imageryweave · 5 years
Service design workshop at the china art academy on redesigning supermarket experience
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imageryweave · 5 years
Funded by the Edinburgh-Shenzhen Creative Exchange, in collaboration with Digital Tiger and the University of Edinburgh and the talented Taiwanese playwright PaoChang Tsai, I curated and produced an immersive digital children theatre as part of the Shenzhen Creative December Festival. It took us only three months from start to performances. 
Futher details and press releases:
“中英联创《绿野仙踪》光影儿童互动剧场”活动网站媒体已发布: 新浪:http://news.dichan.sina.com.cn/2018/12/20/1220117.html 搜狐:http://www.sohu.com/a/283150016_589639 网易新闻:http://3g.163.com/news/article/E3FEGO2R053841JC.html 新华在线:http://www.xhol.net/jiaoyu/yaowen/20181220/12498.html 中华教育网:http://www.edu-gov.cn/news/101221.html 腾讯:http://view.inews.qq.com/a/20181220A0G5AR00 慧聪网:http://info.edu.hc360.com/2018/12/201213817943.shtml 北青教育网:http://www.eduynet.com/a/redian/1942.html 深圳热线:http://think.szonline.net/contents/20181220/20181233683.html 深圳之窗:https://city.shenchuang.com/city/20181220/1481615.shtml
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imageryweave · 5 years
Funded by the Edinburgh-Shenzhen Creative Exchange, in collaboration with Digital Tiger and the University of Edinburgh and the talented Taiwanese playwright PaoChang Tsai, I curated and produced an immersive digital children theatre as part of the Shenzhen Creative December Festival. It took us only three months from start to performances. 
Futher details and press releases:
“中英联创《绿野仙踪》光影儿童互动剧场”活动网站媒体已发布: 新浪:http://news.dichan.sina.com.cn/2018/12/20/1220117.html 搜狐:http://www.sohu.com/a/283150016_589639 网易新闻:http://3g.163.com/news/article/E3FEGO2R053841JC.html 新华在线:http://www.xhol.net/jiaoyu/yaowen/20181220/12498.html 中华教育网:http://www.edu-gov.cn/news/101221.html 腾讯:http://view.inews.qq.com/a/20181220A0G5AR00 慧聪网:http://info.edu.hc360.com/2018/12/201213817943.shtml 北青教育网:http://www.eduynet.com/a/redian/1942.html 深圳热线:http://think.szonline.net/contents/20181220/20181233683.html 深圳之窗:https://city.shenchuang.com/city/20181220/1481615.shtml
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imageryweave · 6 years
Design activism: A Community-led Product-Service Data System Innovation
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imageryweave · 6 years
Touched Innovation:  Museum Service Design for Cultural Heritage
Keynote as part of the ICID service design workshop I led at the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology. 
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imageryweave · 8 years
Check out our latest paper at http://www.drs2016.org/407/  . It is a work in progress, feedback most welcome.
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imageryweave · 8 years
An interactive art about our mental experience
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imageryweave · 8 years
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Reorder Disorder making art from ink to paper as our mental experience
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imageryweave · 8 years
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Close up of the mental sensorial system of Reorder Disorder
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imageryweave · 8 years
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At the royal college of physicians all setup for tomorrow’s neuroscience day!
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imageryweave · 8 years
Collective Imagery for Complex Design
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imageryweave · 8 years
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‘Making Research’ with Collective Imagery with design research community at the Royal College of Art. A three hours workshop to bring 12 Collective of RCA’s staffs and students to connect their work. The workshop began with design elements generative sessions with images on their work and probes such as:  1. Think about your practice and research... 2. Think about your motivations 3. Think about your contributions 4. Think about your impacts 5. Think about your fears
It was follows by a narrative connecting session utilising bamboo stick and to tell each other their stories.
The final hour saw the construction of the collective installation as a mean to connect each others’ work for some common themes to emerge. 
The installation continues to engage RCA’s community as a collaborative space to add one’s work with material provided.
In collaboration with Dr. Dan Lockton and 12 collective.
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imageryweave · 9 years
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Making conceptual structure of possible solutions.
CangDong Kaiping Unesco Village Conservation Co-Design Workshop
I was invited to run community engagement and co-design workshop to design conservation educational services surrounding the old buildings. Two Milan Politecnico master of spatial design students and a friend come along to play. Well, my secret motivation to be here is that I can’t resist to find a way to paint old mouldy buildings.
http://towardsthehumancity.org/…/initiative-40-cadong-base…/ http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1112 http://www.cnn.com/…/tra…/china-watchtowers-kaiping-diaolou/ http://english.cntv.cn/program/journeysintime/kaipingtower/
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imageryweave · 9 years
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CangDong Kaiping Unesco Village Conservation Co-Design Workshop
Photos: Making Wishes with the locals.
I was invited to run community engagement and co-design workshop to design conservation educational services surrounding the old buildings. Two Milan Politecnico master of spatial design students and a friend come along to play. Well, my secret motivation to be here is that I can’t resist to find a way to paint old mouldy buildings.
http://towardsthehumancity.org/…/initiative-40-cadong-base…/ http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1112 http://www.cnn.com/…/tra…/china-watchtowers-kaiping-diaolou/ http://english.cntv.cn/program/journeysintime/kaipingtower/
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imageryweave · 9 years
Collective imagery in physical form described in story form as complex design
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imageryweave · 9 years
Describing complex design beautifully by using bamboo structure modelled as a co-designed space.
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imageryweave · 9 years
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Anhui folk museum experience design. Every single turn is an antique easily over 300 years. The oldest sculpture dated 20bc.
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