ikilledmyhamster · 4 days
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These are my designs for my Y/N in BTD! I'll explain some things and facts about them!
But first, let me explain the color scheme. Colors have no gender I know, but I wanted to go for a classic color scheme for these two, so I chose pink and blue. So please don't attack me for my design 🙏😔
M!Y/N: Male Y/N'S personality is the cold side and more smarter. He has long hair and dresses a bit feminine but still masculine. He's strict, stoic, quiet, and very smart. But despite his cold attitude and him being mean, he's actually Y/N'S vulnerability side. He shows a lot of sad and depressed emotions because he is a lot more sensitive than female Y/N. It's because even though apparently "Blue" is masculine, they actually used to be a girl's color because it showed softness and vulnerability. So I decided to take inspiration from that! He is basically Y/N'S protective side, always suspicious and caution of others and sometimes gave mean comments, but when y/n is at their lowest that is M!Y/N in control!
F!Y/N: Female Y/N personality is very cheerful and extroverted unlike Male Y/N. She's always happy and very talkative, she's not as smart as Male Y/N her brother, but she's still very intelligent. She's a lot more active and noisy, she has short hair and dresses more masculine but loves wearing feminine clothing. Despite her cheerful attitude, her angry side can be well, just angry. She's also Y/N'S anger and frustration why? Because pink used to be for guys because they showed strength and were more masculine, which is why she's not as sensitive as Male Y/N. She control's y/n's anger side, so whenever y/n is pissed or mad at someone that's female y/n in control of their body!
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ikilledmyhamster · 6 days
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I fucking hate them.
Here are my reasons:
Ruby: I know some people love her and some people don't but honestly her relationship with aqua makes me just...disgusted. Like I know she used to be a kid who loves her doctor but let me remind you their age gap. Garou is in his fucking 30s while ruby aka sarina was 12-13 when she died, and the two are blood related hell nah (Ai didn't die so her kids could act like that...)
Ashley: This fucking manipulative bitch gets on my nerves every time, she's the same like ruby, having 50% haters and 50% fans. I hate how she dresses and acts around andrew so much that I wish andrew actually killed her. Also I'm glad julia is going to be Andrew's new love interest, fuck you ashley.
Aria: I already made my reason about her on my tumblr page but seriously this woman acts so disgusting around chris. Dressing all revealing and being very touchy and clingy towards her brotherlike gurl, you're disgusting and a bitch so I hope you die. (And yes I know EP has an incest fetish that's why aria acts like that).
Btw that's my friend wearing the black shirt, she hates them too
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ikilledmyhamster · 6 days
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A.E.D: I haven't known much about battle Priest but I feel like he's either Aromantic or Bisexual. Again he kind of gives me moxxie energy and or a little bit of loona.
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Izm: I feel like he's pansexual, I mean considering he "likes" A.E.D maybe he does like him in that way? Isn't that right .D~
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Ashe: He's Aromantic or Asexual, or maybe he's also Omnisexual, because ngl I ship him with samael.
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Derek: He's Bisexual. Trust me, he just is bisexual there's no other reason. He denies it but I don't, he's bisexual.
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Celia: She's probably bisexual but prefers Woman over Men because of the way she acts in the game and also because she hates her husband. And plus she also said "I don't want to think about men for a second" so yeah.
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Mason: I don't know man, he's a damn DILF. I apologize, but maybe straight Ally? He doesn't give that much vibes of fruitiness so yeah probably Ally.
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ikilledmyhamster · 6 days
This is the best thing I've seen today.
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Our mommy Darqx! (I'm afraid to tag her)
Me and @jmpscr
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ikilledmyhamster · 6 days
Happy Pride Month to Everyone!!
And since it's pride month, here are my headcannons of all of the GED {Gato,EP, Darqx} characters!!
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Strade: He's definitely a pansexual because the amount of victims he probably had, their genders are unknown but he must've had both female and male victims and plus Y/N is genderfluid and he's "dating" Ren who's a literally fox.
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Rire: Feel like he's omnisexual or pansexual. Since he likes sano and maybe a little bit of strade, but he's definitely a gentleman with women even though he's a demon.
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Sano: Bisexual, in dollmaker the game sano use to date with annabelle but in BTD it seems like he likes both strade and rire, so it's obvious really.But I also think he's genderfluid or transgender because I heard that sano sometimes considers himself as a women so it could be either way.
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Akira: Same like he's brother, bisexual, he already looks like a bisexual. He definitely has a few old ex's in BTD since he sometimes does one night stands.
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Ren: He's a pansexual I'm sure of it. He likes everyone because he's just a lonely fox boy who wants someone to love him. And since Y/N is technically genderfluid/Non-binary ren would always ask them to cosplay he's favorite anime characters ;}
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Lawrence: He's either aro/ace or omnisexual. This guy is confusing as hell since he technically had sex with dead bodies...yeah let's just go with that.
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Farz: Come on. Literally, he's bisexual that's my final answer. Just the way he dresses and acts around Sid and Raven already tells me he's a bisexual. NGL he gives me moxxie energy from Helluva Boss.
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Cain: He's definitely an Omnisexual because he just goes after anyone who's easy to catch. He does not care if you're a man or a woman, or whatever gender, he'll go after just You.
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Damien: He's gay or bisexual, because he's dating Veni and I haven't seen him much around women. But Y/N is technically both male and female so he could be bisexual.
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Veni: Gay. No other explanation needed. Veni is gay, yay.
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ikilledmyhamster · 19 days
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Since y'all voted for The main Trio, You shall receive~!
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I had to think for a moment about this one, since it's kind of hard to imagine their childhood.
They're literally the trio:
-Even Crazier
But anyway, their childhood would be quite messy I'd say myself, oh well. Let's begin!
Story: Strade was a lonely and only child and didn't have any friends because of his...disturbing behavior. So he mostly plays alone in his backyard, or at the park. His parents never really cared where strade went, they just know that he'll come back home when he wants to. Strade was one of the kids who played alone in his kindergarten, the other kids were scared of him because one time, he punched a kid who stole his juice box and the kid got a really big bruise on his left eye. Strade never really cared though and so did his parents.
Strade was eating alone as usual, him being a messy eater could sometimes end up with him throwing his food at the other kids if he wanted to. But this particular day was different, while strade was eating his lunch he saw some kids bullying another kid in the garden. He ignored it, obviously since he wasn't the type of kid who would defend a bullied kid. But something about the boy was...different...odd almost...he recognized who the boy was, he was a new kid at the kindergarten..."Lawrence Oleander" was his name. He was a shy boy in the kindergarten, he likes plants, reading botanical books and pretty much liked drawing corpses or weird antler-like creatures.
Strade found Lawrence interesting to say the least, the boy also looked extremely pale and creepy, he almost looked like a doll...strade sat up from his seat and walked towards the four of them. Three of the kids who bullied Lawrence immediately ran away after seeing strade, they were scared of him obviously. Lawrence was crying but strade told him to stop and when he didn't stop, strade would hit his head. Lawrence was confused and angry at strade for hitting him but strade just called him a crybaby, lawrence didn't get too mad since he was used being called crybaby by the other kids. He had long blonde hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes, he also had a sunflower in his hair. Strade asked Lawrence why he draws corpses all the time or even collect dead things, he also asked why Lawrence liked flowers. Lawrence didn't want to answer so strade kept pestering him into telling him, eventually Lawrence gave in and explained how those things are his hobbies and he just likes doing them. But ever since that happened, the two became friends which was surprising for the other kids how lawrence could befriend strade, now the kids were scared of both of them
Strade and Lawrence would sometimes play in strade's backyard. He never really took care of his plants so Lawrence always looked after them, even a kid his age that was quite impressive. Strade would steal hardware tools from his dad's tool box, sometimes he would grab a hammer or even a drill, he would always play with sharp objects which lawrence didn't like. Strade always teases lawrence with the tool because quote on quote from strade; "It's fun to see people cry". Well one day when the two were playing in the garden, they spotted a red bush? But it was moving! Strade and Lawrence were curious as to what was in their bush, so strade walked towards the bush and pulled hard on the tail, he actually dragged something out of the bush. It was a small young boy but, he had ears and a tail!? The boy looked scared after being dragged out of his hiding spot. Lawrence looked worried and confused while strade looked happy and completely interested in the boy. The boy had red/orange fox ears and a tail, strade immediately started touching his tail and his ears, the boy was curious but the little fox boy was too scared so he hid behind lawrence.
Strade asked what his name was, the boy answered nervously; "Ren Hana". Strade was thrilled to hear his name, he pushed Lawrence out of the way and hugged ren tightly...too tightly, and spoke to him that they were now going to be friends and ren had no choice at all. Lawrence angrily said to strade that he couldn't just drag someone into their friend group and also forcing them. Strade didn't bother listening to lawrence and just dragged ren with him with Lawrence walking behind the two.
Childhood Moments: Strade would often prank lawrence by scaring him with bugs in his hair or his clothes, he would always prank ren by pulling on his tail which hurt for the poor fox boy. But don't worry, because ren and lawrence always found a plan to prank strade back and that was locking him in a cold room with no windows or lights just completely in the dark, at first strade wouldn't care but soon he got scared and yelled at law and ren to get him out, this is the part where lawrence take a "Wendigo" Mask and scare strade in the dark, which worked! Another childhood memory was when ren would always do strade and Lawrence's hair, since the two had long hair, he would often braid their hair while they're asleep or...he would put hair extensions and...maybe he has cut their hair before...by accident? And of course the two were not happy about it at all. Strade would sometimes buy animal collars and put them on ren since well, ren was technically a pet to strade, but Lawrence always ended up cutting those collars because it made ren uncomfortable.
Sillies!!: Strade, Lawrence, & Ren would often cause trouble in their kindergarten, pretty much just messing with the other kids by well..scaring them and giving them nightmares. Strade being Strade, Lawrence bringing in dead animals, & ren always eating raw mice that he would get his hands on. The three would also often spend their time in an old treehouse they found in the park, since they officially own it.
Treehouse: The treehouse would be filled with their stuff and also dead animals because of ren and lawrence. They often have sleepovers, or just playing like the usual. Strade, Lawrence, & Ren would always sleep together since sometimes it'd be cold, strade being in the middle, lawrence on his left and ren on his right.
That's pretty much it for strade, lawrence, & ren's childhood, let me know what else do you guys want me to do?
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ikilledmyhamster · 26 days
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I'm starting to not like this trend at all anymore..🥲
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ikilledmyhamster · 26 days
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Okay listen, what I love about BTD kid au is that Strade, rire, & sano were friends ever since childhood. I mean it's adorable if you actually think about it 😂
I do have a headcannon story that I would like to tell you all so feel free to read this!
I still don't know how the three met, it's kind of like that one trio where they don't even know how they met each other in the first place so let's just go with that. But I'd figured it would go something like this.
Story: Strade was an only child and had no friends due to his behavior. He met sano when he was around probably 6-7 who was stuck in a pond with ropes around his tail (Sano). Strade upon seeing a young boy with a snake tail, was curious and decided to help him...but the two ended up in the rope and it took 2 hours for them to get themselves free. Strade and sano became friends after that and strade didn't even bother asking about why sano had a tail.
The next part is where the two met rire which is kind of in a weird way. Strade got home from his kindergarten and decided to play with sano as the two were close, sano has an idea to summon a demon, which wasn't normal for a child to say that but hey, he's a naga demon so what do you expect? Anyway, they summoned a demon and you might be asking how and why they did it. Well one; They were pretty dumb kids and also just curious, two; Sano found rire's 'symbol' online for odd reasons and decided to try it. They successfully summoned kid rire but...they interrupted his tea time which made the demon prince angry (Btw he's a prince because his family is still alive, so he ain't the demon king yet). After a full on rampage that goes on for about a few hours, they were able to come into an agreement to become friends.
Childhood Moments: Strade, Rire, & Sano would build their own treehouse in their old neighborhood where they used to live, and they would make the treehouse pretty big. Of course the three had their own rooms and storage for their own stuff, by this time strade had an old camcorder, so he used it to create videos and/or memories of their childhood.
The three would go on adventures and weird places or even terrifying ones. Strades parents never really paid any attention to him so they didn't care if he left the house. Strade likes to draw or doodle in his free time, so he draws a lot of art of him, rire and sano. Sano and strade likes to pull pranks on rire. For example one time, they did a water bucket challenge but instead of it being normal cold water, it was holy water which burned poor kid rire skin. Of course he was not happy, but don't worry...he got his revenge.
Another childhood memory is that the three would occasionally watch horror films like slasher films. Especially paranormal activity, every time there is a demon or spirit that is possessing a person, sano and strade were pretty much scared while rire happily watches the scene. BUTTTT, when it comes to the exorcist scenes...Rire would immediately hold his friends with his tentacles while hiding behind them😂😂 (inspo from the photo above)
Another time, sano and strade did a research and they read that in old Russian ancient times, there used to be a saying that brownies could scare off evil spirits or demons. And so...they tried it on rire, the results did not disappoint them. The moment they bought a brownie cake and placed it on the table in front of rire...the poor boy disappeared. Which confused the two at first, but then they realized it actually works! Rire would stay in hell until he knows for sure, that the brownies were gone.
Treehouse: The treehouse that they built in the forest is still there standing stable till this day, and that treehouse holds a lot of childhood memory. Strade Sano & Rire would often sleep in that treehouse as their comfort zone and also since it's the place they mostly hang out in. They carved their names on the treehouse door, something like this; "LR+SK+S" Which obviously means in order; "Lucien Rire+Sano Kojima+Strade". Of course soon strade had to move out of his old town and so did sano and rire. They left their old treehouse but kept their stuff there.
Present: Whenever Y/N is free they sometimes go to the Kojima brothers house just to hangout or sleep over. One day they stumbled upon an old photo of the main trio. Rire in the center, strade on his left side and sano on his right side. The photo looked like it was taken a few years back and Y/N was able to open the frame and found a note attached to the back of the photo which had coordinates, which if your guessing correctly; Leads to their old treehouse. Akira & Y/N visited that place and found the treehouse with all of their stuff still there in the same places where they left it. And if they went all the way to the back, they would find a wooden box container which is filled with many cassette tapes and writing of dates. Strade would record those childhood videos and put them on cassette tapes so there was a lot of them. Of course, Y/N & Akira ended up watching some of the videos in the end and didn't bother telling sano, strade, or rire.
Anyway that's pretty much my version of the BTD main trio kid AU. Let me now which one should I do next down below here ⬇️⬇️⬇️
(Btw, credits to the art above belongs to @darqx)
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ikilledmyhamster · 29 days
PLEASE😭😭😭 I love baby BTD!!😔✊ it makes them look so innocent and sweet in their childhood before they become literally murderers.
Baby BTD in 2024? <:3
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After some full hours of playing it is now snack time! Which turned into nap time. Hey Rire, looks like the shade has moved, maybe you should wake up your friends before they get sunburnt? ...Rire? ...Rire.
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ikilledmyhamster · 30 days
Ok I just want to go on a fucking rant right now. I just finished playing 'Till Death Do Us Part' by ElectricPuke same devs of BTD and I already want to rip my spine out.
First of all, in chris's route I already want to punch my character and aria cause why the hell are we so abusive. This man, is trying his best to be an amazing husband to us and we're a complete asshole about it. When I say that the MC deserved it whenever chris hurts them or leaves them because hey! That's what you get for being a bitch.
Second, aria...where do I fucking began. I know the drama going on with EP and his fetish for incests and it's just disgusting, Chris and Aria reminds me of Andy and LeyLey from the game 'The Coffin Of Andy and LeyLey. The way both brothers trust their younger sisters, and then just their sisters being a complete disgusting incest with them, I really hate aria it's because the way she dresses so revealing with her brother and her being disrespectful towards the MC. She's my most hated character in the whole franchise and god chris really deserves better, like he deserves the whole fucking world to be honest.
The other characters don't piss me off as much as aria since she's the most annoying bitch ass character I've ever seen.
Anyway, sorry about this useless rant, I just feel the need to complain because it's fucking disgusting. I love Chris with all my heart💖
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ikilledmyhamster · 2 months
I made a gache genderbend video of BTD1 Characters!!
Left to right:
Stelle (Strade)
Akane Kojima (Akira Kojima)
Satori Kojima (Sano Kojima)
Lucerne Rhea (Lucien Rire)
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ikilledmyhamster · 2 months
*Boop you*
There a boop war going on in tumblr so..
*Pulls out a a cookie and yeets it at them*
And the cookie war has begun.
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