting claims, given the other lies and half truths? Whether you think eating criminals is a lesser evil or not, there are cages in his quarters. He had thralls. His “shared memory” where he shows himself as a mindflayer in a cloak doesn’t account for the record of a glamor in his quarters that kept kitchen staff from noticing human brain meat until leftovers were removed from the room. He was manipulating people’s senses when they were around him.
But he CAN help you. He IS on your side. As long as you’re on his side, of course. His own self preservation comes first, and that’s not inherently terrible, but he will twist whatever he needs to to get you to help him, no matter how much harm it does.
He’s an incredible character. He fascinates and horrifies me. He’s perfect for his role and I love how they used mind flayers, how he’s setting you up before you even start the game.
TL;DR: long live Prince Orpheus, asshole
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
Sorry but I think Gortash is incredibly, well, not jealous but possessive. That man wears his netherstone on his hand, is the chosen of tyranny, obtained a whole ass city, tadpoled his parents, stole from an archdevil and pulled off the whole absolute bit just to piss of the devil that bought him. Which is a very long way of saying; he's a spiteful, bratty, possessive, tyrannical little man who is only happy when he's got it all.
Who also tells your companions as soon as he fucking sees them that Durge was a murderer, worked for him, and insinuates that working wasn't the only thing they did together.
That man is not fine with sharing anything, except his own body for gains but never the murderous Bhaalspawn behind him.
I mean, he knows what defying your God means. He knows about the judgement of the false and forsaken, he knows what consequences that has and he is not aware that Durge picked up on their old gods or jergal as a patron. And still that man is hyped. Cuz the one thing that could absolutely control Durge is gone. Bhaal is gone. Durge is free to be possessed by only him. Of course that bitch is happy and supportive, you've just given him a bloody wonderful gift.
This also explains why he's so happy when he gets push back. Any sane person would argue 'well that's the furthers away from Gortash being able to live out his possessive yandere boyfriend dream' but no, it is not. First of all, Gortash is not sane, he is quite insane seeing what he did and what he continues to do. Sadistic unethical mad scientist and all that. So using normal logic does not work with 'tyranny and hivemind is wonderful' - Lord Enver Gortash. He does not think like a sane person because arguably brother aint sane. But what does work for him is a subject that is just daring enough to defy even him, because if durge can defy the love of their life (which Gortash thinks he is), they would most definitely reject any other suitor or those who try and claim them otherwise.
If Act 3 wasn't so fast paced and telling Gortash you've defeated Orin would allow you to get to the brain asap that man would probably start abducting and killing your companions himself. Because 'my durge, hands off bitch' Enver Gortash does not appreciate Durges new company whatsoever and like, he's giving 'worshipping' vibes.
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
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the fact that jason shared food with other hungry and homeless people when he was catatonic makes me feel so many emotions.
for one, it's so true to his character as a compassionate boy who gets so rightfully angry about the struggles impoverished communities have to continually face due to society's failures. this is the same boy who was homeless for about three years of his childhood, had to steal to survive, probably went long periods without food, and knew firsthand what it's like to actually be lonely. he's the boy who got mad at bruce for even insinuating he would drop jason off with the cops or social workers because he knew their true natures and how they treated poor kids, people, like him.
jason has always been about protecting and defending children and the defenceless to the point of disregarding moralities. we see this in his 80s robin run, as well as in utrh and lost days. his unmoving stance on their well-being is what's so captivating about him. he kills to protect children and easily agreed with/excused a woman who killed a rapist when he himself was only around 12-15 yrs old. sure, a bunch of people would agree with jason's reaction but it's especially important because he's a kid who grew up poor. he witnessed firsthand how many women have to suffer sexually at the hands of men to get by.
this is the real jason todd that so many comic writers now fail to capture in their comics. they completely turn him around and have him do things that in no way make sense to his character (not surprising since some literally admitted to hating him/not knowing enough about his robin run). jason todd is insanely compassionate-- that's his thing. he's empathetic to a fault. why erase that core part of his character?
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
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Did I create this whole thing because of one throw away line in a letter?
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Yes, yes I did. I'm sorry and I'll show myself out.
(I just imagine it's something they constantly tell each other when proven right. Also ignore my Durge's bad outfit. I wanted to give him plain clothes because I think Durge only wears the most practical plain shit you ever saw especially compared to Gortash who dresses well..."fashionable" is a word I guess, so I tried drawing a modified sorcerers outfit but maybe it has gone a bit too boring)
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inquisitor-isis · 10 days
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Been playing bg3 like a normal person for nearly three years now ( like no unnecessary obsession tearing my mind apart), and not even a month out of early access they have to hit me in the face with the morally abhorrent sewer raccoon man that calls my character his favourite assassin what is this bullshit
I haven’t stopped playing and looking up lore for two weeks now this is hell
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