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And here we see in their natural habitat. We see the subject here, known as Napalm, catching as much air as gravity will allow. With Troy to the side, his transfixion being broken as he feels his guitar pull down to the floor. Sure flying Vs are cool, but they’re heavy as fuck and don’t seem to bode well with his duct tape and fishing wire straps.  Where is Oxide? well hes in the crowd slam dancing right now. He’ll be back soon hopefully
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Reblog if you’re an active Hazbin/Helluva Boss RP Blog. OCs and Multimuses are welcome to reblog.
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@concubuck​ “Aye fuck you b0ss!” It seems Oxide was victorious in securing his fast food it also helps that he didn’t live too far away. The guns were missing however, and its not because they were taken before Oxide could get there. No, its because the muns a fucking moron who forgot to draw them. What a fucking hack! Of course Oxide wasn’t trying to be a dick. His attack was more playful than anything, but he also had a hard time making that clear in the first place. “Alright, I owe you, what do you want?”
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“Pffffft!” Oxide couldn’t help but laugh, which was soon followed by the sound of glass shattering. “FUCK!” Sounds like he’d be needing a new bong. “Yah yah my address is 5220 103rd St, theres a bush to the right.”
@ii-degenerate-catboi said: "I'd like two number nines-" aaaaaand here we go, insert (hhaha funny) the rest of the copypasta here
Alastor does not know the copypasta. Alastor only knows he's received an order. "So that's two number nines, a number nine large, a number six—extra dip—number forty-five with cheese, number forty-five without cheese, and what kind of soda do you want for your large drink?"
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A long pause.......Thinking.........Dial Up noises increeeeease “Right fuck, sorry. Uhhhh.....” More bubbling noises were heard over the line. “Yah fuck just-” Another interruption, only this time it was a coughing fit. “Leave it out front, in a bush maybe, I’ll find it.......and uhhh.....Ill pay you back whicheverrrrrr way you want........” Now what did Oxide reeeeally mean when he said ‘whichever way you want’?  Hes unsure as well, don’t ask.
@ii-degenerate-catboi said: "I'd like two number nines-" aaaaaand here we go, insert (hhaha funny) the rest of the copypasta here
Alastor does not know the copypasta. Alastor only knows he's received an order. "So that's two number nines, a number nine large, a number six—extra dip—number forty-five with cheese, number forty-five without cheese, and what kind of soda do you want for your large drink?"
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“Fuck uhhhh Dr pepper” Oxide had smoked the funny lettuce and had decided mid way through his order that he wasn’t joking and indeed wanted-nay ....Needed all that food. “Also use my card, uhhhh use it quick though cause it ain’t actually mine.” Maybe if Oxide ate more than once every two days he wouldn’t feel so hungry all the time, then again if people were a little looser with their wallets maybe he fucking could eat on a regular basis.
@ii-degenerate-catboi said: "I'd like two number nines-" aaaaaand here we go, insert (hhaha funny) the rest of the copypasta here
Alastor does not know the copypasta. Alastor only knows he's received an order. "So that's two number nines, a number nine large, a number six—extra dip—number forty-five with cheese, number forty-five without cheese, and what kind of soda do you want for your large drink?"
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“AHAHAHAHA! Aye b’y, no need t’ get fuckin’ bent outta shape, eh?” Oxide decided the appropriate response (Atleast in his head) was to just go full Newfie, a ‘counter’ to Honeys Scottish. Oxide was semi-worried that Honey would take it the wrong way, only being more relieved when it didn’t turn sour.  Now about that music situation. “Yah uhhh....We’re a 5 piece, I sing an’ sometimes play guitar. Then theres my brother-from-another-mother Napalm on lead guitar an’ Troy on Rhythm. Misfit Mike plays bass an’ I got my bud Tristan on drums. We’re called Poison Control......for now at least, this is th’ fourth name we’ve had.” He didn’t seem all too happy with the last part, holding his phone up to his ear, waiting for an answer.......... “Hey, Tristan, can you bring a tape over? I wanna show someone it........Fuck you! Lazy fuckin’ asshole why don’ you-.....Yah you fuckin’ wish bud! Alright fine we’ll get there when we get there, fuck you, good bye and good day!” After that slew of verbal assault you’d think the band was about to break up right then and there! “I love him so much, hes awesome. I think you’’ll like ‘em” Just another everyday conversation
Oxide had a feeling this was a bad idea. Though normally talking about genres and the many varieties they offer pisses Oxide off more than it doesn’t, that’s usually because hes talking to another know-it-all like himself. Its basically like a conversation with a recently painted brick wall with really niche writing all over it. This was different, cause hes encountered someone that’s, like, actually interested.  Oxide was actually thinking of just calling up his buddy to see if they could bring a tape before that was cut off by hearing Honey say ‘Trash’ instead of ‘Thrash’. “Pfffff! In all honesty, yah that’s uhhh, that’s one way t’ put it hahahaha~” He knew what she meant, but ‘Trashcore’ isn’t too far from the truth. I mean, they record on cassettes that at one point used to be a ZZ top album, and they record them in rooms that look like they were recently hit by a bombing run. Trashcore is a very fitting genre for them.  “Though uhhh….Yah I guess I could call up my friend Tristan. Hes th’ drummer of th’ band that Im in an’ he decided I was too “UnrESpOnSIblE”, so he holds onto all th’ recordings.” Oxi seemed to not be the biggest fan of this, but Tristan wasn’t the one that up-heaved their stomach contents all over the first generation tapes.
Her face scrunched up,  hearing him trail off from his explanation just to raise a pierced eye brow at her words.  What was wrong with them? Did she say something offensive? Did she mix up terminology? The monster thought she was doing so well with following along with all of this new aged music terminology. Only to arrive on the conclusion that he found her accent humorous. She let out a surprised sqwauk followed by another series of dissatisfied notes. 
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“Now ye have no r’oight tae beh talkin’ aboot how ay talk mister, how’s it goin’ eh? Yous got to be right codding me, yeah? Ye know what ay meant!” It was all in jest. Her overreaction at being teased, him teasing in the first place. They both knew they were just bantering, at least I hope they both did. 
She didn’t know the ins and outs of how they recorded their music, or most music now a day to begin with. But she did know that the feline didn’t have the music here for her to listen to.
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“Ye know, it roight slipped my moind t’at ye would have ot’er members in yer musical entourage. If t’is lad or… lassssss?” Quite frankly she didn’t have a clue if they were a boy or girl, or what they identified as but… “Can help meh hear t’is t’rash core… t’rash– THRASH, eck aye sound american. Thrash core t’at beh roight deadly… eeer. Great.”
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Anyway, I’m gonna make a little sub promo here.
Would you please like and/or reblog this if you’re a Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss roleplay blog (or any rp blog I guess tbh) that is OC friendly and wouldn’t mind interacting with yet ANOTHER succubus muse (hey SUCCUBI are COOL).
Thanks a heaping ton. 
I need to follow more ppl -chokes-
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he's bad, he's brutish, he's sex on long legs & as intoxicating as a bump of his namesake. whether you invest in his sweet side with some cash or a good time, it's bound to be a helluva high 💋
like / reblog ( preferably reblog to help me out 💕 ) if you're interested in interacting with an indie / lit / multiverse / 18+ ANGEL DUST from HAZBIN HOTEL & i'll check you out ~ ♡
╳╳╳ rules|profile|inbox|full nav|angel's personal ╳╳╳
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Oxide ended up whipping his head around so hard that he actually took a tumble off his skateboard. “F-FUCK!” Came a screech before Oxide hit the ground with a hard ‘Thunk!’. “......S-Sure......” Oxide said, the pain being evident in his voice as he picked himself up off the ground. “Alright, yer set!” Oxide never liked starting off a game of skate, he seemed to have bad luck whenever he was the one to set the first trick.
Scarlet wasn't bothered. He could jump up and grab the board if he wanted to be a dick. But he understood the board was probably special to his feline friend. "I just want to try a few tricks on it."
Oxide was taken aback slightly, he was expecting a much more angry response. “Alright, git it!” Oxide exclaimed, his hick-ccent coming in hard this time. The board was a 10 inch wide Duane Peters remodel. No nose, barely any concave, and with the added tail guard, rails and indy trucks on? It was heavy as all hell too
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                  are you… asking 𝐌𝐄 on a 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄, blitzy ?
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“Duuuuuuuuude!” Oxide was seriously impressed. He couldn’t remember the last time he saw Scar skate so this was completely out of left field. “Though I gotta say buddy, if we were at a pool I’d fuckin’ merk you.” Oxide was capable of flat land just fine, but the pool is where he truly felt at home. “Now gimme my fuckin’ board, yah hoser!” Oxide said as he stole the board back. Instead of staying on it though, he stepped off after kicking the board into his hand and then threw himself into a one-arm handstand, his back and legs arched into a ‘Method Air’ as he quickly set the board down and jumped back on it. “Street plant, bitch!”
Scarlet wasn't bothered. He could jump up and grab the board if he wanted to be a dick. But he understood the board was probably special to his feline friend. "I just want to try a few tricks on it."
Oxide was taken aback slightly, he was expecting a much more angry response. “Alright, git it!” Oxide exclaimed, his hick-ccent coming in hard this time. The board was a 10 inch wide Duane Peters remodel. No nose, barely any concave, and with the added tail guard, rails and indy trucks on? It was heavy as all hell too
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“Buddy unless you try and break it, it ain’t gonna fuckin’ break. I got those rails on for more than just keeping the graphic in good shape.” It was fairly beat up, but it was still perfectly rideable. The tail guard would soon need replacing, and even without no nose to begin with, it had somehow gotten shorter from constant use. “This ain’t even th’ worse board that I’ve had. Though I will admit I think Im gonna start gettin’ a street board alongside these old school decks from now on. I miss not risking a shark bite every time I ollie”
For the uninitiated, a shark bite is when your front foot gets caught by the nose of the board, usually causing it to roll and/or have the board smack you just above the ankle. It hurts like absolute fucking hell and I wouldn’t wish it on my worse enemy.
Scarlet wasn't bothered. He could jump up and grab the board if he wanted to be a dick. But he understood the board was probably special to his feline friend. "I just want to try a few tricks on it."
Oxide was taken aback slightly, he was expecting a much more angry response. "Alright, git it!" Oxide exclaimed, his hick-ccent coming in hard this time. The board was a 10 inch wide Duane Peters remodel. No nose, barely any concave, and with the added tail guard, rails and indy trucks on? It was heavy as all hell too
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Scarlet wasn't bothered. He could jump up and grab the board if he wanted to be a dick. But he understood the board was probably special to his feline friend. "I just want to try a few tricks on it."
Oxide was taken aback slightly, he was expecting a much more angry response. "Alright, git it!" Oxide exclaimed, his hick-ccent coming in hard this time. The board was a 10 inch wide Duane Peters remodel. No nose, barely any concave, and with the added tail guard, rails and indy trucks on? It was heavy as all hell too
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Scarlet approaches. "Oxide, let me see your skateboard"
"Ok here" Oxide said, putting it out at arms reach before then lifting it up high in the sky. "Alright you saw it, what else~?"
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Oxide had a feeling this was a bad idea. Though normally talking about genres and the many varieties they offer pisses Oxide off more than it doesn’t, that’s usually because hes talking to another know-it-all like himself. Its basically like a conversation with a recently painted brick wall with really niche writing all over it. This was different, cause hes encountered someone that’s, like, actually interested.  Oxide was actually thinking of just calling up his buddy to see if they could bring a tape before that was cut off by hearing Honey say ‘Trash’ instead of ‘Thrash’. “Pfffff! In all honesty, yah that’s uhhh, that’s one way t’ put it hahahaha~” He knew what she meant, but ‘Trashcore’ isn’t too far from the truth. I mean, they record on cassettes that at one point used to be a ZZ top album, and they record them in rooms that look like they were recently hit by a bombing run. Trashcore is a very fitting genre for them.  “Though uhhh....Yah I guess I could call up my friend Tristan. Hes th’ drummer of th’ band that Im in an’ he decided I was too “UnrESpOnSIblE”, so he holds onto all th’ recordings.” Oxi seemed to not be the biggest fan of this, but Tristan wasn’t the one that up-heaved their stomach contents all over the first generation tapes.
Oxide had a feeling this would happen. He shoulda just played her a song they recorded, however his laptop is on the fritz and all their physical copies are in Tristans hands, so that couldn’t happen. Now he had to start explaining what ‘Core’ meant, too. “Ok so, th’ ‘Core’ thing came ‘round when ‘Hardcore’ came onto th’ scene, basically an offspring of Punk, only more extreme, hence th’ term hardcore. Basically anything with ‘Core’ in th’ name means its more extreme than what its based off of. So theres stuff like Speed metal ‘n Thrash metal, well now yah got Speed-core and Thrash-core. Thrash core could easily be classified as just simply fast-core but-” Now Oxide was getting into specifics, like how a small difference in BPM, tone, key and many other tiny aspects could ‘technically’ make a genre different. However, he hated people that try to write the rules on genre making, so he needed to put an end to this topic. “In all seriousness…..Its kinda bullshit in th’ end. Like…..Listen to what yah like. A lot of the stuff that I like just happens t’ be set at 200-300BPM most of th’ time.” He didn’t know what else to do but give another shrug, reaching for his flask inside his coat as he uncapped it and took another swig. It was vodka this time, not exactly high quality stuff either. Then again, Vodka tastes like what you’d find under the kitchen sink anyway so whats the point? “So at this point….I’m guessing yer even more confused now, eh? Honestly I have a feeling yah’d be jus’ as confused by the music too, if not jus’ plain bored.” It was a fairly simple genre. Of course it’s possible to make it not boring, but not everyone is into listening to EPs where the song list is longer than the album length itself.
It made sense, even if he did play her a song and regardless of her opinion of said song, she wouldn’t quite understand what core meant when it came to music, core consists of a generalized aesthetic, and with music specific musical elements that described a specific and consistent sound. But then you’d have to describe what elements are specific to each core knowing this lady– speaking of–
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“Core means mer extreme?” 
OXIDE NO SHE’S GOING TO HAVE FALSE EXPECTATIONS FOR THE NEXT PERSON SHE ENCOUNTERS AND THEY SAY ANYTHING ABOUT CORE. Not that his definition was wrong in this specific case and assessment. Core just meant the next step and building off of a previous existing thing, in the music style’s case it just meant it goes harder. She started writing down the notes and specific generalized rules for each core, despite being informed by him that things like bpm and volume weren’t set in stone– which sent the monster on a small conniption. What was the point in having classification and rules if they weren’t 100% or absolute!? She realized music can be flexible but if entirely new genres cropped up…
She can see why people were hesitant to make new genres and just designate things as cores instead– it was like a sub genre! Brilliant.
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“Well actually ayme quite intrigued by tae topic, confused yes boot not’in’ a little research couldn’t fix– i’m so astounded t’at music is versatile now t’at it’s so vast t’at mer classification t’en simply genre has come oot o’ it, alt’ough, yer very indepth and critical explanation–”
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“Which ay will beh honest lad– did note t’ink ye were capable of.”
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“Doesn’t replace actually hearing these differences.” He could explain musical theory all day but the words e flat in fifth at 300 bpm with mainly discordant strings and loud percussion meant nothing to most people. “Is t’ere a place tae hear it? T’is t’rash core ay mean.”
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