improviseddevice · 6 years
*   @improviseddevice   /   katara starter call   !
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“suki! thank goodness.” katara’s pleased to see her friend not only for the usual reasons, but because she also needs suki’s HELP. “what do you think? how do i look?”
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        “Oh, come on Katara. When have you ever looked bad?” Suki admired her friend for many reasons: her strength, her kindness, her fashion choices, her brother. “What are you getting all dressed up for anyway?”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
“I’m–sorry?” Regulus probably wasn’t, it was more an expression like excuse me? But he didn’t clarify, just stepped in–because Sirius let him in, and wasn’t that strange?  He licked his bottom lip and tasted salt, tried to categorize the flat as he walked in–the carpet, the curtains, the bits that were left out.
It didn’t look right. Granted, Regulus hadn’t actually seen the inside of Sirius’ new place but there was… he had expected maybe some nostalgia. Bright colors maybe. Something that was missing…but, again, with the Potters missing, maybe that was why.
“Was there an accident?” He asked at last, trying to piece together Potters dead and thought you were, too. “At Graduation maybe.” Except why would the Potter’s be there? They only had one son. Also, Regulus was certain he remembered graduating just fine.
So it wasn’t some mudblood attack. Or Voldemort …something. At least not then and there.
Regulus sat heavily onto the couch.
        How was he supposed to talk about this? Sirius stared at Regulus, who appeared at odds with everything in the apartment. He felt like, for just this moment, reality had shifted just slightly to the left and here Regulus was, sitting on the couch as if it were almost normal. Almost but not quite. He wondered at what moment everything would shift back into place and he would be left standing here, alone, staring at his sofa. He wasn’t drunk. Sometimes he was drunk. Was he so sure he wasn’t drunk?
        “An accident?” Sirius echoed, his eyebrows made it halfway up his forehead. “What in Merlin’s name makes you think it was an accident?” He wished he was drunk. He pushed the thought aside. He didn’t want to talk about the Potters, about Harry or the Dursleys or how much he hated Dumbledore for the whole situation. What he wanted to talk about was where the fuck Regulus had been. Some part of him had hoped his brother was a deserter. Another part had believed he was dead and that he surely deserved it. Both parts still harbored an intense dislike bordering on hate.
        “Where the fuck have you been? The bloody moon?”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
       Sirius’ body was shrunken, pulling into himself as though he wanted to be as small as possible. James hated this version of his friend, who could be larger than life if he wanted to be. Sirius Black was not designed to be small, but here he was anyway. ❛ Why would I bother if I can just ask you? ❜
      James took a few steps forward so he was directly in front of Sirius, who would barely look at him, his words both empty and full of heat. Even though his friend was telling him to go, James could recognize the plea to stay underneath. It was something he’d learned over five years of friendship. Sometimes, James thought he knew Sirius better than he knew himself. ❛ Oh yeah, real riveting conversation you’ve got going on here, ❜ he said sarcastically before taking a seat on the ledge with Sirius, right where he’d been pointing to the wall. They were a tight fit, sitting like this together, facing one another on the ledge. But James pushed himself as far against the wall as he could and made it work. There was no fucking way he was leaving.
      ❛ I’m just bored, ❜ he said mildly. They both knew that wasn’t true, but James wasn’t going to force his friend to talk. Sirius would talk when he wanted to talk. They’ve sat in silence together before.
        Sirius allowed himself to hate James for a brief moment. The moment passed. He felt a little better. Of course, he could never really hate James, especially not when he could pinpoint what true hate felt like. But this little bit of spite gave him the energy to sit up a bit straighter and finally look at his friend. In truth, he was grateful to have someone like James in the moments like these, even if he couldn’t put words to the feeling. 
        “Better than half the shitheads in the common room,” he rolled his eyes and produced a thin smile, although there was no joy in his voice. He kicked the wall across from him and let his eyes trail away again. He knew James was asking what was wrong, he knew James was the sort of person he could tell. He just didn’t know how to tell. He stared at James’ knees next to his knees. It hurt to think about. That James was willing to sit in this cramped space with him without expectations, it was all Sirius could have asked for. Something he should have been able to expect from his own family. But they had never cared, not even enough to realize something was wrong in the first place. His knees knocked against James’ casually. He wondered if his mother had a tendency to scream at walls. He didn’t want to know, probably couldn’t handle the truth.
        The frozen halls echoed with the sound of footsteps and laughter as a group of second-year girls walked past, so engrossed in their gossip they didn’t see the two boys huddled in the small nook. That was how it usually was when the boys gathered here. Sirius’ eyes turned back to James. He just couldn’t hold it inside anymore, “what’s so fucking great about Christmas anyway?”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
        important psa about my threads. ok, I am trying to get back into writing replies here but I have been gone for a while due to stress and such. basically: here is a list of replies i currently owe to people on both my blogs ( i know i name them weird things shhhh ). there are a couple longer replies I plan on doing anyway ( @sunkencrown and @survivalworn ). otherwise, if i owe you and you want to continue the thread like this post. if you owe me and you want to continue the thread just reblog whenever. otherwise, i will assume things are dropped.
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improviseddevice · 6 years
        important psa about my threads. ok, I am trying to get back into writing replies here but I have been gone for a while due to stress and such. basically: here is a list of replies i currently owe to people on both my blogs ( i know i name them weird things shhhh ). there are a couple longer replies I plan on doing anyway ( @sunkencrown and @survivalworn ). otherwise, if i owe you and you want to continue the thread like this post. if you owe me and you want to continue the thread just reblog whenever. otherwise, i will assume things are dropped.
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improviseddevice · 6 years
        ooc. ok i finished this book after attempting to make it last (i couldn’t) and it is so freaking amazing. i just need her to rewrite every fairy tale ever? like i would read a story and be like “that was for sure my favorite” and then i would read the next one and be like “no that was my favorite.” somehow they just kept getting better? why did it end? 
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        ooc. sorry i’ve been missing in action recently. but here’s a thing. i got this signed book from leigh bardugo today. i’m not supposed to be buying books because i have nowhere to store them but how could i pass this up? bonus: the interior illustrations are gorgeous.
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improviseddevice · 6 years
Reblog if Tumblr is eating your activity dash notifications more than usual.
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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        ooc. sorry i’ve been missing in action recently. but here’s a thing. i got this signed book from leigh bardugo today. i’m not supposed to be buying books because i have nowhere to store them but how could i pass this up? bonus: the interior illustrations are gorgeous.
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improviseddevice · 6 years
@sunkencrown // ©
        Sirius had not expected the bell to ring at this time of night. Sirius had not expected a lot of things, the least of which was the bell ringing at this time of night. To be fair, the bell rarely rang. Other rare events currently happening included Regulus standing on his doorstep. This was mainly because Regulus had been missing – or dead – for quite some time. But based on current events dead was probably off the table.
        He stared. Regulus babbled. He grimaced. Sirius made a mental note to make sure no one at the Three Broomsticks would give out his address again. He didn’t need anymore possibly dead relatives showing up on his doorstep, regardless of time of day. He liked not having to worry about that sort of thing, considering he already had plenty of other things to worry about these days. Such as the aforementioned Potter family and their decimated home in Godric’s Hollow. He didn’t so much worry about Uncle Alphard. Everything there was to worry about there was in his Gringotts safe.
        Sirius waited until Regulus stopped babbling about whatever the fuck came to his mind, nodding as if he cared and understood. “They’re dead,” he said flatly. He didn’t particularly feel like explaining. “I thought you were dead too,” he added, opening the door wider to let his estranged brother in. It felt odd, but what else was he supposed to do?
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improviseddevice · 6 years
        ooc. shh i’m mostly alive. i haven’t been sleeping very well these past few nights, which means I can’t really think straight but i am here. which is cool i guess. i will try to write today. ♥︎
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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Is your muse from a YA novel? If so, you can be added to a masterlist of other muses from other YA novels and series! Simply REBLOG this post with the NOVEL OR SERIES TITLE and the MUSE you play to be added. Please indicate if your muse is an OC. Indies, multimuses and hub blogs are welcome to reblog!
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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lily raises an eyebrow. “i really doubt that. and i’m busy, okay? so your ‘ awesome ’ conversation is DISTRACTING me.
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        “You don’t have to be an ass about it.” He leans in, “what the hell are you doing anyway?”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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Neil’s eyes had been glued to the screen since the game started. This was the only way he could watch Exy games. He didn’t have a home of his own and never got close enough to anyone to visit. Not even his teammates. The only downside to watching in public was the grating of nerves when someone started yelling. Also, possibly the fact his food went cold and potatoes in any form just weren’t the same at that point. 
It took a moment before Neil realized someone was talking to him. There wasn’t anything personal about this conversation and it revolved around Exy. He didn’t see the point of trying to worm his way out of it. “The goalkeeper sent the ball back down half-court. Turns out the man with the anger issues also has terrible taste in teams.” He shot a glare in the man’s direction though he didn’t seem to be paying Neil any attention. 
He ate some of his now cold food before he got distracted again. Once he swallowed, he looked back over at the girl who seemed curious about the game. He got the impression she wasn’t a fan, but something about it had captured her interest. That was good enough to get Neil rambling. “Have you ever watched an Exy game before?”
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        “Oh,” Suki smiled, her eyes lingering on the angry man. Terrible taste in teams. She was fairly certain that was a matter of opinion. Unless the team he supported was something ridiculous like a team of convicted murderers and felons. She also had very little understanding of what it meant to send the ball back to half-court. She nodded quietly and wrinkled her nose at the screen. This boy seemed to prefer his food over answering her questions.
        It was a surprise when he spoke to her again, but Suki was happy for the conversation. She leaned in and smiled. “Well, I’ve seen it before but never really knew what was going on,” she admitted. “I’m more of an individual sports person.” She much preferred various forms of martial arts over pretty much all other sports. Considering she actively practiced and competed it should be expected. But this boy was a stranger and she wasn’t going to bore him with that sort of information.
        “It looks really rough. And the rules don’t totally make sense to me,” she raised her eyebrows at the TV screen. She could barely keep her eye on where the ball was if she was being honest. She took a sip of her drink and turned back to Neil. “Do you watch a lot?”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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ATLA Meme: [7/8] Characters → Suki
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improviseddevice · 6 years
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        “it’s a big house, it can’t be that bad. though i’m still gutted by the cost of that repair of that ceiling up the dining hall.” he shrugged, somehow satisfied that all the flames were damped down to nothing in no time. if it was the music room or his mother’s bedroom, he might’ve fallen into a state of panic. but this was his father’s study. not much of a loss, really. “i’ll just move my desk over here and this one can be used for firewood. those curtains were hideous anyway.” spinning away from the disastrous corner, he sideeyed jesper and wrinkled his nose, only slightly offended, “maybe sarcasm isn’t yours. if math isn’t my strong suit, then we’re practically fucked.”
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        Jesper stared at what little was left of the ruined curtains. Most of the decorations in this house were ugly in his opinion. But, considering he was literally raised on a farm, his opinion on the interior decoration probably didn’t matter. Normally, that wouldn’t stop Jesper from commenting but he figured Wylan had at least some attachment to the things in this home and he would, without doubt, criticize the wrong thing on his very first attempt. “Well, what’s left of the desk can be used as firewood,” he agreed. He grinned back at Wylan’s wrinkled nose, “we’re used to it.”
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improviseddevice · 6 years
        ooc. when u realize how many unfinished replies you have drafted 
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improviseddevice · 6 years
Reblog this if your muse is bi.
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