reasons to love harrison ford
1. hates donald trump 2. got his ear pierced at claires because why not 3. legit asks people to beat him up in action scenes EVEN NOW AS AN OLD MAN 4. is arguably one of the most iconic star wars characters yet couldnt give less of a crap abt star wars 5. the universe tried to kill him (or at least permanently incapacitate him) twice in 2015 and it only mildly inconvenienced him 6. flies helicopters in search and rescue missions 7. was in his 40s for the majority of the indiana jones series which is insane when you think about all the stunts involved 8. quote “the director yells cut and harrison cracks open a beer and then builds a fucking shed” 9. arguably sexy 10. points angrily and its super effective
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harry potter was such a fuckin jock tbh star player of sports ball hated history of magic (which would’ve been fascinating) just likes shooting his magic-gun  such a bro tbh
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“Sex is what makes us human”. Really? Because monkeys have sex. Turtles have sex. Barnacles have sex.
Humans learn foreign languages just because they can. Humans bake cookies. Humans knit sweaters. Humans ask permission to pet other humans’ dogs. Humans argue over whether ghosts are real. Humans write stories they’re too embarrassed to show to anybody. Humans eat food so spicy it makes our noses run. Humans do google searches to find out what kind of bird is making that noise. Humans build pyramids, or travel thousands of miles to look at other humans’ pyramids.
“Sex is what makes us human”. Really?
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Alec: Isabelle? You slept in Isabelle's room?
Isabelle: No need to worry, big brother. Nothing happened. Of course, I was totally passed-out drunk, so he could really have done whatever he wanted and I wouldn't have woken up.
Simon: Oh, please. All I did was tell you the entire plot of Star Wars.
Isabelle: I don't think I remember that.
Simon: Oh, yeah? Who was Luke Skywalker's best childhood friend?
Isabelle: Biggs Darklighter. That is so cheating!
Magnus: Ah, nerd love. It is a beautiful thing, while also being an object of mockery and hilarity for those of us who are more sophisticated.
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« You have bewitched me, body and soul, … »
« But he’s been a fool, about so many other things. But then, so have I.  » 
Part 2 of my Zutara/Pride & Prejudice mash-up. The first one was fun to do, so why not a part 2? Also the idea of Jet-Wickham was too tempting. (And Aang-Collins–sorry Aang, it had to be this way. We still love you)
And the famous hand stretch scene, aah. A brilliant detail. Again, love this movie. 
Part 1 | Part 2
(DISCLAIMER: this is in no way meant to bash on other ships than Zutara. It’s just me playing with an AU)
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Originally, I was a Hufflepuff (no matter what test I took) and now, years later, I found out that I’m a Ravenclaw. I mean, I love Hufflepuff, but I realize that I do make a better Ravenclaw. I feel like I’m betraying my house and all my Hufflepuff friends.
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Mom: you have to give up the dairy
Me: *doubled over in pain*
Me: *collapses on ground*
Me: but that creamy cake looked so good....
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friends and family: Why do you keep consuming dairy when you know you're lactose intolerant?
Me: I'm practicing the Scientific Method to ensure that my lactose intolerance is a constant under all conditions. Also ice cream is delicious.
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“You’re going to dampen the mood…”
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I like to pretend I’m not lactose intolerant. Unfortunately, it doesn’t change the fact that I am, and I just end up suffering the consequences.
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One of my self destructive tendencies is consuming large quantities of dairy
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the signs as ellen degeneres quotes
Aries:  “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She’s 97 today and we don’t know where the hell she is”
Taurus:  I have a rule: if the temperature is less than my age, I don’t get out of bed”
Gemini:  “Follow your passion. Stay true to yourself. Never follow someone else’s path unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path. By all means, you should follow that.”
Cancer: “ I get those fleeting, beautiful moments of inner peace and stillness - and then the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day, I’m a human trying to make it through in this world.“
Leo: “ But seriously, I think overall in the scheme of things winning an Emmy is not important. Let’s get our priorities straight. I think we all know what’s really important in life - winning an Oscar.“
Virgo: “Accept who you are, unless you’re a serial killer”
Libra: “I would like to end with my favorite Mark Twain quote: ‘don’t you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard’ that was actually Taylor Swift, but she does have a point”
Scorpio: “I’m a godmother, that’s a great thing to be, a godmother. She calls me god for short. That’s cute. I taught her that”
Sagittarius: “ Nothing says holidays, like a cheese log.“
Capricorn:  “My point is, life is about balance. The good and the bad. The highs and the lows. The pina and the colada.”
Aquarius: “I like my coffee like I like my men. I don’t drink coffee”
Pisces: “Just keep swimming”
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Peppermint tea + rain = 💙💤
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The signs outlook on love
Aries: Love is the greatest risk you’ll ever take in life. So take the chance.
Taurus: Love is practical. Love is something I want. It’s something I must possess. It’s like a precious diamond.
Gemini: If love comes it comes. Don’t rush it. Live your life have fun with family and friends and enjoy. Life is too short just sitting around waiting for a fairytale prince that isn’t going to come.
Cancer: I better put on that thick wall again and pretend nobody can break my heart. Damn I fall easy.
Leo: Maybe I crave love and adorment because it’s the only thing that can be truly given from someone.
Virgo: sometimes it’s better to love someone from a distance. So that way nobody gets hurt.
Libra: No human is meant to live alone, it will drive them mad. That’s when love comes in. All the good and the bad that comes with it will be worth it. Always.
Scorpio: Sometimes it’s better to break your own heart than to let somebody else do it for you.
Sagittarius: Love is the definition of freedom and can not be caged, love breaths through our actions.
Capricorn: Love is nothing more than an empty word that we give meaning to.
Aquarius: There’s more to love than just sex. Love is an adventure, make sure you pick the best friend to go with.
Pisces: Love is about sacrificing yourself for something better. The purpose is to die within each other and come out stronger.
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Japan, one of the least obese nations in the world have obese men fight for entertainment whilst America, one of the most obese countries in the world, have very fit people fight for entertainment
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Second Life Toys Campaign Promotes Organ Donation With the Use of Old Toys
Japan’s organization Second Life Toys is hoping to promote the awareness of organ donation with a tender and provocative message. With the use of children’s stuffed animals, they appoint new limbs to the broken toys, in order to save them and make them whole again.
Keep reading
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