iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
Maybe it was dumb of me to pick friends who arent rly good at taking care of others that much. I like being taken care of as well but im too busy taking care of them. When i burn out rip them but also who do i go to sighs
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
God people defending bakugo just makes me want to cry to sleep it reminds me of what people told me abt being bullied (that he's a child etc.) and i feel honestly worse
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
2AM rant
I still don't fucking like bakugo and it's hard to find a platform that's okay with me saying this. I hate how he basically terrorized deku all his childhood and even in hs, telling him he should go die all the time and people are justifying his behavior because it makes his character interesting, he's a child and can't express his emotions yet. I admit to liking problematic characters here and there but i find bakugo's reasons for being such a character extremely lacking and uncalled for. I got so turned off by the fandom's admiration and praise for him even at the start of the series that i dropped it. It left such a bad taste esp since it reminded me of my own personal bullies growing up and how they degraded me enough that i wanted to kill myself. I find myself incredibly leaning towards deku and admiring how strong he is to both tolerate and look past what bakugo has done to him, something i struggle with the people who scarred me. So sure tell me how close-minded i am for not finding him a great and interesting character. Because so far all he has been to me in the series is a painful reminder of those assholes.
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
on goro akechi v2 ft screenshot evidence because people are misinterpreting like everything about him & spreading misinfo
Keep reading
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
IRL Friendship Rambles
So originally we were a 3-person squad and it wasn't always fun and games. There would be issues of jealousy and a pair spending so much time tigether or talking about things the like that the 3rd person would feel left out. But over the years we had our own thing with a person like for example I and M (friend who is a girl) are currently roommates so we basically see each other everyday in uni. We eat together everyday and learned to appreciate our varying tastes. M is the most extroverted out of us so most of the time she drags us out. M and W (friend who is a guy) live in the same city so they go home together and can visit each other's places. They also both play League and are into KPOP. They also have the same taste with girls. I and W are the most alike. We're both introverted and doesn't socialize much so we bond over self-deprecating humor and games. We banter a lot about semantics and anime without much care but we fight the most often because I feel so comfortable about telling him my opinions and feeligs that sometimes it gets out of hand. (Sorry W!)
Recently, we had a 4th person to our group. He's kind of been there and not at the same time, also having a lot of social groups to be with. He's the most busy out of all of us but he goes out with us to dinner or to fun places. Now there are new dynamics at play. W and R (4th friend who is a guy) are dorm mates. It's pretty obvious that R wants to get close to him the most (maybe bec they're the guys in the group or maybe smth else). Since he's now the most extroverted out of us, he's the one trying to convince W to go out when he doesn't want to.
Now M and R have the same majors so they have loads of stuff to talk about as well. M views R as cute puppy which she is very vocal about. Not not sure what R thinks of it yet. But M also gets irritated when R can't go to our plans.
That leaves me and R. And I guess I haven't fohnd that connection with him yet. Besides having the somewhat the same fandoms and getting excited about them, I've never really talked to him about anything deeper. Plus most of the time he's talking to W or M when we go out. They also all play League and honestly they've tried to teach me and let me play with them but at the end I don't really do well in those games so I get hella left out.
Asdfghjkl feelings
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
IRL Friendship Rambles
So originally we were a 3-person squad and it wasn't always fun and games. There would be issues of jealousy and a pair spending so much time tigether or talking about things the like that the 3rd person would feel left out. But over the years we had our own thing with a person like for example I and M (friend who is a girl) are currently roommates so we basically see each other everyday in uni. We eat together everyday and learned to appreciate our varying tastes. M is the most extroverted out of us so most of the time she drags us out. M and W (friend who is a guy) live in the same city so they go home together and can visit each other's places. They also both play League and are into KPOP. They also have the same taste with girls. I and W are the most alike. We're both introverted and doesn't socialize much so we bond over self-deprecating humor and games. We banter a lot about semantics and anime without much care but we fight the most often because I feel so comfortable about telling him my opinions and feeligs that sometimes it gets out of hand. (Sorry W!)
Recently, we had a 4th person to our group. He's kind of been there and not at the same time, also having a lot of social groups to be with. He's the most busy out of all of us but he goes out with us to dinner or to fun places. Now there are new dynamics at play. W and R (4th friend who is a guy) are dorm mates. It's pretty obvious that R wants to get close to him the most (maybe bec they're the guys in the group or maybe smth else). Since he's now the most extroverted out of us, he's the one trying to convince W to go out when he doesn't want to.
Now M and R have the same majors so they have loads of stuff to talk about as well. M views R as cute puppy which she is very vocal about. Not not sure what R thinks of it yet. But M also gets irritated when R can't go to our plans.
That leaves me and R. And I guess I haven't fohnd that connection with him yet. Besides having the somewhat the same fandoms and getting excited about them, I've never really talked to him about anything deeper. Plus most of the time he's talking to W or M when we go out. They also all play League and honestly they've tried to teach me and let me play with them but at the end I don't really do well in those games so I get hella left out.
Asdfghjkl feelings
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
the anime youtube community is so disgusting. just say you call everything that has gay characters yaoi beacuse you’re a fucking homophobe and go
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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please forgive me
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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Natsuya’s bribing skills.
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
I still read Free! DTF as Free! Down to Fuck and honestly it still fits like lord these boys are in the water so much but are still so thirsty
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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Is it just me or does this scene in the ed look like every idol anime’s first live
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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Natsuya ilysm
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
Omegaverse manga vs fanfics
It confuses me that with the recent (well not so recent) boom of a/b/o themed and related manga that the environment they present towards omegas are usually hostile and prejudiced but back then in the a/b/o fanfics realm omegas are not only wanted but like worshipped and the goal of every alpha is to find their omega or smth like that
Was it really like this tho? Or did I not dabble in as much of omegaverse fics back then as I thought??
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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Riku Nanase (七瀬 陸) - IDOLiSH7 - Episode 01+02
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
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this basically sums up their personalities
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
Me @ Free! DTF: This is it. I'll finally choose my final otp involving my boi Haru in this series. No more MakoHaru vs RinHaru vs SouHaru in my heart. The added content will let me live in fucking peace and devote myself to the one ultimate ship I shall worship till the end of time. ILL FINALLY BE COMPLETE.
Free! DTF: *shoves IkuHaru down my throat straight to my heart*
Me: B I T C H H O W D A R E Y O U
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iliveformyfandoms · 6 years
Gettig back to the Free! fandom while being in I7 hell is basically me wanting Haru, Riku and Tenn interactions asdfghjkl do we have them???? Like are there fics of the Nanase family just together. It's such an uncommon surname that im living for this
Also Haru's parents having the twins and leaving Haru alone in Iwatobi is my guilty pleasure its so terrible but i just want it
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