incognosis · 5 months
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incognosis · 5 months
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reminder that it is one old man's birthday tomorrow and he deserves kisses and offerings. thank you.
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incognosis · 6 months
I’m tired of people acting like Zhongli is a serious and chill guy who would never cause problems on purpose as if he isn’t one of the biggest menaces out of the Seven. He used to throw mountains at Venti for annoying him. He, the god of history, starts fights among historians for shits and giggles. He tried to gaslight the Traveler into thinking he was totally not at the Chasm guys really Aether/Lumine you must be seeing things maybe you should go see Baizhu. When Qiqi wanted “Cocogoat” milk he was like “Oh yeah sure totally let’s go look for it” knowing damn well it was a wild goose chase. He made the Traveler sing to a flower and then was like “Oh would you look at that” when a Whooperflower jumped out to maul them. I love him. He’s like a cat pushing things off the counter to see how people react. I would pay to see him interact directly with Neuvillette because I know for a fact he’d get on that man’s nerves and argue about water tasting just to feel something. Furina used freedom from godhood to take a nap and Zhongli used it to give psychic damage to anyone who talks to him longer than 5 minutes. Iconic.
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incognosis · 7 months
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           𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐠𝐞𝐨   𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧'𝐬   𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭   𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐭   is   to   impart   comfort,   sliding   claw   tipped   fingers   through   the   tresses   of   silken,   starlight   hair.   enamored,   is   he,   with   the   being   pressed   to   his   side   -   though   they   had   certainly   not   started   out   that   way.   it   was   so   easy   to   remember   their   initial   days,   where   instinct   had   them   at   each   other's   throats,   claws   shredding   skin   and   arguments   going   nowhere.   zhongli   certainly   did   not   blame   neuvillette   for   his   feeling   towards   the   archons.   how   could   he?   but   here   and   now,   it   was   easy   to   see   the   being   that   existed   beneath   the   many   mantles   he   wore,   and   zhongli   treasured   him   in   a   covetous   way   -   like   he   might   hoard   his   precious   gemstones   or   veins   of   gold.   his,   his,   his...   written   in   the   scar   on   neuvillette's   neck,   the   way   their   elements   tangled   together   in   simplicity,   the   soft   swells   of   hydro   dulling   any   aches   he   might   feel   to   near   nothingness.
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           it   is   a   tranquil   purr   that   leaves   him   again,   gilded   hues   fluttering   shut   a   long   moment.   the   prime   of   the   adepti   can   taste   the   sorrow   and   worry   in   the   air,   and   acts   only   a   second   later,   rolling   completely   on   his   side   to   collect   neuvillette   against   him.   tail   twining   with   the   younger   dragon's   own,   he   keeps   the   appendage   playfully   pinned,   tickling   soft   scales   with   the   great   brunt   orange   tuft   at   the   tip   of   his   own.   ❝   there   is   no   need   to   sass   me   so,   neuvillette.   ❞   comes   his   teasing,   face   tucking   in   the   iudex's   neck   to   scrape   his   fangs   along   his   throat.   ❝   i'm   not   so   old   that   i   don't   know   what   sarcasm   is.   ❞
           soon,   he   has   the   younger   on   his   back,   tail   continuing   it's   torturous   tease,   as   he   lay   above   the   other.   inky   hair   spills   around   them   both,   mixing   with   the   hydro   sovereign's   bright   tresses,   and   zhongli   can't   help   but   smile   -   fluttering   his   lips   along   the   curve   of   his   jaw.   when   he   speaks,   it's   with   entreaty,   whiskey-smooth   voice   gentle   but   imploring,   ❝   no   sadness   or   worry,   hydro   dragon.   not   today.   i   command   it.   ❞
      almost  everyday  it  was  a  cycle:  perform  duties  as  befitting  the  iudex,  return  home,  &  instantly  mold  himself  to  his  lover’s  strong,  unyielding  body.  he  sunk  further  into  geo - veined  arms,  expression  gradually  more  serene,  &  languid  did  neuvillette’s  tail  respond  in  kind.  an  eons  old  vow  to  eschew  intimate  relationships  now  broken,  &  he  did  not  care.  anything  to  maintain  this  tranquility,  less  zhongli  found  it  in  him  to  read  beyond  sovereign’s  impassive  mien.  it  was  a  human  emotion  /  sensation:  caring  about  another’s  opinion,  but  he  wished  to  be unchanged,  perfect    ——    nary  someone  perpetually  concerned  over.  thus  neuvillette  wore  yet  another  mask  on  top  of  the  others,  &  he  knows  that  a  meager  opening  was  all  the  lord  of  geo  required  to  see.
“   a  needy,  old  dragon  who  must  contend  with  his  quarrelsome  mate.   ”
      claws  dance  slowly  over  zhongli’s  skin    ——    delicately  tracing  the  gilded  markings.  he  imparts  hydro  on  instinct,  feeling  it  transfer  from  one  body  to  the  other,  &  drapes  a  svelte  leg  over  his.      “   i  was  attempting  sarcasm,  beloved.  in  truth  i  do  not  wish  you  to  cease  giving  me  liyuen  texts  to  read  in  my  spare  time.   ”      when  his  mate  grew  solemn,  he  stiffens immediately.
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“   . . .  indeed,   ”      he  mumbles  softly    ——    white  lashes  fluttering  nicely  over  pale  skin,      “   when  the  danger  passes.   ”      if  the  weather  suddenly  changed  &  it  began  to  rain,  it  was  definitely  not  because of him. nope.
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incognosis · 7 months
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If these cards arrive in time, I’ll be handing them out at the Genshin Concert in Chicago ☺️🫰🏽
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incognosis · 7 months
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i love playing zhon.gli, he is essential to all my teams and truly makes my on-field dps so happy which is why i baby girl him. but i also hate playing zhon.gli, especially when i go to ult AND HE JUST DECIDES TO CLIMB HIS PILLAR INSTEAD!
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incognosis · 7 months
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#𝚂𝙾𝚄𝚁𝙲𝙴𝚆𝙰𝚃𝙴𝚁 —— like or reblog this if you are interested in interacting with a newly - made neuvillette rp blog. cross - over, original character, & duplicate friendly. not spoiler free: you have been warned. made by owen, 27, he / him. canon div. portrayal inspo from greek myth & book of revelations.
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incognosis · 7 months
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good morning i am still. very ill and need a nap after doing 1 post so i will start chipping away at these asks later. feel free to send more. i am just. the unstoppable eepy rn.
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incognosis · 7 months
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           𝐢𝐭   𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬   𝐚𝐬   𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐲   𝐚𝐬   𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠,   after   eons   of   separation   from   anything   remotely   near   his   kind.   though   zhongli   was   no   sovereign,   the   dragon   was   as   apart   of   him   as   it   was   neuvillette,   and   there   was   nothing   quite   so   satisfying   as   sinking   into   his   instincts   with   the   mate   he   had   claimed   as   his   own.   as   cantankerous   as   the   iudex   could   be,   the   prime   of   the   adepti   was   made   of   bedrock   and   his   patience   nigh   on   infinite.   it   made   for...   some   amusing   encounters,   to   say   the   least.   couple   that   with   zhongli's   innate   knowledge   that   the   hydro   dragon's   huffiness   had   mostly   been   posturing   -   it   was   easy   to   cart   him   off   to   his   whims.   poor   neuvillette,   ever   the   tired   iudex,   harassed   by   his   happily   retired   mate.   
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           there   is   that   sonorous   chuckle   again,   and   he   moves   willingly   with   the   curl   of   a   strong   tail,   his   own   sliding   forth   to   coil   tenderly   about.   the   tip   remains   free,   and   if   it   wiggles   side   to   side   a   moment   well   -   that's   nobodies   business   but   his.   zhongli   curls   himself   half   on   the   iudex,   nose   running   adoringly   along   his   cheek,   before   brushing   a   soft   kiss   to   his   jaw   and   moving   to   rest   his   head   upon   the   pillow.   warm   arms,   thrumming   with   geo   energy,   curl   about   the   younger   dragon,   and   he   rumbles   his   delight.   ❝   yes.   i   must   be.   i   am   a   needy   old   man,   and   it   is   your   burden   to   bear   unfortunately.   ❞
           there   is   a   soothing   stroke   down   neuvillette's   side   -   and   bright   cor   lapis   hues   regard   him   with   that   same,   unending   intensity   that   speaks   to   his   age,   his   wisdom,   and   just   what   he   had   previously   been   the   god   of.   ❝   nonsense.   would   you   ask   the   sun   to   stop   shining?   besides   -   it   is   within   your   right   to   learn   the   history   in   those   texts,   and   essential   too.   for...   ❞   a   pause,   more   serious   now   ❝   whatever   comes   next.   ❞
      a  sigh  opened  plush  lips:  inaudible,  yet  felt  in  his  body  relaxing  against  a  strong  form.  hydro  reached  out  &  held  onto  geo    ——    coalescing,  &  blanketing  them  both  like  the  warm  sun  on  a  cool  day.  neuvillette  wished  zhongli  could  stay  in  fontaine:  to  be  a  face  he  comes  back  home  to  after  arduous  trials.  yet  it  was  temporary,  for  he  also  shouldered  responsibility  in  liyue:  diminished,  as  former  archon  co - existing  with  mortals.  reunions  like  this  were  always  cherished  to  fullest  extent,  however  too  brief  they  were,  &  head  turned  as  zhongli’s  lips  pressed  against  angular  jaw.      “   hmph.  there  is  no  getting  through  to  you,   ”      he  mumbles.  nicknames  have,  unfortunately,  cemented  itself  as  a permanent  fixture  in  their  long  lives.  if  the  sovereign  were  bothered  by  any  of  them,  he  knew  his  mate  would  cease  immediately.
but  he  says  nothing.
      startled  by  the  unexpected  action,  the  book  drops  from  neuvillette’s  hand  as  he  was  carried  into  the  bedroom    ——    the  tips  of  his  ears  warm.  dazed  by  how  zhongli  hoisted  him  like  nothing    (    as  if  it  were  the  very  first  time  he  was  held  in  such  a  manner    ), he  aims  a  soft  glare  upwards  once  laid  on  soft  bedding:  long  hair  spilling  out  around  him  like  silver - white  liquid  moonlight.      “   must  you  be  so  needy?   ”      neuvillettte  retaliates  with  the  faintest  upwards  quirk  of  lips.  humming,  his  tail  loosely  coils  around  zhongli’s  waist    ——    a  gentle  nudge  forward  so  two  lovers  can  tangle  limbs.      “   my  work  commences  early,  thus  i  wake  up  then.   ”      but  today  was  a  rare  day  off,  &  in  truth  he  wanted  to  spend  it  with  his lover: not reading copious tomes.
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“   how  many  hours  have  passed?  i  apologize:  i  do  lose  myself  in  the  works  you  bring. perhaps you should refrain from bringing such interesting texts.   ”
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incognosis · 7 months
actions speak louder than words non - verbal / action prompts from yours truly. (add a "swap" to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
back, sender gives receiver a back hug.
beckon, sender beckons receiver closer with a finger.
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver.
book, sender helps receiver get a book from a higher part of the shelf.
care, sender takes care of receiver when they're sick.
catch, sender catches receiver by the waist after they bump into each other.
choke, sender saves receiver from choking by giving them the heimlich.
cold, sender places their jacket over receiver's shoulders.
cry, sender wipes tears off receiver's face with their thumbs.
dance, sender sticks a hand out to receiver and invites them to dance.
dip, sender skinny dips in front of receiver and invites them to join.
dog, sender's dog pulls them in receiver's direction.
drive, sender drives receiver somewhere in their car.
drag, sender drags receiver into a room and closes the door behind them.
draw, sender draws receiver like one of their french girls.
face, sender turns receiver's face towards them.
flower, sender gives receiver a flower.
footsie, sender initiates footsie with receiver under the table.
forehead, sender presses their forehead against receiver's.
grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving.
jump, sender jumps onto receiver's back.
kiss, sender kisses receiver.
link, sender links arms with receiver while walking.
massage, sender offers receiver a massage.
patch, sender patches up receiver's wounds.
piano, sender teaches receiver how to play the piano.
pin, sender pins receiver's hands behind their back.
pluck, sender plucks something out of receiver's hair.
press, sender presses receiver against a wall.
propose, sender proposes to receiver.
quiet, sender gestures for receiver to be quiet.
rest, sender rests their head on receiver's shoulder.
serenade, sender serenades receiver with a song.
sign, sender walks into a sign and receiver sees.
size, sender measures the size of their hand against receiver's.
shoes, sender removes receiver's shoes for them.
sun, sender rubs sunblock onto receiver's back.
tattoo, sender gives receiver a tattoo.
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
tuck, sender tucks receiver's hair behind their ear.
umbrella, sender lets receiver under their umbrella.
warning, sender presses a knife against receiver's neck as a warning.
zip, sender needs receiver's help to zip up the back of their dress.
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incognosis · 7 months
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song of achilles  —  madeline miller   sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw :  death ,  murder
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‘I do not like to lie.’
‘I have never seen anyone fight the way you do.’
‘there is no one like you.’
‘guess what I’m thinking about.’
‘I can’t imagine it. no one has ever tried to take something from me.’
‘he will be a god.’
‘you will be dead soon enough.’
‘do you want to be a god?’
‘i’m sick of talking about her.’
‘you answer a different question than the one I asked.’
‘I do not like to be deceived.’
‘I do not know if I am worthy.’
‘(name) sees many faults, some that are and some that are not.’
‘she will not be pleased, but I have weathered the anger of gods before.’
‘do not let what you gained this day to be so easily lost.’
‘perhaps it is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone.’
‘now I know how to make you follow me everywhere.’
‘I did not think that we would ever—-’
‘name one hero who was happy.’
‘they never let you be famous and happy.’
‘you do not give things up so easily now as you once did.’
‘if you have to go, you know that I will go with you.’
‘you will keep your peace or I will keep it for you.’
‘please, wait. please, let me explain. I did not want to do it.’
‘you did it for nothing.’
‘forgive me. I did not want it. It was not you.’
‘there is nothing to forgive.’
‘it will be better if you go quietly.’
‘you were jealous. you should be.’
‘you know, it’s funny; I keep thinking I’ve seen you before.’
‘useless information is my curse, I’m afraid.’
‘unfortunately I did just that, though I appreciate your faith in me.’
‘you were clever is hiding yourself; we had to be cleverer still in finding you.’
‘you are a fool not to see it.’
‘the ____ are known for their skill in battle, and their deaths will lift your name to the stars.’
‘the gods have seen for to share with me a prophecy about you.’
‘when he dies, people will say, who?’
‘If you go to ___ (place) you will never return.’
‘do not ask me to choose.’
‘I would not care. it would not matter to me. we would be together.’
‘you are a fool. your halfwit death will not save him.’
‘how much longer will he live?’
‘why should I kill him? he’s done nothing to me.’
‘I wish you had never come.’
‘I’ve heard you prefer to share. rooms and bedrolls both, they say.’
‘true is what men believe, and they believe this of you.’
‘your honor could be darkened by it.’
‘I have given enough to them. I will not give them this.’
‘there is nothing he can do. it would only bring him grief.’
‘I was close enough. I could have saved her.’
‘her death is on your head.’
‘you are angry, and not without reason. but why did you come to me?’
‘if you are truly his friend, you will help him leave this soft heart behind.’
‘he is a weapon, a killer. do not forget it.’
‘you can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.’
‘if you hear nothing else I say, hear that. I do not say it in malice.’
‘my father told me once to think of them like animals. the men I kill.’
‘I have no need to forgive you. you cannot offend me.’
‘there are many ways to start a war.’
‘this is what I was born for.’
‘you feel misled; you were promised victory.’
‘I am here because I believe that we will win. I am staying until the end.’
‘the gods have chosen sides, and you must not draw their anger.’
‘he is not worthy of you. he had never been.’
‘do you not ever want children?’
‘I don’t think I would be much of a parent.’
‘what is your army without me?’
‘I am not the one who should kneel.’
‘you will come crying for mercy, but I will give none.’
‘if one of them is stalking you, you must give it something it wants more than you.’
‘who will rule if you fall?’
‘you betray him by warning me.’
‘you know if he had done it, I could have killed him.’
‘her safety for my honor. are you happy with your trade?’
‘there is no honor in betraying your friends.’
‘it is strange that you would speak against betrayal.’
‘you chose her. over me.’
‘my life is my reputation. it is all I have.’
‘I will not live much longer. memory is all I can hope for.’
‘I would have the memory be worthy of the man. I would have you be yourself, not some tyrant remembered for his cruelty.’
‘no fame is worth what you did today.’
‘you are a better man than I.’
‘you left yourself today. and now you have returned.’
‘do not say that until you have heard the rest of what I have done.’
‘no man is worth more than another, wherever he is from.’
‘truly it is unfortunate that one so young has so much pride.’
‘you were given a choice and you chose. you must live by it now.’
‘you have made a fair run of blocking fate’s path. but you cannot do it forever.’
‘whatever you do, I will stand with you, as I always have.’
‘he only threatens. he likes to see me afraid.’
‘there is no one that they fear more, or hate more.’
‘if he is dead, I will not be far behind.’
‘I would not leave you, if you wished to come.’
‘they should hate (name). it is his pride that kills them.’
‘you cannot go out again. you have lost too much blood.’
‘you must forget him. it is as you says; he will doom himself.’
‘they have made their choice. I shed no tears for them.’
‘they we’re foolish, yes, but they are still our people!’
‘you are destroying yourself.’
‘you are destroying yourself. you will not be loved for this, you will be hated, and cursed.’
‘I know what I am asking of you. but I ask it. for me.’
‘I wish he had let you all die.’
‘do you think you are the only one who loved him?’
‘kill me. it will not bring him back.’
‘he was worth ten of you. ten! and you sent him to his death!’
‘I hope that (name) kills you.’
‘there are no bargains between lions and men.’
‘I will not be able to protect you from him.’
‘he is dead. can your power bring him back?’
‘he is a mortal. and mortals die.’
‘I am done. there is no more I can do to save you.’
‘I am glad that he is dead.’
‘in grief, men must help each other, though they are enemies,’
‘it is right to seek peace for the dead. you and I both know there is no peace for those who live after.’
‘I do not sleep.’
‘i’m afraid I have been prompted by a rare stirring of guilt.’
‘I am only an honest man, who likes to see right done.’
‘fame is a strange thing. some men gain glory after they die, while others fade.’
‘we cannot say who will survive the holocaust of memory.’
‘who knows! perhaps one day even I will be famous. perhaps more famous than you.’
‘we are men only, a brief flare of the torch. those to come may raise us or lower us as they please.’
‘I have done my best. let it be remember I tried.’
‘go. he is waiting for you.’
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incognosis · 7 months
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poked an explosive barrel 😐
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incognosis · 7 months
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           𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡   𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝   𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭   𝐢𝐬   𝐡𝐢𝐬,   made   all   the   more   plausible   by   the   way   neuvillette   attempts   to   deem   him   unworthy   of   his   time.   it's   a   fun   little   game   for   a   brief   moment,   lasting   only   a   few   seconds,   before   those   stunning   claws   lay   atop   his   own,   and   zhongli   lets   loose   a   small   whisper   of   air.   geo   resonance   thrums   in   response,   the   golden   veins   about   his   dark   arms   glowing   briefly   as   they   mix   with   soft,   soothing   hydro.   he   loved   it   -   the   way   the   energy   coiled   around   him   like   a   balm:   waves,   lapping   gently   at   a   shoreline   here   too.   couple   that   with   the   answering   rumble   -   a   language   spoken   for   two,   and   zhongli   is   pleased,   unable   to   resist   the   pass   of   his   lips   upon   the   sovereign's   jawline.   it   was   a   brief   kiss   -   sweet,   unhurried,   and   given   with   a   chuckle.
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           ❝   ah.   my   sincerest   apologies,   monsieur.   ❞   for   moment   then,   zhongli   untangles   their   fingertips,   pulling   away   to   stare   briefly   down   at   the   other.   a   glint   flits   across   those   bright,   golden   eyes   and   then...   he   strikes.   arms   sweep   beneath   neuvillette:   one   at   his   legs,   the   other   at   his   back,   and   zhongli   hefts   him   with   practiced   ease   into   the   air   -   as   if   the   iudex   weighed   nothing   at   all.   cradling   the   sovereign   ( tail   included )   within   the   strong   cage   of   his   arms,   zhongli   sets   forth   towards   the   bedroom,   taking   care   once   at   the   door   frame   to   not   knock   neuvillette's   sensitive   horns   against   the   wood.   despite   the   clear   display   of   playfulness   and   manhandling,   the   elder   dragon   deposits   him   upon   the   rumpled   sheets   with   gentle   reverence,   and   leans   back   to   admire   his   handiwork.   a   pleased   rumble   leaves   him   -   clearly,   he   is   content.   
           ❝   must   you   be   so   stubborn?   ❞   but   the   words   are   said   with   affection,   his   knee   hitting   the   mattress   as   he   leans   forward,   as   if   he   hadn't   just   carted   the   hydro   sovereign   across   the   home   and   back   to   bed  ❝   i   cannot   help   but   dislike   waking   with   you   gone.   ❞
      if  zhongli  were  still  an  enemy,  he  would  have  never  been  able  to  step  into  his  office    ——    invade  personal  space,  &  touch  him  so  brazenly.  at  this  point,  every  defiant  act  was  performative:  &  with  their  draconian  nature  there  was  an  innate,  quiet  battle  of  dominance.  one  that  neuvillette  usually  acquiesced  in  private  moments  like  this,  even  though  his  behavior  spoke  otherwise.  these  mental  spars  were  far  more  relaxed  now,  when  initially  he  was  barely  given  room  to  breathe.  one  hand    (    both  were  ungloved.  sharp  talons  on  display,  a  white - blue  scale  pattern  matching  his  tail    )    idly  hovers  over  zhongli’s  before  finally  intertwining.  hm:  perhaps  he  can  prolong  this  moment  for  a  while  longer until the lord of geo gave into instinct.
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questioning  hues  closely  examine  the  book’s  contents  as  if  the  prime  of  adepti  was  not  trying  to  compel  him  back  to  bed.  yet  he  leaned  into  /  towards  every  touch    ——    reciprocating  zhongli’s  rumble  with  his  own,  calming  one.  it  rolls  like  waves  lapping  at  the  shoreline,  &  as  fingers  danced  over  the  pages  he  lets  out  a  hmph.      “   early  mornings  refresh  me,   ”      he  simply  replies:  long,  serpentine  tail  curling  around  the  consultant’s  ankle.      “   it  is  when  the  voices  of  the  court  are  at  their  l - lowe  ——  ah.   ”      eyes  flutter  close  &  his composure slips  when  devious  lips  &  wicked  fangs  ghost  an  ear.  damn  zhongli  knowing  their  sensitivity.  determined  for  a  quick  recovery,  neuvillette  nonchalantly  turns  the  page    ——    redirecting  his  gaze  to  its  contents.
      “   behind  closed  doors,  i  am  neuvillette.  not  little  dragon.   ”
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incognosis · 7 months
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My forever main
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incognosis · 7 months
           𝐢𝐭'𝐬   𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐲   𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝   𝐭𝐨   𝐧𝐨𝐭   𝐠𝐨𝐚𝐝   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧   sovereign   sometimes,   even   know   when   their   relationship   had   long   since   begun   blossoming   past   enemies.   zhongli   blamed   it   on   the   nature   of   the   draconic.   what   did   one   expect   when   two   of   teyvat's   apex   predators   were   thrown   together   ( even   if,   he   technically   was   not   born   here )?   and   though   he   was   not   of   sovereign   make   like   neuvillette,   that   did   not   stop   them   from   bringing   out   their   instincts   in   one   another,   and   had   made   for   more   than   once   piece   of...   very   broken   furniture   or   week   long   argument.   unstoppable   force,   meet   immovable   object.   it   was   as   charming   as   it   was   vexing   -   for   neuvillette   knew   how   to   push   the   ex-archon's   buttons   just   as   well   as   he   did   the   iudex's.   but   he   wouldn't   trade   it   for   the   world.
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           the   lord   of   geo   buries   his   face   in   the   nape   of   neuvillette's   neck,   inhaling   his   soft,   sweet   and   sea-tinged   scent   with   a   chuff.   that   tail   makes   itself   known   again,   this   time   wrapping   around   his   waist   to   squeeze   lightly.   he   catches   sight   of   those   lovely   eyes,   his   own   gilded   ones   blinking   lazily   in   response,   before   he   nudges   the   other   with   his   horns   again,   this   time �� a   bit   more   insistent.   ❝   come   now.   ❞   there   is   another   flick   of   his   tail,   soft   fur   sliding   over   the   iudex's   lap.   ❝   you   must   still   be   tired,   and   it's   rather   cold   without   you.   ❞   comforting,   coaxing   rumbles,   deep   within   his   chest,   and   those   geo-veined   hands   splay   lightly   across   his   abdomen,   insistent.   ❝   or   are   you   giving   me   the   cold   shoulder   for...   ❞   lips,   pressed   to   the   shell   of   a   pointed   ear,   and   he   smiles   just   slightly,   fangs   nipping   the   tip,   ❝   little   dragon   ?   ❞
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@incognosis: he gently nudges him with his gilded horns, bright gaze twinkling as that long tail flicks in agitation, fluffed end deliberately laying upon the book in neuvillette's hands. a rumble of a purr, the ex-archon twining arms around his torso. " come to bed, little dragon. " is his murmur, more demand than plea.
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      peaceful  were  mornings  at  home:  tucked  away  in  a  corner  in  Quartier  Narbonnais,  &  quite  small  in  comparison  to  assumptions  aimed  at  his  spending  habits.  Neuvillette  cared  very  little  for  grandeur,  even  though  he  placed  extreme  importance  to  maintain  a  certain  image.  this,  however,  originated  from  the  position  of  Iudex    ——    Monsieur  could  never  dress  so  unseemingly.  yet  here  His  Impartiality  was:  wearing  a loose - fitting,  white  cotton  shirt  with  frills  at wrists;  leather  pants  accentuated  dangerously  long  legs  . . .  yet people  would    (    unfortunately    )    declare  him  a  fashion  icon  &  attempt  to  replicate  his  outfits.  wardrobes that were,  unsurprisingly,  filled  with  similar  garments.
      the  book  in  hand  was  one  a  certain  ex - Archon  brought  over  from  Liyue    ——    whose  geo - veined  arms  embraced  him  from  behind.  at  first,  Neuvillette  was  unphased  by  Zhongli’s  expression:  vexed,  no  doubt,  over  the  Sovereign’s  disregard.  when  tip  of  draconic  tail  entered  his  vision,  the  Chief  Justice’s  brow  furrowed.  being  addressed  as  little  dragon  was  hardly  proper:  &  if  he  wished  to  get  technical  . . .  reading  interrupted,  the  wyrm  slips  a  bookmark  in,  calmly  sets  it  aside,  &  violet - blue  gaze  narrowed  sharply up over his shoulder.
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no,  he  was  better  than  to  rise  against  ridiculous  nicknames.
      Neuvillette  decides  to  pick  up  the  book  &  resume  reading.
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incognosis · 7 months
           𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥   𝐚𝐧𝐝   𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧   𝐨𝐟   𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐬   𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠   𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞   by   live   on   in   zhongli,   his   age   and   wisdom   carrying   forth   what   propensities   cultures   and   peoples   of   long   past   had   chosen   to   adorn   themselves   in.   for   the   god   of   battle,   removing   the   vermillion   along   the   sharp   cut   of   his   eyes   would   have   been   akin   to   sacrilege,   like   not   putting   on   his   shoes   every   morning.   red   -   burnished   and   bright   -   was   not   something   he   could   leave   behind.   for   try   as   morax   might   to   don   a   mortal   skin,   the   dragon   seeped   through   at   the   edges   like   water   fraying   paper,   or   he   was   unwilling   to   relinquish   parts   of   himself   that   had   been   hard   fought:   including   his   red   eye   makeup.   ages   ago,   others   might   apply   it   for   him   -   attendants,   first,   before   it   became   an   act   of   intimacy   he   only   allowed   guizhong,   and   on   one   or   two   occasions   the   yaksha   were   granted   the   honor,   but   now?   zhongli   preferred   to   do   it   himself.   and   not   once   in   the   long   span   of   his   life   had   he   done   the   honors   for   another...   but   aether   was   the   first   of   many   things,   and   this   was   no   exception.   
           the   brush   moves   over   sun-adored   skin   with   gentle   flourish,   his   steady   hand   unflinching.   around   the   traveler,   zhongli   allows   himself   moments   of   monstrousness   -   his   eyes   a   bit   more   draconic   and   glowing,   fangs   visible   upon   his   teeth,   and   sleeves   rolled   up   and   gloves   removed   to   reveal   the   pulsating   lines   of   geo   upon   his   flesh.   pressed   to   the   other's   pulse,   the   gold   thrums   in   time   with   his   heartbeat...   a   fact   he   might   have   commented   on,   had   he   not   been   so   intent   on   getting   the   shape   of   this   line   right.   
           ❝   mm,   have   patience.   ❞   is   all   he   says,   voice   a   deep   rumble   tinted   with   the   vaguest   hint   of   affection.   still   -   the   prime   of   the   adepti   works,   tilting   this   way   and   that,   always   taking   care   to   never   sink   his   claws   into   the   delicate   flesh   of   his   face   or   neck.   only   when   another   solid   twenty-minutes   has   passed   does   the   ex-archon   lean   back,   setting   the   brush   aside,   and   hums   appreciatively.   astute   gaze   gives   nothing   away,   peering   down   at   the   outworlder,   zhongli   reaches   behind   himself,   brandishing   forth   the   mirror   with   capable   ease.   ❝   forgive   me,   i   am   afraid   i   got   selfish   and   gave   you   my   colors.   ❞
           there   was   red   there,   not   unlike   zhongli's   own   bright   painted   flourish,   but   heavily   accented   by   the   strangest   glowing   mixture   of   pure   gold,   dashed   above   and   below   aether's   eyelids   not   unlike   artful   war   paint.   one   might   simply   think   it   to   be   a   strong   yellow   and   orange   mixed   pigment,   were   it   not   for   the   way   it   pulsed   in   time   with   the   veins   upon   his   arms   -   a   clear   sign   of   the   geo   resonance.   perhaps   a   human   would   have   the   audacity   to   look   sheepish   about   it.   but   not   zhongli.   he   only   tilted   his   head   a   bit,   more   dragon   than   man,   and   blinked.   ❝   ah...   do   you   like   it?   ❞
@foxfinch + @incognosisㅤ/ㅤfor zhongli.ㅤ/ㅤbased on our plots! ♡
ㅤㅤsometimes, tradition is as dangerous as it is alluring. long ago, wearing makeup was not a mere exercise of aesthetics: nobles and warriors would carefully paint their faces with rice powder to protect themselves against the scorching sun rays during marches. amongst army ranks laid a not-so-secretive rule, too. the reddest eye shadow colours were reserved for the strongest of fighters; good soldiers would be bestowed with yellow tints over their eyes, war champions decorated themselves in orange, and general-kings could be seen painted in vermillion—one of the most expensive inks in ancient markets. black kohl lining eyelids also referred to someone’s combat prowess; each millimetre corresponded to thousands of enemies defeated on the battlefield.
ㅤㅤduring earthly-sung history lessons, aether couldn’t help but notice something very important. zhongli’s eyes were the reddest and the sharpest he had ever seen in liyue, even among the adepti. yet zhongli seemed to care not for such a fact, too engrossed in his detailed handwork. draconic ambers rested on sun-kissed complexion attentively and gently, painting the corners of golden eyes while holding his chin. slowly, the ancient took his time, decorating the outlander as he best deemed fit. cathartically and unworried—as if aether couldn’t see his fangs hidden between fake teeth. perhaps this should scare him. stories of wolves in sheep’s clothing rarely ended as a forewarning. instead, however, he closed his eyes so the ex-archon could keep on working his final touches. he didn’t care for the hand around his throat, either.
ㅤㅤ“when you’re done, will you let me see what colour you picked for me?” a chuckle. “paimon says i look best in yellow.”
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incognosis · 8 months
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conductor zhongli
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