imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
40 notes · View notes
imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
40 notes · View notes
imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
40 notes · View notes
imnotyouralice · 5 years
IM MOVING ALICE’S BLOG OVER TO A SIDE BLOG ATTACHED TO JERVIS. All interactions will be kept I’m just moving it to a place where I can better keep track of her. 
I’ve even finally made good icons!
She is now MUTUALS ONLY though. I have to be in order to keep my blogs active and enforce boundaries people all too often violate.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
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Commissions remain OPEN!
If only to supplement my income because chances are I’ll need to move at the end of the year and having to spend all my money on bills because the person I live with can’t seem to hold onto money isn’t making that very easy.
No fandom off limits (Even though most of the art featured is Tangled) but there are some things I don’t have the ABILITY to draw:
Realistic looking animals.
Just not good at them. Will save you the trouble.
HMU If you wanna talk art. I like to think I’m pretty reasonable  when it comes to what people ask me to do.
I’ve also removed sketches from my pricing list. I decided that’s a ripoff and if you get any of these I’m going to show you the sketch anyway. Just to be sure it’s what you want before I go further.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
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Commissions remain OPEN!
If only to supplement my income because chances are I’ll need to move at the end of the year and having to spend all my money on bills because the person I live with can’t seem to hold onto money isn’t making that very easy.
No fandom off limits (Even though most of the art featured is Tangled) but there are some things I don’t have the ABILITY to draw:
Realistic looking animals.
Just not good at them. Will save you the trouble.
HMU If you wanna talk art. I like to think I’m pretty reasonable  when it comes to what people ask me to do.
I’ve also removed sketches from my pricing list. I decided that’s a ripoff and if you get any of these I’m going to show you the sketch anyway. Just to be sure it’s what you want before I go further.
115 notes · View notes
imnotyouralice · 6 years
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Rafael is 2 years old and is the sweetest cat on the face of the earth. Loving and affectionate since the moment we adopted him from a shelter. But because that shelter neutered him too young he is suffering from a severe condition that, if left untreated, could take his life. Right now he’s on a prescription diet and 3 medications for this but it may not be enough.
We’ve already spent $1917.00 on emergency treatment for him but this may only be a temporary solution. Rafael suffers from blockage created due to the opening of his penis being too small for a healthy urine flow. This causes the bladder to fill and become distended and urine to backup into his kidneys. And while vets can drain his bladder and we can put him on a prescription diet, these are band-aid solutions unless he gets a Urethrostomy. This operation will remove the exterior urethra and create a wider opening to promote a healthier flow.
In simpler terms this operation will change his “Male” opening to a “female” opening.
But this is a very expensive procedure and we can’t afford to get it for him on our own. And none of the shelters in our area have the means to perform the surgery if worse came to worse and we couldn’t afford the surgery and had to give him up. So ultimately this cat will be put down because of a mistake a shelter made when he was brought in as a baby. No animal deserves to die because of negligence from a human. Especially not one as sweet as Raf. Donate if you can. Share if you can’t. Raf deserves as much of a chance at having a full life as any other kitty in the world.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
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Rafael is 2 years old and is the sweetest cat on the face of the earth. Loving and affectionate since the moment we adopted him from a shelter. But because that shelter neutered him too young he is suffering from a severe condition that, if left untreated, could take his life. Right now he’s on a prescription diet and 3 medications for this but it may not be enough.
We’ve already spent $1917.00 on emergency treatment for him but this may only be a temporary solution. Rafael suffers from blockage created due to the opening of his penis being too small for a healthy urine flow. This causes the bladder to fill and become distended and urine to backup into his kidneys. And while vets can drain his bladder and we can put him on a prescription diet, these are band-aid solutions unless he gets a Urethrostomy. This operation will remove the exterior urethra and create a wider opening to promote a healthier flow.
In simpler terms this operation will change his “Male” opening to a “female” opening.
But this is a very expensive procedure and we can’t afford to get it for him on our own. And none of the shelters in our area have the means to perform the surgery if worse came to worse and we couldn’t afford the surgery and had to give him up. So ultimately this cat will be put down because of a mistake a shelter made when he was brought in as a baby. No animal deserves to die because of negligence from a human. Especially not one as sweet as Raf. Donate if you can. Share if you can’t. Raf deserves as much of a chance at having a full life as any other kitty in the world.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
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Rafael is 2 years old and is the sweetest cat on the face of the earth. Loving and affectionate since the moment we adopted him from a shelter. But because that shelter neutered him too young he is suffering from a severe condition that, if left untreated, could take his life. Right now he’s on a prescription diet and 3 medications for this but it may not be enough.
We’ve already spent $1917.00 on emergency treatment for him but this may only be a temporary solution. Rafael suffers from blockage created due to the opening of his penis being too small for a healthy urine flow. This causes the bladder to fill and become distended and urine to backup into his kidneys. And while vets can drain his bladder and we can put him on a prescription diet, these are band-aid solutions unless he gets a Urethrostomy. This operation will remove the exterior urethra and create a wider opening to promote a healthier flow.
In simpler terms this operation will change his “Male” opening to a “female” opening.
But this is a very expensive procedure and we can’t afford to get it for him on our own. And none of the shelters in our area have the means to perform the surgery if worse came to worse and we couldn’t afford the surgery and had to give him up. So ultimately this cat will be put down because of a mistake a shelter made when he was brought in as a baby. No animal deserves to die because of negligence from a human. Especially not one as sweet as Raf. Donate if you can. Share if you can’t. Raf deserves as much of a chance at having a full life as any other kitty in the world.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
Don’t let shelters fucking kill your cats
As much as the media likes to say “SPAY AND NEUTER- CONTROL CAT POPULATION” they never tell you about the negative side effects.
With female cats it’s less of a problem but TONS of male cats die every year because they are neutered as small kittens. Either by shelters that adopt them out, or by owners who don’t know any better. By doing this you are dooming your boy cat to a slow and painful death.
A male cat that is neutered before their penis is mature enough will develop “blockages” that can be life threatening. Your boy cat will lack the ability to properly pass urine and will develop a block that will distend their bladder and back their urine into their kidneys and cause infection. This leads to having to either repeatedly have a vet put a catheter in him which will become VERY expensive, or you have to pay for an equally expensive surgery where the cat’s penis is removed. Essentially turning the “male” opening to a “female” opening. And even then this is not a permanent solution that guarantees success. 
My cat is in the emergency room right now. He’s fighting for his life because a shelter neutered him before his body was grown enough to heal properly. He’s only two years old and his life is in danger. Because this shelter decided that this cat who was too young to make babies, needed his tubes cut.
If you’re going to neuter/spay, at least wait until your cat is done growing. Let them fully mature so that their bodies can heal and know HOW to heal. If you took a human man and cut his tubes when he was a baby, this would cause major complications into adult hood with growth and hormones. It is no different in another other species on our planet. It’s not like a circumcision, you are removing function from an entire ORGAN. One that is connected to parts of them that are necessary to LIVE.
Control population but don’t do it at the cost of your cat’s life. Don’t control population by killing cats slowly because you’re just too impatient to wait.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
Help needed
Im writing this from my phone because we just dropped my cat off at the emergency Vet. He’s going to be okay but the treatment he needs is going to cost me everything I have. Even what i set aside for our trip to orlando at the end of the month.
And because my uncle potentially stole the only key to my car I’ll need to get ubers home from work with money i dont have. And we will still need to get groceries and pay bills
We’re in a serious bind and im willing to do whatever kind of comissions you want for as much as I can get. Or if you are willing to donate i would greatly appreciate it. Any money would go to my paypal at [email protected]
PLEASE. I need to help my cat but i cant do that and also afford to live right now
Kitty is home from the vet and drugged up. The vets did what they could and they said he SHOULD be okay. But there’s a catch- They ended up not being able to put a catheter in him so if this ever happens again or if he doesn’t show improvement he’s going to need surgery. A surgery we do not have the money for and if he doesn’t get it he could die.
Please. If you can’t buy a commission  at least reblog so more people can see. I need all the financial help I can get right now.
also PSA: Don’t neuter your cats as small babies. It causes complications in male cats as they age because the tract doesn’t grow and mature as it’s supposed to. We had no control over ours since we got him from a shelter but this apparently is a very common issue where their system gets blocked up because the “opening” is too small.
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imnotyouralice · 6 years
Help needed
Im writing this from my phone because we just dropped my cat off at the emergency Vet. He’s going to be okay but the treatment he needs is going to cost me everything I have. Even what i set aside for our trip to orlando at the end of the month.
And because my uncle potentially stole the only key to my car I’ll need to get ubers home from work with money i dont have. And we will still need to get groceries and pay bills
We’re in a serious bind and im willing to do whatever kind of comissions you want for as much as I can get. Or if you are willing to donate i would greatly appreciate it. Any money would go to my paypal at [email protected]
PLEASE. I need to help my cat but i cant do that and also afford to live right now
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