infinite-desnik · 1 month
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Doduo/Growlithe Digital sprite art of a two-headed brown dog with black stripes. Both heads have long yellow beaks and floppy dog ears, with shiny black eyes. The back legs of the dog are bird's legs, like doduo, and the front legs are the two-toed growlithe paws. Each head has one bit of yellow fluff on top, and a big ruff of yellow fur conceals its necks and chest. The creature is looking in two directions while it sits on its butt like a puppy.
Dodrio/Growlithe Digital sprite art of the evolution to doduo/growlithe. It looks similar, except it's in a more playful jumping pose with its dog paws out. It also has an additional bird head. Each head has black eyebrow feathers along the yellow fluff on top. This pokemon also developed a pink turkey-like tail after it evolved. All three heads look in different directions.
Doduo/Arcanine Digital sprite art of an alternate evolution to doduo/growlithe. This time the Arcanine half of the fusion evolved, so that means it still only has two heads. A big yellow mane has developed to unite the yellow head fluff with the neck ruff. The dog-like part of the body is also much bigger and clearly galloping along. Yellow fur has developed around the arcanine's hind legs.
Dodrio/Arcanine Digital sprite art of the final evolution to doduo/growlithe. This creature has three heads, a big mane, black eyebrow feathers, angry eyes with visible whites in them, large talons, big paws, a decorated pink turkey tail -- the works. Everything about dodrio and arcanine is shown in this pokemon. One head is howling while the other two snarl in different directions.
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infinite-desnik · 1 month
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A small purple sauropod with a faceless anemone and pink tentacles for a head. It has false ‘eyes’ on the side of its face in gold, as long as down the side of its body. It wears a gold collar on its long neck. Its feet are very delicate in spite of its dinosaurish body and it has one more pink tentacle for a tail.
A large purple sauropod with a faceless anemone and pink tentacles for a head, much like its smaller evolution. It has more rings down the sides of its body and two pink tentacles for a tail instead of just one. It is stomping away from the viewer and is very very large.
A small green sauropod with a weird rubbery green mask for a face and tentacle frills down the sides of its head. It wears stacked gold rings like collars and has two pink tentacles for a tail.
A large green sauropod that is similar to its smaller evolution, but this one has more claws on its feet and three tentacles for a tail. It is also looking upwards forlornly and appears to have collapsed on the sea floor under its own weight.
Infinite Fusion Sprites
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