im-just-so-so · 8 months
I honestly would have been fine with it if it weren’t for David’s weird as reasoning for his death
Okay, so. I've seen a lot of people complaining about the end of s2. So here's my two pennies on the situation.
It felt a bit rushed, yeah. But I actually think the chaos of the whole episode made it more powerful. Within half an hour Ed and Stede get back together, Izzy makes the BEST fucking speech about family to Prince Richard, Lucius and Black Pete get married, Izzy fucking DIES and everybody's new lives are established. And that is a hell of a lot. But life can be that chaotic sometimes. You spend ages waiting around, nothing very much happening, and then it all hits you at once. I appreciate that. I was still crying over Izzy when Lucius' and Pete's wedding was happening. And real life can be like that sometimes. Events aren't always nicely spaced with time for reflection in the middle.
I've also seen people complaining about killing Izzy off. But I think that is actually the best way his storyline could have gone. I'm devastated, of course I am, but this man, this small, angry little man grew SO much. He went from serving the image of a man to becoming part of a family, embracing every part of himself more, realising that, actually, he can be soft at times. And he can be happy. He's allowed to want, and have, those things. Izzy was there for Ed when he had nobody else, but that isn't the case anymore. Izzy died surrounded by the people he loved, and also knew that a man he loved for decades was going to be okay without him. He got closure. And I'm glad.
I don't know how to end this but yeah. I understand why people are angry but I think that everything actually couldn't have gone any better.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
Alright guys so according to Djenks season 2 was always supposed to be 8 eps.
So what the fuck is the excuse??
First I was only bitter about the reason for Izzy’s death (when the fuck was he ever a father figure) but blamed the writing/choppiness on it being cut by two eps. But now I’m like what happened?? Is this sequel syndrome? Is this the pressure getting to him??
What?? Happened??
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
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(Alt. Text. First Image. Person A. Look at Me OFMD Fandom.Second image. Words Angry OFMD Fans after S2 Finale sit on Tom Hanks head. Third Image. Person A says " We will not blame David Jenkins nor the Writers of OFMD for however fast paced or choppy the last episodes felt. If you angry blame HBO Max. They cut 10 episodes down to 8.)
You can be angry. You can shout. But dont nobody yell at David Jenkins or the Writers of OFMD. They got screwed over by HBO. @HBO.... Not @davidjenkins. We will not be ungrateful the people that made this show possible. Pls and thank you.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
I’ve seen a lot of words and a lot of takes and I just…
- I still love this show
- they did not use the “bury your gays” trope so stop saying they did
- I trust the writers and the actors
- they deserved more time to flesh things out
- they did the best they could with what they were given
- OBVIOUSLY I wish Izzy had a different ending! I’m devastated that this is where they took his story, but Con did an incredible job this season and I’m sick of seeing people lash out
- I am the number one Djenks defender
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
Round 5 Biggest sweep by percentage: Mulder/Scully (11091 votes) vs Victor/Yuuri (7057 votes), at 61.1-38.9 with a margin of 4,034 votes
Round 5 Biggest sweep by number of votes: Kirk/Spock (31272 votes) vs Aziraphale/Crowley (26704 votes), at 53.9-46.1 with a margin of 4,568 votes
(This is the first round so far where the largest gap by percentage and the largest gap by votes are not the same!)
Round 5 Closest race: Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian (16586 votes) vs Kara/Lena (16397 votes), at 50.3-49.7 with a margin of just 189 votes
Round 5 Most voted for: Kirk/Spock, with 31,272 votes
Round 5 Most voted in: Kirk/Spock vs Aziraphale/Crowley, with 57,976 votes
Round 5 Least voted in: Mulder/Scully vs Victor/Yuuri, with 18,148 votes (that's 39,828 fewer than Spirk vs Ineffable Husbands)
Graphs for every race can be found at glittering.world both while polls are ongoing and after they close, but here's the final graphs for the round:
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 4
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
Also who’s gonna tell them about the stucky subreddit where the poll was also posted
the ofmd fans have asked reddit and twitter to join in this isn't fair anymre
This has never been fair. Voter fraud has literally always been allowed. If you don't like it, fraud harder.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
the ofmd fans have asked reddit and twitter to join in this isn't fair anymre
This has never been fair. Voter fraud has literally always been allowed. If you don't like it, fraud harder.
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im-just-so-so · 8 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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im-just-so-so · 9 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 2 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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im-just-so-so · 9 months
AO3 Top Relationships Bracket- Round 1 Side 1
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This poll is a celebration of fandom history; we're aware that there are certain issues with many of the listed pairings and sources, but they are a part of that history. Please do not take this as an endorsement, and refrain from harassment.
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im-just-so-so · 1 year
So Twitter people have started piling on Rosie Carnahan-Darby after some questionable tweets she sent after the Queen’s death in regards to her views of the royal family and colonisation. I can’t be sure but I think a lot of people making the comments are American, or at least not Kiwi.
The thing is, she is in no way the only Pakeha who is thinking that right now. NZ primary schools LOVE to talk about the monarchy, and from the ages of 5 to 10 you hear about this fairytale person who is “technically in charge” of your country. And because you grew up with Disney you kind of like the idea of a Queen. And then members of the royal family visit and maybe you’re encouraged to go wave flags. And when tragedies happen Prince William or someone else comes over to shake hands with first responders and give a speech about prayers being with you all.
And then you get to high school and you start learning about colonisation and the land wars and Te Tiriti and you realise how fucked up it is that the country that you call home once belonged to other people, and people that look like you stole that from them. And you realise that the only reason you grew up in this country that you love and that is a part of your identity is because indigenous people were slaughtered, and oppressed. That can be a difficult thing to reconcile.
And then the Queen dies and it’s like “huh. That person who’s on all of our money, who was always this weird background figure in our social studies classes, who the PM would always talk about chatting to on the phone is gone.” Of course this is really a Pakeha reaction, because the only reason we got to have that early fairytale image of the queen is because we were blissfully ignorant of the atrocities her institution represents.
Me, personally? I’m staunchly against the Monarchy. My ancestors moved to New Zealand because of the Irish famine, I strongly believe Aotearoa should be a republic. I grew up reading Horrible Histories which did a pretty good job of shedding light on British behaviour overseas that we didn’t learn about. But I still wrote letters to the Queen as part of primary school projects, I wasn’t immune to royalist propaganda.
Something else to remember is lots of other people - especially the generations above me - had very little education about what colonisation really meant for Māori. And many older people still consider NZ to be a “dominion” of the United Kingdom, because that’s what it was for their parents.
Ultimately it comes down to ignorance, and I hope that now a symbol of the royal institution has passed on we can have more conversations about its irrelevance and the reparations that should be paid to indigenous peoples.
But yeah, there are a lot of Pakeha who are going to feel kind of sad. Even the ones who are well aware of what colonisation did. Again, it’s that having to reconcile what you were told growing up, with what you learnt later on, and what that means for your own identity as a Pakeha. Rosie is one of those people, as opposed to someone who’s both a royalist and a “sick of all this colonisation talk the Mow-Rees need to get over it” type of person. There are plenty of them around too, unfortunately.
As for people asking if Rhys knows what Rosie is saying? Of course he does. He’s a middle aged Pakeha man. He may well feel the same way. He’s not your morally perfect idol whose beliefs match entirely with yours.
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im-just-so-so · 2 years
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Our Flag Means Death + tumblr texposts (part 7)
p1; p2; p3; p4; p5; p6; ft. izzy; twitter version
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im-just-so-so · 2 years
Yess girl slaaayyyyyy wait no stop don’t actually girl what are you doing what are you doing stop stop stop oh my god god no no he’s dead no no no oh my god girl what have you done
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im-just-so-so · 2 years
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I have died. @lydsirabella on Twitter. They killed me.
My tombstone should read "She died how she lived, completely unhinged and frothing at the mouth".
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im-just-so-so · 2 years
just had (evil) thoughts
so Ed gets rid of the silk first, right? He lets it go to the wind. then he gets rid of Lucius, then all of Stede's nice things, then his crew (save for Jim and Frenchie).
he puts on the Big Bad Scary Kraken persona and says this:
"Farewell Bonnet's playthings. Onto the next."
does that. does that mean he views his red piece of silk as one of 'Bonnet's Playthings' as well?
does that mean that Ed thought his heart was being toyed with? but does that also mean that he nevertheless believed it still belonged to Stede?
like yes, you may have been reckless with it, but it was yours anyway.
and maybe that's part of why he abandons it. maybe he didn't think it belonged to him anymore. maybe it became Stede's the moment he held it with both hands and treated it with care despite how 'tatty and old' it was.
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