igot89bct-blog · 4 years
Proof shots and video for ENEL 599 Assignment 2 Oscilloscope
Assignment 2 for Physical Computing Semester 2 2020.
Photos showing the hardware wiring connected to the Arduino:
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Video showing the interaction between hardware (i.e. LEDs and buzzer operation), Processing sketch(specifically the graph program) and Arduino coding:
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igot89bct-blog · 4 years
Assignment 1 ENEL599 demo video and photos(German Traffic Light)
Here are two photos showing the wiring of the project:
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And a video showing the project at work, through it’s original ordered Light Cycle and reverse:
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Chronological list of process blogs for Ctec 503 the Rise of Space, Image and Sound
Week 1 & 2: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/186530190089/week-1-and-2-of-rise-of-space-image-and-sound
Week 3 & 4: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/186712869839/week-3-4-rise-of-space-image-and-sound-project
Week 5: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/186878089829/week-5-of-rise-of-space-image-and-sound-project
Week 6: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/187203120289/week-6-of-rise-of-space-image-and-sound
Week 7 & 8: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/187810267534/week-7-8-of-rise-of-space-image-and-sound
Week 9 & 10: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/188396971584/week-9-and-10-of-project-for-rise-of-space-image
Week 11: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/188398475899/week-11-of-the-rise-of-space-image-and-sound
Week 12: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/188398596709/week-12-of-the-rise-of-space-image-and-sound
Week 13: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/188507939609/week-13-of-rise-of-space-image-and-sound-project
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 13 of Rise of Space, Image and Sound project
Now that the prototypes are functional, the group went back over what was needed for our submission.
Going over the concept, it was obvious it had changed since our original intentions in Week 1. Now, the concept was: A brief glimpse of how a visually impaired person interacts with environmental aids to be road safe. Our design goals are to create an interactive experience which will help educate sighted users learn how to navigate as someone who is visually impaired.
Therefore, because our concept had changed, all of the group’s previous research was either irrelevant or void.
The research I prepared to support our new concept is included below:
Combining verbal information and a tactile guidance surface: the most efficient way to guide people with visual impairment in transport stations?
Authors:Marin-Lamellet, Claude Aymond, Philippe. Source: British Journal of Visual Impairment; Jan 2008, Vol. 26 Issue 1, p63-81, 19p. Publication Year: 2008. (this was a study that combines tactile surface with verbal cues. The verbal cues did not work as well as when with the tactile surfacing. There were 38 partially sighted participants and 27 blind participants, with an average age of 47.5 years). Relevant to the entire project at hand.
“A path-following experiment, using a global positioning system, was conducted with participants who were legally blind. On- and off-course confirmations were delivered by either a vibrotactile or an audio stimulus. These simple binary cues were sufficient for guidance and point to the need to offer output options for guidance systems for people who are visually impaired.” Nonvisual route following with guidance from a simple haptic or auditory display. Authors: Marston JR; Loomis JM; Klatzky RL; Golledge RG. Affiliation: Department of Geography, 3611 Ellison Hall, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4060. Source: Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness (J VIS IMPAIRMENT BLINDNESS), Apr2007; 101(4): 203-211. (9p). (an experiment where audio stimuli were used in the simulations of path-finding for guidance). Similar to our project except for the use of vibration cues and gps). http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/eds/detail/detail?vid=2&sid=373fe386-a6a5-4020-8166-7375b5a287bf%40sdc-v-sessmgr02&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=106118597&db=ccm 
The cognitive paradigm for teaching cane travel.Authors:Mettler RSource:American Rehabilitation (AM REHABIL), Autumn/Winter97; 23(3/4): 18-22. (5p). (An article discussing guidance cane travel that uses cognitive learning theory, depending on less that teacher’s word is law and more adaptive teaching style dependent upon the way the student learns. A little out of date but still valid for informing the way our voice over is structured). http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=b9dce59c-12c1-4c95-8cb6-067270570144%40pdc-v-sessmgr04&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#AN=107264662&db=ccm
Tactile path. Source: Railway Gazette International. Jul2005, Vol. 161 Issue 7, p416-416. 1/9p. (A study conducted that informed the national standard for tactile paving measurements in train platforms in Japan, in the past and today, that is also used in Australasia. Our boards are the same size as the blocks, simply a smaller sample than would be in a public space.)
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 12 of the Rise of Space, Image and Sound Project
This week the group focused entirely on testing the current prototypes.
I had the idea of testing on people outside of Creative Technology, seeing as our target audience is a very large, varied group of sighted people.
Sadly, we failed to get anyone to agree to playtest except for one student outside of CT.
Unfazed, we continued testing with other CT students, tweaking the prototypes whenever problems arose.
Unfortunately, during tweaking, the vibrational button malfunctioned and we had to explain this to the participants and substitute the vibrational button with a hotel bell.
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1st Test, participant: Chris (BCT student)
Problems with the blinding effect of the goggles (under duress, the lenses and the frames separate and create a hole that shows the environment clearly)
Audio issues, Robert’s laptop wanted to update and the sound levels in the recording were incongruent
2nd Test, same participant after tweaking goggles and laptop issues
Fanning motion with the cane was not smooth - the rubber ball attached to the end in order to not damage the floor held too much friction. Same issue whether on linoleum or carpet. Decided to remove the ball for future simulations.
Placement of the button was not optimum and Chris found it difficult to find.
Chris questioned whether the particular blindness given with his choice of goggles was ‘blind enough’. He expected to see less than he did.
Chris understood the concept and the intention of the simulation.
He said he had difficulties with the cane and that he did not find it natural.
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3rd Test, participant: Victoria, International Tourism Management student.
Understood the instructions well, enjoyed the experience, understood the idea and concept and had no difficulties with the prototypes.
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4th Test, participant: Liam, BCT student
Could not find the button, asked for help - instructions unclear?
Seemed to enjoy the experience, despite the confusion
Challenging due to sight being lost, enjoyed the challenge
This loss of sight also made Liam concerned and disoriented
This feeling was lessened by the friendliness of the voice over
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5th Test, participant: Max, BCT student
Participant went rogue, was impatient and didn’t wait for or listen to the instructions on the voice over
Used cane naturally and competently even without instructions
It was an ‘eye-opening’ experience, understood the intention of the simulation but it still affected Max on an emotional level
Max said the instructions were too slow in the beginning, then too fast paced
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6th Test, participant: Patricia, BCT student
Began playing with cane immediately in the appropriate fashion
Enjoyed voice over humour
Educational but already knew the facts
Felt more enlightened about the viewpoint of visual impairment, though the experience was brief
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 11 of the Rise of Space, Image and Sound Project
Unfortunately, this week I was very ill to the point of being bed ridden so the tests and progress on the prototypes was completed by Robert, Leegan and Qi Yue.
Robert finished the latest prototype of the vibrational button and he and Leegan also edited the instructional voice over. Qi Yue completed the bottle capped boards that simulate the tactile paving at traffic light intersections.
The latest prototypes can be seen in the photos below.
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Robert’s notes on the playtests are presented, not my own opinion:
Play test 1 (Fox)
It's good it works (might be lying)
Good voice over
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Play test 2 (Astar):
Yasmin had a good voice
Can’t feel the bottle caps unless on top of it
Unclear what to do in the beginning 
Goggles might of made it better
The button was scary ( gave a fright to Astar when she pressed the vibrating button, she thought the vibrations were too strong)
Made it better with the goggles
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 9 and 10 of project for Rise of Space, Image and Sound
We further modified the low fidelity prototypes of the cane, tactile paving, button, recorded instructions and the goggles.
Qi Yue began designing the posters to present the project during showcase and I began drafting a script of the instructions that would be played during the simulation.
The idea of these instructions is to teach the participant the how to’s of blind road safety with no impedance from us. The experience should be self contained, with little aid for clarity from the group.
I thought a good theme for these instructions to be similar to a 1950s instructional video, with a happy-go-lucky narrator. The narrator’s confidence and good nature will hopefully help the participant feel at ease. I hope the humour will also be well received.
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The picture above is a sketch Robert made of his vibrational button that will act as a simulation of the traffic light buttons found at roadsides.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 7 & 8 of Rise of Space, Image and Sound project
Researching about creating our own guidance canes, i came across a couple websites that described why they are coloured a certain way and of various sizes:
Due to this information, I will paint the canes I cut from bamboo completely white and size them to 150 cm or smaller.
Robert and I spent this week emailing contacts at the Blind Foundation in order to ask for aid for more ideas that we can incorporate into the project. Unfortunately, it was to no avail.
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Qi Yue took my idea of tactile paving and I obtained wood and bottlecaps, in order to create a textured paving tile like one found in public areas. This tells blind people who are using mobility canes to stop by the consistent pattern and is often used on edges of footpaths at traffic lights and at the edges of train platforms.
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The group drafted designs for the vibrating button panel found on traffic lights, using a button and cardboard box.
Robert took these designs and fashioned a working differing timed vibration motor mechanism, attached to his arduino. The vibration motor should vibrate to the time of the beeps I recorded from the real-world traffic light, changing depending on the timing of the beeps.
Whether it be how much I am burnt out or that the idea has run its course, I feel like the group should pursue a different concept. I have no ideas to continue working on this project with.
I suggested the group make new ideas this weekend.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 6 of Rise of Space, Image and Sound
The concept pitch presentation this week helped the group redefine and integrate our ideas, cementing our purpose, as well as contemplate a possible legacy that could come from this project.
Robert conceptualised an audio environment where passing through each area of this soundscape, activates a different audio ambient noise.
For example, when walking through an area that indicates a city, there will be sounds of traffic and other noises associated with a cityscape. When moving to another area in the audio environment, say a beach, then sounds of waves and seagulls and other such noises will play. 
This idea resonated with the group but Laura believed this could be elaborated upon by adding a component of blindness, as to a visually impaired person, a soundscape is how they would move around their environment. This simulated blindness could help sighted people understand and expand their views of the visually impaired and their world view.
It is the hope of the group that this work could develop into a useful model for educational teaching or perhaps an interactive installation for mindfulness.
We aim to create instances or activities where the physical limitations of blindness are mitigated in the ways that people who are visually impaired actually utilise in their everyday lives, e.g. learn how to cross traffic lights safely, finding specific objects or pouring liquids.
It is important that our project does not create the wrong impression of blindness or visual impairment - it is not about pity, it is about indicating the blind and visually impaired continue to have the ability to remain independent.
Hopefully, this work can help sighted people broaden their understanding of the world and sense it in different ways after this experience.
-Suggestion of making the activities like a game (could be helpful for interactivity aspect).
-Questions around navigation in rural areas for the blind  (probably not feasible as blind navigation in a rural area without traffic lights or a guide dog is difficult and usually requires a helping hand or trial and error memory paths).
-Testing the goggles all at the same time with multiple people
-Check out the odyssey maze at the metro
-Google cardboard might be good for simulating blindness. (look in to possible similar projects)
-Possibly attempt a blindfold course (i feel like this would go against the idea of empowering the blind and make testers instead feel like they’re helpless and pity the visually impaired).
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 5 of Rise of Space, Image and Sound project
Further prototyping:
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This pair of goggles was created with many layers of clear cellophane.
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This pair of goggles was made with many layers of cellotape.
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This is a failed prototype where myself and Leegan attempted to hot glue the goggles glass. When the hot glue was applied to the unaffected glass, the dried glue would simply slide off. We added friction by sanding the surface of the glass and then glued it. This made the glue stick much better, however, the effect in terms of ‘blindness’ was similar to the pair of goggles that were nail polished.
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This is a lineup of the goggles in terms of ‘blindness’, starting from not so ‘blind’ to very ‘blind’ from right to left. From right to left, the pair of goggles with the least amount of blinding effect is cellotape and the pair of goggles with most amount of blinding effect is the ballooned ones.
To check if this effect was similar outside our group, we tested the goggles on Max, our first tester sans the activities or audio.
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I took notes on the test:
sandpaper: blurry like without contacts, can't see outlines. 
Cellophane: can only see outlines 
Cellotape: blurry so couldn't read writing or see detail but can navigate 
Nail polish: can't see much outline or detail and difficult to navigate 
Balloon: can't see anything clearly, couldn't navigate if asked 
*can see colours with all varieties except balloon.
His comments corroborated with our own deductions, leading to the next course of action being more testing with the goggles.
Deng, Q. (August 8, 2019). Playtest. Auckland, New Zealand. Auckland University of Technology.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 3 &4 Rise of Space, Image and Sound project
The group started prototyping this week, experimenting with what mediums and techniques we can use in order to simulate blindness/vision impairment.
I suggested the easiest method may be manipulating goggles:
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Leegan used balloons, blowing them up and squishing the goggles into the balloon, whilst releasing the air inside so the balloon ‘shrink-wrapped’ them. Visibility is basically nil and it also dims the light coming into the goggles.
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I used matte nail polish to paint the lenses of the goggles, hoping to create the blurry image that vision impairment most commonly has. While this pair is closest to common vision impairment blurriness, it still is a form of blindness in that not much can be seen. Another problem with this prototype is that the nail polish has an incredibly strong odor which is off-putting to the general population - hopefully this dissipates before we start play testing or this option may have to be backbenched.
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Robert used a craft knife to scratch the lenses of these googles, the texture of the scratching bringing a different element to the blindness simulation.
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Robert and myself used black masking tape to cover the sides of the scratched goggles, in order to limit users utilising their peripheral vision.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Week 1 and 2 of rise of space, image and sound project
Before finding a group, I created some of my own ideas to suggest to possible future group mates and also things I was interested in, concerning the theme of this stream.
- Showing an interactive experience of being vision impaired, making a pathway based on sound, perhaps via fuzzy goggles.
- A motion sensored interactive experience where the object to interact with is ‘invisible’ and the person has to use audio clues to find/use it.
- Creating sounds samples for the purposes of users creating their own music, by destroying destructible objects.
- An experience of bullying through vocal taunts, where there could be a separate voice for thoughts of the victim or another voice of someone who helps.
- The idea that I was most attached to was percussion sound sampling of tap dancing sounds to create own user songs which could include video as well. I vibed with this idea because of my background in dance and I couldn’t find any videos doing anything similar to this concept after a thorough search. However this proved ultimately difficult to accomplish as none of the tap dancers I knew wanted to participate and I don’t have any experience with sound design. When I found my group, they had a better and more accomplishable idea anyway.
Using my previously accumulated data of working with different people in the previous semester, I decided to work with Leegan and Robert again as we accomplished a decent project in the showcase. Qi Yue joined later.
We named our group Qiroragan and Robert outlined our concept below:
Sound recording is lit
-          Record conversations while roaming or coming back and forth through travel
-          We can write down things and interpret them in a different way to produce an experience
-          Mashup all recordings and have them single out when you want to hear a certain conversation
-          We can use the recording to create a visual experience.
Possible ideas
People often block out people when walking around. This is normally done with music or just simply keeping to themselves. What I found while walking around Auckland is that there are many interesting people and random conversations that go on in Auckland. The main thing I want to do is to show people the things they miss when there in their own world.
We take construction sounds based around Auckland and create a musical composition based around EDM.
We take ambient sounds from different areas and have people listen and experience these locations. This is meant to allow people to hear noises that some people might not have ever heard. Example of this is club life, beaches, dumpster, or maybe even a market. The way a person would experience this is through walking around an artificially created cityscape where the ambient noise changes in specific locations. We hope to give people an interesting experience. The way we do this is by going to different physical locations and recording the noises.
I also suggested to add an experience of sight impairment to the ambient sound experience - possibly make it the goal to experience a sight-impaired person’s life and use the ambient sounds as clues to accomplish the tasks.
I further suggested a Cityscape space separated into different portions that have different obstacles for sight-impaired person e.g. stools and tables and people(?) in the club section, trialing differences between grass and the road or the fountain in the park section.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Integrative practice definitions research
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Out of all the sources I discovered, I noticed that while the definition for multidisciplinary had its own meaning with little differentiation, interdisciplinary and trans disciplinary were usually given the same definition or were considered interchangeable synonyms for the same meanings. 
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
#ctec501signal‐Final Entry ‐Laura Gilberd ‐ Rigged - GG (Chronological List of Blog Posts for Signal Project ‘Rigged’)
Signal day 1: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184681479614/signal-ideas
Signal day 2: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184704197979/signal-day-2
Signal day 3: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184728473784/signal-day-3
Signal day 4: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184752622064/signal-day-4
Signal day 5: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184772073694/signal-day-5
Signal day 6: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184840925204/signal-day-6
Signal day 7 & 8: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184886590154/signal-day-7-and-8
Signal day 9: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/184886725629/signal-day-9
Signal day 11-15: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185535509049/signal-day-11-15
Signal day 16-20: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185535623534/signal-day-16-20
Signal day 21-25 (open studio day): https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185535871629/signal-day-21-25-studio-open-day
Signal day 26: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185536088719/signal-day-26
Signal day 27: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185555359789/signal-day-27
Signal day 28: https://igot89bct.tumblr.com/post/185574443969/signal-day-28
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Signal day 28
When going through the research accumulated at the beginning of the project I noticed that it was not necessarily relevant to our changed conceptual statement, therefore today I researched more relevant sources and found an excellent article: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.aut.ac.nz/eds/detail/detail?vid=0&sid=8ebd732d-0117-4d9b-9725-682c8268c762%40sessionmgr4006&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=sih&AN=136814029
I added this into my report as evidential support for the context/conceptual statement. It was particularly helpful in explaining the relationship between flow of time and diminished winnings, in a clear example of variable reinforcement schedules.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Signal day 27
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Despite this form being signed, I feel like group dynamics made these conditions be unfulfilled. Commitment to the tasks and individual responsibilities was hazy at best for James, Mika and Elil. Many times Elil and James did not come to group meetings, with inadequate or nonexistent reasonings.
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igot89bct-blog · 5 years
Signal day 26
The team met up to decided on what each member accomplished:
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The group decided that I contributed a lot of research, most materials and resources and assembly with the pachinko/pinball machine; Mika contributed by recording playtesting, a lot of design and research about design and particularly presentation; Elil contributed snacks and magnets and research about said magnets; Leegan contributed with the presentation in terms of painting, polish, lolly incentives (importantly) and a lot of help with general assembly; Robert contributed some materials and resources for both the pachinko/pinball machine and the unused maze prototype and general assembly of these prototypes; and James contributed the main kernel of the original idea of the project, a lot of design iteration on the maze prototype, presentation, polish and snacks for the group.
While this is what the group decided and I respect that, I have strongly disagreements with a lot of these decisions. I work 20 hours a week as well as study the other 26 needed for my papers and I still feel like I contributed the most to the project. I provided the most research, I assembled most of the prototyping around the pachinko/pinball machine, I instigated and followed through with the idea of the pachinko/pinball machine, I led the usertesting, particularly at open day and I provided 90% of the materials for the project. Robert and Leegan were extremely willing and helpful with the project but I feel like Mika, James and Elil provided little to this project as a whole.
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