inkstaineddeath · 4 years
I read this ALL the time and just die every single time. Utter utter filth and absolutely perfect. I LOVE you :D
So, here’s a little change of pace! My wonderful, adorable, perfect wifey @fromthewifecage sent me an ask a bit ago about some “bumming adventures” for a certain Hollywood movie star. 
Under the cut you lovelies will find 6 pages worth of Revenant!Johnny Cage x F!Reader FILTH. I hope I was able to deliver the caliber of smutty goodness that @fromthewifecage deserves! I don’t really post my stuff that isn’t Sub-Zero Bros over on my AO3, so you’ll just have to read it yourself to see what’s inside! 
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inkstaineddeath · 4 years
Wonderful, amazing, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I am dreadful and realised I didn’t reblog with Cilice/Ink’s blog. Thank you again for this!
Johnny Cage/Cilice Sorokin
I am so glad I finally got another Johnny Cage fic to write, especially with @fromthewifecage‘s amazing OC! You can learn about her OC here and read an amazing little drabble for her here. Her history deserves a story all on it’s own, for real. This is a smut fic, and it’s that lovely angst to fluff stuff I adore writing! Please enjoy.
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inkstaineddeath · 4 years
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I am an appalling person and didn’t reblog this to my Ink/Cilice blog. I suck. YOU are beautiful and amazing and the BEST. Here is Bi-Han (it says it’s him, if it’s Kuai then I cannot apologise enough) beating the shit out of HAMZO
This is largely inspired by @fromthewifecage ‘s cute little Christmas drabble and I just wanted to switch it up a bit by making it birthday themed for reasons. I just wanted to thank her for always being there for me, listening to me whine about dumb Tomoka problem, being super supportive and just an all around wonderful human being. Thank you so much love!
Uhhhh it’s not weird to write surprise smut for your Tumblr bestie is it? Fuck, I hope not. 😅
Johnny Cage X Cilice Sorokin (I am SO sorry in advance if I did a shit job with your OC or Johnny, my only forte is horny Polar Bears!)
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inkstaineddeath · 5 years
SO I scribbled this on my main blog. It’s it a tiny moment that came to me when stuffing my face with a pain au chocolat. Ink’s feeling more confident around Johnny and he’s happy to have her take time to open up. I tend to write from a male kharacters viewpoint (in any fandom), hopefully it comes across ok.
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inkstaineddeath · 5 years
OC Biography (and stuff)
I hope Ink has enough originality and depth that she won’t be too taxing to read about.
She dies aged 26, spends about 20+ years as a Wraith and gets resurrected near the end of MKX. Her story really starts first after the death of Quan Chi and her resurrection, then the death of Shinnok, when she finally feels free of any chance of being returned to the Netherrealm.
Name: Cilice Sorokina (a cilice is a deliberately uncomfortable/painful undergarment e.g.: knickers, garter or belt worn under clothing, worn to remind the wearer of the pain that Jesus suffered on the Cross. Often worn by the devoutly religious. I thought the name fitting as her tattoos and feelings of self loathing constantly remind her of her past and own death. Soroka is Russian for Magpie and Cilice being a thief - I thought that fitting.)
Nickname: Ink (given by Quan Chi)
Age: Died aged 26
Height: 5’6".
Eyes: Blue (human). Black (Wraith - as with Scorpion when she starts to lose control to become Ink, her eyes will change to Wraith form).
Hair: Black, chin length messy bob with short fringe/bangs
Body type: Athletic. Loses a lot of weight when she’s struggling with her PTSD, her appetite shrinks and she spends a lot of time in the gym in an effort to distract herself from her trauma.
Partner(s): Wraith - Quan Chi’s lover (as well as his bodyguard, assassin and general dogsbody)
Human – When first joined The Black Dragon she enjoyed a very casual relationship with Kano
Sexuality: Pansexual (preference towards males)
Gender: Cis Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian. English Mother, Russian Father. Born in England. Moves to Russia to join The Black Dragon
Family: Deceased. Parents died when she was very young (car crash). Grandparents (Father’s side) raised her (they died not long before Cilice moved to Russia)
Languages: English (first language), Russian (fluent)
Disabilities/Illnesses/Injuries: Killed by Oni under command of Quan Chi during a mission to retrieve a Kamidogu for Kano
Scars/Tattoos/Distinguishing Features: Quan Chi covered her with mystical tattoos/glyphs that bound magic into her skin. The tattoos have no static form, they move and change. Can control their form through concentration but this becomes mentally exhausting so she instead often hides the tattoos with clothing
Clothing: When on missions/in kombat she wears form fitting black leather/flexible armour. When relaxing she wears looser clothing but still covers her skin. As a wraith, Quan Chi liked her to wear loose flowing silks to flatter rather than hide her figure
Weapon of Choice: Studied Ninjutsu from age 5 (Grandparents thought it would be good to mix with other children as Cilice was quiet and sullen after her parents death) & continued to learn throughout life. As a wraith she trained with Noob.
Quan Chi gave her ‘Ink’ skills: Able to conjure thick black ink to blind, smother & drown opponents. Can change into ink form for short periods of time.
Prefers hand to hand and doesn’t use weaponry unless she feels in danger for her life, but has trained to use swords & daggers
Skills: Thief & hacker. Skilled at stealth, lock-picking/safe breaking. Used by Quan Chi as an assassin, bodyguard and thief.
Likes: Cuddles, long baths, spending time in the sun/outdoors (after being in the Netherrealm for so long), pastries (Grandparents ran a bakery, Dedushka Boris baked & Babushka Mila sold the bread and pastries & did the book-keeping), vodka, comfortable silences, reading, computing & technology, being so comfortable with someone she can wear more revealing clothing without feeling judged.
Dislikes: Authority/restriction of her liberty (anything that reminds her of being under Quan Chi’s control), being too hot (she grew up in England & moved to Russia in her early 20’s so she’s used to cold & rain).
Friends: Kano, Johnny Cage. Has an tentative email friendship with Hanzo (Takeda helps him turn the computer on)
Acquaintances: Special Forces (though she is technically a prisoner of theirs), Erron Black & Kabal (both from Black Dragon days)
Enemies: Netherrealm forces/Brotherhood of Shadows. Special Forces if she goes back to The Black Dragon.
Personality: Before her death she was outgoing, cheerful, sarcastic, loved to party all night and enjoyed casual sexual relationships.
Once resurrected she is much more reserved and quiet, keeps thoughts and plans to herself unless she feels truly comfortable with those around her. Quan Chi didn’t completely take away her own thoughts and control (Wraiths have far more control over themselves than Revenants do), but if he felt she was resisting him then he would punish her first, then enjoy her struggle against his will.
Cilice looks back upon her time as a Wraith with enormous shame and horror. She feels she could have done more to resist Quan Chi and has frequent nightmares back to her past.
She struggles with the changes in technology that she missed whilst she was a Wraith. As she’s with Special Forces she has to covertly retrain herself & relearn to be a hacker again so not to be discovered. This puts her under more and more mental strain.
Moved to Russia when Kano offered her a job in The Black Dragon. They’d met when he’d been in England on a job and she’d been one of the thieves recommended to him. They’d got on well, both enjoying the thrill of theft, partying, drinking and eventually they fall into bed with each other (as FWB rather than anything serious). They kept in touch for a year, then Kano asked her to come to Russia “and do some proper fucking jobs” with him.
She’d been with The Black Dragon for 3 years when Kano tells her about the Kamidogu. She travels to the Netherrealm via a portal & comes close to stealing the dagger from Quan Chi, but not close enough.
Quan Chi has recently lost Scorpion, Sub Zero and Jax, so is especially angry and has his Oni torture and kill Cilice. She fights back until her last breath, impressing Quan Chi, so he resurrects her as a Wraith to replace Scorpion.
He gives her the new name Ink and has her serve as his bodyguard, thief and assassin, and lover. (This doesn’t link into the MKX comics, this is about 15+ years before they are set. I h/c this is the first time Kano hears of the Kamidogu blades.) Quan Chi doesn’t favour her above his other lovers (he takes any of his bodyguards or ‘minions’ as lovers if he so wishes, however Ink is an unwilling lover/struggles with his hold over her).
She serves Quan Chi for 20+ years, until he is beheaded by Hanzo Hasashi.
Ink and Noob had attempted to rescue Quan Chi after D’Vorah advises them of his capture. They are too late to save him, but as he dies, so does his hold over them and they are taken to the Jinsei by Raiden & Fujin and healed. Bi-Han went back to Arctika with his brother Kuai Liang and the Lin-Kuei, whilst Cilice was ‘taken in’ by Special Forces at the insistence of Sonya Blade because of Cilice’s previous work for The Black Dragon - feeling she can gain info about Kano from her.
Cilice felt she was trading one gaol for another and resolved to not give them any real information about The Black Dragon, though she had been dead for over 20 years so much of her information was outdated by then anyway.
Spent roughly 8 months recovering from the trauma of her death & resurrection by Quan Chi. Declined therapy and instead chose to try to deal with her trauma by herself. Lost control several times. 
Was close to suicide until Hanzo Hasashi contacted her and shared his own trauma – Johnny Cage had reached out to Hanzo and promised him over the top favours (as Johnny is wont to do) to get him to help with Cilice. Johnny had first asked Jax, but Jax declined due to wishing to concentrate on his Family and looking back was too traumatic for him. Kuai Liang sent a handwritten letter offering Cilice help. Kuai using a computer is.. well, hilarious.
Once she feels more in control of her past & is not having as frequent breakdowns, she opens up a little to those she feels she can trust most. Mainly Johnny Cage. Special Forces extends her freedom, using her to plan against any attempt from those wishing to resurrect Shinnok. She occasionally joins the SF on missions as she has useful fighting & stealth skills. She likes the ‘Kombat Kids’ but is too nervous to try to make friends with them & finds Cassie in particular incredibly intimidating given Cilice’s crush on Johnny, so instead spends much of her time at a computer screen, or taking sneaky peeks at Johnny’s bum in the gym. She is well aware she is viewed by the SF as a ‘freak’ and not trusted due to her Black Dragon past.
Cilice (of course) immediately liked Johnny, she’d been a huge fan of his (had his posters on her bedroom wall, all his videos) so was excited to have the chance to meet him. They’d been close in age before her death. She develops deep feelings for him but never vocalises them because of her low self esteem and her worry that Sonya would dislike her even more (Johnny & Sonya did not get back together after Cassie defeated Shinnok. They tried again but they quickly released their personalities and different values just didn’t make a happy and stable relationship. So this time it’s much more of an amicable break up).
She contacts Kano (without Special Forces knowledge). Kano of course is immediately distrustful. He suspects she’s feeding Special Forces information, but over times the trust returns when Cilice is able to give him details to evade SF. Cilice refuses to sabotage SF as she does like and trust some of the members, but equally she refuses to give any information to SF, claiming everything she knows is from so long ago to be useless.
Cilice is now at an impasse. Escape SF and run back to the Black Dragon? This will give her personal freedom but she’s not the same person she was before she died, she feels she deserved to die because of her criminal past. But maybe she can’t be anything other than a criminal?
Or, does she stay at SF and try to be a better person, to atone for her past and maybe admit her feelings for Johnny?
There’s also the option of trying to find some way to have her tattoos/glyphs removed, but she doesn’t know where to start with that, is there anyone that powerful alive anymore?
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inkstaineddeath · 5 years
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