A smol update - I no longer work at an infocentre :) I do however still work in tourism lol so the stories shall continue
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About a week ago I helped an older couple find accommodation (not my job, but hey, why not).
So today as I came to work, my colleague comes over to tell me I was very popular this weekend, then proceeds to pass me a package of Mozart kugeln (a thank-you gift from the couple).
Way to make my day nicer :)
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I got a call from a frantic hiker yesterday telling me of a small sheep on the run, following him and his dog through the pastures, now this is not an uncommon occurence, and I know where the rest of the flock usually is (on the said pasture) so i tell him to find the other sheep and just drop the little rebel back behind the fence, but he's way to sentimental and wants me to contact the farmer to pick up the sheep and make sure it's ok...so i say fine i'll try to reach the owner
About an hour and 10 phone calls later i get the contact of the farmer, call him and tell him what's up, his response is exactly what i expected it to be: 'im not goin up there for one lil sheep, just yeet it back behind the fence or leave it, it's gonna survive...'
The hiker tho is shooketh when i call him back but he also tells me the sheep started making its way somewhere and he is now following it, panicking on the phone with me for maybe 10 more minutes and then he sees the sheep casually jump down a "cliff", screams, goes to look then sees it chillin with the rest of the sheep below this 0.5m "cliff"....
Such drama for one smol sheep lol
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It's insane how many people think it's ok to drop their spawn off at the infocentre and go get some alone time to the coffee shop.... F*** u n ur kids this is not a kindergarten -.-
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Locals coming in today asking for election results, n im just like.... dude... this is infocenter for a national park... you live next to it for you entire life and never once we had election results posted anywhere... i can sure as hell say the flora and fauna don't really care about election and that's the most info i can give you regarding this topic
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we had two hikers come in today and tell us they found relatively big, cute and fluffy kittens crying in the forest, then proceeded to show us a picture of a baby lynx
safe to say I almost had a heart attack thinking what could happen so I told the ladies to keep away from very big crying kittens they find in the woods bc their momma might not be so cute and fluffy...
they were smart enough not to come too close or touch them tho, so that's good
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the regime of our national park baffles a lot of people
Yes, the entrance to the park is free of charge
Yes, there's settlements within the park and you can be accommodated there
No, there aren't any fences/designated entry points (animals move in and out of the park)
Yes, the parkings are expensive if you want to leave the car within the park and usually free of charge if park further away from sensitive environments and habitats (crazy, I know)
No, you cannot drive with the car to the top of the mountains (also crazy, isn't it)
No, you cannot camp in the mountains, it's dangerous
and most importantly
No, we don't have the rules just because we want to make your holiday complicated
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so yesterday I had this Irish gentlemen come in and ask if i could find him a room for the night, now we don't usually do that but he's kind so I say why not
today at work a colleague brings me a book ('some irish tourist forgot it here, he mentioned you though') and asks me what to do with it, so I contact the man and this is how it went:
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looks like I have some homework to do before he visits our little town again :)
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so i had a man walk in, shy local teacher in his 50s,60s and ask me ('if it's really not too much') to print maybe 5 pages for him, and i did so he left with a thankyou and I went on with my day
30min later he returns with three oranges ('as payement') thanks profousely a few more times, apologises for inconvenience and the ink he spent, then leaves again
thank you my man and don't worry about it I don't pay for the ink and you're welcome to come again
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welcome to the blog dedicated to special events and magnificent karen situations one experiences when working in a tourist information centre xoxo
~by dead-inside tourism worker
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