indigoember · 12 days
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Jess Vega
Jess is one of the three main characters in Eio's Fall and also acts as the ships main engineer and generally fixes anything that needs it.
She and her brother grew up on a planet that was on the fringe of the meliezen conflict, leading her to be very reserved and to herself with most people, though she's got a soft spot for people that have gone through or are going through similar.
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indigoember · 13 days
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Arbiter Andronia of the Lothan Syndicate.
Andronia is from a species named Archons, a whole species of hyper advanced robots that all just, woke up with true consciousness one day.
None of them know what happened to their creators, nor what their creators were even like, only that they existed. For much of their technology they don't even know how it functions, with many just having an innate knowledge of how to build it.
She's one of the secondary characters in a story that I'm writing that takes place in my SoulStar universe, a universe meant to be dark and grim in a lot of aspects, but with sparks of hope and goodness to fight for, if you're willing to try.
Andronia is a great example of this, being an Arbiter she leads an entire sector of the Archon's Dominion, only residing under Grand Arbiter Orion. Andronia leads the front on economy/commercial enterprises and trade treaties with other Empires/Species.
She's very kind, but ignorant of a lot of things, not knowing how many others live or the hardships they may go through, she can end up accidentally being insensitive, but once told about important things she does everything in her power to do what's right.
Where Orion has a very strict outlook on the will of the Creators and the social order, Andronia is much more whimsical and believes in doing good and letting that speak for you rather than a series of rules. Outside of closed doors though, she kneels the same as everyone else does to the Grand Arbiter.
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indigoember · 28 days
The first bit of writing for SoulStar is here! This is a small prequel scene meant to showcase a small meeting between Arbiters, SuperComputer AI entities now given complete sapience after the mysterious disappearance of their creators, please enjoy!
The four Arbiters all sat around the lengthy table in the center of the room, each flanked by two of their best, an Eldrion set stern to guard them if necessary, and one of their novitiates, primed to help with extra data or calculations not deemed important enough to do themselves.
“Now that all are here, we shall commence with the meeting concerning Arbiter Vena. To begin, all who support her decommissioning please Affirm, for those who do not, Deny.” Orions bulky stature and intense voice dominated the room as it looked to the others before raising one of it's hands.
“I affirm. Ulthun?” She looked towards Orion, the energy radiating off of her would make others quake, to Orion it only caused annoyance, the constant buzzing a grating reminder of their presence.
“Affirm, why were we even required to attend this meeting in these fragile chassis. This would have been easier as a network request.” Their voice was stern and dripped with venom, longing to be back inside of their Warmonger Chassis.
“It's to show care and proper etiquette, certain things must be done even if inefficient, there should always be respect given to others. In response to the meeting inquiry, deny.” Arbiter Andronia spoke next, her passioned yet regal voice silencing the room for a moment as she spoke.
With a glance to her left she nodded to Axon, prompting him to speak.
“With all due respect, deny. I simply don't see the same necessity that we had when decommissioning Ilio. He was a danger to others and himself, surely we can find a different solution for Vena?” he twirled a small power cell in between his fingers, much to the annoyance of Orion who spoke next.
“Arbiter Vena is a net negative to the efficiency that our Creators endowed us with. With no biological species to care for, what use is an Arbiter dedicated to medicine?” The eyes along the rim of Orions head seemed tired as they slowly spun in circles.
“Then why do we not open our doors to more biological species? You've granted me limited authority to allow them into my sector as commodities and economic flow, why not use Vena for the same purpose, surely there would be want for the level of care she and her subordinates can provide.” Andronia responded, prompting a scoff from Ulthun.
“You let your feelings cloud your calculations. We all know that allowing more biological species does not provide any noticeable betterment of the Dominion. Vena would be even more of a parasite if she were allowed to care for strays.” Andronia raised her voice as more bright pink eyes appeared around her, all glaring at Ulthun.
“You will not speak of her that way! None who live in the Dominion are parasites, let alone an Arbiter!” Ulthun laughed at the outburst displayed, her guard not even flinching at the rage of an Arbiter as she spoke once again.
“All bark and no bite, as the humans say. You should watch your tone with me Andra, lest I show you why I am in charge of all war efforts.” Orion held up a hand, silencing the room once again.
“That is enough from both of you. Axon, there is currently no space for Vena to fulfill, if you did not exist she might be repurposed for repairs rather than medicine, but as of now, she is not usable for any purpose. Unless you would like to take her place?” The blue eyes all stared at Axon, prompting him to drop the power cell onto the table.
“No, I think I am comfortable in my current position. What are the terms of Venas decommissioning?” He leaned forward, arms now on the table as Andronia spared a worried glance toward him, her extra projections fading away.
“Her terms would be a total removal from the central Dominion network and a ban from attempting to reconnect enforced by Ulthun, the relinquishing of all non essential assets that the Dominion deem worth, and the destruction of all facilities except for the central processing hub on her planet of origin.” Orion pulled up a holographic readout, sharing it with the others. Andronia looked up towards it, speaking softly.
“She will be kept safe though? She will have enough subordinates to keep her in full working condition and to keep her company right? I cannot stand with you on this notion if she will be left alone.” Her eye softened, looking at Orion for confirmation.
“She will be cared for at one hundred percent efficiency. Only non essential personnel will be removed from her possession.” Andronia looked to Axon who spoke first.
“I affirm her decommissioning.” All eyes landed on Andronia and Orion spoke to her once more.
“Do not let your personal accounts cloud what is better for the Dominion.” Andronia turned away from the group, not willing to look anyone in the face as she finally spoke.
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indigoember · 29 days
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This wonderful artwork is a commissioned piece made by @theiathemonster! There's Eio on the right, the main character of the primary piece of writing I've worked on for SoulStar, Eio's Fall! And then on the left we have Twig! An OC that Theia came up with a bit ago, the two of them act like siblings for real ^^
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